Content: Aspects That Are Evaluated
Content: Aspects That Are Evaluated
Content: Aspects That Are Evaluated
Now let's look at what Cambridge cares about in your writing. The first point is the content itself. If you are
asked to write a letter to your friend and you write a poem - well, it doesn't matter how good that poem is.
Maybe you can write the best poem in the history of the world - the examiner will be impressed, and then
give you zero points.
You have to write about pollution and the environment, and you have to include 3 points. 2 of those
points must be transport, and rivers and seas. If you don't include transport you can't get full marks in the
exam. If you don't write about damage to the environment, you can't get full marks.
Communicative Achievement
The next thing Cambridge wants is for you to show that you understand about tone. In the previous example,
you were asked to write an essay for your English teacher. How formal should that be? You're not writing to
a lawyer so you don't have to be super formal, but you aren't writing to your best friend, so you shouldn't be
too casual.
For that essay, you should use a neutral or slightly formal style.
That means you need to study how to write in different ways. Spot the difference in tone in this extracts
from letters:
Yo, John,
Guess what? I bunked off school and tramped up and down the beach all day. Great fun! I found some
nearly-fresh muffins in a box, so that was lunch sorted. Free food! Niiiiiice.
In short, try to make sure that what you write is appropriate for the person you are writing to.
Cambridge love when you link sentences together with words like 'whereas' and 'however', and link
paragraphs with phrases like 'Firstly, secondly'.
You must learn how to use these phrases if you want a good grade.
One easy way to get a higher score in 'organisation' is to ask a question, and then answer it.
Your writing will be more interesting and you'll get a better grade if you can use a wide variety of language.
Use high-level vocabulary when you know it; don't repeat the same word too many times; don't make too
many mistakes; try to use a variety of grammar (not just 'subject verb object' all the time).
You will be rewarded if you learn (and use) some appropriate phrasal verbs, idioms, and collocations.
Compare these sentences:
1. The food was good and the service was good and we had a good time.
2. The food was delicious, while the service was faultless. Did we have a good time? Absolutely!
I hope you agree that the second is much nicer to read. Is it much harder to write? Not really. And if you
don't know the word 'faultless' you might know a different word that would fit. Even if you said 'good' again,
the sentence would get you a much better score in FCE because the 'while' connects the first two parts and
the question connects the last two
How to write an essay for New FCE exam
How to write the essay for the New FCE exam? Here’s a sample topic that has been divided into
paragraphs and each of the sections explained. Let us know whether you have any questions by submitting a
comment below.
Part 1
You must answer this question. Write your answer in 140- 190 words in an appropriate style on the separate
answer sheet.
You have recently had a class project on animal welfare and vegetarianism. Now your teacher has asked you
to write a composition, giving your opinions on the following statement:
Some people believe that humans should not eat meat. Do you agree?
Write about:
– meat as a main ingredient of our diet
– vegetarians
– ………………(your own idea)
Sample answer:
Most people think, myself included, that since animals eat other animals, it is natural for humans to
eat meat. However, some disagree, and a growing number of people are choosing to become
vegetarians. So what rationalism stays behind these two beliefs.
You start with Paragraph 1- Introduction
Here you include:
A general statement/rhetorical question (it’s already given on the topic, your task is to paraphrase it- use
different words or grammar structures). In the sample answer we’ve used ‘most’ instead of ‘some’, ‘believe’
was changed to ‘think’ etc.
Qualify the argument
Explain further and maybe try to show several sides of the issue, consider it from different angles, thinking,
“This part is right if… This is true, except when… This might work if… The reason this happens is
because… The underlying issues are…”
First of all I would like to say that humans have always hunted and eaten animals. Maybe it is our
natural instinct inherited by ancestors that forces us to seek this type of food, however, it is
undeniable, that meat is rich in vitamins and protein, which help to build muscles and bones.
Paragraph 2:
Introduction = topic sentence – which states the general idea discussed in this paragraph
Advantage 1 —– Reason Advantage 1 ——- Specific example 1
Your Advantage 1- is the point mentioned in the task. In our sample answer includes the point about meat
being the main source of energy
Make sure you use the following phrases when writing paragraph 2:
Introducing the topic
First of all I would like to say that …
I would like to begin by …
In the first place …
Then there is …
What’s more …
I would like to add …
In the second place …
Then there is …
What’s more …
Secondly, …
Another disadvantage is …