Unit 3

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The key takeaways are that secondary treatment aims to further treat effluent from primary treatment to remove residual organics and suspended solids through biological processes like activated sludge. It involves the removal of biodegradable dissolved and colloidal matter using aerobic or anaerobic biological treatment.

The objectives of secondary treatment are to further treat effluent from primary treatment to remove residual organics and suspended solids. It involves the removal of biodegradable dissolved and colloidal matter using aerobic or anaerobic biological treatment processes to change the character of organic matter into more stable forms.

The factors that influence the selection of treatment methods include the disposal facilities available, the local needs, topography, geology, and size of the plant.


Objectives of Secondary
objective of secondary treatment is
• the further treatment of the effluent from primary
treatment to remove the residual organics and
suspended solids.
• secondary treatment involves the removal of
biodegradable dissolved and organi
colloidal matterusing aerobic or c
anaerobic processes.
treatment biological
• The biological treatment is carried out for changing
the character of organic matter into stable forms
(like CO2, Nitrates, Sulphates, H2O, etc.,) by
oxidation or nitrification.
Selection of treatment
• The degree and type of treatment required
can be determined by comparing the influent
wastewater characteristics to the required
effluent characteristics, adhering to the
• Number of different treatment alternatives
can be developed to achieve the treated
wastewater quality.
Selection of treatment
• The choice of treatment methods, depends
upon several factors, including the disposal
facilities available.
• The combinations of treatment units depends
upon the local needs.
• The topography and geology will also
influence the choice of the units to be
• The size of the plant will also influence the
type of units to be adopted.
Sewage treatment with Trickling
Principles, Functions, Design and
Drawing of
Activated Sludge Process
Principles of Activated Sludge
Conventional biological treatment of wastewater
under aerobic conditions includes activated sludge
process (ASP) and Trickling Filter.
• The activated sludge process consists of an aeration
tank, where organic matter is stabilized by the
action of bacteria under aeration and a secondary
sedimentation tank (SST), where the biological cell
mass is separated from the effluent of aeration tank
and the settle sludge is recycled partly to the
aeration tank and remaining is wasted.
• The aeration conditions are achieved by the use of
diffused or mechanical aeration.
Important terms used in ASP:
• Loading Rate: The organic matter loading rate
applied to the reactor is quantified as kg of BOD
applied per unit volume of the reactor per day,
called as volumetric loading rate, or
• kg of BOD applied per day per unit mass of
microorganisms present in the reactor (i.e. in the
aeration tank), called as organic loading rate or
• Volumetric loading = Q x BOD x 10-3/ Vol.
Where, BOD = Influent BOD5 to aeration tank, mg/L
Q = Flow rate, m3/day
Vol. = Volume of aeration Tank, m3
• Organic Loading Rate, F/M = Q x BOD / (V x Xt)
Where, Xt = MLVSS concentration in the
aeration tank, mg/L
• The F/M ratio is the main factor controlling
BOD removal.
• Lower F/M values will give higher BOD removal.
• The F/M can be varied by varying MLVSS
concentration in the aeration tank.
Solid Retention Time (SRT) or Mean Cell
Residence Time (MCRT):
• The performance of the ASP in terms of organic
matter removal depends on the duration for which
the microbial mass is retained in the system.
• The retention of the sludge depends on the settling
rate of the sludge in the Secondary Sedimentation
Tank (SST).
• If sludge settles well in the SST proper recirculation
of the sludge in aeration tank is possible, this will
help in maintaining desired SRT in the system.
kg of MLVSS in aeration Tank
(kg of VSS wasted per day + kg of VSS lost in effluent per
Sludge Volume Index:
• The quantity of the return sludge is determined
on volumetric basis. The sludge volume index
(SVI) is the volume of the sludge in mL for one
gram of dry weight of suspended solids (SS),
measured after 30 minutes of settling.
• The SVI varies from 50 to 150 mL/ g of SS.
• Lower SVI indicates better settling of sludge.
Quantity of Return Sludge:
• Usually solid concentration of about 1500 to
3000 mg/L (MLVSS = 80% of MLSS) is maintained
for conventional ASP and 3000 to 6000 mg/L for
completely mixed ASP.
• Accordingly the quantity of return sludge is
determined to maintain this
• The sludge return ratio is usually 20 to 50%.
• The F/M ratio is kept as 0.2 to 0.4 for
conventional ASP and 0.2 to 0.6 for completely
mixed ASP.
Aeration in
• Aeration units can be classified as:
1) Diffused Air Units
2) Mechanical Aeration Units
3) Combined Mechanical and diffused air units.
Diffused air aeration
• In diffused air aeration, compressed air is
blown through diffusers.
• The tanks of these units are generally in the form
of narrow rectangular channels.
• The air diffusers are provided at the bottom of tank.
• The required pressure is maintained by means of
air compressors.
• In common practice, porous dome type air diffusers
of 10 to 20 cm diameter are used. These are
directly fixed on the top of C.I. main pipes laid at
the bottom of the aeration tanks. These are cheap
in initial as well as maintenance cost.
Air Supply:
• Normally air is supplied under pressure of 0.55 to
0.7 kg/cm2.
• The quantity of air supplied varies from 1.25 to 9.50
m3/m3 of sewage depending on the strength of the
sewage to be treated and degree of treatment
• The oxygen transfer capacity of the aerators
depends on the size of air bubbles, for fine bubble
oxygen transfer capabilities of aeration device is 0.7
to 1.4kg O2/KW.h. For medium bubble it is 0.6 to
1.0 kg O2/KW.h, and for coarse bubble it is 0.3 to
0.9 kg O /KW.h.
Mechanical Aeration Unit
• The main objective of mechanical aeration is
to bring every time new surface of
wastewater in contact with air.
• The surface aerators either fixed or floating
type can be used (Figure).
• The rectangular aeration tanks are divided into
square tank and each square section is
provided with one mixer.
• The impeller are so adjusted that when electric
motors starts, they suck the sewage from the
centre, with or without tube support, and throw it
in the form of a thin spray over the surface of the
• When the wastewater is sprayed in the air
more surface area of wastewater is brought in
contact with the air and hence aeration will
occur at accelerated rate.
• Detention period of the aeration tank
treating sewage is usually 5 to 8 hours.
• The volume of aeration tank should be worked
out considering the return sludge volume.
Design considerations of conventional
The influent wastewater and recycled sludge
enter at the head of the tank and are aerated for
about 5 to 6 hours for sewage treatment.
• The influent and recycled sludge are mixed by
the action of the diffusers or mechanical
• Rate of aeration is constant throughout the
length of the tank.
• During the aeration period the adsorption,
flocculation and oxidation of organic matter
takes place.
• The F/M ratio of 0.2 to 0.4 kg BOD/kg VSS.d and
volumetric loading rate of 0.3 to 0.6 kg
BOD/m3.d is used for designing this type of ASP.
• Lower mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS)
concentration is maintained in the aeration tank
of the order of 1500 to 3000 mg/L and mean cell
residence time of 5 to 15 days is maintained.
• The hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 4 to 8 h
is required for sewage treatment.
• The sludge recirculation ratio is generally in
the range of 0.25 to 0.5.
Design considerations of Completely mixed
• The F/M ratio of 0.2 to 0.6 kg BOD/kg VSS.d and
volumetric loading of 0.8 to 2.0 kg BOD/m3.d is used
for designing this type of ASP.
• Higher mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) is
maintained in the aeration tank of the order of 3000
to 6000 mg/L and mean cell residence time of 5 to 15
days is maintained.
• The hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 3 to 5 h
is required for sewage treatment.
• The sludge recirculation ratio is generally in the
range of 0.25 to 1.0.
• This type of ASP has better capability to
handle fluctuations in organic matter
Kinetics of the Bacterial Growth in
Activated Sludge Process
• During oxidation of organic matter in ASP
following reaction occurs
• COHNS + O2 + nutrients CO2 + NH3 +
(organic matter) (bacteria)

