Units and Dimensions
Units and Dimensions
Units and Dimensions
S.No. Topic Page no.
1. Units ................................................................................................................................. 03
2. Fundamental and derived quantities and their units ................................................. 03
3. Dimensions and dimensional formula .......................................................................... 05
4. Uses of dimensional analysis ........................................................................................ 05
5. Limitations of dimensional analysis ............................................................................. 07
6. Solved example objective ............................................................................................. 08
7. Solved example subjective ........................................................................................... 09
8. Assignments
Exercise-01 ....................................................................................................................... 12
Exercise-02 ....................................................................................................................... 14
Exercise-03 ....................................................................................................................... 15
Exercise-04 ....................................................................................................................... 16
Exercise-05 ....................................................................................................................... 17
Exercise-06 ....................................................................................................................... 20
9. Answer Sheet .................................................................................................................. 22
There are a large number of physical quantities which are measured and every quantity needs a definition
of unit. However, not all the quantities are independent of each other. For example, if a unit of length is
defined, a unit of area is automatically obtained. We can define a set of fundamental quantities (Base
quantities) as follows :
(a) the fundamental quantities should be independent of each other, and
(b) all other quantities may be expressed in terms of the fundamental quantities.
It turns out that the number of fundamental quantities is only seven. All the rest may be derived from these
quantities by multiplication and division, called derived quantities. The units defined for the fundamental
quantities are called fundamental units and those obtained for the derived quantities are called the derived
In 1971 a system of units were decided which are known as the International System of Units. It is
abbreviated as SI from the French name Le System International d Unites.
The following table gives the fundamental quantities and their units in SI :
We briefly mention the definitions of the base quantity and its units which may serve as a reference if
(SI Unit)
Electric Current (A) If equal currents are maintained in the two infinitely long
wires of negligible cross -section, so that the force
between them is 2 × 10–7 newton per metre of the wires,
the current in any of the wires is called 1 Ampere.
Thermodynamic Temperature (K) The fraction of the thermodynamic temperature
of triple point of water is called 1 Kelvin
Luminous Intensity (cd) 1 candela is the luminous intensity of a blackbody of
surface area m2 placed at the temperature of
freezing platinum and at a pressure of 101,325 N/m 2, in
the direction perpendicular to its surface.
Amount of substance (mole) The mole is the amount of a substance that contains as
many elementary entities as there are number of atoms in
0.012 kg of carbon-12.
Apart from these seven base fundamental units, there are two supplementary units used
1. The plane angle measured in radian.
2. The solid angle measured in steradian.
Other Commonly used international systems of units are :
(1) the fps system (foot, pound and seconds system)
(2) the mks system (metre, kilogram and second system)
(3) the cgs system (centimetre, gram and seconds system)
SI Prefix :
Suppose distance between KOTA to JAIPUR is 3000m. so
d = 3000m = 3 × 1000 m
kilo (k)
d = 0.05 = 5 × 10–2 m
centi (c)
length / time
= mass
= mass × length × (time)–2
So the dimensions of force are 1 in mass, 1 in length and –2 in time. Thus
[Force] = MLT–2
Similarly energy has dimensional formula given by
[Energy ] = ML2T–2
i.e. energy has dimensions, 1 in mass, 2 in length and -2 in time.
Such an expression for a physical quantity is terms of base quantities is called dimensional formula.
a b c
M L1 T1
n 2 n1 1
M2 L 2 T2
Illustration 1
A calorie is a unit of heat or energy and it equals about 4.2 J, where 1 J = 1 kg m 2/s2. Suppose we employ
a system of units in which the unit of mass equals kg, the unit of length equals metre, the unit of time
is second. Show that a calorie has a magnitude 4.2 –1–12 in terms of the new units.
1 cal = 4.2 kg m 2s–2
SI New system
n1 = 4.2 n2 = ?
M1 = 1 kg M2 = kg
L1 = 1 m L2 = metre
T1 = 1 s T2 = second
Dimensional formula of energy is [ML T ] 2 –2
1/ 2
From equation (i) t = Km g
0 1/2 –1/2
or t K K
g g
t 2
vA Ct 2
the units of A, B and C will be
(a) m m/s m/s2
(b) m/s m m/s3
(c) m/s2 m/s3 m/s4
(d) m/s m/s2 m/s3
By the principle of homogeneity unit of A, and ct2 must be of v..
v =A i.e. A = m/s
v= B=m
v = Ct2 C = m/s3
Example 2 The equation of state of some gases can be expressed as ;
P V 2 V ab RT ,
where P is pressure, V the volume, T the absolute temperature and a, b, R are
The dimensions of ‘a’ are :
(a) ML5 T 2 (b) ML3 T 2 (c) ML1T 2 (d) M0L0 T 0
Solution : [Ans. (a)]
According to Principle of homogeneity the unit of 2 must be same as the unit of pressure.
