Meghna Raj Saxena, Akarsh Pathak, Aditya Pratap Singh, Ishika Shukla

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International Journal of Information Sciences and Application (IJISA). ISSN 0974-2255, Vol.11, No.

1, 2019, (Special Issue)

© International Research Publication House.


Meghna Raj Saxena1, Akarsh Pathak2, Aditya Pratap Singh3, Ishika Shukla4
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

Object detection is an important feature of computer science. The benefits of object detection is
however not limited to someone with a doctorate of informatics. Instead, object detection is growing
deeper and deeper into the common parts of the information society, lending a helping hand
wherever needed. This paper will address one such possibility, namely the help of a Haar-cascade
classifier. The main focus will be on the case study of a face detection and object detection like
watch detection, pen detection. The goal of the system to be developed is to further ease and
augment the everyday part of our lives. It’s an attempt to create own Haar classifier using OpenCV.

Keywords- Object Detection, OpenCV, Python, Haar-features, Eye Detection, Face detection.

Object detection is commonly referred to as a method that is responsible for discovering and identifying the existence
of objects of a certain class. An extension of this can be considered as a method of video processing to identify
objects from live videos.


One such method would be the detection of objects from images using features or specific structures of the object in
question. However, there was a problem. Working with only video intensities, meaning the RGB pixel values in
every single pixel in the image, made feature calculation rather computationally expensive and therefore slow on
most platforms. This problem was addressed by the so called Haar-like features, developed by Viola and Jones on the
basis of the proposal by Papa Georgiou ET. Al in 1998. A Haar-like feature considers neighboring rectangular
regions at a specific location in a detection window, sums up the pixel intensities in each region and calculates the
difference between these sums. This difference is then used to categorize subsections of a video.


The cascade classifier consists of a list of stages, where each stage consists of a list of weak learners. The system
detects objects in question by moving a window over the image. Each stage of the classifier labels the specific region
defined by the current location of the window as either positive or negative – positive meaning that an object was
found or negative means that the specified object was not found in the image. If the labelling yields a negative result,
then the classification of this specific region is hereby complete and the location of the window is moved to the next
location. If the labelling gives a positive result, then the region moves of to the next stage of classification. The
classifier yields a final verdict of positive, when all the stages, including the last one, yield a result, saying that the
object is found in the image.
A true positive means that the object in question is indeed in the video and the classifier labels it as such – a
positive result. A false positive means that the labelling process falsely determines that the object is located in the
video, although it is not. A false negative occurs when the classifier is unable to detect the actual object from the
video and a true negative means that a non-object was correctly classifier as not being the object in question. In order
to work well, each stage of the cascade must have a low false negative rate, because if the actual object is classified
as a non-object, then the classification of that branch stops, with no way to correct the mistake made. However, each

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International Journal of Information Sciences and Application (IJISA). ISSN 0974-2255, Vol.11, No.1, 2019, (Special Issue)
© International Research Publication House.

stage can have a relatively high false positive rate, because even if the nth stage classifies the non-object as actually
being the object, then this mistake can be fixed in n+1-th and subsequent stages of the classifier.

OpenCV (Open source computer vision) is a library of programming functions mainly aimed at real-time computer
vision. Originally developed by Intel, it was later supported by Willow Garage then Itseez (which was later acquired
by Intel). The library is cross-platform and free for use under the open-source BSD license.
OpenCV supports the deep learning frameworks TensorFlow, Torch/PyTorch and Caffe. OpenCV is written
in C++ and its primary interface is in C++, but it still retains a less comprehensive though extensive older C interface.
There are bindings in Python, Java and MATLAB/OCTAVE. The API for these interfaces can be found in the online
documentation. Wrappers in other languages such as C#, Perl, Ch, Haskell and Ruby have been developed to
encourage adoption by a wider audience. Since version 3.4, OpenCV.js is a JavaScript binding for selected subset of
OpenCV functions for the web platform. All of the new developments and algorithms in OpenCV are now developed
in the C++ interface


Machine learning (ML) is the scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to
effectively perform a specific task without using explicit instructions, relying on patterns and inference instead. It is
seen as a subset of artificial intelligence. Machine learning algorithms build a mathematical model of sample data,
known as "training data", in order to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to perform
the task. Machine learning algorithms are used in a wide variety of applications, such as email filtering, and computer
vision, where it is infeasible to develop an algorithm of specific instructions for performing the task. Machine
learning is closely related to computational statistics, which focuses on making predictions using computers. The
study of mathematical optimization delivers methods, theory and application domains to the field of machine
learning. Data mining is a field of study within machine learning, and focuses on exploratory data
analysis through unsupervised learning. In its application across business problems, machine learning is also referred
to as predictive analytics.