C5H7O2N + Other products

(new cell)

Under endogenous respiration the reaction is

C5H7O2N + 5 O2 5CO2 + 2H2O + NH3 + energy
(cell) (bacteria)
113 160
The above equation for endogenous respiration tells that
for 1 unit mass of cell 160/113 = 1.42 times oxygen is
Process Analysis of Completely Mixed Reactor
with Sludge Recycle
Biomass mass balance
• A mass balance for the microorganisms in the
completely mixed reactor (Above Figure) can
be written as follows:
Net rate of change in biomass
inside the system boundary = Rate at which biomass − Rate at which
enters in the system leaves the system
Qθ Y(So − S)
V = X(1 + k θ )
d c
• Above equation is used for calculating volume of the
aeration tank when the kinetic coefficients are
Where So = Influent substrate
• Y = yield S = Effluent
coefficient i.e., fraction substrate
of substrate converted to
biomass, (g/m3 of biomass) / (g/m3 of substrate). The value
of Y typically varies from 0.4 to 0.8 mg VSS/mg BOD (0.25
to 0.4 mg VSS/mg COD) in aerobic systems.
• kd = endogenous decay rate (d-1).
The kd value is in the range of 0.04 to 0.075 per day,
typically 0.06 per day.
• θ = (HRT) hydraulic retention time (d) = V/Q
• Mean cell residence time (MCRT): θC VX
θc =
• The F/M
ratio: QS
F kg BOD
in kg VSS.d

• Volumetric loading
rate: Q . So kg BOD
= V in m3 .d

• Sludge recycling:(Recirculation ratio)

The recirculation ratio is the mass of
microorganisms entering aeration tank and leaving
the aeration
estimated as:tankQ X
• Oxygen
• Total O2 requirement= − S)
f −1.42Q W R

