Computer-Assisted Instruction in The Mathematics Intervention Cla
Computer-Assisted Instruction in The Mathematics Intervention Cla
Computer-Assisted Instruction in The Mathematics Intervention Cla
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Christensen, Stephen R., "Computer-Assisted Instruction in the Mathematics Intervention Classroom" (2016). Culminating Projects in
Teacher Development. 10.
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Computer-Assisted Instruction in the Mathematics Intervention Classroom
Stephen R. Christensen
Master of Science in
April, 2015
Table of Contents
List of Tables ................................................................................................................... 3
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 4
Definition of Terms........................................................................................ 8
Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 24
Summary ........................................................................................................ 27
References ........................................................................................................................ 29
List of Tables
Table Page
Chapter 1: Introduction
Purpose of the Study
working with Apple® iPads and a web-based intervention course run by ALEKS (Assessment
and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces). In the current year, and in years to come, a 1-to-1 (1:1)
Google Chromebooks program will be introduced and used in all grade levels 5-8 at North
Branch Area Middle School (NBAMS). Various other methods of problem-solving are also
integrated into the curriculum. The purpose of this study was to see if there are intervention
strategies with technology that help students progress more than traditional strategies.
The students in the math intervention course are also enrolled in the general education
math class. On a typical day, they will partake in 90 minutes of math, compared to other
students with just 45 minutes. Intervention students have a 7-period day, and the schedule does
not always allow all of them to take both classes back to back. The entrance into an intervention
class is limited due to the size constraints. Class size cannot be more than 12 students as part of
the grant monies used. Students’ progress is monitored biweekly and monthly using Academic
Improvement Measurement System based on the web (AIMSweb) and the Math Concepts and
As these students complete their MCAP probes, they have the possibility of exiting the
intervention classroom, as it corresponds to the Response to Intervention (RTI) model. The RTI
model uses a 3-tier system to categorize students. The regular classroom is Tier 1 instruction,
the intervention classroom is Tier 2, and an additional smaller group setting is Tier 3. The
students in the classroom will be educated in three different areas. The first is to narrow down
their deficiencies like math facts, automaticity, and work to improve their skills and problem
solving within that area. Second, students will have an opportunity to continue to learn about
skills they have worked on. And last, the students will be exposed to skills they would see in
their grade level Tier 1 instruction. Due to the nature of the mixed seventh- and eighth-grade
classrooms, the use of ALEKS helps to narrow skills in which they need to work on and what to
increase. The ALEKS program locates skill and concept gaps for each individual student. The
program works with each student on a path that includes pacing and using prerequisite skill
As I look to increase the skills of the students, I tend to look at the growth of each
student’s scores on their MCAP probes, Northwest Evaluation Association’s (NWEA) Measures
of Academic Progress (MAP) test, and the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCAIII).
Along with progress monitoring probes given three times a year in the fall, winter, and spring;
the MAP, MCAP, and MCAIII measurements are all used to place students into the math
intervention course.
The teachers in these courses are funded through Alternative Delivery of Specialized
(MDE) that this support system help to alleviate the number of referrals to special education.
ADSIS is meant to be an additional support to help students in the lower percentiles of tests who
There is one full-time math ADSIS intervention employee at NBAMS. Financial support
from the state of Minnesota, MDE, and the ADSIS program is a yearly application process. In
the first 2 years of this process, one teacher maintained the full-time position. Currently, two
Students tend to have two issues: a lack of problem-solving strategies and deficiencies in
their basic math facts and number sense. Due to the nature of the seventh- and eighth-grade
curriculum set by the MDE with correspondence to the National Common Core standards,
students with these issues fall behind in their algebra coursework due to their lack of
understanding the concepts and automaticity of math facts. The students are still working on the
computation part of the problem, while other students are completing and solving the problem.
This deficiency creates a sense of defeatism, and some have simply given up trying. A CAI
program that allows students to narrow their efforts on strands of mathematics skills can let them
focus on their deficiencies and get almost instantaneous feedback. Therefore, the significance of
the use of the ALEKS program can help students of the intervention math program to better
The existence of our current math intervention classes are a reminder that our students
need assistance in finishing the task we are asking them to complete in the general education
setting. I want to be able to meet the needs of the students in my class. Due to the nature of the
combined grade levels and curricula, I need to have technology to assist. The use of devices will
allow the time for feedback, both verbally and electronically, from math strategies used and the
ALEKS program. While one group is engaged and gaining electronic feedback from ALEKS,
How do we know what interventions and programs work to help students achieve a better
understanding of number sense, math automaticity, and a higher level of problem-solving skills?
Does the intervention plan using the ALEKS program and other auxiliary programs help to
improve student scores on State Standardized Tests like the MCAIII? With the growth of
technology in the world, understanding math is growing and how to interpret the data we get can
help pinpoint what needs to be known and developed. Without the growth, students will miss
out on opportunities (Axtell, McCallum, Mee Bell, & Poncy, 2009). All students will be using
the technologies in some form or another, and they need to have the basic skills necessary to
manipulate their own thoughts on problem solving. The use of Chromebooks and iPads in the
classroom allows for the ability to be a multi-functional classroom, where the use of technology
and traditional paper and pencil formats can exist. Can we achieve more with the interventions
Research Question
The studies selected for this paper includes traditional and technological methods used in
classrooms. The headings for these in the paper include: Math Strategies, Technology Use
Strategies, and Cooperative Math and Technology Use. The reasoning behind this is to show a
comparison between the different results given in all formats. The use of EBSCO was helpful in
finding scholarly and peer-reviewed articles. Search terms used were as follows: computer aided
instruction, math remediation, technology, and intervention. A total of 19 resources were found
Definition of Terms
Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces (ALEKS): a testing and learning program
used online.
Automaticity: refers to the phenomenon that a skill can be performed with minimal
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI): the use of computers in helping students and
Fluency: responding both accurately and quickly to selected stimulus (Axtell et al.,
Solving math problems is a process that helps to give students ways to solve problems
using different methods through what they already know and have possibly experienced (Xin &
Jitendra, 2006).
Math Strategies
Teachers are asked to work with students in classrooms where there is a significant
ability gap between the strongest and weakest learner. The following strategies are a way to
incorporate strategies that are interesting and can fit in the classroom on different stages of
learning (Kroeger & Kouche, 2006). The following strategies involve a more traditional
Cover-Copy-Compare & Detect, Practice, Repair. Axtell et al. (2009) stated that the
Class-wide Fluency Building Procedure for Middle School Students: A preliminary study
study were in a control group and 23 were in the intervention. Teachers worked with students in
the intervention for 45 minutes each day for 18 total school days. Three basic pieces are required
to be the most effective: immediate feedback, accurate responding, and appropriate responding.
The use of the CCC method can be dictated by the size of the classroom, the nature of the
question being asked, and the teacher feedback process. This method was first used as a means
to increase spelling accuracy in elementary students, but has been adapted to measure
mathematics fluency as well. Students were asked to write down their work so that others could
Detect, Practice, Repair (DPR) is a procedure that uses short timing with multiple
chances to answer and allows students to monitor their growth (Poncy, Skinner, & O’Mara,
2006). In the results from Axtell, et al. (2009), the DPR strategy was helpful to increase the
CCC allows students to take a look at multiple ways some of the students in the class are
working on these skills. Certain students may work to simply count-on or count-up in an
addition problem, where others may spend time “seeing” different groups together and
decompose the different numbers to help bridge a gap to other operations like multiplication.