Training steps to create Haar-like classifier:

STEP 1 Collecting Image Database: All the students will receive 200 positive and 200 negative sample images for
training. You may like to add more positive and negative images by recording some sequences in HAKA1 or adding
more public images from Internet resources. The positive images are those images that contain the object (e.g. face
or eye), and negatives are those ones which do not contain the object. Having more number of positive and negative
(back ground) images will normally cause a more accurate classifier.

STEP 2 Arranging Negative Images: Put your background images in folder …\training\negative and run the batch
file create_list.bat

STEP 3 Crop & Mark Positive Images: In this step you need to create a data file (vector file) that contains the
names of positive images as well as the location of the objects in each image. You can create this file via two utilities
Objectmarker or Image Clipper. The first one is simpler and faster, and the second one is a bit more versatile but
more time consuming to work. We continue with Objectmaker which is straight forward; however, you may try

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International Journal of Information Sciences and Application (IJISA). ISSN 0974-2255, Vol.11, No.1, 2019, (Special Issue)
© International Research Publication House.

Image Clipper later. In folder ..\training\positive\rawdata put you positive images In folder ..\training\positive there
is a file objectmaker.exe that we need it for marking the objects in positive images. Note that in order to correctly run
objectmaker.exe two files cv.dll and highgui.dll should also exist at current directory.

STEP 4 Creating a vector of positive images: In folder..\training\ there is a batch file named samples_creation.bat.
The batch file loads info.txt and packs the object images into a vector file with the name of e.g. facevector.vec After
running the batch file, you will have the file facevector.vec in the folder..\training\vector.

STEP 5 Haar-Training: Harrtraining.exe collects a new set of negative samples for each stage, and –nneg sets the
limit for the size of the set. It uses the previous stages’ information to determine which of the "candidate samples" are
misclassified. Training ends when the ratio of misclassified samples to candidate samples is lower than FRstage no.

STEP 6 Creating the XML:

File After finishing Haar-training step, in folder../training/cascades/ you should have catalogues named from “0” upto
“N-1” in which N is the number of stages you already defined in haartraining.bat.
In each of those catalogues there should be AdaBoostCARTHaarClassifier.txt file. Copy all the folders 0..N-1 into
the folder ../cascade2xml/data/ now we should combine all created stages (classifiers) into a single XML file which
will be our final file a “cascade of Haar-like classifiers”.


Figure 1 Figure 2

From the given images (Fig 1.1 and Fig 1.2) we can see that the system is moderately able to identify objects
including face, eyes, smile, nose, watch and phone. Earlier, OpenCV classifiers are only able to identify only eyes,
face, nose and smile but in our classifier, our system is able to identify watch, phones, and smiles on multiple faces.

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International Journal of Information Sciences and Application (IJISA). ISSN 0974-2255, Vol.11, No.1, 2019, (Special Issue)
© International Research Publication House.


The main goal of the present work has been to introduce the concepts and techniques of computer vision and
object/human tracking. We presented some basic concepts of Computer Vision and defined a tracking problem
as a framework. We explored the theories of current solutions in visual object tracking. We demonstrated some of
the fundamental techniques implemented in Python OpenCV and MATLAB that can be used in human detection
and tracking in video. The advantages of OpenCV make it a powerful open source tool at the reach of any user.
However, this tool demands considerable programming efforts, even from the first steps when installation of
the program is required (sometimes it is thought that the most complicated in OpenCV is the installation
process), are also obligatory for a better understanding of the implemented methods in OpenCV. Considering the
approaches obtained in the replications and the versatility of the language, these techniques can be used to
develop applications for online video surveillance in processor boards Future work will consider them as a base
point to applications over mentioned boards. We also consider as future research the use of machine learning
algorithms in the implementation of surveillance systems

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