Mech 1 (Magway)
Mech 1 (Magway)
Mech 1 (Magway)
Abstract: This thesis is intended to introduce the air They attempted to improve their living conditions more
conditioning system and its components. Especially, this comfortable. In the present, the surrounding air temperature
thesis involves the design of central air conditioning system, and humidity may be controlled or maintained to suit human
calculation of cooling load, compressor brake horse power, comfort and convenience conditions. Air conditioning
motor horse power and duct design for a Convocation Hall became one of the most significant factors in national
of Technological University (Magway). The space volume energy consumption because it is closely connected with the
of this hall is 6796m . The number of person in this hall is comfort and health of the people. Air conditioning also
about 1000 persons. This Convocation Hall is especially for provides a comfort effect, `health and psychological or
human comfort, necessary to maintain the inside design air emotional effects on human beings. The main function of an
conditions 25ºC dry bulb temperature and 50% relative air conditioning system is to maintain some desired
humidity. The outside design conditions are 45ºC dry bulb environment conditions within a space while external
temperature and 29ºC wet bulb temperatures. In equipment conditions are continuously changing. Summer cooling
selection, capacities of the system equipment, such as systems have become a standard utility in large buildings
compressor, evaporator and condenser are determined. In throughout the world. Myanmar atmospheric conditions are
this design, time and month are based on summer. So peak varied in different parts of the country. So, air conditioning
design month is April and peak design time is 16:00 PM. will become a necessity for various conditioned spaces in
Before calculating the duct design, the building cooling coming few decades with rapid industrial development and
loads are calculated. The capacity of cooling load is very with the economic growth of our country. Accordance with
important and the first priority for air conditioning design. the rapid rise in the standard of living, air conditioning is
In this thesis, equal friction method is used for supply duct more required to comfort human beings in a confined space.
and return duct design.
Keywords: Cooling Load, Equal Friction. The objectives are:
1. To do design calculation of air conditioning system
I. INTRODUCTION for Convocation Hall of Technological University
non flammable. It has been successfully used in air People 70000 45000
conditioning units and commercial purposes. It can be used Infiltration 30502 33642
with all types of condensing units, water cooled, air cooled Subtotal 196550 78642
and evaporative type. Safety factor 9828 3932
Subtotal 206378 82574
Supply duct heat gain 1032 ---------
The interior of a building gains heat from a number of
Supply duct leakage loss --------- 413
sources. If the temperature and humidity of the air in rooms
Bypassed outside air load 8568 9450
are to be maintained at a comfortable level, heat must be
extracted to offset these heat gains. The net amount of heat Total heat gain 215978 92437
that is removed is called the cooling load. It is also used to Bypassed air heat gain (Part of GTH) 48552 53550
analyze energy use and conservation. The components that Grand heat gain 264530 145987
contribute to room heat gain consist of the following:
1. Conduction through exterior walls, roof, and glass Grand Total Heat
2. Conduction through interior partitions, ceilings, GTH = 264530 + 145987 = 410517 W
and floors 410517 W = 1395758 Btu/hr (1W = 3.4 Btu/hr)
3. Solar radiation through glass 1395758 Btu/hr = 116 TR (12000 Btu/hr = 1 TR)
4. Lighting From the above results, grand total heat gain is 410517 W
5. People (OR) 116 TR.
6. Equipment
7. Heat from infiltration of outside air through VIII. AIR DISTRIBUTION AND DUCT SYSTEM
openings Once air has been cooled by the air conditioning equipment,
It is convenient to arrange the heat gains into a different set it must be properly distributed to provide comfort-zone
of two groups: sensible and latent heat gains. In the cooling conditions. Duct systems convey conditioned air from the
load calculations, the heat transfer coefficient values are air-handling equipment to the air supply openings in the
obtained by calculation. The overall heat transfer coefficient room and carry the return air from the room back to the
may be calculated from the relation. equipment for reconditioning and recirculation. The air
1 1 Δx 1 1 handling system consists of:
=R = +∑ +∑ + (1)
U fo k C fi 1. The air distribution system comprising various
Inside design condition : 45ºC DBT, 29ºC DBT inlets for recirculated air and outlets for the supply
Outside design condition: 25ºC DBT, 50% RH air.
