Benigno V. Aldana National High School: Physical Science Nature of Light

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Nature of Light
Multiple Choice. Select the letter of the best answer from among the given choices.
1. Which of the following theory is Sir Isaac Newton's that states that prism
experiments was a proof that light traveled as a shower of particles?
A. Wave Theory C. Electromagnetic Theory
B. Corpuscle’s Theory D. Diffraction Theory
2. What phenomenon is a result of the bending of light particles?
A. Refraction B. Reflection C. Interference D. Dispersion
3. The separation of colors in a rainbow is an example of __________.
A. refraction B. reflection C. interference D. dispersion
4. What is the wavelength of light?
A. 300nm to 500 nm C.350nm to 650 nm
B. 380nm to 750nm D. 390nm to 790 nm
5. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Light behaves like particles. C. Light behaves like fluid and fabric.
B. Light behaves like particle and wave. D. Light does not resemble any form of
matter. 6. What refers to a photon incident to a metal surface and transfer all its energy to the electron?
A. Electromagnetism C. Photoelectric effect
B. Electromagnetic spectrum D. Photon
7. Why do photographers use red light?
A. Because it has greater energy C. Because it has lesser energy
B. Because it is a color that absorbs other colors D. Because it is a color that reflects
other colors.
8. Why does a blue t-shirt appear blue?
A. Blue is absorbed by the t-shirt C. Blue is emitted by the t-shirt
B. Blue is reflected by the t-shirt D. Blue is refracted by the t-shirt

9. Under which type of light do we easily get sunburned?

A. Infrared B. Microwave light C. Ultraviolet light D. Visible light
10. Which of the following situations exemplifies the dispersion property of light?
A. The image of the flower in a mirror B. The sparkling glow of the diamond ring
C. The swaying movement of coin under water D. The rainbow in the sky after the rain shower
11. What theory states that photon is composed of electromagnetic energy?
A. Electromagnetic theory C. Photoelectric effect
B. Photon theory D. Spectrum Theory
12. Who was the scientist who proposed the photoelectric effect?
A. Einstein B. Galileo C. Hertz D. Newton
13. What causes sun burn?
A. Lower wavelength C. Low frequency
B. Higher wavelength D. High frequency
14. What is the term used to indicate the particle of light?
A. Electron B. Neutron C.Photon D. Proton
15. Energy of a light particle is ______________ frequency.
A. directly proportional to C. equal to
B. inversely proportional to D. less than


What is lights? What are the properties of lights?

Light, or Visible Light- commonly refers to electromagnetic radiation that can be
detected by the human eye.

Properties of Lights
1. Lights travel in a straight line
2. Lights Very fast
3. We see things because they reflect on our eyes
4. Lights faster than Sounds
5. Shadows are places where light is blocked

Different interaction of lights

1. Reflection of Lights
Activity 1: Reflection
a. Bounce a basketball between/among you. And pay attention to the angle that the ball
bounces and the angle the ball bounces the ground. Have a volunteers try to bounce the
ball from several different angles
b. Student a should stand in front of the mirror. Students b should move to find where
he/she can see the student a’s reflection through the mirror. Again, have volunteers try
this from several different angles

Reflection of lights
- When light hits a surface through which it cannot pass, it bounces back.
- Reflection does not change the speed or frequency of the light, BUT the light
can be flipped upside down!

2. Refraction of Lights
Activity 2 : Refraction
Place the pencil halfway in a glass of water. Take note of your observation then
answer the question , “What happens when a light enters a new medium?”

Refraction of lights
- The bending of a light as it enters a new medium.
- It is a change in the speed of the light as it moves from one medium to another.

3. Diffraction/ Dispersion of Lights

Diffraction/dispersion of light
- The bending of a light as it moves around an obstacle or passes through a narrow opening
- The light will try to curve around the boundary or outward through the opening due to

According to Sir Isaac Newton, light travels in straight lines and its particlesmay seem to move
Light can travel in a straight path in a vacuum. When light hits a surface itbounces (reflection) or
bends (refraction), scatters (diffraction) or transmits from onemedium to another. If so, what is light? Is
it a particle or a wave?

Particle Theory or Corpuscles Theory

The corpuscles theory or particle theory was suggested by Sir Isaa Newton. Sir Isaac Newton's prism
experiments was a proof that light traveled as a shower of particles, each proceeding in a straight line
until it was refracted, absorbed, reflected, diffracted or disturbed in some other manner.
Wave Theory
A number of scientists in the early 1700s did not agree with his corpuscular theory.They have argued
that if light consisted of particles, then when two beams are crossed, some of the particles would collide
and cancel each other. Christian Huygens, a dutch physicist, suggested that light waves traveled through

Interaction of lights Particles Theory Wave Theory

Reflection Particles collide with the surface As the wave hits a smooth
(bouncing of light and bounce back. surface, the wave bounce back
producing a reversed image of
the wave.
Refraction Newton felt that light does not If light slows down, it will
(bending of light travel around corners. He refract towards the normal line.
explained that any observed If light speeds up, it will refract
effect of this caused by the away from the normal line. Refraction is
interaction of particles when responsible for
they the image formation by the
run into each other at the edges lenses and the eye.
of the objects.
Diffraction Newton believed increase in The slight bending of light as it
(slight bending of speed of the light particles passes around the edge of an
light) would object which depends on the
cause the particles’ path to relative size of the wavelength
bend of light to the size of the
towards the normal. opening.

