Choose An Item.: Year 1 Daily Lesson Plans
Choose An Item.: Year 1 Daily Lesson Plans
Choose An Item.: Year 1 Daily Lesson Plans
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Teacher asks pupils to think about the 26 letters.
Teacher asks pupils to guess the missing letter.
Main: 3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts Ex: A,B,C,D,__,F,G,H,__,J,K,__
by using knowledge of sounds of letters Lesson delivery:
Complementary: 3.1.4 Segment phonemes (CVC, 4. Pupils refer to Year 1 Supplementary Worksheets Module page
CCVC) 10 and guess the missing letters based on the pictures. Pupils are
guided to blend the phonemes to guess.
5. Pupils fill in the blanks and rewrite the words in the space
provided in the worksheet (M). Pupils are guided with visual aids or
guided to spell the words (L).
Post-lesson: Pupils take turns to spell the words and check their
work on their own guided by the teacher.
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to blend Year 1 Supplementary Worksheets Module
phonemes to guess the letters. websites/apps Choose an item. Choose an item.
Success Criteria
Pupils can
1. blend phonemes to guess at least 4 letters correctly.
2. segment the phonemes to spell at least 4 words correctly.
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Teacher does a little recap on answering questions with
‘Look and Write’ worksheet from lesson 49.
Main: 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a
range of purposes in print and digital media Lesson delivery:
Main: 4.2.3 Express basic likes and dislikes 3. Pupils look at the picture 1 and are asked to colour the object
based on the given colour. Teacher checks pupils’ work.
Post-lesson: Pupils check the answers with the teacher. Pupils paste
the worksheet in their Exercise book.
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to worksheet textbook songs/audio clips
express basic likes and dislikes in writing. Choose an item.
Success Criteria
Pupils can
1. express basic likes and dislikes in writing at least 2 sentences based on the given hints
2. ask for help from a teacher and or classmates.
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to name picturesChoose an item. Choose an item.
and identify the things in the story.
Choose an item.
Success Criteria
Pupils can
1. name and identify at least 3 things in the story.
2. listen and list down at least 3 things from the story.
Content Standard: Pre-lesson: Teacher writes a toy on a paper and fold it. Pupils have
to guess the toy. Pupils can ask 5 questions in total before guessing
Main: 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly the toy.
Lesson delivery:
Complementary: 4.2 Communicate basic information 1. Pupils refer to textbook page 24. Pupils look at the picture and
intelligibly for a range of purposes in print and digital elicit the toys they can see on the page.
2. Teacher plays the recording. Pupils listen and can follow from
Learning Standard: the textbook.
Main: 2.1.1 Give very basic personal information using 3. Teacher reads the lyrics and guides pupils to say the lyrics (L).
fixed phrases
4. Teacher replays the song and pauses verse by verse for pupils to
Complementary: 4.2.1 Give very basic personal 5. Pupils share their favourite number and toy with the class.
information using fixed phrases
Post-lesson: Pupils sing the song and write their favourite number
and toy in their exercise books.
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to say textbook Choose an item. Choose an item.
their favourite number and toy.
Choose an item.
Success Criteria
Pupils can
1. say at least one of their favourite numbers and toys.
2. write at least one of their favourite numbers and toys correctly.
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen Year 1 Supplementary Worksheets Module textbook
and colour the pictures. Choose an item. Choose an item.
Success Criteria
Pupils can
1. listen and colour at least 5 pictures correctly.
2. listen and number the picture orally.