LAC Intraregional IRF Guide

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LAC Intraregional Interchange Guide

Visa Supplemental Requirements

Version 1.5

Effective 18 October 2019 CPD 19 October 2019

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LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Tables .............................................................................................................................................................................. vi
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 1
About This Guide ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Summary of Changes .............................................................................................................................................................. 2
For More Information .............................................................................................................................................................. 2
1 Interchange Processing ....................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 LAC Regional Jurisdiction ............................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Interchange General Concepts .................................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Interchange Determination......................................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 International Settlement Service (ISS)................................................................................................................... 11
1.5 Interchange Fee Amount in LAC Regional Transactions ............................................................................... 12
1.5.1 Interchange Fee Amount in BASE II Transactions ................................................................................. 12
1.5.2 Interchange Fee Amount for Full Financial Transactions ................................................................... 13
1.6 Clearing Timeliness ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
2 Intraregional Interchange Rates Summary ................................................................................................... 15
2.1 LAC Regional Rates ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
3 POS U.S. Debit Regulated Fee Program– Technical Requirements ........................................................ 17
3.1 U.S. Territory Interregional Regulated Debit Fee Program ........................................................................... 17
3.1.1 Program Processing Rules ............................................................................................................................. 17 Eligible Products ................................................................................................................................................ 17 Transaction Types.............................................................................................................................................. 18 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria ......................................................................................................... 18
3.1.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates.............................................................................................................................. 19
4 LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements.............................................................. 21
4.1 LAC Business Fee Program ........................................................................................................................................ 21
4.1.1 Program Processing Rules ............................................................................................................................. 21 Eligible Products ................................................................................................................................................ 21 Transaction Types.............................................................................................................................................. 22 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria ......................................................................................................... 22
4.1.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates.............................................................................................................................. 22
4.2 LAC Corporate Fee Program .................................................................................................................................... 23
4.2.1 Program Processing Rules ............................................................................................................................. 23 Eligible Products ................................................................................................................................................ 23 Transaction Types.............................................................................................................................................. 23 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria ......................................................................................................... 23
4.2.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates.............................................................................................................................. 24
4.3 Global B2B Virtual Payments Fee Program ......................................................................................................... 25
4.3.1 Program Processing Rules ............................................................................................................................. 25 Eligible Products ................................................................................................................................................ 25 Transaction Types.............................................................................................................................................. 25 Eligible Merchant Category Codes (MCC) .......................................................................................... 26 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria ......................................................................................................... 26
4.3.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates.............................................................................................................................. 27
4.4 LAC Purchasing Fee Program ................................................................................................................................... 28
4.4.1 Program Processing Rules ............................................................................................................................. 28

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LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements Eligible Products ................................................................................................................................................ 28 Transaction Types.............................................................................................................................................. 28 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria ......................................................................................................... 29
4.4.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates.............................................................................................................................. 29
4.5 LAC Super Premium Card Fee Program ............................................................................................................... 30
4.5.1 Program Processing Rules ............................................................................................................................. 30 Eligible Products ................................................................................................................................................ 30 Transaction Types.............................................................................................................................................. 30 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria ......................................................................................................... 30
4.5.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates.............................................................................................................................. 31
4.6 LAC Premium Card Fee Program ............................................................................................................................ 32
4.6.1 Program Processing Rules ............................................................................................................................. 32 Eligible Products ................................................................................................................................................ 32 Transaction Types.............................................................................................................................................. 32 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria ......................................................................................................... 32
4.6.2 Fee Descriptors and rates ............................................................................................................................... 33
4.7 LAC Secure Electronic Commerce Fee Program - Authenticated 3D (E-Commerce ECI5) ............... 34
4.7.1 Program Processing Rules ............................................................................................................................. 34 Eligible Products ................................................................................................................................................ 34 Transaction Types.............................................................................................................................................. 34 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria ......................................................................................................... 34 Non-Originals Transactions Processing Rules .................................................................................. 35
4.7.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates.............................................................................................................................. 36
4.8 LAC Electronic Commerce Merchant Fee Program - Non-authenticated 3D (E-Commerce ECI5) 37
4.8.1 Program Processing Rules ............................................................................................................................. 37 Eligible Products ................................................................................................................................................ 37 Transaction Types.............................................................................................................................................. 37 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria ......................................................................................................... 37 Non-Originals Transactions Processing Rules .................................................................................. 38
4.8.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates.............................................................................................................................. 39
4.9 LAC Chip Terminal: Acquirer Chip Fee Program ............................................................................................... 40
4.9.1 Program Processing Rules ............................................................................................................................. 40 Eligible Products ................................................................................................................................................ 40 Transaction Types.............................................................................................................................................. 40 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria ......................................................................................................... 40 Non-Originals Transactions Processing Rules .................................................................................. 41
4.9.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates.............................................................................................................................. 42
4.10 LAC Chip Terminal: Issuer Chip Fee Program .................................................................................................... 43
4.10.1 Program Processing Rules ............................................................................................................................. 43 Eligible Products ................................................................................................................................................ 43 Transaction Types.............................................................................................................................................. 43 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria ......................................................................................................... 43 Non-Originals Transactions Processing Rules .................................................................................. 44
4.10.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates.............................................................................................................................. 45
4.11 LAC Electronic Fee Program ..................................................................................................................................... 46
4.11.1 Program Processing Rules ............................................................................................................................. 46 Eligible Products ................................................................................................................................................ 46 Transaction Types.............................................................................................................................................. 46 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria ......................................................................................................... 46 Non-Originals Transactions Processing Rules ........................................................................................ 47

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LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

4.11.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates.............................................................................................................................. 47

4.12 LAC Standard Fee Program....................................................................................................................................... 49
4.12.1 Program Processing Rules ............................................................................................................................. 49 Eligible Products ................................................................................................................................................ 49 Transaction Types.............................................................................................................................................. 49 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria ......................................................................................................... 49
4.12.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates.............................................................................................................................. 50
5 LAC Cash Disbursements Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements ............................... 51
5.1 LAC ATM Cash Withdrawal Fee Program ............................................................................................................ 51
5.1.1 Program Processing Rules ............................................................................................................................. 51 Eligible Products ................................................................................................................................................ 51 Transaction Types.............................................................................................................................................. 51 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria ......................................................................................................... 51
5.1.2 Fee Descriptors and rates ............................................................................................................................... 53
5.2 LAC ATM Non-Financial Fees ................................................................................................................................... 55
5.2.1 Program Processing Rules ............................................................................................................................. 55 Eligible Products ................................................................................................................................................ 55 Transaction Types.............................................................................................................................................. 55 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria ......................................................................................................... 55
5.2.2 Fee Descriptors and rates ............................................................................................................................... 57
5.3 LAC Manual Cash Disbursement Fee Program.................................................................................................. 58
5.3.1 Program Processing Rules ............................................................................................................................. 58 Eligible Products ................................................................................................................................................ 58 Transaction Types.............................................................................................................................................. 58 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria ......................................................................................................... 58
5.3.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates.............................................................................................................................. 58
6 LAC Original Credit Transactions (OCTs) Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements ... 61
6.1 LAC Enhanced Original Credit Transactions (OCTs) Fee Program (Fast funds) Fee Program .......... 61
6.1.1 Program Processing Rules ............................................................................................................................. 61 Eligible Products ................................................................................................................................................ 61 Transaction Types.............................................................................................................................................. 61 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria ......................................................................................................... 61
6.1.2 Fee Descriptors and rates ............................................................................................................................... 62
6.2 LAC Original Credit Transactions (OCTs) - Non-Fast Funds Fee Program .............................................. 63
6.2.1 Program Processing Rules ............................................................................................................................. 63 Eligible Products ................................................................................................................................................ 63 Transaction Types.............................................................................................................................................. 63 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria ......................................................................................................... 63
6.2.2 Fee Descriptors and rates ............................................................................................................................... 63
6.3 LAC Prepaid Load Domestic Fee Program Fee Program ............................................................................... 65
6.3.1 Program Processing Rules ............................................................................................................................. 65 Eligible Products ................................................................................................................................................ 65 Transaction Types.............................................................................................................................................. 65 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria ......................................................................................................... 65
6.3.2 Fee Descriptors and rates ............................................................................................................................... 66
7 Visa Claim Resolution (VCR) ............................................................................................................................ 67
7.1.1 Fee Descriptors ................................................................................................................................................... 67
8 List of all LAC Region Fee Programs, Fee Descriptors and Fee Programs Indicators (FPIs) ............ 69
9 List of Visa PIDs available for Product Issuance in LAC ............................................................................ 73

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LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 1–1: LAC Regional Interchange Fee Jurisdiction ........................................................................................... 3
Table 1–2: LAC Regional Interchange Fee Jurisdiction for transactions originated from ............................
U.S. territories in LAC ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Table 1–3: LAC Regional Interchange Fee Jurisdiction for transactions originated from ............................
Multinational Acceptance Acquirer (MAA) Program Acquirers ..................................................... 4
Table 1–4: Interchange Flow by Transaction Type .................................................................................................... 8
Table 1–5: International Settlement ............................................................................................................................. 11
Table 1–6: Fee Amount in BASE II Draft Data TCR 5—Payment Service Data .............................................. 13
Table 1–7: SMS Raw Data Records ............................................................................................................................... 13
Table 1–8: SMS Transaction Detail Reports-Line 5 Interchange Reimbursement Fee .............................. 14
Table 1–9: 3-Day Clearing Timeliness Table .............................................................................................................. 14
Table 3–1: List of products eligible for Interregional Interlink Regulated Fee Program .......................... 17
Table 3–2: List of Visa products eligible for Regulated Debit Fee Program ................................................. 18
Table 3–3: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC U.S. Territory Regulated Debit Fee Program for POS .........................
transactions including Credit Voucher Transactions ........................................................................ 19
Table 3–4: LAC U.S. Territory Regional Regulated Debit Fee Program ........................................................... 19
Table 4–1: List of products eligible for LAC Business Fee Program ................................................................. 21
Table 4–2: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Business Fee Program for POS transactions including ......................
Credit Voucher Transactions ..................................................................................................................... 22
Table 4–3: LAC Business Fee Program ......................................................................................................................... 22
Table 4–4: List of products eligible for LAC Corporate Fee Program .............................................................. 23
Table 4–5: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Corporate Fee Program for POS transactions including ...................
Credit Voucher Transactions ..................................................................................................................... 24
Table 4–6: LAC Corporate Fee Program ..................................................................................................................... 24
Table 4–7: List of products eligible for Global B2B Virtual Payments Fee Program .................................. 25
Table 4–8: Global B2B Virtual Payments Fee Program eligible MCCs ............................................................. 26
Table 4–9: Fee Edit Criteria for Global B2B Virtual Payments Fee Program for Purchases and ................
Credit Voucher Transactions ..................................................................................................................... 27
Table 4–10: Interregional Global B2B Virtual Payments Fee Program ............................................................... 27
Table 4–11: List of products eligible for LAC Purchasing Fee Program ............................................................ 28
Table 4–12: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Purchasing Fee Program for POS transactions including .................
Credit Voucher Transactions ..................................................................................................................... 29
Table 4–13: LAC Purchasing Fee Program .................................................................................................................... 29
Table 4–14: List of products eligible for LAC Super Premium Fee Program ................................................... 30
Table 4–15: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Super Premium Fee Program for POS transactions ............................
including Credit Voucher Transactions ................................................................................................. 31
Table 4–16: LAC Super Premium Fee Program ........................................................................................................... 31
Table 4–17: List of products eligible for LAC Premium Fee Program ................................................................ 32
Table 4–18: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Premium Fee Program for POS transactions including .....................
Credit Voucher Transactions ..................................................................................................................... 33
Table 4–19: LAC Premium Fee Program ........................................................................................................................ 33
Table 4–20: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Secure Electronic Commerce Fee Program for Original ....................
POS Transactions ........................................................................................................................................... 35
Table 4–21: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Secure Electronic Commerce Fee Program Credit Vouchers ....... 36
Table 4–22: LAC Secure Electronic Commerce Fee Program ................................................................................ 36

