Current Affairs: March - April: 2022

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March - April : 2022

Current Affairs

Ÿ International

Rajasthan Budget Ÿ National

Ÿ Rajasthan
Speech -2021-22 Ÿ Sujas - Saar
Ÿ Science and Tech.
Ÿ Yojana Kurukshetra
Ÿ Games
Ÿ Budget Speech-2021-22

Advantageous for all competitive exams

Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

Chapter - 1 International Events

The Global Happiness Report-2022 Global Report is being published since 2016 by
The 'Global Happiness Report 2022' was published SDSN and Bertelsmann Stifting.
by the United Nations Sustainable Development The world's first wildlife bond
Solutions Network on 18 March, 2022. The report
The World Bank (International Bank for
typically ranks 150 countries based on a number of
Reconstruction and Development) has issued the
factors such as real GDP per capita, social support,
world's first wildlife bond (Wildlife Conservation
healthy life expectancy, freedom to make decisions
Bond) for the conservation of the endangered
and perceptions of corruption. Finland has been
species of black rhino and has raised $150 million.
ranked first in the report released this year on 146
These bonds will be used to increase the number
countries. It is based on two key ideas, measuring
of black rhinos (black rhinos) in South Africa's two
happiness or life evaluation through surveys and
protected wildlife - Addo Elephant National Park
identifying the key factors that determine well-
and Great River Nature Reserve.
being and life evaluation in a country.
UNG Resolution on The Russia-Ukraine
Top Performers:-
India has not participated in the vote held in March
Country Rank
2022 by the United Nations General Assembly to
Finland 1 condemn Russia's invasion on Ukraine. Emergency
Denmark 2 special session was convened by UNGA to discuss a
Iceland 3 proposal calling on Russia to unconditionally
Switzerland 4 withdraw its troops. In the past, after the use of
veto by Russia, the same resolution failed in the
Netherlands 5
United Nations Security Council (UNSC), after
Lowest Performer:- which this session of the General Assembly was
Country Rank called.
Afghanistan 146 Uniting for Peace Resolution:- Resolution 377 (v)
Lebanon 145 of the United Nations General Assembly is known
Zimbabwe 144 as the United Nations for Peace resolution, which
was adopted in the year 1950. The most important
Rwanda 143
part of the resolution is the Part-A. in which states
Botswana 142 that where the Security Council, due to a lack of
India's performance: - India has been ranked unanimity of the permanent members, fails to
136th in the report. Last year India was ranked exercise its primary responsibility for the
139th. maintenance of international peace and security,
the General Assembly shall take up the matter on
Sustainable Development Solutions Network its own.
(SDSN):- Started in the year 2012, SDSN provides Emergency Special Session (ESS):- If there is no
scientific and technical expertise on a global scale
session, the General Assembly can meet using the
to solve practical problems related to the mechanism of Emergency Special Session. So far 11
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the emergency special sessions have been called. The
Paris Climate Agreement. It was established under first ESS was held after France and Britain vetoed
the auspices of the United Nations Secretary- UNSC resolution 119 during the Suez Crisis 1956.
General. The Annual SDG Index and Dashboard
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

The Iran nuclear deal The India-Japan Summit

Recently, diplomats of Iran and world powers met Prime Minister of Japan Kishida Fumio had an
again in Vienna (Austria) in search of an agreement official visit to India from 19-20 March, 2022 for
to revive Iran's (Tehran) 2015 nuclear deal. It may the 14th India-Japan Annual Summit between the
be noted that the Iran nuclear deal, 2015 signed by two countries.
President Barack Obama was terminated by Key points of the summit meeting:-
President Donald Trump in the year 2018. The US MoU signed by Japanese companies to introduce
said that US could rejoin the deal if Iran complies Johkasou technology in India for decentralized
with the terms of the original agreement and wastewater treatment. It is used out in areas
addresses other issues related to ballistic missile where sewage infrastructure is not developed.
stock and covert warfare.
The leaders of both countries expressed their
Also read: The 2015 Iran nuclear deal is formally commitment to promote peace, security and
known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.
(JCPOA). JCPOA was the result of long negotiations
between the years 2013 to 2015 between Iran and The Prime Ministers of the two countries
the P5+ countries (China, France, Germany, Russia, confirmed the importance of bilateral and
the United Kingdom, the United States and the multilateral partnerships between same-minded
European Union). countries in the region, including the India-
Australia-Japan and US Quad Grouping. PM Modi
The Democracy Report-2022 was invited by the Japanese Prime Minister to the
The V-Dem Institute at the University of Quad Summit meeting to be held in Tokyo.
Gothenburg, Sweden has released a report titled The Bucharest Nine
'Democracy Report 2022: The Changing Nature of
Autocracy' in March 2022. The 'Variety of The 'Bucharest Nine' (B-9) recently dismissed the
Democracy' (V-DEM) produces the largest global Russian claim about the eastward 'expansion ' of
dataset on democracy with over 30 million data the the North-Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
points for 202 countries from the year 1789 to the Also read: The B-9 is a group of nine NATO
year 2021. Sweden has been placed in the first countries in Eastern Europe. It is to be known that
place in the report released on 179 countries. India these countries of Eastern Europe became part of
has been ranked 93rd. the US-led military alliance- NATO after the end of
Top Performing Countries:- the Cold War. 'B-9' or Bucharest Nine was
established on 4 November 2015. Its name is
Country Rank derived from Bucharest, the capital of Romania. B9
 Sweden 1 is also known as the 'Voice of the Eastern Side' in
 Denmark 2 the NATO alliance. The group was created by Klaus
 Norway 3 Iohannes, who has been the President of Romania,
 Costa Rica 4 and AndrzejDuda, who became the President of
 New Zealand 5 Poland in August 2015, at a high-level meeting of
Low Performing Countries:- the States of Central and Eastern Europe in
Bucharest. The member states of the B9 include
Country Rank
Romania, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, the Czech
 Eritrea 179
Republic, Slovakia and the three Baltic republics of
 North Korea 178
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
 Afghanistan 177
 Yemen 176 The India-Maldives Security Partnership
 Belarus 175 The National College for Policing and Law
Enforcement (NCPLE) was inaugurated by the
Indian External Affairs Minister during his two-day
visit to Maldives in March 2022. The NCPLE in
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

island nation of Maldives has one of the largest ICJ:- It is the main judicial organ of the United
funded projects of India in the city of Addu. Nations. Unlike the six principal institutions of the
NCPLE:- One of the objectives of this training United Nations, it is the only institution not based
academy is to address the challenges of violent in New York. It was established in the year 1945 by
extremism and prevent radicalization. the Charter of the United Nations and started
Domestically, this training academy will help functioning in April 1946. The ICJ is the successor
strengthen law enforcement capabilities and to the Permanent Court of International Justice
prevent drug trafficking which is a major concern in (PCIJ). The PCIJ was established in February 1922 at
the country (Maldives). the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands. After
World War II the League of Nations and the PCIJ
The UNEP Frontier Report-2022
were replaced by the United Nations and the ICJ
Bangladesh's Dhaka has been ranked as the world's respectively. The PCIJ was formally dissolved in
most noisy city in the UNEP Frontier Report 2022, April 1946, and its last president was judge of El
titled 'Noise, Blaze and Mismatch', released in Salvador Jose Gustavo Guerrero. Appointed the
March 2022. It is followed by Moradabad, Uttar first chairman of the ICJ.
Pradesh. Islamabad of Pakistan is in third place.
The Treaty on Biodiversity
On the other hand Irbid is ranked as the quietest
The Fourth Meeting of the Inter-Governmental
city in Jordan. It is followed by Lyon in France and
Conference (IGC-4) was recently held in New York
Madrid, the capital of Spain. The report, released
to draft a tool on the Conservation and Sustainable
on a total of 61 cities, includes 13 in South Asia, 10
Use of Marine Biological Diversity in Areas of
in West Asia, 10 in Europe, 11 in Southeast Asia,
Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ).
East Asia and Pacific, 6 in North America, 7 in Africa
IGC-4 is organized under the United Nations
and 4 in Latin America.
Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
The Emnati Cyclone
BBNJ Treaty:- The 'BBNJ Treaty', also known as the
Tropical cyclone 'Emnati' wreaked havoc in 'High Maritime Treaty', is an international
Madagascar in March 2022. It gave a landfall agreement on the conservation and sustainable
position just north of the south-eastern district of use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond
Manakara. national jurisdiction is currently under negotiation
The Genocide Convention at the United Nations.
The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment The new device is being developed under the
of the Crime of Genocide (the Genocide framework of the UNCLOS, the main international
Convention) is an instrument of international law agreement governing human activities at sea. It
codified for the first time for the crime of will manage high marine activities more
genocide. The Genocide Convention was the first holistically, thereby achieving a better balance
human rights treaty adopted by the United Nations between conservation and sustainable use of
General Assembly on 9 December 1948. It reflects marine resources. BBNJ includes the high seas
the international community's commitment to beyond the special economic zones or the national
'never again' after the atrocities committed during waters of countries.
World War II. UNCLOS:- The UNCLOS is an international
Why in discussion: - Recently, an application has agreement of the year 1982 that establishes the
been filed by Ukraine before the International legal framework for maritime activities. It is also
Court of Justice to initiate proceedings against called the law of the sea. It divides the oceanic
Russia. Ukraine has accused Russia of falsely regions into five main regions, which include inland
claiming that Genocide incidents occurred in waters, territorial seas, contiguous zones, exclusive
Ukraine's Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts and that economic zones, and high seas. It is an
Russia is using war against Ukraine for international agreement that determines the rights
independence of these regions. and responsibilities of countries over the world's
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

seas and oceans and establishes rules for the use to further strengthen the multi-faceted
of maritime resources. partnership.
The BIMSTEC Summit President Kovind left for Turkmenistan on 4 April
The 5th summit of BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative and reached the Netherlands. Here he met King
for Multy Sectoral Technical and Economic Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima. On 6 April
Cooperation) group was held in Colombo (Sri he held talks with Prime Minister Mark Rutte and
Lanka) in March, 2022. visit the Dutch Parliament. Several key documents
including expansion of MoU on bilateral
Key points of the conference:-
cooperation in the fields of ports, maritime
The signing of the BIMSTEC Charter was the main transport and logistics were announced between
result of this summit. Under this charter all the the two countries during the visit.
members meet once in two years. With the
The India-Australia Economic Cooperation and
Charter, BIMSTEC now has an international
Trade Agreement
existence. Also it has an logo and a flag. It has
formally listed objectives and principles. India has signed the 'India-Australia Economic
Cooperation and Trade Agreement (Ind-Aus ECTA)'
In order to develop the organization's formal
with Australia. The agreement was signed on 2
structure, the leaders of the member countries
April 2022 in the presence of Prime Minister
agreed to divide the working of the grouping into
Narendra Modi and Prime Minister of Australia
seven segments, with India leading the security
Ascot Morrison in a virtual programme. According
to a government estimate, it will increase bilateral
The Master Plan for Transport Connectivity has trade in goods and services from about US$ 27
been announced in the summit, which will provide billion to US$ 45-50 billion in five years and create
a framework for regional and domestic over one million jobs in India.
Also know:- This is the first Free Trade Agreement
The member countries have also signed a treaty on (FTA) that India has signed with a major developed
mutual legal assistance on criminal matters. country after more than a decade. In February,
BIMSTEC:- Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral India signed an FTA with the United Arab Emirates.
Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) is India is currently working on FTAs with Israel,
a regional organization in which 5 out of 7 Canada, UK and EU.
members are from South Asia, these include The India-US 2+2 Dialogue
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka and
The fourth "2+2" dialogue between India and the
two Myanmar and Thailand are from South East
United States was held in Washington DC, USA on
Asia. This sub-regional organization came into
11 April , 2022. During this, India's Foreign Minister
existence in the year 1997 through the Bangkok
Dr. S. Jaishankar and Defense Minister Rajnath
Declaration. The secretariat of BIMSTEC is in
Singh met their American counterparts. Bilateral
Space Situational Awareness Arrangement
The Indian President's visit to Turkmenistan and Agreement was signed during this period. It was
Netherlands also agreed to launch a 'Defence Artificial
President of India Ram NathKovind visited Intelligence Dialogue' expanding joint cyber
Turkmenistan and Netherlands in April 2022. training and exercises. It is to be known that the
President Kovind arrived in Turkmenistan on 1 first 2+2 dialogue between the two countries took
April. Here the host held talks with President place in 2018 during the Trump administration.
Serdar Berdymuhamedov on many issues. There 2+2 Dialogue:- The 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue is the
they signed four agreements, including financial, highest level institutional mechanism between the
intelligence and disaster management, and agreed two countries. India has a 2+2 dialogue with four
to expand bilateral trade and energy cooperation major strategic partners - the US, Australia, Japan
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