The immediate feedback, comparison, and results are integral in the CCC strategy. Without
feedback, it is hard for the student to know whether or not the answer is correct. Sharing and
comparing answers around the classroom are also important for the students to see different
methods of solving the problem. The written work helps to provide a means to understanding
strategy that helps to provide motivation, quick moving, multiple activities, and strong
engagement. It also boasts an opportunity for students to be able to talk about the content and
illustrate concepts and situations with numbers (Fuchs & Fuchs, 2001). Students in a PALS
classroom are not necessarily low-achieving or at-risk students. The PALS approach shares
structure with ClassWide Peer Tutoring (CWPT) and can be used with all students. Using this
method in the regular classroom can provide a measurement of prevention (Fuchs, & Fuchs,
2001). There is a great importance played in working with a two-way conversation of PALS and
PALS continues the momentum of sharing work between students, but also starts the
conversation about the math problem and its subtleties. The most important part that needs to
take place to be successful is communication. Having students simply “talk” about the problem
without the guidance of what to ask about or how to ask is non-conducive to learning. Pairing
students together or working in groups of three can make a difference as well. By working in
groups of three or more students it allows one or more people to withdraw from the conversation.
When working in pairs there is more of an impact to the conversation, or lack thereof, if one of
the pair does not speak. This is where it is imperative for teachers to give students some
information and guide them into what they could ask or look for in another student’s work.
Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) is the use of the computer to help in delivering the
subject matter (Seo & Bryant, 2012). The computers and programs that go along with the
instruction can provide use of many different types of hands-on opportunities with the touch of a
mouse. Some programs will have tools that are not as user friendly or require a short tutorial on
how to use them correctly. As with most exposure to something new, the more practice with the
tool will allow the students to become more familiar with its concept and application of the tool
in their work.
PowerPoint. The use of PowerPoint is a strategy to help students practice their math
skills as an exercise by following the learning could affect the achievement of students in math
classes. As Tienken and Maher (2008) researched their study in the use of PowerPoint yielded
no positive significant growth in any of their categories in their Grade Eight Proficiency
Assessment (GEPA). This finding, although somewhat defeating, had some limitations that
factored into their results. While the use of PowerPoint should not stand alone, the students and
teachers involved need to have a structure in which to share and review the concepts being
learned. It is possible that the medium itself was not as conducive to the learning of skills and
concepts. Also worth noting is to narrow and clarify the topic which is being presented.
Math Explorer. One CAI intervention Math Explorer uses four cognitive strategy steps.
Seo and Bryant (2012) listed the steps as: Reading, Finding, Drawing, and Computing. They
also continued to list the metacognitive steps as doing the activity, asking about the situation, and
checking to make sure the students understand (Seo & Bryant, 2012). This program, unlike
Merlin’s Math Mill, works to improve the problem-solving nature of math equations.
Math Explorer will utilize the devices in the room as a program related problem-solving
strategy. The use of programs and applications (apps) on devices is growing. Finding out which
apps are the most beneficial to use, along with which context to use them, is important. Each
student will have varying levels of competence. Using apps to bring the most appropriate
information to them is vital to their learning. An efficient method of collecting data from a
sample size of a population that represents the students that show a need for an intervention is
key to sound research. Using strategies of both CAI provided by a 1:1 initiative could bode well
designs help make a picture of some mathematical applications that some cannot understand
One-to-One Laptop. More recently, One-to-One (1:1) Laptop use in school districts has
been growing. In the North Branch Area Public Schools (NBAPS) they will be starting to issue
Chromebooks in the fall of 2014 to a select few grade levels. To begin the initiative, only sixth-
and seventh-grades at the middle level will experience in the first stage. As the program grows,
all grade levels will have this experience. Dunleavy and Heinecke (2008) studied the impact of
the 1:1 program in an urban school from a seventh-grade sample population. Their goal was not
to change the school’s philosophy of teaching and learning, but simply boost the current
curriculum. They were working to grow their successes using different means that are typically
seen like state tests, national tests, school grades, and life-skill learning.
