DBR Major Bridge Rev.1
DBR Major Bridge Rev.1
DBR Major Bridge Rev.1
Revision History
Construction of New broad-gauge rail link betweenBhanupali – Bilaspur and Beri in the state
of Himachal Pradesh, India.
Prepared for:
Prepared by:
PEMS Engineering Consultants Pvt Ltd
UG Floor, Vivanta,
Dwaraka, Sec-21,
New Delhi - 110075
1. PROJECT BACKGROUND ........................................................................................... 6
4. UNITS ..................................................................................................................... 14
8. LOADS .................................................................................................................... 16
8.1 Dead Load ................................................................................................................................ 16
8.2 Super Imposed Dead load ........................................................................................................ 17
8.3 Railway live loads ..................................................................................................................... 17
8.4 Longitudinal Braking and Traction Loads .................................................................................. 17
8.5 Forces due to eccentricity and due to curvature of tracks ........................................................ 17
8.6 Wind Loading............................................................................................................................ 17
8.7 Seismic Loading ....................................................................................................................... 17
8.8 Earth pressure .......................................................................................................................... 19
8.9 Dynamic effect of earth pressure .............................................................................................. 20
8.10 Water current forces ................................................................................................................. 20
8.11 Hydrodynamic Force ................................................................................................................ 20
8.12 Derailment Loading .................................................................................................................. 20
8.13 LWR/CWR forces ..................................................................................................................... 20
8.14 Footpath Load and corresponding Live Load ........................................................................... 20
The Ministry of Railways has decided to construct a new BG rail link from the existing
rail head at Bhanupali railway station to Beri in Bilaspur district of Himachal Pradesh.
The total length of the proposed rail line is around 63.10km, out of which 10km falls in
the state of the Punjab and rest in the state of Himachal Pradesh.
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited (RVNL) has been entrusted with the work of detailed
construction survey, design, engineering, and execution of this project. When
completed, this project boosts the economy and tourism in the state of Himachal
This design basis report pertains to detail design criteria for Major Rail Bridge no 21, 22
&26, at Chainage 9+437.565, 9+525.619 and at 11+766.729km.
Figure 2: Proposed Alignment from Bhanupali to Bilaspur
This Design Basis Report is intended to fully satisfy the safety requirements of Indian
Railways for design of proposed Rail BridgeNo.26. This design basis report covers design
basis with design parameters and assumptions to be adopted in design of foundations
& substructures of the bridge for obtaining approval of RDSO for the following:
Span configuration.
S.No. Feature Description
1 Bridge Location Chainage 9+437.565km
2 Span arrangement 2 x 45.7 span (Clear Span)
2 Type of structure Steel Composite Girder
3 Name of River Nallah
4 Seismic Zone V
5 Alignment Straight
6 Basic Wind velocity 47 m/s
7 Gauge Broad Gauge
8 Loading Standard 25 Ton Axle load – 2008
9 Catchment area 0.026 Km2(Refer ANNEX- I)
10 Sub Zone (Flood estimation report) Western Himalaya Zone – 7
11 Design discharge 8.27 m3/sec (Refer ANNEX- I)
12 Average Velocity of flow 8.602 m/s(Refer ANNEX- II)
12 Average Bed Slope 1 in 7.97(Refer ANNEX- II)
14 H.F.L. 355.77m (Refer ANNEX- II)
15 Minimum Vertical Clearance req. 0.600 m
16 Vertical Clearance Provided 19.014 m
17 Nallah Bed level 355.00 m
18 Maximum Scour Level 354.32 m
S.No. Feature Description
1 Bridge Location Chainage 9+525.619km
2 Span arrangement 1 x 30.5 span (Clear Span)
2 Type of structure Steel Composite Girder
3 Name of River Nallah
4 Seismic Zone V
5 Alignment Straight
6 Basic Wind velocity 47 m/s
7 Gauge Broad Gauge
8 Loading Standard 25 Ton Axle load – 2008
9 Catchment area 0.031 Km2(Refer ANNEX- I)
10 Sub Zone (Flood estimation report) Western Himalaya Zone – 7
11 Design discharge 13.177 m3/sec (Refer ANNEX- I)
12 Average Velocity of flow 10.131 m/s(Refer ANNEX- II)
12 Average Bed Slope 1 in 7.97(Refer ANNEX- II)
14 H.F.L. 356.632m (Refer ANNEX- II)
15 Minimum Vertical Clearance req. 0.600 m
16 Vertical Clearance Provided 20.399 m
17 Nallah Bed level 354.943 m
18 Maximum Scour Level 354.30 m
S.No. Feature Description
1 Bridge Location Chainage 11+766.729km
2 Span arrangement 3 x 30.5 span (Clear Span)
2 Type of structure Steel Composite Girder
3 Name of River Nallah
4 Seismic Zone V
5 Alignment 2o Curve
6 Basic Wind velocity 47 m/s
7 Gauge Broad Gauge
8 Loading Standard 25 Ton Axle load – 2008
9 Catchment area 0.973 Km2(Refer ANNEX- I)
10 Sub Zone (Flood estimation report) Western Himalaya Zone – 7
11 Design discharge 468.86 m3/sec (Refer ANNEX- I)
12 Average Velocity of flow 8.274 m/s(Refer ANNEX- II)
12 Average Bed Slope ~1 in 13.68(Refer ANNEX- II)
14 H.F.L. 376.0m (Refer ANNEX- II)
15 Minimum Vertical Clearance req. 1.500 m
16 Vertical Clearance Provided 12.690 m
17 Nallah Bed level 372.411 m
18 Maximum Scour Level 371.22 m
3.1 Design Methodology for Substructure and Foundation
Superstructure for this bridge is 30.5m steel composite girder, designed for Site specific
spectra as per IRS Seismic Code 2020 and IRS Steel bridge code with latest fatigue
criteria. The loads of the superstructure are provided by RVNL for the design of
substructure and foundation as the superstructure design is not in the Scope of work of
the designer.
Substructure at abutment locations is a wall type, with dirt wall and abutment cap as
structural elements. RCC return wall is provided to confine the backfill behind the
Abutment shall be designed as cantilever slab with all the loads mentioned in the cl:8.0
of the DBR and according to IRS Concrete Bridge Code, for Serviceability limit State (SLS)
and Ultimate Limit State (ULS).
Abutment cap shall be designed for corbel and cantilever for the loads coming from
Substructure at pier is a solid circular pier, the pier shall be designed for the worst load
Pier shall be Checked for over strength capacity as per IRS Seismic code and shear
reinforcement shall be provided to resist the lateral shear due to this over strength.
Pier cap shall be designed for shear as corbel in longitudinal direction and for flexure as
cantilever in transverse direction.
The choice of type of foundation as per the bore log is being suggested to be well
foundation at abutment and Pier location, the same has been considered and will be
designed accordingly.
The design of well foundation shall be done as per APPENDIX -V of IRS Substructure and
foundation code, to satisfy the check for Elastic theory and Ultimate resistance theory.
3.2 Layout of the Proposed Bridge:
3.3 Vertical Clearance
The minimum vertical clearance for bridges from HFL to soffit level, based on design
discharge for major bridges shall be 1.5 m as per clause 4.8.1 of IRS Bridge Substructure
code. As per GAD, available clearance is shown below with Steel composite girder.
Freeboard (HFL to Formation level) shall not be less than 1000 mm as per clause 4.9.2
of IRS Bridge Substructure code. However the freeboard available is more than 1000mm
for all the three major bridges.
Borehole data is provided for all the major bridges, available boreholes show deposits
consisting of overburden at shallow depth followed by bed rock. These bore holes are
drilled up to minimum depth of 25 m.
Refer ANNEX-III for “Details of exploratory drilling and inferred geological condition”.
The main units used for design will be: [m], [mm], [kN], [kN/m2], [MPa], [0C], [rad]
The Design Service Life of permanent structures will be taken as 100 Years as per cl.
15.1.3 of IRS: CBC.
6.1 Concrete
6.1.1 Cement
The minimum cementitious material content shall be as per clause 5.4.5 & table 4 (c)
of IRS: CBC. The maximum water-cement ratio shall be as per clause 5.4.3 & table 4(a)
of IRS: CBC. The total chloride content by weight of cement shall be as per clause 5.4.6
of IRS: CBC.
For Instantaneous modulus, E is taken as per clause of IRS: CBC – 1997 (with
latest amendments)
Modular ratio for all the concrete grade shall be taken as per Cl.5.2.6 of IRS: CBC -
1997 (up to A & C 13.)
Keeping the durability and structural requirement, the proposed strength and
minimum cover to reinforcement for various elements of station will be as per clause
5.4.4 and 15.9.2 of CBC.
3 Pedestal M45 50
6.1.5 Density
6.2.2 Diameters [in mm]: 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 25, 28, 32 & 36
The river is flowing in a defined natural way between high embankments, hence, does
not require any permanent river training work. The abutments are outside the flood
region and hence do not require any specific protection against running water.
However, the Bed slope is ~ 1 in 13.68 on the Up-Stream side of the bridges, hence
suitable protection work will be required at pier location for local scour protection.
