Thesis-Before The Amendments of One To One Discussion On 23 Oct
Thesis-Before The Amendments of One To One Discussion On 23 Oct
Thesis-Before The Amendments of One To One Discussion On 23 Oct
1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................5
2 LITRETURE REVIEW..........................................................................................................16
2.3.3 Effective Online Teaching and Pedagogical Practice and Effective Online Learning
2.3.4 Online Course Design Instructions and Supports and Effective Online Learning. .23
2.4.2 Collaboration Interactivity and Online Learning Community and Effective Online
3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................................26
3.9 Data Analysis Process.....................................................................................................34
4 BIBLIOGRAPHY..................................................................................................................35
Figure 1Steps to Follow by the instructors and students to effective online discussion Peltz
1.1 Introduction to the Chapter
The first chapter of the study begins with the background introduction to the research project.
The study is about to find the determinants of effective online learning, specific to the Post
Graduate students in Sri Lanka. The Area of the research background of the research will be
discussed in both global and Sri Lankan context in the first chapter. Then the most important part
of the problem statement is discussed subsequently followed by the research objectives and
research questions. The significance of the research is included in the chapter too. The later part
of the chapter consists with origination of the study and few definitions which is identified as the
key terms of this study of Determinants of Online Learning Education Effectiveness among
Postgraduate Students in Sri Lanka
Moore and Kearsley (2012) in their studies again answered the question of what is the need of
the distance education to emerge a concept like online education. The reasons and the
justifications that articulated in the emergence of the online education field can be depicted as
increase of access to learning and training as one of the matter of equity in the education, it
provides a good opportunity for the updating of the skills and opportunities for the external
environment of the education, enhancement of the capacity of the education system,
improvement of the qualities of the existing education structure of the company, expansion of the
capacity of education in to the new areas and adding new international dimensions for the
programmes of the learning.
The development of the internet and world wide web give ample advantaged for the
improvement of the online learning field. This provides chances of opening new markets to the
education providers and also many of the adult learners can have the advantage of flexibility of
learning with the responsibilities of both form the family and the work life. In the other ways the
nature of the anonymity of the online students also upsurge the development of online education
since all the students do not wish for the participation of the face to face classes like to join with
this distance education classes.
Most of the time in the research literature online education is termed as online learning, distance
learning, blended learning, web-based learning, virtual learning, cyber learning etc.…For the
purpose this study the researcher considered all terms of these in as sufficiently synonymous and
interchangeable in use.
In the industry of education these online courses are basically categorized in tow ways as
university Based Education with the online methods, which students are participated to obtain
undergraduate degree or post graduate degrees and the other method is massively open online
courses (MOOC) where self-motivated individuals are entered to programs with the purpose of
learning. Most of the online courses offered with the amalgamation of the universities are a mix
of fully online courses or else blended or hybrid online courses. The later one is the combination
of both the face to face and world wide web-based programmes.
Even though the online learning in education industry was emerged in the years of early 1990s,
most of the countries including many of the developed countries educational institutions are
based mostly with the face to face classes. Even though many universities try to promote the
blended learning programmes greater part of the world is stuck with the traditional methods of
teaching. The instant outbreak of the COVID 19 Pandemic which is caused by a Corona Virus
(SARS-CoV-2) change the requirements of the education system in every country from the
kindergarten to Post graduate level by forcing world to use virtual methods of studying, rather
still focusing for traditional class rooms.
The online teaching is no more an option but it is treated as necessity in the education field now
in the pandemic of COVID -19. Because of this major part of the world is on quarantine at the
moment or else need to be quarantined at any uncertain time. Many of the cities in worldwide
turned to phantom cities and that affects to every schools and universities. These methods of
online teaching and as well as online learning can be termed as panacea for the crisis. Hence
COVID -19 pandemic influence every institute all over the world to move from offline mode of
teaching to online mode of pedagogy. Even though most of the students and institutions reluctant
to change for online mode the crisis forced each and every education institute to follow the same
method. Even though majority of the Universities around the world are almost digitalized by
understanding this dire need for the online technologies greater part of the universities in most
developing and under developed countries are struggling with launch of effective online
education to their undergraduates and post graduates. But this catastrophe implicit the
advantages of the online learning methods for both the students and universities majorly with the
ability of sermonize larger number of students around the world in one particular given time.
Hence the quality enhancements of the online education are crucial at this stage and adoption of
the academic institutions for the online mode is vital important.
1.3 Current Situation of Focus Area in Sri Lanka
In this situation of the 21st Century Sri Lanka as a county depicted many same results for the
areas of ICT as in other south Asian countries. This is rapid and heterogeneous development
when consider about the information communication technology developments in the region and
specially in the country of Sri Lanka. Regarding island computerization and many of the
facilities related to ICT is limited to the capital city of Colombo. In the ear of post war situation
after 30 years of long time Sri Lanka entered to new era of everything including development of
the information communication technologies for other areas of the country too. Even though this
is condition still the term of online learning is new to the country. The situation can be analyzed
in two ways as online learning for primary and secondary sector education and tertiary sector
education. Online learning is very novel concept for most if the schools in sri Lanka as well as it
is one of newest area of concern for the tertiary sector education as well. Nel – A National
eLearning Centre, FIT – Foundations of Information Technology, eBIT – The Online Version of
BIT, The BIT Program – A Bachelor of Information Technology, Some Selected Sri Lankan e-
learning Initiatives are certain steps and established organizations by the government of Sri
Lanka to promote the concepts related to virtual learning.
2. Private Institutes of which offer sri Lankan degrees which is recognized by the University
Grans Commission of sri Lanaka
3. Private Institutes of which offer foreign degrees which is recognized by the University
Grans Commission of sri Lanaka
The post graduate education of the country is coming from the first stated three institutional
bodies and up to now till the time -period where the COVID 19 pandemic started in Sri Lanka
almost all institutes used traditional class methods for master degree and doctoral students of the
country. Even though these post graduates sector students are at their peak in their careers and
other aspirations they most of the time preferred this traditional face to face classes instead of
virtual learning. Even though many private institutes in the country tried to implement blended
learning programmes it was not successful with restrictions of both parties. Like all the other
countries in the world due to the effect of COVID 19 PG students in Sri Lanka also has no option
but to follow the virtual learning programmes to complete their studies. Due to the intense
competition in the private sector post graduate education most of the institutes try virtual
learning with the students with aids of Google Teams, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, WebEx etc.…
and they somehow manage to deliver their lectures for the students in that time period. The state
universities lagged behind the situation and most of them have huge problems with the training
of virtual learning to their faculty members.
Even though this virtual learning in Sri Lanka is becoming popularized with the global pandemic
of COVID 19 this disruption of the education is optimized in the eyes of the fourth industrial
revolution. Hence the improvement of the facilities and motivations for use of virtual learning is
needed to change the education system even in some of the Post Graduate content heavy
examination context. These changes will the match with the most of the needs of contemporary
in cyber learning. Sometimes most of the online contents are weighted with theoretical contents
where the students do not have more room for the improvement needed areas of the participation
process of the lecture in more effective manner. Similarly, other factors that need to be
amalgamated with the online learning from the sides of effective teaching methods and effective
learning methods has to be identified in order to ascertain effective process for online learning
(Alvi , 2016).
These issues can not be ignored in this type of situation where virtual learning reached its peak
of the impotency in pandemic situation with COVID -19. Most of the attached technical issues
can be resolved by keeping plan B to avoid any circumstances attached to it. But the most
important areas of determination for online learning and teaching need to identified correctly to
improve the process. Unlike many developed countries, in Sri Lanka these effective practices are
very rare to be seen in the initial stage and even many of the learners of the Post Graduate studies
also not satisfied with their learning process.
Hence these online programmes need to be designed in the ways of creative, interactive,
relevant, student-centered, and group-based activities which enhance effectiveness in virtual
learning process. Educators of the country at present spending ample of time in making practices
for effective online learning and try to identify the determinants of the effective practice. These
areas include the broaden the horizon of the course content, more facilities for the lecturers, and
give more attention to the pedagogical issues and emphasize on collaborative learning, project
base learning, case learning, in virtual learning context.
2. To identify effective practices in online learning for the Online Learning Education
Effectiveness among Postgraduate Students in Sri Lanka
3. To identify the effect of academic motivation for the Online Learning Education
Effectiveness among Postgraduate Students in Sri Lanka
4. To identify effect of personality traits for the Online Learning Education Effectiveness
among Postgraduate Students in Sri Lanka
2. What are the effective practices in online teaching for the Online Learning Education
Effectiveness among Postgraduate Students in Sri Lanka?
3. What are the effective practices in online learning for the Online Learning Education
Effectiveness among Postgraduate Students in Sri Lanka?
4. What is the effect of academic motivation for the Online Learning Education
Effectiveness among Postgraduate Students in Sri Lanka?
5. What is the effect of personality traits for the Online Learning Education Effectiveness
among Postgraduate Students in Sri Lanka?
In Sri Lankan context and most of the world wide context of many countries there is no clear
articulation for the educational policies and their requirement of online learning. This lack of
standard as above in the problem statement urging for looking forward for finding of
determinants that enhance the effectiveness of online education system. The results of the study
are very significant for enhancement of the process of digital equity in Sri Lanka for the studies
in post graduate level. Since most of the students and teachers are less of practice for virtual
learning and stuck in the traditional classroom the field is need to be investigated for effective
practices for both sides. The findings of the study can be taken for the enhancement of the
process online learning with the concept of fourth industrial revolution and (4IR) from the parties
of the academics as well as for the practitioners for their managerial perspectives.
The population of the study consist of post graduate students in from the below mention state
universities and private institutes
2. Private Institutes of which offer sri Lankan degrees which is recognized by the University
Grans Commission of sri Lanaka
3. Private Institutes of which offer foreign degrees which is recognized by the University
Grans Commission of sri Lanaka
The reliable selection of the sampling is the most important process in the research study, hence
to have a good understanding about the sample selection process the researcher intends to visits
most leading educational institutes in Sri Lanka and as well as State Universities across the
country to have a good understanding for the process of sample selection. Then the researcher
has to contact each and every above stated private and state universities to estimate the correct
number for population of post graduate students in registered in these universities and
institutions. According to the available statistics in Sri Lanka which is provided by the
University Grants Commission, the total post graduate enrollments in Universities and Higher
Education Institutes – 2018 can be depicted as follows and the total population is 40,762.
1 CHAPTER The first chapter of the study is discussed about the background and
focus area of the research in both global context and selected sri Lankan
context. other than that problem statement of the study, stipulated
research questions and objectives, significance of the study is discussed
in the first chapter of the study
2 CHAPTER The Second Chapter is for the literature review of the study, the
literature review is critically evaluated here for the concepts of effective
practices in online learning and effective practices in online teaching as
well as academic motivation as a mediator variable for the study and
Personality traits are treated as moderator variable for the study as well.
3 CHAPTER This chapter is for the discussion of the discussion of the research
methodology, The variables and conceptual framework with the
hypothesis of the research is initial part of the chapter and the
subsequent parts of the chapter is divided for the explanation of the
research paradigms and the most important discussion of the population
and sample selection designs and techniques for the study
4 CHAPTER The fourth chapter of the study is allocated for the Data Analysis of the
research as a hypo deductive research study the data will be analysed
through the selected software of SPSS 26 and all necessary evaluations
methods are conducted in order find the important determinants of the
research study
5 CHAPTER Final chapter of the study is presenting key points findings and
recommendations of the study. After then the recommendations are
critically evaluated and explain the room for the future researches for the
identification of the areas that can be improved further in the study of
this. Finally, the limitations of the study are discussed with the
suggestions of the study.
Online Learning Moore and Kearsley (2012) defined the online education as
teaching and learning experience that happen in two places
where student in a one location and the instructor in other
location. In other words, Finch and Jacobs (2012) defined
this as temporary separation of the teacher and a student in
two different geographical locations.
students and lecturers other than that empathy for the
students, teaching in more passionate way for the students,
willingness of lecturers to help the students to succeed and
their effective learning procedure is some of the areas that
need to concern when taking part for the online learning in
pedagogical practice
Academic Motivation
Personality Traits
2.1 Introduction to the Literature Review
The Second Chapter is for the literature review of the study, the literature review is critically
evaluated here for the concepts of effective practices in online learning and effective practices in
online teaching as well as academic motivation as a mediator variable for the study and
Personality traits are treated as moderator variable for the study. These concepts in detail
presented in the literature review by proving the references from other empirical studies
conducted in by the academics related to this focus area in different contexts
Moore and Kearsley (2012) in their studies again answered the question of what is the need of
the distance education to emerge a concept like online education. The reasons and the
justifications that articulated in the emergence of the online education field can be depicted as
increase of access to learning and training as one of the matter of equity in the education, it
provides a good opportunity for the updating of the skills and opportunities for the external
environment of the education, enhancement of the capacity of the education system,
improvement of the qualities of the existing education structure of the company, expansion of the
capacity of education in to the new areas and adding new international dimensions for the
programmes of the learning.
The development of the internet and world wide web give ample advantaged for the
improvement of the online learning field. This provides chances of opening new markets to the
education providers and also many of the adult learners can have the advantage of flexibility of
learning with the responsibilities of both form the family and the work life. In the other ways the
nature of the anonymity of the online students also upsurge the development of online education
since all the students do not wish for the participation of the face to face classes like to join with
this distance education classes.
Most of the time in the research literature online education is termed as online learning, distance
learning, blended learning, web-based learning, virtual learning, cyber learning etc.…For the
purpose this study the researcher considered all terms of these in as sufficiently synonymous and
interchangeable in use.
online education as social presence, cognitive presence and finally the teaching presence.
Garrison, Anderson, and Archer (2009) identified further in the concept of the cognitive presence
with the examination of the nature and quality of it and depicted the factors of triggering event,
exploration, integration and resolution.
Triggering inquiry can be explained as first inquiry at which the point or the problem or the issue
is defined for the further investigation. Exploration is the point where learners examined the
reflection discourse issues and problems. At the stage of integration learners have the experience
for the continuation of the exploration and development of the ideas and construction of the
meanings. Finally, the resolution is where results are applied with the new knowledge developed.
asynchronous, text-based environment is the analyzing tool suggested by Garrison and
researches to assessing the cognitive presence and Garrison and his colleagues (2009) in their
studies commented that online education environment can be upsurge the by accomplishing high
facilitation for the need of cognitive presence.
Ke (2010) described individualistic learning as prominent approach for the online learning. Also
indicated that cognitive activities are a mix of feelings for the online education. According to his
view the effectiveness of the online education is largely depends with the participants of he
online learning. Chatty and Talkative Personalities are treated as more effective in online
teaching practices.
The factor of discourse facilitation includes instructors and Students engagement in content
materials, reviewing the and as well as responding to the questions of the students, discussion
and keeping of the course discussion in right direction and as well as integration of the students
who need extra help on the lecture notes and materials of lectures.
Intellectual and scholarly leadership and judging of the students of the online class, providing of
the additional resources for the course content, offering of the timely feedback for the students
and finally giving them a good motivation to acquire the relevant higher order knowledge
consists for the factor of direct instruction. Steps to Follow by the instructors and students to
have an effective online discussion according to Peltz (2008) action research can be illustrated as
Figure 1Steps to Follow by the instructors and students to effective online discussion Peltz (2008)
Pelz, B., 2008. Three principles of effective online pedagogy. Journal of Asynchronous
Learning, 14(1), pp. 103-116.
In addition to the above process Peltz identified the things that needed in the process of online
learning as follows.
Ke (2010) in his study also admitted that adult learning process emphasis the online process
importance in the ways of sites of the course’s discussions through online evaluations through
online and finally the process of interfacing
Pelz, B., 2008. Three principles of effective online pedagogy. Journal of Asynchronous
Learning, 14(1), pp. 103-116.
An online community need to provide students an environment with potentials and make it a
better communication process in the learning activities by providing proper cognitive presence
and teaching presence for the students. Most of the time it can be recognized that each role of
these cognitive presence and teaching presence has distinctive roles to play but frequently it can
be seen that these two roles can use interchange ways and intertwined methods. Teaching
presence most of the time needed to have a good balance from the social presence and cognitive
presence. Ke (2010) in his qualitative as well as quantitative study articulated that the central role
of all these are targeted to teaching presence to have a better practice for online teaching
effectiveness. Nonetheless in his study he raised the question for cognitive presence for the adult
learners with providing the argument for injection of ambiguity on online lectures for the
reinforcement procedure of cognitive presence. Once only the teaching presence and social
presence are developed cognitive presence and epistemic engagement of the online learning is
developed effectively. According to Ke (2010) in his study further articulated that there is a
correlation relationship between cognitive presence and social presence and also, he mentioned
adults’ students who follow the online learning procedures have good satisfaction when there is a
stronger sense of community tends.
2.3.3 Effective Online Teaching and Pedagogical Practice and Effective Online Learning
Bailey and Card (2009) addressed the importance of setting course goals objectives of learning
and expectations of learning are some of the most important pedagogical presences in online
learning effectiveness in the hands of factors affecting in the side of teaching the course. The
researches Bailey and Card (2009) shared eight elements of pedagogical practices which affect
the effectiveness in online learning procedure as follows. According to Bailey and Card (2009) it
is essential to foster good relationship and good communication between the students and
lecturers other than that empathy for the students, teaching in more passionate way for the
students, willingness of lecturers to help the students to succeed and their effective learning
procedure is some of the areas that need to concern when taking part for the online learning in
pedagogical practice. Online instructors need to be more attentive and timely responses for their
questions and respond to the text messages properly is also part of the process. To follow these
pedagogical practices, it is essential to follow certain strategies like giving feedbacks to their
assignments o time, responding to written questions of the students, communication of the
requirements is some of the practices.
Other than these factors to practice pedagogical practices the instructors of the online courses
need to engage with the students accomplish the targets, have online discussion, prompt responds
to their questions, encouragement of the students to share their working experience and
background of them and finally conducting of the smaller groups of discussion are essential to
practice pedagogical. Good organization is also another way to prove these pedagogical practices
for the students. Instructors need to give the related course materials at the beginning of the class
and providence of the links for the necessary websites relate to the studies and clear navigation
of the web site of the university are proven ways of organizing practices for pedagogically.
Bailey & Card, 2015also mentioned flexibility is another way for the effective online learning.
Since the technology as a factor which we cannot be reliable to it always there are certain issues
like system delays, software updates email and glitches can be arisen due to the unavailability of
the technology.
Bailey, C. J. & Card, K. A., 2015. Effective pedagogical practices for online teaching Perception
of experienced instructors. Internet and Higher Education, Volume 12, pp. 152-155
2.3.4 Online Course Design Instructions and Supports and Effective Online Learning
The online course design also has five phases to be accomplished. Rao and Tanners (2011) after
the accomplishment of the research conducted by Universal Instructional Design and Universal
Design for Learning these five phases for online course design instructions and supports were
articulated. These are the highlighted strategies which is most appreciated by many of the
students that combined with the research process. Other than these five elements identified in the
study what students are more preferred in the study is strategic instructions for the online
learning process. As a common phenomenon most of the adult students are full time employees
and they expect career enhancements after the completion of the educational programme. They
want programmes with good career development opportunities which enriched with more
strategic instructions. Brindley, Blaschke, and Walti (2009) further defined these strategic
instructions as facilitations for group work, providence of scaffolding for the development of
skills, establishment of healthy and balanced structure and as well as learner autonomy. Further
Brindley, Blaschke, and Walti (2009) identified nurturing the relationship with the parties of
both the learners and instructors, enhancement of learning sense, monitoring of the course
instructions and proper activities and providence of collaboratives of class activities. Keengwe
and Kidd (2010) suggested online teaching needed more time and the process is identified as
labor-intensive process. As well as Crawford-Ferre and Wiest (2012) suggested improved faculty
is needed to have more effective online teaching practices. Keengwe and Kidd (2010) also
suggested few top priorities as supporting course design and instructional information needed as
curriculum setting ups, lecture notes and power points preparations, design and provide
meaningful class activities, establishment of the time line for assignment submission, and finally
providing guidelines for certain terminology related questions.
2.4.2 Collaboration Interactivity and Online Learning Community and Effective Online
Brindlet et al. (2009) conducted a study which described the development of the online learning
community in more successful way to enhance the effectiveness of online learning. They argued
the use of instructional strategies and small groups of online classes make the process more
effective in virtual environment. Other than that, tasks for collective learning activities also can
foster the deeper relationship between community in the online environment. Yuan and Kim
(2014) stated emergence of learning community can create the sense of belonginess and it
increases the education effectiveness practices in virtual learning. When the learners of the
online environment trusted with one another and constructed of the knowledge and shared the
relevant information it establishes the relationship with one another and it enhance the
effectiveness in the procedure of online learning environment.
Personality Traits as the moderator of the study is evaluated through five factor model and the
factors are identified as openness to experience (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious)
conscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. extravagant/careless)extraversion (outgoing/energetic
vs. solitary/reserved)agreeableness (friendly/compassionate vs. challenging/callous)neuroticism s
ensitive/nervous vs. resilient/confident) . The relationship of personality traits and education
effectiveness is tested in many contexts as moderator factor (Anieting & Mosugu, 2017),
(Brindley, et al., 2009)
2.6 Chapter Summary
This chapter explained the literature review of the study, the literature review was critically
evaluated here for the concepts of effective practices in online learning and effective practices in
online teaching as well as academic motivation as a mediator variable for the study and
Personality traits are treated as moderator variable for the study. These concepts in detail were
presented in the literature review by proving the references from other empirical studies
conducted in by the academics related to this focus area in different contexts
3.1 Introduction to the Chapter
This chapter is for the discussion of the discussion of the research methodology, The variables
and conceptual framework with the hypothesis of the research is initial part of the chapter and
the subsequent parts of the chapter is divided for the explanation of the research paradigms and
the most important discussion of the population and sample selection designs and techniques for
the study implementation
3.3 Conceptual Framework
Effective Practices in
Online Teaching
Cognitive Presence
Teaching Presence
Education Effectiveness
Academic Motivation
Pedagogical practice In online Learning
Attention H6
Online Course Design Relevance
Instructions and
Support Satisfaction
H5 H4
Effective Practices in
Online Learning H2
Promoting Social Personality Traits
(Big Five Factors)
Community Extroversion
3.4 Research Hypothesis
H1- There is a relationship between effective practice in online teaching and education
effectiveness in online learning
H2- There is a relationship between effective practice in online learning and education
effectiveness in online learning
H4- Personality Traits Moderates the effective practice in online learning to education
effectiveness in online learning
H5- There is a relationship between the effective practice in online learning and academic
H6- There is a relationship between academic motivation and education effectiveness in online
3.5.2 Research Approach
There are three main approaches for the research study (Sekeran & Bougie , 2018). These are
deductive abductive and inductive processes. Since the researcher selected the philosophical
approach of the study as positivism which explains the natural science approach the physical
world, the study selected approach for the research is deductive approach. The researcher here
going to test the already established theories and focus on the theories and concepts explained in
the chapter 02 of this proposal of the research.
Source: Sharma , G., 2017. Pros and cons of different sampling techniques. International Journal
of Applied Research , pp. 749-752
3.6 Type of Data
The type of the data that will be gathered for the study is primary data collection through
questionnaire which is discussed in the instrumental development process. This method is used
since the researcher want to have a result with more generalization of the sample to the selected
population of the study. Since the collection of data is specified to post graduate students in Sri
Lanka to attain this specific purpose of the study primary data collection served its best. As well
as primary data is more reliable authentic and more objective than secondary data for the study
collection (Sekeran & Bougie , 2018).
