Cheque Bill of Exchange Promissary Note
Cheque Bill of Exchange Promissary Note
Cheque Bill of Exchange Promissary Note
A Cheque is payable on demand. It may or may not be payable on Promissory Note is a promise to pay.
demand .It can also be payable after a
fixed period of time.
Cheques are printed in form. A bill of exchange cannot be issued for There is concept of being crossed.
payment to bearer on demand. Bills of
this kind can be issued by the Reserve
bank of India and by Indian
A cheque does not require the Bill are not printed in form. Maturity related provision of the act
acceptance of the drawee bank. apply on Promissory note.
A cheque can be used for payment A bill requires an acceptance from the A Promissory note has no defined
from the date of issue. issuers before payment. form.
A Cheque does not require any A bill becomes mature for payment as A note must be stamped.
stamping. per the rules of maturity.
If the drawer dies or becomes insane Dishonor of a bill does not amount to an No such limit or provision for validity.
the the payment of cheque is offense.
Can be issued as payable to bearer on If the maker of Bill dies then the legal The legal heirs of the person who
demand. heirs become liable for payment. executed the Promissory Note become
liable for the amount.
Signature can happen via digital A Bill cannot be issued as payable to
signature. bearer on demand.
Cheques can be issued for a later Bill can be presented only once.
Cheques is generally valid for six Bills cannot be issued for later date.