Cultural Transformation: in 9 Steps

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Transform your culture in 9 steps

The following 9-step model that we’ve developed is

Discover how to transform your
based on Kotter’s 8-step change model. As an example,

organizational culture, and see we’ll use the case of British telecommunications
organization, 3UK, which went through a radical cultural

the change in action. transformation that resulted in a successful overhaul of

its culture within four years.

Identify Effectively
what needs communicate Reinforce
to change Focus on change Celebrate
the change
behavioral short-term
shifts victories

1 3 5 7 9

2 4 6 8

Formal and Reflect on

informal the changes
Get leadership Overcome 2
support barriers
1: Identify what needs to change

How to Case study

To get to where you want to be, you need to understand 3UK was making a loss, and the business was
what your current culture is. You can use the four OCAI experiencing problems with network and device
types for this, which we’ve talked about on Page 5. reliability and distribution strategy.

Look at your organization’s objectives and look for ways Their issues were:
to help the culture evolve to a new dimension that more
● Weak organizational culture
effectively supports your strategic objectives and
● Divided leadership
workforce needs.
● Low employee engagement

To address this, 3UK used the Organizational Culture

Inventory tool from Human Synergistics to assess its
current culture and the need for change.

2: Get leadership support

How to
Employees are inspired by leaders and mirror their 2: Creating a “change team"
behaviors, beliefs, and perspectives. That’s why the
leadership team is key to setting the behavioral norms This is the team that will take responsibility for the
within the organization. These norms need to reflect the success of the change. Make sure to create this team in
organization’s values. the early stage of the change process. An ideal time
would be when you’re assessing your current culture and
Three actions that can help you achieve this are:
deciding on the culture type you want to switch to.

1: Identifying key leaders and stakeholders

3: Setting up an empowerment session

You should include people with different levels of Help your leaders and stakeholders understand the
seniority and job experiences. Prepare to get support process and prepare them for objections and difficult
from multiple levels of management, including those questions they might be getting from their own
closer to the employees whose day-to-day work is most employees.
affected by the change.

2: Get leadership support

Case study
3UK’s CEO, Kevin Russell, strongly believed in leading by
example. He drove the cultural transformation through
his management team. He chose individuals who were
already aware of how their behaviors impact business
outcomes to engage others in the change agenda.

3: Focus on key behavioral shifts

How to Case study

Create a vision that everyone in the company can 3UK leaders expanded on the time spent reviewing
understand, and remember to set goals. Target your behaviors in the employee performance reviews and
interventions on a couple of critical behavioral shifts coaching. They appointed 60 change champions from
you want to achieve. different departments to provide continuous, real-time
guidance, and feedback on behaviors.
Example: moving from a Hierarchy Culture to a

Clan Culture

● What you need to focus on: doing things together

(building teams, people matter), commitment,
empowerment, cohesion, and engagement.

● How to get there: include these new behaviors in

your performance management system so you can
effectively measure and develop them.

For steps 4 to 9 download the full
step-by-step guide* from the link
in the description

*Includes a bonus on conducting a cultural fit assessment

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