Theory of Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence:: A Critical Experiment
Theory of Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence:: A Critical Experiment
Theory of Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence:: A Critical Experiment
complexity, and that the level of gf of endeavor lead to the general conclusion,
an individual at a given time is denned however, that to place individuals in
by the position in the hierarchy at which their proper rank order on gf it is nec-
his insight fails, as shown by the onset essary that the test fundament mate-
of chance response behavior. It is a task rial should be either, (a) equally over-
for logicians (Braine, 1959), ecologists, learnt by all, or {b) equally new to
and machine-simulation specialists to all (and therefore "perceptual" in the
develop bases for this hierarchy; but our sense used in this particular field).
hypothesis would be that it will be found Anything in between will contaminate
to rest on sensory area fundaments, and the variance with experiential variance.
therefore, require for its genesis intact The sensory area, e.g., whether an
sensory neurological structure, as stated analogies test is visual or by sound,
in Footnote 5. Meanwhile psychologists seems unimportant. However, the ap-
can delineate a rough hierarchy by proach through a—equally overleamt—
trial-and-error item construction, or- is risky unless certain conditions are
dered by enlightened difficulty-level watched, and even though it ranks per-
analysis (extremity-vector analysis; sons correctly, it gives no correct account
Cattell, 1957, p. 360) experiments. of absolute level. Moreover, there is
Most attempts, operationally, to always the risk that individuals highly
measure intelligence, even when it has familiar with and trained in a field will
been conceived as some sort of constitu- know by rote the correct answers to rela-
tional, fluid-ability, relation-eduction ca- tional decisions into which they do not
pacity, have been made, however, have, and have never had, any insight.
through first measuring crystallized For example, many people can respond
ability (i.e., on fundaments and even that Einstein's famous formula is e —
relations upon which strong cultural me2, not e=wc 8 .
training has already occurred). The new With these introductions to the gen-
movement which began with studying eral theoretical position we are ready to
relation-education in perceptual tests bring it to precise formulation, and to
(Cattell, 1931, 1940; El Koussy, 1938; ask what the implications are for a
Fortes, 1932; Line, 1931; Penrose & crucial factor analytic experiment. At
Raven, 1936) apparently supports the this level of precision it can no longer be
theory, however, that quite complex in- assumed, at least in the ordinary cir-
telligence-demanding relations can be cumstances of experimental testing of an
successfully set up in entirely new intellectual performance, that perform-
(and therefore perceptual, not memory- ance level is going to be determined only
stored) material. Both experience and by fluid and crystallized general ability.
psychological reasoning in this area of The specification equation must put
these hypothesized two general abilities
archy within the relations arising from one
sensory area, to reach the limen of failure of
in the full context of specific abilities and
insight. This happens because there is a very temperamental and dynamic traits, as
large number of further subsets among which follows:
complex relations can hold, even within one
sensory area. The successful use of Culture PJ = SjiFj + s j2 F 2 +s Jn F N +
Fair Tests (involving largely spatial funda-
ments) but transcending merely spatial rela- s j tT T +s, I Ti+SjFj [2]
tions and ability, offers some proof of a
sufficiently high relational complexity being where Fx and F 2 are g( and gc, respec-
attainable upon a limited (two sense) sensory tively (as in the U.I. factor index);
foundation. the Subscripts T, I, and J represent
"forgetting" since the original they are gathered within the brackets
learning experience, due to time with T and I outside. (The TI, if one
and changing interests, retroac- wishes, is an integration of interest over
tive inhibitions, etc. (In the time.) The introduction of the memory
scholarship area one may think term (F M ) recognizes, as pointed out
of the effect upon a foreign earlier, that a subject's correct judg-
language area of neglect for a ment, even on a test item of a highly
decade.) intellectual kind, may depend on good-
ness of rote memory, operating over the
The s's are the usual situational in-
course of exposure to an intellectual edu-
dices showing by weights specific to the
cation. For example, a correct decision in
time, interest, ability, etc., how much
geometry may depend on remembering
intelligence, memory, etc., contribute to
the formula for the area of a circle, or
performance, p Jc . The w's are weights
solving a crossword puzzle on good rote
similarly given to number of repetitions
memory for Greek. As Cohen (1957)
(time of exercise) and strength of in-
shows, the variance in intelligence per-
terest, e.g., w^ is the rate at which in-
formances from this memory component
creased time expenditure brings increase
becomes large in older adults.
in p jc score.
