Automotive: Ultrasonic Welding Technology

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Ultrasonic welding technology.
For the automotive industry.
Plastic materials have gained more and more importance Herrmann Ultrasonic is a world-leading company in the
in the manufacturing of vehicles. The requirements for plastic field of ultrasonic welding. For our customers, we assume
components, with respect to visual appearance, geometry, the role of both consultants and application problem solvers
function, and material properties have become increasingly with regard to the ultrasonic joining of plastic materials.
demanding. Plastics have advanced to become modern, In addition to leading-technology products, we provide
top-performing materials. Amorphous and semi crystalline excellent, in depth application services for solving joining
plastics are increasingly being combined with a large tasks, particularly taking into account the qualitative and
variety of other materials. The shorter life cycles and reduced economic aspects.
development time of products require continuous syn-
chronization to successfully meet production start-ups in
a timely manner.
Acoustic absorbers
Battery management / terminal
Indicating instruments
Decorative trims
Wire harness
Lithium-ion batteries
04 | 05 Herrmann Ultraschall  |  Ultrasonic Welding Technology – AUTOMOTIVE

Ultrasonic welding of automotive components.

As unique as the product itself.

Engine compartment

Prismatic / Hard case

Interior components

Optimized solutions.
For your specific requirements.
Nowadays, the requirements of components for the The ultrasonic components and systems, along with
automotive industry have become increasingly complex: application laboratories and technical application orien-
Tightness, strength, accurate dimensions, and the ted experts, provide the basis for efficient, high quality
impeccable visual appearance of surfaces are typical production processes. A high degree of product safety
quality criteria. In order to ensure cost effective manu- and reproducibility, as well as the selection of available
facturing with low energy requirements, short process weld process parameters, ensure the highest compo-
cycles and avoidance of rejects are key aspects. nent finish quality. Herrmann Ultrasonic provides ideal
solutions for maximum flexibility in production – from
small volume assembly all the way to fully automated
production processes.
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Exterior components

Functional components

Typical product requirements.

Possible with technology from Herrmann Ultrasonic.

High strength
Surfaces free of print marks
Reliable functionality of components
100% tightness
Dimensional accuracy (clearance)
Low overall component stress
06 | 07 Herrmann Ultraschall  |  Ultrasonic Welding Technology – AUTOMOTIVE

Avoiding risks – increasing security.

Through common development of components.
Experienced technical application-related consulting and development process support by Herrmann
Ultrasonic, prevents unnecessary expenses and reduces the overall R&D period. The period between pro-
duct development and product marketing provides valuable time savings and reduces the "Time to Market".

Advantage through efficiency. With competent industrial knowledge and experience.

Long-term experience by Herrmann Ultrasonic, with respect Reduction of repetitive and expensive modifications
to the joining of plastic components in the automotive and optimization loops for injection-molding tools
sector, is an important success factor in component and dies
development. Early introduction of Herrmann Ultrasonic Reliable feasibility studies using test tools, including
specialists in the product design stage reduces experimen- process documentation
tal processes and costs. Early definition of process parameters and
implementation into series production
Data base-supported experience from more than Support for validation of the weld process
10,000 successful applications Pre-series production by means of contract welding
Increase of overall component quality through Consistent weld processes can be reproduced
optimum component design across multiple production facilities worldwide
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Highly efficient.
With technical application-oriented consulting.
Short development periods are a crucial competitive advantage. By utilizing ultrasonic welding
technologies from Herrmann Ultrasonic, break-even points can be met earlier and the required
profit range can be reached sooner.

With Herrmann development engineering Without Herrmann development engineering


Profit progress


Time savings

Production start Break-even-point

Environment-friendly and energy efficient

Ultrasonic welding technology is considered an environment-friendly technology. In
comparison with other thermal joining processes, its overall energy footprint is reduced by
75 %. This is due to power only being drawn during the actual weld time.

Properties and advantages

Very low energy required due to optimum efficiency
Energy is focused specifically in the area to be joined and only during the actual weld
Efficient use of energy due to ultrasonics not requiring a preheating or stand by cycle
No power dissipation through heat radiation as with typical thermal processes
08 | 09 Herrmann Ultraschall  |  Ultrasonic Welding Technology – AUTOMOTIVE

Highest welding quality.

For exterior and interior components.

Welding of daytime running lights, rear lights,

front lights, and directional indicators
Highest quality and design requirements particularly apply for light-
ing elements in vehicles. These include strength, tightness, absolute
dimensional accuracy, high-quality and scratch-free surface finishing,
as well as clear welds and absolute absence of particulate. Typical
applications: welding of color filters, reflector elements, and cover plates;
sealing of pressure balancing elements (PBE).