In 2004, the state of Texas issued funds to 21 middle schools, grades six through eight to
become a technology immersion school. They also supported the immersion for grants for 4
school years. The climate of a building with technology was to help breed a more capable
teaching environment in regard to the use of it in the classrooms with outside resources (Shapley,
Sheehan, Maloney, & Caranikas-Walker, 2011). The technology immersion was measured at
four levels, and five components assessed the strength of the immersion.
With this study only six of the 21 schools reached high levels of usage (Shapley et al.,
2011). In their studies the control schools also had access to computers and digital devices, but
from the more traditional approach. Students and teachers had to be individually motivated to
access the computer labs, and check out mobile computers for their classrooms. Small group
work and discussions happened more often in the high technology use classrooms (Shapley et al.,
2011). This is said to have helped to engage the students more in their coursework, which
The 1:1 laptop initiative needs to have substantial financial support, as well as buy-in
from the administrators, teachers, students, and their families. Without a proper infrastructure to
handle technological needs throughout the course of time, the initiative will lose ground on its
validity to improve the learning environment. Consistent and continuous efforts still exist to
exemplify the learning of curricula with technology, which is beneficial to the integrity of the 1:1
The use of CAI is a good method that can be used in our schools to help improve the
skills of our students (Gross & Duhon, 2013). At its core, CAI is still simply a tool to help assist
students in understanding the instruction. The support from schools and districts to include 1:1
have different results (Gross & Duhon, 2013). The delivery method of the 1:1 initiative and use
of CAI needs to also include the use of feedback. This feedback can be given from the teacher in
the classroom or a relevant program that allows for constructive feedback. Reid-Griffin and
Carter (2004) stated that simply placing technology in front of students is not enough.
Furthermore, the challenge is how to build technology into your everyday plans for an effective
(PBL). PBL is a different teaching method that allows students to understand the content and
this method, but it can also enhance through the inquiry process authenticity and relevance to the
work of the student (Park & Ertmer, 2008). Park and Ertmer contended that its vital role is to
use technology as a tool in verifying information, making sure things are in order, and looking
Learning (CSCL) is a strategy for students to team up, technologically speaking, in an online
environment. The students involved in a CSCL work together and come to a cooperative
realization on the task being worked on (Zemel & Koschmann, 2013). The students that are a
part of these Virtual Math Teams (VMT) work online in the format of writing their questions and
possible solutions on an interactive and shared whiteboard. Each student is given a problem to
solve together as a team. The VMT works together to discuss the problem over “chat,” which
allows the students to watch the arguments being made to solve the problems by other class
While the results of these methods do not always show significant growth, the
characteristics learned could provide a new method as a cross-section for improving scores. The
use of these strategies in an intervention course, or across all curricula could provide an
opportunity for growth for all students especially those in the intervention courses.
ALEKS. The Assessment and LEarning Knowledge Spaces (ALEKS) program has
students travel through an individualized program, based on their initial assessment, and marks
their progress on a pie chart. Students build on their understanding of concepts by choosing
topics that are unlocked as they show learning of prerequisite skills. They can build upon their
own previous knowledge and can take aim at what they need to accomplish individually (Fuchs
& Fuchs, 2001). The pie chart shows the concepts that they have completed and what else they
need to work on. The chart does not allow a student to complete a task that they have not shown
knowledge on prerequisite skills. Goals can be created in both a time and topic goal and is
monitored and recorded by the program. The instructor can also create assignments specific to
each student in order to monitor their growth in that concept, or use it pre-teach a concept the
Merlin’s Math Mill. Merlin’s Math Mill is a program that also works on the basis of
prerequisite skills. This program hides those tasks until the student has shown to understand the
prerequisites before introducing a higher level topic. This aspect has been studied in regard to
Merlin’s Math Mill, for which Schoppek and Tulis (2010) stated the requirement to diagnose
students’ current skill set, finding the appropriate means to get the information needed, and the
ability to give feedback to comment on their responses. In a typical classroom, this is an arduous
task for the teacher to complete. Likewise, Spradlin and Ackermen (2010) contended you need
to pay attention to the research on how successful a CAI program might be. This is dependent
on the technology and programs used, if it is used correctly, and if there is a requirement to use
the programs.
