Cooling System of Motorized High-Speed Spindle

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Procedia CIRP 67 (2018) 81 – 86

11th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, CIRP ICME ‘17

State of the art and optimization of the energy flow in cooling systems of
motorized high-speed spindles in machine tools
Juliane Webera,*, Linart Shabia, Jürgen Webera
Institute of Fluid Power, TU Dresden, Helmholtzstraße 7a, 01069 Dresden, Germany

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-351-463-33320; fax: +49-351-463-32136. E-mail address: [email protected]


In high-speed cutting thermo-elastic deformations of machine tool structures and motor spindles are main causes for manufacturing inaccuracies
because they lead to a TCP displacement. Therefore, cooling systems are essential for controlling thermo-elastic properties.
The paper describes different cooling system designs of motor spindles. Their thermal energy flow is analyzed by CFD simulation, and measures
improving the heat rejection are discussed. For future work, such models will be integrated into a virtual machine tool that enables the
estimation/control of the machines’ thermal behavior.
© 2017TheThe Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier B.V.
B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 11th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 11th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering

Keywords: Machine tool; Cooling system design; Motor spindle; CFD simulation; Heat transfer; Energy flow; Roughness.

1. Introduction can be controlled more efficiently in order to reduce thermo-

elastic deformations and the necessary energy demand.
In production technology, the demands on productivity,
accuracy and power efficiency have grown steadily in recent Nomenclature
years. Especially in high-speed cutting (HSC) thermo-elastic cp Specific heat capacity (J∙kg-1∙K-1)
deformations of the machine tool structure lead to a TCP-
݀௛ Hydraulic diameter (mm)
displacement and therefore, to dimensional and form errors of
D / ‫ܦ‬ௐ Mean curvature / mean diameter (mm)
the workpiece. Accordingly, they have a negative influence on
K Sand-grain roughness (µm)
manufacturing quality and productivity. To counteract this
problem, entire production areas were increasingly air- l Flow length (m)
conditioned or long warming-up phases were included before Nu Nusselt number (-)
starting the manufacturing process – only to guarantee P/ Q̇ Electrical power (kW) / heat flux (kW)
homogeneous boundary conditions. However, such p Pressure (bar)
conventional measures inevitably lead to increased energy Pr Prandtl number (-)
requirements. Therefore, within the Collaborative Research Re Reynolds number (-)
Center CRC/TR 96 the investigations focus on thermally ܴ௭ Peak-to-valley roughness (µm)
unsteady boundary conditions, where correction and T, ߴ Temperature (K, °C)
compensation measures influencing thermo-elastic properties v Flow velocity (m∙s-1)
of machine tools are developed, which ensure high ܸሶሶ Volume flow rate (l∙min-1)
manufacturing accuracy without an additional energy demand ߙ Heat transfer coefficient HTC (W∙m-2∙K-1)
[6]. In this respect, fluid cooling systems of machine tools play ߞሺௐሻ Darcy friction factor for straight (coiled) pipe (-)
a central role. With the optimization of their design and ߟ Dynamic viscosity (mPa∙s)
operation mode the heat fluxes within the machine structure

2212-8271 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 11th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering
82 Juliane Weber et al. / Procedia CIRP 67 (2018) 81 – 86

ߣ Thermal conductivity (W∙m-1∙K-1) centrifugal forces due to channel curvature enhance the
ߩ Density (kg∙m-3) pressure drop and heat transfer in comparison with straight
channels. Furthermore, Krishna experimentally investigates
single helical channels with different helix angles in order to
Quasi-Series Parallel Single Helical Double Helical
calculate the friction factor and to predict the pressure drop
depending on the flow characteristic (laminar / turbulent) [8].

The influence on the heat transfer is not discussed.

In addition to literature research, existing motor spindles
. Domain

were analyzed, especially considering the design of their

cooling systems. Therefore, existing spindles at the Institute of
Fluid Power and further co-operating institutes within the

CRC/TR 96 (Chair of Machine Tools Development and

Adaptive Controls at Dresden University of Technology and
Fig. 1. Typical designs of stator cooling sleeves and resulting flow paths in Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering of
the fluid domain. RWTH Aachen University) were investigated. This turned out
that a meandering fluid flow according the quasi-series design
2. State of the art of the cooling sleeve (see fig. 1) is another common principle
in current motor spindle designs.
Previous studies focused on experimental investigation of This paper is focusing on the comparison between the most
entire fluid cooling systems in modern machine tools [12, 13]. common cooling sleeve designs; single and double helical
Here, and in accordance with [2], it was found, that the motor channel structure as well as quasi-series structure. Therefore, a
spindle produces the largest heat amount because of losses in 3D numerical CFD analysis is carried out for all designs.
Furthermore, possibilities for the enhancement of the heat
x the built-in motor due to copper, iron and stray losses,
transfer between solid and fluid are analyzed.
x the bearings depending on speed, preload and lubrication
x and the rotating elements due to viscosity shear of air. 3. Modelling setup
Since the precision of machine tools considerably depends on
the relative motion between tool and workpiece, TCP displace- 3.1. General setup
ments resulting from thermal deformations in the main spindle
have to be avoided primarily. Therefore, an effective cooling The general CFD workflow was described in [14]. Three
of the motor spindle with its heat losses is indispensable. major phases can be identified: preprocessing, solution and
In [14, 15] the entire fluid systems and the basic structure of post processing. Within preprocessing particular attention is
a motor spindle with its main heat sources was already paid to the meshing quality. A grid independency study is
introduced. Beside the hydraulic and the inner coolant supply performed for the single and double helical channel structure
system for tool and process cooling, the cooling system is used [14, 15]. Here it is shown that the fluid domain should have
for cooling the stator and the bearings. The cooling system minimum eight inflation layers with a first layer thickness of
itself is realized by a cooling liquid that directly flows through 10 µm. Furthermore, the solid bodies have to be considered
the spindle shaft or a cooling sleeve [10]. To realize a good heat within simulation model due to effects of heat conduction
transfer between the solid bodies, the stator is press-fitted into (conjugate heat transfer CHT). In addition, a study on the
the cooling sleeve, which consists of a thermally conductive parallel performance with different numbers of processors is
material. In addition, the sleeve may have ribs on its outer carried out in order to save additional computation time [15].
radius improving the heat transfer into the fluid. Due to rib This is of special importance executing variation studies e. g.
structures, the design of the flow channels can vary in order to optimize geometry parameters.
significantly, fig. 1 shows the most common ones. A similar Another step within preprocessing is the definition of boun-
overview is already introduced by Gebert in [5], where beside dary conditions, explained in detail in chapter 3.2. Before
non-ripped outer contours helical and parallel channel starting the solution process, the solver and physics are defined
structures are mentioned. Nevertheless, the focus of his work is according the problem definition. As already discussed in
on the enhancement of the spindle bearings’ life cycle in order [14, 15] the shear stress transport formulation (SST model) is
to reduce the TCP displacement. Further works deal with the used. For temperature prediction within the fluid, the heat
analysis and improvement of the performance of motor transfer is taken into account by the energy transport equation.
spindles [3, 9]. Here, different spindle designs are introduced, Due to simplifications (see 3.2) this equation is transformed to
but the focus is on the investigation of the spindle bearings; eq. (1). In addition to forced convection within the fluid, heat
their design, lubrication, preload and resulting heat losses. In conduction in the solid domains is taken into account (CHT).
[4] Chien and Jang analyze the heat transfer in double helical Since the bodies are rigid, no inner energy sources exist and
cooling channels. They carry out a comparison between steady state is considered, the conjugate heat transfer can be
experimental data and numerical simulations to determine the calculated according the simplified equation (2).
temperature distribution in the fluid flow. Also in [7] helical
channel structures are examined in detail. The focus of this
ࢺ ή ሺߩࢁ݁ሻ ൌ ࢺ ή ሺߣࢺܶሻ ൅ ࣎ǣ ࢺࢁ (1)
work is the cooling efficiency depending on the adjustment of
the channel slope and width. A detailed analysis of the fluid Ͳ ൌ ࢺ ή ሺߣࢺܶሻ (2)
flow and heat transfer in helical tubes with different curvature
ratios is performed in [18]. From this analysis, it is found that
Juliane Weber et al. / Procedia CIRP 67 (2018) 81 – 86 83

