Updating Workplace First Aid Kits
Updating Workplace First Aid Kits
Updating Workplace First Aid Kits
“Updating first-aid stations, kits and draw blood, which are not as effective in ment) entails a comprehensive review to
protocols goes beyond compliance,” preventing blood loss, as is intended. determine what parts of a worker’s body are
VanHouten explains. “The recommenda- •Greater guidance on bleeding at risk of injury or illness, and the potential
tions in this standard can help guide an control kits. The standard provides ad- for any types of injuries. For example:
organization’s overall first-aid program, ditional details on designated bleeding •Bodily exposure: head, eyes, ears
ultimately helping to provide proper and control kits, which contain more ad- (hearing), face, respiratory system, torso,
timely treatment for all employees.” vanced first-aid supplies to immediately hands, legs and feet.
treat life-threatening external bleeding. •Potential injury types: trips and falls,
Key Changes •Enhanced workplace hazard assess- dropped objects, puncture and abrasion
This edition retains the kit classifica- ment. Included in the updated standard wounds, burns, crushing, entanglement,
tion (Class A or B, based on workplace is a more robust discussion to assist the and dismemberment.