Now our problem is to ask to what
Two statements in this formula need
kind of a factor structure the theoretical,
especial comment: (a) Whereas in a
psychological formulation in Equation 3
present performance the specification
would be expected to lead. Should we
equation for the factor analytic model
expect distinct factors for T and I? The
adds factors of ability and interest to
answer seems to be that although very
estimate the performance, we have here
specially planned and exceptionally exe-
multiplied ability, memory, etc., by inter-
cuted factor analyses might express a
est and by the time, recognizing thereby
product relation like T e I e Fi e as an addi-
a different quality in them from addi-
tion of three factors, the normal preci-
tive influences within the organism.
sion and choice of variables would yield
Neither the rather hollow science of
a single general factor loading most
learning theory (still helpless where
highly the variables which have simul-
human higher abilities are concerned)
taneously shared high interest, much
nor the degree of precision of factor
time and much involvement of fluid
analysis (Tucker, 19S9), permit deci-
ability. However, because they are mul-
sion yet as to whether an additive or
tiplied by the same TJ.e the intelligence,
product model is better. But the prod-
memory, and aid factors would tend to
uct formulation is consistent with our
be cooperative (Cattell, 1952) (i.e.,
formulations of motivation in the dy-
loading the same variables). And if the
namic calculus, elsewhere (Cattell,
variance in T J * were great, we should
1957a) and is contingently adopted for
expect a powerful second-order factor
these accumulative learning effects, (b)
among them defined by TeIe. Thus there
The T and I terms as indicated by their
are really two possible definitions of the
appearance outside the bracket, are not
crystallized general ability factor: (a)
given separate values for the gc, memory
As the first-order factor TJ e Fi e , repre-
factor and aid factors, though in an ex-
senting the past areas of investment of
panded formulation they might be given
fluid ability, and (b) as the second-
different weights. By the nature of the
order factor—strictly a general achieve-
learning situation intelligence, memory,
ment factor—corresponding to the in-
etc., would normally operate together so
vestment of Tel e in fluid ability expres- telligence (Symbol gc) should be re-
sion, memory, and various aids and spe- stricted to the first of the two factors
cial primary abilities. mentioned three paragraphs above,
The situation is further complicated namely, to the Expression T e I e Fi e . The
by the fact that skills not only increase second-order factor covering T e I c [Fic+
but decay, and a common history of Fiie+FAe] is in any sense of the word a
change or decay after the pattern has general achievement factor, though it
been reached as in the first part of Equa- must be confessed that a substantial part
tion 3 could also lead to a common fac- of traditional intelligence test scores de-
tor structure. This, with some over- rive from this source. Both of these
condensation, we have represented by factors are at the mercy of culture, and
the term Cj in the latter part of Equa- even before one encounters the difficulty
tion 3. For example, if Cj is a time of cross-cultural comparisons thereon,
function and our sample is scattered one gets entangled in the shift which
from 30 to 60 years of age, a general occurs in them between the schooling
factor would tend to appear over all age and the adult activity age. The Pro-
school subjects due to their all being tean character is thus at best reducible
forgotten to the same degree, as a func- to four concepts, corresponding to four
tion of the time lapse. Such considera- crystallized general ability factor
tions have been grossly overlooked in patterns.
traditional adult intelligence tests, as 1. School age crystallized intelligence
well as the fact that a new general crys- (gcs)—common to gf expressions pow-
tallized ability factor, distinct from the ered by time and interest within the
scholastic one, is likely to arise through culturally set framework of the school
common learning by the application T e I c curriculum.
to whatever common areas of gf use 2. School age crystallized achieve-
exist for adults in our culture. Here ment (acg)—a second-order factor across
only culture-fair, but not traditional, intelligence, memory, special ability
intelligence tests seem to recognize that areas, etc., corresponding purely to the
in the majority of our population which effect of common time, interest, memory,
proceeds to "nonverbal" occupations and curriculum. It will differ markedly
(e.g., garage mechanics, farmers, etc.) a from gca in being predictive of achieve-
substantial decay of the attained crys- ments (e.g., athletics, foreign languages,
tallized ability levels in vocabulary and and rote areas of school learning) in
similar areas supervenes (Burt, 1955). which g t has never had any appreciable
Further, the normal adult intense invest- importance or role.
ment of skills in relatively narrow occu- 3. Adult activity crystallized intelli-
pations will tend to make the appear- gence (gca)—representing whatever
ance of a second "adult" crystallized skills develop strictly from fluid intelli-
ability factor, superseding the school gence being applied in whatever activity
curriculum crystallized general ability areas receive common time and interest
factor, a relatively poor substitute, of from adults, i.e., T a I a Fi a .
