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Week5 Module 5

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Research 1
Quarter 1 – Module 5
The Basic Science Process Skills:


Poblacion, Norala, South Cotabato
Introductory Message
Research 1 for Grade 7 is a course in the Special Science Program designed to equip
learners with essential scientific attitudes and science process skills that will prepare them
in conducting science investigations. These skills include observing, measuring, inferring,
classifying, predicting, communicating, formulating research problems, formulating
hypothesis, defining and identifying variables, describing relationships between variables,
designing an investigation, experimenting and writing simple scientific report. This simple
science investigation shall be confined within the school premises. This course provides an
excellent groundwork or pre requisite background for higher research work.

For the learner:

Welcome to the Research 7 Self-Learning Module (SLM) on The Basic Science Process
Skills : Classifying

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use your notebook in answering the exercises/activities.
2. Don’t forget to answer all the exercises/activities included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next activity.

If you encounter any problem or difficulty in answering the tasks, do not hesitate to consult
your teacher. Always remember that you are not alone.
I hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deeper
understanding of the most relevant competencies. You can do it.

The learner demonstrates understanding of the scientific attitudes, applies appropriate
basic science process skills in designing simple science investigation.

design simple science investigation applying scientific attitudes and basic science
process skills which are the inherent requirements in conducting simple science

Classify objects and events according to observable characteristics

What I Need to Know

Students in the early grades are expected to be able to sort objects or

phenomena into groups based on their observations. Grouping objects or events is
a way of imposing order based on similarities, differences, and interrelationships.
This is an important step towards a better understanding of the different objects
and events in the world

After going through this module, you are expected to:

a. classify things or objects according to its similarities and differences

What I Know

Direction: Read and understand the questions. Write the letter of the correct
answer in your notebook.

1. Garbage are disposed as biodegradable and non-biodegradable. This process of

segregating waste is an example of what basic process in science?
a. classifying c. measuring
b. inference d. observing

2. Which of the following statements is true about classifying things?

a. Objects are classified based on their properties.
b. Objects’ similarities and differences are considered.
c. The natural occurrence of the objects or events is also used.
d. All of the above

3. What is the best way of classifying the following books below?

1. Integrated Science 1 5. Oral Communication 7
2. Better English 3 6. The Modern Physics 11
3. General Mathematics 1 7. Basic Calculus 11
4. General Chemistry 1 8. Grammar and Composition Book 8

a. by alphabetizing c. by subject area

b. by grade level d. by title

4. Sonia planted mongo seeds separately in cans using the same fertilizer, small
cans grouped together and big cans go in another group. What kind of basic
skill did Sonia use?
a. classifying c. measuring
b. inferring d. predicting

5. Which refers to the groupings of things based on their common characteristics?

a. classifying c. measuring
b. inferring d. predicting

For items 6-7, tell how the objects or events are classified.
6. The plants inside the buildings are arranged beautifully. Plants are planted in
varying container. The tallest plant are planted in large container, the medium
ones are placed near the windows and the smallest are found on top of the
a. color b. shape c. size d. texture

7. Nora received a bundle of assorted rose flowers from her boyfriend. On top is
white mixed with pink and at the bottom is red.
a. color b. shape c. size d. texture

Numbers 8-10, refer your answer in the Venn Diagram.

Maria’s Hobbies Diana’s Hobbies

gardening Reading
Cooking writing

8. What are the differences of Maria and Diana?

a. Maria loves household chores while Diana likes art.
b. Maria is loves to work in the kitchen while Diana does not.
c. Both are similar in their hobbies.
d. None of the above

9. What is the common characteristic of Maria and Diana?

a. cooking b. dancing c. drawing d. singing

10. How does the common characteristic of Maria and Diana identified?
a. by classifying c. observing the similarities & differences
b. know the characteristics d. all of the above

Lesson Research 1
The Basic Science Process Skills:

Learning Objective:

Classify things or objects according to its similarities and differences

What’s In

Activity 1: Find Me?

