Pipeline Design Basis
Pipeline Design Basis
Pipeline Design Basis
AGREEMENT NO : 13527402
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(a) Revisions are denoted by a vertical line placed in the right-hand margin against the revised
(b) By a triangle symbol for graphics, the revision number being denoted within the symbol.
Revision symbols are positioned adjacent to the revision.
(c) PREP = Prepared by, CHKD = Checked by, REVD = Reviewed by, VEFD = Verified by, APPD
= Approved by.
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1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION.................................................................................... 5
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Project Objective ....................................................................................... 5
1.3 Scope of this Document ............................................................................ 5
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8. ACCESS............................................................................................................... 48
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1.1 Introduction
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO) owns and operates the Condensate pipeline
network to transport Condensate from Asab and Habshan to Ruwais.
In order to ensure long term integrity, reliability and safe operation of the Condensate
pipelines, COMPANY is now considering replacing the existing 16” pipeline from Habshan
to Ruwais with a new pipeline.
Therefore COMPANY has awarded ESSAR Constructions Overseas Limited the Contract
for EPC for the new condensate pipeline. ESSAR Constructions Overseas Limited
appointed Tebodin Middle East as Engineering Sub-Contractor for this project.
The objective of this project is to provide new condensate Pipeline from Habshan to
Ruwais station.
The scope and purpose of this document is to provide pipeline & piping design basis for
the new facility to be installed for transporting condensate production from ASAB
(including Al Hosn Gas) and Habshan facilities to Ruwais for the project “Replacement of
16’’ Condensate Pipeline from Habshan to Ruwais”.
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SUBCONTRACTOR includes suppliers and VENDORS and means any and all persons,
firms, partnerships, companies or a combination thereof (not being
employees of CONTRACTOR) of any tier to whom any part of the
WORK has been subcontracted by CONTRACTOR or
SUBCONTRACTORS (including any contracts novated or assigned
by COMPANY to CONTRACTOR) and the successors and assigns
of such persons, firms, partnerships, companies or a combination
2.2 Abbreviations
AG Above Ground
BH Boreholes
CP Cathodic Protection
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KP Kilometre Point
NB Nominal Bore
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OD Outer Diameter
PE Poly Ethylene
RP Recommended Practice
SV Sectionalizing Valve
TP Trial Pit
TR Transformer Rectifier
TS Test Stations
UG Under Ground
UV Ultra Violet
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Display Units
Length meter m
Density kilogram per cubic metre kg/m
cubic metre per hour m /h
Millimetre mm
Length Metre m
Kilometre km
Millimetre mm
Pipe wall thickness
pipe schedule --
Kelvin K
degrees Celsius °C
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cubic metre m³
Volume litre l
In case of any conflict between the requirements of the referenced codes, standards and
specifications, the following order of precedence shall be applied:
Design Basis;
Project Specifications;
In all cases where more than one code and/or standard and/or specification applies to the
same conditions, the more stringent shall apply.
Pipeline shall be designed to comply with the Pipeline design code ASME B 31.4 and
industry good engineering practices. Above ground piping other than main pipeline inside
scraper launcher / receiver area, tie-in to ASAB pipeline location and SV station area shall
be designed to comply with ASME B31.3.
Due account shall be taken of the need for ease of construction, expansion,
commissioning, maintenance and operation of the facilities.
For mechanical strength reasons the size of any branch or instrument connections on
pipeline shall not be less than 2".
The use of flanged connections shall be minimised on pipeline. Flanged connections shall
not be used in the buried sections of any pipeline.
The pipeline and associated facilities shall be designed to the latest issue of the following
Codes and Standards:
ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flange Fittings NPS ½ through NPS 24
Metric / Inch Standard
API 5L 44 Edition Specification for Line Pipe
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MSS SP-75 Specification for High Test Wrought Butt Welding Fittings
NACE MR 0175/ISO 15156 Materials for Use in H2S Containing Environments in Oil
and Gas Production
Note 1: Applicable only for SV station location (for location class requirement)
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3.3.1 General
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4.1.1 Temperatures
Summer Mean : 35 °C
Winter Mean : 22 °C
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4.1.2 Humidity
4.1.3 Precipitation
Maximum : 51 mm/ yr
Minimum : traces
* Category 1, exposure “C”, importance factor; “I” = 1.0 (per ANSI/ASCE 7.93)
Design for wind loads shall be based on a design wind speed of 175 km/h. However, for
details refer to Addendum to DGS-1882-001 – Specification for structural design basis with
document number 5274-ADD-1882-001.
For operating & design temperature/ pressure and other relevant process details, please
refer Design Basis Memorandum with document number DBM-5274-GG-000-50-005.
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At Habshan area:
2. Tie-in to the existing 18” line (377-1104-HC-18”-610112-N) from the discharge of 326-
P-102 A/B/C and 326-P-105 A/B/C in the SV3 station area of existing 18” condensate
At Ruwais area:
The local co-ordinate projection system to be used along the pipeline route is as follows:
Projection : UTM
Grid zone : 39
Seismic analysis shall be considered in accordance with IBC chapter 16 & ASCE 7-100 or
equivalent British Standard as described in section 2.7 of 5274-ADD-1882-001 -
Addendum to DGS-1882-001 for Structural Design Basis (Amendment to section
Earthquake Load (Live Load) of DGS-1882-001).
