Ce 620A: Structural Dynamics: Assignment # 2 (Due August 22, 2022)
Ce 620A: Structural Dynamics: Assignment # 2 (Due August 22, 2022)
Ce 620A: Structural Dynamics: Assignment # 2 (Due August 22, 2022)
1. Consider a single degree‐of‐freedom system with mass m = 1 kg and linear dashpot with damping
coefficient C = 100 N‐s/m subjected to initial displacement of 1 cm as shown the following figure.
Consider the following undamped natural frequencies wn: 10, 25, 50, 100, 500 rad/s and draw plots
of time versus displacement with dt = 0.001 and for a total duration of 2 sec. Comment on the results.
2. A cantilever stepped beam made of two circular sections has a lumped point mass at x = L, as shown
in the following figure. Assume that the mass of the beam can be ignored, derive the differential
equation of motion and obtain period of oscillation.
Massless stepped beam
3. Determine the natural frequency for the system shown in the following figure. Assume springs to be
massless and joints to be frictionless.
Rigid massless bar
4. A bead of mass m is suspended on a massless string as shown in the following figure. Assuming that
the string is subjected to tension T, and that this tension does not change throughout the motion, and
derive the differential equation for small motions from equilibrium, as well as the natural frequency
of oscillation.