OIl Shale
OIl Shale
OIl Shale
e Dr Mohammed Odat
Oil Shale
Dr Mohammed Odat
Main uses
Shale oil is a substitute for conventional crude oil; however,
extracting shale oil from oil shale is more costly than the
production of conventional crude oil both financially and in
terms of its environmental impact. It is being used also to
produce other products.
• Oil shale is a sedimentary rock rich in organic matter known as
kerogen which when heated, breaks down and releases hydrocarbon.
Oil shale can be thought of as a precursor to oil and natural gas; with
more pressure and over longer geological time, the kerogen would
heat to its oil and gas window to release crude oil or natural gas.
• Oil shale is extracted using conventional mining techniques. It is
crushed and burned as fuel to produce electricity or heated up using
retorting system to produce synthetic shale oil.
• The liquid shale oil is a synthetic crude oil which can be treated and
refined into other petroleum products such as diesel, petrol and jet
Deposits of oil shale occur around the world, including
major deposits in the United States. A 2016 estimate of
global deposits set the total world resources of oil shale
equivalent of 6.05 trillion barrels (962 billion cubic meters)
of oil in place.
Heating oil shale to a sufficiently high temperature causes
the chemical process of pyrolysis to yield a vapor. Upon
cooling the vapor, the liquid shale oil—an unconventional
oil—is separated from combustible oil-shale gas.
Other uses
Oil shale can also be burned directly in furnaces as a low-
grade fuel for power generation and district heating or used
as a raw material in chemical and construction-materials
Leader countries
Estonia and China have well-established oil shale industries,
and Brazil, Germany, and Russia also utilize oil shale.
Environmental concerns
Structure Variation
Oil shales vary considerably in their mineral content,
chemical composition, age, type of kerogen, and
depositional history
General Composition
General composition of oil shales constitutes
inorganic matrix, bitumen, and kerogen.
• Another classification, known as the van Krevelen diagram,
assigns kerogen types, depending on Composition
the hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen content of oil shales'
original organic matter.
Kerogen Type
• The most commonly used classification of oil shales,
developed between 1987 and 1991 by Adrian C. Hutton,
adapts petrographic terms from coal terminology. This Hutton
classification designates oil shales
as terrestrial, lacustrine (lake-bottom-deposited),
or marine (ocean bottom-deposited), based on the
environment of the initial biomass deposit. Known oil
shales are predominantly aquatic (marine, lacustrine)
origin. Hutton's classification scheme has proven useful in
estimating the yield and composition of the extracted oil.
A one page describing van Krevelen diagram
And differentiating the four types of kerogen
Van Krevelen diagrams are graphical plots
developed by Dirk Willem van Krevelen
(chemist and professor of fuel technology at
the TU Delft) and used to assess the origin
and maturity of kerogen and petroleum.
The diagram cross plots the
hydrogen:carbon atomic ratio as a function of
the oxygen:carbon atomic ratio.
Types of Kerogen
Different types of kerogen have differing
potentials to produce oil during maturation.
These various types of kerogen can be
distinguished on a van Krevelen diagram
Shale Oil analysis using hydrogen index (HI)
and oxygen index (OI)
• Obviously, the two main elements of hydrocarbons are hydrogen and
• Therefore, once we know the amount of total organic carbon (TOC)
present in a rock, we then need to know the amount of hydrogen
present in order to assess overall source rock quality.
• The amount of oxygen and hydrogen present in the kerogen defines
the kerogen as type I, II, III or VI and if the rock will be oil or gas
How do we classify kerogen types?
The classic Van Krevelen diagram is commonly used for classifying
the organic matter in sediment. The ratio H/C (hydrogen : carbon)
and O/C (Oxygen :Carbon) are plotted in diagram in vertical and
horizontal axis respectively.
