Cooling System of Motorized High-Speed Spindle
Cooling System of Motorized High-Speed Spindle
Cooling System of Motorized High-Speed Spindle
Procedia CIRP 67 (2018) 81 – 86
11th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, CIRP ICME ‘17
State of the art and optimization of the energy flow in cooling systems of
motorized high-speed spindles in machine tools
Juliane Webera,*, Linart Shabia, Jürgen Webera
Institute of Fluid Power, TU Dresden, Helmholtzstraße 7a, 01069 Dresden, Germany
In high-speed cutting thermo-elastic deformations of machine tool structures and motor spindles are main causes for manufacturing inaccuracies
because they lead to a TCP displacement. Therefore, cooling systems are essential for controlling thermo-elastic properties.
The paper describes different cooling system designs of motor spindles. Their thermal energy flow is analyzed by CFD simulation, and measures
improving the heat rejection are discussed. For future work, such models will be integrated into a virtual machine tool that enables the
estimation/control of the machines’ thermal behavior.
© 2017TheThe Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier B.V.
B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 11th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 11th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering
Keywords: Machine tool; Cooling system design; Motor spindle; CFD simulation; Heat transfer; Energy flow; Roughness.
2212-8271 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 11th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering
82 Juliane Weber et al. / Procedia CIRP 67 (2018) 81 – 86
ߣ Thermal conductivity (W∙m-1∙K-1) centrifugal forces due to channel curvature enhance the
ߩ Density (kg∙m-3) pressure drop and heat transfer in comparison with straight
channels. Furthermore, Krishna experimentally investigates
single helical channels with different helix angles in order to
Quasi-Series Parallel Single Helical Double Helical
calculate the friction factor and to predict the pressure drop
depending on the flow characteristic (laminar / turbulent) [8].
Furthermore, different timescale factors are specified on an x The physical properties of the solids (heating element,
equation-class basis in order to minimize computing time until cooling sleeve, housing) are assumed to be isotropic and
convergence. This is necessary to accelerate the energy temperature independent.
equation that normally converges much slower (especially
within solid regions) compared to momentum and continuity ఎ ್
ൌ ݁ ା (3)
equations within the fluid. To speed up CHT simulation the ሾ௦ሿ
energy equation is calculated with a time scale factor that is 50
times higher than the other ones. 1
After the solution process and writing out a result file, this 2
file is post processed in the last step (e. g. in CFD Post) to Q 3
visualize the field sizes and variables of interest.
The CHT model is build up according the developed test rig 7
that is depicted in fig. 2 and described in detail in [11, 14]. 8
Based on its modular setup, the cooling sleeve (2) can be
replaced easily to examine different designs. Moreover, the
heating element (3) with two centrally introduced heating 10
First, the temperature dependency of the fluid and material Fig. 3. CFD model and boundary conditions (single helical cooling channel).
properties like dynamic viscosity ߟ, density ߩ, specific heat
Table 1. Fluid properties (dynamic viscosity ߟ, density ߩ, spec. heat capacity
capacity ܿ and thermal conductivity ߣ is investigated. As
ܿ , thermal conductivity ߣ) for different concentrations of AntifrogenN®.
shown in [11, 14, 15] only the dynamic viscosity ߟ has to be
conc. ߟ ߩ ܿ ߣ
considered temperature dependent due to large changes
(34.8 % for pure water) within the considered temperature % A [-] b [K] [kg∙m-3] [J (kg∙K)-1] [W (m∙K)-1]
range ʹͲι ܥ ߴ ͷͲι ܥ. Thus, the dynamic viscosity ߟ is 0 -6.568 1925.4 995.5 4.15 0.61
modelled in CFX expression language (CEL) considering the 20 -6.956 2207.5 1022.3 3.92 0.52
30 -7.163 2344.6 1034.8 3.75 0.48
Andrade equation (3) with the fluid specific parameters given
50 -7.725 2687.0 1059.8 3.36 0.41
in table 1 for different water AntifrogenN® mixtures. All other
quantities are considered with their mean values within this Table 2. Material specific properties of solid bodies (HE…Heating element,
temperature range. In table 1 the fluid and in table 2 the solid CS…Cooling sleeve, H…Housing).
properties are summarized. To summarize, the following
Body Material ߩ ܿ ߣ
assumptions are made:
[kg∙m-3] [J (kg∙K)-1] [W (m∙K)-1]
x The specific heat capacity ܿ , density ߩ and thermal HE AlMgSi1 2702 903 185
conductivityߣ are temperature independent, whereas CS CuZn39Pb3 8470 377 123
x the dynamic viscosity ߟ is temperature dependent. H X8CrNi 7854 500 15
84 Juliane Weber et al. / Procedia CIRP 67 (2018) 81 – 86
Table 3. Energy flow (heat fluxes) in the fluid and solid domains across the sand-grain roughness ܭrequired for the model and measured
interfaces (Heating Element, Cooling Sleeve, Housing, Fluid). surface roughness ܴ௭ is depicted in fig. 4.