Daily range : 45 ºC to 27ºC 2. The duct system including the return duct, supply
Number of people : 1000 duct, and air conditioning apparatus.
3. The fan which provides the necessary energy to There are 40 diffusers used in duct design calculation for
move the air. supply duct. Supply duct is subdivided into two sections.
Equal friction method is used for the duct design The results of first section are same as another section
calculations. In the duct design, the following procedures because it is intended to design the same format. So, the
may be followed: results of one section for supply duct are only described in
1. Study the plan of the building and arrange the Table (II).
positions of the supply outlets to provide proper TABLE II
distribution of air within each space. Results of duct design calculation for supply duct
2. From the cooling load, calculate the air Section Air Duct Duct Size Aspect
requirements (CMM) at each duct outlet, zone or No. Quantity Area (cm × cm) Ratio
division of the building. (CMM)
3. Calculate the sizes of the main and branch ducts, Fan to A 389 100 117 × 91 1.3 : 1
using a proper velocity to deliver the required A-B 350.1 92 107 × 91 1.2 : 1
quantity. B-C 311.2 84.5 107 × 86 1.2 : 1
ERSH ERSH C-D 272.3 76.5 107 × 76 1.4 : 1
RSHF = = (2)
ERSH + ERLH ERTH D-E 233.4 67.5 102 × 71 1.4 : 1
In cooling and dehumidification process, the temperature of E-F 194.5 58 86 × 71 1.2 : 1
which the RSHF condition line intersects the saturation F-G 155.6 48 81 × 66 1.2 : 1
curve is called the room apparatus dew point (Room ADP). G-H 116.7 37.5 61 × 61 1:1
H-I 77.8 27 61 × 46 1.3 : 1
Thus, tADP in Fig. 1 denotes the effective surface
I-J 38.9 16.5 41 × 41 1: 1
temperature tS.
J-K 19.45 9 30 × 30 1:1
Results of duct design calculation for return duct
Section Air Duct Duct Size Aspect
No. Quantity Area (cm × cm) Ratio
Fig.1 Psychrometric diagram for Apparatus dew point Fan to 1 319 100 107 × 97 1.1 : 1
temperature (tADP) 1-2 287.1 92 107 × 91 1.2 : 1
Power consumption, W = m (h2 – h1) (9) distribution, the supply air CMM for outlet is divided by
area proportions method. The Convocation Hall of
Technological University (Magway) has not yet installed an
The COP of cycle for cooling,
air conditioning system. So, it should be installed an air
h1 − h 4
COP = (10) conditioning system to be comfortable.
h 2 − h1
Mg Kyaw Kyaw Naing wishes to thank in respect to
Design results of air conditioning system
Dr Kyaw Aung, Daw War War Min Swe and Daw Htay
Application Result Data Unit
Htay Win for their supporting to the explanation of their
Cooling Load Capacity 116 TR experiences and essential suggestion for this paper.
Supply air quantity 778 CMM
Compressor horse power 121 hp REFERENCES
Motor horse power 151 hp [1] S.C. Arora & S. Domkundwar, “A Course in
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning”, Seventh
Condenser heat rejection 136 TR
Revised Enlarged Edition.
COP of cycle 6 ---
[2] Edward G. Pita, “Air Conditioning Principles and
Systems”, Second Edition, 1989.
IX. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION [3] Edwin P. Anderson; “Home Refrigeration and Air
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28.6˚C, and leaving temperature is 11.9˚C. The cooling load [8] Andrew D. Althouse, B.S. (M.E.), M.A, Carl H.
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