Dead Load include the weight of the structural elements (substructure and
8.2 Super Imposed Dead load
Super imposed dead load due to track and ballast cushion shall be considered as ~7
Longitudinal forces due to traction and braking shall be considered as per clause 2.8,
and the values of the longitudinal forces shall be taken from Appendix –XXIV of IRS
Bridge Rules.
Centrifugal forces due to curvature of the track shall be considered as per clause 2.5
of IRS Bridge Rules.
The substructure and foundation shall be designed for forces due to wind as per IS
875 Part (3) -2015.
The seismic force on substructure shall be calculated as per IRS Seismic Code 2020.
The proposed bridges are located in Seismic Zone V and proposed superstructure is of
Steel Composite type. These bridges are having maximum pier / abutment height less
than 30 m. Hence, no site specific spectrum studies are required in terms of
provisions of clause 4.2.1 of Seismic Code (2017) issued by RDSO. Site specific
spectrum studies have been carried out by IIT/Roorkee at other nearby bridge
locations as per details below. However, for design considerations, the Site Specific
Seismic response spectrum for bridge no. 3 has been referred due to close vicinity.
Site specific Seismic Response Spectrum (Z * Sa/g) is provided at the bridge location by
IIT, Roorkee for bridge no.3 of the project. The values given in the report are compared
with those for seismic zone V (Z * Sa/g) and the higher of the two are considered for
the design.
S.NO Bridge No. Chainage (kms)
Bridges where site specific spectrum studies have been carried
Longitudinal Direction
Transverse Direction
Longitudinal Direction
Transverse Direction
As per above shown values the coefficient of spectrum acceleration “Z x Sa/g” is higher in
case of Site specific spectra from IIT Roorkee as compared to IRS Seismic Code.
Hence, all the design of substructure and foundation for Major bridges are carried
Earth Pressure shall be considered as per clause 5.7 of IRS Substructure and
foundation code.
8.9 Dynamic effect of earth pressure
Dynamic effect of Earth Pressure shall be considered as per clause 5.12.6 of IRS
Substructure and foundation code. The inertia force of soil back fill on the heel (well
cap) shall also be considered along with dynamic earth pressure with appropriate load
Forces due to water current shall be considered as per clause 5.9 of IRS Substructure
and foundation code.
Derailment loading shall be considered as per Appendix -XXV of IRS Bridge Rules.
Loads due to Long welded rail / Continuously welded rails shall be as per UIC: 774-3R.
Live load on footpath shall be considered as per clause 2.3.2 of IRS Bridge Rules.
Load combination Except for seismic cases shall be followed as per Table 12 of IRS
Concrete Bridge for the design of substructure and foundation.
Combination of Seismic design forces with other forces: (As per Clause 7.2 of IRS
Seismic code 2020)
The design seismic forces resultant at a cross section of a bridge component shall be
appropriately combined with those due to other forces as per Table 212 of IRS
Concrete Bridge code. However, in lieu of the combination 2 of clause 11 of IRS
Concrete bridge code, the following load combinations shall be used.
Durability shall be as per clause 5.4 with latest A&C of IRS CBC-2014. The general
environment condition to which the concrete will be exposed during its working
life shall be in accordance with clause 5.4.1 of IRS CBC and listed as below:
Superstructure and Substructure - Severe
Foundation – severe
Spherical bearings are placed underneath composite beams for transfer of forces.
Abutment cap and pier cap shall be designed in such a way that bearings can be
inspected, maintained and replaced if necessary. Jacking point locations at the
abutment/pier shall be checked for the forces arising during replacement of bearings.
For the structural analysis, the following globally well-known commercial software
related to bridge analysis and design will be used:
Excel spread sheets
IRS code shall be followed in principle. Although main clauses have been mentioned in
DBR, the other relevant clauses in IRS codes shall also be followed. If provisions are
not available in IRS codes, the orders of preference shall be as follows unless
specifically mentioned otherwise in the relevant clause of DBR:
a. IRC
b. IS
c. UIC codes
a. IRS Codes:
b. IRC Codes:
i. IRC 05
ii. IRC 06.
iii. IRC 78.
iv. IRC 114.
v. IRC 22 -2015.
c. BIS Codes:
i. IS: 875 (Part-1): 1987 Code of Practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures
ii. IS: 875 (Part -3):1987 Code of Practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures, Part-3 -Wind Loads.
iii. IS: 1893 (Part-1): 2002 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of structures.
iv. SP: 34-1987 Handbook on concrete reinforcement and detailing.
v. IS: 3955-1967 Code of practise for the design and construction of well foundation.