P V 2
ML1T 2
a ML5 T 2
[] M0L0 T0
Solution : [angular velocity] = M0L0 T 1
[t] T
Example 4 Of the following quantities, which one has dimension different from the remaining three ?
(a) energy per unit volume
(b) force per unit area
(c) product of voltage and charge per unit volume
(d) angular momentum per unit mass
ML2T 2
Solution : [energy per unit volume] = ML1T 2
ML1T 2
[force per unit area] = ML1T 2
or n2 n1 1 1
L 2 T2
1 1 980 60 60
n2 980 5
10 60 105
n2 3.53
Example 2 A body of mass m hung at one end of the spring executes simple harmonic motion. The force
constant of a spring is k while its period of vibration is T. Prove by dimensional method that the
equation T is incorrect. Derive the correct equation, assuming that they are related by a
power law.
Solution : The given equation is T
Taking the dimensions of both sides, we have T T2
ML0 T 2
As the dimensions of two sides are not equal, hence the equation is incorrect.
Let the correct relation be T Cma k b
where C is constant.
Equating the dimensions of both sides, we get
a b
MT 2
or M L T M L T
0 0 a b 0 2b
T Cm1/ 2k 1/ 2 C
This is correct equation.
Example 3 It has been observed that velocity of ripple waves produced in water depends upon their wavelength
, density of water and surface tension (T). Prove that v 2 .
Solution : According to the problem,
v a b T c
v k a b T c
where k is a dimensionless constant.
LT 1 La ML3 MT 2
b c
M0L1T 1 Mb c La 3b T 2c
1 1 1
a , b , c
2 2 2
So, the relation becomes,
v k 1/ 2 1/ 2 T1/ 2
Example 4 Finding dimensions of resistance R and inductance L, speculate what physical quantities (L/R)
and LI2 represent, where I is current ?
Solution : The dimensions of R and L are
R = [M1L2T–3A–2]
and L = [ML2 T–2 A–2]
L ML2 T 2 A 2
Now, = T1
R ML2 T 3 A 2
1 2
Again, = LI [ML2 T 2 A 2 ] A 2
= [M1 L2 T–2]
It represents (magnetic) energy stored in an inudctor.
Example 5 One of the satellite of Jupiter has an orbital period of 1.769 days and the radius of the orbit is
4.22 × 108 m. Show that the mass of Jupiter is about one-thousandth that of the Sun.
Solution : Here, T = 1.769 days
= 7.769 × 24 × 60 × 60sec
R = 4.22 × 108 m, M = ?
As we shall study in the chapter on Gravitation,
Centripetal force = gravitational pull
42mR GMm
T R2
GT 2
22 22
4 (4.22 108 )3
M = 7 7
6.67 10 11(1.739 24 60 60)2
M = 3.41 × 1027 kg 1027 kg
Mass of sun, M’ 1030 kg
M 1027 1
M' 10 30 1000
3 kg 3 kg 3 kg 6 kg
(A) 2 10 3 (B) 2 10 3 (C) 4 10 3 (D) 2 10
m m m m3
(A) 6.67 × 10–8 (B) 6.67 × 102 (C) 0.149 × 10–2 (D) 0.149 × 102
3. sin(t) (here V = velocity, F = force, t = time) : Find the dimension of and
(A) = [M1L1T0], = [T–1] (B) = [M1L1T–1], = [T1]
(C) = [M1L1T–1], = [T–1] (D) = [M1L–1T0], = [T–1]
4. In a certain system of units, 1 unit of time is 5 sec, 1 unit of mass is 20 kg and unit of length is 10 m. In this
system, one unit of power will correspond to
(A) 16 watts (B) 1/16 watts (C) 25 watts (D) none of these
5. If force, acceleration and time are taken as fundamental quantities, then the dimensions of length will be:
6. Which of the following sets cannot enter into the list of fundamental quantities in any system of units?
(A) length, mass and velocity (B) length, time and velocity
(C) mass, time and velocity (D) length, time and mass
7. A dimensionless quantity
(A) never has a unit (B) always has a unit (C) may have a unit (D) does not exit
(A) never has a nonzero dimension (B) always has a nonzero dimension
(A) All quantities may be represented dimensionally in terms of the base quantities.
(B) A base quantity cannot be represented dimensionally in terms of the rest of the base quantities.
