Unit 1 Introdcution To Geo
Unit 1 Introdcution To Geo
Unit 1 Introdcution To Geo
1. defined geography;
2. explained the roles of geography in tourism;
3. identified the different geographical features;
4. differentiated the kinds of map;
5. located the seven continents of the world;
6. identified the requirements for traveling abroad;
7. memorized the countries under the IATA’s Traffic Conference
Areas (TCA) including its codes and global indicators; and
calculated the different time zones in hour of various locations.
Product of Tourism Travel or Itinerary
and Travel Motivator Planning
Product of Tourism and Travel Motivator
Attractions are the most important pillar of tourism, which serves as a pull factor that brings
tourists to the destination, or it creates a visit (Bonafice et al., 2015). It also serves as the major
travel motivator that drives tourists to seek new destinations.
the common notion of some about
geography. However, tourism and travel
trade professionals view geography
beyond location and distance. It is the
confluence of the totality of the travel
experience hinged on the beauty and
uniqueness of the destination.
A road map shows main roads and access to
1 points of interest such as city landmarks and
Types of Maps 2 A political map focuses on the boundary of
a certain nation.
Tourist stays at the destination for at least 24 hours or overnight, but the
stay does not exceed a year.
International Tourism
Passport is a major requirement in traveling outside one's country. It is an
official and legal document issued by the government to its citizens.
There are different types of passports in the Philippines issued by the
Department of Foreign Affairs: