Soil Stabilization Using Coconut Coir: Presentation

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Soil stabilization using Coconut Coir

Presentation · May 2021

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36178.89284

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6 authors, including:

Ishwar Sonar Aditi Khurd

College of Engineering, Pune College of Engineering, Pune


Nitin More Vishwajeet Narnavar

College of Engineering, Pune College of Engineering, Pune


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Soil stabilization using Coconut Coir

Aditi Virupaksh Khurd 111701029

Nitin Ravindra More 111701036
Vishwajeet Vilas Narnawar 111701037
Darshana Rajendra Patil 111701041
Shruti Dilip Lokhande 111701049

Under the guidance of-

Prof. Dr. I. P. Sonar

Department of Civil Engineering

College of Engineering, Pune
Academic Year - 2020-21


“Foremost, We would like to express sincere gratitude to our

faculty Dr. I. P. Sonar as well as our principal Dr. B. B. Ahuja who gave us
the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic ‘Soil
stabilization using coconut coir’ , which also helped us in doing a lot of
research and we came to know about so many new things.

Hereby we put forward acknowledgement for the various

contribution of each individual in the group for working on their assigned
part viz. Introduction to topic, problem statement, key literature review, gap
analysis, objectives - Aditi & Darshana. Coir fiber properties, Experiments
on coir fiber – Vishwajeet & Shruti. Application of coir in Engineering,
Advantages, disadvantages, future scope – Nitin.

We would also like to thank our parents and friends who helped
us a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame.”


1. Chapter 1 General
1.1 Introduction of the topic ................................................................ 5
1.2 Problem statement ......................................................................... 6
1.3 Key literature review ..................................................................... 7
1.4 Gap analysis ................................................................................. 8
1.5 Objectives ..................................................................................... 9
2. Chapter 2 Coir fiber
2.1 Coir fiber types ............................................................................ 10
2.2 Coir fiber structure ......................................................................11
2.3 Coir geotextiles............................................................................ 15
2.4 The process involved in obtaining geotextiles from the raw
material, husk of coconut ............................................................16
3. Chapter 3 Experiment/Testing on Coir Geotextile
3.1 Determination of Tensile strength of Coir Geotextile ............... 17
3.2 Determination of Puncture strength of Coir Geotextile ..............21
3.3 Determination of frictional resistance of Coir geotextile using
Direct Shear Test ........................................................................ 26
3.4 Determination of CBR of soil with coir geotextiles .................. 32
3.5 Determination of shear parameters of cohesive soil ................. 41
4. Chapter 4 :- Applications in engineering technology
4.1 Slope stabilization .....................................................................48
4.2 Erosion control ..........................................................................49
4.3 Rainwater harvesting ................................................................. 50
4.4 Stabilization of the embankment ................................................ 51
4.5 Canal bund protection ................................................................ 51
4.6 River bank/seashore protection ..................................................52
4.7 Reinforcement ............................................................................. 53
4.8 Ground improvement ................................................................. 54
4.9 Road pavement ............................................................................ 55
4.10 Plaster ......................................................................................... 56
4.11 Roofing material ......................................................................... 57
4.12 Slabs ............................................................................................58
4.13 Wall paneling system .................................................................60
4.14 Coconut shell eco friendly house ................................................61
4.15 House construction ...................................................................... 62
4.16 Bullet proof jacket ....................................................................... 63
4.17 Motor cycle Helmet ..................................................................... 64
4.18 Car parts ...................................................................................... 65
4.19 General use .................................................................................. 66
5. Chapter 5 Advantages, Disadvantages, Conclusion and Future scope
5.1 Advantages ................................................................................... 67
5.2 Disadvantages.............................................................................. 69
5.3 Conclusion ................................................................................... 70
5.4 Future Scope ................................................................................ 70
6. References ............................................................................................. 71


1.1 Introduction of the Topic

Soils generally have low tensile and shear strength, and their
characteristics may strongly be influenced by environmental conditions (e.g.
dry versus wet). Soil reinforcement involves the incorporation of certain
materials with some desired properties into soils which lack those properties.
Therefore, soil reinforcement is defined as a technique to improve the
engineering characteristics of soil. The primary purpose of reinforcing soil
mass is to improve its stability, to increase its bearing capacity, and to reduce
settlements and lateral deformations. Initial developments in soil
reinforcement led to the use of plant roots and straws in walls made from soil
bricks to improve their mechanical properties.
Coir geotextiles are made from coconut fiber extracted from the husk of
coconut. This biodegradable and environment friendly material is virtually
irreplaceable by any of the modern synthetic substitutes.

Coir geotextiles can be easily blended with man-made fibres and

other natural fibers to get wide range of products. Its low cost makes it
attractive for geotechnical applications. The major drawback is its
biodegradability. However this very fact can be used to advantage in creating
environmental friendly applications. The potential application areas of coir
geotextile in civil engineering are erosion control, slope protection,
embankments, wasteland development, road underlays, road edge drains,
ground improvement, reinforcements etc. Studies conducted in geo-textiles
have indicated that coir is better preferred, as compared to jute or other
natural material owing to certain characteristics like durability, strength, hairy
surface, etc. It enables vegetation to take root on the applied area thus making

the bonding of the soil very strong. They are ideal for application on hill
slopes, road and rail embankments.

1.2 Problem Statement

1. Geotextiles, one among geosynthetics like geogrids, geonets, geomats,

geocomposites etc. used in civil engineering applications are polymeric.
These products have a long life and do not undergo biological
degradation, but are liable to create environmental problems in the long
2. The construction of roads imposes a heavy pressure on limited
resources like suitable earth, stone aggregates, binders etc. To gain
desired strength and sustainable development, the project becomes over
budget. In such a scenario, Coconut coir fiber may be utilized in
highway projects as a low cost alternative without compromising on

3. Black cotton soils are expansive in nature and have more problems viz.
low strength, high compatibility, swelling, shrinkage. The coir netting
gives a positive effect on embankment of road especially in low
strength soil.

4. Coir geo-textiles have been emerging as excellent

media for soil bioengineering applications in many parts of
the world in the form of Meshes, Netting, Needle Felts &
Pads, Erosion Control Blankets, Geo Rolls, Vegetation Fascines, Geo
Cushions, Geo Beds, Anti-weed Blankets and so on. It is being
extensively employed to combat a variety of environmental challenges.

1.3 Literature Review

1) ‘Improvement of local subgrade soil for road construction by the use of

coconut coir fiber’ -R.R Singh , Er. Shelly Mittal
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology
1. In this paper, the stabilizing effect of Natural fiber (coconut coir) on
soil properties has been studied.
2. An experimental study is conducted on locally available i.e. clayey soil
mixed with varying percentages of coir fiber. Soil samples for
unconfined compression strength (UCS) and California bearing ratio
(CBR) tests are prepared and percentage of coir fiber by dry weight of
soil is taken as 0.25%, 0.50%, 0.75% and 1%.
3. Test results indicate that both unsoaked and soaked CBR value of soil
increases with the increase in fiber content.
4. Adding coconut coir fiber results in less thickness of pavement due to
an increase in CBR of mix and reduces the cost of construction.
Composite effect of natural fiber changes the brittle behavior of the soil
to ductile behavior.

2) ‘Potential of Coir Fibres as Soil Reinforcement’ -Vivi Anggraini

Pertanika Journal of Scholarly Research Reviews 2016
1. This paper presents an evaluation of the alternative use of natural
cellulose coir fibres for soil reinforcement. Inserting natural fibres into
the soil has been proposed as a reinforcement method.
2. The mixing of fibres through soil composites and the methods of
mixing are well discussed in the literature.
3. Randomly distributed coir fibre reinforced soils have recently attracted
increasing attention in geotechnical engineering due to their strength.
Furthermore, there is a need to develop an innovative and sustainable

pre-treatment method to improve the effectiveness and performance of
coir fibre as soil reinforcement.

3) Case study on application of coir geotextile on soil stabilization

-Beena K.S.
1. A brief review of coir geotextiles, its potentialities, advantages, application area
has been presented here. The documented field studies in this area are very less
though thereis number of applications in this field, mainly due to the fact that
these are employed in small scale applications
2. A case study of a farm road of 1.4km long, in which the authorwas the
geotechnical consultant, is described in detail. It is observed that after 5 years of
seasonal changes and trafficusage, the road remains pucca without any damage.
3. From these it can be observed that potentialities of coirgeotextiles are very high
and is not fully utilised for theadvancement of geotechnical engineering.

1.4 GAP Analysis

Global trends indicate that the marketplace is leaning towards

natural fibre use because of various societal and economical concerns. Coir
fibre is an agro-waste by-product obtained from coconut plantations. The use
of coir as soil reinforcement is a cost-effective method of soil reinforcement
in countries like India.
Due to growing awareness to preserve the environment, use of
biodegradable natural material has gained popularity. The natural fibre, coir,
which has been used in geotextiles for the past 20 years, has already proved

its worth. While geosynthetics dominate all spheres of application, the natural
organic fibre, coir have now proved their mettle to match with geosynthetics.

Despite the many advantages, some modifications would be useful

to improve the effectiveness of coir fibres as soil reinforcement.
Modifications on its durability, mechanical strength and surface roughness
can help improve the strength of the coir fibre and soil interactions. Research
on sustainable modification of natural fibres should be developed and
continued. Furthermore, in order to understand better the bond between soil
matrix and coir fibre, a study of the microstructure is needed.

1.5 Objectives

1. To evaluate how natural cellulose coir fibers is a better alternative for

soil reinforcement.
2. To review and do detailed analysis of the characteristics, benefits,
applications and weaknesses of coir fiber as soil reinforcement.
3. To justify how it is reportedly beneficial to switch to natural,
biodegradable, environment friendly, versatile.
4. To determine the properties of Coir Geotextile viz, tensile strength and
puncture strength.
5. To determine the impact of coir geotextile on frictional resistance of
soil by Direct shear test.


Coir or coconut fiber belongs to the group of hard structural

fibers. It is an important commercial product obtained from the husk of
coconut. Coconut fiber is extracted from the outer shell of a coconut. The
common name, scientific name and plant family of coconut fiber is coir,
Cocos nucifera and Arecaceae (Palm), respectively.

2.1 Types of Coir Fiber

There are two types of coconut fibers, one distinction is based on

whether they are recovered from ripe or immature coconut husks. The husks
of fully ripened coconuts yield brown coir. Dark brown in colour, it is used
primarily in brushes, floor mats, and upholstery padding. On the other hand,
white coir comes from the husks of coconuts harvested shortly before they
ripen. Generally light brown or white in colour, this fiber is softer and less
strong than brown coir fiber.

Brown fiber extracted from matured coconuts and white fibers

extracted from immature coconuts. Brown fibers are thick, strong and have
high abrasion resistance. White fibers are smoother and finer, but also

Hence for further studies we are going to consider Brown Coconut Coir.

brown fiber white fiber

2.2 Coir Fiber Structure

a) Chemical Composition of coir

Cellulose: Cellulose is the basic structural component of all plant fibers.

Hemicellulose: Hemicellulose is made up of chains of sugars. They

comprise a group of polysaccharides (excluding pectin) bonded together in

relatively short, branching chains and remains associated with the
cellulose after lignin has been removed.

Lignin: Lignin is the compound that gives rigidity to the fiber. Natural
fibers could not attain rigidity without lignin.

Pectin: Pectin is the basic structural component of all plant fibers. The
outer cell wall is porous and consists also of pectin and other non-
structural carbohydrates. The pores of the outer skin are the prime
diffusion paths of water through the material.

Chemical composition of Coir Fiber


Lignin 45.84

Cellulose 43.44

Hemi cellulose 0.25

Pectin and related 3.00


Water soluble 5.25

b) Physical Properties of Coir Fiber

Coir fiber has the advantage of stretching beyond its elastic limit without
rupturing, as well as having the power to take up a permanent stretch.

Breaking Elongation: It is the ratio of change in length of fiber (Final

length of fiber – initial length of fiber) to the initial length of fiber before
elongation. It is expressed in percentage.

Specific Gravity: It is defined as the ratio of the density of the solid part
of a material to the density of water at 20°C.

Young’s Modulus: also called as Modulus of elasticity and is defined as

mechanical property of material to withstand the compression or
elongation with respect to its length. Young’s modulus describes the
relationship between stress (force per unit area) and strain (proportional
deformation in an object. It is measured in N/m^2 i.e Newton per square

Tenacity: It is the property of material to resist fracture under the action of

tensile load. It is measured in grams per tex, which is the force in grams
required to break a bundle of fibers one tex unit in size. A tex unit is equal
to the weight in grams of 1000 meters of fiber.

Physical properties of Coir Fiber

Property Value

Length (mm) 15 – 280

Density (g/ cc) 1.15 – l.4

Breaking elongation (%) 29.04

Diameter (mm) 0.1 -1.5

Specific gravity 1.15

Young’s modulus (GN/m2) 4.5

Tenacity (g/tex) 10.0

2.3 Coir Geotextiles

Now we can convert Coir into different fabrics. Coir in the form
of woven mesh mattings or non woven stitch bonded blankets are used in
engineering applications in the geotechnical field.

Geotextiles, one among geosynthetics like geogrids, geonets, geomats,

geocomposites etc. used in civil engineering applications are polymeric.

Geotextiles are permeable or porous fabrics, made from synthetic

materials, that are used with geotechnical material(such as soil or rock) as
an integral part of a man made product, structure or system.

Coir geotextiles are made from coconut fibre extracted from the husk of
coconut. Like other polymeric counterparts, coir geotextiles are developed
for specific application in civil engineering like erosion control, ground
improvement, filtration, drainage, river bank protection, road pavements,
slope stability etc.

2.4 The process involved in obtaining geotextiles from the raw material,
husk of coconut

1. Retting the coconut husks, which means soaking in water for 8-10
months to remove certain natural chemicals from the husk to enable proper

2. Extraction of fiber either manually or with the help of a machine.

3. Spinning of yarn.

4. Weaving to obtain the desired geotextiles.

CHAPTER 3 :- Experiment/Testing on Coir Geotextile

There is need of carrying out various experiments of the coir geotextile before its
use. This chapter explains about 5 of the essential experiments so that one can get
the sufficient knowledge of the coir and use it wisely.

Exp. No. 3.1Determination of Tensile strength of Coir Geotextile


Tensile strength is defined as the ability of a material to resist a force that

tends to pull it apart.

To determine the tensile strength of the material a CRE machine i.e.

Constant-rate-of-extension (CRE) testing machine is used in which the
machine is provided with one clamp as stationary and another clamp which
moves at a constant speed throughout the test.

Gauge length - Distance between the two effective clamping points of a

testing device.

Reference: IS1969 (Part 1): 2009 ISO 13934-1: 1999

Apparatus/Equipments: Constant-rate-of-extension (CRE) testing

machine with 2 jaws one fixed and other moving(as shown in fig), Test
specimen - Coir Geotextile, Load cell(to measure load), Dial gauge(to
measure degromation).

Principle: A fabric test specimen of specified dimensions is extended at a

constant rate until it ruptures. The maximum force and the elongation at
maximum force are recorded.

1. The test specimen size of Coir Geotextile is taken for testing is 200 mm
as width and 100mm as the gauge length
2. Entire width of 200 mm wide jute geotextile is gripped in the jaws of
CRE testing machine and it is stretched in one direction at a constant
rate of 200mm/min or 100mm/min until the specimen breaks.

3. When extending the sample, both load and deformation are to be
measured and noted.
4. A graph is plotted of Stress Vs Strain.


1. The width of the specimen should be greater than the length to avoid the
‘necking’ effect
2. Greater width reduces the contraction effect and maintains plain strain
condition throughout.
3. Perform the test on at least five test specimens of each fabric direction.


1. Gauge Length = 100mm

2. Width of specimen= 200mm
3. Rate at which material stretched= 100mm/min

Sr. No. Material : Coir Geotextile

Load(N) Elongation( Stress(N/mm Strain

mm) ^2)










Maximum tensile strength= N/mm^2

Exp. No. 3.2Determination of Puncture Strength of Coir Geotextile


Puncture strength is a measure of maximum force or energy required to

penetrate into a material.

Two types of Puncture Test:

1. Dynamic Puncture test (puncturing with Cone drop test)-it is

possible to estimate the mechanical resistance of geotextiles to the
impacts of stone aggregates during the phase of filling the position.
2. Static Puncture test (puncturing with steel piston-CBR) –it is
possible to estimate the pressure of large pieces of stone aggregates that
are imprinted into the geotextile which is laid on a soft sub-base.


1. Dynamic Puncture Test -ISO 13433:2009

2. Static Puncture Test -ISO 12236:2012


Dynamic Puncture test- CBR mould-Cylindrical mould with inside dia

150 mm and height 175 mm, Clamping rings (to hold the specimen), dial
gauge, load cell, drop cone attached to load cell.

Static Puncture test- CBR mould-Cylindrical mould with inside dia

150 mm and height 175 mm, Clamping rings (to hold the specimen), dial
gauge, load cell.

According to ASTM D4833- 8mm probes with flat edges (Used for woven
Coir geotextile).

According to ASTM D6241-50mm probes with flat edges (used for woven
Coir geotextile).

According to ASTM D6797-25 mm probes with round ball shaped ends.

(Used when non-woven Coir geotextile) .

Principle: A fabric test specimen of specified dimensions is clamped to an

empty cylinder,then a puncture rod is pushed through the specimen and
the resistance to puncture is measured in N. The maximum force and the
displacement at maximum force are recorded by plotting a graph of Force
vs Displacement.


The following Values we get from plotting the graph of Force Vs


Plunger force (F) - Force as the plunger is pushed onto and through the
specimen at a constant rate of displacement. The plunger force is
expressed in KN.

Push-through force (Fp)- Maximum plunger force recorded for each

single test. The push- through force is expressed in KN

Displacement (h)- Distance the plunger has travelled starting from a

preload of 20 N. The displacement is measured in millimetres.

Push-through displacement (hp)- Displacement at maximum recorded

force FP. The push-through displacement is measured in millimetres.

Static Puncture test (puncturing with steel piston-CBR)

Dynamic Puncture test (puncturing with Cone drop test)



1. The test specimen size of Coir Geotextile is taken for testing is 10 mm

more than the diameter of CBR mould so as to clamp the
specimen(approximately size of specimen taken should be 160mm).
2. According to ASTM D4833- 8mm probes with flat edges (Used for
woven fabric) attached to the load cell and dial gauge at one side is then
lowered into the test specimen of Coir geotextile.(For Dynamic
Puncture test only)
3. When penetrating into the specimen, both load and displacement are to
be measured and noted.
4. A graph is plotted of Force Vs Displacement.


Size of test specimen – 160mm in diameter.

Sr. No. Load Displacement(mm)

Specimen 1 Specimen 2 Specimen 3










Push-through force (Fp) = N

Push-through displacement (hp) = mm

Exp. No. 3.3 Determination of frictional resistance of Coir
geotextile usingDirect Shear Test.


Direct shear test is performed to determine the shear strength of the soil. The
test is also called as the shear box test it is split into two halves horizontally
by small clearance being maintained between the two halves of the box.

Shear strength of a soil is its maximum resistance to shearing stresses. The

shear strength is

expressed as

Where C’ = Effective cohesion

= Effective stress

= Effective angle of shearing resistance

Here the locally available soil is combined with the Coir geotextile to

determine the maximum resistance to shearing stress.

Apparatus/Equipments: Shear box, Shear box container, Base plate with

cross groves on its top, Porous stones (2 Nos),Plain Grid plates
(2Nos),Perforated grid plates (2Nos),Loading pad with steel ball, Loading
frame with loading yoke, Proving ring, Dial gauge, Weights, Tampering Rod,
Spatula, Rammer, Sampler

Principle: In the shear box, the upper half filled with soil is moved
horizontally relative to the lower half at a constant rate of displacement. The
maximum horizontal force required to move the top half is used to calculate
maximum horizontal shear stress by dividing it by the specimen area.


1. Take a locally available soil sample and is filled into the Direct shear
box of dimension 60 mm x 60 mm in plan and the thickness of the box
is about 50 mm while the thickness of soil sample should be 25mm.
2. Above the bottom plate, Place the porous stone and above it place the
grid plate. Plain grid plates are used for undrained conditions while
perforated grid plates are used for drained conditions.
3. After that place the Coir geotextile in between the two plates such that
the soil specimen is located in the upper part of the box. If sandy soil is
using, place it layers wise and tamper each layer to get the required
4. Above the soil specimen, place the upper grid plate, porous stone and
loading pad one above the other.

5. Now the whole box is placed in a container and mounted on the loading
6. Proving ring is arranged in such a way that it should contact the upper
half of the shear box.
7. Dial gauges are fitted one to the container for measuring shear
8. One half of the box is fixed and the other half is pushed. A vertical load
is applied to the specimen through a static weight hanger and the soil is
sheared gradually by applying horizontal force which causes half of the
box move relative to each other.
9. The shear is applied normally at a constant rate of strain.
10. Now the box starts reacting to loads applied and for every 30
seconds note down the readings of proving ring and dial gauges.
11. If the proving ring reaches maximum and suddenly drops it,
means the specimen is failed. Note down the maximum value which is
nothing but failure stress.
12. Repeat the procedure on 3 specimens each subjected to different
vertical loads i.e. By changing the normal stress.
13. Normal stress and shear stress is calculated by dividing the normal
force and shear force by the nominal area of the specimen.
14. A graph of shear stress Vs normal stress is plotted.


1. Size of the box =

2. Area of the box =
3. Thickness of specimen =

Specimen No. Normal Stress Shear Stress at
(N/mm^2) failure(N/mm^2)






Plot a graph between normal stress and shear stress by taking normal stress
on abscissa and shear stress at failure on ordinate.

From the graph

cohesion intercept (c’) =

angle of shearing resistance ( )=

shear strength (s)= =


Shear strength of the soil is = N/mm2

Exp. No. 3.4 Determination of CBR of soil with coir geotextiles.

Theory :
The california bearing ratio test is a penetration test meant for the evaluation
of subgrade strength of roads and pavements.
The results obtained by these tests are used with the empirical curves to
determine the thickness of pavement and its component layers. This is the
most widely used method for the design of flexible pavement.

Reference Standards:
IS: 2720(Part 16)-1973- Methods of test for soils: Laboratory
determination of CBR.

1. Cylindrical mould with inside dia 150 mm and height 175 mm,
provided with a detachable extension collar 50 mm height and a
detachable perforated base plate 10 mm thick.
2. Spacer disc 148 mm in dia and 47.7 mm in height along with handle.
3. Metal rammers. Weight 2.6 kg with a drop of 310 mm (or) weight 4.89
kg a drop 450 mm.
4. Weights. One annular metal weight and several slotted weights
weighing 2.5 kg each, 147 mm in dia, with a central hole 53 mm in
5. Loading machine. With a capacity of at least 5000 kg and equipped
with a movable head or base that travels at an uniform rate of 1.25
mm/min. Complete with load indicating device.
6. Metal penetration piston 50 mm dia and minimum of 100 mm in length.
7. Two dial gauges reading to 0.01 mm.
8. Sieves. 4.75 mm and 20 mm I.S. Sieves.
9. Miscellaneous apparatus, such as a mixing bowl, straight edge, scales
soaking tank or pan, drying oven, filter paper and containers.


It is the ratio of force per unit area required to penetrate a soil mass with
standard circular piston at the rate of 1.25 mm/min to that required for the
corresponding penetration of a standard material.

C.B.R. = Test load/Standard load * 100

The following table-Table 1 gives the standard loads adopted for different
penetrations for the standard material with a C.B.R. value of 100%

Penetration of plunger (mm) Standard load (kg)

2.5 1370
5.0 2055
7.5 2630
10.0 3180
12.5 3600

Preparation of Sample:
The test is to be performed using coir fibers and coir geotextiles for three
samples each.
1. The subgrade is to be prepared in the CBR mould of internal diameter
150mm and height (H) 175mm, by compacting up to 0.8H, to its
Modified Proctor density and optimum moisture content.
2. The control specimen is the soil sample without coir geotextiles and a
reinforced sample is the sample with coir geotextiles.
3. The coir geotextiles are placed at ¼ th, ½ th, ¾ th and top position from
bottom of the soil sample.

I. Compaction by Static Method
1. Calculate the weight of the wet soil at the required water content to give
the desired density when occupying the standard specimen volume in
the mould from the expression.

W =desired dry density * (1+w) V

Where W = Weight of the wet soil

w = desired water content
V = volume of the specimen in the mould = 2250 cm3 (as per the
mould available in laboratory)
2. Take the weight W (calculated as above) of the mix soil and place it in
the mould.
3. Place a filter paper and the displacer disc on the top of soil.
4. Keep the mould assembly in a static loading frame and compact by
pressing the displacer disc till the level of disc reaches the top of the
5. Keep the load for some time and then release the load. Remove the
displacer disc.
6. The test may be conducted for both soaked as well as unsoaked
7. If the sample is to be soaked, in both cases of compaction, put a filter
paper on the top of the soil and place the adjustable stem and perforated
plate on the top of filter paper.
8. Put annular weights to produce a surcharge equal to weight of base
material and pavement expected in actual construction. Each 2.5 kg
weight is equivalent to 7 cm construction. A minimum of two weights
should be put.
9. Immerse the mould assembly and weights in a tank of water and soak it
for 96 hours. Remove the mould from the tank.

10. Note the consolidation of the specimen.

II. Compaction by Dynamic Method

1. Take about 4.5 to 5.5 kg of soil and mix thoroughly with the required
2. Fix the extension collar and the base plate to the mould. Insert the
spacer disc over the base. Place the filter paper on the top of the spacer
3. Compact the mix soil in the mould using either light compaction or
heavy compaction. For light compaction, compact the soil in 3 equal
layers, each layer being given 55 blows by the 2.6 kg rammer. For
heavy compaction compact the soil in 5 layers, 56 blows to each layer
by the 4.89 kg rammer.
4. Remove the collar and trim off soil.
5. Turn the mould upside down and remove the base plate and the
displacer disc.
6. Weigh the mould with compacted soil and determine the bulk density
and dry density.
7. Put filter paper on the top of the compacted soil (collar side) and clamp
the perforated base plate on to it.

1. The mould containing the specimen with the base plate in position but
the top face exposed is placed on the lower plate of the testing machine.
2. Surcharge weights, sufficient to produce an intensity of loading equal to
the weight of the base material and pavement is placed on the specimen.
3. To prevent upheaval of soil into the hole of the surcharge weights, 2.5
kg annular weight is placed on the soil surface prior to seating the
penetration plunger after which the remainder of the surcharge weight is

4. The plunger is to be seated under a load of 4 kg so that full contact is
established between the surface of the specimen and the plunger.
5. The stress and strain gauges are then set to zero. Load is applied to the
penetration plunger so that the penetration is approximately 1.25 mm
per minute.
6. Readings of the load are taken at penetrations of 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0,
2.5, 4.0, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 and 12.5 mm.
7. The plunger is then raised and the mould detached from the loading

Procedure for Penetration Test
1. Place the mould assembly with the surcharge weights on the penetration
test machine.
2. Seat the penetration piston at the center of the specimen with the
smallest possible load, but in no case in excess of 4 kg so that full
contact of the piston on the sample is established.
3. Set the stress and strain dial gauge to read zero. Apply the load on the
piston so that the penetration rate is about 1.25 mm/min.
4. Record the load readings at penetrations of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0,
4.0, 5.0, 7.5, 10 and 12.5 mm. Note the maximum load and
corresponding penetration if it occurs for a penetration less than 12.5
5. Detach the mould from the loading equipment. Take about 20 to 50 g of
soil from the top 3 cm layer and determine the moisture content.
6. Repeat the steps with reinforced soil sample.

Observation and Recording
● For Dynamic Compaction
Optimum water content (%) =
Weight of mould + compacted specimen g =
Weight of empty mould g =
Weight of compacted specimen g =
Volume of specimen cm3 =
Bulk density g/cc =
Dry density g/cc =

● For static compaction

Dry density g/cc =
Moulding water content % =
Wet weight of the compacted soil, (W)g =
Period of soaking 96 hrs. (4days). =

● For penetration Test

Calibration factor of the proving ring 1
Div. = 1.176 kg
Surcharge weight used (kg) 2.0
kg per 6 cm construction
Water content after penetration test %
Least count of penetration dial 1
Div. = 0.01 mm

If the initial portion of the curve is concave upwards, apply correction by

drawing a tangent to the curve at the point of greatest slope and shift the
origin. Find and record the correct load reading corresponding to each

C.B.R. = (PT/PS )*100

-where PT = Corrected test load corresponding to the chosen penetration

from the load penetration curve.

PS = Standard load for the same penetration taken from the Table 1.

Penetration Dial Load Dial Corrected

Readings Penetration( Proving ring Load (kg)
mm) reading

C.B.R. of specimen at 2.5 mm penetration =

C.B.R. of specimen at 5.0 mm penetration =

C.B.R. of specimen at 2.5 mm penetration =


Draw the graphs between the penetration and penetration load and find the
value of CBR.

CBR from graph =

1. The C.B.R. values are usually calculated for penetration of 2.5 mm and
5 mm. Generally the C.B.R. value at 2.5 mm will be greater that at 5
mm and in such a case/the former shall be taken as C.B.R. for design
2. If C.B.R. for 5 mm exceeds that for 2.5 mm, the test should be repeated.
3. If identical results follow, the C.B.R. corresponding to 5 mm
penetration should be taken for design.

Exp. No. 3.5 Determination of shear parameters of cohesive soil

An Unconfined compression test is also known as uniaxial compression tests,
is a special case of a triaxial test, where the confining pressure is zero. UC
test does not require the sophisticated triaxial setup and is simpler and
quicker test to perform as compared to triaxial test. In this test, a cylinder of
soil without lateral support is tested to failure in simple compression, at a
constant rate of strain. The compressive load per unit area required to fail the
specimen as called unconfined compressive strength of the soil.

Need and Scope:

It is not always possible to conduct the bearing capacity test in the field.
Sometimes it is cheaper to take the undisturbed
soil sample and test its strength in the laboratory. Also to choose the best
material for the embankment, one has to
conduct strength tests on the samples selected. Under these conditions it is
easy to perform the unconfined compression
test on undisturbed and remolded soil sample. Now we will investigate
experimentally the strength of a given soil

5. Loading frame of capacity of 2T, with constant rate of movement. What
is the least count of the dial gauge attached to the proving ring!
6. Proving ring of 0.01 kg sensitivity for soft soils; 0.05 kg for stiff soils.
7. Soil trimmer.
8. Frictionless end plates of 75 mm diameter (Perspex plate with silicon
grease coating).

9. Evaporating dish (Aluminum container).
10. Soil sample of 75 mm length.
11. Dial gauge (0.01 mm accuracy).
12. Balance of capacity 200 g and sensitivity to weigh 0.01 g.
13. Oven, thermostatically controlled with interior of non-
corroding material to maintain the temperature at the desired level.
What is therange of the temperature used for drying the soil !
14. Sample extractor and split sampler.
15. Dial gauge (sensitivity 0.01mm).
16. Vernier calipers

Experimental Procedure(Specimen)
In this test, a cylinder of soil without lateral support is tested to failure in
simple compression, at a constant rate of strain. The compressive load per
unit area required to fail the specimen as called Unconfined compressive
strength of the soil.

Preparation of specimen for testing

A. Undisturbed specimen
1. Note down the sample number, bore hole number and the depth at
which the sample was taken.
2. Remove the protective cover (paraffin wax) from the sampling tube.
3. Place the sampling tube extractor and push the plunger till a small
length of sample moves out.
4. Trim the projected sample using a wire saw.
5. Again push the plunger of the extractor till a 75 mm long sample comes
6. Cut out this sample carefully and hold it on the split sampler so that it
does not fall.

7. Take about 10 to 15 g of soil from the tube for water content
8. Note the container number and take the net weight of the sample and
the container.
9. Measure the diameter at the top, middle, and the bottom of the sample
and find the average and record the same.
10. Measure the length of the sample and record.
Find the weight of the sample and record.

B. Moulded sample
1. For the desired water content and the dry density, calculate the weight
of the dry soil Ws required for preparing a specimen of 3.8 cm diameter
and 7.5 cm long.

2. Add required quantity of water Ww to this soil.

WW = WS * W/100 gm
3. Mix the soil thoroughly with water.
4. Place the wet soil in a tight thick polythene bag in a humidity chamber
and place the soil in a constant volume mould, having an internal height
of 7.5 cm and internal diameter of 3.8 cm.
5. After 24 hours take the soil from the humidity chamber and place the
soil in a constant volume mould, having an internal height of 7.5 cm
and internal diameter of 3.8 cm.
6. The coir geotextiles are placed at ¼ th, ½ th, ¾ th and top position from
bottom of the soil sample.
7. Place the lubricated moulded with plungers in position in the load
8. Apply the compressive load till the specimen is compacted to a height
of 7.5 cm.
9. Eject the specimen from the constant volume mould.

