Standing Waves in A String
Standing Waves in A String
Standing Waves in A String
We have talked about the reflection of a wave pulse in a string when it arrives at a
boundary point (either a fixed end or a free end).
Now let’s look at what happens when a sinusoidal wave is reflected by a fixed or free
end of a string. The waves (incident and reflected) interfere with each other.
The general term interference is used to describe the resultant of two or more waves
passing through the same region at the same time.
When two waves of the same frequency and amplitude travel in opposite directions
at the same speed their superposition gives rise to a new type of wave called
stationary waves or standing wave.
Suppose that the two waves of same amplitude and frequency travelling in opposite
directions at same speed are
(As Y2 is the displacement due to a reflected wave from a free boundary a phase
change of π will not take place)
Y = Y1 + Y2
Y = 2A Cos kx Sin ωt
It represents a wave
(b) As it is not of the form F (ax ± bt), the wave is not travelling and it is called
standing wave.
It is not constant but varies periodically with position (x) and not with time as in case
of beats, which we will see later.
cos kx = ± 1 or kx = 0, π, 2π
As is minimum when
cos kx = 0 or kx = π/2,3π/2
The points where amplitude is minimum are called nodes i.e. at node As = 0.
(d) Distance between two consecutive nodes or antinodes is λ/2 and the distance
between a node and its adjacent antinode is λ/4.
(e) Nodes are always at rest, and the displacement at antinodes is always a
(f) All points lying between a node and an antinode are in same phase and are out of
phase with the points lying between its neighbouring node and antinode.
Maximum displacement of antinodes is ±2A. All points (except nodes) pass their
mean position twice in one time period.
(g) Since antinodes have always maximum displacement, their velocity is also
maximum compared to other points and velocity at nodes is zero.
(k) In standing wave if the amplitude of component waves are not equal then. Amin≠
0 i.e. node will not be permanently at rest and so some energy will pass across the
node and wave will be partially standing.