Severe load of wind & Seismic case shall be considered for analysis.
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The design life of all new equipment, pipeline and piping shall be 30 years
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Construction Buried
Piggability Piggable
1. All pipeline material shall be in accordance with NACE MR 0175 / ISO 15156 and
5274-ADD-0000-002: Addendum to DGS-0000-002 - Material for Sour Environment.
0.72 Main pipeline route except areas having 0.5 design factor
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The wall thickness of all pipelines shall be calculated as per the requirements of the
Pipeline Design Code ASME B31.4. The minimum pipe wall thickness for various sizes
shall be 6.4 mm or the value provided a Diameter over wall thickness ratio (D/ t) not
greater than 96, whichever is greater. Consideration shall be given to handling and
trenching when selecting wall thicknesses.
For additional details on pipeline wall thickness, refer to the pipeline engineering
calculation report RPT-5274-PL-000-95-002.
Proposed condensate pipeline is routed through the existing pipeline corridor from
Habshan to Ruwais except the initial 6.5 km approx. Initial 6.5 km approx. condensate
pipeline is planned to route in parallel to existing 18” ASAB pipelines around Habshan
Plant due to unavailability of corridor adjacent to the existing 16” condensate pipeline
The pipeline route was finalized during FEED based on the as-built drawings of existing
16’’ and 18’’ pipelines and topo survey carried out along new 24” Pipeline route. Necessary
refinements shall be carried out based on site visits and topo survey.
New pipeline routing shall follow existing pipeline corridors and access roads wherever
Pipeline shall always be laid above the water table as shown on the relevant COMPANY
standard drawings. In sand dune areas the profile of the graded ROW shall generally
follow the profile of natural terrain with some minor alteration to enable proper construction
of the pipeline and ensure safe bending and lying of pipeline. However, localized sand
dunes shall be removed.
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The selected ROW (existing 24” NGL ROW shall not be sued) to perform construction
activity shall be approved by relavant agencies upon completion of HSEIA studies.
Additional temporary ROW, if required shall be defined and identified in relevant drawings.
Temporary backfill / platform that are required to locate or transport equipments and
vehicles shall be provided.
Machine excavation shall be prohibited and only manual excavation shall be allowed
within 5m of any existing services.
Suitable provisions of drainage system for the pipeline corridor shall be kept at low points
so as not to disturb the natural flow of rain water thus avoiding any impact of the ecology.
Pipeline construction methods, including the requirements for sabkha areas, shall be as
per specification no. 5274-ADD-9550-002 – Addendum to DGS-9550-002 - Pipeline
Construction & Typical Details.
An 8 m wide gatch maintenance road shall be provided alongside pipeline in all areas as
per specification requirements using a 300 mm thick layer of gatch material, spread over a
clear minimum width of 8 meters beyond the toe of stabilized pipeline berm. In sabkha
areas, gatch maintenance road construction shall be as per COMPANY typical drawing
“Typical Details of High Water Construction” 5274-PL-950-95-10-012-A3 for Sabkha
Construction. Existing maintenance access roads shall not be used for construction works.
Construction access roads shall be provided as required for construction activities.
Warning signposts shall be installed at every 0.5 kilometers, major changes in pipeline
route alignment, SV stations, toxic area locations, pipeline/ cable/ utility crossings and on
both sides of asphalt road/ rig/ track crossings. Spacing of warning sign shall be reduced
to 250 m in populated areas. Other sign boards shall be installed as indicated in the
Project construction specifications and pipeline drawings.
Warning, direction change and danger signboards, as applicable, shall be installed at all
Cathodic Protection and Consumer Receipt Stations.
All signboards and safety signs shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the
latest marker drawings provided & typical drawings approved by the COMPANY.
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Materials used for backfill shall be of a density and shear value that is equal or greater
than that found prior to excavation. Where, the COMPANY defines that the excavated
material is unsuitable for backfill; the same shall be replaced with the alternative backfill
material acceptable to the COMPANY.
However, where doubt exists, method statements shall include the measures to determine
if backfill material is adequate to provide resistance against movement, specifically at
changes in direction.
Backfill material shall have optimum moisture content to achieve the required compaction
densities. The density of each compacted layer shall be established by testing prior to
placement of subsequent layers. If results indicate that the required density is not
achieved, then further tests shall be carried out at 15 meters intervals in both directions
from the failed sample. All layers not meeting requirements shall be recompacted.
The route alignment sheets shall be developed and contain the following detailed data:
Location of existing above ground and buried pipelines, location of existing power
cables, overhead lines and other services;
The route alignment Sheets shall also include all construction related details of the
pipeline comprising of the following:
b) Design factors
d) Coating type, burial depth, special items (valves, fittings, hot bends, insulation
joints etc.):
e) Type of construction;
f) Crossing location;
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The entire pipeline shall be buried/ laid on prepared ROW from Pig Launcher to Pig
Railway 2.0 m
* Refer typical detail for Pipeline Construction in Sabkha Area with drawing number
Increase in minimum cover from that specified shall be governed by local or code
requirements. This shall include additional cover for counter out of straightness effects.
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Pipeline backfilled trench shall be provided with a 1.0m berm over as per typical drawings.
Pipeline berm weight shall not be considered in the pipeline flexibility analysis. Pipeline
berm shall be extended up to concrete crash barrier at crossings and up to fence at
There are no restrictions regarding the maximum pipeline cover other than that to be
defined by the pipeline stress analysis and constructability.