• Where f = ratio of BOD5 to ultimate BOD

Design of Aeration Tank:
Design a complete mixed activated sludge process
aeration tank for treatment of 4 MLD sewage
having BOD concentration of 180 mg/L. The effluent
should have soluble BOD of 20 mg/L or less.
Consider the following:
• MLVSS/MLSS = 0.8
• Return sludge SS concentration = 10000 mg/L
• MLVSS in aeration tank = 3500 mg/L
• Mean cell residence time adopted in design is 10
a) Treatment efficiency based on soluble BOD
• η = (180 – 20)*100/180 = 88.89%
b) Calculation of reactor volume, Q = 4 MLD =
4000 m3/d, Y = 0.5 mg/mg, kd = 0.06 per day
Qθ Y(So − S)
V= c
X(1 + k θ )
d c
4000x10x0. 5(180 − 20)
∴V =
3500(1 + 0.06x10)
= 571.43 m3
c) Calculate HRT
V 571.43x24
• θ= = = 3.43h
(within 3 to 5 h)
Q 4000

d) Check for F/M

F = 4000x180 kgBOD
= o = 0.36
M VX 571.43x3500 kgVSS.d
(within 0.2 – 0.6)
e) Check for volumetric loading
Q . So 4000x180x1 0 = kg BOD
= V = m3 .d
571.43 1.26
(within 0.8 to 2.0)
f) Sludge waste volume based on mean cell
residence time
VX 571.43x350
θc = = =
QW XR Q0W 10days
Hence, QW = 25.0m3x10000x0.8
/d (when wasting is done from
g) Estimation of recirculation ratio
Q 350
X = =
R =
Q XR − 0−
8000 0.78
X 3500
h) Estimation of air requirement

Q(So − S)
Total O2 requirement = −1.42Q W R
4000(180 − 20)x10
kg of oxygen required =−3 −1.42x25x80 00x10 −3


= 657.17 Kg O2/d
i) Volume of air required, considering air
contain 23% oxygen by weight and density of
air 1.201 kg/m3
= 657.17/(1.201 * 0.23) = 2379.1 m3/d
• Considering oxygen transfer efficiency of 8%, the
air required = 2379.1/0.08 = 29738.34 m3/d
= 20.65 m3/min
• Considering safety factor of 2, the air requirement is
= 2 x 20.65 = 41.30 m3/min
Principles, Functions, Design and
Drawing of Trickling Filter
Principle of Trickling
• A tricklingFilter
filter is a fixed film attached growth aerobic
process used for removal of organic matter from the
• The surface of the bed is covered with the biofilm and
as the wastewater trickles over this media surface,
organic matter from the wastewater comes in contact
with the aerobic bacteria and oxidation of organic
matter occurs.
• In the past rock was used as a bed material with size
ranging from 25 mm to 100 mm.
• Now plastic media which offers higher surface area per
unit volume is used.
• The media is randomly packed in the reactor and the
wastewater is applied on the top through rotary arm
• Treated wastewater is collected from the
bottom of the bed through an under-drainage
system and is settled in the final settling tank.
• Rotary arm rotates as a result of jet action as
the wastewater exit the distributor to get
sprayed horizontally on the filter bed.
• vertical-flow random packed and cross flow
media made of rock, polygrid, plastic media or
asbestos sheets.
• Overall performance of the trickling filter
depends upon the hydraulic and
loading organic rate, wastewater pH,
temperature and availability of air through
natural draft within the pores, and mean time
of contact of wastewater with biofilm, etc.
Process flow diagram of Trickling
Types of Trickling
• Basedonhydraulic and organic loadings,
the trickling filters may be classified as
• (1) Low rate trickling filter (Figure 19.13a) and
(2) High rate trickling filter (Figure 19.13b).
• Recirculation is defined as returning a portion
of treated or partly treated sewage to the
treatment process.
• Recirculation is employed in high rate filters
to improve efficiency.
• The recirculation helps in providing seeding
to the filter bed and also dilutes the strong
• Recirculation improves the operating results
because of following reasons:-
1. It allows continuous dosing of filter irrespective of

fluctuations in flow.
2. Recirculation equalizes and reduces loading
thereby increasing efficiency of the filter.
3. Recirculation provides longer contact of applied

sewage with the biofilm on media, thereby

seeding it with bacteria and accelerating the
oxidation process.
4. The effluent remains fresh all the time and also

helps in reducing odours. The fly nuisance is also

comparatively less
Advantages of
Advantages of
Disadvantages of
Disadvantages of
Trickling filter operating
Ponding:- is normally the result of:
(a) excessive organic loading without a
corresponding higher recirculation
(b) use of media which is too small,
(c) clogging of under drain system,
(d) non-uniform media size or breaking up of
media, and
(e) trash or debris in filter voids.
• Ponding can cause odors and decrease
filter efficiency.
• Ponding can be eliminated by:
1. Shutting off the flow to the filter. The growths will