Embedding of leather, artificial leather, and fabrics

into injection-molded parts
Typical applications for which different and non-compatible materials are joined in-
clude hand-brake levers, gear-shift sleeves, steering column shrouds, and roll-up
sun shields. Strength, good contact with the component, and a consistent joining
curve has priority. Even the welding of the most complicated component shapes can
be realized.

Welding of exterior rearview mirrors and door handles

Dimensional accuracy, high-quality scratch, and mar-free surface

finishes are typical requirements for the joining of these types of
vehicle components. The applications are diverse and include welding
of light conductors, sensors and covers as well as ultrasonic staking
of mirror triangles with aluminum die-cast components.

Inserting and embedding of metal parts.

Staking of grilles, frames, and decorative elements
Ultrasonics is not only suitable for joining plastic components with
each other, but also for joining plastics and other materials, such as
metal. When designed correctly even chrome trim parts can be easily
staked using ultrasonics. The key aspects include a high-quality, mark-
free surface finish and high overall strength.
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Welding of cover glass plates and trim

Cover glass welding of instrument clusters is among the
very demanding joining applications, the component must
be tight and free of particulates and surface imperfections.
Thanks to sonotrode grouping, it is also possible to realize
the welding of particularly large instrument clusters. Welding
also includes: trim elements, display plates, and pointers.

Welding of decorative moldings, accentuation strips, and running board

embellishers, center consoles, and cup holders
Brilliant surface finish and precise gap control are characteristic features of these components, which in
most cases have extremely sensitive surfaces. Welding is used for the most varied decorative materials,
such as painted plastic materials as well as wood or aluminum in combination with thermoplastic materials.

Welding of large-surface linings

Strength, dimensional accuracy, and consistent compliance gap

widths are typical requirements for large components. The require-
ments for ultrasonics include the staking of attachment parts, inser-
ting of metal bushings, and welding of individual segments to obtain
a complete assembly. Typical applications: luggage compartment
linings and covers, side linings for doors and seats, glove compart-
ments, wheel arch and underbody covers, and foot well linings.
10 | 11 Herrmann Ultraschall  |  Ultrasonic Welding Technology – AUTOMOTIVE

Highest welding quality.

For functional components.

Welding of mechanical functional

Complete functionality, without restriction of all inte-
grated elements of the assembly, is the priority when
welding such components. These include connections,
contacts, and cable assemblies. Compliance with the
overall strength specifications for the rear seat backrest
locking mechanism, seat belt buckles and other locking
devices plays a significant role. Additional applications:
ventilation nozzles, kinematics components, such as
cup holders, armrests, and ashtrays.

Welding of electronic and electro-mechanic

components into housings
Typical examples are motor controls, motor management, power
window and wiper motors, door handles, and switches. The primary
requirement: unrestricted functionality of pre-assembled components
(i.e. pc boards, connections, solder joints and contacts), tightness,
dimensional accuracy, and high strength.

Welding of safety components

Welding of safety components predominantly entails: 100 % supervision
and documentation of all weld process parameters! Additional software
allows for the authentication of users, including personal user profiles and
complete tracking and documentation of the entire process change his-
tory, as required by the automotive industry. Typical applications: parking
brake levers, airbags, functional housings with mechanical and electrical
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Welding of housings

Housings protect interior components from external influences. Func-

tionality of a component is only ensured if it is completely tight. Conse-
quently, the weld seals must be resistant to humidity and temperature
variations. Typical applications: controllers, actuators, antenna hous-
ings. The requirements: tightness, strength, dimensional accuracy, and
functionality of the component.

Welding of pressure balancing elements (PBE),

punching and sealing of membranes
Unrestricted membrane functionality has highest priority for these
sensitive components. Prevention of the ingress of water and con-
tamination into the housing and simultaneous balance of pressure are
important requirements. The applications: housings for electric motors
and drive units, car lights, controller housings, and brake servo units.

Welding of throttle valves (THV)

For throttle valves, it is a matter of tightness, strength, and dimensional

accuracy, as well as functionality of the enclosed components, such
as springs and membranes. Typical applications: pressure regulators
for motors, safety technology, and fuel valves.
12 | 13 Herrmann Ultraschall  |  Ultrasonic Welding Technology – AUTOMOTIVE

Highest welding quality.

For drive components.

Welding of filters and filter materials

When welding filters and filter materials, it must be ensured that the
filter function is not impaired. The filter material must be firmly and
reliably embedded into plastic caps or housings. Typical applications:
oil filters, fuel filters, air filters, and fine-dust filters.

Form fitting of the plastic components

in metal housings
Connection of plastic components and metal housings
is also possible with ultrasonics. Examples: seal rings
in pump housings or fixation of sub-assemblies. Typical
requirements: tightness, strength, and functionality.

