Taj Weed
Taj Weed
Taj Weed
1 Introduction to Tajweed
1.1 Definition
Linguistically: It means betterment.
Applied definition: It is articulating every letter from its articulation point and
giving the letter its rights and its dues of characteristics.
It is to know the rights of the letter (the characteristics of the letter that
never leaves it) and the dues of the letter (the letter’s characteristics that are
present in it sometimes and leaves it sometimes).
The science of tajweed is the study in which one learns how to pronounce the
letters with their characteristics from their correct articulation points,
knowing what rules apply to it, and how to start reading a word, how to read it
continually and how to stop at it.
As the years went by, more and more people entered into Islam, the scholars
saw a need to study how the Quraan was read and then come up with basic rules
that can be applied to ensure its correct recitation.
Theoretical Practical
Studying the theoretical rules of Applying the theoretical rules of
tajweed, memorising them and tajweed while reading the Quraan.
understanding them. Ruling: Fardh ayan (individual
Ruling: Fardh kifaya (group obligation – it is an obligation on
obligation – as long as there is a every single Muslims male and female
group of Muslims studying the to learn to read the Quraan with
theoretical rules of tajweed, the proper tajweed.
obligation is lifted from the Muslims)
Ar-Riwayiah Ad-Dirayiah
(Through narration) (Through studying)
The sheikh reads and the Quraan It is to study the rules theoretically
and his student reads after him, as then apply them practically on the
many times as necessary until the Quraan. If the reader then forgets
student perfects his reading and some of the rules, he revises the
becomes a skilled reciter on his own theory that he studied and tries to
right. correct himself. BUT the student
OR must also read in front of a sheikh
The student reads in front of the so that he reaches perfection in his
sheikh and the sheikh corrects him. recitation. This way the student has
AND preferably both methods combined between ad-dirayiah and
combined together. But it is feared ar-riwayiah .
for the student that he may start to
forget the rules as time passes by.
As for the reward, the ayah in the Quraan are many, here is one of them:
There are also many ahaadeeth (narrations of the Prophet ( سلّ َم
َ علَ ْي ِه َو ّ صلّى
َ ُّللا َ ))
that encourage reading and studying the Quraan.
2. It is sunnah to clean ones teeth with the miswak, as the words and letters of
the Quraan come out of the mouth. Also, using the miswak is pleasing to
Allaah and glorifying the Quraan. It was narrated that Ali (radiya allahu anh)
used to encourage others to use the miswak and said: “When a man stands to
pray the angel keeps getting close to the reciter listening to him reciting
the Quraan, until his mouth is on the mouth of the reciter, and every verse
recited goes into the angel’s mouth.”
When thou dost read the Quraan, seek Allah’s protection from
Satan the rejected one [An-Nahl: 96].
2. To be careful with and to pay attention to the tajweed and the grammatical
rules as Allah says:
3. To contemplate and ponder on the meaning of the verses they recite and
Allah has ordered this in a number of places in the Quraan:
(Here is) a Book which We have sent down unto thee, full of
blessings, that they may mediate on its Signs, and that men of
understanding may receive admonition [Saad:29].
4. To implement what they recite in the Quraan, that is to say subhana Allah
when an order for tasbeeh is made, or seeking for forgiveness when the
reciter comes across an order to beg for forgiveness, or ask for jennah
when it is mentioned or seek refuge from hell fire when it is mentioned.
5. To do the prostration of tilawah when the reciter comes across an order for
6. He should perfect his voice when reading. The more a person recites Quraan
out loud the more the voice automatically improves.
7. Should pay attention to the levels of recitation (at-tahqeeq, al-hadr and at-
tadweer), taking care of implementing the grammatical and tajweed rules
correctly within that level.
8. To read suratul fatiha and the first five ayaat from Suratul Baqarah when
they complete reciting the Quraan, as well as making a dua as this dua is
1. Implement what rules he comes cross, and have the character of the
4. Strive to perfect their reading. It has been narrated that Imam Shafie may
Allah have mercy on him said: “Whenever a person learns a science he should
excel in learning it”.
5. Set aside a certain amount of the Quraan to be read on a daily basis. This
amount should be at least one juzz so that the recitation of the Quraan is
completed at least once a once, however more often would be better.
6. Get up for tahajud (night prayer) to recite a set portion of the Quraan and
to maintain this sunnah. If he misses reciting his portion of the Quraan in
the night then he should make it up between sunrise and noon.
7. Maintain revising what has been memorized and be careful not to forget it.
8. Keep his stomach free from haraam food, his tongue from idle chat, his
hands from dealing with haraam and his legs from striving towards haraam.
Pillar One: The Quraan read must be in Arabic, since the Quraan has been
revealed in Arabic. Every word in the Quraan is an Arabic word, there
are no non Arabic words in it.