die and tend to be flushed out when the unit is put

back into service.
2. Stirring or agitating ponding area with stick,

rake, etc.
3. Dousing the filter with chlorine.
4. Flooding filter and keeping the media
submerged for approximately 24 hours will
sometimes cause the growth to slough. Growths
become anaerobic and tend to release from
5. Spraying the surface with high pressure water
Trickling filter operating
2. Odors:- Since the trickling filter is an aerobic
process, no serious odors should exist. If foul
odors are present, anaerobic conditions are
the most likely cause.
• Anaerobic conditions usually predominate
next to the media surface.
• If the surface of the slime growth is
aerobic, odors should be minimal.
• If odors are present, corrective action should
be taken immediately or the condition could
get worse.
• Some corrective measures are:
1. Try to maintain aerobic condition in the collection
system and in the primary treatment units.
2. Check the ventilation of the filter for clogging and
3. Check the under drain system for clogging and
4. Add odor-masking agents.
5. Pre-chlorination at primary tank influent or at the dosing
6. Increase recirculation rate; this usually provides
added oxygen to the filter and may increase
Trickling filter operating
3. Filter Flies are a nuisance to plant personnel
and nearby neighbors. These tiny size flies are
called psychoda.
• They are occasionally found in great numbers,
preferring an alternate wet and dry
environment for development.
• Lay their eggs in ponded water.
• The flies are most frequently found in low or
standard rate filters with an intermittent dosing
• Control can be accomplished by:
1. Flooding the filter intermittently to prevent
completion of the fly life cycle. This life cycle can
be as short as seven days in warm weather. Filters
should be flooded for approximately 24 hours.
2. Increasing recirculation. A continuous
waste flow to the filter will tend to wash fly
larvae from the filter.
3. Flushing or washing the side walls of the
filter by opening the flap valve at the end of
the distributor arm.
4. Keeping the plant grounds neat, clean and
free from excessive weeds, plants, and
grass, which are excellent breeding grounds
for the flies.
5. The addition of chlorine, which is toxic to
the flies and larvae.
Design Values for Trickling
Design of High Rate Trickling
Determine the size of a high rate trick
long filters for the following data.
i) Sewage flow = 4.5 MLD
ii) Recirculation ratio = 1.5
iii) BOD of raw sewage =250 mg/l
iv) BOD removal in primary tank = 30%
v) Final efficient BOD desired = 30 mg/l
• Quantity of sewage flowing into the filter per
day = 4.5M.L /day
• BOD concentration in raw sewage= 250 mg/L
• Total BOD present in raw sewage
= 4.5 X 106 L X 250 mg/L = 1125 kg
• BOD removed in primary tank = 30%
• BOD left in the sewage entering per day
on the filter unit = 1125 X 0.7 = 787.5 kg
• BOD concentration desired in final efficient
= 30 mg/l
• Total BOD left in the efficient per day
= 4.5 X 30kg = 135kg
• BOD removed by the filter
=787.5 -135 =652.5 kg

BOD removed
•Efficiency of the filter= Total
X100 BOD
• Now using equation,
1 + 0.0044
η = 82.85%

y = Total BOD in kg = 787.15kg

F = ⎛
R ⎞⎟

⎝⎜1 + 0.1 I
Here, ⎠
I =
1 + 1.5 2.5 2.5
F= = = = 1.89
(1 + (1.15)2 1.322

100 )2
82.85 =
0.0044 Vx1.8
9 416.48
787.15 100 0.2
1+ =
0.0044 Vx1.8 82.85
9 416.48 = (45.45) 2
0.0044 416.48 = 1.2
V V=
−1 0.2016hect.m
= 2016m3
• presuming the depth of the filter as 1.5m , we
surface area required =2016/1.5 m2
• surface area required = 1344 m2
• Dia. of the circular filter required = 41.4 m
• Hence, use a high rate tricking filter of 41.4 m
dia, 1.5m deep filter media and the recirculation
(single stage)ratio of 1.5.
Principles, Functions, Design and
Drawing of Oxidation ditch
Oxidation Ditch
Oxidation Ditch
The Oxidation
• It is particular type of extended aeration process,
where aeration tank is constructed in the ditch
shape (oval shape) as shown in the Figure 19.9.
• The aeration tank consists of a ring shaped
channel 1.0 to 1.5 m deep and of suitable width
forming a trapezoidal or rectangular channel
• An aeration rotor, is placed across the ditch to
provide aeration and wastewater circulation at
velocity of about 0.3 to 0.6 m/s.
• The oxidation ditch can be operated as
intermittent with fill and draw cycles consisting
(a) closing inlet valve and aerating the wastewater
for duration equal to design detention time,
(b) stopping aeration and circulation device and
allowing the sludge to settle down in the ditch
(c) Opening the inlet and outlet valve allowing the
incoming wastewater to displace the clarified
• In case of continuous operation, it is operated as a
flow through system where wastewater is
continuously admitted.
• The vertically mounted mechanical aerators are used
to provide oxygen supply and at the same time to
provide sufficient horizontal velocity for not allowing
the cells to settle at the bottom of the ditch.
• Separate sedimentation tank is used to settle the
sludge and the settled sludge is re-circulated to
maintain necessary MLVSS in the oxidation ditch.
• The excess sludge generation in oxidation ditch is less
than the conventional ASP and can be directly applied
to the sand-bed for drying.
Applications of Oxidation
• The Ditch
aeration occurs in oxidation ditch is the
extended aeration process, low organic loading rate
(F/M) and long aeration time is used to operate the
process at endogenous respiration phase.
• Since, the cells undergo endogenous respiration,
the excess sludge generated in this process is low
and the sludge can directly be applied on the sand
drying beds where aerobic digestion and
dewatering of the sludge occurs.
• The primary sedimentation can be eliminated when
extended aeration process is used to simplify the
operation of sludge handling.
• This of activated sludge process is
suitable for small capacityplant, such as
package sewage treatment plant or industrial
wastewater treatment plant of small capacity
of less than 3000 m3/day.
• This process simplifies the sludge treatment
and separate sludge thickening and digestion
is not required.
• The aeration tank in this case is generally
completely mixed type.
Design concepts of oxidation
• Lowerditch
F/M ratio of 0.05 to 0.15 kg BOD/kg VSS.d and
volumetric loading of 0.1 to 0.4 kg BOD/m .d is used for
designing extended aeration ASP.
• Mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentration of
the order of 3000 to 6000 mg/L and mean cell
residence time of 20 to 30 days is maintained.
• Higher mean cell residence time is necessary to
maintain endogenous growth phase of
• The hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 18 to 36 h is
• The sludge recirculation ratio is generally in the range
of 0.75 to 1.5.
Design of Oxidation Ditch

