Weather refers to short term atmospheric conditions over minutes to days, while climate describes average weather conditions over longer periods of 30 years or more. Weather involves factors like temperature, precipitation and wind that forecasters predict, whereas climate looks at weather patterns over decades for a particular location. While weather can vary daily, climate represents long-term trends of a region's atmosphere.
Weather refers to short term atmospheric conditions over minutes to days, while climate describes average weather conditions over longer periods of 30 years or more. Weather involves factors like temperature, precipitation and wind that forecasters predict, whereas climate looks at weather patterns over decades for a particular location. While weather can vary daily, climate represents long-term trends of a region's atmosphere.
Weather refers to short term atmospheric conditions over minutes to days, while climate describes average weather conditions over longer periods of 30 years or more. Weather involves factors like temperature, precipitation and wind that forecasters predict, whereas climate looks at weather patterns over decades for a particular location. While weather can vary daily, climate represents long-term trends of a region's atmosphere.
Weather refers to short term atmospheric conditions over minutes to days, while climate describes average weather conditions over longer periods of 30 years or more. Weather involves factors like temperature, precipitation and wind that forecasters predict, whereas climate looks at weather patterns over decades for a particular location. While weather can vary daily, climate represents long-term trends of a region's atmosphere.
Weather and Climate are two similar words with very different meanings.
Weather refers to condition of the
atmosphere over a short period of time, from minutes to days.
When scientists talk about climate,
Weather is what TV they're looking at averages of presenters precipitation, temperature, humidity, sunshine, wind velocity, phenomena such forecast, like Sunny, as fog, frost, and hail storms, and other Cloudy, Windy, measures of the weather that occur over Storm, etc. a long period in a particular place.
Weather is basically the way the atmosphere is
behaving, mainly with respect to its effects upon life and If summers seem hotter lately, then human activities. The difference between weather and the recent climate may have changed. climate is that weather consists of the short-term (minutes to months) changes in the atmosphere. The change in recent winter snows
indicate that the climate has changed
In most places, weather can
change from minute-to- minute, hour-to-hour, day- to-day, and season-to- season. Climate, however, is the average of weather over time and space.
While climate means average weather of a place
over a period of many years. Climate is how the atmosphere "behaves" over relatively long periods Most people think of weather in terms of of time. Some scientists define climate as the temperature, humidity, precipitation, average weather for a particular region and time cloudiness, brightness, visibility, wind, and atmospheric pressure, as in high and low period, usually taken over 30-years. It's really an pressure. average pattern of weather for a particular region.