10. Record the correct height, weight and diameter of the specimen.

Test procedure
1. Take two frictionless bearing plates of 75 mm diameter.
2. Place the specimen on the base plate of the load frame (sandwiched
between the end plates).
3. Place a hardened steel ball on the bearing plate.
4. Adjust the center line of the specimen such that the proving ring and the
steel ball are in the same line.
5. Fix a dial gauge to measure the vertical compression of the specimen.
6. Adjust the gear position on the load frame to give suitable vertical
7. Start applying the load and record the readings of the proving ring dial
and compression dial for every 5 mm compression.
8. Continue loading till failure is complete.
9. Draw the sketch of the failure pattern in the specimen.

Sample details
Type UD/R : soil description

Specific gravity (GS) 2.71 Bulk density :

Water content : Degree of saturation : .%

Diameter (Do) of the sample : cm Area of cross-section =

Initial length (Lo) of the sample = 76 mm

Elapsed Compressi Strain Area A Proving Axial Compressi

time on dial (ΔL / Ao /(1-e) ring load ve stress
(minute reading Lo)* 100 (cm)2 reading (kg) (kg/cm2)
s) (L) (mm) (%) (Divns.)

1. Axial stress = (Proving ring reading x Proving ring constant) / Acorr
2. Acorr= A0/ (1-ε); A0 is initial cross-sectional area of the soil specimen, ε
is the axial strain at that point of loading.
3. Maximum axial stress is obtained, which is also considered to be the
failure point of the specimen.
4. Repeat the test 3 times.
5. Find the average value of maximum axial stress obtained in all three
UC tests.

6. Unconfined compression strength of the soil, qu = average value of
maximum axial stress of three tests
7. Shear strength of the soil (cohesion, c) = qu/2
8. Sensitivity = (qu for undisturbed sample)/ (qu for remoulded sample).

Result :
Unconfined compression strength of the soil = qu =

Shear strength of the soil = qu/2 =

Sensitivity = .

Note :
● Minimum three samples should be tested; correlation can be made
between unconfined strength and field SPT value.
● Up to 6% strain the readings may be taken at every 1/2 min (30 sec).
● UC test is recommended for cohesive soils, or which can stand without
lateral support.


4.1 Slope stabilization

Coir erosion fabrics provide firm support on slopes and unlike other
natural fiber alternatives like cotton or jute, do not degrade until 5 years.
They have the necessary strength and come in a number of forms such as
matting, rolls and logs and are used for soil stabilization. Coconut fiber finds
applications in slope stabilization in railway cutting and embankments,
protection of water courses, reinforcement of temporary walls and rural
unpaved roads, providing a sub base layer in road pavements, land
reclamation and filtration in road drains, containment of soil and concrete as
temporary seeding etc, highway cut and fill slopes, control of gully erosion
and shallow mass waste.

4.2 Erosion Control

The destructive effect of rain increases with the steepness of the slope of the
surface. The rate of detachment of soil particles and its transportation
depends on the erodability of the soil and the kinetic energy of rain drops.
Wind too causes such erosion. Geotextiles are used extensively in erosion
control works. The ultimate objective of it is to establish a dense network of
root system and vegetable cover. The high tensile strength of coir fibers
protects steep surfaces from heavy flows and debris movement. Geotextiles
are permeable textile fabrics used to prevent the soil from migrating, while
maintaining the water flow.

4.3 Rainwater Harvesting

In a rain shadow area behind the kambam region of Tamilnadu, rainfall

is low compared to other parts of Kerala. However the intensity of rain is
very heavy causing severe erosion. The soil profile consists of sandy silt for a
depth of 1.25m followed by disintegrated rock. Owing to the terrain and the
soil type, the rainwater is being lost, water percolation to the ground is very
less. Rainwater is disposed off through wide and deep gullies to the nearby
streams and thus avoids percolation. This leads to scarcity of ground water in
this region due to which no bushes or even shrubs grow here. Here, gullies
are plugged using coir geotextiles as in figure below to improve percolation
of water to the ground.

4.4 Stabilization of embankment

In the picture below, the embankment material was spread over

the geotextile blanket and compacted in layers. This construction is very
effective in reducing the time for settlement

4.5 Canal Bund Protection

In the left bank main canal of Muvattupuzha Valley Irrigation Project near
M.C.Road crossing between Muvattupuzha and Koothatukulam, the stretch
of canal bund at 2320 km was one of the most highly eroded portions due to
high stream velocity during rainy seasons. Here turfing grass protection for
stability of the bund was found unsuccessful. The soil was found acidic with
pH value 4.3. Since no other protection was effective, geotextiles were used
for the bund with lemon grass (roots 45 cm long and leaves 1m) was found to
be the choice of vegetation and the coir fabric was very conducive to its

growth. It was assumed that complete degradation will take place in 5 years.
It was very successful in the control of erosion.

4.6 River Bank Protection/Seashore Protection

The problem is to maintain the alignment by prevention of erosion of a

river bank due to flooding and sea shore due to wave/tidal action. There is
need to provide energy dissipation of the wave force without removal of
concrete blocks as seen in figure below. The provision of geotextiles can be
used successfully for this purpose and the excess pore water on receding of
waves can be removed without washing out the soil. In river banks the
planting of a suitable fabric within the soil permit easy flow of water without

the removal of soil particles as also induces vegetation growth on the

4.7 Reinforcement

The tensile strength of coir netting and the friction between coir and the
soil are the properties which help in its applications in slope stability
problems. Different layers of fill material can be wrapped around and coir
netting act as reinforcement for the earth fill and will not allow any shear
force to develop. This allows greater heights of fills to be built than would
otherwise be possible.

4.8 Road Pavements

In road pavements, unsatisfactory performance of roads is due to

poor quality of subgrade, improper drainage, insufficient thickness and
inferior quality of pavement. All these factors can be mitigated by placing the
closely knitted geotextile on the weak subgrade between the subgrade and the
sub base, thus preventing intermingling of the soils and the granular sub base
and improves drainage, thereby the sub grade stiffens and become stronger on
consolidation, due to self weight of pavement above, construction rolling and
traffic loads thus increase the strength of the pavement.