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LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 4–23: Fee Edit Criteria for Electronic Commerce Merchant Fee Program for Original .......................
POS Transactions .......................................................................................................................................... 38
Table 4–24: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Electronic Commerce Merchant Fee Program Credit Vouchers . 39
Table 4–25: LAC Electronic Commerce Merchant Fee Program........................................................................... 39
Table 4–26: Fee Edit Criteria Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Acquirer Chip Fee Program Original POS ...............
Transactions ..................................................................................................................................................... 41
Table 4–27: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Acquirer Chip Fee Program Credit Vouchers and ................................
Non-Originals POS Transactions ............................................................................................................. 42
Table 4–28: LAC Acquirer Chip Fee Program .............................................................................................................. 42
Table 4–29: Fee Edit Criteria Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Issuer Chip Fee Program Original .............................
POS Transactions ........................................................................................................................................... 44
Table 4–30: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Issuer Chip Fee Program Credit Vouchers .......................................... 45
Table 4–31: LAC Issuer Chip Fee Program .................................................................................................................... 45
Table 4–32: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Electronic Fee Program Original POS Transactions ......................... 47
Table 4–33: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Electronic Fee Program Credit Vouchers ............................................. 47
Table 4–34: LAC Electronic Fee Program ...................................................................................................................... 48
Table 4–35: LAC Standard Fee Program........................................................................................................................ 50
Table 5–1: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC ATM Disbursement Fee Program Transactions ................................. 52
Table 5–2: ATM Disbursement Fee Program ............................................................................................................ 54
Table 5–3: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC ATM Balance Inquiry Transactions ......................................................... 55
Table 5–4: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC ATM Decline Transactions ......................................................................... 56
Table 5–5: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC ATM Account Transfer Transactions ..................................................... 56
Table 5–6: Fee Edit Criteria for PIN Management Service Transactions1 ...................................................... 56
Table 5–7: LAC ATM Non-Financial Fee Program ................................................................................................... 57
Table 5–8: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions ........................................... 58
Table 5–9: LAC Manual Cash Disbursement Fee Program................................................................................... 59
Table 6–1: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC OCTs (Fast funds) Fee Program Transactions .................................... 62
Table 6–2: LAC Enhanced OCTs (Fast funds) Fee Program .................................................................................. 62
Table 6–3 Fee Edit Criteria for LAC OCTs (non-fast funds) Fee Program Transactions ........................... 63
Table 6–4: LAC OCTs Fee Program (non-fast funds) .............................................................................................. 64
Table 6–5: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Prepaid Load Fee Program Transactions ............................................. 66
Table 6–6: LAC Prepaid Load Fee Program ............................................................................................................... 66
Table 7–1: VCR Fee Descriptors for Dispute Financials ......................................................................................... 67
Table 8–1: All LAC POS Fee Programs, Fee Descriptors and Rates Table ...................................................... 69
Table 8–2: LAC Cash Disbursement Fee Programs, Fee Descriptors and Rates Table .............................. 70
Table 9–1: List of Visa PIDs available for Product Issuance in LAC ................................................................... 73

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LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

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LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

The LAC Intraregional Interchange Guide (‘Guide’) details the interchange rates that are available to Visa
Inc. LAC issuers and acquirers. This Guide is a Visa Inc. official publication outlining interchange
programs and rates applicable to LAC clients and supersedes any other regional interchange related
documents or representations.
Unless otherwise noted, all rates described in this Guide apply to LAC regional transactions. LAC
regional transactions are those originating at merchants acquired by clients in the LAC region on Visa
cards issued by LAC clients.
To qualify for a specific interchange rate, the transaction must comply with all interchange fee
qualifications and processing requirements in effect on the transaction date as specified in this Guide, in
the applicable Visa Core Rules and Visa Product and Service Rules, and the appropriate VisaNet
Technical Specifications.
It is the responsibility of the Acquirer to accurately apply the applicable rates and to ensure accuracy of
Interchange Reimbursement Fee information associated with each transaction processed by the
Acquirer. In the event that any merchant’s transactions have not been assigned the applicable
interchange rate pursuant to this Guide, the rate which was applied to the transaction shall, only for the
purposes of assessing Visa’s responsibility for such transaction, be deemed to be the applicable and
appropriate rate.
Important: This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors; any
errors/inaccuracies will be corrected when identified.
Changes are periodically added to the information herein: These changes will be incorporated in new
editions of the publication. Visa Inc. reserves the right to make amendments to this Guide at any time.
Note: This document is a supplement of the Visa Core Rules and Visa Product and Service Rules. In
the event of any conflict between any content in this document, any document referenced
herein, any exhibit to this document, or any communications concerning this document, and
any content in the Visa Core Rules and Visa Product and Service Rules, the Visa Core Rules and
Visa Product and Service Rules shall govern and control.

About This Guide

This document is to provide the information on the various interchange fee programs for LAC regional
transactions and the various edit criteria that is required for each of the fee programs included in this guide.

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LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

The guide is intended for Visa Inc. customer’s business, technical and operations staff.

 Rates are provided for reference only. While Visa will use its best efforts to ensure that this guide
is kept up to date, Visa does not guarantee that it is so. In the event of any discrepancy between
these rates and rates that are deemed official by Visa, the rates that are deemed official will apply.
 These rates are not exhaustive and there may be other rates in the system that may apply.
 These rates are applicable subject to the transactions fulfilling certain qualification criteria as
highlighted in this document.
 Clients should check their settlement reports to ensure that they are receiving the expected rates.
 To the extent permitted by law, Visa should not be held liable for any loss or damage (including
special, indirect and consequential loss or damage) in connection with clients’ use of this guide.

Summary of Changes

Since the first version of the LAC Regional Interchange Guide version 1.4 (Effective 18 October 2019 CPD 19
October 2019) was published, updates have occurred that are contained in the document below.

This version of the Guide completely replaces all previous versions.

Summary of Changes

Section Status Description of Change

All Updated Wording, table naming, and format updates throughout document. No
updates to existing Fee Programs edit criteria or rates other that the
ones listed in this table.
2, 6, 8 Updated Updated Intraregional Original Credit Transactions (OCT) Fee Program
Rates as per October 2019 BER article 10.2.2.Changes to LAC
Original Credit Transaction Client-to-Client Rates

For More Information

Please contact your Visa Account Executive

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Interchange Processing: LAC Regional Jurisdiction
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

1 Interchange Processing
Interchange Reimbursement Fees (IRF) are transfer fees between issuers and acquirers used to
maximize the growth of the payment network for the benefit of all participants. Generally, the
acquirer reimburses the issuer for POS transactions (e.g. purchases) whereas the issuer reimburses the
acquirer for cash and ATM transactions.

Acquirers independently set their respective charges for their merchant customers through individual
agreements with each merchant, based on considerations they deem appropriate.

This section explains how interchange assessment is determined and how interchange fees flow
between clients.

1.1 LAC Regional Jurisdiction

Table 1–1: LAC Regional Interchange Fee Jurisdiction

Merchant Merchant Issuer Region

Acquirer Region Comments
(MCC) Region

Non-Airline LAC LAC LAC Issuer and acquirer

are from different
Airline Any Region LAC LAC
LAC countries

Table 1–2: LAC Regional Interchange Fee Jurisdiction for transactions originated from U.S.
territories in LAC

Merchant Merchant Issuer Region

Acquirer Region Comments
(MCC) Region

Any LAC Region LAC US Territory LAC US Territory Issuer and merchant
are in different LAC
LAC Region US Territories: Puerto Rico, US. Virgin Islands

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Notice: This information is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must
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Interchange Processing: LAC Regional Jurisdiction
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 1–3: LAC Regional Interchange Fee Jurisdiction for transactions originated from Multinational
Acceptance Acquirer (MAA) Program Acquirers

Merchant Acquirer Region Merchant Issuer Region Comments

(MCC) Region
Any Any Region LAC Region LAC Region Merchant and Issuer
are in different LAC

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Notice: This information is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must
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Interchange Processing: Interchange General Concepts
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

1.2 Interchange General Concepts

Interchange Fee Schedules

Interchange Fee Schedules define the order in which interchange reimbursement fee (IRF) programs
are assessed. The different transaction types (i.e. purchases, ATM withdrawals, etc.) are grouped
according to their business purpose, for LAC regional transactions Visa uses the following categories:
 POS (point-of-sale) U.S. Debit Regulated
 POS (point-of-sale)
 Cash Disbursements
 Original Credit
 Fulfillment/Non-Fulfillment

Fee Program

For the purpose of this guide, the term “program” is used to define the set of transaction
characteristics that a transaction must meet to be qualified for an interchange fee category.
Qualification for a specific program typically correlates directly to the interchange rate available for
that program. However, in certain circumstances, several programs can be used to qualify transactions
for a particular rate.

Fee Rate

Interchange rates can be either a unit rate, a percentage rate or a combination of both. When the rate
is a unit rate, this guide shows the currency code [e.g., USD (840) for the rate]. When it is percentage
rate, this guide will have percentage (%) mark next to the rate.

Visa Claim Resolution (VCR)

VCR is a liability- based dispute resolution process leveraging original transaction data and Visa
Resolve Online (VROL). Please note that the interchange and/or client-to-client fee amount applied
to each VCR dispute transaction will be the same amount assessed to the original transaction when
the full transaction amount is disputed. On partially disputed amounts, the interchange or client-to-
client fee amount applied will be proportionally adjusted to the amount being disputed.

Fee Descriptor

Fee descriptors correspond to each interchange fee program in each settlement service and appear in
the Visa Settlement Service (VSS) reports for interchange fee reconciliation. (VSS130, VSS 130M &
VSS135). The fee descriptors provide interchange fee level volumes on daily, monthly and month-to-
date reimbursement fee reports.

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Notice: This information is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must
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Interchange Processing: Interchange General Concepts
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements


Products are defined by announced Account Funding Source (AFS) and Product ID (PID) valid
combination. Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country).
Please contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products in each market.

Account Funding Source (AFS)

AFS represents the default funding source for the card. Valid AFS values are:
 C (Credit) - Identifies any card that may be used repeatedly to borrow money or buy products and
services on credit.
 H (Charge) - Identifies a card used for making payments where the balance must be paid in full
when the statement is received.
 D (Debit) - Identifies a card which allows customers to access their funds immediately,
electronically. Unlike a credit card, a debit card does not have any float balance.
 R (Deferred Debit) - Describes a funding source where after a purchase is made, the transaction
merely places an authorization hold on the customer's account; funds are not actually withdrawn
until the transaction is reconciled and hard-posted to the customer's account, usually at the end of
the month.
 P (Prepaid) - Identifies a card issued by a financial institution that is preloaded with funds. Instead
of buying with borrowed funds (through credit), purchases are made with funds that have already
been paid.

Account Funding Source Subtype

One-character field used to differentiate whether a prepaid account range is ‘Reloadable’ or ‘Non-
Reloadable’. Available values are:
 R (Reloadable) - Identifies prepaid cards that can have funds added to them after the cards have
been issued.

 N (Non-Reloadable) - Identifies prepaid cards that cannot have funds added to them after the
cards have been issued.

Product ID (PID)

PID it is the main product attribute. It is defined at the account range or card level (for Account Level
Processing (ALP) enabled products). The Product ID uniquely identifies payment products brand,
platform, etc. within VisaNet (i.e.: Visa brand, Consumer platform). PID is also used to drive unique
processing, billing, interchange and other processing.

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Interchange Processing: Interchange General Concepts
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Fee Program Indicator (FPI)

FPI is a three-character alphanumeric value that identifies the interchange fee program applicable to
each transaction. FPI values correspond to the fee descriptor for each fee program. The FPI values are
determined by Visa during interchange fee processing for V.I.P. and BASE II clearing transactions.

FPIs are applicable to LAC ATM Regional programs only.

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Interchange Processing: Interchange Determination
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

1.3 Interchange Determination

Below are the main steps followed to determine which interchange program will be used to assess
interchange reimbursement fee (IRF) to a transaction.
Note: It should be noted the same process and edit rules are followed irrespective of how the
transaction enters VisaNet, i.e. via BASE II and VIP format.