In order to enhance pipeline safety against third party accidents a plastic warning tape
shall be installed all along the pipelines bearing the description: "High Pressure
Condensate Pipeline". The warning tape shall be installed 300 mm above the pipeline top
before completing the backfilling operation. The tape shall be yellow / orange color with
black letters and the description of the tape shall be in English, Arabic and Urdu.
For pipeline crossing sandy, Sabkha, high water, rocky and normal terrain, the backfilled
trench shall be provided with a berm formation as detailed on the typical construction
Pipeline crossings shall be designed in accordance with API RP 1102 and shall be in
accordance with COMPANY standard drawings.
The crossing of existing buried pipelines, cables, power lines and minor roads shall be at
an angle between 60 and 90 degrees. New pipelines shall be buried below existing
pipelines with a minimum clearance of 1.0m, unless otherwise agreed by the COMPANY.
All asphalt and major road crossings shall be made at an angle of 90 degree to the road
centerline by an approved ‘non-disruptive’ road crossing method. Rig road, track and
minor road crossings may be constructed using ‘open cut’ methods.
Non-disruptive crossings shall be completed using micro tunneling or HDD. All crossing
method statements shall be approved by the COMPANY prior to execution. Specific
crossing drawings shall be created for each major crossing.
Special Heat shrink sleeves as per 5274-ADD-1486-004 shall be used as field joint coating
material for NDRC road crossing section.
Pipe strings welds shall be subjected to 100% radiography and 100% ultrasonic testing
and hydro-tested prior to incorporation into a non-disruptive crossing. The method
employed to handle coated pipe and insert the coated line pipe into non-disruptive
crossing shall be such that damage to coatings and field joints is minimized.
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Crossings (other than NDRC crossings) shall be installed as per typical drawings. All new
pipelines shall be installed below existing foreign services unless otherwise agreed by the
The existing access tracks shall be extended to include the new pipeline.
A design factor for track/asphalt and rig road crossings shall be 0.5. The design factor 0.72
(i.e. Allowable Effective stress, Seff = 0.72 x SMYS) shall be used while checking effective
stress at all types of road crossing for all pipelines as per API RP1102. Calculated wall
thickness at tracking shall meet minimum wall thickness requirement at normal terrain and
additional requirements at crossings.
The greater wall thickness calculated by either ASME B31.4 or API RP 1102 shall be used
for all crossings.
Concrete crash barriers shall be installed at all track, road and rig crossings. At track
crossings, safety barriers shall extend 2m on each side from the bottom of the berm over
the pipeline as shown in relevant typical details. A typical total length would be a 3m berm
+ 2m each side =7m. At metaled and major road crossings, the concrete safety barrier
shall extend 20m on both sides of the pipeline for a single crossing, i.e., total barrier length
be 40m. Concrete Safety barrier at rig crossing shall extend full length of the rig crossing
as per direction of the COMPANY and rig crossing shall be constructed in accordance with
typical drawing with number 5274-PL-950-95-50-012-A3.
Stress calculations shall be based on the pipe material in elastic deformation, using the
nominal pipe wall thickness. The pipeline design shall be in accordance with the pipeline
design code ASME B31.4 The pipeline shall be checked for the following stress conditions:
a) Internal pressure (Design Pressure & Temperature, surge and transient conditions,
hydrostatic test pressure),
b) Pipeline cover,
c) Elastic bending,
d) Change in direction
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Pipeline stress analysis shall include the pipeline length up to 1 km of pipeline from AG/
UG transition point or up to the first virtual anchor after the AG/ UG transition points at
Habshan and Ruwais stations.
The unrestrained section of the pipeline is defined as the portion of line, in which the
pipeline is free to displace laterally and to strain axially
When the axial force is greater than the restraining force, expansion of the pipeline will
occur. Expansion will occur at the pipeline transition from below to above ground and at
significant changes in direction. Flexibility and end expansion calculations shall be carried
out on the pipeline approaches to these locations to ensure that the stresses at bends and
restraining loads are within allowable limits.
At changes in direction the pipeline bend shall be designed such that the end expansion
can be fully absorbed by the bend without exceeding code allowances. Buried pipeline
analysis shall use soil friction, soil stiffness and backfill density and compaction derived
from the geotechnical survey results.
At the transition between below ground and above ground, the expansion shall be limited
to approximately 25 mm by consideration of the pipeline approach or by utilization of a
pipeline anchor block.
The buried section of any pipeline shall normally be considered as fully restrained when
anchored with anchor blocks at each end.
The restrained sections of the pipeline shall be designed so that the combined stress is
within code allowable limits. The pipeline shall be checked for local (upheaval and lateral)
Anchor blocks shall be designed to restrain the full expansion force due to combined
pressure and temperature loads. Rectangular block design shall take account of soil
resistance on the front face, and frictional resistance sides and top and bottom faces of the
block. Design aspects shall be as defined in the Geotechnical Report and structural design
criteria. The calculations shall allow for water saturated soil conditions if these are likely to
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The live, dead and impact loadings at all asphalt roads; rig and track crossings for the
Pipeline shall be calculated as outlined in API RP 1102. Minimum depth of cover for minor
road, track crossings and rig crossings shall be as per section 5.2.7.