Single helix Double helix Quasi-series
[W] [%] [W] [%] [W] [%] 4. Results
HE (3) → CS (2) 2756.0 100 2756.0 100 2756.0 100
CS (2) → H (1) 115.8 4.2 100.0 3.6 127.6 4.6
4.1. Comparison of different flow channel designs
CS (2) → F 2640.2 95.8 2656.7 96.4 2628.0 95.4
F ← CS (2), radial 1866.9 67.7 1796.6 65.2 1836.0 66.7
F ← CS (2), axial 773.3 28.1 860.1 31.2 792.0 28.7
Fig. 5 depicts the temperature development along the flow path
F ← H (1) 113.9 4.1 97.3 3.5 125.8 4.6 comparing the quasi-series, the single and double helical
F ← Viscous heating 15.7 0.6 17.3 0.6 11.2 0.4 cooling channel design. In the quasi-series channel higher
H (1) → Output 1.9 0.1 2.7 0.1 1.9 0.1 fluctuations occur, because the volume flow is first divided in
H (1) → F 113.9 4.1 97.3 3.5 125.8 4.6 two symmetrical flows within each channel segment and
afterwards combined in the passage to the next channel
segment. However, the solid temperatures in axial direction are
approximately equal in trend and differences comparing the
different designs. Due to reverse flow within the double helical
channel, the maximum temperature difference οܶ ܪܦൌ ʹǤ ܭis
about 1 K smaller than the quasi-series design (due to double
pitch length, the maximum axial dimension of the sleeve is
already reached after half of the flow path, then the flow is
deflected between position 15 and 14). Fig. 6 shows the Nusselt
numbers ܰ ݑand the heat transfer coefficients ߙ of the
Fig. 4. Translation between measured surface roughness ܴ௭ and modeled different designs. However, comparing the different designs
sand-grain roughness ܭ, following [1]. one can see that the heat transfer is almost equal. Nevertheless,
the single helix has the best heat transfer coefficients and the
quasi-series design the worst. Due to mutual impacts of the cold
inflow and the warmed backflow within the double helix, the
heat transfer strongly decreases in the backflow.
Fig. 7 depicts a vector plot of the resulting energy flow (heat
fluxes) within the fluid and solid domains. It is shown
exemplarily for the single helical design, because the directions
are quite the same and only the amounts are varying according
table 3. It is seen that about 96 % of the heat introduced into
the cooling sleeve is directly dissipated by the fluid and only
about 4% is conducted through the webs (ribs) to the housing.
Although these webs have the same dimensions, the conducted
Fig. 5. Temperature distribution ߴ in direction of the flow path at the cooling
sleeve (CS) and within the fluid (F).
heat amount varies about 1% between the double helix and the
quasi-series design. With regard to the housing, almost all heat
can be dissipated by the fluid at the inner housings wall (forced
convection), because the heat transfer coefficient at the
housings outer wall (free convection) is about magnitudes
lower. Focusing on the fluid, about two thirds of the heat is
dissipated in radial direction and about one third in the axial
one, whereas the surface ratio is 3 : 2 (radial : axial). This
difference is caused by increasing influence of the heat
conduction within the webs ((ribs). )
ଵ ଶǤହଵ
ൌ െʹ ή ݈݃ ൬ ൰ (7)
ඥ ଷǤଵήௗ ோඥ
ଵ ଵǤଵଵ Ǥଽ
ൌ െͳǤͺ ή ݈݃ ቀ ቁ ൨ (8)
ඥ ଷǤήௗ ோ
ଵ ହǤସ
ൌ െʹ ή ݈݃ ቂ ቃ (9)
ඥ ଷǤήௗ ோ బǤవ
ଵ ௗ
ൌ ʹ ή ݈݃ ቀ ቁ ͳǤͳͶ (10)
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