Lay Out of Coaching Depots
Lay Out of Coaching Depots
Lay Out of Coaching Depots
Presented by-
Rajendra Kushwaha
• According to number of based coaches (holding
Capacity), depot is classified into three categories.
Sl. No Depot Number of based coaches
1. Minor 50 to 100
2. Medium 100 to 250
3. Major Above 250
Primary Depot
Maintenance works attended by based depot is called primary
depot Maintenance
Duties of Primary maintenance depot-
Preparation of DRS card .
To prepare history card of coach.
To ensure proper supply of brake van equipment for all
originating trains.
Responsible for all types of schedules Maintenance of
To send the coaches for POH or NPOH if due or required.
Secondary Depot
Maintenance works attended by terminating depot other than
based depot is called secondary depot Maintenance.
Duties of secondary maintenance depot-
Only cross checking of items as per DRS card or only
shortage, missing should be provided by secondary depot.
Intimation to primary depot is essential whenever any major
repair/maintenance is attended.
Secondary maintenance depot is responsible to ensure only if
there is any shortfall.
Secondary maintenance does not have responsibility other than
trip schedule
It is not duty of secondary depot but it assist in sending the
coaches for POH or NPOH through primary depot.
Standard Facilities:-
1. Covered accommodation
2. Flooring & pit for repair & examination
3. Office & store facilities
4. Sick line yard
5. Machinery & plant
Base coaches –
It means coaches utilised in Primary
maintained trains.
However for designing coaching depot lay
out, effective base holding = sum of primary
coaches + half of secondary coaches.
Number of trains for maintenance
It includes primary based trains, secondary
maintenance trains and trains returning from
A. Number of lines-
(a) In sick line – design should be based on 4% of the based coaches.
Max. number of coaches to be placed per line should be limited to 4.
Number of lines = (4% of base coaches)/4
B. Covered accomodation on sick line –
It should be sufficient to hold 4% of the based coaches as per CAMTECH.
C. Bay width-
Each bay should 15 meter wide and should cover two sick lines.
The track centre should be 7.5 meter apart .
D. Examination pit-
It should be provided on half of entire length of the each line.
The depth should not be less than 930 mm from the rail top.
The light should be sufficient to create the day like
situation even in night.
The overhead, side pit & trolley mounted lights
should be provided.
The entire covered area & parkway should be paved
with minimum 150mm thick RCC of hardonite
Nowadays vacuum dewatering floors are provided for
heavy duty floors.
For whiting jacks 1.25m wide & 300mm RCC
slabs should be provided on either side of
All heavy duty rooms should be provided
150mm thick RCC.
All other floors 40 mm thick can be provided.
Communication facilities
All modern communication facilities i.e. railway
phones, P&T phones, FAX, computers, internet,
walkie-talkie, should be provided.
Material handling facilities
Trucks, listers, Fork lifters etc. should be provided.
For this road connectivity is must.
Wheel lathe
Under floor wheel lathe or ground wheel lathe has
been provided.
Statutory requirements
The various provisions of factory act, pollution
control, quality control etc. should be kept in view.
Provision of tiffin/canteen room, rest room, toilet etc.
Fire fighting arrangement, effluent treatment, water
recycling, energy conservation arrangements.
First aid box should be provided at every location.
Sick line accommodation
A. GF accommodation –
1.M&P repair cell
2.Tool room
3.Machine shop
4.Carpenter room
5.Trimming section
6.Painting section
7.Welding transformer room
8.Generator/compressor room
9.S/L – sub store
B. FF accommodation
1.CDO office
2.SSE/General office
3.Computers cells
4.SSE/SL office
5.Technical cell
6.Establishment cell
7.Modern room
8.Conference cum demo room
Normally two primary based trains and one secondary
train can be planned for maintenance on washing line in
24 hrs.
No. Of washing line =No .of trains/3
(a) WASHING LINE- Track centre should be 6922 mm
It should be provided on entire length of washing line.
Depth-960 mm & wide 1223 mm.
Both side should be cat walk.
Width of middle cat walk-3272 mm.
Width of side cat walk-1786 mm.
Thickness of RCC cat walk-120 mm.
Gap between catwalk & coach body-200 mm.
Height of catwalk from GF-1880 mm.
Thickness of washing line Floor (RCC) -40 mm.
Washing line accommodation
A. GF accommodation –
1.Main Store
2.Tool room
3. Staff Change room.
4.Carpentry Section.
5.Trimming section
6.Painting section
7.Millwright Section
8.Staff Tiffin room.
9.W/L – sub store
10. Linen Store.
B. FF accommodation
1. SSE/WL office
2. Computers cells
3. Shift Sup. Room.
4. Technical cell.
An essential features of any deport is good access both road
and rail.
Suitable facilities must be provided in stabling areas where
trains are stored.
Water, power and toilets cleaning systems need to be provided
in such areas.
Automatic washing plans should be essential in major depots.
A toilet discharge facilities is required in any depot where
trains have toilets.
The discharge has to be done away from the main buildings.
Machinery and Plants
The following list gives the minimum requirement of
M&P for the 3 Classes of depots.
Additional machinery may be provided considering
the special requirement of a depot.
Description Minor Medium Major
Depot Depot Depot
Computer system 1 1 1
Plain Paper Copier 1 1 2
Thank you