Wheel loadings at asphalt road and track crossings shall be 112 kN per wheel at 900 mm
centers with a maximum of four (4) wheels per axle. Contact area per API RP 1102 is
2 2
0.093 m , giving surface pressure of 1204 kN/m .
Wheel loadings at rig crossings shall be 2452 kN on a single axle (2 wheel set) and the
maximum single axle wheel load is 1226 kN. Refer to API RP 1102 for single axle load
calculations. The contact area, over which the wheel load is applied, shall be taken as
625 square inches (0.403 m ).
Locations, number of rig crossings indicated in the alignment sheet and any new rig
crossings shall be identified as per topographical survey report.
Wheel loadings at rig crossings shall be as per ADCO requirements and design shall be
carried out accordingly.
Permanent scraper launcher and receiver traps shall be provided on the pipeline suitable
for running intelligent scrapers for corrosion detection. The design of the pipeline
launchers and receivers shall be in accordance with specification Document No.:5274-
ADD-9540-001 – Addendum to DGS-9540-001- Pipelines Launchers and Receiver
(scraper traps).
All pipelines shall be suitable to allow scraping operations for internal and external
inspection using an intelligent scraper as well as cleaning scrapers for the removal of any
debris in the pipeline. The variation in internal diameter along each pipeline shall be
minimized in order to minimize obstructing the passage of cleaning scrapers and intelligent
As water content is present within condensate, the exact frequency to run the cleaning
pigs to remove water and other debris is recommended to be on 3 months basis based on
corrosion audit study report referred in section 3.3.5 of this document.
This frequency shall be reviewed after commissioning of pipeline, depending upon the
volume of water and debris which will be collected. Furthermore, it is also recommended
that cleaning pigs are run immediately following any upset conditions which allow the entry
of water into the pipeline.
A cleaning pig should also be run to remove water prior to any period of
shutdown/mothballing. It is recommend that if the pipeline is to be shut down for any
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period then areas containing stagnant fluids such as the pig launchers and receivers and
any bypass pipe work should be flushed and drained of accumulated liquids prior to the
A high resolution Intelligent Pig Baseline Survey (ILI) shall be carried out and shall be
done during the warranty period i.e., within 6 Months from final PAC.
Combined (ILI & INS) base line survey shall be carried out as per COMPANY
Cleaning pig and caliper pig shall be run before Intelligent Pigging.
Any defects found during the intelligent pigging operation due to reason not attributable to
COMPANY shall be considered as warranty item as per the provision of the Contract
For Cathodic Protection and monitoring, please refer section 12 of Design Basis
Memorandum with document number DBM-5274-GG-000-50-004.
Hydrostatic testing of all pipelines shall be carried out after construction in accordance with
specification Document No.: 5274-ADD-9550-003 – Addendum to DGS-9550-003-
Pipeline Hydrostatic Testing.
Samples shall be collected from the proposed source of hydrotest water and analyzed to
determine the levels of corrosion inhibitor, biocide and oxygen scavenger required.
Disposal of hydrotest water shall be at a location and in a manner to be agreed with
COMPANY and local regulatory authorities.
Scraping shall be carried out to remove debris from the pipeline prior to hydrostatic testing.
Cleaning and drying shall be carried out in accordance with specification Document No.:
5274-ADD-9550-002 – Addendum to DGS-9550-002- Pipeline Construction.
Pipeline cleaning shall be completed employing scraper trains in the flow direction.
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Water coming out of the pig receiver during final dewatering operation shall be tested for
the presence of bacteria. If the presence of bacteria is proven, then a slug of undiluted
biocide shall be run to treat the pipeline. After such treatment, again sample shall be
collected to check for the absence of bacteria
Bi-directional scrapers shall be run until the following conditions are met:
Concentric wear on the scraper tools not to exceed 5% of the outer diameter of the
guiding discs on the final pig;
The Condensate pipeline shall be dried with super dry air/vacuum drying to achieve a dew
point specified in Pre-Commissioning and Commissioning Philosophy with document
number PHL-5274-GG-000-00-003 and Addendum to DGS-9550-002 – Pipeline
construction with document number 5274-ADD-9550-002.
Considering that pipeline hydrotesting will be carried out in sections, the cleaning pig shall
be run throughout the complete pipeline and is cleaned as per the specification
requirement prior to start of Pre-commissioning / Commissioning activities
The Drying work shall be completed after the pipeline is installed with its launcher and
receiver. Approved procedures shall be followed.
It is important that any leak from pipelines be detected as early as possible to minimize
environmental impact and production loss. The Pipeline leak detection for longer lengths
becomes necessary from environmental regulations, safety and economics point of view.
For more details, refer section 10.3 of Design Basis Memorandum with document number
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5.3.1 General
All pipeline materials including fittings and valves shall be in accordance with NACE MR
0175 / ISO 15156 (HIC tested) and applicable project specifications for sour service
“Addendum to DGS-0000-002 - Material for Sour Environment 5274-ADD-0000-002”.
Pipeline fittings shall be of same material as the line pipe or equivalent compatible
Corrosion audit study Report specified in section 3.3.5 of this document recommends that
the pipeline be sour service rated, i.e. conform to the requirements of ISO 15156-2/ NACE
MR 0175 in all aspects of material purchase and fabrication.
The new condensate pipeline when operating under its design specification then sour
service rated carbon steel with 3 mm corrosion allowance combined with the monitoring
and inspection regime is recommended as per corrosion audit study report.
