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Aphasia Short Term Goals Long Term Goals Evaluation Assessment WriteUp

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Aphasia (VE, AC, WE, RC, Neglect, Comm Board)

Verbal Expression STGs:
Given a starter cue, pt will complete automatic speech tasks (i.e., counting, alphabet, months of
the year, days of the week) with 70% accuracy.
Pt will improve verbal expression via completion of confrontation naming tasks with 70%
Pt will improve verbal expression via completion of responsive naming tasks with 70% accuracy.
Pt will improve verbal expression via completion of generative naming tasks with 70% accuracy.
Pt will improve verbal expression via generation of one-sentence descriptive utterances with
adequate semantics, morphology and syntax with 70% accuracy (for action pictures).
Pt will improve verbal expression via statement of [] synonym and [] antonym per given word in
70% of trials.
Pt will produce bilabial single-syllable / bisyllabic words given max cues of a model x2 and
specific instruction for articulator placement with % accuracy.

Auditory Comprehension STGs:

Pt will improve auditory comprehension for biographical yes/no questions to 70% accuracy.
Pt will improve auditory comprehension for concrete yes/no questions to 70% accuracy.
Pt will improve auditory comprehension for abstract yes/no questions to 70% accuracy.
Pt will improve auditory comprehension via body part identification tasks with 70% accuracy.
Pt will improve auditory comprehension via object discrimination tasks (object presented in f:2,
object label verbally presented by clinician) with 70% accuracy given reps PRN.
Pt will improve auditory comprehension via picture discrimination tasks (picture presented in
f:4, picture label verbally presented by clinician) with 70% accuracy given reps PRN.
Pt will improve auditory comprehension for one-step, simple, motor-related directives to 70%
Pt will improve auditory comprehension for short paragraph information to 70% accuracy via
open field questions.

Reading comprehension STGs:

Pt will improve reading comprehension via matching written word in f:2 to given picture with
70% accuracy.
Pt will improve reading comprehension via matching written phrase in f:4 to given picture with
70% accuracy.
Pt will improve reading comprehension via matching written sentence in f:4 to given picture with
70% accuracy.
Pt will improve reading comprehension for short paragraph-length information (3-4 sentences) to
70% accuracy via written open field questions.

Written Expression STGs:

Pt will improve written expression via completion of written confrontation naming tasks with
70% accuracy.
Pt will improve written expression via copying at the single word level with 70% accuracy.
Pt will improve written expression via writing to dictation at the single word level with 70%
accuracy, for biographical information, personally relevant information, and common words.
Pt will improve written expression via writing to dictation at the short sentence level with 70%

Neglect/Scanning STGs:
Given a L/R visual marker, Pt will improve L/R neglect via completion of
simple/moderate/complex scanning tasks with 70% accuracy.

For improved communication with staff and family, pt will point to a verbally indicated item on
a 6-item communication board.
*A/C goals

Verbal Expression LTGs:
Pt will improve verbal expression to be able to communicate basic wants/needs 80% of the time
given only minimal cues.
Pt will improve verbal expression to be able to communicate wants, needs and moderately
complex ideas 80% of the time given only minimal cues.

Auditory Comprehension LTGs:

Pt will improve auditory comprehension to be able to comprehend basic directions and
conversation 80% of the time given only minimal cues, for improved independence in
communicating with medical/therapy staff and pt’s loved ones as well as improved independence
in participation in leisure activities.
Pt will improve auditory comprehension to be able to comprehend 2-3 step directions and
moderately complex conversation 80% of the time given only minimal cues, for improved
independence in communicating with medical/therapy staff and pt’s loved ones as well as
improved independence in participation in leisure activities.