Activity 3

Create a Venn Diagram to compare the Particle Theory and Wave Theory in describing the different
interaction of light as a particle and a wave.

Post Test

QUIZ: Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is wrong.

1. Lights bends when it enters any fluid.
2. Lights travels fastest through a solids.
3. Reflection is when lights bend in a glass filled with water.
4. Sounds travels faster than lights.
5. Lights will try to curved when in boundary or narrow opening.
6. Lights behave the same way in all types of media.
7. 7. Incidence angle is equal to refection angle.
8. 8. In a transparent materials light will not be reflected.
9. 9. Shadows formed when light is blocked.
10. 10. Refraction is when light bends as it moves around an obstacles


Light can be described as a particle (photon) or a wave (electromagnetic wave). The
electromagnetic wave can be pictured as oscillating electric and magnetic fields that move in
a straight line at a constant velocity (the speed of light). Photon is defined as a discrete bundle of
electromagnetic energy moving at the speed of light, has no rest mass but has momentum, and carries
Photon Theory
The composition of atoms are electrons, protons and neutrons. In an atom, electrons are
located at specific energy levels. In a given certain amount of energy, electrons can move
from lower energy level to higher energy level.

Photon theory of light

states that photon is composed of electromagnetic energy. This energy may be given to an
electron during collision and causes the movement of the electron to a higher energy level. After 10-8s,
the electron will return to its energy level and will emit light in the form of photons.
The light formed has a certain wavelength and has specific colors. The series of colored
lines may be observed with black spaced in between them and it is called atomic spectra. Elements have
different set of spectra.

Photoelectric effect
Photoelectric effect was proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905. Photoelectric effect refers
to a photon incident to a metal surface and transfer all its energy to the electron. For each
frequency or color of the incident light, each photon carried energy.

Increasing incident of photons means increasing the intensity of light and energy of the
photons remained the same. This means that increasing the incident photons, more electrons
are ejected.
Energy of a photon is directly proportional to frequency. Increasing the frequency of light
would increase the energy of the ejected electrons. This leads to the reason behind the
arrangement of the visible spectrum of light. The visible spectrum of light shows that red color
has the least frequency, which means it also has the least energy.
Due to this property of the red light, photographers use red light so that the light-sensitive
papers they use would not be overexposed and may ruin the pictures.

Color Spectra
Colors are not natural to objects. The colors of the objects appear due to the light they
emit. Colors are determined by the frequencies. Colors are only perceived by the human
brain. When the light reaches the eye, the receptor cell of the eye or retina, gives signal to the
brain, which interprets the image with colors. As the frequency increases, the color gradually
changes from red to violet.

Ultraviolet radiation
Photons of different colors have different energies. Red light has low frequency and long
wavelength, this means that red light has low energy. On the other hand, blue has a higher
frequency and shorter wavelength, which means it has more energy. Ultraviolet light is
beyond the visible light, this means it has higher frequency and shorter wavelength. This
explains why we get easily sunburned when exposed under ultraviolet rays of light.

Activity 4 : Identify Me!

DIRECTIONS: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.
________________ 1. Photon is a particle just like an atom.
________________ 2. Photon has mass.
________________ 3. Electrons can move to higher energy level.
________________ 4. All atoms have the same spectra.
________________ 5. Isaac Newton proposed that light is composed of photons
________________ 6. Photons carry energy.
________________ 7. Colors are innate to objects.
________________ 8. Colors are determined due to the differences in
________________ 9. Blue light has higher frquency than red light.
________________ 10. Ultraviolet ray is harmful to human.

LESSON 1: Electron’s Wave Property & Physical Optics
The quantum theory was proposed by Max Planck in 1900. Quantum theory describes that light emits
energy in discrete packets called quantum (pl. Quanta). Upon the proposal of this theory other scientists
gained interest on the study of the electrons wave-like properties.

Look at the timeline below to see the contributions of different scientist on the idea that electrons also
behave like waves just like light.
Year Scientist Contribution
1900 Max Planck Formulated and discovered the Planck’s constant
Discovery of the Planck’s radiation law
1905 Albert Einstein Showed light as a form of electromagnetic
wave. Photoelectric effect experiment
1922 Arthur Holly Compton Observations of the Compton effect (collision between
a photon and an electron). Compton effect was only
observed if light had a wave-particle duality.
1924 Louis de Broglie Proposed that electrons and other discrete
partilces have a wave-like property such as
wavelength and frequency.
1927 Clinton Davisson and Conducted the Davisson-Germer experiment
Lester Germer This experiment established the wave nature
of electrons
1928 Neils Bohr Announced the complementary relation between
The wave aspects and particle aspects of the same

Upon the observations of some scientists that electrons are considered to have a wave-like nature,
other scientists gain interest into it.
In the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle proposed by a German physicist, Werner
Heisenberg in 1927, he said that the momentum and position of of electron can not be
measured exactly at the same time. This implies that even upon the experiments conducted
that showed electrons have wave like nature, it is still unlikely to get the precise position an
electron within the wave.
From the result of Broglie’s hypothesis and Heisenberg Uncertainty principle, Erwin
Schrödinger formulated a model of an atom that assumed the electrons could be treated at
matter waves. He derived equations called wave functions. The wave functions that are
derived from Schrödinger's equation for a specific atom are also called atomic orbitals. The
square of a wave function is proportional to the probability of finding an electron in a particular
volume of space within an atom. The greatest probabilty of finding an electron in an orbital is
in the densest ares, similarly, the lowest probabilty of finding an electron in the orbital of least

Activity 1: Research Time!

Search on Davisson-Germer Experiment. Make a synthesis of their experiment

LESSON 2: Physical Optics

Activity 2: Correct Me
Write (√) if the statement is correct and (×) if false.
_______________1. The interaction that separates the component colors of light is called
_______________2. Light is always not redirected.
_______________3. Diffraction is the combination of waves.
_______________4. Interference is the bending of light from a small slit.
_______________5. Rainbow is a result of dispersion

Prism is a material made from glass or any transparent usually with a triangular shape. Visible
light is capable of passing through prism. When light passes through prism, the light
separates into its component color, it is called dispersion. Newton was the first to observe
dispersion of a white light.
Rainbow is an example of dispersion of light. The water droplets act as the prism. The
water droplet disperses the color of light.

Scattering of Light
Scattering is the phenomenon wherein light has the capability to be redirected. The
particles responsible for this phenomenon is called scatterers.

Scattering of light is the reason why we see blue skies and red-orange sunrise and
sunset. The dust particles and atoms of oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere act as a
scatterer that scatters sunlight in all direction. Violet is the light that is most scattered, it is
follwed by indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. The shorter the wavelength of the light
the more it is scattered. Our eyes is not sensitive with the violet and indigo light. Blue is the
most predominant in our sight and this is the reason why we see a blue sky. During sunrise
and sunset, the sunlight travels farther, blue light have been scattered, this leaves only yellow, orange
and red to be scattered. It is the reason for a red-orange skies during sunrise and
Water droplets and ice crystals may also act as a scatterer. This is a reason why
clouds are seen as white. When clouds are heavier and thicker, water droplets become less
effective scatterer, so they become absorbers. This is a result of a darker appearance of

Interference is the combination of waves traveling in the same medium at the same
time. Waves follow the principle of superposition, which means waves can combine
constructively or destructively.
Constructive interference, waves reinforce each other while destructive interference
waves cancel each other. This happens if two coherent light passes through narrow slits, a
series of bright and dark fringes may appear to the screen. When you see bright fringes on
the screen, this means the light waves have constructive interference. When you see dark
fringes on the screen, it is destructive interference.

Diffraction is the bending of light as it passes through an opening or an obstacle. The
obstacle may be a slit, wire, hole, strands of hair, feather and the like. When you try to
observe closely, you may observe shadows are bordered by alternating dark and bright
infringes. Try doing it using your two fingers close with each other and try to peep between

Activity 3: Describe Me
Write a description for each light interaction with matter.
Dispersion Interference Scattering Diffraction

Activity 4 : Graphic Organizer

Make a graphic organizer showing the different interaction of light and provide a short
description for each.