and Russia. Apart from Russia, three other remote districts of North-East Nepal to get
countries are also India's partners in the QUAD. electricity by connecting them to the country's
The Colombo Security Conclave national grid.
The Colombo Security Conclave - CSC) was virtually India's RuPay card launched in Nepal. Nepal is the
organized on 9-10 March, 2022 by the National fourth country, after Bhutan, Singapore and the
Investigation Agency of India. Participants with UAE, to have a RuPay card.
their respective countries discussed various A framework agreement has been signed by Nepal
challenges related to terrorism and shared their to join India-led International Solar Alliance
experiences in prosecuting terrorism cases, (becoming 105th member country).
strategies to deal with foreign fighters and
countering misuse of internet and social media. Along with three other agreements, a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on
Colombo Security Conclave:- CSC was formed in enhancing technical cooperation in the railway
the year 2011 as a trilateral Maritime Security sector, supply of petroleum products for five years
Group consisting of India, Sri Lanka and Maldives. and two agreements were signed between Indian
In this, Mauritius was included as the fourth Oil Corporation and Nepal Oil Corporation for
member in the 5th meeting of National Security sharing of technical expertise.
Advisors. Bangladesh and Seychelles participated
as observers and were invited to join the group. The QS World University Rankings-2022
The British Prime Minister's visit to India In a report released by Quacquarelli Symonds on 6
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson visited India April, 2022 titled 'QS World University Rankings by
from 21-22 April , 2022. Here he first visited the Subject-2022', American Institute 'Massachusetts
Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad. On 22 April, the Institute of Technology' has secured first place in
British PM had talks with Prime Minister Narendra 12 subjects. Oxford University of UK came second
Modi on many points. and Stanford University of US and Cambridge
University of UK came jointly in third place. A total
Key Points:-
of 51 subjects were included in the rankings, which
During this two G2G MoUs and four non- were divided into five broad subject areas.
government MoUs were exchanged.
Top Ranked Institutes:-
The Prime Ministers of both countries reviewed
the progress of 'Roadmap 2030' and decided to Arts and Humanities-
complete the Free Trade Agreement by the end of Rank Institute
this year.
1 Oxford University
/M Modi invites British PM to join India's 'National
2 Cambridge University
Hydrogen Mission'.
The Nepal Prime Minister's visit to India 3 Harvard University
Nepal's Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba visited Engineering & Technology-
India in April 2022. Here he had a meeting with the Rank Institute
Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Key points of the journey:-
2 Cambridge University
The two leaders inaugurated a 35-km long cross-
border railway line connecting Jaynagar in Bihar to 3 Oxford University
Kurtha in Nepal. Life Sciences and Medicine-
The Solu Corridor, a 90 km-long 132-shut power Rank Institute
transmission line, constructed by India under the
1 Harvard University
Indian Line of Credit worth Rs 200 crore, has been
handed over to Nepal. This line will help many 2 Oxford University
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

3 Johns Hopkins University received 51 votes. She will replace Janos Eder in
Natural Science- this position.
Rank Institute Eun Suk Yeol
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Eun Sook Yeol (61) has won the presidential
election in South Korea. In the election held in 9
2 Harvard University
March, 2022, Yeol of the People's Party defeated
3 Cambridge University Lee Jae-myung of the Democratic Party. The term
Social Science and Management- of Eole will be five years. He will take over as the
Rank Institute new President of South Korea on 10 May, 2022.
1 Harvard University Gilbert F- Hongbo
2 Oxford University The diplomat of Togo Gilbert F-Hongbo has been
3 London School of Economics and appointed as the next Director-General of the
Political Science International Labor Organization (ILO). Hongbo has
been elected by the governing body of the
Indian Institutes included in the Ranking:- A total
'International Labor Organisation', which included
of 35 institutes of India have been ranked in the
representatives from governments, workers and
ranking. IISC Bangalore (Mechanical Engineering)
employers. His five-year term will start from 01
has been ranked 98th, IIT Delhi (Chemical
October, 2022. It may be noted that the current
Engineering) 92, IIT Bombay (Engineering &
Director General of the United Kingdom, Guy
Technology) 65th, IIT Delhi (Engineering &
Ryder, has been serving in this position since 2012.
Technology) 72nd.
The International Labor Organization (ILO) is the
The United Nations Economic and Social Council
only tripartite organization of the United Nations,
India has been elected to four major bodies of the which was established in the year 1919 by the
United Nations Economic and Social Council, Treaty of Versailles as an affiliated agency of the
including the Science and Technology Commission League of Nations. It brings together the
for Development. governments, employers and workers of 187
Also know: The Economic and Social Council member countries to set labor standards, develop
(ECOSOC) is one of the six principal organs of the policies, and develop programmes that promote
United Nations system, established by the United decent work for all women and men. In 1946, the
Nations Charter in 1945. It also includes 54 ILO became the first specialized agency affiliated
members of the United Nations elected by the with the United Nations. In 1969, the International
General Assembly. It is the central forum of the Labor Organization was awarded the Nobel Peace
United Nations for dialogue and innovative Prize.
discussions on sustainable development. It Ketanji Brown Jackson
coordinates the work of 14 specialized UN
Ketanji Brown Jackson has been appointed a judge
agencies, ten functional commissions and five
in the US Supreme Court in April 2022. She is the
regional commissions, receives reports from nine
first black woman to be appointed to the US
UN funds and programmes, and issues policy
Supreme Court.
recommendations to the UN system and member
countries. Gulzar Ahmed
Appointment Former Chief Justice of Pakistan 'Gulzar Ahmed'
has been elected as the new Prime Minister of the
Caitlin Novak
country. He was sworn in as the 23rd Prime
Caitlin Novak has been elected by the Hungarian Minister of Pakistan on 11 April, 2022. It is to be
Parliament as the country's first female president. known that after the no-confidence motion was
In the 188-member National Assembly, Novak passed in the National Assembly in the past,
secured 137 votes, while his rival Peter Rona
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

President Arif Alvi dissolved the National Assembly  Best Supporting Actor - Troy Kostur (Coda)
on the advice of Prime Minister Imran Khan.  Best Supporting Actress - Ariana de Bose
Emmanuel Macron (Westside Story)
Emmanuel Macron has been elected president of  Best Animated Feature Film - Inkanto
France for a second term. He has won the  Best International Feature Film - Japanese film
presidential election by getting 58.2 percent of the Drive My Car
vote. His rival right-winger Marin Lopen got 41.8 The Grammy Awards
percent of the vote. 44 years old Macron is the first The 64th Grammy Awards for the year 2022 in the
president to be elected to a second consecutive field of music were distributed in Los Angeles, USA
term in 20 years. on 3 April, 2022. These awards were distributed for
Robert Golob the period from 1st September, 2020 to 30th
In the parliamentary elections held in Slovenia on September, 2021. American singer John Battist
24 April 2022, Robert Golob has been elected as won the most 5 awards, including the Album of the
the Prime Minister. He defeated JanezJansa, who Year award for his album We Are.
was prime minister for three consecutive terms, in Awards he received:-
the election.  Album of the Year - We Are (John Batiste)
Death  Record of the Year - Leave the Door Open
Shane Warne  Song of the Year - Leave the Door Open
 Best New Artist - Olivia Rodrigo
Australian spinner Shane Warne (52) died of a
heart attack on 4 March, 2022 in Thailand. He took  Best Pop Solo Performance - Driver's License
708 wickets in 145 Tests. He was the second (Olivia Rodrigo)
highest international Test wicket-taker after Best Children's Music Album - A Colorful World (by
Muttiah Muralitharan of Sri Lanka. He was also the Indian-American composer Falguni Shah)
captain of Rajasthan Royals in IPL. Best New Age Category - Album Divine Tide
Bilkis Banu (jointly by Indian-American musicians Ricky Cage
Pakistan's social activist Bilkis Bano (74) passed and Stewart Copeland)
away on 15 April, 2022. She was awarded the The Pritzker Architecture Prize
Ramon Megsaysay Award in the year 1986 along The prestigious Pritzker Prize for the year 2022 was
with husband Abdul Sattar Idi. announced on 15 March, 2022 to be presented to
Prize architect, educator and social activist Francis Kéré.
The Oscar award Kere is the first black architect to win this award.
The Oscar Awards for the year 2022 were Boltzmann Medal
distributed on 27 March, 2022 in Los Angeles. The Physicist Professor Deepak Dhar of the Indian
film Dune has won three awards for Best Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER),
Cinematography, Visual Effects and Sound, while Pune has been selected for the prestigious
Best Documentary on Short Subject has been Boltzmann Medal-2022. The award is given once in
awarded to The Queen of Basketball. three years by the International Union of Pure and
Awards he received:- Applied Physics for outstanding achievements in
statistical physics. This year in August 2022 this
 Best Film - Coda award will be given to Prof. Deepak Dhar at
 Best Director - Jane Campion (The Statfice 28 to be held in Japan. He will share the
Power of the Dog) medal with John J Hofield of Princeton University.
 Best Actor - Will Smith (King Physicist Professor Deepak Dhar has become the
Richard) first Indian to be awarded the Boltzmann Medal.
 Best Actress - Jessica Chastain (The
Ice of Tammy Faye)
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

Carolina Bilawska
Miss Poland Carolina Bilawska has won the title of Special Day/Week/Year
Miss World-2021 in March 2022. It is to be noted March
that 40 semi-finalists had gathered back in Puerto March 1 - Zero Discrimination Day, World Civil
Rico, as the December 2021 final was postponed Defense Day
due to Corona. The Miss World Beauty Pageant March 3 - World Wildlife Day
2019 title was won by Indian-origin Jamaican Tony- March 4 - National Safety Day
Ann Singh. March 1-7 - Jan Aushadhi Week
March 7 - Jan Aushadhi Day
Abel Prize
March 8 - World Women's Day
The 'Abel Prize' for the year 2022 has been 15 March - World Consumer Rights Day
announced by the Norwegian Academy of Science March 20 - International Day of Happiness
and Letters to American mathematician 'Dennis March 21 - International Day for the Elimination
Parnell Sullivan'. He is being given this award for of Racial Discrimination,
his significant contribution in the algebraic, International Day of Forests
geometric and dynamical aspects of 'topology'. 22 March - World Water Day
Also read: The Abel Prize was started on 1 January, 23 March - World Meteorological Day/Martyr's
2002. Its purpose is to honor outstanding scientific Day
work in the field of mathematics. 7.5 million 24 March - World Tuberculosis Eradication Day
Norwegian kroner (US $ 625,000) are awarded 27 March - International Theater Day
under the prize. 30 March - Earth Hour, Rajasthan Day
The Stockholm Water Prize April
The Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) April 3 - Hindi Theater Day
has honored scientist and evaporation expert April 4 - International Mining Awareness Day
Wilfried Butsart with the 'Stockholm Water Prize' 5 April - National Shipping Day
for the year 2022. This award is also known as the 7 April - World Health Day
Nobel Prize for Water. April 11 - National Safe Motherhood Day
April 14 - Fire Service Day
Also Know:- SIWI is an organization established to
April 17 - World Haemophilia Day
advocate for better water governance, which has
April 18 - World Heritage Day
been conferring this award to individuals and
April 22 - World Earth Day
organizations for 'extraordinary achievements
23 April - World Book Day
related to water' for the past 30 years.
April 24 - National Panchayat Raj Day
Popular books 25 April - World Malaria Day
 In An Ideal World - Kunal Basu 26 April - World Intellectual Property Day
 The Burning Questions - Margaret Atwood 28 April - World Veterinary Day
 To Hell and Back: Humans of Covid – Barkha 29 April - International Dance Day
 I am here - Prof - Ramdarash Mishra
 Here Yourself - PremRawat
 Tomb of Sand - Geetanjali Shree
 The Queen of Fir - Devika Rangachari
 The Maverick Effect - Harish Mehta
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