WebQuest. This program will have students working on their own driven material while
teachers can help to inspire students to participate noted Hakverdi-Can and Sonmez (2012). As
this annotation is taken from an article supporting an environment that is inquiry-based and the
information tends to lend itself to mathematics and science classrooms. The WebQuest allows
for students to utilize simulations and work with real-life data that can be experimented with by
the students. The use of the TSIL in both a math and science setting has been shown to give
about the tasks they are to complete. Likewise, help to give students practical, real-life
applications and simulations to show why the learning is important. One of the toughest tasks a
math teacher has is trying to link their knowledge of math and what needs to be attained, to
things that students can take from the concept for continual growth. The WebQuest itself may
not necessarily be the medium, but the inquiry-based nature of the questioning is the way
classroom. The anticipated result of students that were a part of this research was to increase
their problem-solving strategies and skills on assessments. The problems students were asked to
solve included multiple step and number operations. The tutoring program allowed students to
ask the online tutors a series of hint-based questions which there were five different levels. The
program mimicked the test-taking by providing a high level of familiarity to students who took
In this study there were some auxiliary components to the research. When students
completed the online program, they were directed to websites that offered skill improvements
while simultaneously engaging students in a game-like format. They were also invited to
participate in math board games without a technological component. In addition to the board
games, students were given an option to try their skills at writing their own math problems by
The integration of technology with other components was shown to be successful in three
of the five classrooms. Students could work at their own pace to discover the problems of
4MALITY and continue their growth with the math-based online and offline games (Maloy,
Edwards, & Anderson, 2010). The use of this program in conjunction with the traditional
allowed for some transformations and approaches for teachers to use in their classrooms.
NLVM. The National Library of Virtual Manipulatives (NLVM) was used with students
suffering from learning disabilities. The focus was using the computer and online resources to
help solve area and perimeter problems. Students with learning disabilities have issues with
solving problems that have many steps. Their brains do not work well enough to transfer long-
term and short-term working memory, and there tends to be more barriers than just the math
The use of manipulatives in instruction is considered helpful for those with learning
disabilities. Satsangi and Bouck (2015) stated, “When compared alongside concrete
manipulatives increased skill attainment for each student using virtual manipulatives (p. 175).”
The cognitive load theory presents that it is lacking a link to the physical movements of concrete
Students of this study were given a laptop computer and mouse alongside a paper and
pencil to help them solve problems regarding perimeter and area problems. The use of the CAI
in this case was the computer and the NLVM website. The results of the CAI showed that there
was an increase with all of the participants involved. The statistics also backed up the increase
showing it was highly effective on area problems more than the perimeter-based problems. With
the use of the manipulatives, students could more easily move and make shapes, which provided
Some of the limitations at the time were with the construction and variety of shapes that
could be used. Only 90-degree angles were allowed, and students were unable to manipulate
shapes that had obtuse or acute angles. Also noted was a relationship that was established with
the program and researchers working with these students. This relationship with a one-on-one
Research (AIR) in 2012 worked with the impact of standards moving concepts of Algebra I into
the eighth-grade classroom when it had most recently been at the high school in ninth-grade.
While this study is not in an intervention classroom the findings could suggest some transfer to
those enrolled in an intervention classroom. The underlying reasoning was to help improve
students’ knowledge, but allow them to work at their own pace and level. Similar to the previous
post on ALEKS, it gives students the lessons in an order that made sense to their base knowledge
of the content.
The curriculum had many intertwining components. The most integral component was
the computer with the web-based content. An on-line teacher and an on-site instructor were
offered as a part of the class. The study showed that only 25% of the students worked with the
online teacher; however, when needed, the teacher would respond was within the day (Heppen,
2012). The on-site instructor was not required to have a math background. They were utilized
daily and more than what was expected with the students in the course.
