Pipe Leakage Detection System With Artificial Neural Network
Pipe Leakage Detection System With Artificial Neural Network
Pipe Leakage Detection System With Artificial Neural Network
Muhammad Iqmmal Rezzwan Radzman1, Abd Kadir Mahamad1, Siti Zarina Mohd Muji1, Sharifah
Saon1, Mohd Anuaruddin Ahmadon2, Shingo Yamaguchi2, Muhammad Ikhsan Setiawan3
Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia
Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Yamaguchi University, Ube, Japan
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Narotama University, Surabaya, Indonesia
Corresponding Author:
Abd Kadir Mahamad
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
86400 Parit Raja, Johor, Malaysia
Email: [email protected]
Pipelines are becoming a more popular method for transporting bulk water in many nations since it
is a safe and cost-effective alternative. Each year, a large number of new pipelines are arranged and built-in
public and worldwide. Pipeline leaks can potentially cause a wide range of natural disasters and financial
problems [1]–[6]. The outflow of treated water from this country is higher than 4,27 billion liters due to
ageing pipelines. A leading expert warns that unless reactionary measures are taken, more will be wasted.
The consequences of this problem may also harm society [7]–[11].
For example, a water treatment plant pipeline leak at Sungai Selangor caused a water cut in October
2020. In a statement, Air Selangor reported that more than 686 areas in Petaling Jaya, Gombak, Klang, Shah
Alam, Kuala Lumpur, and Hulu Selangor districts were affected. Societies and economies are negatively
impacted by this situation [12]. A pipeline can leak for various reasons, such as incorrect installation,
the movement of soil around the pipeline, the depth of placement of the pipeline, and the material of
the pipeline itself. In order to minimize damage, leak detection that is accurate and enables a quick response
is imperative [13].
As per the specification report by Ranhill SAJ 2018, clean water shall be used for pipe leak testing,
and air trapped inside the system shall be exhausted via a vent. A pressure test conducted at the end of 24
hours, and the rate of loss has been calculated by dividing it by time [14]. A long time is required for this
method to yield a result, and it is less accurate.
This project proposes using a piezoelectric sensor, flowrate sensor, and pressure sensor attached to a
steel pipe to detect pipeline leaks. Any leakage detected will be sensed by the sensor, and data automatically
been sent to the cloud (Google Sheets). Then, artificial neural networks (ANNs) has been used to analyze the
data to determine the degree of leakage in the pipe.
A pipe leak occurs when liquids and gases escape from the pipeline through a leak or crack. A
relationship between leak outflows and flow conditions of water distribution systems must be defined to
understand pipe leakage conditions. The relationship between these two variables is crucial in water
distribution systems. The leak outflow, 𝑄𝐿 , depends mainly on the effective leak area 𝐶𝐿 𝐴𝐿 - defined as the
product of the discharge coefficient 𝐶𝐿 and of the leak area 𝐴𝐿 - and on the total head inside the pipe, H, or on
the piezometric head, h. Other quantities can also be considered, as pipe thickness, discharge conditions
(in air/submerged), ratio 𝑄𝐿 /𝑄𝑢 (with 𝑄𝑢 being the discharge upstream the leak), and, for large leaks, leak
shape [15], [16]. In steady-state conditions, the general equation
𝑄𝐿 = 𝑎𝐻𝑏 (1)
𝑄𝐿 = 𝐶𝐿 𝐴𝐿 √2𝑔𝐻 (2)
when a= 𝐶𝐿 𝐴𝐿 (2𝑔)1/2 and b=1/2. The (1) is used both at a global/district area scale, with H being a “mean
pressure” over the district and 𝑄𝐿 is the flow entering the district and at a local scale, considering a single
leak. In both cases, on a local as well as on a global scale, the variation of 𝐶𝐿 𝐴𝐿 with H can be used to explain
the increase of the b exponent with respect to Torricelli’s formula [18].