Chapter - 2 National Events

The lowest maternal mortality ratio in Kerala the 'sea cow', is one of the four living species of
A special bulletin was issued by the Office of the the Syrenia range and is the only extant species of
Registrar General of India on Maternal Mortality herbivorous mammal that lives exclusively in the
Rate in India in March 2022 on behalf of the Office Indian seas, including India. Dugongs are an
of the Registrar General of Sample Registration important part of the marine ecosystem and their
System. According to the bulletin, there has been a population reduction will affect the food chain.
reduction of 10 points in the 'Maternal Mortality Stree Manoraksha Project
Ratio (MMR)' in the country. The MMR was 113 in 'Stree Manoraksha Project' was launched in March
the year 2016-18, which has become 103 in the 2022 by the Ministry of Women and Child
year 2017-19. Development in collaboration with NIMHANS,
Key Points:- Bangalore with the objective of improving the
 The MMR in Kerala was the lowest in the mental health of women across India. The project
country, recording MMR of 30 here. aims to provide mental health training to
functionaries of 6000 one-stop centers across the
 The number of states achieving the
country. Women can get help on medical, legal and
Sustainable Development Goals has
criminal issues at the one-stop centre.
increased from 5 to 7. These include Kerala
(MMR 30), Maharashtra (38), Telangana The Kanya Shiksha Pravesh Utsav
(56), Tamil Nadu (58), Andhra Pradesh (58) The Central Government on the eve of
and Gujarat (70). International Women's Day (8 March) launched a
 In Rajasthan, number 141 has been nationwide campaign named Kanya Shiksha
registered. Pravesh Utsav. It aims to bring back the out-of-
The Jan Aushadhi Week school adolescent girls in the age group of 11-14
years in the education system. This campaign is
Jan Aushadhi Week was organized by the Ministry
being run by the Ministry of Women and Child
of Chemicals and Fertilizers from 1st to 7th March,
Development in partnership with the Ministry of
2022. It aims to increase awareness about the
benefits of Jan Aushadhi Project and the use of
generic drugs. The campaign will be implemented as part of the
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme, in which the
Also Know:-Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Aushadhi
primary beneficiaries will be over 4,00,000 out-of-
Pariyojana (PMBJK) was launched by the Ministry
school girls.
of Chemicals and Fertilizers in the year 2008 with
the objective of providing quality generic The Deep Ocean Mission
medicines at affordable prices to all. The scheme is Recently, the Deep Ocean Mission has been
related to raising awareness about the use of launched by the Ministry of Earth Sciences. DOM is
generic drugs in the country. This programme was a mission mode project to support the Blue
started by the government involving the private Economy initiative of the Government of India.
sector, public sector undertakings, societies, non- Earlier, the Blue Economy Policy was also drafted
government organizations, cooperative bodies etc. by the Ministry of Earth Sciences. Blue economy is
Dugong Conservation Reserve at The Pak Bay the sustainable use of marine resources for
economic growth, better livelihoods and jobs, and
The Government of Tamil Nadu has decided to set
healthy ocean ecosystems.
up India's first conservation reserve for Dugong in
the Pak river, Mannar. The dugong, also known as
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

The Disaster Management Plan Revised Rates:-

The Union Minister of Rural Development and  Out of 34 states and union territories, 21 states
Panchayati Raj recently released the Disaster and union territories have shown an increase of
Management Plan (DMPMOPR) of the Ministry of less than 5 percent and 10 states have an
Panchayati Raj. Under the plan, every Indian village increase of more than 5 percent.
and will have a 'Village Disaster Management Plan'  The highest increase in wages 7.14% was
and each panchayat will have its own disaster recorded in Goa of the 31 states and UTs .
management plan. It aims to build disaster  The lowest increase of 1.77% is in Meghalaya.
resilience at the grassroots level among  There is no change in the wage rates of three
panchayats and establish a framework for states- Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura.
communicating disaster management measures in The State Energy and Climate Index
rural areas with the National Disaster Management
NITI Aayog launched the State Energy and Climate
Index (SECI) on 11 April, 2022. This is the first index
The PACER plan that aims to track the efforts made by states and
The Union Cabinet has approved the continuation union territories in the climate and energy sector.
of the Polar Science and Cryosphere Research- The parameters of the index have been designed
PACER) scheme from the year 2021 to 2026. The keeping in mind India's goals for climate change
PACER comprises the following six components:- 1- and clean energy transition.
Construction of Polar Research Ship, 2- The main objectives of the index are:-
Construction of Third Research Base in Antarctica,
3- Indian Scientific Endeavor in Arctic, 4- Polar  Ranking of states on the basis of efforts to
Expedition-Antarctic, 5- Replacement of Friendship improve energy access, energy consumption,
Station, 6- Southern Ocean Expedition. energy efficiency and protection of the
AFSPA and Northeast
 To help drive the agenda of affordable,
Recently, the Central Government has partially accessible, efficient and clean energy transition
withdrawn the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, at the state level.
1958 applicable in parts of three North Eastern  To promote healthy competition among states
States- Assam, Nagaland and Manipur. At present on various dimensions of energy and climate.
AFSPA is also applicable in Arunachal Pradesh and  Top Performing Large States:- Gujarat, Kerala
some parts of Jammu and Kashmir. and Punjab.
AFSPA - .AFSPA gives absolute powers to the  Top performing Small States:- Goa, Tripura and
armed forces. After being declared as a 'disturbed' Manipur.
area under section 3, it can be imposed by the  States with unsatisfactory performance:-
Center or the Governor of a State, on the State or Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand.
parts thereof.
The two new geological heritage sites
The Revised Wage Rate Under MGNREGA
The Geological Survey of India (GSI) has identified
The Ministry of Rural Development has notified two geological heritage sites in the Indian
new wage rates under the Mahatma Gandhi Himalayan region. Under this, the Shivalik Fossil
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act Park (Himachal Pradesh) and the Limestone of
(MGNREGA) for the financial year 2022-23. The Stromatolite bearing dolomite/Baksa Formation
wage rates have been notified under the (Sikkim) have been identified. The inclusion of
MGNREGA 2005. MGNREGA wage rate fixed these two sites has resulted in 34 geological
according to changes in Consumer Price Index- heritage sites in India. Earlier, GSI had identified
Agriculture Labor (CPI-AL) which reflects an some geological sites in the Northeast to promote
increase in inflation in rural areas. geo-tourism.
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

Geo-heritage sites:- Geo-heritage means such Popular place

geological features or places which are naturally or Zojila Pass
culturally significant and provide insight into the
Zojila Pass has been reopened in March, 2022 for
evolution of the earth or the history of earth
civilian traffic from Sonmarg to the high altitude
sciences or can be used for educational purposes..
area of Ladakh. Zojila Pass is located at an altitude
Operation “Uplabdh” of more than 11,650 feet in Dras, Ladakh and
Railway Protection Force (RPF) launched an all historically most of it is closed during the winter
India campaign in March 2022 against alleged black season.
marketers under Operation “Uplabdh”. Earlier in Also know:-Zojila Pass is a high mountain pass
February 2022, a nation-wide campaign to curb located in Kargil district of Ladakh. It connects Leh
human trafficking was launched by RPF under the and Srinagar and provides an important link
name Operation Aahat. between the Union Territories of Ladakh and
The month-long campaign under Operation Kashmir. The Zojila Pass is known as the 'Icy Storm
Uplabdh has enabled to curb the activities of Pass'. It remains closed during winters due to
brokers or black marketers to a great extent and heavy snowfall, due to which its cutting off contact
make railway tickets available to the common man. with the Ladakh region from Kashmir. The Zojila
The India's first steel stag road Tunnel project was started in the year 2018. It is
Surat in Gujarat has become the first Indian city to Asia's longest and strategic bi-directional tunnel,
build a road from processed steel slag (Industrial which will provide all-weather connectivity
Waste). The road has been developed as a joint between Srinagar, Kargil and Leh.
venture project by the Central Road Research Major Passes of Himalayas:-
Institute (CRRI), Council of Scientific and Industrial 1- Banihal Pass- Connects the Kashmir Valley with
Research (CSIR), NITI Aayog, Union Steel Ministry the outer Himalayas and the plains in the
and Arcelor Mittal-Nippon Steel. This road is made south.
of steel slag i.e. waste material of steel industry. 2- Bara-Lacha-La Pass:- Connects Lahaul of
This road is of 6 lanes, with three lanes on either Himachal Pradesh with Leh district.
3- Fotu-La Pass:-Connects Leh with Kargil.
Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission
4 Rohtang Pass:- Connects Kullu Valley with Lahaul
The Union Cabinet has recently approved the and Spiti Valley of Himachal Pradesh.
countrywide implementation of Ayushman Bharat
5- Shipki La Pass:- Connects Himachal Pradesh with
Digital Mission (ABDM) with a budget allocation of
the Autonomous Region of Tibet.
Rs 1,600 crore for five years. Under this mission,
citizens will be able to get their Ayushman Bharat 6- Jelep La Pass:- Connects Sikkim with the
Health Account Number, which can be linked to Autonomous Region of Tibet.
their digital health records. Ayushman Bharat is 7- Nathu La Pass:- Connects Sikkim with the
one of the flagship scheme of the country, which Autonomous Region of Tibet.
was launched as per the recommendation of 8- Lipule Pass: - Connects the Chaudan Valley of
National Health Policy 2017 to achieve the vision of India with the Autonomous Region of Tibet. It
Universal Health Coverage (UHC). It was launched is located at the tri-junction of Uttarakhand,
by the Prime Minister in September 2021 through China and Nepal.
a video conference. 9- Rardung La:- Connects Ladakh with Siachen
Objective:- Providing digital health ID to all Indian Glacier. It is the highest motor vehicle pass in
citizens to help hospitals, insurance firms and the world.
citizens to access health records electronically 10- Bom-de-la Pass:- It is in Arunachal Pradesh.
when required.
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

Shinkula Pass SEBI- SEBI is a statutory body (a non-constitutional

To connect Ladakh and Himachal Pradesh, the body established by Parliament) established on
world's highest tunnel will be built on the Shinkula 12th April, 1992 in accordance with the provisions
Pass, which will be at an altitude of 16580 feet of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act,
above sea level. The construction of this 4250 km 1992. The basic function of SEBI is to protect the
long tunnel has been announced by the Border interests of investors in securities and to promote
Roads Organization (BRO) on 16 April, 2022. It is to and regulate the securities market. The
be known that to complete this project, the Central headquarters of SEBI is located in Mumbai and
Government has implemented 'Project Yojak' of regional offices are at Ahmedabad, Kolkata,
BRO. Chennai and Delhi.
Advantage : - On the commissioning of this tunnel, Manoj Soni
the logistics of the army will be easily transported Dr. Manoj Soni has been appointed as the
throughout the year till the Manali-Jaskar-Kargil Chairman of Union Public Service Commission
route. Also, Ladakh will be directly connected with (UPSC) on 5th April, 2022.
Himachal Pradesh. Also know:- Chairman and members of UPSC hold
Samba office for a term of six years or till the age of 65
Samba district of Jammu division in the Union years. Sir Ross Barker became the first Chairman of
Territory of Jammu and Kashmir has become the UPSC in October 1926 and till now there have been
first district in the country to cover 100 percent 30 Chairman in UPSC. According to Article 312 of
households under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya the Constitution of India, Parliament is empowered
Yojana. This district achieved this achievement by to create one or more All India Services (including
running a special registration campaign from 11-21 an All India Judicial Service) for the Union and the
April, 2022. States. Recruitment to all these All India Services is
done by the Union Public Service Commission.
Lieutenant General Manoj Pandey
M.C. Mary Kom
Lieutenant General Manoj Pandey has become the
Pharma company Lupine has roped in female boxer
new Chief of Army Staff of the country on 1 May,
M.C0 Mary Kom as the brand ambassador of its
2022. He is the 29th Chief of the Army Staff of the
Shakti campaign. Mary Kom is a six-time world
Indian Army. He succeeds General Manoj Mukund
champion and has also won a bronze medal in the
Naravane, who retired on 30 April , 2022.
Ajay Kumar Sood
Physicist Ajay Kumar Sood of the Indian Institute of
Vinay Mohan Kwatra
Science (IISc) Bangalore has been appointed as the
The Government of India has named Vinay Mohan new Principal Scientific Adviser (PSA) to the
Kwatra as the next Foreign Secretary of the Government by the Appointments Committee of
country. He has replaced Harsh Vardhan Shringla in the Cabinet (ACC). His appointment will be
this post. Vinay Mohan was earlier Indian effective for a period of three years from the date
Ambassador to Nepal. of assumption of charge or until further orders. He
Madhabi Puri Buch will replace K. Vijay Raghavan. It is to be known
Madhabi Puri Buch, a former whole-time member that since the retirement of K. Vijay Raghavan on 2
of the Securities and Exchange Board of India April the post was lying vacant. The objective of
(SEBI), has been appointed as its new chairman. the office of PSA is to give practical and objective
She is the first woman to head SEBI. He assumed advice to the Prime Minister and the Cabinet on
office on 1 March, 2022. She will remain in this matters relating to science.
position for three years. He replace Ajay Tyagi,
whose term ended on 28 February, 2022.
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

Suman Bery Ministry of Civil Aviation received this award on

After Rajiv Kumar resigned from his post, the the occasion of Civil Services Day on 21 April.
central government has appointed economist Also Know: Prime Minister's Award for Excellence
Suman Berry as the Deputy Chairman of NITI Aayog in Public Administration was instituted in the year
on 22 April, 2022. Suman Berry has been 2006 by the Government of India to acknowledge,
appointed first as a whole-time member of NITI recognize and reward the extraordinary and
Aayog and later as Vice-Chairman. He assumed innovative work done by Districts and
office on 1 May, 2022. Organizations of Central and State Governments.
Prize The award consists of a trophy, scroll and Rs 10
lakh as incentive to the esteemed district or
ITC Award
organization for implementation of the
The Union Minister of State for Education, project/programme or for bridging the resource
Annapurna Devi presented the National gap in any area of public welfare.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT )
The Lata Deenanath Mangeshkar Award
Awards to 49 teachers from across the country in
March 2022. It is to be known that the National Prime Minister Narendra Modi was honored with
Information and Communication Technology the first Lata Deenanath Mangeshkar Award on 24
Award is given by the Ministry of Education April, 2022. The award has been instituted in the
(formerly the Ministry of Human Resource memory of singer Lata Mangeshkar. The Lata
Development) to the school teachers. The purpose Deenanath Mangeshkar Award will be given every
of this award is to honor school teachers who have year to a person who has made a excellent and
improved the quality of school education and exemplary contribution towards the guidance of
enriched the lives of their students through the nation, its people and society. The main
information and communication technology. purpose of this award is to honor music, drama,
art, medicine and social work.
INS Valsura
Gyaanpith Award
The President of India, Ram Nath Kovind,
presented the prestigious President's Color to INS Assamese poet Nilamani Phukan was awarded the
(Indian Naval Ship) Valsura in March 2022. It is the Sahitya Akademi Award (56th) on 11 April, 2022. It
highest award given to a military unit in India for is to be known that in December 2021, he was
exceptional services. Among the three defense announced to be given this award. His major works
forces, the Indian Navy was the first Indian Armed include 'Surya hetu name ahe ae nodiydi', 'Kobita'
Forces to be awarded the 'President's Colour' by and 'Gulapi Jamur Lagna'.
Dr. Rajendra Prasad in the year 1951. Saraswati Samman
Also know:- In India as well as in many The 31st Saraswati Samman (for the year 2021) was
commonwealth countries, this tradition is taken announced on 4 Apri, 2022, to Prof- Ramdarash
from the British Army. Traditionally there have Mishra, the eminent poet of Hindi. He will be given
been four types of symbols associated with it – this award for his poetry collection 'Main Toh Yahi
standards, guidelines, colors and banners. Infantry Hoon'. Let us know that this award for the year
regiments, army establishments and naval and air 2020 was received by Marathi language writer Dr.
force units are awarded the 'President's Colour', Sharan kumar Limbale for his novel 'Sanatan'.
while armored regiments are awarded 'standards'. Also Know:- Saraswati Samman is the highest
Excellence Award for UDAN Scheme honor conferred by K.K.Birla Foundation. It is given
UDAN (Ude Desh ka Aam Nagrik) scheme has been for the outstanding work published in the last 10
selected for the Prime Minister's Award for years in the languages included in the Eighth
Excellence in Public Administration 2020 under the Schedule of the Constitution. The award carries a
category 'Innovation (General) - Central'. The citation, a memento and an amount of Rs 15 lakh.
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

Chapter - 3 Rajasthan Events

organ transplant, blood, platelets and plasma
Solar Park will be developed in Jaisalmer and
transfusion and limb prosthesis (bone cancer).
The constitution of three assembly committees
Two new solar parks of with capacity of 800 MW
C.P. Joshi, Speaker of the Rajasthan Legislative
will be developed in Jaisalmer and with capacity of
Assembly, suspended the implementation of the
1000 MW in Bikaner in the state. The approval of
provisions of Rule 230(1), 231 and read rule 232(1)
the Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
under Rule 306 of the Rules of Procedure and
has been received for these two parks. Conduct of Business in the Assembly by suspending
Also know:- 10560 MW solar power capacity has the Public Accounts Committee and Estimates
been developed in Rajasthan. In this way, Committee (A) and (B) have been constituted on
Rajasthan has become the first state in the country the basis of proportional representation in April,
to develop 10 GW of solar power. 2022. In the above constituted committees, the
The Committee for the Formation of New Districts following have been appointed as Chairman:-
A high level committee has been constituted under Public Accounts Committee – Gulab Chand Kataria
the chairmanship of retired IAS Ramlubhaya to Estimates Committee 'A'- Rajendra Pareek
assess the need and formation of new districts in Estimates Committee 'B' – Dayaram Parmar
the state. Green Agriculture Project
Camel Conservation and Development Policy The 'Green Agriculture Project' has been started
The camel conservation and development policy for the conservation of biodiversity and forest
has been announced by the Rajasthan state landscapes in the National Desert Park areas
government in the budget year 2022-23. According located in Barmer and Jaisalmer districts. This
to the state government data, less than two lakh project of about Rs 31 crore, funded under the
camels are left in Rajasthan. It is to be known that Global Environment Facility of the Agriculture and
Food Organization, is to be completed by March
in the year 2014, the Rajasthan government had
declared the camel as the state animal. About 85
percent of India's camels are found in the state of This work will be done: - Under the project,
Rajasthan, followed by Haryana, Gujarat, Madhya conservation-promotion of native flora species in
Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. the National Desert Park and 52 gram panchayats,
removal of harmful species of vegetation, effective
Insurance coverage of Rs 10 lakh in Mukhya
management of traditional forests (Oran) and
Mantri Chiranjeevi Health Insurance Scheme traditional grazing area (Gochar), Water harvesting
Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has increased the structures like Khadin and Tanka will be revived.
annual insurance coverage from Rs 5 lakh to Rs 10 The Scout Guide National Tribe Festival
lakh under the 'Mukhyamantri Chiranjeevi
Under the aegis of Rajasthan State Bharat Scout
Swasthya Bima Yojana' under the budget
Guide, a five-day Scout Guide National Tribal
announcement this year. Along with this, the
Festival was organized on 21-25 April, 2022 at Leo
scheme has now included complex health services
International Institute of Education, Banswara.
like cochlear implant, bone marrow transplant,
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

Prize Churu District Collector Siddharth Sihag was

Nari Shakti Samman honored by the Prime Minister on 21 April, 2022,
at the Public Service Day function held at Vigyan
On 8 March, 2022, President Ram Nath Kovind
Bhawan, New Delhi. He was honored for his wide
presented the Nari Shakti Samman to Batul Begum,
participation in sports centers developed in the
a Mand and folk singer from Rajasthan. Batul has
district, medals at national and international level
been given this award for his outstanding services
by sportspersons, representation of women
for the empowerment of women and for the
players, para players, innovations made by the
recognition of Indian folk music at the
district administration in Fit India-Khelo India.
international level.
The Churu District Collector honored for
excellence in Public Administration
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

Chapter - 4 Rajasthan Sujas-Saar

Gram Panchayat Act was made. The Rajasthan
IPD Tower and Cardiology Institute in The SMS Panchayati Raj Department was established in
Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot laid the foundation 1949 in independent India. Similarly, the Rajasthan
stone of IPD Tower and Heart Disease Institute to Gram Panchayat Act was made in 1953. The then
be constructed at a cost of Rs 588 crore at Sawai Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru started the
Mansingh Hospital, Jaipur in April 2022. There will Panchayati Raj system on 2 October , 1959 from
also be a helipad on this tower, about 116 meters Bagdhari village in Nagaur district of Rajasthan.
high. The facility of 1200 beds will be available Sadiq Ali Committee was formed in 1964 for
here simultaneously. Panchayat Reforms, which made suggestions for
Rajasthan Police Raising Day financial strengthening of Panchayati Raj
Police Raising Day is celebrated in Rajasthan on 16 Institutions. Indira Gandhi Institute of Rural
April. On 16 April 1949, the police forces of all the Development and Panchayati Raj was established
princely states together formed the Rajasthan in the year 1984. In the year 1988, a committee
Police. After the integration of Rajasthan, the was formed under the chairmanship of Harlal Singh
police forces of all the princely states were merged Kharra for the improvement of Panchayati Raj
into one police force. Institutions. On the recommendation of this
committee, the District Rural Development
Balwant Rai Mehta Samity
Authority was merged with the Zila Parishad. In
The first attempts to tackle the problem of rural 2011, a committee constituted under the
India were made during the Community chairmanship of Gulab Chand Kataria
Development Programme in 1952 and the National recommended giving all the 29 functions
Extension Service in 1953. mentioned in the 11th Schedule to the Panchayati
Balwantrai Mehta Committee:-Balwant Rai Mehta Raj Institutions.
Committee formed in 1957 was the first Panchayati Raj Day was celebrated for the first
committee to look into the problems of democratic time across the country on 24 April 2010 after the
decentralization in independent India. Its provisions of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment
recommendations came into effect from 1 April came into force from 1993.
Committees related to Panchayati Raj:- Balwant
National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) was started
Rai Mehta Committee (1956-57), Ashok Mehta
in Rajasthan by the state government on April 14,
Committee (1977-78), P.V. K. Rao Committee
2016 from Ramganj Mandi in Kota in a pilot form.
(1985), Dr- L.M. Singhvi Committee (1986), P.K.
Presently 144 Agricultural Produce Market
Thungan Committee (1988)
Committees have been linked with e-NAM.
Article 40 of the Constitution talked about the
From the history---
constitution and powers of Gram panchayats, but
not given constitutional status. Later, by the 73rd In the year 1800, the word 'Rajputana' was first
Constitutional Amendment, on 24 April, 1993, used by George Thomas due to the power of
Panchayats were implemented by giving Rajput kings over the territories of Rajasthan.
constitutional status. In the year 1818, the British conquered Ajmer and
Origin and development of Panchayati Raj in divided all the princely states into two class
Rajasthan: - First of all, in Rajasthan in 1928, princely states and Thikanas.
Bikaner was the first princely state, where the Colonel Todd used the word Rajasthan in 1829 in
the Annals and Antiquities of Rajasthan.
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

On 23 June 1947, the Indian Independence Act Fourth Phase: Greater Rajasthan-
allowed the Indian princely states to merge with On 14 January, 1949, in Udaipur, Sardar
India and Pakistan. Vallabhbhai Patel announced the merger of the
When India became independent on 15 August, princely states of Jaipur, Bikaner, Jodhpur, Lava
1947, the princely states of Dungarpur, Bharatpur, and Jaisalmer into greater Rajasthan.
Jodhpur and Alwar decided to remain independent Greater Rajasthan was inaugurated on 30 March
by not collaborating with anyone. Whereas the 1949. The capital became Jaipur and Maharana
princely states of Udaipur, Kota and Bikaner Bhupal Singh of Udaipur became of Maharaj chief,
decided to join the Union of India. Maharaja Mansingh of Jaipur was made
Rajasthan was formed on 30 March, 1949 by Rajpramukh and Maharao Bhim Singh of Kota
integrating 19 princely states and three chief ship became Uprajpramukh.
areas of the Rajputana in different phases. The Fifth stage: United Greather Rajasthan-
whole process of integration was completed in On 15 May , 1949, the merger of Matsya Union
seven stages, which took 8 years 7 months 14 days. with Greater Rajasthan resulted in the formation of
The state of Rajasthan is geographically divided the United Greater Rajasthan. Neemrana was also
into 9 regions, which include Ajaymeru, Hadoti, included in this.
Dhoondad, Godwad, Shekhawati, Mewar, Marwar, Sixth Phase: Present Rajasthan-
Vagad and Mewat.
Due to the dispute over a part of Sirohi princely
Integration of Rajasthan:- state, Abu-Delwara was merged with Bombay and
phase I : Establishment of Matsya Union- the rest of the princely state merged on 26 January
On 27 February, 1948, the Matsya Union was 1950 in the United Greater Rajasthan and it named
established on 18 March , 1948 by the integration “Rajasthan”.
of the princely states of Alwar, Bharatpur, Dholpur Seventh Phase: Merger of Ajmer-Merwara, Abu-
and Karauli. On the basis of the recommendations of the State
Inaugurated by Union Minister of Minerals and Reorganization Commission 1955, Ajmer-Merwara,
Power Narhari Vishnu Gadgil. The capital Alwar Abu Tehsil was merged with Rajasthan on 1
and Dholpur Maharaja Udaybhan Singh became November 1956. Sunel Tappa area which had
Raj Pramukh. included in Madhya Pradesh was merged with
Phase II: Jhalawar district of Rajasthan and Sirnauj of
On 25 March, 1948, East Rajasthan was formed by Jhalawar district was merged with Madhya
merging Kota, Bundi, Jhalawar, Tonk, Kishangarh, Pradesh.
Pratapgarh, Dungarpur, Banswara and Shahpura. The Other Important Facts
Inaugurated by Union Minister of Minerals and Thar Mahotsav was organized in Barmer district on
Power Narhari Vishnu Gadgil. Kota became the 28-30 March, 2022.
capital and Rajpramuk hMaharao Bhim Singh. Ghotia Amba Fair - Banswara
Phase III: United Rajasthan-
United Rajasthan was formed on 18 April, 1948 by
merging the princely state of Udaipur with the East
Capital Udaipur and Rajpramukh Mewar became
Maharana Bhupal Singh and Deputy Rajpramukh
Kota Maharao Bhim Singh.
Its cabinet was formed under the leadership of
Manikya Lal Verma. It was inaugurated by Prime
Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

Chapter - 5 Defense/Science Technology

year 2000. The Center approved the NAL retro-
The Dharma Guardian-2022
modified Hansa-3 aircraft with Hansa-NG and glass
The joint exercise 'Dharma Guardian 2022' cockpit in 2018 and it was certified by the
between India and Japan was conducted from 27 Directorate General of Civil Aviation and the
February to 10 March 2022 at the Foreign Training aircraft was showcased at Aero-India 2019. It is
Node Belagavi (Belgaum, Karnataka). powered by a Rotax digital control engine designed
Also read:- Dharma Guardian is the annual training to meet the requirement of trainer aircraft by
programme which is being organized in India since flying clubs in India.
2018. The scope of this exercise includes platoon Also Know:- National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL),
level joint training conducted in forest and semi- a constituent of Council of Scientific and Industrial
urban/urban areas. The joint exercise programme Research (CSIR) established in the year 1959, is the
includes house intervention drills, raids on terrorist only Government Aerospace R&D laboratory in the
hideouts in semi-urban areas, first aid, unarmed country's civil sector. The Council of Scientific and
combat and close quarter combat firing, where Industrial Research (CSIR) is the largest Research
both sides will jointly conduct well-developed and Development (R&D) organization in India.
tactical exercises to fail potential threats.
The Lamitye-2022
Other military exercises between India and
Japan:- MALABAR (naval exercises in which India The ninth edition of the joint military exercise
and Japan, the United States and Australia ‘Lamitiye 2022’ between the Indian Army and the
participate), Jimex (Navy), Shinyu Maitri (Air force). Seychelles Defense Forces (SDF) was held in
Seychelles from 22-23 March, 2022. Seychelles is
The Unmanned Submersible 'Haidu-1' an island group in the western Indian Ocean,
China's unmanned submersible 'Haidu-1' has set a consisting of about 115 islands.
new record by diving to a depth of 10,907 meters Also read:-Lamitye means friendship in 'Creole'
at the world's deepest sea point - the Mariana language. It is a biennial training military exercise
Trench. High-definition images of the geological held in Seychelles since 2001. It aims to build and
environment and samples from the deep sea were promote bilateral military ties besides exchanging
collected during this expedition to China. During skills, experience and good practices between the
this mission, the unmanned submersible 'Haidu-1' two armies.
went down more than 10,000 meters in the
Mariana Trench for a total of four times. Dustlik
The Indigenous Flying Trainer 'Hansa Ng' The third edition of 'Dustlik', a joint training
exercise between Indian and Uzbekistan armies,
India's first indigenous 'Flying Trainer' Hansa-NG was conducted from 22-31 March, 2022 in
has successfully completed sea level trials in Yangiyark (Uzbekistan).
Puducherry from 19 February to 5 March, 2022. It
has been developed by CSIR-National Aerospace The exercise focused on counter-insurgency
Laboratory (CSIR-NAL). operations in semi-urban areas under the mandate
of the United Nations. It aims to enhance
It is an improved version of 'Hansa', which made its understanding, cooperation and interactivity
first flight in the year 1993 and was certified in the between the two armies.
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

Sleenex Sold Fuel Ducted Ramjet Booster

The 9th edition of the Indian and Sri Lankan navies' India successfully test- the missile system- 'Solid
bilateral maritime exercise SLINEX (Sri Lanka – India Fuel Ducted Ramjet' (SFDR) booster at the
Naval Exercise) was conducted from 7 to 10 March, 'Integrated Test Range' (ITR) at Chandipur of the
2022. The exercise was conducted along with the Odisha coast on 8 April, 2022. The Defense
Harbor Phase at Visalapatnam on 7th and 8th Research and Development Organization (DRDO)
March and the Sea Phase at the Bay of Bengal on first started developing SDFR in the year 2017 and
9th and 10th March. It aims to enhance mutual conducted successful trials in the year 2018 and
cooperation, improve mutual understanding and also in the year 2019.
exchange best practices and procedures for multi- SFDR:- It is a missile propulsion technology jointly
faceted maritime operations between the two developed by India and Russia. SFDR technology is
navies. a missile propulsion system, which is based on the
Other exercises between India and Sri Lanka:- concept of 'ramjet engine' principle.
Mitra Shakti, Dosti (between the Coast Guards of Varun-2022
India, Maldives and Sri Lanka) The 20th edition of the bilateral exercise 'Varuna-
The IONS Maritime Exercise-2022 2022' between the Indian and French Navies was
The first edition of the Indian Ocean Naval conducted in the Arabian Sea from 30 March-3
Symposium (IONS) Maritime Exercise 2022 (IMEX- April 2022. Indian and French navies have been
22) was held in Goa and the Arabian Sea in March conducting bilateral maritime exercises since 1993.
2022. 15 of the 25 member countries of IONS Since 2001, these exercises are being called
participated in this exercise. Its objective was to 'Varuna'. This is an annual event. The dialogue
enhance interoperability in Humanitarian underscores the shared values between partner
Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) between the navies in ensuring freedom of the seas and a
navies of the member countries. The exercise is commitment to a free, inclusive Indo-Pacific and a
seen as an important step for regional navies to rules-based international order.
collaborate and respond collectively against natural Indo-French joint exercise:- Desert Night-21 and
disasters in the region and make strong the way for Garuda (air exercise), Shakti (Army exercise)
strengthening regional cooperation. Commissioning of the Aircraft Squadron 'Condors'
Indian Ocean Naval Symposium:- IONS established The Navy has inducted 'INS-316' into its fleet in
in the year 2007 is a premier forum for cooperation March 2022 at a ceremony held in Goa. 'INAS-316'
and security between the navies of the coastal has been named 'Condors', which is one of the
states of the Indian Ocean region. It is a voluntary largest flying birds with huge wings. Indian Naval
initiative that seeks to enhance maritime Air Squadron- 316' (INAS-316) will operate four P-8I
cooperation between the navies of the coastal aircraft procured as part of the optional clause in
countries of the Indian Ocean region by providing 2016.
an open and inclusive forum for discussion on
regionally relevant maritime issues. There are 36 The Anti Tank Guided Missile 'Helina'
coastal states in the Indian Ocean which are India successfully test-fired Helina Anti-Tank
geographically divided into the following four sub- Guided Missile at Poran on 11 April, 2022.
regions. According to the DRDO, it is one of the most
advanced anti-tank weapons in the world. The test
was part of the validation trials of the third
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

generation 'Fire and Forget' class missiles Also read:- INS is the lead ship of the P15B class of
developed by DRDO. Visalapatnam guided missile stealth destroyers and
Also Know: Helina has been developed by Defense was handed over to the Navy on 21 November
Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL), 2021.
Hyderabad under the Missile and Strategic Systems Anti-Ship Version of the BrahMos Missile
(MSS) cluste. The missile has been successfully test The anti-ship version of the Brahmos supersonic
fired from the year 2018. It has a maximum range cruise missile was successfully test-fired jointly by
of seven kilometers and has been designed and the Indian Navy and Andaman and Nicobar
developed for integration with the weaponized Command in April 2022. The Andaman and Nicobar
version of the Advanced Light Helicopter. The Command is the only tri-service command of the
missile system can be launched at any time of day Indian Armed Forces.
and night and is capable of hitting battle tanks with Also read:- Brahmos is a joint venture between
conventional armor and explosive reactive armor. Defense Research and Development Organization
Urja Pravaha and NPOM of Russia. It is named after the
Indian Coast Guard Ship Urja Pravaha has been Brahmaputra River of India and the Moskva River
inducted into the Indian Coast Guard at Bharuch, of Russia. It is a two-stage (solid propellant engine
Gujarat. The new ship will help Indian Coast Guard in the first stage and liquid ramjet in the second)
(ICG) operations by providing logistical support to missile. It is a multiplatform missile which can be
Coast Guard ships, which will be deployed in launched with precision from land, air and sea with
remote areas of maritime operations including a versatility which can operate both in day and
Special Economic Zones and Lakshadweep/Minicoy night in spite of bad weather. It works on the
Islands. principle of 'fire and forget'. It is one of the fastest
INS Visakhapattnam cruise missiles currently actively deployed with a
speed of Mach 2.8 (about 3 times the speed of
India-built stealth guided-missile destroyer INS
Vishakhapattnam has been formally attached to
the port of Visalapatnam. It marks the formal
induction of the first of the four Visalapatnam-class
destroyers. A total of four warships
(Vishalapatnam, Marmagao, Imphal, Surat) were
planned to be inducted under the P-15B
(Vishalapatnam class). It is indigenously designed
by the Indian Navy's in-house Directorate of Naval
Design and manufactured by Mazagon Dock
Shipbuilders, Mumbai.
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

Chapter - 6 Economic Events

International Intellectual Property Index-2022 objective of RBIH is to create an ecosystem that
The International Intellectual Property Index was focuses on promoting access to financial services
released by the US Chambers of Commerce in and products for the low-income population in the
March 2022 covering 55 countries. The US topped country. The Hub is expected to create an
ecosystem for prototyping, patents and
the index with a score of 95.4%. At the same time,
investigations and foster a wide range of ideas at a
India ranked 43rd with 38.6".
national level spanning regulatory domains and
Agreement with the International national boundaries.
Telecommunication Union Shrinkflation
India has signed the Host Country Agreement with Shrinkflation is the method of reducing the size of a
the International Telecommunication Union-ITU on product while maintaining its sticker price. This is a
3rd March, 2022. Under this, a regional office of form of hidden inflation. A strategy by companies
ITU and innovation center will be set up in New (primarily in the food and beverage industry) is to
Delhi. ITU's Area Office and Innovation Center set increase prices per given quantity in order to
up in New Delhi will provide services to South Asian secretly increase dividends or maintain profits
countries such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, relative to increases in input costs. In business and
Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka and India. academic research, shrinkage is also known as
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) : is a package downsizing.
specialized agency of the United Nations for Why in discussion: - Due to the continuing increase
information and communication technology. It was in cost, many companies are practicing
established in the year 1865 to facilitate 'Shrinkflation'.
international connectivity in the communication The Commercial Grade Green Hydrogen
network. It is headquartered in Geneva, Production Plant
Switzerland. It allocates the global radio spectrum Oil India Limited (OIL) has set up India's first
and orbits of satellites, develops technical commercial-grade green hydrogen production
standards. Currently ITU has 193 countries and plant at Jorhat, Assam. The plant will use
more than 900 private sector institutions and renewable energy from Oil India's 500KW solar
educational institutions as its members. India has plant pump station to produce hydrogen. The daily
been a regular member since 1952. production capacity of this new pilot project is 10
kg- per day, which will be increased to 30 kg- per
The first industrial park owned by women
India's first 100% women-owned industrial park The Export Preparednes Index-NITI Aayog
has started operations in Hyderabad. Started by
NITI Aayog released the (Export Preparedness
FICCI Ladies Organization (FLO) in partnership with
Index-EPI), 2021 in March, 2022. Gujarat has been
the state government, the park has a total of 25
named India's top state in terms of export
units. preparedness for the second consecutive year in
The Reserve Bank Innovation Hub the index. Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu are
The Reserve Bank Innovation Hub (RBIH) was ranked second, third and fourth respectively. 28
inaugurated by the Governor of Reserve Bank of states and 8 union territories are included in the
India (RBI) in March 2022 in Bengaluru. The index.
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

