No Weapon Fashioned Against Me Shall Prosper. "Isaiah 54:17"

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1. This topic’s demands two parts as
follows – (i) WEAPON – Which is of
the devil.
2. CANNOT PROSPER – This is of the
2A. The WEAPONS – means uncleanness
of a man as a result of SIN.
Incapability of a man to forsake SIN
which attracts devils workshops.
Since sin is an act of disobedient that
distance one from God, thus WEAPON
fashioned is an inexcusable to affect
MAN Gen. 3:8-17.
2C. One bad apple it is said spoils the
whole bunch, we refer to the case of
Achan regarding the transgression of
the convenant (Joshua 7:18-26)
Achan and his family were wiped out
Achan’s sin brought about the defeat
of the entire Isreal in battle.
2D. The disobedience of Saul in failing to
obliterate the Amalekites in sparing
Agag and choice sheep and cattle, he
was denounced and utterly dismissed
from Gods presence (1Sam. 15:8-33).
Sauls sin brought about God’s
rejection of the whole Isreal.

8 1
2E. The death of Cozbi a midiante Pauls tells us that secrete of the
women and zimiri an Isrealite to
deeper life that we as Christians
obliterate a mixture of foul blood
with the blood of an Isrealites
should have Christ, and become
(Num. 25:14-18) was because their grounded and settled in Christ Col.
act of fornication brought about the 1:23. Send the taproot of your
destruction of Joshua’s army in
Christian faith down deep into his life
All around the above mention as the great oath sends its root into
numerous weapons, there is an the heart of the earth Col. 1:9-14.
ample evidence that satan is
Always be a practical Christian
enjoying success in his endeavours
over them. For most of this
walking in Him Col 26
mentioned weapons, is telling on Rooted in Him Col. 2;7A
man or people calling themselves Built in Him Col. 2:7B
“Christian” are bound in a work
Brought to perfection in Him Col. 3:1
consciousness rather than Grace
consciousness. The picture in Eph. Hidden with Him Col. 3:3
5:18 is a contrast between a man Put off the old nature, put it to death
under the influence, completely
Col. 3:5-9. A Christian conduct is what
directed by another POWER either
WINE (Earthly) or the spirit/divine
people see you do as cloth indicate
(Heavenly). For the holy writ had what kind of a person you are and
earlier warned us not to associate whom you serve (Acts 27:23).
with them (1 Cor. 5:9-11).
2F. NEGATIVE COMMAND:- It is found
that the command is still clear i.e
we should not conform to this ROCK OF FIRE PRAYER HEALING
world. Rom. 6:1,12-13). The world CHURCH
is really trying to squeeze the 9 Ogbee Str. Umuzocha
believers into its own
Behind glass House
Phone no: 08035957460,
mould/conformity goes far beyond
keeping you with current trends in 08039384374
“clothing harlotism”. There are
many subtle ways in which both
Commerce and Government are
trying to get us away from the
NOTE: The four gospel book is simplicity that is in Christ. Let us
centred on teaching of Christ which take for instance advertising
companies/establishment. “Use gold
suppose to change our life viz:
circle condom”. Thereby
A. The book of Matthew is commanding is to be engaged
unmarital affairs that lead to
concerned with the coming of
committing evils, and as such
a promised saviour. allowing weapons to crept in. (1
B. Mark is concerned with the Tim. 1:9-10).
3. CANNOT PROSPER Man need to be
life of powerful Saviour
a righteous one, faithful in all thing.
C. Luke is concerned with the The positive command is simply,
grace of a perfect saviour “Be transformed” by RENEWING of
the MIND. We are to glory in what
D. While John is concerned with
God has done for us in Christ, and
the possession of a personal as we look into the mirrow of His

saviour. word and renew our minds to it.

Who among us has not learned
Finally, remembers that LIFE from his own experience that it
itself cannot give PEACE and JOY requires another “SPIRIT” than the
world can give to follow Christ
unless you REALLY WILL for it.
fully?. Knowing this that you must
find great strength and
DEEPER LIFE encouragement in the knowledge
that your commission is DIVINE.
Notice Pauls favourite words on FAITH,
God Himself underwrites your battle
LOVE, and HOPE (Col. 1:4-5) He wants and has appointed His own son,
everybody to have faith in Christ, love “The captain of your salvation”
(Heb. 2:10).
towards other and hope of Heaven.
Those sin which have lain nearest to
your heart must be trampled under
your feet, with great courage. Isaac
the convenant child become a sin
6 3
It takes a submissive faith for a soul to
to our father Abraham just as stealing,
march steadily forwards while God,
liars, fornication, cheating clothing
seems to fire upon that soul. This’ had
harlotism, etc. Lay down besides us as
worth, will test the Christian mettle. Yet
our partner in business (Gen. 22:2).
such a spirit we find in the poor woman
Sadly, too often we have seen a
of canaan, who caught the bullets
sefltailored sinners of pride tossed
Christ shot at her, and with a humble
hurriedly over the heavenly of imputed
boldness sent them back again in her
righteousness by one who fears the
prayer. (Matt. 15:22-28).
decision of men than God and dares
not confess Christ openly (John. 7:13).
To renew your mind you must be
Instead to be ashamed of our
BROKEN (Ps. 51:12) If weapon
Lord Jesus Chris, we must fight hard to
fashion against us will not
see that we trust in the LORD Christ.
prosper, we should not make a
There are times when a saint is called
ship-wreck of God. Thus we must
to trust in a WITHDRAWING God. “Let
be broken, yielded, surrendered,
him” that walk in darkness and hath no
if we are ready to be filled Luke
light--- trust in the LORD (Isaiah
15:11-19 Esp. vs 17 & 18.
50:10). This requires a bold step of
3B1. Thus there is no Salvation in
faith to venture into God’s presence
carousing (Whiling away your
with the same temerity as queen
Esther into Ahasuerus. Even when no
2. There is no salvation in
smile lights on his face, press forward
with this noble resolution, “If I perish, I
3. There is no salvation in
perish” Esther 4:16. We must trust also
in a “KILLING GOD” we must declare
with job “though He slay me, yet will I
trust in Him” Job 13:15.
4 5

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