Rather than plot the elemental ratios it is common to plot indices
determined by a pyrolysis technique referred to as Rock Eval. In
the pyrolysis techniques two indices are determined: the
Hydrogen Index (HI) which is milligrams of pyrolyzable
hydrocarbons divided by TOC and the Oxygen Index (OI) which is
milligrams of pyrolyzable organic carbon dioxide divided by TOC.
Humans have used oil shale as a fuel since prehistoric times, since it generally
burns without any processing
Around 3000 BC, "rock oil" was used in Mesopotamia for road construction and
making architectural adhesives.
Britons of the Iron Age also used to polish it and form it into ornaments.
In the 10th century, the Arab physician Masawaih al-Mardini (Mesue the Younger)
described a method of extraction of oil from "some kind of bituminous shale[."
The first patent for extracting oil from oil shale was in1694 by three persons
named Martin Eele, Thomas Hancock and William Portlock who had "found a way
to extract and make great quantities of petrochemicals out of a sort of stone
يحيى ابن ماسويه المارديني
Modern periods
Modern industrial mining of oil shale began in 1837 in Autun, France,
followed by exploitation in Scotland, Germany, and several other
Following the 1973 oil crisis, world production of oil shale reached a peak of
46 million tonnes in 1980 before falling to about 16 million tonnes in 2000,
due to competition from cheap conventional petroleum in the 1980s.
On 2 May 1982, known in some circles as "Black Sunday", Exxon canceled its
US$5 billion Colony Shale Oil Project near Parachute, Colorado because of
low oil-prices and increased expenses, laying off more than 2,000 workers
Romania and Russia have in the past run power plants fired by oil shale, but have
shut them down or switched to other fuel sources such as natural gas.
Jordan and Egypt plan to construct power plants fired by oil shale, while
Canada and Turkey plan to burn oil shale along with coal for power generation.
Al-Lajjun Oil Shale Fired Power Plant, Jordan
• The Al-Lajjun Oil Shale Fired Power Plant is 900MW oil fired power project.
• It is planned in Karak, Jordan. The project is currently in announced stage.
It will be developed in single phase. The project construction is likely to
commence in 2022 and is expected to enter into commercial operation in
• Oil shale fired power plant
• Attarat Power Company In partnership with local and international
partners, Enefit is currently in the process of establishing two parallel oil
shale projects in Jordan; an oil shale fired power plant and a shale oil
production plant. Enefit's oil shale fired power plant will be located in
Attarat um Ghudran deposit in central Jordan. The plant will have two
circulating fluidised bed (CFB) units, each with a gross capacity of around
277MW, generating 554MW.The plant will consume approximately 10
million tonnes of oil shale per year. When completed in 2020, it will be one
of the largest power plants in Jordan and the largest oil shale fired power
plant in the world after Enefit's Power Plant in Estonia.
shale oil from oil shale vs conventional oil and natural gas liquids
was 930,000 tonnes, equal to 17,700 barrels per day (2,810 m3/d), of
which China produced 375,000 tonnes, Estonia 355,000 tonnes, and
Brazil 200,000 tonnes.
In comparison, production of the conventional oil and natural gas
liquids in 2008 amounted 3.95 billion tonnes or 82.1 million barrels per
day (13.1×106 m3/d).
Oil Shale,
Extraction and processing
Methods of extracting shale oil
• The most common method of extracting shale oil is by surface
• The in situ combustion process is used for extracting shale oil from far
below the surface.
• The extracted shale oil then undergoes pyrolysis at 842 to 932°F (450
to 500°C) to produce oil shale (non-Conventional Or synthetic crude
oil), shale gas and residue (solid).
Ex Situ Processing (above ground )
Most exploitation of oil shale involves mining followed by shipping
elsewhere, after which one can burn the shale directly to generate
electricity, or undertake further processing.
Surface mining: (most common) involve open pit mining and strip
mining. These procedures remove most of the overlying material to
expose the deposits of oil shale. This is practical when the deposits occur
near the surface.