Due to the stagnant conditions which are expected within the Scraper Launcher (950-V-
101) and Receiver (950-V-201) and the bypass lines in SV stations combined with the
potential for any water drop out to accumulate within these areas then it is recommended
that these items are constructed with an increased 6 mm corrosion allowance.
All pipelines shall be constructed from carbon steel in accordance with API 5L and Project
Specification for LSAW Line pipes (Doc. no. 5274-ADD-9510-001)/HFW Line pipe (Doc.
no. 5274-ADD-9510-003). Line pipe hardness shall be controlled such that the completed
girth welds and the Heat Affected Zone are below the hardness limits specified by
applicable PROJECT specification for line pipe. The use of spiral welded pipes shall not be
permitted for any service.
Selected pipeline material as per Pipeline Material Grade Selection study is API 5L X65
12.0mm wall thickness and 16.0mm wall thickness respectively for design factor 0.72 and
0.50. The plate material for the line pipe shall be EN 10204 Type 3.2 certified. Pipeline wall
thickness has been summarized in section 5.1 of this document.
Line pipe SMYS, expansion coefficient and Young's modulus will be accounted for wall
thickness and stress calculations, where applicable
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5.3.4 Valves
All pipeline valves shall be in accordance with specifications document no.: 5274-ADD-
9520-001 – Addendum to DGS-9520-001- Pipeline Ball Valves and document no.: 5274-
ADD-9520-002 – Addendum to DGS-9520-002 - Plug Valves. All ball valves shall be
provided with double block and bleed arrangement. Ball valves shall also be provided with
cavity vent and drain facilities. Buried valves for all services shall be of welded body
design with welded ends and extended spindle as required.
Electro Hydraulic valves and MOVs shall be as indicated in P&IDs. Ball valves shall be
used for on/off service and plug valve for throttling purposes. Plug valve used for throttling
shall be a pressure balanced, tapered plug type.
For pressure equalising bypass shall be provided across all main valves, with a
combination of ball valve and plug valve.
The Shell, Seats & Vent/Drains of all Valves shall be tested before installation. Test shall
be witnessed by COMPANY representative. Hydrostatic testing shall be done for Shell,
Seats & Vent/Drains of the valves. Compressed air testing shall be done for seats only.
Testing shall be done as per API 6D. The minimum duration of the tests shall be no less
than that specified in API 6D.
For all buried valves including ROV’s, there shall not be any buried valves in the vent and
drain lines. All the small bore valves on the cavity vents and drain shall be above ground.
All full-bore valves shall be drift tested at VENDOR’s Shop. The drift test shall
demonstrate that full-bore valves have minimum bore specified in the data sheet. A drift
mandrel shall be passed through the valve, without sticking or damage the valve with the
ball in fully open position.
All ROVs and MOVs shall be stroke tested with the actuator at site witnessed by
The Double isolation valves shall be provided at Scraper launchers/receivers. The main
line valves adjacent to the launchers and receivers shall be split body type design with
flanged ends. The second main line valve near pipeline barred tees at scraper
launcher/receiver ends shall be of top entry design with butt welded connection. Bleed
connection shall be provided in between double isolation valve at Scraper
First isolation ball valve on scraper launcher/receiver bypass (i.e. on branch line below
pipeline barred tees) shall be of top entry design with butt welded end connection. Above
ground remotely operated valves shall be of top entry design with welded ends.
Ball valve shall be supplied with solid balls. Material of ball and trims for ball valves shall
be suitable for the intended service of the pipeline.
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Safety relief valve for valve body cavity shall not be permitted for any valve design.
For any flanged joints the gap between flange faces shall be suitably protected against
5.3.5 Bends
The minimum bend radius for the elastic bend shall be calculated from the allowable
bending stress after consideration of pressure and temperature effects. The minimum
bend radius for field bending shall be 40 times the nominal diameter of the pipeline.
Where there is a requirement for tighter bend radius, manufactured induction bends shall
be used. Should the design require the use of induction bends, the minimum bend radius
shall be 5D. Where required the wall thickness of induction bends shall be controlled such
that intelligent pigs can traverse the bends. 5D hot induction bends shall be in accordance
with ‘5274-ADD-9530-001 – Addendum to DGS-9530-001 - Factory Hot Bends’. Tangent
lengths are required for all fabricated bends. Wall thickness of the pipe used to produce
bends shall allow for outer wall thinning during bend production. Mitered bends shall not
be used.
Pipeline tees shall be barred and manufactured to a proven design that will allow the
smooth passage of pigging tools without the risk of snagging. Barred tees shall be
installed where pipeline branch connections of 25% and above of main pipeline diameter
are required. All barred tees shall comply with the requirements of ASME B16.9, MSS-SP-
75 and specifications document no. 5274-ADD-9530-002 - Addendum to DGS-9530-002 -
Pipeline Pigging Tees. Branch connection on mainline at Sectionalizing valve station shall
be provided with pipeline barred tees. Weldolets are not permitted wherever pipeline
branch consideration of 25% and above of main pipeline diameters are required.
Isolation joints shall be installed at each end of the pipeline to electrically isolate the buried
pipeline cathodic protection system from the above ground station pipe work. All monolithic
isolation joints shall be installed above ground.
