The Chi Square Statistic
The Chi Square Statistic
The Chi Square Statistic Types of Data: There are basically two types of random variables and they yield two types of data: numerical and categorical. A chi square (X2) statistic is used to investigate whether distributions of categorical variables differ from one another. Basically categorical variable yield data in the categories and numerical variables yield data in numerical form. Responses to such questions as "What is your major?" or Do you own a car?" are categorical because they yield data such as "biology" or "no." In contrast, responses to such questions as "How tall are you?" or "What is your G.P.A.?" are numerical. Numerical data can be either discrete or continuous. The table below may help you see the differences between these two variables. Data Type Categorical Numerical Numerical Question Type What is your sex? Disrete- How many cars do you own? Continuous - How tall are you? Possible Responses male or female two or three 72 inches
Notice that discrete data arise fom a counting process, while continuous data arise from a measuring process. The Chi Square statistic compares the tallies or counts of categorical responses between two (or more) independent groups. (note: Chi square tests can only be used on actual numbers and not on percentages, proportions, means, etc.) 2 x 2 Contingency Table There are several types of chi square tests depending on the way the data was collected and the hypothesis being tested. We'll begin with the simplest case: a 2 x 2 contingency table. If we set the 2 x 2 table to the general notation shown below in Table 1, using the letters a, b, c, and d to denote the contents of the cells, then we would have the following table: Table 1. General notation for a 2 x 2 contingency table. Variable 1 Variable 2 Data type 1 Data type 2 Totals Category 1 a b a+b Category 2 c d c+d Total a+c b+d a+b+c+d=N
For a 2 x 2 contingency table the Chi Square statistic is calculated by the formula:
Note: notice that the four components of the denominator are the four totals from the table columns and rows. Suppose you conducted a drug trial on a group of animals and you hypothesized that the animals receiving the drug would survive better than those that did not receive the drug. You conduct the study and collect the following data: Ho: The survival of the animals is independent of drug treatment. Ha: The survival of the animals is associated with drug treatment.
Table 2. Number of animals that survived a treatment. Dead Alive Total Treated 36 14 50 Not 30 25 55 treated Total 66 39 105 Applying the formula above we get: Chi square = 105[(36)(25) - (14)(30)]2 / (50)(55)(39)(66) = 3.418 Before we can proceed we eed to know how many degrees of freedom we have. When a comparison is made between one sample and another, a simple rule is that the degrees of freedom equal (number of columns minus one) x (number of rows minus one) not counting the totals for rows or columns. For our data this gives (2-1) x (2-1) = 1. We now have our chi square statistic (x2 = 3.418), our predetermined alpha level of significalnce (0.05), and our degrees of freedom (df =1). Entering the Chi square distribution table with 1 degree of freedom and reading along the row we find our value of x2 (3.418) lies between 2.706 and 3.841. The corresponding probability is 0.10<P<0.05. This is below the conventionally accepted significance level of 0.05 or 5%, so the null hypothesis that the two distributions are the same is verified. In other words, when the computed x2 statistic exceeds the critical value in the table for a 0.05 probability level, then we can reject the null hypothesis of equal distributions. Since our x2 statistic (3.418) did not exceed the critical value for 0.05 probability level (3.841) we can accept the null hypothesis that the survival of the animals is independent of drug treatment (i.e. the drug had no effect on survival).
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To make the chi square calculations a bit easier, plug your observed and expected values into the following applet. Click on the cell and then enter the value. Click the compute button on the lower right corner to see the chi square value printed in the lower left hand coner.
--> Note: Some earlier versions of Netscape for the Macintosh do not support java 1.1 and if you are using one of these browsers you will not see the applet.
Table 4. Results of a monohybrid coss between two heterozygotes for the 'a' gene. A 10 a 42 Totals 52
a Totals
33 43
15 57
48 100
The penotypic ratio 85 of the A type and 15 of the a-type (homozygous recessive). In a monohybrid cross between two heterozygotes, however, we would have predicted a 3:1 ratio of phenotypes. In other words, we would have expected to get 75 A-type and 25 a-type. Are or resuls different?
Calculate the chi square statistic x2 by completing the following steps: 1. For each observed number in the table subtract the corresponding expected number (O E). 2. Square the difference [ (O E)2 ]. 3. Divide the squares obtained for each cell in the table by the expected number for that cell [ (O - E)2 / E ]. 4. Sum all the values for (O - E)2 / E. This is the chi square statistic. For our example, the calculation would be:
Observed Expected (O E) (O E)2 (O E)2/ E
85 15 100
75 25 100
10 10
100 100
We now have our chi square statistic (x2 = 5.33), our predetermined alpha level of significalnce (0.05), and our degrees of freedom (df =1). Entering the Chi square distribution table with 1 degree of freedom and reading along the row we find our value of x2 5.33) lies between 3.841 and 5.412. The corresponding probability is 0.05<P<0.02. This is smaller than the conventionally accepted significance level of 0.05 or 5%, so the null hypothesis that the two distributions are the same is rejected. In other words, when the computed x2 statistic exceeds the critical value in the table for a 0.05 probability level, then we can reject the null hypothesis of equal distributions. Since our x2 statistic (5.33) exceeded the critical value for 0.05 probability level (3.841) we can reject the null hypothesis that the observed values of our cross are the same as the theoretical distribution of a 3:1 ratio. Table 3. Chi Square distribution table.
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To put this into context, it means that we do not have a 3:1 ratio of A_ to aa offspring. To make the chi square calculations a bit easier, plug your observed and expected values into the following java applet. Click on the cell and then enter the value. Click the compute button on the lower right corner to see the chi square value printed in the lower left hand coner.
--> Note: Some versions of Netscape for the Macintosh do not support java 1.1 and if you are using one of these browsers you will not see the applet.
II b e h b+e+h
Now we need to calculate the expected values for each cell in the table and we can do that using the the row total times the column total divided by the grand total (N). For example, for cell a the expected value would be (a+b+c)(a+d+g)/N. Once the expected values have been calculated for each cell, we can use the same procedure are before for a simple 2 x 2 table. Observed Expected |O (O E)2 E|
(O E)2/ E
Suppose you have the following categorical data set. Table . Incidence of three types of malaria in three tropical regions. South Asia Africa Totals America Malaria 31 14 45 90 A Malaria 2 5 53 60 B Malaria 53 45 2 100 C Totals 86 64 100 250
We could now set up the following table: Observed Expected 31 30.96 14 23.04 45 36.00 2 20.64 5 15.36 |O -E| 0.04 9.04 9.00 18.64 10.36
(O E)2 (O E)2/ E
53 53 45 2
29.00 841.00 35.04 18.60 345.96 10.06 19.40 376.36 14.70 38.00 1444.00 36.10 Chi Square = 125.516 Degrees of Freedom = (c - 1)(r - 1) = 2(2) = 4
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Reject Ho because 125.516 is greater than 9.488 (for alpha ! Thus, we would reject the null hypothesis that there is no relationship between location and type of malaria. Our data tell us there is a relationship between type of malaria and location, but that's all it says. Follow the link below to access a java-based program for calculating Chi Square statistics for contingency tables of up to 9 rows by 9 columns. Enter the number of row and colums in the spaces provided on the page and click the submit button. A new form will appear asking you to enter your actual data into the cells of the contingency table. When finished entering your data, click the "calculate now" button to see the results of your Chi Square analysis. You may wish to print this last page to keep as a record. Chi Square, This page was created as part of the Mathbeans Project. The java applets were created by David Eck and modified by Jim Ryan. The Mathbeans Project is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation DUE-9950473.