lower variance and poorer predictive
power. 4. Adult activity crystallized achieve-
ment (aca)—representing whatever gen-
In summary, one must face the com- eral factor is produced in adult achieve-
plication that the crystallized general ments through their common expendi-
ability factor is for various reasons Pro- tures of time and interest. Except in
tean. Strictly the term crystallized in- mixed samples from different cultures
this would be a very tenuous factor of there is much to suggest that product
little practical predictive use. relations are often revealed by coopera-
Only in the case of Concept 1 would tive factor patterns. Consequently, since
we expect the correlation of fluid and cooperative factors are hard to rotate
crystallized intelligence factors to be correctly, it would seem best at this
really substantial, and the term intelli- stage not to attempt such finesse but to
gence is best eschewed completely for accept variables sufficient to reveal crys-
Concepts 2 and 4. Also the terms "school tallized intelligence as a "factor in
practised" and "non-school-practised" being," if it so exists. When such deeper
abilities are misleading for gc and gf, analysis is eventually undertaken it
for the first would describe both Con- would be well to keep in mind that I e
cepts 1 and 2 and the second could be might split again into a number of per-
either Concepts 3 or 4, or gf. Any com- sonality and dynamic factors (e.g., super
bination from decay influences is omitted ego strength, emotional stability) affect-
from this reduction to four general fac- ing the investment of fluid intelligence in
tor concepts. crystallized intelligence skills. Essen-
tially this has recently been powerfully
DESIGN OF THE EXPERIMENT IN argued by Hayes (1962). Decay factors
RELATION TO EXPECTATIONS will also need consideration.7
Testing the theory of fluid and crys- 2. Provisions must be made for defi-
tallized intelligence requires not one ex- nition by rotation of factors possibly
periment but a comprehensive organiza- general to every cognitive test employed.
tion of experiments. Yet one which One reason why the present theory,
needs to be performed before all others, rather than the Spearman-Thurstone-
as crucial to further work, is a factor Thomson theory of a single general in-
analysis to check whether one factor or telligence factor, has not hitherto re-
two runs through most intellectual per- ceived due and serious consideration is
formances. that most workers in the cognitive field
Technically, two questions need care have included only cognitive tests and
in planning such a factor analytic experi- thus rendered quite impossible any reve-
ment: lation of a distinctly rotatable second
1. Are we going to aim at abstracting 7
A summary of the main influences now
TeIeFjo as a single factor or at splitting posited in any performance in the area se-
it? Theoretically it is not beyond the mantically designated Intelligence might be
power of fine factor analysis to split a convenient at this final step: (a) a fluid
presently operating whole into the com- general intelligence factor; (6) a crystallized
ponents which historically produced it. general intelligence factor; (c) one or more
crystallized auxiliaries, corresponding to time
A product relation would be approxi- and application acting with sheer capacities
mated by additive factors as the plas- to memorize at the former among time (e.g.,
mode studied by Bargmann (1955), knowledge of vocabulary as distinct from nice
Cattell and Dickman (1962), Cattell judgment of meaning among familiar basic
English words); (d) factors corresponding to
and Sullivan (1962), and Thurstone any general patterns of change or decay since
(1947) sufficiently demonstrate. But in learning; (e) existing personality and dynamic
the present case T e , I e , and F l e would (motivation) factors helping application to an
be cooperative, because by the necessary intellectual test.
choice of tests for intelligence they would Here b, c, and d have structure in virtue of
be variables also on which common T e history, while a and to some extent e are struc-
tures due to present organismic functional
and Io have been expended. Besides unities.
general factor. The procedures of Burt well-known factors, not merely variables,
(1955) and Vernon (1950) for example, so that they would fan out into a maxi-
neither permit unique determination of mum number of dimensions to give sta-
the alleged general intelligence entity nor bility of rotation of the ability factors
separation of a possible second general with respect to many reference points,
factor. and (c) themselves to have a known
The technical failure in factor analysis second-order structure, the emergence of
here, by which investigators have failed which in the present blind rotation would
to see the wood for the trees, is only give a check on its general correctness.
a special case of ignoring a general These requirements9 we felt to be best
principle in scientific method—namely, met by taking Personality Factors A
the figure-ground principle, according to through Q4 (having the same meaning as
which, if we wish to define X adequately on the 16 PF Test) on the High School
we must introduce data which is not X. Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ; Cat-
In this case to rotate with any approach tell & Beloff, 1959).