Features of the Index:- The Elon Musk Bought Twitter

Identifying challenges and opportunities, Tesla CEO Elon Musk has bought social media
enhancing the effectiveness of government policies platform 'Twitter' for $44 billion. The deal was
and promoting a convenient regulatory framework approved by the Twitter board on 25 April, 2022.
for exports. The Labour Force Participation Rate of India
ESEPI is a data-driven effort to identify key areas According to the recently released data of the
for promotion of exports at the sub-national level Center for Monitoring Indian Economy-CMIE India's
(States and UTs). labour force participation rate (LFPR) stands at
RAMP Scheme for the MSMEs 40%. It should be noted that in the year 2016 there
The Union Cabinet has approved the RAMP (Rising was 47%. According to the CMIE, the labour force
and Accelerating MSME Performance) scheme for consists of people of the age of 15 years or more.
improving and accelerating the performance of e-bill system
MSMEs, which will be launched in the financial year Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman launched the
2022-23. This is in line with the recommendations 'e-bill system' on 1 March, 2022, on the occasion of
made by the U.K. Sinha Committee, the KV Kamath 46th Civil Accounts Day. It was announced in the
Committee and the Prime Minister Economic Union Budget 2022 to use technology to facilitate
Advisory Council (PMEAC). The scheme was the Financial Inclusion drive in India. The e-bill
announced by the Finance Minister in the Union system is part of the Ease of Doing Business (EODB)
Budget 2022-23. and Digital India eco-system for greater
Also read:- It is a World Bank-aided central sector transparency and speedy payment processing.
scheme under which the Ministry of Micro, Small The First Gati Shakti Cargo Terminal
and Medium Enterprises (MoMSME) is providing
In line with the Prime Minister's vision 'Gati Shakti'
necessary help to address the challenges related to the first Gati Shakti Cargo Terminal-GCT) of Indian
COVID-19. Railways has been started in Asansol Division of
ADB: 7.5%- will be the growth rate Eastern Railway. This is the first such Shakti cargo
The 'Asian Development Outlook 2022' released by terminal in Indian Railways since the
the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on 6 April, 2022 implementation of the GCT policy in December
has estimated the Indian economy to grow at 7.5 2021.
percent for the year 2022-23. At the same time, for Pradhan Mantri Gati Shakti Yojana:- In the year
South Asian economies, this rate is collectively 2021, the Government of India has launched the
estimated at 7 percent. ambitious Gati Shakti Yojana or 'National Master
IMF : India's GDP growth will remain 8.2% Plan for Multi-Modal Connectivity Plan' for
The latest report 'World Economic Outlook' was coordinated and execution of infrastructure
released by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects to reduce logistics cost. Its objective is to
on 19 April, 2022 on the economic situation of the ensure integrated planning and implementation of
world. The Board has lowered its forecast for infrastructure projects over the next four years,
India's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in FY-2023 with a focus on expediting the work at the
from 9 to 8.2 %. grassroots level, reducing costs and generating
employment. Inclusion of Rs 110 lakh crore
World Bank Estimates:- World Bank has been
'National Infrastructure Pipeline' launched in the
reduced the global growth forecast for the year
2022 from 4.1 to 3.2 percent. At the same time, year 2019 under Gati Shakti Yojana.
India's GDP forecast for 2022-23 has been reduced
from 8.7 to 8 percent.
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

The Forbes Billionaires List

The list of the world's billionaires was released by the American magazine Forbes on 5 April, 2022. 2668
billionaires have been included in this list. Tesla/Space X chief Elon Musk has been placed in the list as the
world's richest person.

Top billionaires of the world:-

Rank Name Assets (in USD$) Company

1 Elon Musk 219 Billion Tesla, America

2 Jeff Bezos 171 billion Amazon, America

3 Bernard Arnault & Family 158 Billion LVMH, France

4 Bill Gates 129 Billion Microsoft, America

5 Warren Buffett 118 Billion Berkshire Hathaway, America

Top billionaires of India:-

Rank Name Asset (in USD) Company

10 Mukesh Ambani 90-7 billion Reliance Industries

11 Gautam Adani 90 Billion Adani Group

47 Shiv Nadar 28-7 Billion HCL Technologies

56 Cyrus Poonawalla 24-3 Billion Serum Institute of India

81 Radhakishan Damani 20 D-Mart

Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

Chapter - 7 Games
BAP Paribas Open Tournament
The Sri Lankan team tour of India
The BAP Paribas Open tournament known as the
The Sri Lankan cricket team toured India from 24 Indian Wells Masters was held from 7-20 March,
February to 16 March, 2022. During this, a series of 2022 in California, US.
3 T20 and two Test matches were played between
Here are the winners:-
India and Sri Lanka.
Men's Singles: -
T20:- India won the series 3-0. India's Shreyas Iyer
was selected as Player of the Series.  Winner - Taylor Fritz (USA)
 Runner-up - Rafael Nadal (Spain)
Test Series-India won the series 2-0. Rishabh Pant
Women's Singles: -
was selected as Player of the Series.
 Winner - Inga Switek (Poland)
Jhulan Goswami  Runner-up - Maria Sakkari (Greece)
Indian women's cricket player Jhulan Goswami has Men's doubles: -
become the first woman player in the world to 
Winner- John Isner and Jack Sock (both US)
take 250 wickets in international women's cricket. 
Runner-up - Santiago González and Eduard
In the ICC Women's World Cup 2022, Jhulan Roger Veselin (both France)
Goswami took the 250th wicket of ODI career in
the match against England on 16 March. He Women's doubles: -
achieved this feat by dismissing England's Tammy  Winner - Xu Yifan and Yang Zhaoshuan
Beaumont. (both China)
 Runner-up - Asia Muhammad (USA) and
Steve Smith
Shivahara (Japan)
Australian player Steve Smith has become the Miami Open-2022
fastest player to complete 8,000 runs in Test
The Miami Open tennis tournament was held in
cricket. He achieved this feat in his 151st innings
Florida, USA from 22 March 22–3rd April, 2022.
against Pakistan. He achieved this feat, surpassing
Sri Lanka's Kumar Sangakkara, who achieved the Here are the winners:-
feat in 152 innings. At the same time, the third  Men's Singles: - Winner- Carlos Alcarez
number in this list is former Indian player Sachin (Spain)
Tendulkar, who crossed the 8000-run mark in his  Runner-up - Kesper Rudd (Norway)
154th innings in the year 2002.  Women's Singles: - Winner- Iga Swiatek
The ICC Women's Cricket World Cup 2022 (Poland)
 Runner-up - Naomi Osaka (Japan)
The 12th Women's Cricket World Cup was
organized in New Zealand from 4 March to 3 April, Badminton
2022 by the International Cricket Council (ICC). 8 Swiss Open
teams took part in the tournament. Australia The Swiss Open 2022 badminton tournament was
defeats England by 71 runs in the final match to held from 22-27 March 2022 in Basel, Switzerland.
win the trophy for the 7th time. Australia's Alyssa PV Sindhu of India won the women's singles event
Healy was adjudged 'Player of the Match' and in the competition.
'Player of the Tournament'.
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

Here are the winners:- Mixed Doubles

Men's Singles: - Winner - Yuta Watanaway and Arisa
 Winner- Jonathan Christie (Indonesia) Higashino (both Japan)
 Runner-up - Prannoy HS (India) Runner-up -Wang Weilu and Huang
Women's singles:- Dongping (both China)
 Winner - PV Sindhu (India) Boxing
The Strandja Memorial Boxing Tournament
 Runner-up- Busanan Ongbamrungphan
The 73rd Strandja Memorial Boxing Tournament
was held in February 2022 in Sofia, Bulgaria. India
Men's doubles: - won a total of three medals in the competition.
Winner - Fajar Alfian and Muhammad Medal Winner:-
Riyan Ardianto (both Indonesia)  Gold- Nikhat Zareen, Neetu
Runner-up - Goh Fei and Noor Izzuddin  Bronze - Nandini
(both Malaysia) Open International Boxing Tournament
Women's doubles: - The 'Thailand Open International Boxing
Winner- Gabriela Stoiva and Tournament' was organized in Phuket, Thailand on
Stephanie Stoiva (both Bulgaria) 1-10 April, 2022. India won a total of 10 medals (3
gold, 4 silver and 3 bronze) in the competition.
Runner-up - Linda Effler and Isabel Lohau
Medal Winner:-
 Gold-Govind Sahni, Anant Pralhad Chopde,
Mixed Doubles: -
Sumit Kundu.
Winner: Mark Lemsfu and Isabel  Silver-Amit Panghal, Monika, Varinder
Lohau (both Germany) Singh, Ashish Kumar.
Runner-up -Goh Soon Hout and  Bronze - Manisha, Pooja, Bhagyabati
Chewon Jamie Lei (both Malaysia) Kachari.
All England Open Badminton Championship Billiards/snooker
All England Open Badminton Championship was Asian Billiards Championship
held from 16 to 20 March 2022 in Birmingham,
India's Pankaj Advani has won the title by
defeating his own country's Dhruv Sitwala in the
Here are the winners:- final of the 19th Asian 100UP Billiards
Men's Singles: - Championship 2022 played in Doha on 19 March,
 Winner- Viktor Alexson (Denmark) 2022.
 Runner-up - Lakshya Sen (India) Formula one race
 Women's Singles: - Bahrain Grand Prix
 Winner - Aan Se Yung (South Korea)
 Completed on 20 March, 2022.
 Runner-up - Akane Yamaguchi (Japan)
 Winner - Charles Leclerc (Ferrari Team)
Men's Doubles: -
Saudi Arabian Grand Prix
Winner- Muhammad Shahibul Fikri and
 Completed on 27 March, 2022.
Bagas Moulana (both Indonesia)
 Winner - Max Verstappen
Runner-up -Mohammad Ahsan and
Hendra Setiawan (both Indosia) Australia Grand Prix
Women's Doubles:  Completed on 10 April 2022 in Melbourne,
Winners - Nami Matsuyama and
 Winner- Charles Leclerc (Ferrari Team)
Chiharu Shida (both Japan)
 Runner up- Sergio Perez (RBPT team)
Runner-up - Zhang Shujian and Zheng Yu (China)
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

Chess Other
Priyanka Nutki National Senior Volleyball Championship
India's Priyanka Nutkki achieved the distinction of Tamil Nadu won the men's title by defeating
becoming the country's 23rd Grand Master on 2nd Punjab in the final of the 71st National Senior
March, 2022. Nutki, a native of Andhra Pradesh, Volleyball Championship played in Chennai on 10
achieved her final WGM norm in the 47th National April, 2022. In the women's section, Railways won
Women's Chess Championship of MPL. the title by defeating Telangana.
Hockey World Doubles Squash Championship-2022
Men's Senior National Championship The World Doubles Squash Championship was held
Hockey India Men's 12th Senior National Hockey in Glasgow, Scotland from 5-9 April, 2022.
Championship was organized from 6-17 April, 2022 Mixed Doubles:-
in Bhopal. In the final match, Haryana won the title Winner – Dipika Pallikal Karthik & Saurav
by defeating Tamil Nadu 3-1 in a penalty shootout. Ghoshal (Both India)
Wrestling Runner-up - Adrian Waller Alison Waters (both
Asian Wrestling Championship-2022 England)
Asian Wrestling Championship was held from 19- Women's Doubles: -
24 April 2022 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Winners - Dipika Pallikal and Joshna Chinappa
Japan topped the medal list by winning a total of (Both India)
21 medals (10 gold, 2 silver and 9 bronze). India Runner-up - Sarah Jane Perry and Alison Waters
won a total of 17 medals (1 gold, 5 silver and 11 (England)
bronze). A 30-member contingent from India Men's doubles: -
participated in the competition. Ravi Kumar Dahiya
won the gold medal for India. Winner- Declan James and James Willstrop
(both England)
Runners-up - Greg Lobban and Rory Stewart
The ISSF World Cup-2022 (Scotland)
The ISSF World Cup was organized by the Commonwealth Games
International Shooting Sports Federation from 26
February to 8 March 2022 in Cairo, Egypt. India The Commonwealth Games for the year 2026 will
topped the medal tally by winning a total of 7 be hosted by the Victoria province of Australia.
medals (four gold, two silver and one bronze). Birmingham (England) will host the 2022 edition of
Norway finished second with 6 medals. the Commonwealth Games from 28 July to 8
August. Earlier, South Africa was supposed to host
Medal Winner:- this year's edition, but the hosting rights were
Gold - Saurabh Chaudhary (10m - Air Pistol withdrawn due to lack of progress in its
Competition), Rhythm Sangwan and Anish preparation.
Bhanwala (Team Competition), Eisha Singh, Also read: The first Commonwealth Games were
Ruchita Venerkar and Shree Nivedha organized in the year 1930 in Hamilton, Canada,
Parmanantham (Team Competition), Rahi where 11 countries sent 400 athletes to participate
Sarnobat, Rhythm Sangwan and Isha Singh (Team in six countries and 59 events. These fairs are
Competition). organized every four years since 1930 (except in
Silver – Isha Singh (10m – Air Pistol Competition), 1942 and 1946 due to World War II).
Anish, Garpreet Singh and Bhavesh Shekhawat
(Team Competition).
Bronze - Sriyanka Sadangi and Akhil Sheoran (Team
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

