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Anti-In Ammatory Effect of Ampelocissus Indica (L.) Planch (Chembravalli) in Wistar Rats

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Anti-in ammatory Effect of Ampelocissus Indica

(L.) Planch (Chembravalli) in Wistar Rats

Nithya V S  (  nithyasarangi3@gmail.com )
P G Scholar, Department of Dravyaguna vijnanam, Govt. Ayurveda College Thiruvananthapuram
Indulekha V C 
Associate professor , Department of Dravyaguna vijnanam, Govt. Ayurveda College
Helen Antony 
professor, Department of Biochemistry, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram


Keywords: Chembravalli, Ampelocissus indica (L.)Planch, anti in ammatory, Ayurveda, Hortus

Malabaricus, Paw edema

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-54571/v1

License:   This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.  
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Ampelocissus indica (L.)Planch, Vitaceae locally known as Chembravalli, is medicinal plant used for
in ammatory skin ailments and documented in Hortus Malabaricus, and traditional Ayurveda books.

To conduct phyto-chemical and acute toxicity of root of A.indica and to evaluate its anti-in ammatory

Materials and methods

Phyto-chemical pro ling of root of A.indica was done as per standard ICMR methods and acute toxicity
as per OECD-425. Decoction of A.indica (AI-8.64 ml/kg, AI-4.32 ml/kg) and ethanolic extract (AIE-
500 mg/kg) were orally given to rats with Carrageenan induced rat paw edema and also in other rats with
Cotton pellet induced granuloma; paw volume, weight of granuloma, histopathology, serum TNF α, IL1β
were assessed.

Oral administration of decoction AI-8.64 ml/kg, AI-4.32 ml/kg, and AIE-500 mg/kg signi cantly reduced
in ammation by reducing paw volume, serum TNF α, IL1β. AI-8.64 ml/kg signi cantly reduced weight of
granuloma and serum TNF α, IL1β. No acute toxicity was found upto 2000 mg/kg. Flavonoids, phenols,
tannins, saponins, and steroids found in A.indica extract.

The present nding suggested that A.indica has a protective effect on experimental in ammation in rats
and phytochemical pro le will be useful for further studies

1. Background
In ammation is the immune system's response to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells,
toxic compounds, or irradiation, and acts by removing injurious stimuli and initiating the healing process.
In ammation is therefore a defense mechanism that is vital to health. Usually, during acute in ammatory
responses, cellular and molecular events and interactions e ciently minimize impending injury or
infection. However, uncontrolled acute in ammation may become chronic, contributing to a variety of

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chronic in ammatory diseases(1). The early phase of acute in ammation involves the cellular in ux
associated with the release of mediators such as histamine and serotonin, which are primarily released
from mast cells, followed by the production of bradykinin and prostaglandins. During an in ammatory
response, several proin ammatory mediators are released, including interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), tumor
necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and cyclooxygenase- 2 (COX-2). These mediators have important role in the
initiation and ampli cation of in ammatory processes(2). The NF-κB transcription factor plays important
roles in in ammatory, immune response, survival, and apoptosis processes. This pathway regulates pro-
in ammatory cytokine production and in ammatory cell recruitment, which contribute to the
in ammatory response(1). Current anti-in ammatory medications; steroidal and nonsteroidal anti-
in ammatory drugs (NSAIDs) having several adverse effects. This creates an emerging interest in natural
herbal remedies and dietary supplement for in ammation(3).

According to the WHO report, about 70–80% of the world’s population relies on nonconventional medicine
mainly from herbal sources in their primary health care (4). The need of the hour is therefore to explore
such knowledge of traditional medicines for the bene t of humanity. A.indica(AI) is locally known as
Chembravalli documented in Hortus Malabaricus(5), and some Keraliya traditional books like
Chikitsamanjari(6), Arogyakalpadrumam(7), Yogamrutam(8) and Vaidyatarakam(9) prescribed for
in ammatory skin ailments, wound healing. Anti oxidant, anti diabetic and diuretic properties of the plant
and its fractions has been explored earlier (10, 11). Since the traditional knowledge claims the cure of
in ammatory skin ailments and wounds; the present study intended to see the anti-in ammatory effect
of A.indica in Wistar rats

Carrageenan-induced paw edema is one of the most popular and highly sensitive and reproducible test
for new non-steroidal anti-in ammatory drugs(12). The cotton pellet granuloma method has been widely
employed to access the transudative, exudative and proliferative components of sub acute
in ammation(13).

2. Materials And Methods

2.1. Plant material.: The root tuber of the A.indica was collected from its natural habitat in Chippancira
(Kerala state, India) (Fig1) The plant was authenticated by Dr. Mathew Dan, Senior Scientist & Head Plant
Genetic Resource Division Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanical Garden Palod, Thiruvananthapuram,
Kerala, India.(Fig 2) and the voucher specimen was deposited at the department of Dravyaguna vijnana
of Govt Ayurveda College Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.

 2.2 Method of preparation of decoction: Fresh root tuber of A. indica was cleaned, dried in shade. 48 g of
coarsely powdered A.indica was boiled with 768ml water and reduced to 96 ml (as per Ayurveda
pharmacopeia of India(14).

  2.3 Method of preparation of ethanolic extract: 100g of coarsely powdered tubers of A.indica was taken
in a conical ask and re exed for one hour in 98% 1000ml ethanol. The extract was ltered and

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evaporated on a rotary evaporator under reduced pressure to obtain the viscous residue and evaporated
to dryness over a water bath.

 2.4 Biological activity assays

Animals and preparation of test samples for bioassay: Female Wistar rats (150 ± 50 g) were purchased
from the Animal house of Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology
Thiruvananthapuram and housed under standard condition (12h light / 12h dark cycle at 25± 2˚C) with
free access to standard laboratory food and water.

Carrageenan purchased from Sigma Corporation (USA) was suspended in physiological saline at a
concentration of 1%. Antibodies for ELISA and FITC conjugated antibodies were purchased from Abcam,
UK. ELISA plates were purchased from NUNC, Denmark.

2.5 Acute toxicity of A.indica as per OECD guidelines 425

 Acute toxicity of A.indica was evaluated as per xed single dose procedure (limit test) by the
Organization for Economic corporation and Development-OECD guidelines 425(15). Five healthy
nulliparous female Wistar albino rats weighing 150g to 200 g were selected and were deprived of feed
overnight and 3 h after the administration of decoction. 2000 mg/kg of decoction was administered
orally and were observed individually for mortality and toxic symptoms at 10 min, 30 min, 1 h, 2 h, 4 h
and 6 h and once daily thereafter for 14 days.

2.6 Establishment of carrageenan-induced hind paw edema model and drug administration

The rats were randomly divided into 6 groups (n=5), namely normal, Carrageenan control,
indomethacin5mg/kg (standard drug), AI-8.64ml/kg (normal dose of A.indica decocotion), AI-
4.32ml/kg(half dose of decoction of A.indica) and AIE -500mg/kg (ethanolic extract of A.indica). The
decoction AI- 8.64ml/kg, AI- 4.32ml/kg and the ethanolic extract AIE-500mg/kg, indometacin -5mg/kg,
were administered orally an hour prior to the carrageenan injection . The rats in control groups were on
distilled water. Carrageenan (0.1mL of 1% solution in normal saline) was injected subcutaneously into
plantar fascia of the right hind paw. Measured paw volume at time points, i.e., 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 hr after
carrageenan challenge using a Plethysmometer(16). Blood samples were collected 5 hour after induction
of in ammation and centrifuged immediately at 3000 rpm for 10 min. The serum was transferred and
stored at -200C