The Algebra I online math curriculum was also a large use of technology in the form of
1:1 and web-based systems. While the students enrolled were not in need of a low-level
intervention, they were studied to show what the program could do with a higher-level student.
Achievement levels of the students improved and the online course was not detrimental to their
Table 1
Literature Summary
Axtell, Developing Math 36, 12-15-year-old Thirteen students in The DPR had a
McCallum, Mee Automaticity Using students the control group, 23 significant higher mean
Bell, Poncy, a Classwide in the intervention. score with the
(2009) Fluency Building Eighteen school days, intervention than the
Procedure for 45 minutes each day. control. M=52.13,
Middle School SD=31.56 versus M=
Students: A 25.15, SD 13.44.
preliminary study
Poncy, Skinner, Detect, Practice, 14 low-achieving 21.7 correct digits in 2
O’Mara (2006) and Repair: The elementary minutes as a baseline to
effects of a students 41.0 correct digits over
classwide a 6-week period.
intervention on
students’ math-fact
Kroeger & Using Peer- 150 seventh-grade Three days a week in
Kouche (2006) Assisted Learning students with block scheduling,
Strategies to diverse over several months.
Increase Response understandings Used PALS as a
to Intervention in support to current
Inclusive Middle instruction.
Math Settings
Tienken & The Influence of 121 eighth-grade Experimental group No significant
Maher (2008) Computer-Assisted students, 163 used drill and improvement for those
Instruction on control students practice websites and receiving CAI and drill
Eighth Grade slide presentation and practice to those
Mathematics software. Software that did not (p < .05),
Achievement included practice with ANCOVA for
with operations, 95% confidence.
fractions, geometry,
data analysis, and
Table 1 (continued)
Seo & Bryant Multimedia CAI Four second and Use Math Explorer to Question number 3 with
(2012) Program for third grade students provide strategies for maintaining tasks after
Students with mathematical word 3 to 6 week follow-up.
Mathematics problem-solving. Three of the four
Difficulties students maintained
their intervention level
attainment. The
average accuracy
percentage total score
of 11%.
Dunleavy & The Impact of 1:1 54 Experimental, Math and science pre No significant changes
Heinecke (2008) Laptop Use on 113 control group. and post-tests. on math achievement,
Middle School Randomly assigned therefore, no statistical
Math and Science to 1:1 laptop classes description is provided.
Standardized Test in the same middle
Scores school.
Shapley, Effects of 21 technology Follow a three-level Growth from 7th and 8th
Sheehan, Technology immersion schools hierarchical growth grade math students,
Maloney, & Immersion on (n=2,644) versus model to check the both advantaged and
Caranikas- Middle School 21 control schools growth of students disadvantaged,
Walker (2011) Students’ Learning (n=2,882). for technology M=51.82 to 53.02
Opportunities and immersion. Twenty- advantaged 8th graders,
Achievement one schools M=47.33 to 47.39
immersed their disadvantaged.
students with M=51.28 to 51.81
technology in their advantaged 7th graders
courses. Twenty-one to M=46.79 to 47.40
maintained no disadvantaged.
technology presented
to students in their
Gross & Duhon Evaluation of 3 girls in A computer program One student reached
(2013) Computer-Assisted elementary school with visual and 93% accuracy, a growth
Instruction for with math fact and auditory feedback. of 27%. Another
Math Accuracy skill deficits. An accuracy based reached 91%, a growth
Intervention program with a 2- of 25%, and the last
minute timer and achieved 72% accuracy,
random math skill growth of 34%.
Table 1 (continued)
Hmelo-Silver Problem-Based No statistical findings.
(2004) Learning: What
and how do
students learn?
Zemel & Recalibrating No statistical findings.