Design an oxidation ditch for a population of
2000 with per capita water supply of 125 lpcd.
• Design flow= 2000x125x0.8=0.2 MLD
• Assume the per capita BOD contribution is 45
• Design BOD= 2000x45=90kg/d
• Assuming, F/M=0.2 kg of BOD/kg of MLVSS.d
0.2 = MLVSS

450kgconcentration of
Adopting MLVSS
4000mg/L 450
Volume of ditch = = 112500L =
4000x10 112.5m3

kgofBOD kg
Oxygen requirement d kgofBO
= 90
x1.6 = 6 kg/hr
• Oxygenation capacity of rotor=2.8 kg/hr/m

Length of rotor=6/2.8=2.143m
• Providing 2 nos. of rotors

the length of each rotor=2.14/2 = 1.07m
• Providing a end clearance of 10cm on both side
of rotor.
• Then, the length of each rotor= 1.27m

• the width of the channel of the ditch to
accommodate the rotor=1.27m.
• Assuming the width of the dividing wall as 0.5m.

• Surface area = 112.5/1.2 = 93.75m2
Area of section 1&2
1.27m πx3.04
=2 = 2

1 0.5m 2
4 7.26m
Area of rectangular
section = 93.75-7.26
1.27 + 0.5 +1.27 =
= 86.49m2
1 2
Length of86.49
the rectangular
∴ =
section = 34.05m
(1.27 +
• Provide a free board of
• Check for
112.5m = 13.5hr
8.33m3 /hr
• The design is unsafe. So we have to revise
the volume based on HRT limit is 18hrs.
• Volume = 8.33 m3/hr x 18hr = 150m3
• Surface area = 150/1.2 = 125 m2

⎜ πx3.04 ⎞

• Area of rectangular portion = 125 – ⎝ ⎠ 4

⎟ = 117.74 m2
• Length of the rectangular portion

= =
4 +
(1.27 46.35m
Principles, Functions, Design and
Drawing of
Waste Stabilization Ponds or
Oxidation Ponds
Waste Stabilization Ponds or
Oxidation Ponds for Treatment of
• It is a shallow body of water contained in an
earthen basin, open to sun and air.
• Longer time of retention from few days to
weeks is provided in the pond.
• The purification of wastewater occurs due to
symbiotic relationship of bacteria and algae.
• The ponds are classified according to the