Multiple Choice. Select the letter of the best answer from among the given choices.
1. What light phenomenon shows bending of light as it passes through an opening or an
A. Diffraction B. Interference C. Reflection D. Refraction
2. What type of waves cancel out each other?
A. Constructive waves C. Composing waves
B. Destructive waves D. Decomposing waves
3. What was the experiment conducted by Albert Einstein?
A. Compton effect C. Photoelectric effect Experiment
B. Germer Experiment D. Planck’s radiation law
4.Under which type of light do we easily get sunburned?
A. Infrared B. Microwave light C. Ultraviolet light D. White light
5. Who formulated the hypothesis that electron being a particle has wave-like characteristics?
. Albert Einstein C. Max Plank
B. Louis de Broglie D. Neils Bohr
6. Which property of light is responsible for white clouds, blue sky and red sunset?
A. Dispersion C. Interference
B. Scattering D. Diffraction
7. What natural occurrence is produced by the refraction of light as it travels between hot and
cold air?
A. Mirage C. Virtual image
B. Myriad D. Real image
8. Which of the following situations exemplifies the dispersion property of light?
A. The image of the flower in a mirror
B. The sparkling glow of the diamond ring
C. The swaying movement of coin under water
D. The rainbow in the sky after the rain shower
9. Explain when can diffraction of light occur?
A. When photons oscillate in certain directions are absorbed, while others that oscillate in line
with the filter pass through.
B. When light strikes the boundary between substances at an angle greater than the critical
C. When waves spread and bend as they pass through small openings or around barriers.
D. When two or more waves overlap or intersect.
10. What effect does interference of light waves have on soap bubbles?
A. They become larger
B. They become heavier
C. They produced different colors at the surface.
D. They produced images of objects like a mirror.
11. After a rainstorm, a rainbow may appear in the sky. Which statement explains this observation?
A. When the incident light is reflected by the ground towards the clouds, it separates them into
different colors.
B. The white clouds are like prisms which are composed of different colors of the rainbow
C. The colors of the rainbow come from raindrops spread in the atmosphere
D. The raindrops act as prisms separating sunlight into spectrum of colors.
12.What describes the collision between a photon and an electron?
A. Compton effect C. Photoelectric effect Experiment
B. Germer Experiment D. Planck’s radiation law
13.What was the equation derived from the model of atom formulated by Erwin Schrodinger?
A. Planck’s constant C. Wave functions
B. Hertz constant D. Compton equation
14. Who was the scientist who showed that light as a form of electromagnetic wave?
A. Compton B. Davisson C. Einstein D. Planck
15, Who was the scietist that proposed electrons and other discrete particles have a wave like
A. Bohr B. Compton C.Davisson D. De Broglie
Light Phenomena & Hertz’s Experiment
Spherical mirrors
Spherical mirrors are the mirrors having curved surfaces that are painted on one of the sides.
These may be a concave mirror or a convex mirror.
A convex mirror is sometimes called as diverging mirror. In a diverging mirror, it diverges light
when they strike on its reflecting surface. The image formed from this type of image is virtual, upright
and diminished image.
A concave mirror is sometimes called as converging mirror. Light converges at a point when it
strikes and reflects back from the reflecting surface of the concave mirror. The image formed when the
concave mirror is very close to the object, the object is magnified. As the distance between the mirror
and the object, the images seems to be smaller and it is becoming a real image. The image formed by
the concave mirror can be small or large or can be real or virtual.

Absorption of Light
In transparent materials, light can be transmitted without being scattered at an angle of 90
degrees but not all light is transmitted, some are absorbed and reflected. When light hits a surface,
some of the light is absorbed and the rest is reflected. It is the reflected light that reaches our eyes and
allows us to see the object.
When the light from the sun hits a blue table, all of the colors are absorbed except for blue. Blue
light is reflected to our eyes and so we see the table as blue.

You may have seen an illusion of water on a hot sunny day when you are having a road trip. You
may also have passed through it an observed that there is no water. This phenomenon has nothing to do
with water. You have learned that refraction happens due to the differences in speed of light on
different media. This is the reason why we see mirage.
Mirages happen when the ground is very hot and the air is cool. The hot ground
warms a layer of air just above the ground. When the light moves through the cold air and into
the layer of hot air it is refracted

Have you tried looking at the sun and observed a ring around the sun? It is called halo. Halo is a bright
white ring around the sun. This happend due to the refraction of light passing
through ice crystals and also reflects upon hitting the crystal’s faces.

A sundog is a light phenomenon wherein a bright spot is seen either one side or two sides of the
sun’s halo. This happend due to refraction of sunlight on flat, hexagonal ice crystals (or diamond dust)
found high in the sky in cirrus clouds.

Primary rainbow, Secondary Rainbow and Supernumerary bow

A rainbow is usually observed after a rain shower and with the sun shining. A primary rainbow is
observed when one total internal reflection and two refraction of white light by water droplet whereas
secondary rainbow is formed because of two total internal reflections and two refraction of white light
by water droplet. A secondary rainbow is brighter than primary rainbow.
Supernumerary bow is a light phenomenon seen inside the main rainbow. This happens due to
the interference between rays of light following slightly different paths with slightly varying lengths
within the raindrops.

Activity 1: Answer It Briefly

Answer the questions briefly.
1.Compare and contrast the images form in front side and the in the back side of a shiny spoon. What
does the front side of the spoon represent? The back side?
2.Why does red light passes through easily in red cellophane? What happens to the green light as it
passes through the red cellophane?
3.The color of the dress when artificial light is shone upon it is different compared to the color of the
dress when natural sunlight is shone upon it. Why?
4.What behavior of light is responsible for the formation of mirage?
5.What are the similarities and differences of a halo and a sundog?
6.How is a primary and secondary rainbow different?


