Chapter 3 - Formulas and Functions in Excel 2016

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Ler's CATCH Up

Write the output of the following:

1.=MIN (5,7,8)
2. =Left("Computer", 4)
3. =AVERAGE(12,3,6)
4. TODAY() DisplayHoday's dote
5. =LEN("Touch") 5
6. =COUNT(4,8,12) 3

1. Tick () the correct option.

Which one of the following cell references can be included in relative
) A3 ( )() SA$4
(i) A$1 O (iv) $D6
b. Which of the following functions is used to calculate the average of a range of values?
(i1) SUM
(0 Average
ii) AVG O (iv) None of these
The cell address in the formula is known as

Range (it) Cell reference

(i) Mixed reference (iv) None of these

d. A group of selected cells is called

)Selection Gi) Combination

ii) Cell range (iv) None of these
The function returns the square root of the given number.
)MOD) (i) INT()
(ii) POWER() (iv) sQRT(O
2. Write T for true and 'F' for false.
a. Every function begins with a+ sign.
b. Combined reference is a type of cell reference
C. The NOW() function is used to display the current date.
d. Excel does not provide functions for working on textual content.
e. The MAX() function returns the largest value from a set ofvalues.
3 Fill in the blanks using the words from the help box.
equal, square root, Functions, MIN), dollar($)
a. Functions_are predefined formulas in Excel.
b. Formulas in Excel begin with the equal sign.
The SQRT function returns the square o s t of the given number.
d. In Mixed Referencing, you can lock either a column or a row by preceding it with a

dollar) symbol.
e. The MINO_function returns the smallest value.

Fomulas and Functions in Excel 2016 45

Page No.Cus
Date: 1/5/RA

Ch-3 oy mulas and Fumchioms 1m

Exc o16
4Short amsuoe ype qvestims.
a) hatis a cel reference
Ams cel reterence is a ceu address that con be
|Uses m a omula to dechote a specific cel

B ite the names o amy hoo DaBeFmctions

Anseday ToAY () and MonTH(TODAYO)

c at IS relative celu referemáma

As.n relative rekerence, you actualuy refe o cell
Hhat is above or helous and left_or gut to a
mUmber ot roLOs oY cdunmms. \Onen a rormula
that boSsessea relotive reterence is copid
rom one cell t amoher ce, he volue
he coied celu also chamges

abhet is the use o ihe SuO funcion?

A.H retums he sUm ot a rane

a o a t are the MotheYmatica fumcttons? Loite
he nomes oi ay tuoo Mathe mmatical tunctions?
Hns. Mathematica tunctions pexom mathemahcs
Date eriond Page No SUM O and PRohucTO a t e

axamples of Mothemmaticalfunchions.

hat is the use of the LEN fumction s? Explaim

sith xample.
Tt retu ms the lenath of the text sting
ETnput:=LE (Touckpad")
Output: 8

escibe the ways to enter a formulaa

ypimg the fomnula directoy m the Cu
pin he formula inthe Fovmula Bar.
aouat ave the ules to entea funetion?
AuExce functions Tmust begin sith = sim
Functton name must be a vaud Exce mome
unchion nne mustbe isucuoed by opening amd
closia parenthesis.
Most ofthe unctions must cnta an
Orqument situin it.

Q6.Nefine the oUoi functioms.

a SaRT I t retums the Squae oot of the qiven
MY-I vdumsthevcunrent date
Date woes
Page No.

CMo- Tt»etums theye maindey aatey a

s divided by the divi sor
d)INT- It rounds he nUmhe to
e)MIN-ItretuYns the smoAlest value m he
qiven YaYg
LET'S SOLvE Experlential Learning

1. Application based question.

class in
the marks obtained by the students of her
Nidhi has made a spreadsheet for
if she
to keep the spreadsheet updated
aifferent subjects. Which feature should she use
nas to change marks in one of the subjects of any
Ceu refevenc C r i t i c a l Thinking

2. Solve the crossword using the clues.

1. Cell address that is to be used in a calculation

2. Function used to display current date

4. Function used to add values in cells

6. Predefined formula in Excel

33. Symbols that specify calculations to be performed

46 Touchpad PLUS (Version 2.1)-VI

Function used to convert
text string into upper R T
case 3 0 PERATORS
77. Numbers or text that do F
not change A M

8. Function used to convert 5UPPER

text string into lower
case N
Function used to multiply 7 CoNSTANT
values in cells 8 L O w ER


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