Automotive: Ultrasonic Welding Technology
Automotive: Ultrasonic Welding Technology
Automotive: Ultrasonic Welding Technology
Ultrasonic welding technology.
For the automotive industry.
Plastic materials have gained more and more importance Herrmann Ultrasonic is a world-leading company in the
in the manufacturing of vehicles. The requirements for plastic field of ultrasonic welding. For our customers, we assume
components, with respect to visual appearance, geometry, the role of both consultants and application problem solvers
function, and material properties have become increasingly with regard to the ultrasonic joining of plastic materials.
demanding. Plastics have advanced to become modern, In addition to leading-technology products, we provide
top-performing materials. Amorphous and semi crystalline excellent, in depth application services for solving joining
plastics are increasingly being combined with a large tasks, particularly taking into account the qualitative and
variety of other materials. The shorter life cycles and reduced economic aspects.
development time of products require continuous syn-
chronization to successfully meet production start-ups in
a timely manner.
Acoustic absorbers
Battery management / terminal
Indicating instruments
Decorative trims
Wire harness
Lithium-ion batteries
04 | 05 Herrmann Ultraschall | Ultrasonic Welding Technology – AUTOMOTIVE
Engine compartment
Optimized solutions.
For your specific requirements.
Nowadays, the requirements of components for the The ultrasonic components and systems, along with
automotive industry have become increasingly complex: application laboratories and technical application orien-
Tightness, strength, accurate dimensions, and the ted experts, provide the basis for efficient, high quality
impeccable visual appearance of surfaces are typical production processes. A high degree of product safety
quality criteria. In order to ensure cost effective manu- and reproducibility, as well as the selection of available
facturing with low energy requirements, short process weld process parameters, ensure the highest compo-
cycles and avoidance of rejects are key aspects. nent finish quality. Herrmann Ultrasonic provides ideal
solutions for maximum flexibility in production – from
small volume assembly all the way to fully automated
production processes.
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Exterior components
Functional components
High strength
Surfaces free of print marks
Reliable functionality of components
100% tightness
Dimensional accuracy (clearance)
Low overall component stress
06 | 07 Herrmann Ultraschall | Ultrasonic Welding Technology – AUTOMOTIVE
Long-term experience by Herrmann Ultrasonic, with respect Reduction of repetitive and expensive modifications
to the joining of plastic components in the automotive and optimization loops for injection-molding tools
sector, is an important success factor in component and dies
development. Early introduction of Herrmann Ultrasonic Reliable feasibility studies using test tools, including
specialists in the product design stage reduces experimen- process documentation
tal processes and costs. Early definition of process parameters and
implementation into series production
Data base-supported experience from more than Support for validation of the weld process
10,000 successful applications Pre-series production by means of contract welding
Increase of overall component quality through Consistent weld processes can be reproduced
optimum component design across multiple production facilities worldwide
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Highly efficient.
With technical application-oriented consulting.
Short development periods are a crucial competitive advantage. By utilizing ultrasonic welding
technologies from Herrmann Ultrasonic, break-even points can be met earlier and the required
profit range can be reached sooner.
Profit progress
Time savings
Welding of housings
When welding filters and filter materials, it must be ensured that the
filter function is not impaired. The filter material must be firmly and
reliably embedded into plastic caps or housings. Typical applications:
oil filters, fuel filters, air filters, and fine-dust filters.
Battery components
and vehicle power supply
Lithium-ion batteries, battery management systems
and wire harnesses are the foundation for today's
modern power supply systems in electric vehicles. The
requirements are high tensile strength, durable process
stability, minimal rejects and low heat exposure zone.
Robust components
Wide selection
Adapt to meet customer requirements