Direction: Find and encircle the word that matches the given definition.
Write the correct word on the space provided before the number.

_________1. It is an assumption that is
based on observations
_________2. It is giving attention to what
your senses perceived.

_________3. When you infer, you are simply I T U V N X Y I S

giving or thinking of __________ O C D E C G H O O

possible in a certain observation. N M N O E Q R N N

What’s New

Activity 2: What I am?

Direction: Study the different objects or events in the box. Group the
materials as to living and non-living things. Write your answer in
a table form similar to what is given below. The first one is done
for you.

ballpen or pencil Notebook

Carabao chicken marble

Paper cow turkey

Stone goat duck

Drift wood hollow block ballpen

Horse water air

Table 1

Living thing Non-living thing

cow paper

What is It

What objects and events do you see around you? How are these objects or
events similar? How are they different? Scientists group objects and events
by first observing similarities and differences among objects and events and
then grouping them according to common characteristics or schemes. For
example books in the library are classified according to subjects. Animals
are classified based on the food they eat, or skin cover, or habitat, or number
of legs.

Classifying is grouping things based on their common characteristics. Some

ways to group things are by size, color, shape, texture or any other

An example of classifying objects is shown in figure 1.

Figure 1 Classifying solid wastes according to biodegradability (level 1 and level 2)

Going back to page 6 of What’s New Activity 1: What I am. What is your basis
of classifying the objects? Mobility, growth and many other characteristics. If
you will be asked to group further the animals into smaller groups, what will
be your basis? There are many bases for classifying the animals mentioned.
You may classify according to the number of legs or the kind of skin cover of
each of the animal.

This time you are going to review your skills in classifying by doing the next

What’s More

Activity 3: How Bright is My Imagination?

Direction: Perform the activity and write your answer in your


Notebook ballpen/pencil

1. Visit a garden. Observe the leaves of different plants without
removing them from the plant.
a. How many ways can you classify the leaves?
b. What is the basis for each grouping?

2. Consider the following objects: rectangular block of wood, board

eraser, egg, marble, notebook, golf ball, and hollow block.
c. How will you classify the objects?
d. Show your answer in a table form.

3. You are familiar with the following environmental phenomena:
earthquake, volcanic eruption, flooding, erosion, tides, and air pollution.
e. Group the different occurrences into three.
f. What will be your basis?

What I Have Learned

Activity 4: Am I that Good?

Direction: Do the next activity in your notebook. Fill in the blank with
the correct term or terms. Choose your answer from the
group of words below.

Scientists group objects and events by first observing 1) ____________ and

2) __________ among objects and events and then grouping them according to
3) __________ characteristics or schemes. For example books in the library
are classified according to subjects. Animals are classified based on the food
they eat, or skin cover, or habitat, or number of legs.

4) ___________ is grouping things based on their common characteristics.

Some ways to group things are by size, 5) ____________, shape, texture or any
other characteristics.



What I Can Do

Activity 5: What will you Do?


1. Study the given set of glow foods. Think of their characteristics or


Okra cauliflower eggplant squash

Orange banana pineapple tomato

Avocado spinach cabbage strawberry

2. Divide the set into two groups based on one observable property. This
will be level 1.

3. Divide further the foods based on a second observable property. This

is level 2.

4. Show the classification using a diagram similar to the example on

page 7 What Is It.


Direction: Read and understand the questions. Write the letter of the correct
answer in your notebook.