The isolation joint shall be in accordance with specification document no. 5274-ADD-9540-
002 - Addendum to DGS-9540-002 – Pipeline Isolating Joints, and shall preferably be
installed in a horizontal position and shall be capable of withstanding mechanical loads
resulting from the adjacent pipe work configuration. Isolation joints shall be designed to
withstand the maximum allowable design conditions of the pipeline including bending and
torsion requirements as defined in 5274-ADD-9540-002.
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Pig Launchers and Receivers shall comply with the requirements of specification
document no. 5274-ADD-9540-001 - Addendum to DGS-9540-001 – Pipeline Launcher
and Receiver (Scraper Traps).
The pipeline shall be designed to be suitable for intelligent pigging. Permanent pig
launcher / receiver capable of intelligent inspection tools shall be installed at Habshan and
Ruwais. Pig Launcher / Receiver length shall be suitable for the longest intelligent pig tool
plus a margin of 10 percent.
Pig launchers and receivers shall be bi directional and shall be designed to ASME B 31.4
with applicable design factor and the end closure shall be designed in accordance with
ASME VIII, Division 1.
End closure of traps shall be of SCHOLZ Germany design or any equivalent design and
end closures shall be fitted with a pressure activated locking mechanism to prevent
opening while the trap is pressurised.
The support under the barrels should normally be of the sliding type to compensate for
expansion of the unrestrained part of the pipeline.
The pipelines shall be designed to allow the use of intelligent inspection pigs by
COMPANY approved VENDORs such as TD Williamson, Linalog-Tuboscope, Pipetronix,
British Gas, H. Rosen and Vetco.
For sour service application, all the parent materials and fabrication welds shall meet the
requirements of NACE MR 0175 / ISO 15156 with additional requirements of specification
document no. 5274-ADD-0000-002.
A rotating davit, complete with manual chain hoist and pig handling trolley shall be
provided at scraper trap for pipelines. Pig handling trolley shall be of rail mounted moving
The davit/chain hoist shall have a working radius of 3.0m. Jib Crane capacity shall be
verified and confirmed as part of detailed design.
Flanges of minor barrel and kicker connection shall be capable of withstanding the loads
(such as forces, moment and torque etc.) resulting from unrestrained pipeline /
interconnecting piping.
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Wall thickness check, also takes into account the bend thinning requirements in
accordance with PD 8010-1:2004. This is in the case of subjecting the pipe to field
bending or cold bending having a minimum bend radius of 40D.
The calculated thickness for design pressure = (1- thinning %) x pipe thickness before
Pipe Thickness before bending = (Calculated Thickness) / (1 – Thinning %)
Sectionalizing valve locations has been selected as per ASME B31.8 requirements for
location class selection.
The number and location of pipeline Sectionalizing valves shall be selected with due
consideration given to the route topography, extent of spillage control, populated area and
in accordance with the applicable pipeline design code and PROJECT HSE
Four (4) Numbers of SV Station shall be required in the Condensate pipeline route. The
locations shall be reconfirmed based on topo survey report.
The Minimum above ground stem extension for buried valves shall be 1.2 m.
All pipeline sectionalizing valves shall be full-bore piggable type, and shall be with an
Electro Hydraulic type actuator for remote operation. All pipeline sectionalizing valves shall
be buried and provided with extended spindles and will rest on sand bags. Sand bags to
be of a non-porous synthetic material containing dry compound of fine sand.
Pipeline welding requirements shall be carried out in accordance with the Project
specification 5274-ADD-6300-004 – Addendum to DGS-6300-004 - Pipeline Welding. All
pipeline welds shall be 100% radiographed. Radiographic inspection shall be carried out in
accordance with the Project specification 5274-ADD-6300-005 – Addendum to DGS-6300-
005 - Radiographic Inspection of Pipeline Welds’.
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All piping tie-in shall be as per “Addendum to DGS-1300-100 Rev 1 Piping Tie-ins” Doc No
As per corrosion audit study report specified in section 3.3.5 of this document, the
requirement of external coating system is analysed and concluded that Coating system
must be able to withstand both the environmental and operating conditions, including any
mechanical loads either accidentally or intentionally applied during construction and in
service. The coating should exhibit strong adhesion and resistance to disbonding adjacent
to areas of coating damage and resistance to cathodic disbondment. A factory applied
coating is preferred for all pipeline components to ensure adequate surface preparation
and coating applications under controlled conditions. Field welds and special joints may be
coated on site with a material that is compatible with the line pipe coating and the cathodic
protection system and should give a durable bond with both the factory applied coating
and the steel surface.
The buried sections of all pipelines having below ground design temperatures up to 65ºC
shall be externally coated with a three layer polyethylene coating system in accordance
with specification 5274-ADD-1470-003 – Addendum to DGS-1470-003 - Three Layer
Polyethylene Coating System’. The field joint coating material shall be polyethylene heat
shrink sleeves in accordance with specification 5274-ADD-1470-004 – Addendum to DGS-
1470-004 - Field Joint Coating Using Heat Shrinkable Sleeves. Coating systems of valves
and fittings shall be in accordance with specification 5274-ADD-1470-002 – Addendum to
DGS-1470-002 - Polyurethane – Tar coating for bends, valves and fittings’.
Coating Properties:
Coating Type Thickness, mm Density, kg/m³(*)
3 Layer Polyethylene
Adhesive 0.25 – 0.35 930
(3.55 mm thickness)
Polyethylene 3.0 for ≥ 20 960
* The above values of density and thermal conductivity are indicative only.
