Acknowledgement: Name of Student
Acknowledgement: Name of Student
Acknowledgement: Name of Student
Name of Student
• The training is an important course because it closes the gap between the
theoretical study and practical study.
• Learning you how to deal with other
• Finding that team work is the most important element in every successful
• Learned you that the civil engineer is capable of a lot of work such as
supervision, implementation, the calculation of quantities and design
engineering and in the future can work as consultant and contrtactor.
• Learning you how to control & manage the site and how behaves when
their problems by take professional decision.
• Plans must be clear and easy to read for those who used.
• Successful engineer will find the economic design and the project is
implemented less time.
• The site engineer responsibility to make sure that everything is right on
schedule and every member is doing on the right way.