One can distinguish true in-situ processes (TIS) and modified in-
situ processes (MIS). True in-situ processes do not involve mining
the oil shale. Modified in-situ processes involve removing part of the
oil shale and bringing it to the surface for modified in-situ retorting in
order to create permeability for gas flow in a rubble chimney.
In either case, the chemical process of pyrolysis converts the
kerogen in the oil shale to shale oil (synthetic crude oil) and
oil shale gas.
This usually takes place between 450 °C and 500 °C . The process of
decomposition begins at relatively low temperatures (300 °C), but
proceeds more rapidly and more completely at higher temperatures.
Hundreds of patents for oil shale retorting technologies
exist, however, only a few have undergone testing.
Capital costs
According to the United States Department of Energy, the
capital costs of a 100,000 barrels per day ex-situ processing
complex are $3–10 billion.
Running Cost : Operation and Maintenance cost
Cost of a barrel of shale oil
According to a survey conducted by the RAND Corporation, the
cost of producing shale oil at a hypothetical surface retorting
complex in the United States (comprising a mine, retorting
plant, upgrading plant, supporting utilities, and spent oil shale
reclamation), would be in a range of $70–95 per barrel
According to Reuters, estimates put the break-even point for fracking at
around $50 per barrel, but other estimates put it as low as $30 per barrel.
According to a 2022 survey, the average oil producer operating in the
Eagle Ford oilfield in the U.S. needed WTI oil prices to amount to a
minimum of 48 U.S. dollars per barrel in order to profitably drill a new
well. This compared to a breakeven price of 23 U.S. dollars per barrel
for existing wells
1 billion barrels
Economic prices:
Royal Dutch Shell announced in 2006 that its Shell ICP technology
would realize a profit when crude oil prices are higher than $30 per
Proposals to increase the efficiency
Researchers have proposed and tested several co-pyrolysis processes,
1- That other materials such as biomass, peat, waste bitumen,
or rubber and plastic wastes are retorted along with the oil shale.
2- Some propose combining a fluidized bed retort with a circulated
fluidized bed furnace for burning the by-products of pyrolysis (char and oil
shale gas) and thereby improving oil yield, increasing throughput, and
decreasing retorting time.
3- Increase the size of the operation to achieve economies of scale,
4- use oil shale that is a by-product of coal mining such as at Fushun China,
5- produce specialty chemicals as by Viru Keemia Grupp in Estonia,
6- co-generate electricity from the waste heat
Measure of the viability ( feasibility)
A possible measure of the viability of oil shale as an energy source lies in
the ratio of the energy in the extracted oil to the energy used in its mining
and processing (Energy Returned on Energy Invested, or EROEI).
• An old study (1984) estimated the EROEI of the various known oil
shale deposits as varying between 0.7–13.3
• For both power generation and oil extraction, the CO2 emissions
can be reduced by better utilization of waste heat from the
product streams.
In-situ processing
Currently, the in-situ process is the most attractive proposition due
to the reduction in standard surface environmental problems.
However, in-situ processes do involve possible significant
environmental costs to aquifers, especially since in-situ methods
may require ice-capping or some other form of barrier to restrict
the flow of the newly gained oil into the groundwater aquifers.
However, after the removal of the freeze wall these methods can
still cause groundwater contamination as the hydraulic
conductivity of the remaining shale increases allowing
groundwater to flow through and leach salts from the newly toxic
Shale Oil
Applications and products
• Industry can use oil shale as a fuel for thermal power-plants, burning it (like coal) to drive steam turbines; some
of these plants employ the resulting heat for district heating of homes and businesses.
• In addition to its use as a fuel, oil shale may also serve in the production of specialty carbon fibers, adsorbent
carbons, carbon black, phenols, resins, glues, tanning agents, mastic, road bitumen, cement, bricks,
construction and decorative blocks, soil-additives, fertilizers, rock-wool insulation, glass, and pharmaceutical
products. However, oil shale use for production of these items remains small or only in its experimental stages.
