Quiz No. 1 General Provisions
Quiz No. 1 General Provisions
Quiz No. 1 General Provisions
3. A social club becomes a partnership if fees are collected to maintain its operation.
4. A social club becomes a partnership if fees are collected to maintain its operation.
8. A partnership cannot borrow money since only natural persons can do so.
9. A partnership selling illegal drugs is valid if it is registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC).
10. A driver and the jeepney operator are partners if they share the total fares collected.
11. A partnership has a separate and distinct personality from the partners even if it is not
registered with the SEC for the protection of creditors.
16. Future inheritance can be contributed in a universal partnership of all profits but not in all
present property.
19. A partnership can sue but only the partners can be sued arising from partnership business.
S2 Separate creditors of a partner cannot attach or levy separate partnership property but can
charge by court order the interest for payment of his credit.
S2 Industrial partners are not liable to third persons as they are also not liable for losses.
3. S1 A partner’s wrongful act or omission committed against third persons results to a joint
liability among all the partners.
Only S2 is true
4. S1 A firm name may include the name of a deceased partner provided it is so indicated.
S2 Those who include their names but are not partners are liable as partners based on the
principle of delectus personae.
Only S1 is true
S2 Usual business of the partnership requires consent of all the partners if the partner has no
authority or the third person knows the acting partner has no authority.
S2 Interest of the partner charged by a separate creditor can be redeemed with partnership
property with consent of all partners including the partner whose interest is charged.
Only S1 is true
7. S1 A partnership liability is incurred when a partner contracts in the name and account of the
Only S1 is true
S2 A partner acting alone can bind the partnership since he is an agent of the partnership.
10. S1 There is no actual partnership as between alleged partners in a partnership by estoppel but
the law considers them as partners to protect third persons.
2. The partners can stipulate the commencement of the partnership on a date after the signing
of the contract.
3. The partners can agree that the partnership starts upon the actual delivery of the
3. Partners who are not managing partners cannot oppose the acts of managing partners.
4. Unanimity in actions can be required if managers are appointed without specified duties.
1. Partners who are not appointed managers do not have the right to manage the affairs of the
2. Partners appointed as managers in the articles of partnership can execute all acts of
administration and ownership.
4. Appointment of managing partners after the partnership is formed can be revoked even
without any cause.
2. A managing partner who collects a partnership credit must apply it to the partnership credit
even if a personal credit is more onerous.
3. A partner who collects his share of the partnership credit is required to bring to the
partnership the said share only in case the debtor becomes insolvent.
4. A partner who caused damage due to negligence while in the performance of the
partnership business can demand that the partnership answer the damages due to the profits
he obtained for the partnership.
16. A partner who misappropriated money or property of a third person results to a solidary liability
among all partners and the partnership.
18. A partner’s wrongful act or omission committed against third persons results to a joint liability
among all the partners.
22. Interest of the partner charged by a separate creditor can be redeemed with partnership
property with consent of all partners including the partner whose interest is charged.
24. f there is no existing partnership, a partnership by estoppel results to a pro rata liability among
all who consented to the misrepresentation.
26. Industrial partners are not liable to third persons as they are also not liable for losses.
27. A partnership liability is incurred when a partner contracts in the name and account of the
28. Interest of a partner in a partnership may not be assigned by agreement among the partners.
29. Those who include their names but are not partners are liable as partners based on the
principle of delectus personae.
30. Separate creditors of a partner cannot attach or levy separate partnership property but can
charge by court order the interest for payment of his credit.
3. S1 The specific partnership property is assignable but not subject to execution or attachment.
Only S2 is true
4. S1 Generally, the dissolution of the partnership discharges the existing liability of any partner.
S2 A limited partnership which does not include the word “LTD” or “Limited” in the partnership
name is considered a general partnership.
Only S2 is true
5. S1 A partner cannot be both a general and limited partner at the same time.
S2 Usual business of the partnership requires consent of all the partners if the partner has no
authority or the third person knows the acting partner has no authority.
S2 A general and limited partner at the same time is subsidiarily liable to the creditors.
Only S2 is true
8. S1 A limited partner who contributed property may demand to receive cash in return for his
Only S1 is true
10. S1 As to interest, partnership creditors are preferred over separate creditors of a partner.
S2 Interest of the partner charged by a separate creditor can be redeemed with partnership
property with consent of all partners including the partner whose interest is charged.
Only S1 is true
S2 Separate creditors of a partner cannot attach or levy separate partnership property but can
charge by court order the interest for payment of his credit.
12. S1 Return of contribution of a limited partner shall be in cash or property with the choice
belonging to the limited partner concerned.
S2 Before the return of contribution of a limited partner, it is enough that there are sufficient
properties to pay the liabilities of the partnership after such return.
Only S2 is true
13. S1 A partnership liability is incurred when a partner contracts in the name and account of the
Only S1 is true
14. S1 A partner’s wrongful act or omission committed against third persons results to a joint
liability among all the partners.
Only S2 is true
15. S1 A limited partner is a mere contributor and is not included in the suit against the
partnership except to enforce a limited partner’s liability.
S2 Amendments or cancellation of the articles of limited partnership must be filed before the
16. S1 The death of a sole general partner dissolves the limited partnership.
Only S1 is true
17. S1 On dissolution, the partnership continues until the winding up of partnership affairs is
S2 Dissolution caused by the insanity of a partner can only be done by a court decree.