Welding of engine covers

Welding of absorber mats and connection of sub-assem-

blies are common applications. Another application is the
high-quality welding of brand emblems and trim elements,
ensuring that the visible surfaces are not marred. Since
the components are exposed to extreme temperatures
and temperature variations, maximum heat and cold per-
formance of the weld is a critical requirement.
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Functional housings in the engine

Components such as open-loop and closed-loop control
valves, cylinder head caps or vacuum elements are sub-
jected to heavy mechanical and thermal loads. The re-
quirements are: tightness, pressure, and burst resistance,
as well as unrestricted functionality. Welding of glass fiber-
reinforced materials amounts to 50  %.

Battery components
and vehicle power supply
Lithium-ion batteries, battery management systems
and wire harnesses are the foundation for today's
modern power supply systems in electric vehicles. The
requirements are high tensile strength, durable process
stability, minimal rejects and low heat exposure zone.

Welding of connectors and sensors

Spark plug connectors, strain relief elements for cables, sensors, and
feeler gauges are of critical importance for the functionality and safety
of a vehicle. The primary requirements for welding, among others, are
high tensile strength, tightness, and electronic functionality. Typical
applications: tire pressure sensors, CO sensors, and others.
14 | 15 Herrmann Ultraschall  |  Ultrasonic Welding Technology – AUTOMOTIVE

Versatile product portfolio.

Leading in technology and precision.
HiQ product line

The HiQ generation welding machines provide an appropriate platform

for virtually any application, any market, and any budget. The machine
series allows for complex joining methods, is user-friendly and provides
for easy handling. Due to the ability of utilizing flexible force profiles,
availability of a wide range of process parameters and intelligent system
software, customized welding applications can be individually realized.


Bench top welder

Systems and components

Herrmann Ultrasonics provides standard actuators that offer a high level

of flexibility that can be easily adapted to individual customer requirements.
The Herrmann Ultrasonics modular system offers complete integration
solution for machine builders and Original Equipment Manufacturers.
The offering can be individual ultrasonic components or complex ultrasonic
systems: Every module is a functional unit and allows easy integration
and start-up.

Robust components
Wide selection
Adapt to meet customer requirements

Ultrasonic welding systems


ULTRALINE is an intelligent machine concept for complex components.

The concept provides for customized solutions with proven ultrasonic com-
ponents and a wide range of matching modular products. These complete
solutions are manufactured using 80 % standard components. Easy and
safe solutions for tool change management increases the efficiency of these
customized machines and provides for flexibility in adapting to small batch
sizes and high mix requirements.

Customized total solution concepts

Modular system
Customized machine Project management
Continuous support from the beginning.
The expert teams at Herrmann Ultraschall will support you during every phase of your project. This
includes joint design discussion, component design, pre-production prototype welding in applica-
tion laboratories, weld parameter definition for verification of the required component properties,
training/instruction services and after-sales services. Close cooperation with the customer and
efficient product development is the primary focus.

Ultrasonic laboratory Technical project management

Application consulting Consistent implementation of customer requirements
Early support for component design and test results in design concepts.
Support and direction for designing the geometry 3D supported collision analysis
of the weld joint area FEM assisted tool design
Principle testing for feasibility Mechanical and electrical interface definition
Guidance on integrating the weld process
Application optimization
Common trials and tests with the customer
Determination and optimization of tooling profiles and Tech-Center on-site
process limits
Verification of research results with the help of Customer-oriented support for feasibility analyses
microscopy, tensile tests, sealing tests, burst tests, Ultrasonic laboratories are strategically located
high-speed cameras, and microtome cuts in the major markets worldwide
Complete documentation of the feasibility test results Experienced and native-speaking application specialists

Trainings and seminars After-sales service

Beginner and expert seminars Optional 24-hour service hotline
Hands-on user training On-site service in the respective languages through
Trainings on site or at our local facilities our Tech-Center network
Customer-specific trainings Preventative maintenance and service measures
Local Sales Office


Global Headquarters North America Headquarters

Herrmann Ultraschalltechnik GmbH & Co. KG Herrmann Ultrasonics, Inc.
Descostraße 3 –11 · 76307 Karlsbad, Germany 1261 Hardt Circle · Bartlett, IL 60103, USA 85385 11/ 19 ENG 250 Subject to technical changes.

China Headquarters Japan Headquarters

Herrmann Ultrasonics (Taicang) Co. Ltd. Herrmann Ultrasonic Japan Corporation
Build 20-B, No. 111, North Dongting Road, Taicang, KOIL 503-1, 148-2 Kashiwanoha Campus, 178-4 Wakashiba,
Jiangsu Province, China · Kashiwa City, Chiba 277-8519 ·

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