SPL-9010-0211 Acceptable Gaging Practices

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Spiralock Corporation Engineering Document

DRAWN: A.B. 13 OCT 03 Definition of
CHIEF ENG.: B.J.M. 15 OCT 03
APPROVAL: Gaging Practices
PATH: \\SPLSRV1\Engineering\Standard\Spiralock Standards\

1. Conventional Spiralock threads:

Conventional Spiralock threads are defined as those of 32 threads per inch and coarser
in English sizes and 0.80 mm lead and coarser in Metric sizes. These threads utilize a
three (3) member gaging system. It consists of one (1) GO Pitch Diameter & Ramp
Gage, one (1) NOT-GO Pitch Diameter Gage and one (1) NOT-GO Ramp Gage. In the
catalog, these gages are defined as GO PLUG, HI-LIMIT P.D. and HI-LIMIT RAMP,
respectively (See Section 13.3).

2. Sawtooth Spiralock Threads:

Spiralock sawtooth threads are defined as those finer than 32 threads per inch in English
sizes and finer than 0.80 mm lead in Metric sizes. These threads utilize a two (2)
member gaging system. It consists of one (1) GO Pitch Diameter & Ramp gage and one
(1) NOT-GO Ramp gage. In the catalog these gages are defined as GO PLUG and HI-
LIMIT respectively (See Section 13.4).

3. GO Gage Utilization Practice:

The GO PLUG gage is designed to check that the minimum feature limits of the threaded
hole have been met. This is to ensure that the mating screw manufactured to the
maximum tolerance limits of Class 2A English sizes and Class 6g Metric sizes will enter
the threaded hole.

The Spiralock GO PLUG gage should enter the tapped hole or fastener from the same
direction as would the male threaded member, and should enter for the full length of

Spiralock Corporation CAGE CODE: ENG. STD. NO.:

Madison Heights, MI 48071
17353 SPL-9010-0211
[email protected] SHEET: REV.: DATE:

1 OF 7 5.3 08 FEB 11
Spiralock Corporation Engineering Document
Definition of Acceptable Gaging Practices

It is preferred that the gage be free spinning in the threaded hole so as to minimize the
wear on the gage. Drag on the gage caused by metal-to-metal contact is acceptable
provided that the gage is still within certifiable limits. Provided that only hand threading of
the gage into the hole is used, the amount of drag is not limited. However, it must be
recognized that drag induces wear and that re-certification of the gages must be
performed more frequently.

4. NOT-GO Gage Utilization Practice:

The NOT-GO Gages are designed to check that the threaded hole does not surpass the
maximum feature limits. This is to ensure that the mating screw manufactured to the
minimum tolerances limits of Class 2A English sizes and Class 6g Metric sizes will seat

4.1. HI-LIMIT Pitch Diameter Plug Gage:

4.1.1.Threads are acceptable as within the maximum feature limits of the pitch diameter
if the NOT-GO Pitch Diameter Gage does not enter the threaded hole.

4.1.2. Threads are also acceptable if all complete product threads can be entered,
provided that a definite drag from contact with the product material results on or before
the third turn of entry. The gage should not be forced after the drag is definite. Special
requirements such as exceptionally thin or ductile material, or small number of threads,
may necessitate modification of this practice.

4.2. HI-LIMIT Ramp Plug Gage:

4.2.1. Threads are acceptable as within the minimum material limits of ramp position if
the NOT-GO Ramp Gage does not enter the threaded hole.

4.2.2. Threads are also acceptable if the NOT-GO Ramp Gage enters the threaded hole,
up to a maximum of three (3) full revolutions into the threaded hole. Special
requirements such as exceptionally thin or ductile material, or small number of threads,
may necessitate modification of this practice.

Drag on the gage is a result of metal-to-metal contact and under no circumstances

should the NOT-GO Gage be forced when the gage will no longer turn by hand.

Spiralock Corporation CAGE CODE: ENG. STD. NO.:

Madison Heights, MI 48071
17353 SPL-9010-0211
[email protected] SHEET: REV.: DATE:

2 OF 7 5.3 08 FEB 11
Spiralock Corporation Engineering Document
Definition of Acceptable Gaging Practices
5. Gaging Heat Treated Spiralock Threads:

When gaging Spiralock threads that will be heat treated, all gage members (GO & NOT-
GO) must function properly both before and after heat treating. [Exceptions may be
handled by use of a functional gage. Contact Spiralock for more information.]

6. Gaging Spiralock Threads in Fasteners:

When gaging Spiralock fasteners, the GO and NOT-GO Gages are utilized as outlined in
Section 3 with the gage entering from same direction as would the male threaded
member. Threads are acceptable or rejectable per Sections 4.1 and 4.2 guidelines.

7. Gaging Plated Spiralock Threads:

When gaging Spiralock threads, it should be the practice to gage threads with Spiralock
GO and NOT-GO gages before plating to determine acceptability. Given all of the
different types and thicknesses of platings, Spiralock Corporation does not produce taps
or gages to compensate for plating thickness. Spiralock gages check for function as well
as size, so Spiralock does not rely on plating to make the thread gageable due to the fact
that platings are usually softer than the base material of the tapped hole. The free
running feature of Spiralock can only be guaranteed in non-plated tapped holes.
Because of the variations in plating thicknesses the GO gage may drag, or not fully enter,
the thread in some cases. If the thread was gaged successfully before plating Spiralock
will function properly.