19. S1 Any stipulation against liability is valid only among the partners.
S2 A partner acting alone can bind the partnership since he is an agent of the partnership.
S2 Industrial partners are not liable to third persons as they are also not liable for losses.
21. S1 There is no actual partnership as between alleged partners in a partnership by estoppel but
the law considers them as partners to protect third persons.
23. S1 If there is no existing partnership, a partnership by estoppel results to a pro rata liability
among all who consented to the misrepresentation.
Only S1 is true
24. S1 The priority in the distribution of the partnership assets are the limited partners who are
also creditors of the partnership.
S2 The interest of a limited partner which are charged by his creditors can be redeemed by
the separate property of any general partner.
Only S2 is true
25. S1 A firm name may include the name of a deceased partner provided it is so indicated.
S2 Those who include their names but are not partners are liable as partners based on the
principle of delectus personae.
Only S1 is true
2. Liability of persons when there is no existing partnership and not all consented to the
representation as partners.
Pro rata liability
4. Liability of a partner who undertakes in his name with a third party to perform a partnership
Individual liability
5. Liability of the partners and the partnership for misapplication of money or property of a third
Solidary liability
S2 A vote of the controlling interest breaks the impasse of the managing partners’ decision on
a partnership transaction.
16. S1 Usufruct of property in universal partnership of profits includes the authority to dispose or
sell the property to third persons.
S2 Lotto winnings shall form part of the common properties in universal partnership of profits.
S2 Universal partnership of profits imposes less obligation on the partners than a universal
partnership of present properties.
22. S1 A person admitted to an existing partnership is liable to all obligations before admission
even to the extent of his personal property.
S2 An associate of a managing partner who is admitted to the partnership acquires the right of
a partner.
23. One or more but less than all the partners have no authority to perform the following acts,
Do any act which would make it impossible to carry on the ordinary business of the partner.
Renounce a claim of the partnership
Convey partnership property in the ordinary course of partnership business
Submit a partnership claim or liability to arbitration.
24. Which of the following is considered prima facie evidence of the existence of a partnership?
Where the parties are established as co-owners of a property
Where payment of interest on a loan varies with the profits of the business
The receipts by a person of a share of the profits
The sharing of gross returns of a business
25. A and B are partners, with A as the managing partner. D is indebted to A in the amount of
P10,000 and to the partnership in the amount of P5,000. Both debts are due and demandable.
D paid A P3,000. A issued to D a receipt in the name of the partnership. How should the
payment of P3,000 be applied?
The P3,000 should be applied to the indebtedness of D to the partnership
26. A, B and C are partners. Their contribution are as follows: A, P60,000; B, P40,000 and C,
services. The partners agreed to divide profits and losses in the following proportions: A, 35%;
B, 25% and C, 40%. If there is a loss of P10,000, how should the said loss of P10,000 be
shared by the partners?
A, P6,000; B, P4,000; C, nothing
27. No partnership liability exists in the following case, EXCEPT:
A partner completing transactions unfinished at dissolution
The acting partner had no authority to wind up partnership affairs.
The acting partner has become insolvent
A partner’s transaction after dissolution where partnership is dissolved because it is unlawful to
carry on the business
29. When partnership assets are liquidated and debts are paid, this is called
Winding up
30. The partnership liabilities are rank in the order of payment, as follows:
to creditors, partner-creditors, return of capital, profits
31. A, B and C, capitalist partners, each contributed P10,000. The firm’s indebtedness amounts to
P90,000. It was stipulated that A would be exempted from liability. Assuming that the capital
of P30,000 is still in the firm, what would be the rights of the firm’s creditors?
To get the P30,000 capital and to get still P20,000 each from the 3 partners.
33. In a partnership, the partners should have equal shares in the profit.
34. Co-ownership does not establish a partnership even if there is sharing of income.
35. A partnership has a separate and distinct personality from the partners even if it is not
registered with the SEC for the protection of creditors.
40. A partnership selling illegal drugs is valid if it is registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC).
41. A social club becomes a partnership if fees are collected to maintain its operation.
1. Future inheritance can be contributed in a universal partnership of all profits but not in all
present property.
4. Universal partnership of profits imposes more obligations on the partners than a universal
partnership of all present properties.
3. Partners who are not managing partners cannot oppose the acts of managing partners.
4. Unanimity in actions can be required if managers are appointed without specified duties.
1. The remedy in case a partner fails to deliver his promised contribution is to ask for the
cancellation or rescission of the partnership.
2. For contribution of money, a partner is liable for interest and damages in case of delay in the
delivery of the contribution of money.
3. If a partner use the partnership funds for his own interest, he is liable for interest and
damages from date of demand.
4. Contribution of property must be duly registered in the Registry of Property of the province
or city where the property is located to affect third persons.
1. A fixed term partnership may have a particular transaction such as the construction of a
3. Upon the expiration of the term, a fixed term partnership cannot anymore be continued.
4. A partnership at will can be terminated at anytime upon the will of the partners.
1. Partners who are not appointed managers do not have the right to manage the affairs of the
2. Partners appointed as managers in the articles of partnership can execute all acts of
administration and ownership.
3. A revocation of the appointment of managing partners in the articles of partnership results to
its revision.
4. Appointment of managing partners after the partnership is formed can be revoked even
without any cause.
1. Industrial partners are absolutely prohibited to engage in the same kind of business only.
3. An industrial partner is not obliged to contribute additional interest in case of imminent loss
of the partnership.