Furthermore, different timescale factors are specified on an x The physical properties of the solids (heating element,
equation-class basis in order to minimize computing time until cooling sleeve, housing) are assumed to be isotropic and
convergence. This is necessary to accelerate the energy temperature independent.
equation that normally converges much slower (especially
within solid regions) compared to momentum and continuity ఎ ್
ൌ ݁ ஺ା೅ (3)
equations within the fluid. To speed up CHT simulation the ሾ௠௉௔௦ሿ
energy equation is calculated with a time scale factor that is 50
times higher than the other ones. 1
After the solution process and writing out a result file, this 2
file is post processed in the last step (e. g. in CFD Post) to Q 3
visualize the field sizes and variables of interest.

3.2. Boundary conditions 5

The CHT model is build up according the developed test rig 7
that is depicted in fig. 2 and described in detail in [11, 14]. 8
Based on its modular setup, the cooling sleeve (2) can be
replaced easily to examine different designs. Moreover, the
heating element (3) with two centrally introduced heating 10

cartridges (4) substitutes the heat sources of the basic spindle M 11

configuration. This simplification allows a precise definition of Thermocouple mounting 12
the introduced heat known from the adjusted power  ൌܳሶ at 1) Housing 4) Heating cartridge 7) Pressure sensor 10) Pump
the heating cartridges. In addition, influences of the 2) Cooling sleeve 5) End face isolation 8) Temperature sensor 11) Chiller
3) Heating element 6) Flow sensor 9) Pipe to reservoir 12) Throttle
environment are reduced by thermal insulations (5). The results
presented in this paper apply to the following modelling Fig. 2. CAD-model of the test rig and derived CHT model scope.
assumptions that are summarized in fig. 3:
x The fluid flow is considered steady state & incompressible. 1
x Gravity and buoyancy effects are neglected. 2
x The volumetric flow rate is ܸሶ ൌ ͳͶ݈Ȁ݉݅݊ and the fluid has
c 3
a temperature of ߴ௜ ൌ ʹͲι‫ ܥ‬at the velocity inlet.
x There is no heat transfer via front faces (adiabatic walls) F
because of the isolation (5). .
x A maximum heat flux of ܳሶ ൌ ʹ͹ͷ͸ܹ is introduced at the Q
2 13
3 41
1 15
1 12
0 11
inner walls of the heating element. 8 9
x Heat is dissipated from the outer surface of the housing to b 5 6 7
3 4
the ambient air (ߴ௢ ൌ ʹͲι‫ )ܥ‬by means of free convection 1 2

with ߙ ൌ ͷ ܹ Τ݉ଶ ‫ܭ‬. a Boundary

y conditions

x The static pressure is assumed to be constant over the A A Ve

ocity inlet:
B Pressure outlet:

pressure outlet and equals the environmental pressure. a Adiabatic wall

b Heat flux:
c Convection: ,
3.3. Cooling medium and material properties
1 Housing | 2 Cooling sleeve | 3 Heating element | F Fluid