VENDOR shall confirm the same.
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5.3.14 Painting
All above ground pipe work shall be externally painted in accordance with the specification
5274-ADD-6600-010 – Addendum to DGS-6600-010 – Painting of new metallic structure.
Pipeline launcher and receiver stations as well as any intermediate stations shall be
constructed outside other parties, fences, to be under full control of Pipelines Division
In order to comply with ADNOC requirement, map of all onshore pipelines shall be
provided in GIS format and data integration shall be facilitate in the PIMS database.
All future pipeline construction data shall be provided in GIS format compliant with
APDM (Arc GIS Pipeline Data Model).
All pipelines cathodic protection test point connections shall be provided through
welded pads instead of direct cad welds. These welded pads shall be used as
permanent reference points for pipelines In Line Inspection surveys (RTS will be
raised & sent to TS).
In Line Baseline Inspection shall be carried out at a date not exceeding six months
after product-in and the remedial actions shall be completed before FAC.
ILI SUB-CONTRACTOR shall be approved and qualified by COMPANY.
RACI document for operating phase shall consider the pipeline design basis to
identify responsibilities during commissioning, handover and operating phases.
Stations shall be enclosed within a boundary wall constructed with 1.5 m silicate block and
1.0 m high chain link fencing and double "Y" at the top. Height of boundary wall shall be
increased in sand accumulated area in consultation with COMPANY. The whole area shall
be paved with tiles. Station shall be provided with danger warning sign, signboard, safety
signs, strobe light, windsock, fire extinguisher and safety equipment. Stations shall be
fitted with a Main gate and emergency gate.
Direction markers shall be installed on each side of the nearest asphalt road to the Station
for indication of the Station location. Limit switches shall be installed on the station gates
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and on the door of the passive shelter/ control building for remote operated valve / scraper
station for remote monitoring of unauthorized entry into the station.
Pipeline/piping shall not be rested directly on embedded plate of the support in order to
avoid external corrosion on pipeline/piping surface. Pipe sleeve/saddles shall be provided
where pipeline/piping shall be directly rested on embedded plate of support.
Station grade level should match with neighbouring pipeline to avoid level difference with
neighbouring facilities on both sides. This must be fixed in advance and approval obtained
from COMPANY end user (Pipelines Division) before starting construction work on station.
In case of either filling or cutting requirement to match new valve station grade level with
neighbouring facility/ pipeline, a very low slope access be provided along pipeline route to
minimize sand accumulation in the neighbourhood of valve station due to original ground
level difference.
The piping Scope of work includes all the station piping including tie-in works.
The execution of piping design and engineering activities shall be in accordance with the
PROJECT specifications.
Execution of piping design and engineering activities shall be in accordance with the
Scope of work, Piping Specifications, Project specific addendums to COMPANY Design
General Specifications & Standard Drawings and relevant International Codes &
Standards. Compliance with PROJECT Specifications and Standard Drawings is
mandatory and any deviation to this must be approved by COMPANY prior to
Where specification or standards are not available, the PROJECT specific, self-contained
and stand-alone specifications or standards shall be made for COMPANY approval. Any
new calculation required for the PROJECT shall be carried out to support the design.
All calculations, drawings and data shall be subject to review by COMPANY. Any
comments from COMPANY shall be incorporated.
The design of the piping shall be evaluated / verified for the existing piping supports,
mechanical design, rating and performance as well as the auxiliary connected piping
systems. The major aspects under piping to be considered are as under.
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Based on the outcome of Corrosion audit study (referred in section 3.3.5), the stagnant
conditions are expected within the Scraper Launcher (950-V-101), Receiver (950-V-201)
and the bypass lines in SV stations combined with the potential for any water drop out to
accumulate within these areas. Hence Pig launcher, receiver, above ground piping, all
associated fittings and valves shall be with 6 mm corrosion allowance.
Vent and drain lines (ANSI 150# rating) downstream of the isolation valves / thermal relief
valve shall be with 3mm corrosion allowance as mentioned in the P&ID.
Galvanised carbon steel shall be used for piping associated with instrument air tapping.
The pipes, valves and piping components shall be designed to the PROJECT
specifications and applicable code as summarized in section 3 of this document.
The number and type of the valves shall be kept to a minimum. For guidance to the
location and installation of valves, refer 5274-ADD-1300-040 Addendum to DGS-1300-
040 - General Piping, Process & Utility Design; Layout and Drawing.
Plot Plan;
Wind Direction;
Good access to carry out the required equipment operation and maintenance.
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Erection and schedule of equipment to have trouble free erection, and shall consider
approach roads for cranes/ derrick for lifting the equipment;
Operation and maintenance requirement i.e. horizontal & overhead clearances for
easy movement of working personnel;
Connections for utility station for new facility from existing sources (if required).