(C) The dimensions of a base quantity in other base quantities is always zero.
(D) The dimensions of a derived quantity is never zero in any base quantity.
Then the dimensions of and are given by
(A) MLT–2, M0L0T–1 (B) MLT–2 , M0L–1T0 (C) M0L0T0, M0L1T–1 (D) M0L1T–1, M0L0T0
11. The velocity of water waves may depend on their wavelength , the density of water and the
acceleration due to gravity g. The method of dimensions gives the relation between these quantities as
(A) v2 = k–1 g–1 –1 (B) v2 = k g (C) v2 = k g (D) v2 = k3 g–1 –1
2ma 2
An unknown quantity ‘’ is expressed as log 1
m a
3FV 2
3. Check whether this equation may be correct or not pressure Pr =
2 t 2 x
4. If velocity (V), force (F) and time (T) are chosen as : Fundamental quantities, express (i) mass and (ii)
energy in terms of V.F. and T.
5. Convert 7 pm into m
7. Force acting on a particle is 5N. If unit of length and time are doubled and unit of mass is halved than the
numerical value of the force in the new unit will be ......
8. The mass m of the heaviest stone that can be moved by the water flowing in a river varies as with the speed
of water (v), density of water (d) and the acceleration due to gravity. Prove that the heaviest mass moved is
proportional to the sixth power of speed. Also find the complete dependence.
9. The frequency (f) of a stretched string of linear mass density (m), length (), depends (in addition to
k F
quantities specified before) on the force of stretching (F). Prove that f , where k is a dimensionless
10. The distance moved by a particle in time from centre of ring under the influence of its gravity is given
by x = asint where a and are constant. If is found to depend on the radius of the ring (r), its
mass (m) and universal gravitational constant (G), find using dimensional analysis an expression for
in terms of r, m and G.
1. Which of the following quantities can be written in SI units in kg m 2 A–2 s–3 :
(A) Resistance (B) Inductance (C) Capacitance (D) Magnetic flux
2. The dimensional formula for Planck’s constant is :
(A) [ML2T–1] (B) [ML2T3] (C) [ML–1T–2] (D) [MLT–2]
3. The time dependence of a physical quantity P is given by P = P0exp (–t2) [where is a constant and t is
time]. The constant :
(A) is dimensionless (B) has dimensions [T –2] (C) has dimensions [T2] (D) has dimensions of P
4. If L and R denote inductance and resistance respectively, then the dimension of L/R is :
(A) [M0L0T0] (B) [M0L0T] (C) [M2L0T2] (D) [MLT2]
1 2
5. The dimension of 0E (0 : permittivity of free space; E: electric field ) is :
(A) MLT–1 (B) ML2T–2 (C) ML-1T–2 (D) ML2T–1
6. If the velocity (V), acceleration (A) and force (F) are taken as fundamental quantities instead of mass (M),
length (L) and time (T), the dimension of Young’s modulus would be
(A) FA2V–2 (B) FA2V–3 (C) FA2V–4 (D) FA2V–5
n2 n1
7. The number of particles crossing per unit area perpendicular to X - axis in unit time is N D x x ,
2 1
where n1 and n2 are number of particles per unit volume for the value of x1 and x2 respectively. The dimensions
of diffusion constant D are
(A) M°LT2 (B) M°L2T–4 (C) M°LT-3 (D) M°L2T–1
dx x
9. an sin1 1 . The value of n is
2ax x 2 a
10. Turpentine oil is flowing through a tube of length and radius r. The pressure difference between the two
ends of the tube is p; the viscosity of the oil is given by :
p(r 2 x2 )
where is the velocity of oil at a distance x from the axis of the tube. From this relation, the dimensions of
viscosity is :
(A) [M0L0T0] (B) [MLT–1] (C) [ML2T–2] (D) [ML–1T–1]
4 a
1. In the formula ; p e , find the dimensions of ‘a’ and ‘b’, where p = pressure n = no. of moles,
V b
T = temperature, V = volume and R = universal gas constant.
2. If the velocity of light ‘c’, Gravitational constant ‘G’ & Plank’s constant ‘h’ be chosen as fundamental units,
find the dimensions of mass, length & time in this new system.
2S cos P Pr 4 t 1 mg
(i) h rg (ii) v (iii) V (iv) f
8 2 I
where h = height, S = surface tension, v = speed of sound, = density, P = pressure, V = volume
= coefficient of viscosity, f = frequency and I = moment of inertia.
4. The intensity of X-rays decreases exponentially according to the law I = I0r–x, where I is the initial intensity
of X-rays and I is the intensity after it penetrates a distance x through lead. If be the absorption coefficient,
then find the dimensional formula for .
5. The critical velocity of flow of a liquid through a pipe depends upon the diameter (d)of the pipe, density , and
the coefficient of viscosity of the liquid. Obtain an expression for the critical velocity.
6. Laplace corrected Newton’s calculation for the velocity of sound. Laplace said that speed of sound in a
solid medium depends upon the coefficient of elasticity of the medium under adiabatic conditions (E) and
the density of the medium . Prove that v k
7. It has been observed that the rate of flow (V) of a liquid of viscosity () through a capillary tube of radius (r)
depends upon and the pressure gradient P maintained across the length () of the tube. Prove that the rate
of flow of liquid is proportional to r4. Also find the exact expression upto a constant.
8. The viscosity of a gas depends upon its mass m, the effective diameter D and the mean speed v of the
molecules present in the gas. Find dependence of on all these quantities.
9. Consider a planet of mass (m), revolving round the sun. The time period (T) of revolution of the planet
depends upon the radius of the orbit (r), mass of the sun (M) and the gravitational constant (G). Using
dimensional analysis, verify Kepler’s third law of planetary motion.
10. The height h to which a liquid rises in a tube of radius (r) depends upon the density of the liquid (d), surface
tension (T), and acceleration due to gravity (g). Show that it would not be possible to derive the relation
without the additional information that h is inversely proportional to r. Also find the relation.
1. Which of the following groups have the same dimensions.
(A) velocity, speed (B) pressure, stress (C) force, impulse (D) work, energy
2. If dimensions of length are expressed as G c h , where G, c and h are the universal gravitational constant,
x y z
4 5
6 7
9 10
Ans. (1) Tesla (2) Kelvin (3) Across : Joule, down : Joule (4) Watt (5) Hertz (6) Coulomb (7) Ampere
(8) Volt (9) ohm (10) Metre
For Q. No. 4 to 8
The van-der Waals equation is P (V b) RT, where P is pressure, V is molar volume and T is
the temperature of the given sample of gas. R is called molar gas constant, a and b are called van-der Wall
4. The dimensional formula for b is same as that for
(A) P (B) V (C) PV2 (D) RT
5. The dimensional formula for a is same as that for
(A) V2 (B) P (C) PV2 (D) RT
6. Which of the following does not possess the same dimensional formula as that for RT
(A) PV (B) Pb (C) a/V2 (D) ab/V2
7. The dimensional formula for ab/RT is
(A) ML5T–2 (B) M0L3T0 (C) ML–1T–2 (D) M0L6T0
8. The dimensional formula of RT is same as that of
(A) energy (B) force (C) specific heat (D) latent heat
9. Match the physical quantities in column A with their dimensional formulae expressed in column B.
Column A Column B
1) Angular Momentum (a) ML2T-2
2) Latent Heat (b) ML2T-2A-2
3) Torque (c) ML2T-1
4) Capacitance (d) ML3T-3A-2
5) Inductance (e) M-1L-2T4A2
6) Resistivity (f) ML2T-2A-1
7) Magnetic Flux (g) ML-1T-2
8) Magnetic Energy Density (h) L2T-2
10. Match the following :
Physical quantity Dimension Unit
(1) Gravitational constant ‘G’ (P) M L T
1 1 –1
(a) N.m
(2) Torque (Q) M–1L3T–2 (b) N.s
(3) Momentum (R) M L T
1 –1 –2
(c) Nm2/kg2
(4) Pressure (S) M1L2T–2 (d) Pascal
11. Match the following :
Physical quantity Dimension Unit
(1) Stefen’s constant ‘’ (P) M L T A
1 1 –2 –2
(a) W/m2
(2) Wein’s constant ‘b’ (Q) M1L0T–3K–4 (b) K.m.
(3) Coefficient of visocity ‘’ (R) M L T
1 0 –1
(c) Tesla .m/A
(4) Emmissive power of radiation (Intensity emitted) (S) M L T K
0 1 0 1
(d) W/m2.K4
(5) Mutual induction ‘M’ (T) M1L2T–2A–2 (e) Poise
(6) Magnetic permeability ‘0’ (U) M L T
1 –1 –1
(f) Henry
Unit of torque is joule
Unit of torque should be N-m and that is called joule.
(A) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT -2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is a correct explanation for
(B) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT -2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT -2 is False
(D) STATEMENT-1 is False, STATEMENT -2 is True
Velocity, volume and acceleration can be taken as basic variables
All the three quantities are independent from each other.
