Exercises of Body Concluding Paragraphs

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Essay 1

Controlling Stress
Introductory Paragraph
The busy schedules that most adults face every day have created a growing health problem in the
modern world. Stress affects almost everyone, from the highly pressured executive to the busy
home maker or student. It can cause a variety of physical disorders ranging from headaches to
stomach ulcers and even alcoholism. Stress, like the common cold, is a problem that cannot be
cured; however, it can be controlled. A person can learn to control stress in four ways.

Topic Sentences for Body Paragraphs

A. Set realistic goals.
B. Take up a hobby.
C. Exercise regularly.
D. Maintain close relationships with family and friends.

Concluding Paragraph

Essay 2
Studying in Great Britain
Introductory Paragraph
People come from all over the world to the United Kingdom to pursue education. Some come for
a year, while others may stay four years or longer to complete a program or earn a degree. Of
course, the first few weeks in a new country are always a little stressful, but knowledge of a few
British characteristics and custom scan smooth the path for new arrivals.

Topic Sentences for Body Paragraphs

A. British people are usually reserved.
B. British people are very orderly, so waiting in a queue for a bus or in a shop is a must.
C. The weather is no joke-it rains a lot.
D. Cars drive on the left side of the road, and stepping off a curb can be dangerous if you are
not used to looking to the right instead of to the left.

Concluding Paragraph

Note: Reserved: quiet, restrained, undemonstrative in words and actions

Queue: British English word for American English line. People in the United Kingdom
stand in a queue; people in the United States stand in a line to get service at a counter in a
shop, to buy tickets, to wait for a bus, to board an airplane, and soon.

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