Pillar Two: The Quraan script must agree with what was in the Othmaan
script, which is the script that has been written during the time of
Othman Bin Affan.
Pillar Three: The Quraan that one reads must have reached us though the well
known correct line of narration. That is it must have reached us
through many reciters, and a well known chain of narrators. Many
scholars have considered some recitations as odd because it reached
them through incorrect chain of narrators (even though it was in
classical Arabic and in agreement with the Othman script).
2.1 Definition
Applied definition: It is the mistake and deviation from the correct way
of reading.
Al-lahin Page 8
2.5 Al-Lahin Al-Jelli (Obvious Mistakes)
It is a mistake that one makes when pronouncing a word. This type of
mistake effects the accuracy of the reading, even if the mistake does
not change the meaning of the word. It is therefore haraam (forbidden)
to make such a mistake, and the reader will be sinful. The following are
examples of al-lahin al-jelli :
Al-lahin Page 9
Missing the pronouncing of a letter or a word or
adding an extra letter or a word – such as reading (
ِ ط َع ِام ْال ِم ْس ِك
ين َ ) والَ يَ ُحض َعلَىas ( ط َع ِام َ الَ يَ ُحض َعلَى
ِ ) ْال ِم ْس ِكor ( ) ِإن ِل ْل ُمت َ ِقينَ َمفَازَ اas ( ) َو ِإن ِل ْل ُمت َ ِقينَ َم َفازَ ا.
Al-lahin Page 10
3 Al-Isti’atha
33..11 A
This was how the prophet used to say al-isti’atha , hence it is the best
chosen way of saying it.
Al-isti’atha Page 11
There is consensus amongst the scholars that al-isti’atha is not part of the
Quran but it is required when wanting to recite Quran as mentioned in
Suratul Nahl. However, the scholars differed in regards to it being
obligatory or recommended.
Al-isti’atha Page 12
It is a way of the servant admitting his weakness in front of this
internal enemy and that he cannot protect himself from it, and only
Allaah can protect him from it.
Al-isti’atha Page 13
3.7 Repeating Al-isti’atha
If the reader for some reason has to stop reading then wanted to resume
reading should he repeat saying al-isti’atha? If the reader had to stop
reading then they should do one of three things:
3) If the reader had to stop reading due to other matters outside the
Quran such as saying salam or speaking with others then al-isti’atha
should be repeated.
The reader can say al-isti’atha at the beginning of the surah or at any later
Al-isti’atha Page 14
3.8.1 Ways of Saying Al-isti’atha At The Beginning of the
ص ُل
ْ و ُّ ق ْط ُع األو ُل
الجميع ص ُل الثاني ْ وو
All the recitors have
Joining all
a consensuses that
three with the Basmalah with
there are four ways
each other. the beginning of
of saying Al-isti’atha
Seeking the Surah
if one started the
refuge, saying This means seeking
recitation at the
the basmalah, refuge, then
beginning of the
and starting the stopping, then saying
Surah, except Surah
surah all in one the basmalah and
Tauba (also known as
breath without the beginning of the
stopping. surah in one breath.
Al-isti’atha Page 15
3.8.2 Ways of Saying ِAl-isti’atha
ِ At A Later Place After
the Beginning
If the recitor started reading at any place other than the beginning, even if
it is one word after the beginning, the reader has a choice either to say the
basmalah or to leave it out, though saying is better. If the reader chose to
say the basmalah then he has to follow the four ways of saying al-isti’atha as
detailed above.
If the reader chose not to say the basmalah then he has two choices:
1) Joining seeking refuge with the first verse to be read in one breath; OR
As for surah At-Taubah , if the reader started at any place other than at
the beginning, then they have the choice to either say the basmalah or not.
If the first verse that is to start reading from begins with the name or one
of the attributes of Allaah or with a preposition referring to Him, such as
the following verses:
Al-isti’atha Page 16
“ To Him is referred the Knowledge of the Hour (of Judgment: He
knows all): “ [Surah Fussilat: 47]
1) Seeking refuge, stopping, then reading the verse because seeking refuge
and starting to read with such a verse gives an ugly joining and corrupts
the meaning;
If the first verse that is to be read from begins with the name of shaitan
or with a preposition referring to him, such as the following verses:
Then its is preferred for the reader not to say the basmalah or saying the
basmalah, stopping, then reading the verse.
Al-isti’atha Page 17
4 Al-Basmalah
4.1 Definition
Al-basmalah means saying ( ّللاِ الر ْحمـ َ ِن الر ِح ِيم
ّ ِب ْس ِم ).
