Assignment 4 - IFM
Assignment 4 - IFM
Assignment 4 - IFM
3. For a strangle on a nondividend-paying stock whose current price is 60, you are given:
(i) The strangle can only be exercised at the end of 1 year.
(ii) At the end of 1 year, the stock price will be either 75 or 45.
(iii) The continuously compounded risk-free interest rate is 8%.
(iv) Let S(1) be the stock price at the end of 1 year. The payoff from the strangle is as
Range of S(1) Payoff
S(1) 60 60 – S(1)
60 < S(1) < 70 0
S(1) 70 S(1) - 70
Calculate the price of the strangle? (take 5 digits after the decimal point)
Answer: 7.69349
4. You are to price a 2-year at-the-money European put option on a stock with a binomial
model. You are given:
(i) The current stock price is 100.
(ii) The stock pays dividends continuously at a rate proportional to its price. The dividend
yield is 3%.
(iii) The binomial tree consists of 2 time steps of 1 year.
(iv) In each time step, the stock price either moves up by a proportional amount of 25% or
moves down by a proportional amount of 25%.
(v) The continuously compounded risk-free interest rate is 3%.
Calculate the current price of the put? (take 2 digits after the decimal point)
Answer: 13.24
5. You are to price a butterfly spread on a stock with a forward binomial tree. You are
(i) The butterfly spread can only be exercised at the end of 6 months.
(ii) The stock currently sells for 100. The stock’s volatility is 30%.
(iii) The stock pays dividends continuously at a rate proportional to its price. The dividend
yield is 3%.
(iv) The continuously compounded risk-free interest rate is 5%.
(v) Let S(0.5) be the stock price at the end of 6 months. The payoff from the butterfly
spread is as follows:
Range of S(0.5) Payoff
S(0.5) < 80 0
80 S(0.5) < 100 S(0.5) – 80
100 S(0.5) < 120 120 – S(0.5)
S(0.5) 120 0
(vi) The binomial tree consist of three time steps of 2 months.
Calculate the current price of the butterfly spread? (take 4 digits after the decimal point)
Answer: 5.6160