2.7 Cotton pellet induced granuloma model and drug administration

Rats after overnight fasting, sterile cotton pellet (20 ± 1 mg) was implanted subcutaneously in the inter-
scapular region and after the implantation the wound was closed by interrupted suture. The procedure
was done under anaesthesia using ketamine hydrochloride injection (40mg/kg i.p). Animals were given
the test and standard drug orally once a daily for 7 consecutive days from the day of implantation. On the
8th day, the rats were sacri ced and wet cotton pellets with granuloma were dissected out. Then, they
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were dried in hot air oven at 60°C for 24 h and again the dry weight has determined(16). Blood was
extracted via cardiac puncture and centrifuged at 3500 rpm for 15 minutes at 4℃. Serum was frozen at
-17℃ until analyzed. The skin area around granulomatous tissue were taken out and stored in 10%
neutral-buffered formaldehyde.

2.8 Analysis of IL-1β, TNF-α

TNF-α, IL-1β levels in serum were quanti ed using ELISA (Engvall and Perlman, 1971) method (17).
(0.5ml of o-dianisidine in methanol(1%) + 21ml of citrate phosphate buffer (PH5.0) + 2.4μl 30% H2O2)
was used as a substrate and the absorbance of the colored HRP product was measured
spectrophotometrically at 490nm by an automated microplate reader (Thermo Multiskan Spectrum).

2.9 Histopathological analysis: Skin tissue slices were embedded in para n and thin sections at 4mm
thickness was made using a semi-automated microtome. The sections were stained with Hematoxylin
and Eosin, and observed under light microscope to identify the in ammatory changes. Images were
captured at 10 and 40 magni cations using DP71 digital camera system Histopathology was evaluated
qualitatively with help of a quali ed veterinary pathologist.

2.10 Phytochemical pro le of A.indica

The physical and physicochemical parameters such as moisture content, volatile oil, ash values, ber
content, sugar content, extractive values and qualitative analysis of alkaloid, tannins, avanoids, phenols,
saponins, steroids and HPTLC ngerprint were done as per the standard procedure mentioned in
Ayurveda Pharmacopoeia of India(14). Heavy metals content (copper, zinc, iron, cadmium and lead) also
measured using Atomic absorption spectrometry (Thermo-scienti c, USA)

2.11 Statistical analyses: comparison of paw volume at different time was done by repeated measure of
ANOVA with Post hoc multiple comparison tests. Analysis of granuloma weight was by ANOVA and
Tukey's multiple comparison. The TNFα and IL-1β were analyzed by One-way ANOVA.

3. Results
3.1 Plant material  

3.2 Acute toxicity study: Throughout the observation period neither incidence of mortality nor animals
found in a moribund condition. Body weight gain and animal behavior were normal for 14days.  Thus
decoction of A.indica is safe up to the dose of 2000 mg/kg, in tested rats.

3.3 Carrageenan induced paw edema model:  three hours after carrageen injection, carrageenan control
group showed marked paw odema, but the drug treated groups; indomethacin-5mg/kg, AI-8.64ml/kg, AI-
4.32ml/kg and AIE-500mg/kg; demonstrated signi cant amelioration on edema comparing with the

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control group (p < 0.01) as illustrated in Fig 3 and Table 1. The edema reduction continued up to ve

Table 1: post hoc multiple comparison test of mean of paw edema in different groups

group Subset

1 2 3 4 5

Normal control 11.80        

Indomethacin5mg/kg   12.72      

AI8.64ml/kg   12.81 12.81    

AI4.32ml/kg     12.90 12.90  

AIE 500mg/kg       13.05  

Carrageenan control         13.44

 Sig. 1.000 0.642 0.599 0.157 1.000

Data represents the post hoc multiple comparison test of mean of paw edema in different groups.
Induction with Carrageenan showed obvious increase in paw volume  at 1% signi cance in group
Carrageenan control compared with normal control. All the drug treated group (indomethacin5mg/kg, AI-
8.64ml/kg, AI-4.32ml/kg and AIE-500mg/kg) showed signi cant reduction in paw volume when
compared with control group.  However highest reduction was found in group treated with
indomethacin5mg/kg and AI- 8.64ml/kg.