Chapter - 8 Yojana Kurukhshetra Saar

from Megazines

Yojana connectivity scheme 'UDAN', 20 airports,

heliports and water airports are to be made
Fintech April operational.
Prime Minister Gati Shakti  In the year 2022-23, the national highway
The Union Cabinet approved the Pradhan Mantri network will be expanded to 25,000 mm-. The
Gatishakti National Master Plan for Multi-modal road transport operated by Bharatmala and the
Connectivity for Economic Zones on 21 October, national highway network in the highway
2021. It aims to reduce the involvement of multiple sector by 2024-25 is to be of 2 lakh km. Along
departments and institutionalize the overall plan with the coastal areas, 5590 km- of four and six
for stakeholders in major infrastructure projects. lane national highways are to be completed by
The master plan includes a holistic approach for 2024-25. All the state capitals of the North-
development by integrating 16 ministries into a Eastern region will be connected by the year
joint committee to implement and monitor an 2024-25 by four-lane national highways or two
investment of Rs 100 crore. Under this, the sector alternate alignments of two-lane configuration.
wise details of the works to be done till the year  Rivers Interlinking Projects:- Ken-Betwa
2024-25 are as follows:- Project, Damanganga-Pinjal Project, Par-Tapi
Narmada Project, Godavari-Krishna Project,
 In the telecom sector, the optical fiber cable
Krishna-Pennar Project and Pennar-Kaveri
network is to be laid in 3500000 km-. By 2022,
all 250000 gram panchayats are to be
connected with high speed internet and 4G industry
mobile connectivity.  To promote industry and internal trade, 11
 New and renewable energy capacity to be industrial corridors and 90 textile
increased from 87.7 GW to 225 GW. About 50 clusters/mega textile parks are to be developed
percent of the electricity generation capacity in by the year 2024-25.
India is to be met from renewable energy  Two defense corridors are to be developed by
sources. the year 2024-25, each with a target of
 The power transmission network is to be investment of more than ten thousand crore
upgraded from 4,25,500 circuit kms to 4,54,200 rupees.
circuit kms.  197 Mega Food Parks and Agro Processing
 In the petroleum and natural gas sector, a Centers are to be developed by the year 2024-
17000 km-long trunk pipeline connecting major 25, which will increase the food processing and
demand and supply hubs for industries is to be preservation capacity from 222 lakh metric
added, taking the total pipeline length to 34500 tonnes to 847 lakh metric tonnes.
km- across the country. All states are to be Fintech Beyond Boundaries
connected to the trunk natural gas pipeline The government has presented to the world an
network by 2027. amazing model of public-private partnership by
 The shipping sector operated by Sagarmala building strong public infrastructure in India Stack
aims to increase the cargo capacity at the ports (Bharat Punj). India Stack has four pillars.
from 1282 MMTPA per annum in 2020 to 1759
1- Biometric identification as Aadhaar for
million MMTPA. Cargo movement on all
identification, 2- Opening of bank accounts of
national waterways will increase from 74 MMT
in 2020 to 95 MMT. Under the regional
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

all through Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana Other Key Facts

and creation of financial inclusion, Under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, 31-41
3- Creation of a platform that can be adopted for crore RuPay cards have been issued till 9 February
transfer of money (immediate payment 2022.
service, UPI, BBPS etc.), QR Code - Quick Response Code
4- Allowing banks and fintech (financial BHIM - Bharat Interface formoney
technology) companies to use platforms like
UPI, Goods and Services Tax Network and Kurukshetra
DigiLocker. India is the largest and fastest Empowering Rural Women (April)
growing fintech market in the world with over The Women Empowerment for a Self-reliant India
2100 fintechs and the third largest fintech  Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana was launched in
network after the US and China. Fintech May 2016. Its objective was to provide LPG
adoption rate in India is 87 percent which is cylinders to 8 crore rural women of the
the highest in the world. The global rate of country.
fintech adoption is 64 percent. As of
 The Jal Jeevan Mission aims to provide tap
December 2021, there were more than 17
connections to all the households in the village
fintech companies in India valued at over US$
by the year 2024.
1 billion, which have got 'unicorn status' and in
 The Ministry of Women and Child Development
FY-2020 alone, India's market was US$ 50-60
has launched 'Mission Shakti'. Under this
scheme, there is talk of creating a hub of
The concept of Fintech Beyond Boundaries was women empowerment at the national, state
first presented at the 'Infinity Forum'. The Forum and district level, providing women helpline,
was a major fintech and global thinking event, Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao, hostel for working
organized in December 2021. women, housing for women without shelter.
Digital identity  Under the Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana,
The Government of India had started the Aadhaar 43.04 crore accounts have been opened in the
project in the year 2009. In 2014, this project was country. Of these, 55-47 percent (23.87 crore)
merged with 'Jan Dhan Yojana'. Under this scheme, accounts are of women.
bank accounts of lakhs of people were opened by Empowered Woman Farmer
verifying the identity with Aadhar card. As of 26  Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural
January, 2022, 44 crore 58 lakh Jan Dhan bank Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) launched in
accounts had been opened. the year 2011 aims to reach 9-10 crore rural
Financial Technology Revolution poor families by 2023-24. The objective of the
The number of Internet users in the country has mission is to include one woman member from
reached 83.40 million and the monthly each poor rural family in the Self Help Group.
transactions through UPI have reached 461.7  Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Project (MKSP) was
crore. launched in the year 2010-11 with the
Artificial Intelligence in the Financial Sector objective of empowering women in agriculture
and non-timber products (NTFP).
In the last financial year, transactions worth Rs
22.5 lakh crore were done through digital systems.
Jal Jeevan Mission
It is expected to increase to Rs 75 lakh crore in
2026. India ranks first in the world in terms of  The 'Jal Jeevan Mission' was announced by
online transactions. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 15 August,
2019. Its target is to provide pure drinking
water through tap connections to every rural
household of the country by the year 2024. In
the country's 3 States and 3 Union Territories
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

(Goa, Telangana, Andaman and Nicobar states and union territories except Nagaland,
Islands, Puducherry, Haryana and Dadra Nagar Meghalaya, Mizoram, tribal areas of Assam,
Haveli and Daman & Diu) tap connections have Tripura and the hilly areas of Manipur.
been provided to every household in every Women in Entrepreneurship
 The Sixth Economic Survey was conducted
Women's Education in the National Policy on
between January 2013 and April 2014. The data
of the 7th Economic Survey has been taken till
 In Para 6.2 of the National Education Policy, 31 March, 2021, the report of which is yet to
gender (female and transgender persons) has come. According to the Sixth Economic Survey,
been considered as one of the socially and out of the 5.85 crore entrepreneurs present in
economically deprived groups. In this, the the country, the number of women is only
recommendation to set up a gender-inclusive 13.76% i.e. 80.5 lakh. Out of the total women
fund is a revolutionary step. This gender entrepreneurs, 27.6 lakh i.e. 34.3 percent are
inclusive fund will be made available to the employed in agriculture sector.
 The 'Standup India' scheme was launched by
 Rani Laxmibai Self Defense Training - Three
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 5 April, 2016.
months self defense training is provided among Its objective is to ease the path of
girls from class 6 to 7 to develop life skills for entrepreneurship for women and scheduled
self defense and self development. castes and tribes. Under this, loans ranging
 Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Residential from Rs 10 lakh to Rs 1 crore are given for
Schools / Hostels - Less populated, hilly and setting up an enterprise outside the
densely forested difficult geographical areas agricultural sector.
and border areas, Educationally Backward
Technology Inclusive Growth
Blocks (EBBs), LWEs, Special Focus Districts
(SFDs) and 112 identified by NITI Aayog In  The Central Government launched e-NAM
aspirational districts, where opening of a new (National Agriculture Market) in April 2016, an
primary or upper primary school and online platform for farmers. Through this,
secondary/senior secondary school is not mandis across the country were connected. e-
mandatory, 'Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose NAM helps farmers and traders to get
Residential Schools' have been opened to information related to Agricultural Produce
ensure education to the children. Marketing Societies. The number of farmers
 KGBV- Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya registered on e-NAM has increased to 1.66
(KGBV) are residential schools established in crore.
Educationally Backward Blocks (EBB) for girls  A comprehensive initiative named PM e-Vidya
belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled was taken under the Atmnirbhar India
Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Minorities and Campaign. The initiative includes the following
disadvantaged groups below the poverty line programs-
from Upper Primary to Senior Secondary. This  Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing
scheme is being implemented in 30 states. (DIKSHA):- Under this, high quality education
The Women in Panchayati Raj material is made available in the states and
 In 1980, Uttar Pradesh reserved 30 percent of union territories through a national digital
the posts in panchayats for women. In 1985, infrastructure.
the G.K.V Rao committee recommended  Study Webs of Active Learning for Young
greater representation to women in Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM):- It aims to bring
panchayats. the best of teaching and learning practices to
 In 2009, Article 243 (d) of the Constitution was everyone, including the most underprivileged
amended to ensure the implementation of citizens.
women's reservation up to 50 percent in all
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

Following are the government schemes for

technology enabled rural development:-
 Technological Upgradation for Rural Areas
(TARA):- The scheme has been run under the
Skill Enhancement Education and Development
Programme (SEED). The scheme promotes and
nurtures science based voluntary organizations
and regional institutions in the form of science
and technology incubation centers and active
regional laboratories in rural and other
backward areas so that they can effectively
develop technological solutions and
technologies for livelihood generation and
societal benefits.

 Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM):- Its

objective is to develop the necessary
infrastructure for India's integrated digital
healthcare infrastructure. It uses the digital
highway to bridge the gap between different
parties in the healthcare industry.
 e-Shram:- This platform has been created by
the Ministry of Labour and Employment for the
benefit of those unorganized workers who are
not members of Employees' State Insurance
Corporation or Employees' Provident Fund
 Digital India Programme:- This is a major
initiative to transform the country into a
knowledge-based economy and a digitally
empowered society. This includes three
essential areas – digital infrastructure as utility
for all citizens, services on demand and
empowerment of citizens through digital
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

Budget Speech : 2021-2

· An announcement will be made to increase the
 Budget has been an important means of 100 days of employment available under the
realizing the dream of a happy life of the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA scheme to 125 days
common citizen, maintaining the pace of at the expense of the state government in the
sustainable development, developing basic coming year.
facilities and welfare of all sections. · It is proposed to run “Bridge Course” of 3
· Ashok Gehlot is the Finance Minister of months duration for school students in the
Rajasthan, so he presented the budget 2022- coming year. A provision of ` 75 crore will be
23. made for this.
· This budget was presented on 23 February · Announced to increase the medical insurance
2022. amount per family per annum from ` 5 lakh to `
10 lakh under Chiranjeevi Yojana from the
· The first budget of Rajasthan was presented in
coming year.
the Legislative Assembly on 4 April, 1952, then
Finance Minister Nathuram Mirdha presented · Chief Minister Free Medicine Scheme was
it. launched on 2 October 2011 and Chief Minister
Free Testing Scheme in April 2013. It was
· The first gender budget of Rajasthan state in
announced to make all the outdoor (OPD) and
the year 2012-13, the first paperless budget in
indoor (IPD) facilities available in all categories
the year 2021-22 and the first “agriculture
of government medical institutions completely
budget” in the year 2022-23 has been
free of cost to all the people of the state.
presented, all these innovations were done by
Ashok Gehlot as Finance Minister. · Chief Minister Chiranjeevi Accident Insurance
Scheme will also be implemented. Under which
· Fiscal deficit estimated at 23 thousand 488
accident insurance cover up to ` 5 lakh will also
crore 56 lakh in the year 2022-23.
be available to the insured family in Chiranjeevi
· The fiscal deficit is estimated to be 58 thousand Yojana free of cost.
211 crore 55 lakh in the year 2022-23, which is
· New medical institutes will be set up in Jaipur,
4.36 percent of the Gross State Domestic
Jodhpur, Ajmer and Kota in the coming year at
a cost of ` 250 crore. These institutes are-
· This time it has been decided not to impose
1. Institute of Neuro Science and
any new tax. Despite the Corona epidemic,
Ophthalmology- Jaipur
Rajasthan has shown efficient financial
management. 2. Institute of Neuro Science- Jodhpur.
Major announcements made in the budget:- 3. Institute of Pediatrics, Nanotology and
maternity quota
· ‘Indira Gandhi Urban Employment Guarantee
Scheme’ will be implemented to ensure 4. Institute of Pediatrics and Nanotology-
employment in cities as well. Through this Ajmer
scheme, 100 days of employment will be · New Dental College is proposed to be
available every year to the families residing in established in Jodhpur.
urban areas from the coming year on demand · Ayurved College will be opened in Taranagar,
by them. About ` 800 crore will be spent Churu and Ayurveda Nursing College in
annually on this. Bharatpur.
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