1. Determine transaction jurisdiction (Domestic, Intraregional or Interregional) l

2. Select interchange fee schedule

3. The card usage (funding source type) is determined - credit versus debit versus prepaid

4. The product assigned to the account range or card level (for ALP products) is identified

Once the above steps are completed, VisaNet checks the transaction elements against the edits for the
first fee program within the applicable fee schedule; if the transaction does not meet the edit criteria of
the first program, it moves to the next one until a match is found.

Assessed interchange totals, by business mode and fee descriptors, are listed in the VSS-130 and VSS-
130M Reimbursement Fee Reports. The interchange reimbursement fee flow is listed in the following
Table 1–4: Interchange Flow by Transaction Type

Interchange Fee Paid

Transaction Message Class Description
A product or service is bought
Sales Draft (Purchase) Original Acquirer
on a Visa account
A purchase return or price
Credit Voucher 1 Non-Original adjustment is credited to a Issuer
Visa account
Cash is disbursed from an
Cash Disbursement2 Original ATM or bank teller through a Issuer
Visa or Plus card
A purchase is cancelled by the
Reversal, Sales Draft Original acquirer, usually due to a Issuer
processing error
Reversal, Credit
Non-Original A credit voucher is cancelled Acquirer
Reversal, Cash A cash disbursement
Original Acquirer
Disbursement submission is cancelled

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Interchange Processing: Interchange Determination
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Interchange Fee Paid

Transaction Message Class Description
Dispute Financial, Sales Non-Original Used when a dispute requires Issuer
Draft reallocation of funds
Dispute Financial, Non-Original Used when a dispute requires Acquirer
Credit Voucher reallocation of funds
Dispute Financial, Cash Non-Original Used when a dispute requires Acquirer
Disbursement reallocation of funds
Dispute Financial Non-Original A dispute requires Acquirer
Reversal, Sales Draft reallocation of funds, or the
reversal of a duplicate or
erroneous dispute financial
Dispute Financial Non-Original A dispute requires Issuer
Reversal, Credit reallocation of funds, or the
Voucher reversal of a duplicate or
erroneous dispute financial
Dispute Financial Non-Original A dispute requires Issuer
Reversal, reallocation of funds, or the
Cash Disbursement reversal of a duplicate or
erroneous dispute financial
Dispute Response Non-Original Used when a dispute requires Acquirer
Financial, Sales Draft reallocation of funds
Dispute Response Non-Original Used when a dispute requires Issuer
Financial, reallocation of funds
Credit Voucher
Dispute Response Non-Original Used when a dispute requires Issuer
Financial, reallocation of funds
Cash Disbursement
Dispute Response Non-Original A dispute requires Issuer
Financial Reversal, reallocation of funds, or the
Sales Draft reversal of a duplicate or
erroneous dispute financial
Dispute Response Non-Original A dispute requires Acquirer
Financial Reversal, reallocation of funds, or the
Credit Voucher reversal of a duplicate or

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Interchange Processing: Interchange Determination
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Interchange Fee Paid

Transaction Message Class Description
erroneous dispute financial
Dispute Response Non-Original A dispute requires Acquirer
Financial Reversal, reallocation of funds, or the
Cash Disbursement reversal of a duplicate or
erroneous dispute financial
For Original Credit transactions, the interchange fee is paid by the originator to the recipient bank.

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Interchange Processing: International Settlement Service (ISS)
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

1.4 International Settlement Service (ISS)

International settlement can be used to settle domestic or international transactions.

Domestic transactions settle via international settlement if the National Net Settlement Service
(NNSS) for a country does not exist or is not in use, if either the issuer or acquirer is not
participating in the NNSS, if the acquirer sends a settlement flag value of ‘0’ instead of ‘9’, or if the
transaction does not fulfil the rules and requirements for NNSS settlement.

If the settlement flag value of a transaction is ‘9’, and the transaction settles via International
settlement, the settlement flag value will be converted to ‘0’ (to denote international settlement) prior
to sending to the Issuer.

International Settlement Key Terms

 Region is the numeric code assigned for the geographical jurisdiction. Region code 05 is assigned
to LAC.
 Zone is the numeric code assigned for a specific country / geographical jurisdiction within a
 Settlement Service ID (SSID) is the numeric code assigned to a specific Settlement Service. SSID
0001 is assigned for International Settlement.

Table 1–5: International Settlement

Region 05

Zone Varies by country

Settlement Service ID (SSID) 0001

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Interchange Processing: Interchange Fee Amount in LAC Regional Transactions
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

1.5 Interchange Fee Amount in LAC Regional Transactions

1.5.1 Interchange Fee Amount in BASE II Transactions

This Interchange Fee Amount field provides the calculated interchange fee amount in each transaction
to assist in the reconciliation process at the transaction level.
BASE II uses existing fields in Draft Data record formats to carry the interchange reimbursement fee
amount that is applied by BASE II for each international transaction. These fields are carried in POS,
credit voucher, and cash disbursement transactions.
 Interchange fee amount: The interchange reimbursement fee amount assessed by BASE II and
defined in the member’s settlement currency
 Interchange fee sign: The indicator that specifies if the interchange fee amount is a debit or
credit to the receiving member
Note: The Fee Amount is defined in the Draft Data TCR 5 record; positions 92-107 Fee amount is
not supported in SMS online message formats.

The following table shows the format for the fee data fields that are included in the BASE II TCR 5

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Interchange Processing: Interchange Fee Amount in LAC Regional Transactions
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 1–6: Fee Amount in BASE II Draft Data TCR 5—Payment Service Data

Field Name Position Length Format Description

Interchange 92–106 15 UN This field specifies the interchange fee amount

Fee Amount calculated by Visa for this transaction. The field is
right-justified, with six decimals implied.
Outgoing: This field must contain zeros. This field will
be populated by the VIC.
Incoming: This field contains the interchange fee
amount assessed on this transaction by Visa.

Interchange 107 1 AN This field specifies if the interchange fee amount is a

Fee Sign credit or debit for the receiving Institution.
Valid values are:
C = Credit
D = Debit
Outgoing: This field must contain spaces. The VIC will
insert the valid value.
UN = Unpacked Numeric
AN = Alphanumeric

1.5.2 Interchange Fee Amount for Full Financial Transactions

Assessed interchange amount can be found in SMS Raw Data records and SMS Transaction Detail
Reports as per Table 1–7 and Table 1–8.
Table 1–7: SMS Raw Data Records

SMS Raw Data

Field Name Record Type Position
Fee Program Indicator V22210 126–128
Reimbursement Fee V22261 7–17
Version 2.2
Reimbursement Fee V22261
Debit/Credit Indicator
Fee Program Indicator V23201 126–128
Reimbursement Fee V23210 7–17
Version 2.3
Reimbursement Fee V23210
Debit/Credit Indicator

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Interchange Processing: Clearing Timeliness
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 1–8: SMS Transaction Detail Reports-Line 5 Interchange Reimbursement Fee

Data Line Field Contents

FEE JURIS The jurisdiction of the IRF associated with the transaction.
ROUTING The transaction routing which helps determine the IRF.
FEE LEVEL The name of the IRF associated with the transaction.
FPI Reimbursement fee assessed to the transaction

1.6 Clearing Timeliness

Clearing timeliness for LAC programs is calculated by excluding the purchase date, Central Processing
Date (CPD) and Sundays.
Table 1–9: 3-Day Clearing Timeliness Table

Purchase Date Latest BASE II CPD

Sunday Thursday

Monday Friday

Tuesday Saturday

Wednesday Monday

Thursday Tuesday

Friday Wednesday

Saturday Thursday

Note: Settlement holidays do not affect the clearing timeliness calculation.

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Intraregional Interchange Rates Summary: LAC Regional Rates
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

2 Intraregional Interchange Rates Summary

Table below list current interchange rate structure applicable to interregional transactions

2.1 LAC Regional Rates

Table 2–1: LAC Regional Interchange Rates

Interchange Fee Program Rate

LAC Regulated Debit1 US $0.22 + 0.05%

LAC Business 2.00%
LAC Corporate 2.00%
Global B2B Virtual Payments 2.00%
LAC Purchasing 2.00%
LAC Premium Card 1.80%
LAC Super Premium 1.97%
LAC Acquirer Chip 1.00%
LAC Issuer Chip 1.20%
LAC Non-Authenticated 3D Merchant 1.44%
LAC Authenticated 1.44%
LAC Electronic 1.10%
LAC Standard 1.60%
LAC Original Credit (paid by Originator to Recipient) US $0.29
LAC VMT Fast Funds (paid by Originator to Recipient) US $0.60
LAC Prepaid Load (paid by Issuer to Acquirer) US $0.75
LAC Manual Cash Disbursement (paid by Issuer to Acquirer) US $1.75 + 0.33%
LAC ATM with access fee 0.15%
LAC ATM without access fee US$0.65 + 0.52%
LAC ATM DCC with access fee 0.00%
LAC ATM DCC without access fee 0.15%

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Intraregional Interchange Rates Summary: LAC Regional Rates
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Interchange Fee Program Rate

LAC ATM Access Fee Free US$0.65 + 0.52%

LAC ATM Decline, Balance Inquiry, Account Transfer (paid by Issuer to US $0.30
LAC PIN Management Service US $0.60
LAC ATM Non-Qualified, Misdispense US $0.00
The regulated debit fee rate includes the US $0.01 fraud prevention interchange adjustment for certified issuers. Issuers who have not
certified their compliance with the interim fraud prevention standards will be subject to a manual adjustment process to ensure that the
interchange fees received on regulated transactions are not greater than the Federal Reserve regulated cap of 0.05% + US$0.21

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POS U.S. Debit Regulated Fee Program– Technical Requirements: U.S. Territory Interregional Regulated
Debit Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

3 POS U.S. Debit Regulated Fee Program– Technical

In order to comply with the provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act, on October 1st, 2011, Visa introduced
interchange structures to support interregional regulated transactions between U.S. territories, as well
as between the U.S. and U.S. territories.

Regulated fee programs will apply to the following products when issued from regulated account
ranges. Regulated interchange fee programs are not assessed on:
 ATM and Manual Cash Disbursement transactions
 Original Credit transactions

3.1 U.S. Territory Interregional Regulated Debit Fee Program

3.1.1 Program Processing Rules Eligible Products

Table 3–1: List of products eligible for Interregional Interlink Regulated Fee Program

Account Funding Source

Product ID (PID) Global Product ID (PID) Name2
Any applicable PID with Name associated with PID
Any applicable AFS
Interlink mark
1 AFSis determined based on the Product availability in the applicable jurisdiction (Region or country). Valid AFS are: C
(Credit), D (Debit), P (Prepaid), H (Charge), R (Deferred Debit)
2 Regional Product names might differ from the Global Product ID name
 Products are defined by an announced AFS and PID combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market

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POS U.S. Debit Regulated Fee Program– Technical Requirements: U.S. Territory Interregional Regulated
Debit Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 3–2: List of Visa products eligible for Regulated Debit Fee Program
Account Funding Source
Product ID (PID) Global Product ID (PID) Name2
D, P Any applicable PID Name associated with PID
1 AFS is determined based on the Product availability in the applicable jurisdiction (Region or country). Valid AFS
are: C (Credit), D (Debit), P (Prepaid), H (Charge), R (Deferred Debit)
2 Regional Product names might differ from the Global Product ID name

 Products are defined by an announced AFS and PID combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market. Transaction Types

Visa transactions include Sales Drafts (TCX5) originals and non-originals including Credit Vouchers
(TCX6) and their V.I.P. full financial equivalents.
 BASE II Originals: TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1and usage code 1
 V.I.P. Full Financial Originals: V.I.P. Full Financial equivalents of TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0 with
usage code 1
 BASE II and V.I.P. Full Financial Non-Originals: TC06 and TC26 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and a usage
code of 1 and their V.I.P. full financial equivalent messages Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria

The LAC Regional processing rules and fee edit criteria that will apply to POS transactions including
credit voucher transactions are listed in the following table.