First, the temperature dependency of the fluid and material Fig. 3. CFD model and boundary conditions (single helical cooling channel).
properties like dynamic viscosity ߟ, density ߩ, specific heat
Table 1. Fluid properties (dynamic viscosity ߟ, density ߩ, spec. heat capacity
capacity ܿ௣ and thermal conductivity ߣ is investigated. As
ܿ௣ , thermal conductivity ߣ) for different concentrations of AntifrogenN®.
shown in [11, 14, 15] only the dynamic viscosity ߟ has to be
conc. ߟ ߩ ܿ௣ ߣ
considered temperature dependent due to large changes
(34.8 % for pure water) within the considered temperature % A [-] b [K] [kg∙m-3] [J (kg∙K)-1] [W (m∙K)-1]
range ʹͲι‫ ܥ‬൑ ߴ ൑ ͷͲι‫ ܥ‬. Thus, the dynamic viscosity ߟ is 0 -6.568 1925.4 995.5 4.15 0.61
modelled in CFX expression language (CEL) considering the 20 -6.956 2207.5 1022.3 3.92 0.52
30 -7.163 2344.6 1034.8 3.75 0.48
Andrade equation (3) with the fluid specific parameters given
50 -7.725 2687.0 1059.8 3.36 0.41
in table 1 for different water AntifrogenN® mixtures. All other
quantities are considered with their mean values within this Table 2. Material specific properties of solid bodies (HE…Heating element,
temperature range. In table 1 the fluid and in table 2 the solid CS…Cooling sleeve, H…Housing).
properties are summarized. To summarize, the following
Body Material ߩ ܿ௣ ߣ
assumptions are made:
[kg∙m-3] [J (kg∙K)-1] [W (m∙K)-1]
x The specific heat capacity ܿ௣ , density ߩ and thermal HE AlMgSi1 2702 903 185
conductivityߣ are temperature independent, whereas CS CuZn39Pb3 8470 377 123
x the dynamic viscosity ߟ is temperature dependent. H X8CrNi 7854 500 15
84 Juliane Weber et al. / Procedia CIRP 67 (2018) 81 – 86

Table 3. Energy flow (heat fluxes) in the fluid and solid domains across the sand-grain roughness ‫ ܭ‬required for the model and measured
interfaces (Heating Element, Cooling Sleeve, Housing, Fluid). surface roughness ܴ௭ is depicted in fig. 4.
Single helix Double helix Quasi-series
[W] [%] [W] [%] [W] [%] 4. Results
HE (3) → CS (2) 2756.0 100 2756.0 100 2756.0 100
CS (2) → H (1) 115.8 4.2 100.0 3.6 127.6 4.6
4.1. Comparison of different flow channel designs
CS (2) → F 2640.2 95.8 2656.7 96.4 2628.0 95.4
F ← CS (2), radial 1866.9 67.7 1796.6 65.2 1836.0 66.7
F ← CS (2), axial 773.3 28.1 860.1 31.2 792.0 28.7
Fig. 5 depicts the temperature development along the flow path
F ← H (1) 113.9 4.1 97.3 3.5 125.8 4.6 comparing the quasi-series, the single and double helical
F ← Viscous heating 15.7 0.6 17.3 0.6 11.2 0.4 cooling channel design. In the quasi-series channel higher
H (1) → Output 1.9 0.1 2.7 0.1 1.9 0.1 fluctuations occur, because the volume flow is first divided in
H (1) → F 113.9 4.1 97.3 3.5 125.8 4.6 two symmetrical flows within each channel segment and
afterwards combined in the passage to the next channel
segment. However, the solid temperatures in axial direction are
approximately equal in trend and differences comparing the
different designs. Due to reverse flow within the double helical
channel, the maximum temperature difference οܶ‫ ܪܦ‬ൌ ʹǤ͹‫ ܭ‬is
about 1 K smaller than the quasi-series design (due to double
pitch length, the maximum axial dimension of the sleeve is
already reached after half of the flow path, then the flow is
deflected between position 15 and 14). Fig. 6 shows the Nusselt
numbers ܰ‫ ݑ‬and the heat transfer coefficients ߙ of the
Fig. 4. Translation between measured surface roughness ܴ௭ and modeled different designs. However, comparing the different designs
sand-grain roughness ‫ܭ‬, following [1]. one can see that the heat transfer is almost equal. Nevertheless,
the single helix has the best heat transfer coefficients and the
quasi-series design the worst. Due to mutual impacts of the cold
inflow and the warmed backflow within the double helix, the
heat transfer strongly decreases in the backflow.
Fig. 7 depicts a vector plot of the resulting energy flow (heat
fluxes) within the fluid and solid domains. It is shown
exemplarily for the single helical design, because the directions
are quite the same and only the amounts are varying according
table 3. It is seen that about 96 % of the heat introduced into
the cooling sleeve is directly dissipated by the fluid and only
about 4% is conducted through the webs (ribs) to the housing.
Although these webs have the same dimensions, the conducted
Fig. 5. Temperature distribution ߴ in direction of the flow path at the cooling
sleeve (CS) and within the fluid (F).
heat amount varies about 1% between the double helix and the
quasi-series design. With regard to the housing, almost all heat
can be dissipated by the fluid at the inner housings wall (forced
convection), because the heat transfer coefficient at the
housings outer wall (free convection) is about magnitudes
lower. Focusing on the fluid, about two thirds of the heat is
dissipated in radial direction and about one third in the axial
one, whereas the surface ratio is 3 : 2 (radial : axial). This
difference is caused by increasing influence of the heat
conduction within the webs ((ribs). )