3.4 Cotton pellet induced granuloma model:   There was signi cant reduction of weight of granuloma in
indomethacine5mg/kg, AI8.64ml/kg when compared with control group as illustrated in  Fig 4. No
signi cant reduction in AI.4.32ml/kg and AIE 500mg/kg. 

3.5 Analysis of IL-1β, TNF-α

 In Carrageenan induced paw edema the levels of IL-1β, TNFα in the treated groups;
indomethacin5mg/kg, AI-8.64ml/kg, AI-4.32ml/kg and AIE-500mg/kg group were signi cantly reduced   in
comparison to the control group (p < 0.05) depicted in table 2. Highest reduction was found in group
treated with indomethacin5mg/kg and AI 8.64ml/kg.

In cotton pellet induced granuloma rats also the levels of IL-1β, TNFα in the treated
groups;Indomethacin5mg/kg, AI-8.64ml/kg, AI-4.32ml/kg and AIE-500mg/kg showed signi cant (p<.05)
reduction   when compared with cotton pellet control group is shown in table 2.Highest reduction was
found in group treated with indomethacin-5mg/kg and AI-8.64ml/kg.
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Table  2 Serum biochemical analysis

Groups Paw edema Cotton pellet granuloma

  IL-1β   TNF-α IL-1β   TNF-α

Normal control 0.082±0.003 0.092±0.003 0.0871±0.003 0.0953±0.003

Carrageenan control & cotton 2.29±0.085a 1.66±0.061 a 0.2973±0.011a 0.3372±0.012

pellet control a

AI4.32ml/kg 1.24±0.046a,b 1.1275±0.042 0.2860±0.010a,b 0.3085±0.011

a,b a,b

AI8.64ml/kg 1.21±0.045 0.9246±0.034 0.1999±0 0.2501±0.009

a,b a,b
.007a,b a,b

AIE 500mg/kg 1.57±0.0588 1.07±0.039 0.2870±0.010a,b 0.2993±0.011

a,b a,b a,b

Indomethacin 5mg/kg 0.747± 0.719±0.026 0.1814±0.006a,b 0.2030±0.007

0.0278 a,b a,b a,b

 Values expressed as the average of 6 values ± SEM in each group, a-The statistical difference compared
with            normal control at (p<0.05). b- Statistical difference compared with carrageenan control at

3.6 Histopathological analysis: Microscopic sections of skin as depicted in Fig 5, shows variable degree
of sub acute in ammation often predominated by histiyocytes. Occasional giant cells were seen
indicating a granulomatous reaction found in control group which was absent in treated groups. The
extent and severity of lesions could not be graded.

Histopathological analysis of skin tissue around the granuloma. A- normal rat skin (magni cation 10X),
B- cotton pellet control(magni cation 40X),C- indomethacin5mg/kg(magni cation 10X),    D- AI8.64ml/kg
(magni cation 40X), E- AI 4.32ml/kg  (magni cation 10X), F AIE500mg/kg magni cation 40X)

3.7 Phyto-chemical analysis : Phyto-chemical analysis of A.indica showed presence of alkaloid, tannins,
avanoids, phenols, saponins, steroids  and other physio-chemical parameters depicted in table 3 and
HPTLC ngerprint was obtained in solvent system Chloroform : Methanol: Aceton(5:3:2) shown in Fig 6.
The heavy metals analysed were within limits as shown in table 4        