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POS U.S. Debit Regulated Fee Program– Technical Requirements: U.S. Territory Interregional Regulated
Debit Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 3–3: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC U.S. Territory Regulated Debit Fee Program for POS
transactions including Credit Voucher Transactions

Fee Edit Criteria Processing Rule

POS transactions including credit voucher Regulated debit and prepaid POS
transactions must meet the following conditions: transactions that meet existing LAC
 LAC Regional transaction jurisdiction Regional fee programs will qualify for the
regional Debit fee descriptors and rates.
 Issuer or Acquirer in U.S. territory (Puerto Rico
or U.S. Virgin Islands)
 Regulated card range
 Visa or Interlink transaction
 Must continue to meet valid clearing data and
additional data requirements defined for any
existing interregional fee program

3.1.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates

The following table lists the applicable fee descriptors and rates
Table 3–4: LAC U.S. Territory Regional Regulated Debit Fee Program

Fee Program Fee Descriptor Rate

LAC Regulated Debit LAC REGULATED DB US $ 0.22 + 0.05%

The fee descriptor and rate applies to transactions from regulated debit and prepaid card ranges. The
regulated debit fee rate includes the US $0.01 fraud prevention interchange adjustment for certified
issuers. Issuers who have not certified their compliance with the interim fraud prevention standards
will be subject to a manual adjustment process to ensure that the interchange fees received on
regulated transactions are not greater than the Federal Reserve regulated cap of 0.05%+ US $0.21.

Fee descriptors appear in the following settlement reports:

 VSS–130 and VSS–130–M
 VSS-135

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POS U.S. Debit Regulated Fee Program– Technical Requirements: U.S. Territory Interregional Regulated
Debit Fee Program
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LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Business Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

4 LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical

This section outlines all current POS LAC regional interchange programs, fee program indicator, fee
descriptors and rates applicable to POS transactions including credit voucher transactions, including
Account Funding Transactions (AFTs), submitted or received by acquirers and issuers in LAC.

4.1 LAC Business Fee Program

Clients that submit LAC Regional POS transactions including credit voucher transactions will receive
the product-specific LAC Business fee descriptor and rate.

4.1.1 Program Processing Rules Eligible Products

Table 4–1: List of products eligible for LAC Business Fee Program

Account Funding Source

Product ID (PID) Global Product ID (PID) Name2
G^ Visa Business
G1 Visa Signature Business
G3 Visa Platinum Business
Any applicable AFS
G4 Visa Infinite Business
G5 Visa Business Rewards
S5 Visa Commercial Transport
1 AFS is determined based on the Product availability in the applicable jurisdiction (Region or country). Valid AFS are: C
(Credit), D (Debit), P (Prepaid), H (Charge), R (Deferred Debit)
2 Regional Product names might differ from the Global Product ID name

 Products are defined by an announced AFS and PID combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market.

October 2019 Visa Confidential 21

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LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Business Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements Transaction Types

Visa transactions include Sales Drafts (TCX5) originals and non-originals including Credit Vouchers
(TCX6) and their V.I.P. full financial equivalents.
 BASE II Originals: TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and usage code 1
 V.I.P. Full Financial Originals: V.I.P. Full Financial equivalents of TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0 with
usage code 1
 BASE II and V.I.P. Full Financial Non-Originals: TC06 and TC26 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and a usage
code of 1 and their V.I.P. full financial equivalent messages Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria

LAC Regional processing rules and fee edit criteria that apply to POS transactions including credit
voucher transactions are listed in the following table.
Table 4–2: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Business Fee Program for POS transactions including Credit
Voucher Transactions

Fee Edit Criteria Processing Rule

POS transactions including credit voucher Regional POS transactions including

transactions must meet the following conditions: credit voucher transactions for eligible
 LAC Regional transaction jurisdiction products will qualify for the existing LAC
 AFS/PID combination from Table 4-1 Business card fee descriptor and rate.
 Reimbursement Attribute (BASE II Draft Data,
TCR 0, position 168 or V.I.P. Field 63.11) any valid

4.1.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates

The following table lists the applicable fee descriptor and rate
Table 4–3: LAC Business Fee Program

Fee Program Fee Descriptor Rate

LAC Business Card LAC-BUS 2.00%

Fee descriptors appear in the following settlement reports:

 VSS–130 and VSS–130–M
 VSS–135

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LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Corporate Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

4.2 LAC Corporate Fee Program

Clients that submit LAC Regional POS transactions including credit voucher transactions will receive
the regional product-specific LAC Corporate fee descriptor and rate

4.2.1 Program Processing Rules Eligible Products

Table 4–4: List of products eligible for LAC Corporate Fee Program

Account Funding Source

Product ID (PID) Global Product ID (PID) Name2
K^ Visa Corporate T&E
Any applicable AFS
K1 Visa Government Corporate T&E
1 AFSis determined based on the Product availability in the applicable jurisdiction (Region or country). Valid AFS are: C
(Credit), D (Debit), P (Prepaid), H (Charge), R (Deferred Debit)
2 Regional Product names might differ from the Global Product ID name

 Products are defined by an announced AFS and PID combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market. Transaction Types

Visa transactions include Sales Drafts (TCX5) originals and non-originals including Credit Vouchers
(TCX6) and their V.I.P. full financial equivalents.
 BASE II Originals: TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and usage code 1
 V.I.P. Full Financial Originals: V.I.P. Full Financial equivalents of TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ
1 with usage code 1
 BASE II and V.I.P. Full Financial Non-Originals: TC06 and TC26 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and a usage
code of 1 and their V.I.P. full financial equivalent messages Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria

LAC Regional processing rules and fee edit criteria that apply to POS transactions including credit
voucher transactions are listed in the following table.

October 2019 Visa Confidential 23

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LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Corporate Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 4–5: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Corporate Fee Program for POS transactions including Credit
Voucher Transactions

Fee Edit Criteria Processing Rule

POS transactions including credit voucher Regional POS transactions including credit
transactions must meet the following voucher transactions for eligible products will
conditions: qualify for the existing LAC Corporate card
 LAC Regional transaction jurisdiction fee descriptor and rate.
 AFS/PID combination from Table 4-4
 Reimbursement Attribute (BASE II Draft
Data, TCR 0, position 168 or V.I.P. Field
63.11) any valid value

4.2.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates

The following table lists the applicable fee descriptor and rate
Table 4–6: LAC Corporate Fee Program

Fee Program Fee Descriptor Rate

LAC Corporate Card LAC-CORP 2.00%

Fee descriptors appear in the following settlement reports:

 VSS–130 and VSS–130–M
 VSS–135

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LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: Global B2B Virtual Payments Fee
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

4.3 Global B2B Virtual Payments Fee Program

Visa’s Global B2B Virtual Payments Fee Program is a global interchange reimbursement fee program
available to Visa Business-to-Business (B2B) Virtual Payments cards’ transactions (interregional,
regional and domestic) made at eligible Merchant Category Codes (MCCs)

Clients that submit regional POS transactions including credit voucher transactions will receive the
Global B2B Virtual Payments product-specific fee descriptor, and rate if program criteria are met.

4.3.1 Program Processing Rules Eligible Products

Table 4–7: List of products eligible for Global B2B Virtual Payments Fee Program

Account Funding Source

Product ID (PID) Global Product ID (PID) Name2

C X^ Visa B2B Virtual Payments

1 AFSis determined based on the Product availability in the applicable jurisdiction (Region or country). Valid AFS are: C
(Credit), D (Debit), P (Prepaid), H (Charge), R (Deferred Debit)
2 Regional Product names might differ from the Global Product ID name

 Products are defined by an announced AFS and PID combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market. Transaction Types

Visa transactions include Sales Drafts (TCX5) originals and non-originals including Credit Vouchers
(TCX6) and their V.I.P. full financial equivalents.
 BASE II Originals: TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0 and usage code 1
 V.I.P. Full Financial Originals: V.I.P. Full Financial equivalents of TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0with
usage code 1
 BASE II and V.I.P. Full Financial Non-Originals: TC06 and TC26 with TCQ 0and a usage code of
1 and their V.I.P. full financial equivalent messages

October 2019 Visa Confidential 25

Notice: This information is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must
not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
©2019 Visa. All Rights Reserved.
LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: Global B2B Virtual Payments Fee
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements Eligible Merchant Category Codes (MCC)

The Global B2B Virtual Payments fee program currently apply to merchants with Merchant Category
Codes (MCC) as per list below:
Table 4–8: Global B2B Virtual Payments Fee Program eligible MCCs
MCC & MCC Description MCC & MCC Description
MCC 3000–3300 —Airlines, air carriers MCC 7011— Lodging – hotels, motels, resorts,
central reservation services (not elsewhere
MCC 3351–3500— Car rental agencies MCC 7012 —Timeshares
MCC 3501–3999 —Lodging – hotels, motels, MCC 7032— Sporting and recreational camps
MCC 4112— Passenger railways MCC 7033— Trailer parks and campgrounds
MCC 4131— Bus lines MCC 7298— Health and beauty spas
MCC 4411— Steamship and cruise lines MCC 7512— Automobile rental agency
MCC 4511— Airlines and air carriers (not MCC 7513— Truck and utility trailer rentals
elsewhere classified)
MCC 4582— Airports, flying fields, and MCC 7519— Motor home and recreational
airport terminals vehicle rentals
MCC 4722— Travel agencies and tour MCC 7991— Tourist attractions and exhibits
MCC 5962— Direct marketing – travel- MCC 7997— Membership clubs (sports,
related arrangement services recreation, athletic), country clubs, and private
golf courses
MCC 6513— Real estate agents and MCC 7999— Recreation services (not elsewhere
managers – rentals classified) Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria

The interregional processing rules and fee edit criteria that will apply to POS transactions including
credit voucher transactions are listed in the following table.

October 2019 Visa Confidential 26

Notice: This information is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must
not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
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LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: Global B2B Virtual Payments Fee
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 4–9: Fee Edit Criteria for Global B2B Virtual Payments Fee Program for Purchases and
Credit Voucher Transactions

Fee Edit Criteria Processing Rule

Purchase and credit voucher transactions must meet Regional purchase and credit voucher
the following conditions: transactions that meet program edit
 Regional transaction jurisdiction criteria will qualify for the Global B2B
 AFS/PID combination from Table 4-7 Virtual Payments fee descriptor, FPI,
 Reimbursement Attribute (BASE II Draft Data, TCR 0, and rate.
position 168 or V.I.P. Field 63.11) any valid value
 Merchant category code (MCC) is in Table 4–8

4.3.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates

The following table lists the applicable fee descriptor and rate
Table 4–10: Interregional Global B2B Virtual Payments Fee Program

Fee Program Fee Descriptor Rate

Global B2B Virtual Payments GLB B2B VTL PYMT 2.00%

Fee descriptors appear in the following settlement reports:

 VSS–130 and VSS–130–M
 VSS–135

October 2019 Visa Confidential 27

Notice: This information is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must
not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
©2019 Visa. All Rights Reserved.
LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Purchasing Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

4.4 LAC Purchasing Fee Program

Clients that submit LAC regional POS transactions including credit voucher transactions will receive
the regional product-specific LAC Purchasing fee descriptor and rate

4.4.1 Program Processing Rules Eligible Products

Table 4–11: List of products eligible for LAC Purchasing Fee Program

Account Funding Source

Product ID (PID) Global Product ID (PID) Name2
S^ Visa Purchasing
S1 Visa Purchasing with Fleet
Any applicable AFS S2 Visa Government Purchasing
S4 Visa Commercial Agriculture
S6 Visa Commercial Marketplace
C X^ Visa B2B Virtual Payments
1 AFS is determined based on the Product availability in the applicable jurisdiction (Region or country). Valid AFS are: C
(Credit), D (Debit), P (Prepaid), H (Charge), R (Deferred Debit)
2 Regional Product names might differ from the Global Product ID name

 Products are defined by an announced AFS and PID combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market. Transaction Types

Visa transactions include Sales Drafts (TCX5) originals and non-originals including Credit Vouchers
(TCX6) and their V.I.P. full financial equivalents.
 BASE II Originals: TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and usage code 1
 V.I.P. Full Financial Originals: V.I.P. Full Financial equivalents of TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ
1 with usage code 1
 BASE II and V.I.P. Full Financial Non-Originals: TC06 and TC26 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and a usage
code of 1 and their V.I.P. full financial equivalent messages

October 2019 Visa Confidential 28

Notice: This information is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must
not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
©2019 Visa. All Rights Reserved.
LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Purchasing Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria

LAC Regional processing rules and fee edit criteria that apply to POS transactions including credit
voucher transactions are listed in the following table.
Table 4–12: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Purchasing Fee Program for POS transactions including Credit
Voucher Transactions

Fee Edit Criteria Processing Rule

POS transactions including credit voucher Regional POS transactions including credit
transactions must meet the following conditions: voucher transactions for eligible products will
 LAC Regional transaction jurisdiction qualify for the existing LAC Purchasing card
 AFS/PID combination from Table 4-11 (with fee descriptor and rate.
the exception of Visa B2B Virtual Payments)
 Reimbursement Attribute (BASE II Draft Data,
TCR 0, position 168 or V.I.P. Field 63.11) any
valid value
 For Visa B2B Virtual Payments (PID X^)
o Merchant category code (MCC) is not
listed in Table 4–8

4.4.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates

The following table lists the applicable fee descriptor and rate
Table 4–13: LAC Purchasing Fee Program

Fee Program Fee Descriptor Rate

LAC Purchasing Card LAC-PURCH 2.00%

Fee descriptors appear in the following settlement reports:

 VSS–130 and VSS–130–M
 VSS–135

October 2019 Visa Confidential 29

Notice: This information is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must
not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
©2019 Visa. All Rights Reserved.
LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Super Premium Card Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

4.5 LAC Super Premium Card Fee Program

Clients that submit LAC Regional POS transactions including credit voucher transactions will receive
product-specific LAC Super Premium fee descriptor and rate

4.5.1 Program Processing Rules Eligible Products

Table 4–14: List of products eligible for LAC Super Premium Fee Program

Account Funding Source

Product ID (PID) Global Product ID (PID) Name2
C^ Visa Signature
C, D
I^ Visa Infinite
1 AFS is determined based on the Product availability in the applicable jurisdiction (Region or country). Valid AFS
are: C (Credit), D (Debit), P (Prepaid), H (Charge), R (Deferred Debit)
2 Regional Product names might differ from the Global Product ID name

 Products are defined by an announced AFS and PID combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market. Transaction Types

Visa transactions include Sales Drafts (TCX5) originals and non-originals including Credit Vouchers
(TCX6) and their V.I.P. full financial equivalents.
 BASE II Originals: TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and usage code 1
 V.I.P. Full Financial Originals: V.I.P. Full Financial equivalents of TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ
1 with usage code 1
 BASE II and V.I.P. Full Financial Non-Originals: TC06 and TC26 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and a usage
code of 1 and their V.I.P. full financial equivalent messages Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria

LAC Regional processing rules and fee edit criteria that l apply to super premium cards POS
transactions including and credit voucher transactions are listed in the following table.

October 2019 Visa Confidential 30

Notice: This information is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must
not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
©2019 Visa. All Rights Reserved.
LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Super Premium Card Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 4–15: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Super Premium Fee Program for POS transactions including
Credit Voucher Transactions

Fee Edit Criteria Processing Rule

 POS transactions including credit voucher Regional POS transactions including credit
transactions must meet the following voucher transactions for eligible products will
conditions: qualify for the LAC Super Premium card fee
 LAC Regional transaction jurisdiction descriptor and rate.
 AFS/PID combination as per Table 4-14
 Reimbursement Attribute (BASE II Draft
Data, TCR 0, position 168 or V.I.P. Field
63.11) any valid value

4.5.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates

The following table lists the applicable fee descriptor and rate
Table 4–16: LAC Super Premium Fee Program

Fee Program Fee Descriptor Rate

LAC Super Premium Card LAC SPR PREMIUM 1.97%

Fee descriptors appear in the following settlement reports:

 VSS–130 and VSS–130–M
 VSS–135

October 2019 Visa Confidential 31

Notice: This information is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must
not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
©2019 Visa. All Rights Reserved.
LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Premium Card Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

4.6 LAC Premium Card Fee Program

Clients that submit LAC Regional POS transactions including credit voucher transactions will receive
the regional product-specific LAC Premium fee descriptor, and rate

4.6.1 Program Processing Rules Eligible Products

Table 4–17: List of products eligible for LAC Premium Fee Program

Account Funding Source

Product ID (PID) Global Product ID (PID) Name2

C, P, D N^ Visa Platinum
1 AFS is determined based on the Product availability in the applicable jurisdiction (Region or country). Valid AFS
are: C (Credit), D (Debit), P (Prepaid), H (Charge), R (Deferred Debit)
2 Regional Product names might differ from the Global Product ID name

 Products are defined by an announced AFS and PID combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market. Transaction Types

Visa transactions include Sales Drafts (TCX5) originals and non-originals including Credit Vouchers
(TCX6) and their V.I.P. full financial equivalents.
 BASE II Originals: TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and usage code 1
 V.I.P. Full Financial Originals: V.I.P. Full Financial equivalents of TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ
1 with usage code 1
 BASE II and V.I.P. Full Financial Non-Originals: TC06 and TC26 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and a usage
code of 1 and their V.I.P. full financial equivalent messages Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria

LAC Regional processing rules and fee edit criteria that apply to premium card POS transactions
including credit voucher transactions are listed in the following table.

October 2019 Visa Confidential 32

Notice: This information is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must
not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
©2019 Visa. All Rights Reserved.
LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Premium Card Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 4–18: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Premium Fee Program for POS transactions including Credit
Voucher Transactions

Fee Edit Criteria Processing Rule

POS transactions including credit voucher Regional POS transactions including credit
transactions must meet the following voucher transactions for eligible products will
conditions: qualify for the LAC Premium card fee
 LAC Regional transaction jurisdiction descriptor, and rate.
 Eligible Account Funding Source (AFS) and
Product ID combination as per Table 4-17
 Reimbursement Attribute (BASE II Draft
Data, TCR 0, position 168 or V.I.P. Field
63.11) any valid value

4.6.2 Fee Descriptors and rates

The following table lists the applicable fee descriptor and rate
Table 4–19: LAC Premium Fee Program

Fee Program Fee Descriptor Rate

LAC Premium Card LAC PREMIUM 1.80%

Fee descriptors appear in the following settlement reports:

 VSS–130 and VSS–130–M
 VSS–135

October 2019 Visa Confidential 33

Notice: This information is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must
not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
©2019 Visa. All Rights Reserved.
LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Secure Electronic Commerce Fee
Program - Authenticated 3D (E-Commerce ECI5)
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

4.7 LAC Secure Electronic Commerce Fee Program - Authenticated

3D (E-Commerce ECI5)

4.7.1 Program Processing Rules Eligible Products

All Visa products that do not qualify for a LAC Region product-specific card fee can qualify for the LAC
Secure E-Commerce fee program. For a list of products currently eligible to receive product-specific
rates, please refer to the sections listed below:
 4.1 Business Fee Program – Table 4-1
 4.2 Corporate Fee Program – Table 4-4
 4.3 Global B2B Virtual Payments Fee Program – Table 4-7
 4.4 Purchasing Fee Program – Table 4-11
 4.5 Super Premium Fee Program – Table 4-14
 4.6 Premium Fee Program – Table 4-17

 Products are defined by an announced AFS and PID combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market. Transaction Types

 BASE II Originals: TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and usage code 1
 V.I.P. Full Financials Originals: V.I.P. full financials equivalents of TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ
1 and usage code 1 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria

LAC Secure Electronic Commerce Merchant Fee Program is available to transactions that do qualify for
any of the product-specific fee programs (commercial, premium, and super premium). LAC Regional
processing rules and fee edit criteria for POS transactions including credit voucher transactions to
qualify in this program are listed in the following tables.

October 2019 Visa Confidential 34

Notice: This information is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must
not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
©2019 Visa. All Rights Reserved.
LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Secure Electronic Commerce Fee
Program - Authenticated 3D (E-Commerce ECI5)
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 4–20: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Secure Electronic Commerce Fee Program for Original POS

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Reimbursement TCR 0, Position 168 Field 63.11  0
Attribute or
 B (only allowed for VIP
Mail/Phone/Electronic TCR 1, Position 116 Field 60.8 5
Commerce and
Payment Indicator
POS Entry Mode TCR 0, Position 162-163 Field 22 01, 10, 96
Authorization Code1 TCR 0, Position 152-157 Field 38 Must be valid 6-digit value
1Thelast five positions of the code must not be all spaces, all zeroes, four zeroes followed by a space, or N. This edit
applies only to BASE II originals and reversals (TC 05/TC 25).

Note: The acquirer BIN must participate in Verified by Visa. Non-Originals Transactions Processing Rules

Issuers and acquirers must retain and return key clearing data received in original transactions when
submitting non-original transactions.

The following are the non-Original transactions types that may qualify for LAC Secure Electronic
Commerce Program.
 BASE II and V.I.P. Full Financials Non-Originals: TC06 and TC26 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and a usage
code of 1 and their V.I.P. full financial equivalent.

October 2019 Visa Confidential 35

Notice: This information is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must
not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
©2019 Visa. All Rights Reserved.
LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Secure Electronic Commerce Fee
Program - Authenticated 3D (E-Commerce ECI5)
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 4–21: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Secure Electronic Commerce Fee Program Credit Vouchers

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Reimbursement TCR 0, Position 168 Field 63.11  0
Attribute or
 B (BASE II Credit
Mail/Phone/Electronic TCR 1, Position 116 Field 60.8 5
Commerce and
Payment Indicator

4.7.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates

The following table lists the applicable fee descriptor and rate
Table 4–22: LAC Secure Electronic Commerce Fee Program

Fee Program Fee Descriptor Rate

LAC Secure Electronic Commerce - LAC SET MRCH SEC 1.44%
Authenticated 3D (E-Commerce ECI5)

Fee descriptors appear in the following settlement reports:

 VSS–130 and VSS–130–M
 VSS–135

October 2019 Visa Confidential 36

Notice: This information is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must
not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
©2019 Visa. All Rights Reserved.
LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Electronic Commerce Merchant Fee
Program - Non-authenticated 3D (E-Commerce ECI5)
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

4.8 LAC Electronic Commerce Merchant Fee Program - Non-

authenticated 3D (E-Commerce ECI5)

4.8.1 Program Processing Rules Eligible Products

All Visa products that do not qualify for a LAC Region product-specific card fee program can qualify
for the LAC E-Commerce Merchant fee program. For a list of products currently eligible to receive
product-specific rates, please refer to the sections listed below:
 4.1 Business Fee Program – Table 4-1
 4.2 Corporate Fee Program – Table 4-4
 4.3 Global B2B Virtual Payments Fee Program – Table 4-7
 4.4 Purchasing Fee Program – Table 4-11
 4.5 Super Premium Fee Program – Table 4-14
 4.6 Premium Fee Program – Table 4-17

 Products are defined by an announced AFS and PID combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market. Transaction Types

 BASE II Originals: TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and usage code 1
 V.I.P. Full Financials Originals: V.I.P. full financials equivalents of TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ
1 and usage code 1 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria

LAC Electronic Commerce Merchant Fee Program is available to transactions that do qualify for any of
the product-specific fee programs (commercial, premium, and super premium). LAC Regional
processing rules and fee edit criteria for POS transactions including credit voucher transactions to
qualify in this program are listed in the following tables.

October 2019 Visa Confidential 37

Notice: This information is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must
not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
©2019 Visa. All Rights Reserved.
LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Electronic Commerce Merchant Fee
Program - Non-authenticated 3D (E-Commerce ECI5)
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 4–23: Fee Edit Criteria for Electronic Commerce Merchant Fee Program for Original POS

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Reimbursement TCR 0, Position 168 Field 63.11  0
Attribute  B (only allowed for
Mail/Phone/Electronic TCR 1, Position 116 Field 60.8 6
Commerce and
Payment Indicator
POS Entry Mode TCR 0, Position 162-163 Field 22 01, 10, 96
Authorization Code 1
TCR 0, Position 152-157 Field 38 Must be valid 6-digit
1 The
last five positions of the code must not be all spaces, all zeroes, four zeroes followed by a space, or N. This edit
applies only to BASE II originals and reversals (TC 05/TC 25).

Note: The acquirer BIN must participate in Verified by Visa. Non-Originals Transactions Processing Rules

Issuers and acquirers must retain and return key clearing data received in original transactions when
submitting non-original transactions.