Fig. 6. Nusselt number ܰ‫ ݑ‬and heat transfer coefficient ߙ in direction of the 3

flow path for the forced convection within the fluid.

3.4. Surface Roughness

As known from [16, 17] defined surface structures (e. g.
protrusions or dimples) ensure homogeneous flow distributions axial

avoiding recirculation zones to reduce the pressure drop and

they induce additional shear flow enhancing the heat transfer to
the fluid. To analyze the influence of wall conditions on the
heat transfer into the fluid, first, a rough estimation is made, Interfaces Heat
att fluxes
solid–solid Input Forced convection
where the wall roughness is varied within the numerical solid–fluid Conduction Free convection
simulation model. Therefore, the fluidic wall is modeled as
smooth (‫ ܭ‬ൌ Ͳߤ݉) and rough wall with sand-grain roughness Fig. 7. Energy flow in the fluid and solid domains of the single helical design,
interfaces and boundary conditions.
in the range of ʹͷߤ݉ ൑ ‫ ܭ‬൑ ͳͲͲͲߤ݉. The correlation between
Juliane Weber et al. / Procedia CIRP 67 (2018) 81 – 86 85

ଵ ௄ ଶǤହଵ
ൌ െʹ ή ݈݃ ൬ ൅ ൰ (7)
ඥ఍ ଷǤ଻ଵήௗ೓ ோ௘ඥ఍
ଵ ௄ ଵǤଵଵ ଺Ǥଽ
ൌ െͳǤͺ ή ݈݃ ൤ቀ ቁ ൅ ൨ (8)
ඥ఍ ଷǤ଻ήௗ೓ ோ௘
ଵ ௄ ହǤ଻ସ
ൌ െʹ ή ݈݃ ቂ ൅ ቃ (9)
ඥ఍ ଷǤ଻ήௗ೓ ோ௘ బǤవ
ଵ ௗ
ൌ ʹ ή ݈݃ ቀ ೓ ቁ ൅ ͳǤͳͶ (10)
ඥ఍ ௄