8. Gaging as a Service Procedure:

When a product using Spiralock threads returns from the field and the servicing
procedure calls for thread inspection, Spiralock recommends re-gaging the threads to
validate that the thread form is still within acceptable dimensional limits. Residual debris
in the tapped hole must be cleared away first by either washing or blowing out the hole or
by running a Spiralock tap into the hole. CAUTION: using a standard 60 ° tap to clean out
a Spiralock hole will cut away the Spiralock locking feature.

Only the NO-GO gages are required for re-gaging a Spiralock hole since they will show if
any distortion has occurred in either the pitch diameter or the ramp feature.

If quantitative data is needed to requalify the hole(s), please contact Spiralock to learn
about more advanced analytical services offered.

Spiralock Corporation CAGE CODE: ENG. STD. NO.:

Madison Heights, MI 48071
17353 SPL-9010-0211
[email protected] SHEET: REV.: DATE:

3 OF 7 5.3 08 FEB 11
Spiralock Corporation Engineering Document
Definition of Acceptable Gaging Practices

9. Certification and Re-certification:

The goal of Spiralock Corporation is to maintain the integrity of the Spiralock thread form
in the marketplace. Spiralock Corporation maintains strict controls on the thread form
specifications, gage specifications, and the manufacturing of Spiralock products. At the
time of manufacture a unique serial number is assigned to each gage member for
traceability, and a long form certification is also supplied for each gage member. A copy
of each certification (or re-certification) is retained at Spiralock Corporation for the life of
the gage and may be used to evaluate wear at the time of re-certification.

It is Spiralock Corporation's suggestion that customers use this document as a

"controlled document" to govern the use and re-certification of Spiralock gages.
Establish a regular re-certification schedule, through Spiralock Corporation, based on the
number of uses of a gage (rather than a fixed time period) to ensure that used gages
remain within specification.

Spiralock gaging practices and procedures are per the U.S. Department of Commerce
and National Bureau of Standards, Screw-Thread Standards for Federal Services,
Handbook H28, Section VI (FED-STD-H28)

Gage tolerances are per ANSI/ASME/B1.2 and FED-STD-H28 Class “X” (Unified Inch)
and ANSI/ASME/B1.16M Class “X” (Metric)

Standard gage blanks and handles are per ANSI/ASME B47.1

Gages are inspected and certified per MIL-STD-45662A and ANSI/NSCL Z540-1-1994

10. Compatibility with non-Spiralock threads:

Spiralock gages should only be used to gage holes created by Spiralock tooling (taps,
thread mill cutters, carbide inserts, etc.). Spiralock gages cannot determine the
functionality of non-Spiralock threads. Spiralock gages can be damaged by attempted
insertion into non-Spiralock threads.

Spiralock Corporation CAGE CODE: ENG. STD. NO.:

Madison Heights, MI 48071
17353 SPL-9010-0211
[email protected] SHEET: REV.: DATE:

4 OF 7 5.3 08 FEB 11
Spiralock Corporation Engineering Document
Definition of Acceptable Gaging Practices

11. Trademarks

Spiralock is a registered trademark of Spiralock Corporation, a Detroit Tool Industries

Company. Spiralock Corporation and its licensed subsidiaries (see section 12 below) are
the only authorized distributors of Spiralock tooling and fasteners.

The symbol "SPL" is a registered trademark of Spiralock Corporation, a Detroit Tool

Industries Company. Where the symbol "SPL" or the word "Spiralock" are designated on
engineering drawings, purchase orders, or other documentation only tooling, fasteners
and gages supplied by Spiralock Corporation can be used.

12. Applicable Documents:

These defined Spiralock gaging practices are taken in whole or in part from, and are in
conformance with, standard gaging practices as defined in the General Services
Administration, Federal Standards, Screw Thread Standards for Federal Services, FED-

13. Gage Illustrations:

13.1. Conventional Spiralock Thread Gages:

This three part gaging system is used with all Spiralock cutting tools making equal to or
coarser than 32 TPI (0.80 mm).
GO Pitch Diameter and Ramp Gage

NOT-GO Pitch Diameter and Ramp Gage

Spiralock Corporation CAGE CODE: ENG. STD. NO.:

Madison Heights, MI 48071
17353 SPL-9010-0211
[email protected] SHEET: REV.: DATE:

5 OF 7 5.3 08 FEB 11
Spiralock Corporation Engineering Document
Definition of Acceptable Gaging Practices

13.2. Conventional Spiralock Gage Specifications

Pitches Coarser Than and Including 32 Threads Per Inch

13.3. Spiralock Sawtooth Thread Gages:

Two gage system for use with all Spiralock cutting tools making finer than a 32 TPI (0.80
GO Pitch Diameter and NOT-GO Ramp Gage

13.4. Sawtooth Spiralock Gage Specifications

Pitches Finer Than 32 Threads Per Inch

Spiralock Corporation CAGE CODE: ENG. STD. NO.:

Madison Heights, MI 48071
17353 SPL-9010-0211
[email protected] SHEET: REV.: DATE:

6 OF 7 5.3 08 FEB 11
Spiralock Corporation Engineering Document
Definition of Acceptable Gaging Practices
14. Revisions

Date Revision Description Initials

03 DEC 10 5.2 Add section 8, switch 13.2 & 13.3 JRJ

08FEB11 5.3 Add Exceptions to section 5 JRJ

Spiralock Corporation CAGE CODE: ENG. STD. NO.:

Madison Heights, MI 48071
17353 SPL-9010-0211
[email protected] SHEET: REV.: DATE:

7 OF 7 5.3 08 FEB 11

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