2. Private Institutes of which offer sri Lankan degrees which is recognized by the University
Grans Commission of sri Lanaka
3. Private Institutes of which offer foreign degrees which is recognized by the University
Grans Commission of sri Lanaka
The reliable selection of the sampling is the most important process in the research study, hence
to have a good understanding about the sample selection process the researcher intends to visits
most leading educational institutes in Sri Lanka and as well as State Universities across the
country to have a grindings and understanding for the process of sample selection. Then the
researcher has to contact each and every above stated private and state universities to estimate
the correct number for population of post graduate students in registered in these universities and
institutions. According to the available statistics in Sri Lanka which is provided by the
University Grants Commission, the total post graduate enrollments in Universities and Higher
Education Institutes – 2018 can be depicted as follows and the total population is 40,762.
Figure 5 University Grants Commission - PG Enrollments 2018
Education 7376 2
Law 303 6
Veterinary Studies 84
Agriculture 1253 4
Engineering 4150 17
Source: University Grants Commission Sri Lanka -2018
Masters 59%
MPhil 7%
MD 7%
PG Dip 24%
PhD 3%
The most frequently used sample size for a given population is elaborated in Sekaran Bougie,
2016, accordingly incorporated table Krejcie and Morgan (1970) available in Sekaran Bougie,
2016 the sample size can be determined as 380 for cover the population 40762.
enrolment as the sampling frame for the study. The selected sampling method is multistage
cluster sampling, this is complex method of cluster sampling
Post Graduate
Students in State Level 01
Universities Proportionate
Post Graduate Sampling
Students in Higher
Education Institutes
Level 02
Western Southern Northern North Eastern Central Sabaragamuwa Eastern Uva
Province Province Province Central Province Province Province Province Province Single Stage
Province Cluster
Level 03
The post graduate students here are divided into two groups of Post graduates students in State
Universities and Post Graduate Students in Higher Education Institutes. In the multistage cluster
sampling, stratified proportionate sampling is selected as level one since the author can get the
data from University Grants Commission of Sri Lanka for the students’ enrollments in post
graduate studies in above two sections of strata. Then the proportionate representation is taken to
represent the sample size of each strata. In the level 02 single stage cluster sampling will be
taken to group the PG students of these two areas in to nine provinces of Sri Lanka to represent
the island wide participation of the study. In the next level according to the Qualification
Framework of Sri Lanka Post Graduate studies are divided in to six areas of Post Graduate
Diploma, Master Degrees, Master of Philosophy, Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Philosophy.
To represent all the areas of Post Graduate studies stratified sampling then again used but in
disproportion stratified sampling method since some of the stratums need more representation
than others (Chuan & Penyelidikan, 2006).
and degree of agreement is there it makes easier to answer the question (Barreiro & Albandoz,
2) The researcher protects the voluntary nature of the participants and right to withdraw
partially or completely from the process
3) Maintenance of the confidentiality of the data provided by the individuals of the study
and their anonymity is too protected
Acharya, A. S., Anupam , P., Pikee , S. & Nigam, . A., 2013. Sampling: Why and How of it?.
Alvi , M. H., 2016. A Manual for Selecting Sampling Techniques in Research. Munich Personal
RePEc Archive.
Bailey, C. J. & Card, K. A., 2015. Effective pedagogical practices for online teaching Perception
of experienced instructors. Internet and Higher Education, Volume 12, pp. 152-155.
Barreiro, P. L. & Albandoz, J. P., n.d. Population and sample. Sampling techniques. In: s.l.:s.n.
Brindley, J., Blaschke, L. M. & Walti, C., 2009. reating effective collaborative learning groups in
an online environment. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning,
p. 10.
Bryant, . J. & Bates, A. J., 2015. Creating a constructivist online instructional environment.
TechTrends, pp. 17-22.
Chuan , C. L. & Penyelidikan, J., 2006. SAMPLE SIZE ESTIMATION USING KREJCIE AND
Penyelidikan IPBL, pp. 78-86.
Finch, D. & Jacobs, K., 2012. Online education: Best practices to promote learning. s.l.,
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics 56th Annual Meeting. .
Garrison, D., Anderson, T. & Archer, W., 2015. Critical inquiry in a text-based environment
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