nature of the biological activity which takes

place within the pond as aerobic, facultative
and anaerobic.
• These are cheaper to construct and operate in
warm climate as compared to conventional
treatment system and hence they are
considered as low cost wastewater treatment
• However, they require higher land area as
compared to conventional treatment system.
Classification of Oxidation
PondsPonds: In aerobic pond the
• Aerobic microbial
population similar to ASP exists along with algae.
• The aerobic population release CO2, which is taken
up by the algae for their growth.
• Algae in turn release O2, which helps in
maintaining the aerobic condition in the pond.
• Very shallow depth of aerobic pond (0.15 to 0.45
m) is used for the treatment of wastewater for
removal of nitrogen by algae growth.
• For general wastewater treatment depth of 0.5 to
1.2 m may be used.
• The solar radiation should penetrate to the
entire depth of the pond to support
photosynthesis to keep entire pond content
Facultative stabilization Ponds:
• Most of the ponds exist in facultative nature.
• Three zones exist in this type of ponds (Figure
• The top zone is an aerobic zone in which the algal
photosynthesis and aerobic biodegradation takes
• In the bottom zone, the organic matter present in
wastewater and cells generated in aerobic zone
settle down and undergo anaerobic decomposition.
• The intermediate zone is partly aerobic and partly
• The decomposition of organic waste in this zone is
carried out by facultative bacteria.
• The nuisance associated with the anaerobic
reaction is eliminated due to the presence of top
aerobic zone.
• Maintenance of an aerobic condition at top layer
is important for proper functioning of facultative
stabilization pond, and it depends on solar
radiation, wastewater characteristics, BOD
loading and temperature.
• Performance of these ponds is comparable with
conventional wastewater treatment.
Factors Affecting Pond
Various factors affect the pond design, such as:
• Wastewater characteristics and fluctuation,
• Environmental factors such as solar radiation,
sky clearance, temperature, and their variation,
• Algal growth pattern
• Bacterial growth pattern and decay rates,
• Hydraulic transport pattern,
• Evaporation and seepage,
• Solids settlement, liquefaction, gasification,
upward diffusion, sludge accumulation,
• Gas transfer at interface.
Design Guidelines for
Oxidation Pond
1. Depth of Pond: For facultative pond, the
depth should be within 1 m to 1.5 m.
For aerobic, it should be 0.5 m.
2. Surface area of Pond: Individual pond area

should not be greater than 0.5 ha. If any

system requires more area then it is desirable
to have more than one pond. 25 % more area
is provided than that calculated to account for
3. Detention time (T): It should be adequate enough
for the bacteria to stabilize the applied BOD load to
a desirable degree. Usually 2 to 6 weeks.
4. Organic Loading Rate: Range from 300-150
kg/hectare/day. In hot tropical counties like India to
about 90-60 kg/hectare/day.
5. Coliform removal: To use the pond effluent for
irrigation Coliform concentration should be less than
1000/100 ml.
6. Sludge accumulation: Sludge accumulation occurs in
the pond at the rate 0.05 to 0.08 m3/capita/year.
Sludge accumulation causes decrease in efficiency of
the ponds, so they require cleaning every 7 to 10
7. Pretreatment: Medium screens and grit removal
devices should be provided before the ponds.
8. Inlet pipe with the bell mouth at its end

discharging near the centre of the pond is

9. The overflow arrangement is box structure with

multiple valve draw-off lines to permit operation

with seasonal variations in depth.
10. If the soil is pervious it should be sealed to prohibit
Principles, Functions, Design and
Drawing of UASB Reactor
Upflow Anaerobic
Sludge Blanket (UASB)
weir effluent
3 phase settler
separator baffles cap

gas bubble
sludge granule

influent sludge
Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket
(UASB) Reactor
• It is the contact process, based on an upward
movement of the liquid waste through a dense
blanket of anaerobic sludge.
• The biomass growth takes place on the fine sludge
particles, which then develop as sludge granules of
high specific gravity.
• The reactor can be divided in three parts (Figure 21.3),
sludge bed, sludge blanket and three phase separator
(gas-liquid-solid i.e., GLS separator) provided at the
top of the reactor.
• The sludge bed consists of high concentration of
active anaerobic bacteria (40 – 100 g/L) and it
• Majority of organic matter degradation (> 95%) takes
place in this zone.
• The sludge consists of biologically formed granules or thick
flocculent sludge.
• Treatment occurs as the wastewater comes in contact
with the granules and/or thick flocculent sludge.
• The gases produced causes internal mixing in the reactor.
• Some of the gas produced within the sludge bed gets
attached to the biological granules.
• The free gas and the particles with the attached gas rise to
the top of the reactor.
• On the top of sludge bed and below GLS separator, thin
concentration of sludge is maintained, which is called as
sludge blanket. This zone occupies 15 to 25% of reactor
• Maintaining sludge blanket zone is important
to dilute and further treat the wastewater
stream that has bypassed the sludge bed
portion following the rising biogas.
• The GLS separator occupies about 20 to 30%
of the reactor volume.
• The particles that raise to the liquid surface
strike the bottom of the degassing baffles,
which causes the attached gas bubbles to be
• The degassed granules typically drop back to
the surface of the sludge bed.
• The free gas and gas released from the
granules is captured in the gas collection
domes located at the top of the reactor.
• Liquid containing some residual solids and
biological granules passes into a
chamber, settling where the residual
solidsthe are
separated from liquid.
• The separated solids fall back through
the baffle system to the top of the sludge
Applications of
Wastewaters containing high-suspended solids being
successfully treated in UASB reactors.
• Typical industries where UASB reactors are reported to
be most successful for wastewater treatment are beet
sugar, cane sugar, starch, breweries, dairy, tannery,
food processing industries and paper and pulp.
• This process is also proved to be feasible for the
treatment of domestic wastewater.
• The feasibility of this process has already been proved
for this wastewater in wide COD range, from 500 to
above 10,000 mg/L.
• The treatment is feasible under both mesophilic and
thermophilic conditions but temperature above 150C is
essential for proper treatment.
• When wastewater is mostly in biodegradable form and COD
is in the range of 1000 to 5000 mg/L, efficiency of COD
removal of 85 to 90% can easily be achieved, with short HRT
of 6 to 12 h.
• When the wastewater is complex, or COD is lower or higher
than the above mentioned range, COD removal efficiency of
60 to 80 % can still be achieved.
• Once, the proper start-up of the reactor is achieved with
generation of good quality of granular sludge, having good
settling characteristics and activity, very high Organic
Loading Rates (OLR) greater than 20 kg COD/m3.d can be
• Pretreatment such as sedimentation, neutralization of
wastewater is normally desirable in treating waste in UASB
• In general, organic loading in the range of 1-20 kg COD
/m3.d can be applied with removal efficiency of 75 to 85 %
Treatment Flow
• The typical flow chart required for UASB
type wastewater treatment plant is as
Design recommendations for
Reclamation and Reuse of
Sewage ?
Sewage Recycling: An Option for
Improved Water Resources
Management • water industries
are ableto
intensive operat
continuously, in spite
of water shortages, e
protecting production
and employment.
• makes available an equal
amount of water for
domestic supply to the city

