Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Rusted Reinforcement Bar in RCC Beam
Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Rusted Reinforcement Bar in RCC Beam
Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Rusted Reinforcement Bar in RCC Beam
Nidhi Singh
Babu Banarasi Das Institute of Technology & Management, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Department of Civil Engineering
Abstract— Corrosion of the reinforcing steel in concrete is a means of renovation, maintenance and modification. These
worldwide problem that causes a range of economic, aesthetic all are related to strength of the structure. Need for repair
and utilization issues. However with the passage of time, the and rehabilitation of structures are
structure starts getting older and starts showing some signs Faulty design of the structure
like cracking, splitting, delaminating and corrosion of steel etc
.Corrosion of steel bars embedded in reinforced concrete (RC) Improper execution and bad workmanship
structures reduces the service life and results in appearance of Extreme weathering and environmental conditions
cracks in member thatby causes prior failure of structure, High degree of chemical attack
which costs the repair and maintenance of the RCC structure.
Attention should be directed at corrosion reduction practices Ageing of structures.
at the design and planning stages . Deterioration of rusted
rebar can be overcomed by adopting a patch repair
technique, which restores the undamaged state and it is shown
clearly by adopting a patch repair technique with replacing
rusted steel rebar . This research work aims to lighten the
importance of monitoring corrosion in reinforcement and
proposes the various methods for observing and evaluating
the corrosion state of reinforced concrete structures,
especially by using hal-cell potential method. This research
work also presents techniques of protecting rcc structure
from corrosion.
Corrosion of steel bars in RCC structure is the major cause
of failure and about two tons of concrete is used per capita
Index Terms—Rusted reinforcement bar, corrosion, electrolyte,
repair strategy, protection methods
of the world population every year. Therefore, it has been
perceived that most durable structures will reduce the
cement consumption. Corrosion continuously reduces the
I. INTRODUCTION strength and span life of rcc structures and in humid
atmosphere corrosion causing substance from atmosphere
Concrete is the most widely used and versatile construction percolates through the insufficient and porous concrete
material possessing several advantages and it has end up cover and results in corrosion of rebar. After the start of
being practically basic to the present day development. corrosion process in reinforcing steel bar, layer of
Concrete has enough mechanical strength, yet it is prone to corrosion over bar expand and occupies a volume of about
deterioration and thus gets negative effect over structure 6 to 10 times greater than that of original steel which
and sometimes even fails. This damage of the structures results in cracking of concrete cover and ultimately results
may be due to the weathering action of atmosphere, fire, in the failure of rcc structures. Penetration of corrosion
soil strata failure, improper workmanship in construction causing reagent such as chloride ions & carbon dioxide
and also because to natural disaster like flood, earthquake, deposited at the spot of cracks, which further causes the
tsunami etc. Reinforced concrete structure requires periodic increase of corrosion .Its extent can be reduced by use of
maintenance and proper guidance. Rehabilitation is the low permeable concrete and proper depth of effective cover
process of restoring the structure to serve level , the same which minimizes the penetration extent of corrosion
level once it had and now lost ,strengthening consist in inducing agent, and the high penetration resistance of
endowing the structure with a service level ,basically it concrete restricts the rate of corrosion by minimizing the
means retuning a building or a structure to useful state by current flow from anode to cathode.
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