Web-Based Student Identification Card System An Alternative For School On-Site Processing
Web-Based Student Identification Card System An Alternative For School On-Site Processing
Web-Based Student Identification Card System An Alternative For School On-Site Processing
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Identification or ID cards are used by many II. FRAMEWORK OF THE STUDY
organizations nowadays to prove the person’s identity.
Educational institution provides ID cards to their students, Figure 1 illustrates the framework of the study. It
faculty, and staff to shows their connections to the describes how information is processed to achieve the desired
institution. Several educational institutions have offices output of the system. The proposed system is intended to
that will process the student’s ID cards. In this study, the improve traditional ID card processing, from on-site processing
researchers developed a web-based application that to web-based processing.
addressed the problem of restraining the students to on-site
process their ID cards. This application allowed the
student to process their ID cards thru the use of the online
application. Using this application students will no longer
go to the office of the school site to process their ID cards.
The application also helped the students to save their time
and effort in processing their ID. The newly developed
system will be deployed on the web and it can access by
many devices with the internet browser and connected to
the world-wide-web.
Identification (ID) cards are used by many establishments III. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES
nowadays to prove the person’s identity. Educational institution
provides ID cards to their students, faculty, and staff to show This study aimed to develop a Web-based ID card
their connections to the institution. Student ID card may have processing system. The system allowed the students to process
the summary of student information [1]. ID cards are useful to their ID cards via web-based technology. Specifically, this
the students, it can be used by the students to avail discounts on study aims:
their fare. It can also use as for identity verification for their 1. To identify the tools and resources in the development of the
purpose for such as for claiming money remittances and other system.
purposes. Several educational institutions have offices that will 2. To design and develop a Web-based ID card processing
process the student’s ID cards. The students will go directly to system.
that office to request and process their ID cards. In some 3. To evaluate the newly developed system in terms of
institution, there is a specific office or department that services functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, and
provide ID cards to the students. The processing of ID took portability.
place in that particular office and done it manually [2]. The
student will directly request to the office. But due to the IV. TECHNICAL BACKGROUD
COVID-19 pandemic, students were restricted inside the
school. This a measure to ensure the student’s safety and to This section provides different literature and studies from
prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. In this study, the previous researchers. It introduces the available resources and
researchers developed a web-based application that addressed framework for the development of the entire study.
the problem of restricting the students to process their ID cards.
This application allowed the student to process their ID cards A. Web-based Application System
thru the use of the online application. Using this application An online or web-based application can deliver
students will no longer go to the office of the student affairs and information and services to users or other information systems
services to process their ID cards. This application also helped using internet web technologies. Nowadays, a lot of firms
the students to save their time and effort in processing their ID. employ web-based application systems. Firms can extend their
geographic reach beyond their current physical location thanks
H. System Evaluation Procedures A. To identify the tools and resources in the development of the
The researchers conducted a survey from 30 randomly system.
selected students that served as pilot users. Using International Some tools and resources were needed in the
Standard Organization (ISO) 9126 questionnaire. ISO 9126 development of the system. Some of this was considered open-
determines the functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, source. These includes the following:
and portability of the newly developed system [7]. The Software :
questionnaire contains 4-way Likert scale to denote the degree Apache 2.4.28 (PHP 7.1.14)
of agreement (e.g., 4 = strongly agree, 3 = agree, 2= disagree, MySql 5.3
1= strongly disagree). A simple mathematical computation CodeIgniter 3.1.7
was used to find the mean as shown in figure 3. Bootstrap 3.3.75
Any CPU (Intel i5/ i7/ Xeon recommended for web-
1 GB of RAM (at least 8GB for recommended for web-
40 GB HDD Free Space
Table 3 shows that the functionally with a weighted mean of 3.79 which indicate that the system is functional as reviewed by
a group of students.
Table 5 shows the usability with a weighted mean of 3.77 which indicate that the system is usable as reviewed by a group of
Table 6 shows the efficiency with a weighted mean of 3.81 which indicate that the system is as reviewed by a group of students.