• Some oil shales yield sulfur, ammonia, alumina, soda ash, uranium, and nahcolite as shale-oil extraction
byproducts. Between 1946 and 1952, a marine type of Dictyonema shale served for uranium production
in Sillamäe, Estonia, and between 1950 and 1989 Sweden used alum shale for the same purposes. Oil shale
gas has served as a substitute for natural gas, but as of 2009, producing oil shale gas as a natural-gas
substitute remained economically infeasible.
• The shale oil derived from oil shale does not directly substitute for crude oil in all applications. It may contain
higher concentrations of olefins, oxygen, and nitrogen than conventional crude oil. Some shale oils may have
higher sulfur or arsenic content. By comparison with West Texas Intermediate, the benchmark standard for crude
oil in the futures-contract market, the Green River shale oil sulfur content ranges from near 0% to 4.9% (in
average 0.76%), where West Texas Intermediate's sulfur content has a maximum of 0.42%. The sulfur content in
shale oil from Jordan's oil shales may rise even up to 9.5%. The arsenic content, for example, becomes an issue
for Green River formation oil shale. The higher concentrations of these materials means that the oil must
undergo considerable upgrading (hydrotreating) before serving as oil-refinery feedstock. Above-ground retorting
processes tended to yield a lower API gravity shale oil than the in situ processes.
• Shale oil serves best for producing middle-distillates such as kerosene, jet fuel, and diesel fuel. Worldwide
demand for these middle distillates, particularly for diesel fuels, increased rapidly in the 1990s and
2000s. However, appropriate refining processes equivalent to hydrocracking can transform shale oil into a
lighter-range hydrocarbon (gasoline).
Oil Shale in Jordan
• Significant oil shale deposits are located in Jordan (equal to
about 102 billion barrels (1.62×1010 cubic meters) of shale
• In 2008, these resources were estimated 4 billion barrels
(640,000,000 cubic metres) of shale oil and 34.172 billion
barrels (5.4329×109 cubic metres) of shale oil
• Jordan oil shales are high quality, comparable to western
US oil shale, although their sulfur content is high.
• The best-explored deposits are El Lajjun, Sultani, and the
Juref ed Darawish are located in west-central Jordan, while
the Yarmouk deposit, close to its northern border, extends into
• الصخر الزيتي -مصدر محلي للطاقة حان وقت استغالله
• من المتوقع ارتفاع الطلب العالمي على الطاقة بنسبة %44خالل العقدين القادمين ليصل
لحوالي 197مليون برميل نفط يوميا ،لذا فإن هناك ضرورة ملحة على مستوى العالم
لتطوير واستغالل مصادر بديلة للطاقة.
• تتزايد هذه الضرورة في االردن تحديدا حيث يستورد الوقود التقليدي عالي التكلفة من
الخارج ويمثل حوالي %97من مجموع مصادر الطاقة التي يعتمد عليها في المملكة.
• حسب االستراتيجية الوطنية للطاقة لألعوام ،2020-2007فعلى الحكومة إحداث نقلة
نوعية في قطاع الطاقة من خالل استغالل المصادر المحلية مثل الصخر الزيتي والطاقة
المتجددة بما يضمن تقليل اإلعتماد على مصادر الطاقة المستوردة ،حيث تهدف
االستراتيجية الى رفع مساهمة المصادر المحلية الى %39بحلول عام 2020وتخفيض
مساهمة الطاقة المستوردة من %96الى .%61
• مزايا خصائص الصخر الزيتي االردني
• يتميز الصخر الزيتي االردني تحديدا بجودته العالية ،كما يتميز بقربه من سطح األرض
مما يجعل التعدين السطحي مناسبا.