· With a view to reduce accidents by improving · A 250-room Nehru-Youth Transit Hostel and
road safety bringing the Road Safety Act, it is Facilitation Center for 500 youth will be set up
proposed to set up a ‘Rajasthan Public at ‘Udaipur House’ in Delhi at a cost of ` 300
Transport Authority’ crore.
· State Road Safety Institute will be opened in · Rajiv Gandhi Knowledge Service and Innovation
HCM RIPA, Jaipur. Hubs will be set up in Jaipur, Jodhpur and Kota.
· In the coming year, one thousand more It is also proposed to make a separate place for
Mahatma Gandhi English Medium Schools will women in these buildings.
be started in urban and rural areas. · It has been proposed to start ‘Mukhyamantri
· In the memory of the country’s first education Work from Home-Job Work Yojana’ for women
minister Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Maulana who can contribute to the livelihood of the
Azad University, Jodhpur, established in the family. It is proposed to benefit 20 thousand
year 2013, will set up ‘Centre of Excellence and women under this scheme in the coming year.
Research’ for research on social harmony at a · With a view to encourage activities related to
cost of ` 15 crore. Bharat Scouts and Guides in Rajasthan The
· Expanding the scope of Mukhya Mantri 18th National Bharat Scout Guide Jamboree
Anupriti Coaching Scheme, it is proposed to will be organized in Rohat-Pali.
benefit 15 thousand students under this. · Science centers will be set up in Bikaner,
· Savitri Bai Phule reading rooms will be set up in Bharatpur and Kota to develop scientific
each district. temper among the general public, especially
the youth.
· Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Governance and
Social Sciences (MGIGSS)-Jaipur. · To prevent irregularities happening in the
recruitment examinations Anti Cheating Cell
· Sumer Public Library-Jodhpur will be
will be formed in SOG.
· In the coming year, 32 industrial areas will be
· The library of Shri Hindi Sahitya Samiti located
established. ‘Multi Storied Industrial Complex’
in Bharatpur is unique in itself, it will be
will be developed in Salarpur Industrial Area-
Greater Bhiwadi and Boranada Jodhpur at a
· It was proposed to set up residential para cost of ` 250-250 crore.
sports academy in Jaipur and Jodhpur for high
· An additional ‘Inland Dry Port’ will be set up in
technical training, training equipments and
practice to para players.
· Petroleum, Chemical and Petrochemicals
· A ‘Multipurpose Indoor Stadium’ will be built in
Investment Region (PCPIR) will be established
in Pachpadra-Barmer in an area of 383
· Expansion and upgradation of physical
· With a view to provide a comfortable and safe
education college will be done in Jodhpur and
environment to the industrial units in the state,
Rajasthan State Sports Institute will be
a ‘Rajasthan Industrial Security Force (RISF)’
established under Sports Department.
will be formed on the lines of ‘Central Industrial
· A ‘Rajasthan High Performance Sports Training Security Force”. In the coming year, 2,000
and Rehabilitation Center’ will be set up in security personnel will be recruited under this.
· A EWS fund of ` 100 crores will be created with
· Kabaddi Academy will be constructed at a view to provide opportunities for economic
Rajgarh, Churu and Athletics Academy at growth to the family of Economically Weaker
Sriganganagar. Section (EWS) of general category.
· Sports hostel will be constructed at Chaurasi, · 358 Indira Rasoi are being operated under
Dungarpur. Indira Rasoi Yojana, whose number will be
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

increased to 1000. An annual expenditure of ` inaccessible, remote and backward areas of the
250 crore is proposed on this. Its goal is to state.
provide quality food at affordable rates in · Development Authority will be formed in
urban areas. Udaipur and Kota.
· In the coming year, under the Chief Minister · The central government has included 4 urban
Divyang Scooty Yojana, it was announced to areas of the state Jaipur, Ajmer, Kota and
increase the number of scooties from 2 Udaipur under the Smart City Mission. With a
thousand to 5 thousand. view to overall development of Jodhpur,
· Baba Amte Divyang University will be Bikaner, Bharatpur, Alwar, Bhilwara and
established at Jamdoli, Jaipur. Chittorgarh cities, it has been announced to
· Chief Minister Rehabilitation Home Scheme is implement Rajasthan Smart City Scheme with a
proposed to be implemented on the lines of provision of ` 1500 crore in the next two years.
“Apna Ghar” Institution with a view to · It is also proposed to start work of 36 major
providing residential institutions for the drinking water projects under Jal Jeevan
homeless, old people, working women and Mission in the year 2022-23.
helpless/destitute persons in the state. · Under Mount Abu Urban Drinking Water
· Economic and social upliftment of Mirasi, Scheme, it is proposed to get other works done
community (Mirasi, Dhadhi, Mir, Manganiyar, including construction of dam in Salgaon-Sirohi.
Damami, Nagarchi, Langa, Rana) and Bhishti · On the lines of World Forestry Garden Jhalana
community in the state and support will be Dungri (Jaipur), Botanical Gardens will be
provided. established in Jodhpur, Bikaner, Kota, Udaipur,
· In the year 2020-21, ‘Indira Gandhi Matrutva Bharatpur and Ajmer.
Poshal Yojana’ was started for Pratapgarh, · “Captive Animal Sponsorship Scheme” will be
Banswara, Udaipur, Dungarpur and Baran started for adoption of wildlife living in
districts. Under this, an assistance of ` 6,000 is biological parks by public, organization,
provided on the birth of the second child. Now corporate, wildlife lover etc.
expanding the scope of the scheme, it will be · Modern wildlife disease diagnosis and rescue
implemented in the entire state. centers will be developed in a phased manner
· Announcement was made to increase the in all the biological parks of the state. In the
assistance amount to orphan children of 0-6 first phase, such centers will be set up at
age group from ` 500 per month to ` 1500 and Nahargarh Biological Park, Jaipur and Machia
for orphan children of 6-18 age group from ` Biological Park, Jodhpur.
1000 to ` 2500 per month under Palanhar · To ensure proper arrangement for disposal of
Yojana. e-waste, a “e-waste disposal policy” will be
· In the coming year, Savitri Bai Phule girls brought in.
hostels will be opened in Jaisalmer, Dausa, · It is proposed to set up a ‘e-Waste Recycling
Ajmer, Tonk, Barmer and Jalore with the aim of Park’ in Jaipur.
promoting girl child education.
· Increase in the amount of Tourism
· In the coming year, ` 10 crore will be made Development Fund from ` 500 crore to ` 1000
available for each assembly constituency, crore.
increasing the amount of ` 5 crore for the road
works in the assembly constituency. · In order to promote adventure tourism
activities, the Adventure Tourism Promotion
· It is proposed to start Mukhyamantri Kshetriya Scheme will be brought in.
Gramin Vikas Yojna for systematic
infrastructure and rural development in the · With a view to provide convenience to the
tourists, integrated online booking portal and
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

mobile app will be developed at a cost of ` 10 181 CM Helpline Centre to increase it from 400
crore. to 1000 Seater Call Centre.
· To ensure the safety and assistance of tourists, · Rajasthan Guarantee Service Delivery and
500 “Tourist Mitras” will be recruited for Accountability Act was proposed to be brought.
important tourist destinations. · Sainik Kalyan Bhawan will be constructed in
· With the aim of promoting tourism in Jaipur.
Dungarpur and Banswara region, ‘Vagad · Announcement was made to implement Old
Tourist Circuit’ will be developed. Pension Scheme (OPS) before the coming year
· Rajiv Gandhi Central Park will be constructed in for all the employees appointed on and after 1
Sawai Madhopur. January, 2004.
· DPR for Rope-way will be prepared for Trinetra · It has been proposed to start Rajasthan
Ganesh Temple, Sawai Madhopur and Irrigation Restructuring Programme for the
Rameshwar Mahadev Temple, Bundi. economic upliftment of the farmers by
· Vedic Gurukul will be set up at Govind Guru ensuring the availability of water for irrigation
Tribal University, Banswara. in the state. Under this, various works will be
done in the next 3 years at a cost of about
· In order to prevent cyber crimes, strengthen
Rs.14 thousand 860 crores.
the security of the digital ecosystem from cyber
threats and create awareness among the public · The amount of Mukhyamantri Krishak Saathi
Centre for Cyber Security will be set up and Yojana has been increased from ` 2 thousand
Cyber Police Stations will be set up in all the crore to ` 5 thousand crore.
districts of the state. · Under this scheme, work is proposed to be
· Anti narcotics post will be made in done on a “Mission Mode” to implement the
Malarampur, Hanumangarh. Family courts will schemes of agriculture and all its related
be opened in Bhilwara, Sri Ganganagar and sectors more effectively. These 11 missions
Udaipur. are-
· The construction of ‘Bar Council of Rajasthan’ 1. Rajasthan Micro Irrigation Mission
will be done in the premises of Rajasthan High 2. Rajasthan Organic Farming Mission
Court, Jodhpur. 3. Rajasthan Seed Production and Distribution
· With the establishment of Lokmitra in Jaipur in Mission
the year 2002, a new era of providing services 4. Rajasthan Millets Promotion Mission
to the people easily without having to go to the 5. Rajasthan Protected Farming Mission
government offices had begun. This same
Lokmitra, today is providing online services in 6. Rajasthan Horticulture Development
the form of E-Mitra and E-Mitra Plus. Mission
· With a view to providing information about 7. Rajasthan Crop Protection Mission
welfare schemes and to provide benefits of 8. Rajasthan Land Fertilization Mission
government facilities to the eligible families 9. Rajasthan Krishi Shramik Sambal Mission
sitting at home, it was proposed to start 10. Rajasthan Agricultural Technology Mission
“Mukhyamantri Digital Seva Yojana”. Under
11. Rajasthan Food Processing Mission
this, women heads of Chiranjeevi families were
announced to be given smartphones with · In the coming year, mini food parks will be set
internet connectivity for three years. up in Jhalawar, Bhilwara, Bharatpur, Kota,
Tonk, Bundi, Baran, Hanumangarh, Chittorgarh,
· In the year 2009-10, the state’s first integrated
Ajmer and Udaipur districts at a cost of ` 220
call Centre was established. At present it is
functioning as a 400-Seater Call Centre, 181 CM
Helpline. It was announced to strengthen this
Current Affairs
March - April - 2021-22

· A mini agro park will be built in Tonk. Krishi announced to exempt enterprises from
Vigyan Kendra will be opened at Deoli (Tonk). approvals and inspections for 5 years instead of
· Animal Husbandry Training Institute will be 3 years to provide support to the
opened in Nathdwara, Rajsamand. Milk entrepreneurs.
processing plant will be set up in Rajsamand · Excise Amnesty Scheme-2022 is proposed to be
district itself at a cost of 30 crores. introduced.
· It has been proposed to implement camel · With a view to progressively increase the
protection and development policy for the investment in the state, making RIPS-2019
rearing, protection and overall development of more comprehensive, it is now proposed to
the state animal camel in the state. Under this, bring ‘Rajasthan Investment Promotion
a provision of ` 10 crore will be made for the Scheme-2022’.
coming year. · In the year 2021-22, there was a provision of `
· College of Veterinary Science will be opened in 5 crore for running ‘Lt. Shri Gurusharan
Malsisar, Jhunjhunu. Chhabra Public Awareness Campaign’ for
· In order to encourage milk producers, alcohol control from moral, religious and health
‘Mukhyamantri Milk Dugdha Utpadak Sambal point of view, now it has been increased to ` 10
Yojana’ was launched on 1 April, 2013 for ` 2 crore.
per liter milk grant. It was the first in the · Now complex health services like cochlear
country. This scheme has been started again by implant, bone marrow transplant, organ
the state government from 1st February, 2010. transplant, blood, platelets and plasma
· An announcement was made to increase the transfusion and limb prosthesis (bone cancer)
grant amount payable on milk from ` 2 per liter have been included and will be available free of
to ` 5 per liter under this scheme from the cost in Chiranjeevi Swasthya Bima.
coming year. Other important facts-
· It has been announced to implement the · Approval for the formation of a high-level
Stamp Duty Amnesty Scheme-2022 from the committee with regard to the formation of new
coming year, which will be till 30 September districts in the state in March 2022 and to
2022. In this scheme, along with 100% assess their need, which will be headed by
exemption in interest and penalty, it is Ramlubhaya.
proposed to give 50% exemption in the due · On 9 March, 2022, RSMML and Barmer Lignite
stamp duty. Mining Company Limited was awarded the
· For years, there has been a demand from the “National Safety Award” (Mining).
tourism sector to give it industry status. Many · On 24 March, 2022, in compliance with Chief
announcements have been made since the Minister Ashok Gehlot’s budget speech 2022-
year 1989 till now, but the status of industry 23, approval was issued by the Education
could not be achieved in real terms, with a Department of Rajasthan to convert 179
view to strengthen this sector, it was schools into Mahatma Gandhi English medium
announced to give full recognition to the schools.
tourism and hospitality sector as Industry · Rajasthan has stood first in the country in the
Sector’. Now Governmental Tariffs and Levies implementation of MNREGA. In this financial
will be payable as per the Industrial Norms in
year, 40 crore man-days have been created
future. providing employment to about 70 lakh
· Under the Rajasthan MSME (Facilitation of families.
Establishment and Operation) Act-2019, it was

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