As for the scholars from Basra, Madina and Bilad Ash-sham (Syria,
Jordan, Palestine), they do not count al-basmalah as a verse of Suratul
Fatiha and so they count:
As for those who follow the narration of Hafs An Asim , they follow
the scholars of Kufa and Mecca and therefore consider al-basmalah
the first verse of suratul Fatiha .
Al-basmalah Page 11
consider it as one verse that been sent down to separate the surahs
of the Quraan and was mentioned in the beginning of suratul Fatiha.
Their evidence is the hadeeth which says:
Muslim reports from Abu Hurayrah (radiya allahu anhu) who said that
the Messenger of Allaah ( سلّ َم
َ علَ ْي ِه َو ّ صلّى
َ ُّللا َ ) said,
Allaah, the Glorious and Exalted said, “I have divided the prayer
between Myself and my servant equally and My servant shall be
granted what he asked for.” Therefore when the servant says, ‘all
praises and thanks are due to Allaah, the Lord of the universe’,
Allaah says, ‘My servant has praised Me.’ When he says, ‘the Most
Beneficent, the Most Merciful,’ Allaah says, ‘My servant has extolled
Me.’ When he says, ‘Master of the Day of Judgment,’ Allaah says,
‘My servant has glorified Me.’ When he says, ‘You Alone we worship
and Your aid Alone do we seek for help,’ Allaah says, ‘this is
between Me and My servant and My servant shall have what he
requested.’ When he says, ‘guide us to the Straight Path, the Path
of those whom You have favoured, not of those who have incurred
[Your] wrath, neither of those who have gone astray,’ Allaah says,
‘this is for My servant and My servant shall have what he asked for.’
[Saheeh Muslim [Eng. Trans. 1/215 no. 775]]
They say that if al-basmalah the first verse of suratul Fatiha the
hadeeth would have started suratul Fatiha with it. Also the salef
(predecessors) have agreed that suratul Kauther is made up of three
verses. That is three verses without al-basmalah. Hence al-basmalah is
not a verse of every surah.
However, all schools of thought agree that whoever does not consider al-
basmalah as the first verse of every surah is not a disbeliever, due to the
differences mentioned above.
Al-basmalah Page 12
4.3 The Ruling Regarding Al-basmalah When Reading
From the Beginning Of A Surah
All the scholars of recitation agree that those professional reciters should
start a surah with al-basmalah because they have learnt the Quraan from
their teachers through narration. So they should read as they have been
taught (i.e. with al-basmalah). But al-basmalah should be left out when
reading surat At-Taubah from the beginning.
Al-basmalah Page 13
ق ْط ُع الجميع ص ُل الجميع
ْ و
Cutting all three off Joining All Three
Here the reader has
from each other. With Each Other.
a choice of 3 ways
Meaning stopping at Ending the last surah,
with al-basmalah :
the last surah, then Saying al-basmalah
saying al-basmalah and starting the next
then stopping, then surah all in one breath
starting the surah. without stopping.
ص ُل الثاني بالثالث
ْ قط ُع األو ُل ُّ ووJoining the Basmalah with the
begning of the Surah
Ending the last surah, stopping, then saying the al-basmalah and the
beginning of the surah in one breath.
The reader cannot finishing reading the last surah and then read al-
basmalahin one breath, then stop and then start the next surah.
This is because al-basmalahis said at the beginning of the surah and
not at the end.
The above mentioned 3 ways are permissible for ending the
recitation of one surah and beginning another, whether the two
surahs are consequent such as surat Al-Imran followed by Surat An-
Nisa, or not consequent such as Surat Al-Fatiha and then reading
surat Yasin.
If the two surahs being read are not in order such as reading Surat
Al-Mulk and then Surah Yasin , then only two ways are allowed:
Al-basmalah Page 14
Cutting all three off each other and joining al-basmalahwith the
beginning of the next surah.
As for Surat At-Taubh, the following applies:
If the the surah that has been read is before surat At-Taubah
then the reader wants to read Surat At-Taubh, one of the
following ways should be adopted:
Second Way: As-Sakit : Stop at the end of the last surah for
a few seconds without taking a breath, then start Surat At-
Taubh. It is also possible to stop with one of the following
methods where applicable: as-sukoon al-mahidh, ar-rawm or
ishmaam (all will be studied later on so don’t worry about what
they are now).
If the the surah that has been read is after surat At-Taubah
(according to the order of the surahs in the Quraan) then the
reader wants to read Surat At-Taubh, one way applies here. To
finish the last surah, then stopping, then start reading Surat
At-Taubh, without saying al-basmalah. It is not permissible to
join the two surahs no is it to apply the second way mentioned
above (as-sakit). If the reader wanted to read Surat At-Taubh,
a number of times then he should not join it with its beginning
nor should he apply as-sakit.
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