Table 3 Physico chemical evaluation of root of A.indica

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Si.no Experiment Root tuber

1 Foreign matter (%) Nil

2 Moisture content (%) 10

3 Volatile oil (%) Nil

4 Water soluble extractive (%) 7.09

5 Alcohol soluble extractive (%) 1.53

6 Total ash (%) 0.0308

7 Water insoluble ash  (%) 0.01155

8 Acid insoluble ash   (%) 0.00689

9 Total sugar  (%) 4.60

Reducing  sugar (%) 3.81

10 Fibre content  (%) 11.47%


 Table 4 Atomic absorption spectroscopy (in parts per millionppm)

Heavy metal A.indica Maximum

concentarion in ppm permissible


Copper 0.1763ppm  

Zinc 0.2030ppm 20

Cadmium 0.0240ppm 0.3

Iron 3.0374ppm 27.4

Lead 0.1234ppm 10

4. Discussion
In this study, we elucidated the anti-in ammatory potential of A.indica. In ammation was described as
"the succession of changes which occurs in a living tissue when it is injured provided that the injury is not
of such a degree as to at once destroy its structure and vitality” or "the reaction to injury of the living
microcirculation and related tissues(18).

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The carrageenan-induced paw edema in rats, with the advantage of high stability, convenience in
operation, short time period and obvious manifestations, is a classical model to estimate the anti-
in ammatory activity of natural products(19). Therefore, we applied this model to investigate the acute
anti-in ammatory effect. Carrageenans are polysaccharides that induce in ammatory responses and
clinical symptoms such as edema, erythema and hyperalgesia appeared immediately after the injection
of carrageenan(20). The development of these symptoms resulted from the action of pro-in ammatory
agents such as bradykinin, histamine, complement and reactive oxygen, which can be generated in situ at
the site of insult or by in ltrating cells like Neutrophils also in ammatory cytokines, such as IL-1β, IL-6,
TNF-α, and in ammatory proteins and enzymes. These molecules can potentially serve as biomarkers for
diseases diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutic decision making(1).

Carrageenan evokes biphasic edema, the rst phase of which is mediated by the release of histamine and
serotonin from mast cells and the second phase of which involves neutrophil in ltration and the release
of prostaglandin E2, cytokines such as IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-α which can be attributed to the action
of inducible cyclooxygenase (COX- 2)(21). The second phase is continued until 5 h after the induction of
in ammation.

 Indomethacine was the reference drug for carrageenan-induced paw edema model in this study. After 4-5
hours; all the drug treated groups produced signi cant reduction in paw volume (p<.01), when compared
with carrageenan control group. Indomethacin 5mg/kg treated group and AI- 8.64ml/kg group showed
high reduction in paw volume, also the AI-4.32ml/kg and AIE-500mg/kg group has signi cant reduction in
paw volume when compared with control group. So based on the above reports, it can be inferred that the
anti-in ammatory effect of A.indica may be due to the inhibition of the enzyme cyclooxygenase leading
to the inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis.

The cotton pellet granuloma method has been widely employed to access the transudative, exudative and
proliferative components of subacute in ammation(13). In this study the Indomethacin 5mg/kg group
and AI-8.64ml/kg group elicited signi cant reduction on the weight of granuloma at p<.01, when
compared with cotton pellet control group. AI-4.32ml/kg and AIE-500mg/kg were not elicited signi cant
reduction on the weight of granuloma.

TNF-α and IL-1β are pro-in ammatory cytokines that are involved in the interaction with various target
cells as well as diverse immunological functions. These cytokines also mediate immunity and
in ammation. Large amounts of TNF-α and IL-1β are released by macrophages(22). The drug treated
groups signi cantly reduced ( p<01) TNF-α, IL-1β level in rat serum when compared with control group.
Indomethacin 5mg/kg and AI-8.64ml/kg treated group showed high reduction in serum TNF-α, and IL-1β
than AI-4.32ml/kg and AI-E500mg/kg even though they are signi cant when compared with the control
group. Reduction of cytokine can be attributed to the anti-in ammatory activity.

Histopathological analysis was done on the skin tissue around the granuloma. All the groups showed
signs of in ammation when compared with normal control. Occasional giant cells were seen indicating a

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granulomatous reaction found in control group which was absent in treated groups. The extent and
severity of lesions could not be graded.