Koschmann Reference Within a
(2013) Dual-Space
Schoppeck & Enhancing 113 students from Seven weeks of one- The M adjusted pretest
Tulis (2010) Arithmetic and 4, third grade hour training sessions to post-test was 40.1 to
Word-Problem classrooms in groups of 7 to 9 48.1 in the control
Solving Skills students. No specific group and 37.4 to 56.1
Efficiently by help on the problems. in the training group.
Spradlin & The Effectiveness Intermediate Two control group For method of
Ackerman of Computer- algebra students classes, two instruction hypothesis
(2010) Assisted from 4 classes at an experimental group the result was no
Instruction in eastern US classes with significant difference in
Developmental university. supplementation of method of instruction.
Mathematics ALEKS.
Hakverdi-Can & Learning How to Twenty-two pre- Prepare a WebQuest No numerical statistical
Sonmez (2012) Design a service teachers in to be viewed and evidence was given.
Technology Turkey. reviewed online by
Supported Inquiry- classmates.
Based Learning
Maloy Edwards, Teaching Math Five classrooms Ten weeks of A calculated t value of -
& Anderson Problem Solving with 125 students minimum instruction 12.58 making it a
(2010) Using a Web-based in fourth grade. as math or computer highly significant gain
Tutoring System, instruction and an with p < .01.
Learning Games, additional 4 weeks as
and Students’ an individual self-
Writing selected option.
Table 1 (continued)
Satsangi & Using Virtual Three high school Four phases One student reached
Bouck (2015) Manipulative students. including a baseline 100% accuracy after a
Instruction to (5-6 sessions), baseline of 0% with the
Teach the Concepts intervention instructional virtual
of Area and (5-10 sessions), manipulatives. A
Perimeter to maintenance second student scored
Secondary Students (3 sessions), and 3.3% accuracy across
with Learning generalization six sessions, and scored
Disabilities (3 sessions) over the above 80% on all but
course of 2+ weeks. one session. The third
student had a baseline
of 0%, and then
averaged 68.9%
Heppen (2012) Broadening Access 242 students across A complete online 85% of the course units
to Algebra I: The 11 course sections. course including were completed. 43%
impact on eighth material, interactive of the online students
graders taking an textbooks, direct completed the course
online course instruction, guided entirely. Students end
practice, and problem of 8th grade algebra
sets with immediate scores in treatment
feedback on quizzes schools was 447.17
and tests. Also compared to the control
included group at 441.64, with
demonstrations, p < .001.
audio clips, and
interactive applets.
The math strategies highlighted in this paper are not all encompassing, but a few
mainstream traditional methods and technology-based pieces that have been replicated. All of
Traditional methods like Detect-Practice-Repair, students using this method can learn to
increase their automaticity of math facts. My argument against this is that this method may not
help in the construction of other skills needed later on in math. If you were to ask any math
teacher if they would want their students to have the skills of knowing basic facts, they would
reply yes. However, if you were to also ask the same teachers about how or why they know their
math facts, they might not understand the question. Having conversations about the math and
understanding the basic concepts of why 5 plus 5 equals 10 or 7 times 4 equals 28 are different
There are many times the methods in teachers who teach math have been developed
through their experiences in a system of teaching how they learned. This system is one where
facts need to be known, however or at times without possibly understanding why. In the future
growth of the student if there is not a conceptual understanding of why 5 plus 5 equals 10, then it
may be hard to grasp new content based on the principle of the math, not just the procedural
knowledge. The teachers that do not spend time on the why and how are then perpetuating the
deficiencies of math, which leaves out the basis for understanding the concept.
In the current status of our classrooms it seems hard to believe that the teachers that want
to incorporate their lessons using technology cannot because of the funding available. Budget
cuts in some districts might make this a tough task. Fortunately there is a trend toward outfitting
classrooms with technology to be used with the class in various forms. Some districts and
schools have outfitted all or most of their students with the 1:1 initiative. Providing a piece of
technology like an iPad or computer device into the students’ hands for educational purposes.