In 1865, James Clerk Maxwell predicted waves can propagate in space form one region
to another.
Heinrich Hertz, a German physicist, experimented and proved that the prediction of
Maxwell was correct. Hertz was the first to produce electromagnetic waves inside a laboratory.
Hertz made use of an oscillator and a receiver. The oscillator that he used wa made of
two polished brass knobs connected to an induction coil and separated by a tiny gap. The
receiver was made of an open loop of wire with small knobs and was placed away from the
In his experiment, the induction coil was used to produce high voltage AC electricity, He
was able to produce series of sparks at regular intervals at the main spark-gap.
Hertz said, "For the sparks are microscopically short, scarcely a hundredth of a
millimeter; they last only about a millionth of a second. It almost seems absurd and impossible
that they should be visible; but in a perfectly dark room they are visible to an eye which has
been well rested in the dark. Upon this thin thread hangs the success of our undertaking,"
Later on, he was able to calculate the speed of the radio waves he created and found
that its speed is the same with the speed of light. It was through this experiment that the unit
for frequency was named after him.

Activity 2: Test your Memory

Answer the following questions briefly: Write your answers in your journal notebook.
1.What is the unit of frequency?
2.Why large voltage will be used to produce sparks based on Hertz experiment?
3. In Hertz testing circuit, why distance between CA and CB were the same?
4.How Hertz experiment produced sparks?
5.Was Hertz successfully proved the James Clerk Maxwell's electromagnetic theory of light?

Multiple Choice. Select the letter of the best answer from among the given choices.
1. What natural occurrence is produced by the refraction of light as it travels between hot and cold air?
A. mirage C. virtual image
B. myriad D. real image
2. Why does a blue t-shirt appear blue?
A. Blue is absorbed by the t-shirt C. Blue is emitted by the t-shirt
B. Blue is reflected by the t-shirt D. Blue is refracted by the t-shirt
3. Under which type of light do we easily get sunburned?
A. infrared C. microwave light
B. ultraviolet light D. white light
4. What light phenomena results in a spectrum of colors that escapes when two reflections happened
inside the water droplets?
A. A primary rainbow C. A supernumerary bow
B. A secondary rainbow D. A Halo
5. What is the image formed in a very close converging mirror?
A. Upright and real image C. Upright and virtual image
B. Inverted and real image D. Inverted and virtual image
6. An illusion of water on the road during a sunny noon time is an interaction of light due to
A. dispersion C. interference
B. reflection D. refraction
7. Which of the following situations exemplifies the dispersion property of light?
A. The image of the flower in a mirror C. The sparkling glow of the diamond ring
B. The swaying movement of coin under water D. The rainbow in the sky after the rain shower
8. Explain when can diffraction of light occur?
A. When photons oscillate in certain directions are absorbed, while others that
Oscillate in line with the filter pass through.
B. when light strikes the boundary between substances at an angle greater than the critical
C. when waves spread and bend as they pass through small openings or around barriers.
D. when two or more waves overlap or intersect.
9. What effect does interference of light waves have on soap bubbles?
A. They become larger C. They become heavier
B. They produced different colors at the surface. D. They produced images of objects like a mirror.
10. After a rainstorm, a rainbow may appear in the sky. Which statement explains this observation?
A. The colors of the rainbow come from raindrops spread in the atmosphere
B. The raindrops act as prisms separating sunlight into spectrum of colors.
C. The white clouds are like prisms which are composed of different colors of the rainbow
D. When the incident light is reflected by the ground towards the clouds, it separates them into
different colors.
11. A ring seen around the sun is caused by ___________________________.
. Reflection of light passing through ice crystals and refracts upon hitting the crystal.
B. Refraction of light passing through ice crystals and reflects upon hitting the crystal.
C. Interference of light passing through ice crystals and refracts upon hitting the crystal.
D. Interferencen of light passing through ice crystals and refracts upon hitting the crystal.
12. What is the phenomenon wherein a rainbow is inside a rainbow?
A. Primary rainbow C. Secondary rainbow
B. Supernumerary D. All of the above
13. The unit for frequency was named after __________________.
A. Albert Einstein C. Isaac Newton
B. Heinrich Hertz D. James Clerk Maxwell
14.The reason why Hertz used the same length of wire from CA to CB.
IV. The voltage reached at the same direction.
V. The voltage reached at the same point.
VI. The voltage reached at the same time.
A. I only C. II and III only
B. I and II only D. III only
15.Hertz’s observation on his experiment.
IV. When sparks flew across the main gap, sparks flew across the secondary gap.
V. When sparks flew across the main gap, sparks stopped across the secondary gap.
VI. When sparks flew across the main gap, secondary gap do not ignite.
A. I only C. II and III only
B. I, II and III SD. III
Theories of Relativity