• Why doTHIS?
• When you can doTHIS
Sewage as
Water (99.9%)
Biodegradable Organics Resources
Nutrients (N and P)

Pathogens, Salt and

Refractory Organics Impurities
• pollutants removed include
– organic materials such as pesticides,
detergents, etc contributing Chemical Oxygen
Demand (COD), colour, taste, odour and
health problems;
– Soluble organic compounds such as phosphorus
or nitrogen which may support algal growths
in receiving water bodies;
– colloidal suspended solids contributing
– pathogenic microorganisms or
– soluble minerals which may interfere with
subsequent reuse of the waste water.
Whatcan urban reclaimed water be
• used- for?
Irrigation public parks,
road medians, any
landscaped areas,
golf courses
• Commercial - vehicle
washing facilities,
laundry facilities,
window washing, mixing
pesticides and herbicides
• Industrial Cooling/process
• Construction - dust control,
concrete production
• Toilet and urinal flushing
• Fire protection
• Potable water??
consists A reclaimed
of:Water reclamation facility -
provides treatment in addition to Water
Salt Use
secondary treatment
Remova Aquifer Storage

Distribution system - includes pipelines, l

Process for local
storage facilities, pumping facilities recovery or send Coolin
to sewer
Nutrient Removal Restoration

Process for local Clothes
recovery or send
to sewer.
Carbon Toilets

Removal Advanced Oxidation

Process residuals Agricultur
for local energy e
recovery or send
to sewer

Refractory hazardous organics can be frequently
removed by adsorption on an active-solid surface
Most widely used adsorbent in environmental
applications is activated carbon
Activated carbon is available in both granular form
and powdered form
Granular activated carbon (GAC) is used widely
for removal of a wide range of toxic organic
compounds from groundwater and industrial waste
- 0.2 to 0.3 mg/L residual
- 10 to 30 minutes contact time

Removal of Dissolved InorganicImpurities
by Demineralization
Cations Anions Nonionic
Membrane Technologies
for Sewage
Pressure driven membrane
Membrane process Pore size Pressure
Microfiltration 0.05 – 10 μm < 2 bar

Ultrafiltration 1 – 100 nm 1 – 10 bar

Nanofiltration < 2 nm 10 – 25 bar

Reverse Osmosis < 2 nm 15 – 80 bar

Case Study: Recycling of treated Sewage in
•Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited
and Madras Fertilizers Limited in Manali
and GMR Power Corporation Limited in
Chennai recycle 25 MLD of Chennai City
sewage after RO treatment

•RO rejects from Chennai Petroleum

Corporation Limited and Madras Fertilizers
Limited are conveyed through pipelines and
utilized in Manali Petrochemical Limited for
its processing






NH3 / Cl2 / NaOH /
Corrosion inhibitor
Residential Wastewater
• Greywater:
– Wastewater from sinks, bathtubs, showers,
dish washer, laundry (anything except toilets)
– May contain pathogens, likely to contain
other microbes, detergents, bleach, hair, food
particles, suspended solids
– Not for suitable potable reuse unless treated
Residential Wastewater
Commercially available greywater treatment
recycling Gadgets
Residential Wastewater
Reuse- option
Advances in Sewage
Advances in Biological Treatment
•Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR)
•Cyclic Activated Sludge Process (C-Tech)
•Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)
•Biological Filtration and Oxygenated Reactor
(BIOFOR) Technology
•Fluidised Aerated Bed (FAB) Technology
•Submerged Aerated Fixed Film Technology (SAFFT)
•Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor (UASBR)
•Duck Weed Ponds
Influent Aeratio Influent Aeratio
n n

