Essay 2
Essay 2
Essay 2
Everyday we are experienced as individuals to make the right choice. How we
view ourselves as individuals and how others view us are directly connected to our
moral decision-making. But morals are somewhat misleading. What might be a wrong
decision for one person might be a solution to another. So how do we define morals?
Do we follow Gods’ moral rules because to do so would increase out likelihood of
obtaining salvation in the afterlife? Or is it simpler than that. People come face to face
with moral dilemmas every day without even realizing it. According to the Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy, a moral dilemma occurs when you find yourself in a
situation where you have to choose between two choices, both choices at some extent
are wrong. Looking back over my life, I can recall a moral dilemma that I experienced
while at work.
Kohlberg identified three distinct levels of moral reasoning:
preconventional, conventional, and postconventional. Each level has two sub-stages.
Level 1 - Preconventional morality. Preconventional morality is the first stage of moral
development, and lasts until approximately age 9. At the preconventional level children
don’t have a personal code of morality, and instead moral decisions are shaped by the
standards of adults and the consequences of following or breaking their rules. For
example, if an action leads to punishment is must be bad, and if it leads to a reward is
must be good. Authority is outside the individual and children often make moral
decisions based on the physical consequences of actions.
• Stage 2. Individualism and Exchange. At this stage, children recognize that there is not
just one right view that is handed down by the authorities. Different individuals have
different viewpoints.
Level 2 - Conventional morality. Conventional morality is the second stage of
moral development, and is characterized by an acceptance of social rules concerning
right and wrong. At the conventional level (most adolescents and adults), we begin to
internalize the moral standards of valued adult role models. Authority is internalized but
not questioned, and reasoning is based on the norms of the group to which the person
belongs. A social system that stresses the responsibilities of relationships as well as
social order is seen as desirable and must, therefore, influence our view of what is right
and wrong.
• Stage 3. Good Interpersonal Relationships. The child/individual is good in order to be
seen as being a good person by others. Therefore, answers relate to the approval of
• Stage 4. Maintaining the Social Order. The child/individual becomes aware of the
wider rules of society, so judgments concern obeying the rules in order to uphold the
law and to avoid guilt.
Level 3 - Postconventional morality. Postconventional morality is the third stage
of moral development, and is characterized by an individuals’ understanding of
universal ethical principles. These are abstract and ill-defined, but might include: the
preservation of life at all costs, and the importance of human dignity. Individual
judgment is based on self-chosen principles, and moral reasoning is based on individual
rights and justice. According to Kohlberg this level of moral reasoning is as far as most
people get. Only 10-15% are capable of the kind of abstract thinking necessary for
stage 5 or 6 (post-conventional morality). That is to say, most people take their moral
views from those around them and only a minority think through ethical principles for
• Stage 5. Social Contract and Individual Rights. The child/individual becomes aware
that while rules/laws might exist for the good of the greatest number, there are times
when they will work against the interest of particular individuals.
The issues are not always clear-cut. For example, in Heinz’s dilemma, the protection of
life is more important than breaking the law against stealing.
• Stage 6. Universal Principles. People at this stage have developed their own set of
moral guidelines which may or may not fit the law. The principles apply to everyone.
E.g., human rights, justice, and equality. The person will be prepared to act to defend
these principles even if it means going against the rest of society in the process and
having to pay the consequences of disapproval and or imprisonment. Kohlberg doubted
few people reached this stage.
Postconventional morality, a concept developed largely by psychologist
Lawrence Kohlberg, identifies the ethical reasoning of moral actors who make decisions
based on rights, values, duties, or principles that are (or could be) universalizable.
Postconventional morality is difficult to face among three levels of moral dilemma
because this means that the principles are separable from the authorities or persons
who hold them, they are open for debate and generally agreeable to individuals who
seek to live in a fair and just society, and they withstand tests of logical
comprehensiveness. Postconventional morality, as distinguished from postconventional
moral reasoning alone, also includes principled moral behavior, or moral action.