GRASP 7 1st Quarter

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School Year 2017-2018

Performance Task
Grade 7 English
Quarter 1
Topic: Chamber Theater
Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of
connecting to the past; various reading styles; ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of
English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.

Performance Standard:
The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past; comprehending
texts using appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations using appropriate context-
dependent expressions; producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of
speech effectively in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.

GOAL: Comprehend texts using appropriate reading styles and produce English sounds correctly by
using the prosodic features of speech effectively in a Chamber theater.
ROLE: You are stage performers of the Philippine Cultural Theater Arts International
AUDIENCE: Artists, School Administrators, Teachers and Students of University of the Philippines
SITUATION: The University of the Philippines is having its annual cultural week. As one of the well-
known stage performers in the country, you are to perform a dynamic Chamber theater portraying
one of the fables in Philippine literature and exhibiting language and oral proficiency.
PRODUCT: Chamber Theater
The performance should comply with the following standards:
- Delivery

- Voice

- Characters

- Props

- Gestures/ Body Movements

- Group Dynamics
(1) Needs
Criteria (4) Excellent (3) Good (2) Satisfactory Score
Usually pauses
Always pauses Usually pauses Hardly pauses
and stops when
and stops when and stops when and stops when
needed. Usually
needed needed almost needed almost
applies the proper
throughout the throughout the throughout the
phrasing of ideas
delivery. Applies delivery. Usually delivery. Hardly
Delivery and information
the proper applies the applies the
but has several
phrasing of proper phrasing proper phrasing
ideas and of ideas and of ideas and
phrasing that
information all information all information all
confuses the
the time. the time. the time.
Usually speaks
Always speaks Usually speaks
loudly, slowly and Speaks too softly
loudly, slowly loudly, slowly
clearly. Speaks so or mumbles. The
and clearly. and clearly and
fast sometimes audience often
Voice Easily is easily
that audience has has trouble
Understood by Understood by
trouble understanding
audience all the audience all the
understanding what is said.
time. time.
what is said.
Usually uses the
Always uses the appropriate facial
Usually uses the Seldom uses the
appropriate expressions,
appropriate facial appropriate facial
facial gestures, eye
expressions, expressions,
expressions, contact, posture
Gestures/ gestures, eye gestures, eye
gestures, eye and stance in
Bodily contact, posture contact, posture
contact, posture delivering the
Movements and stance in and stance
and stance in piece but there
delivering the making the
delivering the are several
piece all the speech wayward
piece all the inappropriate
time. and confusing.
time. misbehaviour
Props are used Props are used
Only few props Very few props
effectively and effectively and
are used and are used and
have enhanced have enhanced
have barely have hardly
Props the characters the characters
enhanced the enhanced the
and and performance
characters and character and
performance at almost all the
performance. the performance.
all times. time.
Creates a very
Creates a very Creates a clear
clear and vivid Hardly creates
clear and vivid and vivid sense of
sense of the clear and vivid
sense of the the character’s
character’s sense of the
character’s thoughts, actions
Characters thoughts, actions character’s
thoughts, and appearances
and thoughts, actions
actions and but some actions
appearances and
appearances at and projections
almost all the appearances.
all times. are confusing.
All members of Less than half of
percent of the Half of the group
the group the group
group perform perform fluently
perform fluently perform fluently
fluently and and effectively
and effectively and effectively
effectively integrate content
Group integrate content integrate content
integrate content and stage arts
Dynamics and stage arts and stage arts
and stage arts conventions that
conventions that conventions that
conventions that are clear,
are clear, are clear,
are clear, polished and
polished and polished and
polished and thorough.
thorough. thorough.
Paombong High School, Inc.
Scoring Rubric: Performance Task 1 (Chamber Theater)

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