Inertial frame of reference is a reference frame that is either at rest or in a uniform motion. For
example, a student standing beside a bus stop sees a bus moving at 40 km/h to the right. The intertial
frame of reference of the moving bus is the student who is at rest.
Suppose, you have another instance, the students beside a bus stop sees a child, riding the bus,
switching a flashlight. It is known that the speed of light (c) is equal to 3.0 x 18 m/s. Using Newtonian
mechanics, you might say that the speed of the light is 40km / h  c .
In the given example contradicts what was proposed by Maxwell. Maxwell’s electromagnetoc
theories were based on four different formulas of works of Faraday another physicists. In 1886, Heinrich
Hertz was able to proved that waves exist and was able to calculate the speed of light. Hertz and
Maxwell were able to observe the speed of light. In Maxwell’s theory, he suggested that light moves at a
constant speed ini whatever frame or reference.
This now shows the conflict between the Newtonian mechanics and Maxwell’s theory. This
conflict was resolved by the Special relativity of Albert Einstein. Special relativity deals with inertial
frame of reference. This was published in the year 1905 by Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein’s special
relativity postulates:
1. Laws of physics must be the same in all intertial frames of reference. This is called the
Principle of relativity.
2. The speed of light in a vacuum is constant in all frames of reference and is independent of
the motion of the source. This is called Constancy of speed.
The work of Einstein did not invalidate any obervations of Newton and Maxwell. It just
shows the limitation of the Newtonian mechanics and it holds truth on the observation of Maxwell.

Activity 1: State It!

State the postulates of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity
How did the theory of relativity resolved the conflict between Newtonian Mechanics and
Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory?

LESSON 2: Consequences of Special Relativity

The theory of Einstein on Special Relativity has many consequences. This includes time
dilation, length contraction, mass-energy equivalence ‘and cosmic speed limit.

Time dilation
Time dilation is an effect of special relativity wherein there is a difference of time interval
between two events by a stationary observer and by another observer in a moving frame. A frequent
example used to explain time dilation is a light clock. Suppose a light clock was carried by an astronaut in
a spacecraft. The astronaut sees the light clock to be moving up and down. While a stationary observer
on earth sees the pulse of light at a longer interval.
If we consider the Newtonian mechanics, events are simultaneous to all observers. However, it
is said that light travel at the same speed. This means that to have a constant speed of light in the two
events one event experiences a “slower time”. This is the reason why astronauts age slower than when
they are on Earth.
For instance, if an astronaut left the Earth in the year 2020 and had traveled the space for
15 years here on Earth, yet his actual travel was only 4.7 years. So, the astronaut might have
left the Earth for 15 years yet he had aged for 4.7 years. Length Contraction

Length contraction
is another consequence of special relativity. An object reaching the speed of light experiences
length contraction. An object measured at an intertial frame of reference increases its length
contraction as its speed reaches the speed of light.

Mass-energy Equivalence
Mass-energy equivalence is given by the formula 2 E  mc . This equation means mass
and energy are equivalent. It implies that a gain in mass is a gain in energy. It may seem that an observer
watching you increasing your speed may see you that you increase in mass. This is congruent to the
formula given by Einstein.

Cosmic Speed Limit

In the Newtonian mechanics, it states that an unbalanced force causes a body to accelerate. In
relativistic second law, it takes a different form. It says that as the object’s velocity reaches the speed of
light, its acceleration approaches zero. When an object reaches the speed of light acceleration stops.
Thus, the maximum speed an object can attain is the speed of light.

Activity 2: Make Me True

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and otherwise change the underlined word/s to make the
statement correct.
_________________________ 1. Time dilation is an effect of relativity.
_________________________ 2. An object measured at an intertial frame of reference
decreases its length contraction as its speed reaches the speed of light.
_________________________ 3. According to Mass-Energy Equivalence, mass and
energy are always equal.
_________________________ 4. When an object reaches the speed of light it continues to
_________________________ 5. The maximum speed of an object is the speed of

LESSON 3: Consequences of General Theory of Relativity

General Relativity was a theory formulated by Albert Einstein in 1915. This theory included
acceleration. This theory accounted for gravity.
It was said that Einstein thought of this theory while he was sitting on a chair outside a patent
office of Bern, Switzerland. He thought that gravitational field is equivalent to a uniformly accelerated
reference frame. He referred this as the Principle of equivalence.
General Relativity has many consequences. This includes warping of spacetime, gravitational
lensing and blackholes.
Warping of Spacetime
According to Newton’s law of universal gravitation, gravity act as a force between two objects
due to their masses. General relativity views gravity as a product of warping or curving of spacetime. The
warping or curving of the spacetime was caused by the presence of mass and energy. It was illustrated
that spacetime was a fabric, or you may imagine a trampoline, when you put a massive marble at it, the
fabric or trampoline curves. Once you place a massive ball, the ball rolls at the center and distorts or
curves the fabric of trampoline. If you roll a ball, it will curve based on the distortion or curve on the
sheet. This theory was the key on understanding the differences in the orbit of planet Mercury. Mercury
was the most affected by the Sun’s warping of the spacetime.