Other means by which teachers have presented their material is to project it onto a screen or
board in the classroom itself. PowerPoint is one of those programs that allows the use and
manipulation of materials to get to the students. Furthering the use of presentations, students can
also have access to those presentation materials in the form of notes for future use.
Just like a comedian will learn about to whom they are performing, it is just as important
for a teacher to know the audience they are presenting to. The students in an intervention class
will have differing levels of competence in math. Students could also be at contrasting levels in
the use of technology; more specifically, how students are able to use the technology and be
successful in their learning. Some of the cooperative math and technological tools including
ALEKS, Merlin’s Math Mill, WebQuest, 4MALITY, and NLVM are just a few options in our
world today.
the student will continue to grow with continual use. Our math intervention classrooms in
seventh- and eighth-grade currently use this program. The belief is that ALEKS is not a stand-
alone product. Our intervention classes have a licensed math instructor as the proctor. Students
are able to voice their questions to the teacher in times where they do not understand the program
or what the questions may be asking. Likewise, this is not a curriculum; rather, another
application for students to use and get immediate feedback as well as a comparison of ways to
show how to complete the problems. What this program lacks is the attention to multiple
methods of solving some of the problems. The responses are sometimes too rigid and
procedural. Without the help and knowledge of the instructors in the class, students may fall in
In contrast, the use of 4MALITY and the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
(NLVM) in an intervention math classroom can be helpful as integration into the content, but not
as a stand-alone program. These programs, with the assistance of the classroom teacher, have
shown to improve the growth of individuals in the class within their study. This is not to say that
the use of non-virtual manipulatives are bad or unproven, but the idea that one device can be
used to help reach multiple students in the class may prove to be more worthy than the
counterparts. Researchers review educational websites and apps and state their use can help
students in different ways. The discussion, however, is in how the programs are matched to the
students and their own failures. A teacher needs to be able to help students identify what their
Throughout this process there have been many different aspects of mathematical and
educational strategies to help students grow more on their achievement tests with the use of
technology. As time goes on others will report their results on strategies and techniques used in
their own classrooms. There is one underlying result of the components that was discussed in
this paper. The teacher is the most integral part for the learning of the students of the classroom.
Whether traditional or technological, any strategies used in the classroom can only be as good as
As an educational society, we will continue to try and navigate through the newest trends
that will boast student achievement. The use of technology is here and now. Let us not get lost
on one of the most integral components in the classroom, the instructor. The instructor will help
to balance the exposure of the technology medium, whether the course is using technology as a
(2006) stated about high priorities in our long-term demands: “develop and deploy new
technologies to support learning and engage students” (p. 4). We need to continually support our
instructors who work tirelessly to incorporate information in a manner to engage our students.
The ultimate question to answer is, does the use of computer-assisted instruction produce an
increase in an individual student’s growth? Using math strategies assisted by the use of
technology has shown that it can be a positive learning experience by students at multiple grade
As future research is conducted, it can be presumed that much of it would be on the very
content and answer to this question. Does the use of computer-assisted instruction produce an
The use of technology in classrooms will undoubtedly continue in the future. As I have
assembled my thoughts, I believe the next direction to go would be to try and focus the specific
categories with a higher volume of participants across a variety of demographics. When looking
at how different areas of our country have capabilities to do things with their students that others
cannot in regard to technology, you also have to look at what can be done in those areas without
the use of technology. Technology is not a means for definitive improvements, rather a
While working with the broader demographic, I would like to see instructors have a
similar background to the demographic they are working with. This could help to limit the
outside variability in what an instructor with knowledge in only a specific area can impart on
their students.
I would also like to see the use of the technology as the medium of instruction and make
sure the teacher component exists for the students. Without the interaction between student and
teacher, you start to lose one of the most exciting reasons for learning and peer interaction. Our
world is ever-changing in the realm of technology. This does not mean that our communities
cannot work to make certain our students still learn basic principles of life concurrently with
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