1. Which of the following statements is true about classifying things?

a. Objects are classified based on their properties.
b. Objects’ similarities and differences are considered.
c. The natural occurrence of the objects or events is also used.
d. All of the above

2. What is the best way of classifying the following books below?
1. Integrated Science 1 5. Oral Communication 7
2. Better English 3 6. The Modern Physics 11
3. General Mathematics 1 7. Basic Calculus 11
4. General Chemistry 1 8. Grammar and Composition 8
a. by alphabetizing c. by subject area
b. by grade level d. by title
3. Sonia planted mongo seeds separately in cans using the same fertilizer, small
cans grouped together and big cans go in another group. What kind of basic
skill did Sonia use?
a. classifying c. measuring
b. inferring d. predicting

4. Garbage are disposed as biodegradable and non-biodegradable. This process of

segregating waste is an example of what basic process in science?
a. classifying c. measuring
b. inference d. observing

For items 5-6, tell how the objects or events are classified.
5. The plants inside the buildings are arranged beautifully. Plants are planted in
varying container. The tallest plant are planted in large container, the medium
ones are placed near the windows and the smallest are found on top of the
a. color b. shape c. size d. texture

6. Nora received a bundle of assorted rose flowers from her boyfriend. On top is
white mixed with pink and at the bottom is red.
a. color b. shape c. size d. texture

Numbers 7-9, refer your answer in the Venn Diagram.

Maria’s Hobbies Diana’s Hobbies

gardening Reading
Cooking writing

7. What are the differences of Maria and Diana?
a. Maria loves household chores while Diana likes art.
b. Maria loves to work in the kitchen while Diana does not.
c. Both are similar in their hobbies.
d. None of the above

8. What is the common characteristic of Maria and Diana?

a. cooking b. dancing c. drawing d. singing

9. How does the common characteristic of Maria and Diana identified?

a. by classifying c. observing the similarities & differences
b. know the characteristics d. all of the above

10. Which refers to the groupings of things based on their common characteristics?
a. classifying c. measuring
b. inferring d. predicting

Additional Activities

Activity 6: Organize Me
Direction: How do you classify your personal belongings inside your
bedroom. Write your answer in your notebook.

Activity 5: what will you do
okra avocado
cauliflower orange
spinach banana
eggplant strawberry
cabbage pineapple
squash tomato
Activity 3: How Bright is my
Possible Answers
a. 4
b. color, shape, size, texture
c. shape
d. rectangle circle/round
rectangular block egg
of wood marble
Activity 4 Am I that Good board eraser golf ball
hollow block
1. similarities
2. differences e. 1 2 3
3. Common
4. Classifying earthquake tides air pollution
5. color erosion flooding
volcanic eruption
f. location
Activity 2 What I Am
Living things Non-living things
What I Know
Carabao horse stone air
Chicken goat drift wood water 1. a
Turkey duck marble ballpen 2. d
Hollow block 3. c
5. a
6. c
7. a
Activity 1: Find Me 8. a
1. inference 9. d
2.observing 10. c
3. reason
Answer Key
Albarico, Joni M, Avasar, Ruel G, Castor, Lucila G, (2010), Teaching guide in
Integrated Science pp. 11-13
Amasol, Teresita A, Balce, Marina, Galvez, Elvira & Lozano, Lourdes F., (2003),
Science & Technology for the Future 1 pp.13-15
Bayquen, Aristea V, Darvin-Faraon, Genevieve, Ferriols-Pavico, Josefina Ma, &
Silverio, Angelina A, Ramos, John Donnie A (Author-Coordinator) (2013), Exploring
Life Through Science Series pp. 33-40
Lastimado, Arturo V, Sabido, Gemma T & Tanora, Vicentius Invictus M, (2005),
Science & Technology 1 Integrated Science pp. 8-9
Mangubat, Ma. Carmina R, Rasalan, Elizabeth S (Author/Coordinator) (2005),
Integrated Science Laboratory Manual and Workbook pp. viii-x, 27-30
Rabago, Lilia M, Ph.D., Joaquin, Cresencia C, Ph.D, Ferrer, Diana L, Intong, Mona
Lisa A, Mingoa, Thelma R,(1997), Science and Technology General Science
Textbook for First Year pp. 316-318
(2006,2009), Integrated Science – Science & Technology for First Year p. 10

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


Science Coordinator SS Principal II


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