Gravitational Lensing
Another consequence was gravitational lensing. Gravitational lensing is the bending of light
when it travels a warped space over a massive object. This was confirmed in the year 1919 during a solar
eclipse. They have measured the position of the stars. At present, physicist are capable of measuring
deflection through the radio waves emitted by distant galaxies called quasars.

General relativity predicst the formation of blackholes. Blackhole is a region in spacetime from
which nothing not even light can escape. Blackholes were predicted that had been formed from a
sufficiently compact mass which can deform spacetime. This was only possible if it is massive ten times

Activity 3: Sharing My Insights

Do you agree with the General Theory of Relativity? Support your answer.

Multiple Choice. Select the letter of the best answer from among the given choices.
1. Einstein's theory of special relativity corrected the laws of motion first proposed by:
A. Hertz C. Maxwell
B. Galileo D. Newton
2. Which among the following resolves the conflict between Newtonian mechanics and
Maxwell's electromagnetic theory?
A. Theory of general relativity C. Law of universal gravitation
B. Theory of special relativity D. Law of conservation of energy
3. Clocks in a stationary reference frame, compared to identical Clocks in a moving reference
frame, appear to run
A. at the same rate. B. faster. C. backward in time. D. slower.
4. An object that looks green in empty space is positioned near but not in a black hole. From
the black hole far from the observer, the object would appear
A. black C. green
B. blue D. red
5. The Principle of Equivalence in the General Theory of Relativity states that inertial and gravitational
masses are
A. identical. B. not significant. C. increasing. D. varied.
6. Which of the following is not a consequence of General Theory of Relativity?
A. Black Hole C. Precession in the Orbit of Mercury
B. Gravitational Lensing Effect D. Time Dilation
7. The Einstein Cross is an evidence of
A. Black Hole C. Increased gravity
B. Gravitational Lensing Effect D. Shifting of orbit
8. How many years later did Einstein published his General Theory of relativity?
A. 5 years B. 6 years C. 8 years D. 10 years
9. Who were the scientists who were able to observe the speed of light?
A. Einstein and Maxwell C. Newton and Hertz
B. Hertz and Maxwell D. Einstein and Newton
10. What theory deals with inertial frame of reference?
A. General theory of relativity
B. Special theory of relativity
C. Electromagnetic theory
D. None of the above

The Expanding Universe

LESSON 1: Estimation of Speed and Distances of Far-off Objects

Speed and distance of objects are easily measured using different measuring devices and using
different mathematical equations. But how do astrinauts measure very far objects?
Ancient Greeks made measurements of the earth and Moon. They also have tried to measure
the distance of the Sun. Johannes Kepler studied the orbit of a planet to the Sun. He come up with an
observation that the time it takes for a planet to orbit the sun was proportional to its distance to the
Later on, scientists were able to develop a radar to bounce signals of other planets as well as
the Sun. Astronomers used an old technique called geometric parallax on measureing more distant
objects. This was used by Greeks in 300 BC.
The study of Albert Einstein on Special Relativity had a contribution on how scientists would be
able to measure the distances and speed of far-off objects.

Doppler Effect
Doppler effect is defined as the change in the frequency of a source of wave due to the motion
of the source and or observer. In light, doppler effect is more commonly known as the Doppler shift.
Doppler shift is expressed more on color than on frequency. Blue shift is a term used to indicate the
increase in frequency and red shift was tge term used ti indicate a decrease in frequency. A red shift was
observed in the galaxies, it indicates that the galaxies are moving away from each other. The amount of
shift is a measure of how they move away from the Earth.
Hubble’s Law
Edwin Hubble formulated a law that shows the relationship between the distance of an object
to Earth and its speed away from earth. This is shown in the formula of the Hubble’s Law: v H d 
0=Hubble’s constant= 18 1 2.8 10   x s )

Cosmic Distance Ladder

Cosmic Distance Ladder is just like a ladder that shows a range of distance and the method used
to measure the distance, it is expressed in light years (ly). One light year is equivalent to the distance a
light travels in one year. This is approximately equal to x m 15 9.5 10 .

Activity 1: Differentiate it!