Reading Comprehension LTGs:

Pt will improve reading comprehension to be able to comprehend short paragraph-length
information (3-4 sentences) to 80% accuracy via written open field questions, for improved
independence in management of written information contained in cards (from family/friends),
basic menus, ADL written directives, and written directives for leisure-based activities.
Pt will improve reading comprehension to be able to comprehend lengthy paragraph-length
information (7-8 sentences) to 80% accuracy via written open field questions, for improved
independence in management of written information contained in cards (from family/friends),
basic menus, short newspaper articles, and written directives for leisure-based activities.

Written Expression LTGs:

Pt will improve written expression to be able to write single words with 80% accuracy, for
improved independence in signing pt’s own name, writing in requests for menu items at facility,
and communicating basic wants/needs to medical/therapy staff and pt’s loved ones.
Pt will improve written expression to be able to write at the moderate length sentence level with
80% accuracy, for improved independence in communicating wants/needs to medical/therapy
staff and pt’s loved ones, in completion of IADL tasks, and in completing written card/letter

Neglect/Scanning LTGs:
Pt will improve L/R neglect to a level of only minimal impairment, for improved independence
and functional safety in ambulation, transfers, ADL tasks, and improved independence in oral
reading tasks related to daily information (i.e., menus, newspapers, schedules, etc.).

Pt will utilize communication board independently to adequately communicate wants/needs in
80% of opportunities.

Pt write-up:
Pt is a [] year old [fe]male with PMH significant for [], who was admitted to [] on [] with
admitting diagnosis/diagnoses of []. Pt is now a patient at [] and was referred to speech therapy
to evaluate and treat aphasia due to pt’s diagnosis of []. At time of eval, pt’s goal is to [].

Pt prior was living alone/with [] in a house/apartment/condo. Pt/pt’s family reports that pt prior
had no noted impairment in speech/language, prior drove, was independent in IADL tasks of
med management, finance management, and cooking and in ADL tasks of dressing, bathing and
toileting. Pt enjoyed [].

Pt currently presents with mild/mod/severe receptive aphasia concentrated in auditory

comprehension and reading comprehension and mild/mod/severe expressive aphasia
concentrated in verbal expression and written expression, and also presents with L/R neglect.

Treatment is indicated for skilled instruction and cueing in the completion of comprehension and
expression exercises, use of communication strategies, use of a communication board and
exercises to reduce L/R neglect.

Potential barriers to treatment include pt’s complex medical status/ complex PMH / co-
morbidities / reduced motivation and participation / lethargy.

Pt’s auditory comprehension of biographical yes/no questions is % accurate. Pt’s auditory
comprehension for body part ID is % accuracy. Pt’s auditory comprehension for object/picture in
a f:2 is % accurate. Pt’s auditory comprehension of concrete yes/no questions is % accurate. Pt’s
auditory comprehension for abstract yes/no questions is % accurate. Pt’s auditory comprehension
of short paragraph information is % accuracy via yes/no questions open field questions.

Pt is able to complete automatic speech tasks with % accuracy given a starter cue. Pt’s
confrontation naming is % accurate. Pt’s responsive naming is % accurate. Generative naming is
[] items from a concrete category in 60 seconds. Pt is able to complete picture description tasks
with single sentence utterances with % accuracy for adequate semantics, morphology and syntax.
Pt is able to state wants/needs and basic/moderately complex/complex ideas. Oral groping is
evident. Pt presents with apraxia, characterized by [].

Pt’s oral reading is intact at the [] level. Pt’s reading comprehension is accurate for matching
single sentences in a f:4 to a given picture with % accuracy. Pt’s reading comprehension is
accurate for the short paragraph level via written open field questions.

Pt is able to write first/last name and complete address to dictation. Pt is able to copy at the
single letter / single word level with % accuracy. Pt is able to write to dictation at the single word
level with % accuracy. Pt is able to write simple sentences / a short paragraph freely and
independently when given a topic.

Unable to fully assess at this time due to pt’s aphasia. Cognition will be assessed as indicated
when aphasia improves during the course of treatment.
L/R neglect is evident; pt completed a mild/moderate/complex scanning task with % accuracy
with/without a L/R visual marker.

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