4.9 Ground Improvement

Coir geotextiles used for ground improvement will help to undergo ground
deformation without rupture and slip. Le Meridian Hotel in Cochin was
constructed on a developed marshy land near one of the canals in Cochin
region. Original paddy field was developed by ground improvement methods
using hard murrum in layers of 15 cm thick for a height of 1.5 to 2 m. As in
the picture below, coir geotextiles has been used in the approach road to the
hotel, composite coir geotextiles having polypropylene net on top and bottom
reinforced with woven coir at bottom was used above the compacted murrum
as a drainage layer. It is intended to carry away the water from the medians to
the open drains provided on either side of the road. Composite coir geotextile
was taken below the road as well as the median and ends on either side to the
open drains. Above the geotextiles, 300 mm thick macadam compacted in
layers and M15 concrete 20 mm thick over the above macadam was used for
the pavement and the road pavement is functioning effectively since then.
Tests conducted showed that natural fibre like cotton degrades in six weeks,
jute in eight weeks, coir still retained 20% of its strength even after one year.
Coir geotextiles are used extensively in various applications successfully in
various countries. Coir industry in India supports around half a million people
belonging to weaker sections in the rural population. Wide use of this
material will be a promise to the coir industry. The Kerala State Coir
Corporation Ltd. Kerala and the coir are implementing agencies.

4.10 Plaster

John et al. (2005) studied the coir fibre reinforced low alkaline cement taken
from the internal and external walls of a 12 year old house. The panel of the
house were produced using 1:1.5:0.504 (binder: sand: water, by mass) mortar
reinforced with 2% of coconut fibres by volume. Fibres removed from the old
samples were reported to be undamaged. No significant difference was found
in the lignin content of fibres removed from external and those removed from
internal walls.

4.11 Roofing material

Research 1: Cook et al. (1978) reported the use of randomly distributed coir
fibre reinforced cement composites as low cost materials for roofing. The
studied parameters were fibre lengths (2.5 cm, 3.75 cm and 6.35 cm), fibre
volumes (2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 and 15%) and casting pressure (from 1 to 2 MPa with
an increment of 0.33 MPa). Different properties like bending, impact,
shrinkage, water absorption, permeability and fire resistance were
investigated. They concluded that the optimum composite was a composite
with a fibre length of 3.75 cm, a fibre volume fraction of 7.5 % and cast at
pressure of 1.67 MPa. Cost comparison revealed that this composite was
substantially cheaper than the locally available roofing materials.

Research 2: Agopyan et al. (2005) studied coir and sisal fibres as

replacement for asbestos in roofing tiles. Coir fibres were more suitable
among studied fibres.

4.12 Slabs

Research 1: Paramasivam et al. (1984) conducted a feasibility study of

making coir fibre reinforced corrugated slabs for use in low cost housing
particularly for developing countries. They gave recommendations for the
production of coconut fibre reinforced corrugated slabs along with casting
technique. Tests for flexural strength, thermal and acoustic properties were
performed. For producing required slabs having a flexural strength of 22
MPa, a volume fraction of 3 %, a fibre length of 2.5 cm and a casting
pressure of 0.15 MPa (1.5 atmosphere) were recommended. The thermal
conductivity and sound absorption coefficient for low frequency were
comparable with those of locally available asbestos boards

Research 2: Ramakrishna and Sandararajan (2005b) performed the

experimental investigations of the resistance to impact loading were carried
out on cement sand mortar (1:3) slabs. The slab specimens (300 mm x 300
mm x 20 mm) were reinforced with natural fibres (coconut, sisal, jute and
hibiscus cannabinus fibres) having four different fibre contents (0.5, 1.0, 1.5
and 2.5% by weight of cement) and three fibre lengths (20, 30 and 40 mm). A
fibre content of 2% and a fibre length of 40mm of coconut fibres showed best
performance by absorbing 253.5J impact energy among all tested fibres. All
fibres, except coconut fibres, showed fibre fracture, at ultimate failure where
as coconut fibre showed fibre pull out failure.

Research 3: Li et al. (2007) studied fibre volume fraction and fibre surface
treatment with a wetting agent for coir mesh reinforced mortar using
nonwoven coir mesh matting. They performed a fourpoint bending test on a
slab specimen. They concluded that cementitious composites, reinforced by

three layers of coir mesh (with a low fibre content of 1.8 %) resulted in a 40
% improvement in the maximum flexural stress, were 25 times stronger in
flexural toughness, and about 20 times higher in flexural ductility. Boards
Asasutjarit et al. (2007) determined the physical, mechanical and thermal
properties of coconut coir-based light weight cement board after 28 days of
hydration. The parameters studied were fibre length, coir pre-treatment and
mixture ratio. Boiled and washed fibres with 6cm fibre length gave better
results. On the other hand, optimum mixture ratio by weight for cement:
fibre: water was 2:1: 2. Also, tested board had lower thermal conductivity
than commercial flake board composite

4.13 Wall paneling system

Mohammad Hisbany Bin Mohammad Hashim (2005) tested wall panels

made of gypsum and cement as binder and coconut fiber as the
reinforcement. Bending strength, compressive strength, moisture content,
density, and absorption were investigated. Coconut fibres did not contribute
to bending strength of the tested wall panels. Compressive strength increased
with the addition of coconut fibres, but the compressive strength decreased
with an increase in water content and density was increased. There was no
significant change of moisture content with coconut fibres. However,
moisture content increased with time. There was also no significant effect to
water absorption on increasing coconut fibre content.

4.14 Coconut shell eco friendly house

In a bid to develop an inexpensive housing solution, Mumbai-based

marketing professional Manish Advani and architect Jayneel Trivedi, have
constructed a house made from coconut shells, costing only Rs 15,000. We
look at the advantages that this eco-friendly house offers

4.15 House construction

Some researchers (Luisito J Peñamora, Neil J Melencion and RolendioN

Palomar - 2005) of PCA-Zamboanga Research Center, San Ramon,
Zamboanga city invented coconut fibre boards (CFB) for different
applications as shown in Figure. According to them, CFB can replace
construction materials such as tiles, bricks, plywood, and asbestos and
cement hollow blocks. It is used for internal and exterior walls, partitions and
ceiling. It can also be used as a component in the fabrication of furniture,
cabinets, boxes and vases, among others.


4.16 Bullet proof vest

Yuhazri, M.Y. and Dan, M.M.P. developed a unique bullet proof vest made
of coconut fibre, which provides all the protection that can be found in a
regular vest. It is not only economical but also lighter. A normal bullet-proof
vest costs about RM 16, 000/- and weighs 9 kg, but this vest is only 3 kg and
cost RM 2, 000/-. The test proved that the vest was capable of stopping 9mm
caliber bullets at a 5 m range. Yuhazri, M.Y. and Dan, M.M.P. (2008) also
tested high impact hybrid composite material with coconut fibres as
reinforcement for ballistic armor, and satisfactory results were reported.

