The Best Present of All - Oliver A.Houck Questions and Answers Textbook Q&A pg:78)

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The Best Present Of All

-Oliver A.Houck
Questions and answers(Textbook Q&A pg:78)

Can You Tell:

1. What had King Oliver planned for the biggest day for
children in his Kingdom?

A. King Oliver wanted to give a perfect gift to the

children when they come to greet him on the biggest day.
He wanted to give them something that can remain forever
and ever with his children, their children, and their
children's children.

2. What made him want to give warmth and light forever for

A. King all wanted to give warmth and light forever to the

children because he lived in a cold, dark stone Castle and
dreamt to have a warm, bright house all over the
3. Why did the eldest advisor think that it was not wise to
promise light and warmth forever and ever? Explain
adviser’s riddle.

A. The eldest advisor suggested that it was not wise to

give light and warmth forever by saying a riddle-
“Everything cost even by things that are free, and once they
are gone. They can no longer be". It means that if we use
up all the resources without planning for further that even
the thing that is abundant will cost one day.

4. Why did the King believe that Mr. Oil, Mr. Gas, Mr. Coal,
Mr. Atom, and general water were not good sources of
energy? Discuss specific reasons for why they were
unsuitable for each one of them.

A.King Oliver believed that Mr.Oil, Mr. Coal, Mr. Atom

and General Water were not very good sources of
energy, the specific reasons are as follows-

Mr. Oil: -When he said he leaks and pollute the Marsh or its
tankers may crack up the sea, the beach with oil and burn it. It
sounded risky. Moreover, it could provide heat and light only
for thirty years. The King was displeased.

Mr. Gas:- When the King learnt that he has a drill and lay
pipelines to carry the gas which he has to spoil the beaches,
tear the mountains and drill the parks then he could provide
warmth and light for not more than twenty years then the king
thought to look something better.

Mr. Coal: - Mr. Coal was available in billions of tons and could
feed the children for hundreds of years but when he said cannot
be burnt completely and rather down the lungs the king could
imagine the harm that can cause to his children and ordered him
to leave.

Mr. Atom: -When Mr. Atom said that when he makes a

radioactive element which is stronger poison on earth and can
cost thousands and millions of his children and demanded to
provide a safest place to preserve it, the King asked him to

Mr. Water: -He was the wonderful thing to look at and he said
that he makes wonderful dams to hold water. He can provide
heat, light and electricity but the only problem is that if they
flood, the stretch over miles and across of land then the
children, the fish and the birds the big wild beast and the small
creepy crawlies are all gone. The King groaned that it's awful.
Then he decided that he should give ice cream and cookies
rather than heat and light.

Textbook Q&A pg:79

Say what you think:

Q1. Energy is produced from a variety of resources.

Ans. The different sources of energy and from where we obtain

them are as follows:-

Oil and Coal: -It is called as fossils their related ocean water and
is slowly formed.

Geothermal energy: -It is the heat obtained from center of the

earth, the core.

Biomass energy:-It refers to the burning of ‘young’ organic

materials such as wood and biological waste products such as
"gobar gas" for extracting energy. It differs from fossil fuel.

Q2. What is the difference between a renewable and non-

renewable resources.Name some examples of each.

Ans.Renewable resources:-The resources which are used by

mankind from the starting of human life. These resources are
also called non-conventional sources of energy ex. Sun, tidal
energy, forest, mountains, soil, water bodies, wildlife etc.
Non-renewable resources:-The resources that have a limited
supply and can’t be replaced by natural means at a pace that
meets its consumption. ex. Crude oil, petrol, diesel, jet fuel,
nuclear fuels etc.

Q3. What would you say is a good source of energy?

Ans. A good source of energy is reliable and safe for mankind.

Q4. How is it better than the sources of energy mentioned in

the story?
Ans.The renewable and non-conventional resources are a better
source of energy than the one mentioned in the story because it
is the gift of nature and causes no harm to mankind.

Q5.What message is the writer trying to convey through the

Ans.The writer conveys the message that the man has destroyed
the nature to meet his selfish needs but he should realize that the
bounty of nature is not inexhaustible.

Q6. Discuss why the King emphasized that there had to be a

special place to keep" the poison"? What is the poison he is
referring to?

Ans. The King emphasized that there had to be a safe place to

keep the poison because if it hits against something in a certain
way then it becomes unstable and dangerous. It makes a
radioactive element plutonium, the strongest poison on the earth
which may cost billions of lives.

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