Considering the surface roughness ‫ ܭ‬for calculating the

friction factor, available equations only consider the pipe
Fig. 8. Resulting pressure drop ο‫ ݌‬depending on surface roughness ‫ ܭ‬and geometry to be straight. According to Colebrook et al the so-
cooling sleeve design. called Colebrook equation (7) applies to turbulent flows in the
entire area of smooth and rough surfaces. Due to its implicit
nature it is usually solved numerically. In addition, there are
numerous approximations to calculate the friction factor
directly. These are for example the Haaland equation (8), the
Swamee-Jain equation (9) and eq. (10) for large Reynolds
numbers ܴ݁ ՜ λ according to Prandtl/v. Kármán. All these
three equations consider the surface roughness ‫ ܭ‬. Never-
theless, they do not consider the curvature of the pipe.
Fig. 8 depicts the resulting pressure drop ο‫ ݌‬in dependence
of surface roughness ‫ ܭ‬for each cooling sleeve design.
Fig. 9. Nusselt number ܰ‫ ݑ‬and heat transfer coefficient ߙ depending on
surface roughness ‫ ܭ‬and cooling sleeve design.
Additionally, a comparison between simulated and calculated
pressure drops (from the different friction factor relations) is
Altogether, it can be confirmed that only small deviations shown. First, you can see that for smooth surfaces with ‫ ܭ‬ൌ
exist between the different cooling sleeve designs regarding the Ͳߤ݉ the pressure drops are in the same range of 1.5 bar to
heat transfer. Although the heat transfer coefficient in the 2.0 bar. Second, the equations of Haaland and Swamee-Jain
backflow of the double helix decreases to the smallest value of can predict the pressure drops in the helical structures quite
all designs, more heat can be dissipated directly in the cooling good until roughness of 150 µm. Third, with increasing surface
sleeve by the fluid. Nevertheless, the viscous heating has its roughness, the deviations between the helical and the quasi-
maximum in the double helix (due to the reflection that causes series structure become larger. The major influence is the
large pressure drops) and its minimum in the quasi-series design of the quasi-series structure, where the fluid flow is
design. divided in two symmetrical flows within each channel segment.
Thus, the velocity ‫ ݒ‬and the Reynolds numbers ܴ݁ are half of
4.2. Influence of surface roughness that in the helical designs. Due to this division, a direct
comparison with the pressure drops calculated from the friction
The pressure drop ߂‫ ݌‬in pipes due to viscous effects is factor equations is not possible in this case. Therefore, an
proportional to the flow length ݈ and can be characterized by additional simulation with double of the flow rate ( ܸሶ ൌ
the Darcy-Weisbach equation (4). The flow coefficient ߞሺௐሻ , or ʹͺ ݈ Τ݉݅݊) is carried out for the quasi-series design. Now one
can see better that the qualitative trends of all designs are
also called Darcy friction factor, is a dimensionless quantity.
similar. Nevertheless, the pressure drop within the quasi-series
Primarily its value depends on the flow regime characterized
design is much higher (about a factor of 3.5 compared to the
by the Reynolds number ܴ݁. Since in heat transfer applications
helical designs and about 4 compared to the quasi-series design
almost turbulent flows are present in order to realize large heat
with ܸሶ ൌ ͳͶ݈Ȁ݉݅݊ሻ . On the one hand, this behavior is
transfer coefficients, in further considerations, only turbulent
comprehensible due to the quadratic dependence between
descriptions are taken into account. Here, especially for coiled
friction factor and Reynolds number. On the other hand, the
pipes the friction factor ߞௐ can be estimated by equation (5)
equations cannot predict the simulated pressure drop values
according to Mishra and Gupta. Herein ݀௛ is the hydraulic
due to neglecting the mixing zones between two channel
diameter for a rectangular cross-section and D is the mean
segments and the high turbulent effects occurring there.
curvature diameter of the coiled pipe. Furthermore, for
The influence of the surface roughness ‫ ܭ‬on the heat
Reynolds numbers in the range of ͳͲସ ൑ ܴ݁ ൑ ͳͲ଺ equation
transfer regarding Nusselt number ܰ‫ ݑ‬and heat transfer
(6) of Konakov applies for straight pipes. Nevertheless, these
coefficient ߙ is depicted in fig. 9. With increasing surface
equations do not consider the pipe’s surface roughness ‫ܭ‬.
roughness, the Nusselt numbers ܰ‫ ݑ‬are increasing with a
ఘ ௩మ
degressive character. Here, a great potential for optimizing the
ο‫ ݌‬ൌ ߞሺௐሻ ή ή ή݈ (4) heat transfer exist until roughness of about 100 µm to 200 µm,
ଶ ௗ೓
଴Ǥଷଵ଺ସ ௗ ଴Ǥହ then the heat transfer is rising only slightly. Furthermore, an
ߞௐ ൌ ൤ͳ ൅ ͲǤͲͻͷ ቀ ೓ ቁ ܴ݁ ଴Ǥଶହ ൨ (5) increasing surface roughness has a greater influence on the heat
ோ௘ బǤమఱ ஽
ଶ௕௛ ௞ ଶ transfer in the double helical and the quasi-series design than
with ݀௛ ൌ and ‫ ܦ‬ൌ ‫ܦ‬ௐ ൤ͳ ൅ ቀ ቁ ൨ on that in the single helical one. Thus, until 50 µm the heat
௕ା௛ గή஽ೈ
transfer in the double helix is the best and in the quasi-series
ߞ ൌ ሺͳǤͺ ή ݈݃ ܴ݁ െ ͳǤͷሻିଶ (6) channel is worst. With increasing roughness, the balance is
86 Juliane Weber et al. / Procedia CIRP 67 (2018) 81 – 86

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