• يعد الصخر الزيتي في المملكة مصدرا محليا كفيال بتزويد االردن باحتياجاته من الطاقة من
مصدر وفير وقليل التكلفة وعالي الجودة ويمكن التعويل عليه بشكل كبير بما يلبي
االحتياجات المحلية من الطاقة على المدى البعيد ويسهم في مواجهة تحديات الطاقة.
مخزون الصخر الزيتي في االردن
• يعد الصخر الزيتي أهم الموارد الطبيعية في المملكة ،حيث تشير الدراسات المختلفة الى أن
الصخر الزيتي متوفر في ما يزيد عن %60من مساحة االردن ليشكل االحتياطي ما بين
40الى 70مليار طن وقد يصل الى 100مليار طن ،وهو ما يجعل عالميا في مخزون
الصخر الزيتياالردن السادسة (من الثاثة الى السابعة)
• وتتواجد أبرز خامات الصخر الزيتي في االردن في 26موقع مختلف في المملكة ،فيما
تتركز أهم 8مواقع في غرب-وسط المملكة
• وتعمل انيفيت في مشاريع الصخر الزيتي في منطقة عطارات ام الغدران والتي تحتوي
احتياطات تصل الى ما يزيد على 3.5مليار طن من الصخر الزيتي.
• وباإلضافة الى المواقع المتواجدة غرب-وسط المملكة ،فإن موقع اليرموك يعد من اهم مواقع
تواجد خامات الصخر الزيتي (وهو أول موقع تم استخدام الصخر الزيتي فيه في المملكة)
ويقع عند الحدود الشمالية ،بينما تتواجد مواقع أخرى في محافظة معان جنوب المملكة
• توجد في األردن كميات ضخمة من الصخر الزيتي ،وقدرت وزارة الطاقة والثروة المعدنية
احتياطي الصخر الزيتي السطحي بما يزيد عن 70مليار طن يحتوي على ما يزيد عن 7
مليار طن زيت صخري
ويمكن استغالل الصخر الزيتي لتوليد الكهرباء عن طريق:
.1تسخين الصخر الزيتي العميق إلنتاج الزيت
.2تقطير الصخر الزيتي بالتعدين السطحي إلنتاج الزيت
.3الحرق المباشر للصخر الزيتي لتوليد الكهرباء
• والصخر الزيتي األردني هو صخر رسوبي معظمه من الكربونات والطباشير والمارل الذي
يحتوي على مادة عضوية غير ناضجة تسمى كيروجين والتي تنتج الزيت الخام عند
تسخينها إلى حوالي 500درجة مئوية.
• ويتواجد الصخر الزتي في الغالب في الجزء السفلي من تكوين الموقر الطباشيري من عمر
(الماسترختيان-الباليوسين) حيث يتكون من الحجر الجيري والمارل والطباشير والفوسفات
• يعد الصخر الزيتي في المملكة األردنية الهاشمية مصدرا للنفط والمواد الخام
األخرى ،الكفيلة بتزويد األردن باحتياجاته من الطاقة ،ويتميز الصخر الزيتي
بوفرة وجودته باإلضافة الى قلة تكلفة استخراجه.
• المواقع:
• يوجد أكثر من 18موقع معروف للصخر الزيتي في األردن ،وقامت سلطة
المصادر الطبيعية سابقا بدراسة العديد ومن هذه المواقع مثل اللجون والسلطاني
وجرف الدراويش وعطارات أم الغدران ووادي مغار وسواقة وخان الزبيب
• وتقع معظم تلك المواقع الرئيسية وذات األهمية التجارية المثبتة في وسط األردن
وجنوبه ،ويمكن الوصول إليها عبر الطريق الصحراوي بين عمان والعقبة.
• ويتواجد في مناطق وادي النعضية وإسفير المحطــة وجبــال غزيمــه ووادي أبو
الحمام ووادي الــذروة وغيرهــا،
الدولة السادسة على مستوى العالم من حيث النسب والجودة العالية.