and de-

Discharg Settellin
e g

effluent Clarify
SBR Operating
• SBR Principles
performs equalization, biological
treatment, and secondary clarification in a
single tank using a timed control sequence.
• SBR technology is a method of wastewater
treatment in which all phases of the treatment
process occur sequentially within the same
• The sequencing batch reactor is a fill and
draw activated sludge system.
• In this system, wastewater is added to a single
“batch” reactor, treated to remove
undesirable components, and then
SBR - Merits and
•Excellent effluent quality
•Smaller footprint because of absence of primary and
secondary clarifiers, and digester
•Proven technology
•Biological nutrient (N and P) removal
•High degree of coliform removal
•Less chlorine dosing required
•Can withstand hydraulic and organic shock loads
•Comparatively higher energy consumption
•To achieve high efficiency, complete automation is required
•Highly skilled operators are needed
•No energy production
•Uninterrupted power supply is required
•combination of activated sludge treatment with
separation of the biological sludge by micro- or
ultra-filtration membranes to produce the
particle- free effluent
•membrane separation in MBR,replaces the
sedimentation stage of the
activated sludge process.
•Therefore, the settling properties of the activated
sludge are not anymore a limiting factor in the
Flow schematics of membrane processes in
reclamation of municipal wastewater
Agricultural irrigation
Industrial uses
cooling tower
car-washing Toilet
Fluidised Aerated Bed (FAB)
The FBR process is the latest advance in attached
growth aerobic biological treatment technology. FBR
employs RING PAC MEDIA, neutrally buoyant bio
film carrier elements, to achieve outstanding
BOD/COD removal productivity from a compact
• In Fluidized Bed Reactors, the liquid to be treated is
pumped through a bed of small media at a sufficient
velocity to cause fluidization. In the fluidized state
the media provide a large specific surface for
attached biological growth and allow biomass
concentrations in the range 10-40 kg/m3 to develop.
Fluidised Aerated Bed (FAB)
For aerobic treatment processes the
•Technology reactor is
aerated. This is done by recalculating the liquid from
the reactor to an oxygenator where air, or possibly
oxygen, is bubbled.
• The basis for the use of fluidized bed systems is the
immobilization of bacteria on solid surfaces. In this
process, a volume of Ring Pac media is immersed in
water and is fluidized (kept in constant motion)
through the movement of gas and liquid in the
treatment reactor. As the media supports a biomass
concentration several times that achievable in
activated sludge systems, treatment is significantly
more productive.
Fluidised Aerated Bed (FAB)
Moving Bed Bio film Reactor
•Aerobic attached biological growth process
•It does not require primary clarifier and sludge
•Raw sewage, after
screening and de-gritting, is
fed to the biological reactor.
•Floating plastic media is
provided which remains in
suspension. Bio mass is
formed on the surface of the
•Excess bio mass leaves the
surface of media and is
settled in clarifier.
•Usually a detention time of 5
to 12 hours are provided
in the reactors.
Submerged Aerated Fixed Film Technology
Operation & Maintenance of
Secondary Treatment
Operation And Maintenance
(O&M) Considerations of Aeration
•Operation considerations include maintaining the
correct design level of MLVSS (biomass
concentration) in the aeration tank. Problems arise
both in the case of excess or shortage of biomass,
causing an imbalance, leading to failure of the
O & M Considerations of Aeration
• Visual observation will indicate if there is
uniform aeration and mixing over the entire
area of the tank.
• Local violent boiling/ bubbling is indicative of
ruptured membranes.
• Dead zones on the sewage surface indicate that
membranes are blocked from the air side or the
liquid side.
• Both conditions call for immediate attention, by
cleaning or replacing the membranes.
O & M Considerations of Aeration
Cleaning of membranes is generally carried out by
lifting out the defective units and scouring out
the adhering materials by high-pressure hosing.
• Scrubbing with mild acid solution may also be
resorted to in case of stubborn encrustation.
• Foaming in the aeration tank may be caused by
excessive inflow of detergent-like substances: In a
great majority of cases, the cause may be traced
to an imbalance in the aeration tank recipe
(Food: Microorganisms: Air: Nutrients), and
corrective measures may be taken as indicated.
O & M Considerations of Secondary Clarifier
• If properly designed, engineered and constructed,
clarifiers call for very little attention in terms of
operation and maintenance.
• Indeed, the unmechanized (hopper-bottom) settling
tanks may be said to be zero- maintenance units.
• Some parts of the mechanical rake (such as the
motor, gearbox etc.) call for only routine
• The sacrificial rubber squeegees sweeping the floor
of the clarifier need to be checked and replaced,
possibly once in two years.
O & M Considerations of Sludge
• Ensure discharge of sludge recirculation into
the aeration tank is visible and can be
• In addition, if an intermediate sludge sump is
provided, it is advisable to force-flush the
sludge line of the clarifier at frequent
intervals, so that the pipe remains clear at all
times, and incidence of choking is minimized.
Thank you!

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