1. How do scientist use doppler effect in measuring distance?
2. How do scientist use the cosmic distance ladder?


Since the time of the Greek scientists’ search for answers on how endlessly is the universe, they
have conducted various thought experiments, observations and theories. The Greeks have two
questions, it is whether the universe is infinite or finite.
In 1800s, Heinrich Olbers, a German astronomer, argued that the universe is finite. Isaac
Newton found about the law of gravity. This holds that all objects of the universe will be attracted by
one another due to gravity. If the universe is finite as with the argument of Olbers then the entire
universe will collapse because of gravity.
As Einstein’s theories on relativity became known, Einstein and Newton have the same problem.
The equations formulated by Einstein suggests that the universe must be expanding or collapsing. But
Einstein thought that the universe is static. This was due to the constant term in his original solution
which is called cosmological constant. It turned out that it was a mistake of Einstein when Edwin Hubble
discovered that the universe is expanding.
Large telescopes were built and scientists were able to measure the spectra with higher
accuracy. Vesto Sipher, an astronoer in Arizona, discovered that the spectra of light shiftted to longer
wavelengths or redshifted.
In 1929, Edwin Hubble measured the redshifts of a number of distant galaxies. He plotted the
measurements of relative distances using Cepheids. His observation indicated that the universe is

The Big Bang

Astronomers estimated that Big Bang happened between 12 and 14 billion years ago. Big Bang
states that the universe started from a small, hit, dense state that rapidly expanded. This theory was
proposed by a Belgian Catholic priest and cosmologist, Georges Lemaitre in 1927.
Since then, scientist have focused great efforts on investigating the Big Bang model. Our
knowledge of the structure of the universe and of subatomic particles is able take us back to within 10
43 second of the Big Bang. Before that time, the universe also compressed and opaque that our present
understanding of the laws of relativity and quantum mechanics is inadequate.
When the universe was 30 minutes old, it had cold so much that nuclear reaction ceased; the
matter in the universe consisted, by mass, of about 25 % helium nuclei and 75 % hydrogen nuclei. By the
time the universe was about 400, 000 years old, it was cool enough for the helium and hydrogen nuclei
to capture electrons and become neutral atoms. Photons were now able to move freely through space,
and matter was able to be influenced by gravity and begin forming galaxies and star.

Activity 2: Sharing My Insights

In your own words, why do you think the universe is expanding? Support your answer.

Multiple Choice. Select the letter of the best answer from among the given choices.
1. What was the estimated age of the universe?
A. 3.5 B years C. 5 B years
B. 14 B years D. 21 B years
2. What effect on light which is expressed more on color than on frequency?
A. Doppler shift C. Electromagnitic effect
B. Photoelectric effect D. None of the above
3. The amount of red shift means ____________.
A. the objects are moving closer C. the objects are moving away
B. the objects stays the same D. there is no change
4. Who was the scientist that explained the relationship between the distance of an object to Earth and
its speed away from Earth?
A. Albert Einstein C. Isaac Newton
B. Edwin Hubble D. Heinrich Hertz
5. Who studied the orbit of a planet to the Sun with the observation that the time it takes for a planet to
orbit the sun was proportional to its distance to the Sun?
A. Johannes Kepler C. Isaac Newton
B. Tycho Brahe D. Edwin Hubble
6. What do astronomers used an old technique on measureing more distant object?
A. Telescope C. Parallax
B. Radar D. Doppler
7. What term is used as the change in the frequency of a source of wave due to the motion of the source
and or observer?
A. Parallax C. Cepheid
B. Doppler effect D. Main fitting
8. What indicates the increase in frequency?
A. Red shift C. Violet shift
B. Blue shift D. Yellow shift
9. Who formulated a law that shows the relationship between the distance of an object to Earth and its
speed away from earth?
A. Johannes Kepler C. Isaac Newton
B. Tycho Brahe D. Edwin Hubble
10. Astronomers used a list of method that helped in measuring the distance of objects and is expressed
in light years?
A. Doppler effect C. Cepheid
B. Cosmic distance ladder D. Main fitting
11. Who was an astronomer in Arizona, discovered that the spectra of light shiftted to longer
A. Johannes Kepler C. Vesto Sipher
B. Tycho Brahe D. Edwin Hubble
12. Which theory states that the universe started from a small, hit, dense state that rapidly expanded?
A. Steady state theory C. Nebular theory
B. Protoplanet theory D. Big Bang theory
13. Which among the choices is a significant contribution of Sir Isaac Newton?
A. He found about that all objects of the universe will be attracted by one another.
B. He proposed that the universe came from an expansion of a singularity.
C. He found the method of geometric parallax.
D. He was the first to use the main sequence fitting.
14. Based on the cosmic distance ladder, what method should be used in objects at a distance of 105 ly?
A. Calibrated diagrams
B. Luminosity
C. Main-sequence fitting
D. Radar
15. Objects at distance of 10 10 ly, are measured using _________________.
A. Calibrated diagrams
B. Cepheid variables
C. Parallax
D. Tully-Fisher relation

Prepared by: Checked by:


SHS Teacher II SHS- Assistant Principal II
Make a concept Map about special relativity

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