The following are the non-Original transactions types that may qualify for LAC Electronic Commerce
Merchant Program.
 BASE II and V.I.P. Full Financial Non-Originals: TC 06 TC 26 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and a usage
code of 1 and their V.I.P. full financial equivalent messages.

October 2019 Visa Confidential 38

Notice: This information is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must
not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
©2019 Visa. All Rights Reserved.
LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Electronic Commerce Merchant Fee
Program - Non-authenticated 3D (E-Commerce ECI5)
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 4–24: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Electronic Commerce Merchant Fee Program Credit Vouchers

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Reimbursement TCR 0, Position 168 Field 63.11  0
Attribute or
 B (BASE II Credit
Mail/Phone/Electronic TCR 1, Position 116 Field 60.8 6
Commerce and
Payment Indicator

4.8.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates

The following table lists the applicable fee descriptor and rate
Table 4–25: LAC Electronic Commerce Merchant Fee Program

Fee Program Fee Descriptor Rate

LAC Electronic Commerce Merchant - LAC SET MRCH 1.44%
Non-authenticated 3D (E-Commerce

Fee descriptors appear in the following settlement reports:

 VSS–130 and VSS–130–M
 VSS–135

October 2019 Visa Confidential 39

Notice: This information is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must
not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
©2019 Visa. All Rights Reserved.
LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Chip Terminal: Acquirer Chip Fee
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

4.9 LAC Chip Terminal: Acquirer Chip Fee Program

4.9.1 Program Processing Rules Eligible Products

All Visa products that do not qualify for a LAC Region product-specific card fee program can qualify
for the LAC Chip Terminal Acquirer fee program. For a list of products currently eligible to receive
product-specific rates, please refer to the sections listed below:
 4.1 Business Fee Program – Table 4-1
 4.2 Corporate Fee Program – Table 4-4
 4.3 Global B2B Virtual Payments Fee Program – Table 4-7
 4.4 Purchasing Fee Program – Table 4-11
 4.5 Super Premium Fee Program – Table 4-14
 4.6 Premium Fee Program – Table 4-17

 Products are defined by an announced AFS and PID combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market. Transaction Types

 BASE II Originals: TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and usage code 1
 V.I.P. Full Financials Originals: V.I.P. full financials equivalents of TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ
1 and usage code 1 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria

LAC Acquirer Chip Fee Program is available to transactions that do qualify for any of the product-
specific fee programs (commercial, premium, and super premium). LAC Regional processing rules and
fee edit criteria for POS transactions including credit voucher transactions to qualify in this program
are listed in the following tables.

October 2019 Visa Confidential 40

Notice: This information is proprietary and CONFIDENTIAL to Visa. It is distributed to Visa participants for use exclusively in managing their Visa programs. It must
not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
©2019 Visa. All Rights Reserved.
LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Chip Terminal: Acquirer Chip Fee
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 4–26: Fee Edit Criteria Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Acquirer Chip Fee Program Original POS

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Reimbursement TCR 0, Position 168 Field 63.11 B
POS Entry Mode TCR 0, Position 162-163 Field 22 90, 91
POS Terminal TCR 0, Position 158 Field 60.2 5
Authorization Code1 TCR 0, Position 152-157 Field 38 Must be a valid 6-digit value
Central Processing TCR 0, Position 164-167 Field 15 Must be within 3 days
Chip Terminal N/A N/A  1 (Acquirer has met
Deployment Flag3 regional chip terminal
deployment criteria)
 3 (Acquirer has met both
regional and interregional
chip terminal deployment
1 The last five positions of the code must not be all spaces, all zeroes, four zeroes followed by a space, or N. If not met,
the transaction will get Standard fee descriptor and rate with reclassification code ‘17’ (The authorization code is invalid).
The downgrade applies only to BASE II originals and reversals (TC 05/TC 25).
2 Purchase date, central processing date and Sundays are excluded. If the transaction does not meet the criteria, it will be
downgraded to Standard with ‘1R’ (Transaction does not meet the timeliness criteria established for the requested
interchange reimbursement fee). The downgrade only applies to BASE II originals and reversals (TC 05/TC 25).
3 Acquiring BIN setup at Visa systems. Acquirer must contact its Visa Representative to ensure proper activation. Non-Originals Transactions Processing Rules

Issuers and acquirers must retain and return key clearing data received in original transactions when
submitting non-original transactions.

The following are the non-Original transactions types that may qualify for LAC Acquirer Chip Fee
 BASE II and V.I.P. Full Financial Non-Originals: TC06 and TC26 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and a usage
code of 1 and their V.I.P. full financial equivalent messages.

October 2019 Visa Confidential 41

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not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
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LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Chip Terminal: Acquirer Chip Fee
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 4–27: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Acquirer Chip Fee Program Credit Vouchers and Non-Originals
POS Transactions

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Reimbursement TCR 0, Position 168 Field 63.11 B
POS Entry Mode TCR 0, Position 162-163 Field 22 90, 91
POS Terminal TCR 0, Position 158 Field 60.2 5
Chip Terminal N/A N/A  2 (Acquirer has met
Deployment Flag1 interregional chip
terminal deployment
 3 (Acquirer has met both
regional and
interregional chip
terminal deployment
1 Acquiring BIN setup at Visa systems. Acquirer must contact its Visa Representative to ensure proper activation.
Note: All Canadian VSDC certified POS Acquiring BINs are automatically setup with a value of 2

4.9.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates

The following table lists the applicable fee descriptors and rate
Table 4–28: LAC Acquirer Chip Fee Program

Fee Program Fee Descriptor Rate

LAC Acquirer Chip LAC CHIP TRMNL 1.00%

Fee descriptors appear in the following settlement reports:

 VSS–130 and VSS–130–M
 VSS–135

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not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
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LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Chip Terminal: Issuer Chip Fee
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

4.10 LAC Chip Terminal: Issuer Chip Fee Program

4.10.1 Program Processing Rules Eligible Products

All Visa products that do not qualify for a LAC Regional product-specific card fee program can qualify
for the LAC Issuer Chip fee program. For a list of products currently eligible to receive product-
specific rates, please refer to the sections listed below:
 4.1 Business Fee Program – Table 4-1
 4.2 Corporate Fee Program – Table 4-4
 4.3 Global B2B Virtual Payments Fee Program – Table 4-7
 4.4 Purchasing Fee Program – Table 4-11
 4.5 Super Premium Fee Program – Table 4-14
 4.6 Premium Fee Program – Table 4-17

 Products are defined by an announced AFS and PID combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market. Transaction Types

 BASE II Originals: TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and usage code 1
 V.I.P. Full Financials Originals: V.I.P. full financials equivalents of TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ
1 and usage code 1 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria

The Issuer Chip Fee Program is available to transactions that do qualify for any of the product-specific
fee programs (commercial, premium, and super premium). LAC Regional processing rules and fee edit
criteria for POS transactions including credit voucher transactions to qualify in this program are listed
in the following tables.

October 2019 Visa Confidential 43

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Table 4–29: Fee Edit Criteria Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Issuer Chip Fee Program Original POS

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Reimbursement TCR 0, Position 168 Field 63.11 B
POS Entry Mode TCR 0, Position 162-163 Field 22 90, 91
POS Terminal TCR 0, Position 158 Field 60.2 Must not be = 5
Authorization Code1 TCR 0, Position 152-157 Field 38 Must be a valid 6-digit value
Central Processing TCR 0, Position 164-167 Field 15 Must be within 3 days
Account Range N/A N/A CC (Chip Card)
1 The last five positions of the code must not be all spaces, all zeroes, four zeroes followed by a space, or N. If not met,
the transaction will get Standard fee descriptor and rate with reclassification code ‘17’ (The authorization code is invalid).
The downgrade applies only to BASE II originals and reversals (TC 05/TC 25).
2 Purchase date, central processing date and Sundays are excluded. If the transaction does not meet the criteria, it will be
downgraded to Standard with ‘1R’ (Transaction does not meet the timeliness criteria established for the requested
interchange reimbursement fee). The downgrade only applies to BASE II originals and reversals (TC 05/TC 25).
3 Account range setup at Visa systems reflected in the ARDEF table. All VSDC Account Ranges that meet the required
percentile of chip-enabled cards issued, under a specific account range, qualify to have this participation attribute setup.
Issuers must contact its Visa Representative to ensure proper activation. Non-Originals Transactions Processing Rules

Issuers and acquirers must retain and return key clearing data received in original transactions when
submitting non-original transactions.

The following are the non-Original transactions types that may qualify for LAC Issuer Chip Fee
 BASE II and V.I.P. Full Financial Non-Originals: TC06 and TC26 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and a usage
code of 1 and their V.I.P. full financial equivalent messages.

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not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
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Table 4–30: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Issuer Chip Fee Program Credit Vouchers

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Reimbursement TCR 0, Position 168 Filed 63.11 B
POS Terminal TCR 0, Position 158 Field 60.2 Must not be 5
Account Range N/A N/A CC (Chip Card)

4.10.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates

The following table lists the applicable fee descriptors, FPI and rate
Table 4–31: LAC Issuer Chip Fee Program

Fee Program Fee Descriptor Rate

LAC Issuer Chip LAC CHIP ISS 1.20%

Fee descriptors appear in the following settlement reports:

 VSS–130 and VSS–130–M
 VSS–135

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not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
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LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Electronic Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

4.11 LAC Electronic Fee Program

4.11.1 Program Processing Rules Eligible Products

All Visa products that do not qualify for a LAC Region product-specific card fee program can qualify
for the LAC Electronic fee program. For a list of products currently eligible to receive product-specific
rates, please refer to the sections listed below:
 4.1 Business Fee Program – Table 4-1
 4.2 Corporate Fee Program – Table 4-4
 4.3 Global B2B Virtual Payments Fee Program – Table 4-7
 4.4 Purchasing Fee Program – Table 4-11
 4.5 Super Premium Fee Program – Table 4-14
 4.6 Premium Fee Program – Table 4-17

 Products are defined by an announced AFS and PID combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market. Transaction Types

 BASE II Originals: TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and usage code 1
 V.I.P. Full Financials Originals: V.I.P. full financials equivalents of TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ
1 and usage code 1 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria

LAC Electronic Fee Program is available to transactions that do qualify for any of the product-specific
fee programs (commercial, premium, and super premium). LAC Regional processing rules and fee edit
criteria for POS transactions including credit voucher transactions to qualify in this program are listed
in the following tables.

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Table 4–32: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Electronic Fee Program Original POS Transactions

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Reimbursement TCR 0, Position 168 Field 63.11 B
POS Entry Mode1 TCR 0, Position 162-163 Field 22 05, 07, 90 or 91
Authorization Code2 TCR 0, Position 152-157 Field 38 Must be valid 6-digit value
Response Code3 TCR 5, Position 35-36 Field 39 Y1 or Y3
Central Processing Date4 TCR 0, Position 164-167 Field 15 Must be within 3 days
1 Ifnot met, the transaction gets ‘Standard’ fee descriptor and rate with reclassification code ‘CC’ (The POS Entry Mode
field is invalid). The downgrade applies only to BASE II originals and reversals (TC 05/TC 25).
2 The last five positions of the code must not be all spaces, all zeroes, four zeroes followed by a space, or N. If not met,
and response code is not Y1 or Y3, the transaction will get Standard fee descriptor and rate with reclassification code
‘17’ (The authorization code is invalid). The downgrade applies only to BASE II originals and reversals (TC 05/TC 25)
3 Validated only when Authorization Code is not valid
5Purchase date, central processing date and Sundays are excluded. If the transaction does not meet the criteria, it will be
downgraded to Standard with ‘1R’ (Transaction does not meet the timeliness criteria established for the requested
interchange reimbursement fee). The downgrade only applies to BASE II originals and reversals (TC 05/TC 25). Non-Originals Transactions Processing Rules

Issuers and acquirers must retain and return key clearing data received in original transactions when
submitting non-original transactions.

The following are the non-Original transactions types that may qualify for LAC Electronic Fee Program.
 BASE II and V.I.P. Full Financial Non-Originals: TC06 and TC26 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and a usage
code of 1 and their V.I.P. full financial equivalent messages.