4.17 Motorcycle helmet

Yuhazri, M.Y. and Dan, M.M.P. (2007) utilized coconut fibres in the
manufacturing of motor cycle helmet. They used epoxy resins from thermo
set polymer as the matrix materials and coconut fibres as the reinforcement.
After the development of helmet shells fabrication method, mechanical
testing (dynamic penetration) was performed on this composite material to
determine its performance. The result in the mechanical performance showed
that coconut fibres performed well as a suitable reinforcement to the epoxy
resin matrix.

4.18 Car parts

A team of Baylor University researchers is trying to develop a

technology to use coconut fiber as a replacement for synthetic polyester
fibers in compression molded composites. Their aim is to use the coconut
fibers to make trunk liners, floorboards and interior door covers on cars.

4.19 General use

Apart from applications in engineering, coconut fibres are also used in yarn,
ropes, mats, mattresses, brushes, sacking, caulking boats, rugs, geo-textiles,
insulation panels and packaging.


1.1 Advantages

1. Unlike rockwool, the coconut fibers are non-irritating which makes it

positively blissful to work with.
2. It is a naturally occurring fiber, which many growers favor over
manmade materials.
3. Using coconut fiber doesn't add to the waste stream, but rather diverts it
from the waste stream of the coconut milk processing.
4. It can compress like rockwool, but offers a looser weave that can be
torn apart, fluffed up, or compressed as needed.
5. It offers good water and air movement.
6. It can be packed tight enough to provide support for all but the smallest
seedlings, yet larger seeds will find easy sprouting conditions.
7. It can be purchased at many home improvement stores or gardening
centers, even those that have no other hydroponic products in stock.
8. It can be safely composted after use, or will simply slowly degrade
9. Best of all, it is sold in many forms, so any given grower can easily find
the form which works best for his/her particular circumstances.
10. Bricks ship cheaply and store really well, while loose bags have
alreadybeen partially rehydrated and even conditioned with additional
perlite or

other amendments. The expansion rate for bricks is amazing - a single
brick will expand to fill a wheelbarrow. Just add water and wait.
11. One odd feature is that if you wanted something of a hybrid
operation, where plants are started in hydroponic situations then planted
out in soillater, this is one of the few growing media that gracefully
allows that transfer.
12. It is resistant to salt water and it doesn’t sink. Thus, it is used to
makefishing nets and marine ropes.
13. It is very strong and nearly impervious to the weather. An
important endproduct is agricultural twine, such as used by hops
growers in the US totie their vines to support poles, as well as in the
construction of those familiar outdoor doormats.
14. It is very durable with the ability to hold water, as well as the
fact it isbiodegradable, makes it important in the production of
15. These are covers for bare soil laid down to control erosion
and topromote the growth of protective ground covers.
16. Their hairy texture helps hold the seeds and soil. It can provide
goodsoil support for up to 3 years.
17. These geotextiles resist sunlight, facilitate seed germination, and
are 100% bio-degradable with a slow rate of degradation, allowing
them tolast for several years on the ground.
18. The ability of coir (and sisal natural fiber as well) to store up to
about 30 percent humidity in a room and discharge it if there is not
enough,allows these fibers to act as climate control in a room.

19. It is used as a substitute for processed synthetic rubber in the
upholsteryindustry and is also often combined with natural rubber for
filling upholstery.
20. It is used for insulation in panels and cold storage.
21. Coir Ply is a new product used as a substitute or alternative to
plywood.It has a high degree of surface abrasion resistance and resists
contraction and expansion due to variations in temperatures.

1.2 Disadvantages

1. While providing a woven texture like rock wool, it is not so tightly

woven so it tends to dry out faster.
2. The natural fibers will break down faster than just about any other
growing medium, so you will be replacing it at least once a year,
possibly more frequently.
3. It is slightly acidic and it does react with nutrient solutions, so you will
have to monitor pH and adjust accordingly.
4. It will also slowly but regularly shed small dander-like pieces which
can clog irrigation and drainage lines, so filtration of that material
becomes very important very quickly.
5. Thanks to its relatively fast degradation, it cannot realistically be
6. Coir is an allergen. It is often infused with latex or other allergenic
materials during its treatment.

7. The waste material from the processing of coconuts to coir is called coir
dust or pith. It makes up about 2/3 of the coconut pulp while the coir
fibers account for approximately 1/3. It takes the coir dust 20 years to
decompose. Piles consisting of millions of tons used to sit in India and
Sri Lanka

1.3 Conclusion

1. From experiments conducted above Coconut Coir is a good alternative

that can be used for soil stabilization.
2. Coconut coir is biodegradable and has less durability but that can be
improved by coating the surface of coir by bitumen material.

3. Detailed analysis of the characteristics, benefits, applications and

weaknesses of coir fiber as soil reinforcement is reviewed
4. How it is reportedly beneficial to switch to natural, biodegradable,
environment friendly, versatile is justified.
5. The properties of Coir Geotextile viz, tensile strength and puncture
strength are determined.
6. This manual can used as the reference material to the one
interested to work in the field of coconut coir as a soil stabilization

1.4 Future scope

1. In order to increase the life of Coconut coir, treating the coir with
Bitumen, copper based chemicals, phenol and some other patented
chemical compounds.
2. Use of coconut coir in Concrete Structures to increase its strength.
3. Installation methods of Coconut coir for various civil engineering


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2. Basic & Applied Soil Mechanics – Gopal Ranjan, A.S. Rao

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3. Cook, D. J., Pama, R. P., and Weerasingle, H. L. S. D. (1978).
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Building and Environment, 13(3), 193-198.

4. Dynamic Puncture Test -ISO 13433:2009

5. IS1969 (Part 1): 2009 ISO 13934-1: 1999
6. John, V. M., Cincotto, M. A., Sjostrom, C., Agopyan, V., and
Oliveira, C. T. A. (2005). "Durability of slag mortar reinforced
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7. Li, Z., Wang, L., and Wang, X. (2006). "Flexural characteristics
of coir fiber reinforced cementitious composites”. Fibers and
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8. Ramakrishna, G., and Sundararajan, T. (2005a). "Studies on the

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the strength of mortar." Cement and Concrete Composites, 27(5),
9. Slate, F. O. (1976). "Coconut Fibers In Concrete." Eng J
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10. Soil Mechanics and Foundation – B.C. Punmia

11. Static Puncture Test -ISO 12236:2012
12. Yuhazri M.Y., and Dan M.M.P., (2007) Helmet Shell Using
Coconut Fibre (Deco-Helmet). Journal of Advanced
Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 1 (No. 1). pp. 23-30. ISSN
1985- 3157.


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