(A) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT -2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is a correct explanation for STATE-
(B) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT -2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT -2 is False
(D) STATEMENT-1 is False, STATEMENT -2 is True
If two physical quantities have same dimensions, then that can be certainly added or substructed
If the dimensions of both the quantities are same then both the physical quantities should be similar.
(A) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT -2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is a correct explanation for STATE-
(B) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT -2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT -2 is False
(D) STATEMENT-1 is False, STATEMENT -2 is True
When dimensions are given, the physical quantities can be uniquely found
When physical quantities are given, the dimensions can be uniquely found
(A) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT -2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is a correct explanation for STATE-
(B) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT -2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT -2 is False
(D) STATEMENT-1 is False, STATEMENT -2 is True
All constants are dimensionless
All physical quantities do not necessarily have dimensions
(A) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT -2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is a correct explanation for STATE-
(B) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT -2 is True; STATEMENT-2 is NOT a correct explanation for
(C) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT -2 is False
(D) STATEMENT-1 is False, STATEMENT -2 is True
Only one option is correct :
1. The dimensions of 0 E 2 (0 : permittivity of free space; E : electric field) is : [2000, 2M]
(A) [MLT–1] (B) [ML2T–2] (C) [ML–1T–2] (D) [ML2T–1]
2. A quantity X is given by 0 L , where 0 is the permittivity of free space, L is a length, V is a potential
difference and t is a time interval. The dimensional formula for X is the same as that of : [2001, 2M]
(A) resistance (B) charge (C) voltage (D) current
3. In the relation; P e , P is pressure, Z is distance, k is Boltzmann constant and is the temperature.
The dimensional formula of will be : [2004, 2M]
(A) [M0L2 T0] (B) [M1L2 T1] (C) [M1L0T–1] (D) [M0L2 T–1]
5. Let [0 ] denote the dimensional formula of the permittivity of vacuum. If M=mass, L =length , T= time and
A= electric current, then : [JEE(MAINS)-2013]
(A) [0 ] [M 1 L3 T 2 A] (B) [0 ] [M 1 L3 T 4 A 2 ]
6. L, C and R represent the physical quantities inductance, capacitance and resistance respectively. The
combinations which have the dimensions of frequency are : [1984, 2M]
(C) (r) (metre)2(second)–2
q 2 B2
F - force,
q - charge,
B - magnetic field
GM e
(D) (s) (farad (volt)2 (kg)–1
G - universal gravitational constant,
Me - mass of the earth
Re - radius of the earth
1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (A)
5. (D) 6. (B) 7. (C) 8. (A)
9. (A), (B), (C) 10. (C) 11. (B) 12. (A), (B), (D)
13. (B) 14. (A) 15. (A)
1. (i) 5 × 10–6 m (ii) 3 × 103 m (iii) 20 × 10–9 m (iv) 73 × 10–12 m (v) 7.5 × 10–9 m
2. 25 m/sec 3. Not correct 4. (i) [V–1 F1 T1] (ii) [V1] [F1] [T1] 5. 7 × 10–6 m
kv 6 d GM
6. One fourth 7. Two times 8. m 3 10.
g r3
1. (A) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (C)
6. (C) 7. (D) 9. (A) 10. (D)
1. [a] = [ML T mol ], [b] = [L ]
5 –2 –1 3
2. [M] = [h1/2 C1/2 G–1/2] ; [h1/2 C–3/2 G1/2], [T] = [h1/2 C–5/2 G1/2]
3. All are dimensionally correct. 4. L–1 5. Vc
Pr 4 T
7. k 8. MD–2 v 10. h k rdg
3. (i) Tesla (ii) Kelvin (iii) Across : Joule, down : Joule (iv) Watt (v) Hertz (vi) Coulomb (vii) Ampere
10. (1) (Q) (c), (2) (S) (a), (3) (P) (b), (4) (R) (d)
11. (1) (Q) (d), (2) (S) (b), (3) (U) (e), (4) (R) (a), (5) (T) (f), (6) (P) (c)
12. D 13. D 14. D 15. D 16. D
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. B
6. A,B,C 7. A,D 8. A, B,C 9. B, C
10. A, B, C, D, 11. [ML T ] 2 –1
12. [M L T Q ]
–3 –2 4 4
13. (i) N/m2 (ii) Tesla (iii) m–1
5 1 1
14. a= b= c= 15. (i) ML2T–1Q–1 (ii) ML–1T–2
2 2 3
16. (i) c, (ii) f, (iii) a, (iv) e, (v) d, (vi) b 17. (A) pq, (B) rs, (C) rs, (D) rs