Piping General Arrangements shall be developed for all the lines along with sectional
details and views for better clarity of piping scope.
o P&IDs;
o Line list;
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o HAZOP Closeout.
o Proper access to all operating points including valves and for all orifice tapping
points, temperature & pressure instruments, man ways / manholes, vessel vents,
sample points, gauge glasses, level controllers, etc.;
All pipe work above ground and below ground shall be in double line
representation for pipe sizes 8" and above, complete with valves, flanges,
fittings. In-line equipment and instrumentation and complete line numbering, with
suitable references to line specification, location of approaches, platforms and
ladders, equipment levels, nozzle details. Location and definition of pipe
supports, etc.;
Demolition piping layouts shall be prepared for all the existing lines to be
Line list shall cover following information, which shall be initiated by Process group with
input from Piping:
Line number;
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Tie-in numbers;
New PROJECT piping classes shall be used for the tie-ins on the existing pipe work
as per P&ID;
Location, methodology of the tie-ins and the accessibility of valve to be installed shall be
verified and reviewed in coordination with COMPANY site personnel. The coordination
shall include isolation valve condition check on existing facility to have smooth execution
of tie-in.
Hot Tap Stopple Plugging shall be implemented wherever applicable to reduce the dead
leg of the existing piping. All Hot tapping shall be executed by specialized
Tie in locations and summary shall be summarized in Tie in Schedule with document
number SCH-5274-GG-000-13-001.
All HSE requirements have to be met during the Hot tapping works, as per Engineering
HSE Philosophy with document number PP-5274-GG-000-61-002.
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Piping isometrics shall be prepared for all above ground piping (including small bore vent /
drain / sample connection / piping below 2") COMPANY Design General Specifications
and the addendums issued under this project. Piping Isometrics shall incorporate following
information as a minimum:
Complete line from start to end with all components with full dimensions;
Reference drawings, like piping GADs, P&IDs and piping material specification.
operating temperature
design temperature
design pressure
NDT requirement
Painting code
The piping stress analysis for all critical lines and nozzle load calculations shall be carried
out as mentioned in 5274-ADD-1300-060 - Addendum to DGS-1300-060 - Piping
Flexibility Analysis.
Since there is no rotating equipment in this project, the piping vibration analysis is not
envisaged. Since there is no pressure reducing control valves, safety / relief valves,
restricted orifices etc. in this project, the acoustic induced vibration is not envisaged.
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The effect of wind on a piping system is to produce a set of vibratory/dynamic loads acting
along different directions depending on the configuration of the piping. However, the
design wind load for a piping system is often calculated on the basis of a statically applied
maximum pressure(s) that can be expected over the design life of the plant/unit.
The design of piping for wind load should include the following points:
a) All lines should have sufficient number of horizontal restraints/guides to take the
design wind load to be calculated as per the procedure indicated later in the
The horizontal restraint/guides should be adequate for the design wind load where
the design wind load is to be applied statically and can act along any horizontal
The basic wind speed Vb for the sites shall be taken as 175 km/hr. The design wind
pressure on pipe at height z can be obtained from the following table. This table has been
taken from 5274-ADD-1882-001 - Addendum to DGS-1882-001 for Structural Design
Z qz Pz
Note: Wind Pressure for any intermediate height may be linearly interpolated.
The design wind load on a pipe shall be calculated from the following relation.
FWZ = Cf PZ D0
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PZ = Design wind pressure on pipe at height z which can be obtained from the above
The list and specification of spring supports with recommendations regarding erection and
calibration, if required shall be made;
Drawings shall be made for the special supports and spring supports showing support
number, movements, hot/cold loads and pre-set loads together with instructions for
installation, if required;
For the details of hydro testing and pneumatic testing of pipe work refer 5274-ADD-1300-
030 Addendum to DGS-1300-030 - Process and Utility field / Shop pressure testing.
All above ground piping systems isolated from the pipeline shall be dried after dewatering
to a dew point of -30°c using super dry air. The Pipeline system shall be purged with
nitrogen and then maintained at 1.5 Barg pressure system until the introduction of
hydrocarbons. The piping system shall be tested for flange tightness during the
preservation with nitrogen and subsequently during system pressurization with gas / liquid.
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6.13 Painting
Colour codes and flow direction for new additional pipes should be according to
COMPANY standards and 5274-ADD-6600-010 - Addendum to DGS-6600-010 – Painting
of new metallic structures.
“The code breaks between pipeline and piping codes are defined on the P&IDs. Piping
materials, classified under ASME B31.3 code, shall be specified in accordance with the
applicable piping material class.
Materials used for piping facilities at scraper stations and Sectionalizing valve locations
shall be in accordance with the Addendum to DGS-9510-004 - Onsite Non Piggable Piping
Material Doc. No. 5274-ADD-9510-004
Where necessary for safe operation and maintenance, access ways and working platforms
shall be provided to all equipments, valves and instruments.
For the protection of the condensate pipeline and the corridor, new fencing or relocation of
existing fence shall be done as applicable along the pipeline corridor and the stations as
shown in the pipeline alignment sheets / relevant drawings.
The temporary fence to be constructed to safeguard the pipeline corridor/ facilities while
removing the existing fence.
The pipeline/piping code break at plant areas for the pipeline shall be as shown on the
Tie-in schedule shall contain tie-in no, tie-in size no, tie-in type, flange rating/ facing,
material/ piping class, description / service, existing line no., new line no., p & id no., plant
shut down required. Tie-ins shall meet criteria set in specification 5274-ADD-1300-100.
Methodology for implementation of all tie-ins shall be developed and agreed with
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Demolishing of the Redundant Lines and stations i.e. the 16” pipeline from Habshan to
Ruwais shall be carried out as indicated in the demolition P&IDs and demolition drawings.
This PROJECT shall be designed and constructed as per document and drawings which
shall be developed during detailed engineering and related COMPANY standard drawings.
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