In acute oral toxicity test, no mortality recorded even at the highest dose level administered. This proves
that drug is safe up to the dose 2000mg/kg.

Authentication and phytochemical pro ling of root of A.indica was carried out as a part of
standardization of herbal drug. In preliminary phytochemical screening, the value of water soluble
extractive is higher than the alcohol soluble extractive; which may be due to the presence of more water
soluble principles and starch content of tuber. The qualitative analysis of the sample revealed the
presence of avonoids, phenols, alkaloids, tannins, saponins, which indicates that it is a potent drug.
Heavy metal contents were within the permissible limit, indicating good collection and storage practice of
the A.indica sample. The phytochemical parameters can be used for future drug evaluation.

The phytochemical analysis of A.indica revealed the presence of avonoids. Flavonoids are reported as
antioxidants and scavengers of free radicals(19). The antioxidant activity of A. indica is proven(10).So
the avonoids present in the drug A.indica may be the main phytochemical responsible for the observed
anti-in ammatory property of the drug.

5. Conclusion
The decoction and extract of A.indica have anti-in ammatory effects and the probable mechanism is
down regulation of cytokines such as IL-1β, and TNF-α. The phytochemicals present in A.indica such as
avonoids, steroids and tannins may also modulate by its antioxidant property . The acute toxicity study
proved that the drug is safe up to the dose 2000mg/kg.

6. Declarations
Ethics approval

Animal welfare and experimental procedures were carried out strictly in accordance with the Guide for the
Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and approved by Institutional Animal Ethics Committee and CPCSEA
committee (2015/GO/Re/S/18/CPCSEA 12/06/2018) in Government Ayurveda College

Consent for publication

 Not applicable

Availability of data and materials

All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this article

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 Competing interest

 The authors declare that there are no competing interest.


Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment

Authors contribution

Nithya V S – conducted the entire study

Indulekha V C – guide ship for the entire study

Helen Antony – biochemical analysis


With profound indebtedness, I am thankful to

Dr. Jollykutty Eapen M.D (Ay), former DAME, former Principal, Govt. Ayurveda College,
Thiruvananthapuram for institutional support

Dr. M.A Shajahan MD (Ay), former Professor and HOD of Department of Dravyaguna vijnanam, Govt.
Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram for institutional support

Dr. A. Shahul Hameed MD (Ay), Professor and HOD of the Department of Dravyaguna vijnanam, Govt.
Ayurveda College, Thiruvananthapuram for institutional support

Dr. Deepa. M. S MD (Ay), Associate Professor, Department of Dravyaguna vijnanam, Govt. Ayurveda
College, Thiruvananthapuram for institutional support

Dr. Mathew Dan, Senior Scientist & Head Plant Genetic Resource Division JNTBGRI Palod, Mr. Jayalal
staff of JNTBGRI Palod for authentication of plant material

Mrs. Monisha, Phd scholar Dept. of Biochemistry, Kerala University for biochemical analysis

Dr. Anilkumar scientist, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology,
Thiruvananthapuram for histopathological analysis

Prof. Somasekharan professor and HOD Dept. of statistics, Kerala University and Mr.Nidhi P Ramesh,
Assistant Professor, Dept. of statistics, Mar Athanasius College, Ernakulam, for statistical analysis

Dr. Meena C V, Mr. Mahadevan and Mrs. Rosamma. M.P  Research O cers, Drug Standardization Unit
Govt. Ayurveda college, Thiruvananthapuram for phytochemical analysis.

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Figure 1

Histopathology samples

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Figure 2

box plot diagram of analysis of granuloma weight

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Figure 3

Line diagram of analysis of paw volume

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Figure 4

Authenticated sample of A.indica

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Figure 5

Root tubers of A.indica

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Figure 6

HPTLC densitogram

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