Table 4–33: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Electronic Fee Program Credit Vouchers

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Reimbursement TCR 0, Position 168 Field 63.11 B

4.11.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates

The following table lists the applicable fee descriptor and rate

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Table 4–34: LAC Electronic Fee Program

Fee Program Fee Descriptor Rate

LAC Electronic LAC ELECTRONIC 1.10%

Fee descriptors appear in the following settlement reports:

 VSS–130 and VSS–130–M
 VSS–135

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not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
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LAC POS Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Standard Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

4.12 LAC Standard Fee Program

4.12.1 Program Processing Rules Eligible Products

All Visa products that do not qualify for a LAC region product-specific card fee program can qualify for
the LAC Standard fee program. For a list of products currently eligible to receive product-specific
rates, please refer to the sections listed below:
 4.1 Business Fee Program – Table 4-1
 4.2 Corporate Fee Program – Table 4-4
 4.3 Global B2B Virtual Payments Fee Program – Table 4-7
 4.4 Purchasing Fee Program – Table 4-11
 4.5 Super Premium Fee Program – Table 4-14
 4.6 Premium Fee Program – Table 4-17

 Products are defined by an announced AFS and PID combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market. Transaction Types

Visa transactions include Sales Drafts (TCX5) originals and non-originals including Credit Vouchers
(TCX6) and their V.I.P. full financial equivalents.
 BASE II Originals: TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and usage code 1
 V.I.P. Full Financial Originals: V.I.P. Full Financial equivalents of TC05 and TC25 with TCQ 0/TCQ
1 with usage code 1
 BASE II and V.I.P. Full Financial Non-Originals: TC06 and TC26 with TCQ 0/TCQ 1 and a usage
code of 1 and their V.I.P. full financial equivalent messages Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria

LAC Standard fee program is the last fee program in the interchange hierarchies. The standard rates
apply to all original and non-original POS transactions including credit voucher transactions that do
not meet the qualification criteria for any of the other existing fee programs.

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4.12.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates

The following table lists the applicable fee descriptors and rate
Table 4–35: LAC Standard Fee Program

Fee Program Fee Descriptor Rate

Standard STANDARD 1.60%

Fee descriptors appear in the following settlement reports:

 VSS–130 and VSS–130–M
 VSS–135

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not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
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LAC Cash Disbursements Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC ATM Cash
Withdrawal Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

5 LAC Cash Disbursements Interchange Fee Programs -

Technical Requirements

5.1 LAC ATM Cash Withdrawal Fee Program

5.1.1 Program Processing Rules Eligible Products

All applicable Visa products and products with the PLUS acceptance mark
 Products are defined by an announced AFS and PID combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market Transaction Types

 BASE II Originals: TC 07 and TC 27 with usage code 1

 V.I.P. Full Financial Originals: V.I.P. full financial equivalents of TC 07 and TC 27 with usage
code 1 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria

LAC Regional processing rules and fee edit criteria for ATM Disbursement transactions to qualify in
this program are listed in the following tables.

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not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
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Table 5–1: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC ATM Disbursement Fee Program Transactions

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Reimbursement TCR 0, Position 168 Field 63.11 G or 1 (Network 0004)

Attribute H or 2 (Network 0002)
Merchant Category TCR 0, Position 133-136 Field 18 6011
Source Amount 1 TCR 0, Position 77-88 Field 4 Source Amount>Authorized
Requested Payment TCR 0, Position 145 Field 62.15 9 (CPS/ATM)
Service 2
ATM Business - - Must be Qualified
Central Processing TCR 0, Position 164-167 Field 15 Within 3 days of purchase date
Date 3
1 Source amount is the sum of the authorized amount and access fee. When the source amount is smaller than the
authorized amount, it will get the ATM Non-Qualified fee descriptor and rate with the reclassification reason code “HV2”
(Failed amount tolerance edit—Source Amount and Authorization Amount tolerance requirements not met). The
reclassification only applies to BASE II Cash Disbursement and its reversal (TC 07/27).
2 When the transaction does not meet the edit criteria, it will be reclassified as ATM Non-Qualified fee descriptor and rate
with reclassification reason code H0. This reclassification is only applicable to BASE II Cash Disbursement and its reversal
(TC 07/27).
3Purchase date, central processing date and Sundays are not counted. If the transaction does not meet the clearing
timeliness, it will be reclassified to “ATM Non-Qualified” rate with the reclassification reason code “1R”. The
reclassification only applies to BASE II Cash Disbursement and its reversal (TC 07/27) for consumer product.

ATM Access Fee Free Service

V.I.P. Field Value

Data Element BASE II TC Field

ATM Access Fee Free N/A N/A Both acquirer and issuer are
Service participation 1 full financial and participate in
Access Fee/Surcharge N/A Field 28 the
be all ATM
zerosAccess Fee
Amount Free Service.

Network Identification Code N/A Field 63.1 0004 (Plus)

Acquiring and Issuing BIN setup at Visa systems. Acquirer/Issuer must contact its Visa
Representative to register their participation

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ATM Transactions with Access Fee – NO DCC

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Access Fee/Surcharge TCR4, Position 51-58 Field 28 Greater than zero
ATM Transactions without Access Fee– NO DCC

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Access Fee/Surcharge TCR4, Position 51-58 Field 28 Must be all zeros
ATM Transactions with Access Fee – DCC

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Access Fee/Surcharge TCR4, Position 51-58 Field 28 Greater than zero
Dynamic Currency Indicator TCR5, Position 144 Field 126.19 Must be 1
ATM Transactions without Access Fee– DCC

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Access Fee/Surcharge TCR4, Position 51-58 Field 28 Must be all zeros
Dynamic Currency Indicator TCR5, Position 144 Field 126.19 Must be 1
ATM Misdispense1

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Message Reason Code N/A Field 63.3 2002
1Only applicable for V.I.P. Full Financial ATM Acquirers (ATM Misdispense)

5.1.2 Fee Descriptors and rates

The following table lists the applicable fee descriptors, FPI and rate Fee Descriptors and rate

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Table 5–2: ATM Disbursement Fee Program

Fee Program Fee Descriptor FPI Rate

Non-Qualified ATM ATM NON-QUAL 859 US $0.00
Fee Program1
Misdispense Fee MISDISPENSE 887 US $0.00
 LAC ATM Access Fee ATM AFF SVC 8C5 US$0.65 + 0.52%
Free Service
LAC ATM with Access ATM AF 8C0 0.15%
Fee3-No DCC
LAC ATM without ATM NO AF 8C1 US $0.65 + 0.52%
Access Fee-No DCC ATM TRAVEL4 857 US $1.00
LAC ATM with Access ATM DCC AF 8C3 0.00%
Fee3- DCC
LAC ATM without ATM DCC NO AF 8C4 0.15%
Access Fee- DCC
1 Cash Disbursement transactions that do not meet the fee criteria receive the ATM Non-Qualified fee descriptor and
rate except Visa TravelMoney ATM product card’s transactions. Non-originals that do not include the FPI value
received in original will also get assessed this fee descriptor and rate.
2 Only applicable for V.I.P. Full Financial ATM Acquirers (ATM Misdispense)
The percentage portion of the fee will apply to the transaction amount less the access fee.
Applicable to Visa TravelMoney and Travel Card product card’s ATM withdrawals without access fee. Travel Cards are
Visa Prepaid and eligible Visa Debit cards identified with the Travel-Card Capable indicator in the Edit Package

Fee descriptors appear in the following settlement reports:

 VSS–130 and VSS–130–M
 VSS-135

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5.2 LAC ATM Non-Financial Fees

This section covers the fees Issuers pay to ATM Acquirers for ATM Declines and for services, such as
Balance Inquiry, Account Transfer, and PIN Management, offered to their cardholders.

5.2.1 Program Processing Rules Eligible Products

All applicable Visa products and products with the PLUS acceptance mark
 Products are defined by an announced AFS and PID combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market Transaction Types

 V.I.P. Originals: 0100/0110; 0200/210 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria

LAC Regional processing rules and fee edit criteria that apply to ATM Non-Financial transactions are
listed in the following tables.
Table 5–3: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC ATM Balance Inquiry Transactions

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Merchant Category N/A Field 18 6011


Processing Code N/A Field 3, Position 1-2 30 (Balance Inquiry)

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Table 5–4: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC ATM Decline Transactions

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Merchant Category N/A Field 18 6011


Processing Code N/A Field 3, Position 1-2 01 (Cash Disbursement)

Authorization N/A Field 39 Decline1

Response Code
Refer to the Visa Global ATM Member Guide for a list of Decline response codes that are not assessed the ATM Decline

Table 5–5: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC ATM Account Transfer Transactions

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Merchant Category N/A Field 18 6011


Processing Code N/A Field 3, Position 1-2 40 (Cardholder Account Transfer)

Table 5–6: Fee Edit Criteria for PIN Management Service Transactions1

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Processing Code N/A Field 3, Position 1-2 70 (Pin Change/Unblock)

73 (Pin /Unblock)

Merchant Category N/A Field 18 6011


Response Code N/A Field 39 00 (approved) or Decline2

1 Domestic PIN Management Service transactions from LAC countries that do not have a National Net Settlement Service
(NNSS) or Domestic International-Settled Fee Schedules will settle under the International Settlement Service (ISS) using
unique domestic specific fee descriptors.
2 Refer to the Visa Global ATM Member Guide for a list of Decline response codes that are not assessed the PIN

Management Services Fees

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5.2.2 Fee Descriptors and rates

The following table lists the applicable fee descriptors and rate
Table 5–7: LAC ATM Non-Financial Fee Program

Fee Program Fee Descriptor FPI Rate

ATM Balance Inquiry ATM BALANCE INQ 866 US $0.30
ATM Decline ATM DECLINE 866 US $0.30
ATM Account Transfer ATM TRANSFER 866 US $0.30
 PIN Management Service- PIN PIN CHANGE RGN 962 US $0.60
 PIN Management Service- PIN PIN UNBLCK RGN 963 US $0.60
1DomesticPIN Management Service transactions from LAC countries that do not have a National Net Settlement Service
(NNSS) or Domestic International-Settled Fee Schedules will settle under the International Settlement Service (ISS) using
unique domestic specific fee descriptors.

Fee descriptors appear in the following settlement reports:

 VSS–130 and VSS–130–M
 VSS–135

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LAC Cash Disbursements Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC Manual Cash
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LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

5.3 LAC Manual Cash Disbursement Fee Program

5.3.1 Program Processing Rules Eligible Products

All applicable Visa products

 Products are defined by an announced AFS and PID combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market Transaction Types

 BASE II Originals: TC 07 and TC 27 with usage code 1

 V.I.P. Full Financials Originals: V.I.P. full financial equivalents of TC 07 and TC 27 with usage
code 1 Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria

The LAC Manual Cash Disbursement Program is available to consumer credit, commercial credit, and
debit/prepaid card transactions that meet regional processing rules and fee edit criteria listed in the
following tables.
Table 5–8: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Manual Cash Disbursement Transactions

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Reimbursement TCR 0, Position 168 Field 63.11 Must be valid

Merchant Category TCR 0, Position 133-136 Field 18 6010
Code (MCC)

5.3.2 Fee Descriptors and Rates

The following table lists the applicable fee descriptors and rate

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LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 5–9: LAC Manual Cash Disbursement Fee Program

Fee Program Fee Descriptor Rate

Original Advance STANDARD US$1.75 + 0.33%

Fee descriptors appear in the following settlement reports:

 VSS–130 and VSS–130–M
 VSS–135

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LAC Original Credit Transactions (OCTs) Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC
Enhanced Original Credit Transactions (OCTs) Fee Program (Fast funds) Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

6 LAC Original Credit Transactions (OCTs) Interchange Fee

Programs - Technical Requirements

6.1 LAC Enhanced Original Credit Transactions (OCTs) Fee Program

(Fast funds) Fee Program

6.1.1 Program Processing Rules Eligible Products

All applicable Visa products

 Products are defined by an announced AFS and PID combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market. Transaction Types

Originator /Recipient:
 BASE II and V.I.P. Full Financial Original Credit: TC06 and TC26 with a usage code (TCQ) of 2,
and their V.I.P. full financial equivalent.