An artificial neural network (ANN) is a simulation model that simulates the way of the human brain
analyses, and processes information. With ANN, problems that are impossible or difficult to solve by human
or statistical standards are resolved. As a result of self-learning capabilities, this computing system is able to
produce better data analysis. ANNs consist of hundreds or thousands of artificial neurons, called processing
units, interconnected by nodes. A processing unit consists of an input unit and an output unit. Input units
receive information in a variety of forms and structures based on internal weightings, and neural networks are
learning about information to produce an output.
ANNs with feed-forward connections have connections between processing units that do not form a
cycle. The input layer, hidden layer, and the output layer of this ANN are all made up of layers. It is the first
and most straightforward type of ANN and be implemented in this proposed system.
This project aims to develop a pipeline leak detection system that operates in real-time, using the
ANN [19]–[23] and internet of things (IoT) [24]–[26]. Wireless communication is possible with this system.
A cloud server hosts the outputs data of the system, which is analyzed by ANN. As a result of the cost and
instrumentation limitations, vibration sensors module (SW 420), flowrate sensors (YF-201), and water
pressure sensors (SKU SEN0257) have been used to sense vibration, flowrate, and pressure from the
2.1. Methods
In this project, the vibration sensor, flow rate sensor, and pressure sensor has been used to detect
water leaks. As a result, the sensor does not obstruct water flow but simply senses the vibration, flowrate, and
pressure and collects the data. Microcontrollers are used in this project to read data from multiple sensors and
monitor pressure, vibration, and flowrate. Data has been collected and uploaded to the cloud by the system. A
neural network from MATLAB software has been used to analyze the stored data. Then, a minimalist
application is developed based on ANN analysis results to detect leaks. The flowchart in Figure 1 provides an
overview of the overall process.
3.2. Vibration
Figure 4 gives a comparison of vibrations based on two different data samples. Vibration data from
pipeline systems that had a leakage and those without a leakage show significant differences. Vibration data
for leakage events is very high compared to vibration data without leakage events. The pipe produced a force
Pipe leakage detection system with artificial neural network (Muhammad Iqmmal Rezzwan Radzman)
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that resulted in an unstable flow of water outside the pipe that caused this situation to occur. Despite the
absence of leakage on this pipeline system, vibrations do occur. However, they are deficient in comparison
with the vibration reading on the pipeline system with an event.
This project finds vibration to be a particularly sensitive parameter because of many external
disturbances that can prevent the data from being read properly from the vibration sensor, for example, the
vibration from the water pump, or the presence of unwanted movement close to the pipeline system. Figure 5
shows the precautions taken while working on this project to obtain accurate data and reduce an external
3.3. Pressure
Figure 6 shows the different results of pressure reading data for pipeline systems with leakage and
no leakage. Based on the results, the pressure data reading from the pipeline system shown in Figure 5, with a
leakage event is lower than pressure data for pipeline systems with no leakage event. It is because the
pressure in the pipeline system is decreased due to the existence of the leakage.
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Figure 10. Results of ANN testing Figure 11. Results for output vs target
application interface is developed by using application designer on MATLAB Software, and the functionality
of the application is determined based on ANN training results. The application is extracted from the
MATLAB software and is a standalone application in extension format (exe). Figures 12 and 13, show the
result “NO LEAKAGE” and “LEAKAGE ALERT!!!” when the random untrained data for no leakage event
and leakage event on the pipeline system is key in by the user to the application.
Figure 12. Application result for no leakage event Figure 13. Application result for leakage event data
In conclusion, this project is developed successfully. With an algorithmically programmed
approach, it can determine leakage on pipelines based on real-time data. Additionally, the data was uploaded
to the cloud database, which can be used as a reference or record in the future. In addition, the pipe leakage
detection system based on ANN application has been successfully developed and can detect the leakage
event with real-time data from the sensor. This project also includes an application representing the interface
of the system. As well as being effective, easy to use, and compatible with a wide range of devices, this
application also works properly.
Communication of the research is made possible through monetary assistance by Universiti Tun
Hussein Onn Malaysia, and this paper was partially supported by Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi
University, Japan.
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Pipe leakage detection system with artificial neural network (Muhammad Iqmmal Rezzwan Radzman)