4th Quarter Lesson Plan
4th Quarter Lesson Plan
4th Quarter Lesson Plan
The learner demonstrates understanding of the earth’s
A. Content Standards
rotation and revolution
The Learners should be able to demonstrate the eath’s
B. Performance Standards
rotaion and revolution
Differentiate between the rotation and revolution and
C. Learning Competencies or
describe the effects of the earth’s motions.
a. Most Essential Learning
Differentiate between the rotation and revolution and
Competencies (MELC)
describe the effects of the earth’s motions.
(If available, write the indicated
b. Enabling Competencies
(If available, write the attached
enabling competencies)
c. Enrichment Competencies
(If available, write the attached
enrichment competencies)
What can you say about the movement of the INDICATOR 1. Apply
A. ENGAGE knowledge of content
following objects?
within and across
curriculum teaching
English- analysing
Demonstrating Rotation and Revolution
What is the difference between the rotation and the
revolution of the earth?
COT-RPMS Indicator
What you need: 3. Use effective
Globe verbal and non-verbal
Wide area or space classroom
Flashlight communication
strategies to support
What you need to do: learning
1. Draw a circle to serve as the orbit of earth. participation,
Let one person in the group go to the center. engagement and
He/she will represent the sun. achievement
2. Let one person hold the globe and spin it Providing an
easy and
evenly counter clockwise not too fast, while
enjoyable yet
he/she walks completely around the person very educative
at the center of the circle. (As it revolves activity that
around the sun, north end of the earth’s axis will adapt to all
continues to point toward a relatively kind of
stationery object. In the sky, it is called the learners.
North Star.) The person at the center is
revolving around him/her.
3. Notice the part lighted by the flashlight when
the earth rotates sand revolves around the
What have you found out?
Axis orbit
Teacher I Principal I