Note: Originator Transaction Processing and Message Format—Effective April 2015, all new OCT
origination programs must use the enhanced format 0200 full financial request message
or use the Visa Direct APIs, and all recipient issuers that support Fast Funds must support
the enhanced format. Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria

LAC Regional processing rules and fee edit criteria for transactions to qualify in this program are listed
in the following tables.

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Enhanced Original Credit Transactions (OCTs) Fee Program (Fast funds) Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 6–1: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC OCTs (Fast funds) Fee Program Transactions

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Processing Code N/A Field 3 26 (Original Credit)

Merchant Category TCR 0, Field 18 4829 or 6012
Code Position 133-136
Business Application TCR3, Field 104, Usage 2, AA or PP
Identifier (BAI) Position 19-20 Dataset ID 57, Tag 01

Sender Data N/A Field 104, Usage 2, Present

Dataset ID 5F
Additional Sender Data N/A Field 104, Usage 2, Present
Dataset ID 71
Account Range Fast N/A N/A Y
Funds Attribute1
Account Range –
Fast Fund Flag2
1Account range setup at Visa systems. Attribute indicates if recipient issuer supports fast funds or not. Issuers must
contact its Visa Representative to ensure proper activation.
2Account range setup at Visa systems. Attribute indicates if recipient issuer participates in cross-border Fast Fund. Issuers
must contact its Visa Representative to ensure proper activation.

6.1.2 Fee Descriptors and rates

The following table lists the applicable fee descriptors, FPI and rate Fee Descriptors and rate
Table 6–2: LAC Enhanced OCTs (Fast funds) Fee Program

Fee Program Fee Descriptor Rate


Fee descriptors appear in the following settlement reports:

 VSS–130 and VSS–130–M
 VSS–135

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LAC Original Credit Transactions (OCTs) Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC
Original Credit Transactions (OCTs) - Non-Fast Funds Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

6.2 LAC Original Credit Transactions (OCTs) - Non-Fast Funds Fee


6.2.1 Program Processing Rules Eligible Products

All applicable Visa products

 Products are defined by an announced AFS and PID combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market. Transaction Types

Originator /Recipient:
 BASE II and V.I.P. Full Financial Original Credit: TC06 and TC26 with a usage code (TCQ) of 2,
and their V.I.P. full financial equivalent. Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria

LAC Regional processing rules and fee edit criteria for transactions to qualify in this program are listed
in the following tables.
Table 6–3 Fee Edit Criteria for LAC OCTs (non-fast funds) Fee Program Transactions

Data Element BASE II TC Field V.I.P. Field Value

Processing Code N/A Field 3 26 (Original Credit)
Transaction Code TCR 0, Position 3 N/A 2 (Cardholder transfer
Qualifier transactions)

6.2.2 Fee Descriptors and rates

The following table lists the applicable fee descriptors and rate Fee Descriptors and rate

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Original Credit Transactions (OCTs) - Non-Fast Funds Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 6–4: LAC OCTs Fee Program (non-fast funds)

Fee Program Fee Descriptor Rate

Original Credit ORIGINAL CREDIT US $0.29

Note: All domestic OCTs from LAC countries that do not have an OCT National Net Settlement
Service (NNSS) or Domestic International-Settled Fee Schedules will settle under the
International Settlement Service (ISS) and be assessed the ORIGINAL CREDIT fee descriptor
and rate.

Fee descriptors appear in the following settlement reports:

 VSS–130 and VSS–130–M
 VSS–135

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LAC Original Credit Transactions (OCTs) Interchange Fee Programs - Technical Requirements: LAC
Prepaid Load Domestic Fee Program Fee Program
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

6.3 LAC Prepaid Load Domestic Fee Program Fee Program

Prepaid Load transactions are only allowed for domestic transactions. Domestic transactions from LAC
countries that do not have a National Net Settlement Service (NNSS) or Domestic International-Settled
Fee Schedules will settle under the International Settlement Service (ISS) for this reason, a LAC Prepaid
Load Domestic Fee Program is required under LAC Regional Fee Schedules in order to allow domestic
international-settle transactions to be assessed the expected interchange rates.

6.3.1 Program Processing Rules Eligible Products

All Visa Prepaid products

 Products are defined by an announced AFS and PID combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market. Transaction Types

 BASE II and V.I.P. Full Financial Prepaid Load: TC06 and TC26 with a usage code (TCQ) of 2,
and their V.I.P. full financial equivalent. Fee Edit and Reclassification Criteria

LAC Regional processing rules and fee edit criteria for transactions to qualify in this program are listed
in the following tables.

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Prepaid Load Domestic Fee Program Fee Program
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Table 6–5: Fee Edit Criteria for LAC Prepaid Load Fee Program Transactions

Data Element
Processing Code N/A 28
Pos. 1-2
Transaction Code
TCR 0, Pos. 3 N/A 2
Qualifier (TCQ)
Prepaid Card
TCR 1, Pos. 125 N/A L
Account Range Fast =
Prepaid Load N/A N/A PPL
1 Account range setup at Visa systems. Attribute indicates if recipient issuer allows Prepaid Loads. If flag is not setup,
transaction will be returned by BASE II with the return reason code “B5”. Issuers must contact its Visa Representative to
ensure proper activation

6.3.2 Fee Descriptors and rates

The following table lists the applicable fee descriptors and rate
Table 6–6: LAC Prepaid Load Fee Program

Fee Program Fee Descriptor Rate

LAC Prepaid Load PREPAID LOAD US $0.751
1 Fee is paid by issuer to acquirer.

Fee descriptors appear in the following settlement reports:

 VSS–130 and VSS–130–M
 VSS–135

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Visa Claim Resolution (VCR)
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

7 Visa Claim Resolution (VCR)

The interchange or client-to-client fee amount applied to each VCR dispute, pre-Arbitration and
dispute response transaction will be the same amount assessed to the original transaction when the
full amount transaction amount is disputed. For partially disputed amounts, the interchange or client-
to-client amount applied will be proportionally adjusted to the amount being disputed.

Issuers and acquirers must retain and return key clearing data, including FPI, BAI and MVV, if
applicable, received in original transactions when submitting dispute transactions.

VCR transactions are:

 V.I.P. Message Sets: 0220/0230, 0422/0432
 BASE II Transactions: TC 05, TC 06, TC 07, TC 15, TC 16, TC 17, TC 25, TC 26, TC 27, TC 35, TC 36,
TC 37 with a usage code of 9

7.1.1 Fee Descriptors

The following table lists of VCR fee descriptors

Table 7–1: VCR Fee Descriptors for Dispute Financials

Description Fee Descriptor

Dispute Financial DISP FIN
Dispute Financial Reversal DISP FIN RVRSL
Dispute Response Financial DISP RESP FIN
Dispute Response Financial Reversal DISP RESP RVRSL

Fee descriptors appear in the following settlement reports:

 VSS–130 and VSS–130–M
 VSS–135

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not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
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Visa Claim Resolution (VCR)
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not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
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List of all LAC Region Fee Programs, Fee Descriptors and Fee Programs Indicators (FPIs)
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

8 List of all LAC Region Fee Programs, Fee Descriptors and

Fee Programs Indicators (FPIs)
List of all LAC Fee Programs, Fee Descriptors, FPIs and Rates as of April 2017 Business
Enhancements Release
Table 8–1: All LAC POS Fee Programs, Fee Descriptors and Rates Table

Fee Program Fee Descriptor Rate

LAC Regulated Debit LAC REGULATED DB US $0.22 + 0.05%
LAC Business LAC-BUS 2.00%
LAC Corporate LAC-CORP 2.00%
Global B2B Virtual Payments GLB B2B VTL PYMT 2.00%
LAC Purchasing LAC-PURCH 2.00%
LAC Super Premium LAC SPR PREMIUM 1.97%
LAC Premium Card LAC PREMIUM 1.80%
LAC Secure Electronic Commerce LAC SET MRCH SEC 1.44%
LAC Electronic Commerce Merchant LAC SET MRCH 1.44%
LAC Acquirer Chip LAC CHIP TRMNL 1.00%
LAC Issuer Chip LAC CHIP ISS 1.20%
LAC Electronic LAC ELECTRONIC 1.10%
LAC Standard STANDARD 1.60%
LAC Original Credit ORIGINAL CREDIT US$0.29
LAC Prepaid Load1 PREPAID LOAD US$0.75
1 Fee is paid by issuer to acquirer.

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List of all LAC Region Fee Programs, Fee Descriptors and Fee Programs Indicators (FPIs)
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Table 8–2: LAC Cash Disbursement Fee Programs, Fee Descriptors and Rates Table

Fee Program Fee Descriptor FPI Rate

Non-Qualified ATM 859 US $0.00

Fee Program1

Misdispense Fee 887 US $0.00

 LAC ATM Access Fee 8C5 US$0.65 + 0.52%
Free Service

LAC ATM with Access 8C0 0.15%

Fee3-No DCC

LAC ATM without ATM NO AF 8C1 US $0.65 + 0.52%

Access Fee-No DCC ATM TRAVEL4 857 US $1.00

LAC ATM with Access 8C3 0.00%

Fee3- DCC

LAC ATM without 8C4 0.15%

Access Fee- DCC

LAC ATM Balance US $0.30 US $0.30


LAC ATM Decline ATM DECLINE US $0.30 US $0.30

LAC ATM Account US $0.30 US $0.30


Original Advance STANDARD US $1.75 + 0.33% US $1.75 + 0.33%

 PIN Management PIN CHANGE RGN 962 US $0.60

Service- PIN Change PIN CHANGE DOM5 N/A US $0.60

 PIN Management PIN UNBLCK RGN 963 US $0.60

Service- PIN Unblock PIN UNBLCK DOM5 US $0.60 US $0.60

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List of all LAC Region Fee Programs, Fee Descriptors and Fee Programs Indicators (FPIs)
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

Fee Program Fee Descriptor FPI Rate

1 Cash Disbursement transactions that do not meet the fee criteria receive the ATM Non-Qualified fee descriptor and
rate except Visa TravelMoney ATM transactions. Non-originals that do not include the FPI value received in original
will also get assessed this fee descriptor and rate.
2 The percentage portion of the fee will apply to the transaction amount less the access fee.
3 Only applicable for V.I.P. Full Financial ATM Acquirers (ATM Misdispense)
4 Applicable to Visa TravelMoney and Travel Card product card’s ATM withdrawals without access fee. Travel Cards are
Visa Prepaid and eligible Visa Debit cards identified with the Travel-Card Capable indicator in the Edit Package
ARDEF Table5 Domestic PIN Management Service transactions from LAC countries that do not have a National Net
Settlement Service (NNSS) or Domestic International-Settled Fee Schedules will settled under the International
Settlement Service (ISS) using unique domestic specific fee descriptors.

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not be duplicated, published, distributed or disclosed, in whole or in part, to merchants, cardholders or any other person without prior written permission from Visa.
©2019 Visa. All Rights Reserved.
List of Visa PIDs available for Product Issuance in LAC
LAC Intraregional IRF Guide: Visa Supplemental Requirements

9 List of Visa PIDs available for Product Issuance in LAC

Table 9–1: List of Visa PIDs available for Product Issuance in LAC
PID Value PID Global Description/Name
C^ Visa Signature
F^ Visa Classic
G^ Visa Business
G1 Visa Signature Business
G3 Visa Enhanced Business
G4 Visa Infinite Business
I^ Visa Infinite
J3 Visa Healthcare
K^ Visa Corporate T&E
K1 Visa Government Corporate T&E
N^ Visa Platinum
P^ Visa Gold
S^ Visa Purchasing Card (Not Fleet Capable)
S1 Visa Purchasing Card (Fleet Capable)
S2 Visa Government Purchasing (Not Fleet Capable)
S4 Visa Commercial Agriculture
S5 Visa Commercial Transport
S6 Visa Marketplace
U^ Visa TravelMoney
X^ Visa B2B Virtual Payments
 Products are defined by an announced AFS/PID or AFS/PID/Subtype combination.
 Availability of Products might be different in each jurisdiction (Region or country). Please
contact your Visa Sales Representative for a list of available Products by market.

 Effective 26 January 2019 no new Visa Electron Bank Identification Numbers (BINs) will be issued
 Effective 13 April 2024, all existing Electron BINs and cards must be migrated to Classic or higher

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