to precision a factor expected to be gen- The nine ability variables consisted
eral to all abilities one must include a of five Thurstone Primary Abilities—
wide framework of nonability factors Verbal, Spatial, Reasoning, Number, and
(not merely variables) as hyperplane Fluency—and four subtests from the
stuff (Cattell, 1952). Indeed, in spite Institute of Personality and Ability Test-
of the immense importance of the intelli- ing (IPAT) Culture Fair Intelligence
gence concept to education, the second- Test, Scale 2a—namely, Perceptual
order general ability factors appear never Series, Perceptual Classification, Ma-
to have been so rotated, in any research trices, and Topology. If our hypothesis is
discoverable by the writer, to a compre- correct all the Thurstone primaries, with
hensively determined simple structure the exception of Spatial and possibly
position.8 Fluency preformances should load on a
In the present study we planned to crystallized ability factor (as also should
reach the second-order analysis with be the case with each specific aid fac-
only nine ability measures—a bare but tor). 10 On the other hand, the Culture
sufficient minimum for testing the main
cognitive hypotheses—but with 13 non- °This procedure of entering the ability re-
ability measures. The latter were chosen search with more personality than ability
(a) to outnumber abilities, {b) to be measures, may seem quixotic to conservative
researchers, but in addition to the reasons
In many cases investigators have shown a given above it is actually strategically neces-
curious inconsistency in believing that first- sary in terms of demonstrating that second-
order factors should be rotated but second order ability factors are in fact distinct from
orders should be left where they fall! (The personality factors. This can by no means be
Schmidt-Leiman determination of loadings of taken for granted, since some "primary abili-
variables on second orders, for example, as- ties," e.g., flexibility of closure, now appear
sumes this.) In other cases, the explanation (Cattell, 1957a) as outcroppings of personality
seems to be the usual exhaustion phenomenon, factors "in disguise" in the cognitive realm.
in which, by the time the investigator gets to A small note on a large issue is necessary
the second order of a long factor analysis, here in connection with the notion raised above
neither time nor energy remains to press on to that an accumulation of separate aid develop-
a determinate second-order resolution. Mainly, ments might constitute a general factor. The
however, it seems that like early climbers on magnitude of the aid factor, F*1 is a joint func-
Everest, they have not dragged along at the tion of Fi and some environmental "accident"
early stages of the expedition the equipment A1, though whether it should be written as
which foresight might have indicated to be (a) Fi = Fx X A, or, (6) FA = Fi •+• A is un-
essential at the last stage of ascent. certain. In either case A would be operating as
Fair subtests, being purely perceptual by the wider realm of personality meas-
and lacking even pictorial reference to ures) into such performances as Verbal,
the not-present should load only a fluid Spatial, etc., primaries.
general ability factor. However, since The choice of sample was made on the
even the Verbal item decisions involve assumption that Horn's (unpublished)
some immediate adaptive performance, research would use adults. For a com-
the fluid factor should extend to some plete answer on the above hypothesis
degree (in the rotation position denned requires a check on the expectation that
the crystallized intelligence factor will
a group factor covering from two or three to
a large number of performances.
behave very differently (as go, and gca)
In the early stages of the operation of an aid, with children and adults. There is some
as suggested above, it should be detectable in advantage in beginning with, say, 12-
either case as a group factor. In later stages, year-old children, because we may ex-
it would be possible for an accumulation of pect less complication from any decay
overlapping group factors to be resolved as a
general factor, indeed, they would constitute term ( Q in Equation 3). Also one might
part of the crystallized general ability. That a expect the gCB factor, based on so uni-
set of overlapping small group factors could form an area of earlier application, to
alternatively appear as a general factor has be larger than with adults (about the
puzzled factor analysts since the early debates
of Thomson and Spearman on the interpreta- same variance as the gr) and thus easier
tion of g as a "sampling of bonds" versus a to locate in a first study.
"single power." This factor analytic prob-
lem can be kept clear only by invoking the
principle of organismic setting. DATA AND ITS ANALYSIS
This principle states that although each of The sample consisted of 124 eighth
a set of separate covariational entities may ap-
pear as a separate group factor, yet, if they
grade boys and girls from Paxton, Illi-
all have some quality in common, so that they nois, and 154 from the seventh and
can appear as part of a larger organization, eighth grades of a junior high school in
then, by simple structure resolution, their sum Springfield, Illinois, a total of 277 (i.e.,
will also appear as a single factor, in the con-
text of several other, qualitatively different,
one dropped) being carried forward to
such accumulations. Thus although each leaf in the analysis. The Thurstone Primaries
a heap of leaves is a separate entity and (if its (except for Fluency) were given in both
variation, e.g., in perception from various forms, and HSPQ was similarly given
angles, were considered, a separate factor) yet
the heap also has its dimensions, as an entity,
in separate A and B scores for each
among other heaps. Similarly for cells in an primary personality factor; but the Cul-
organism or people in a team. What one gets ture Fair Intelligence Test used only
factor analytically depends upon the organis- one form (which must be remembered in
mic level at which measurements and rotations
are made.
appraising later saturations). Testing
took about 3 hours and was under one
Even before one gets a shift of organismic
level, a mere change of scale, from microscopic, examiner.
or, in terms of psychological variables, from The first order analysis required
low to high density of representation of vari- product-moment correlations11 for 44
ables, can convert the resolution from a mul-
tiple group factor outcome to a general factor The correlation matrix, centroid, lambda
outcome. Pending further experiment our hy- transformation, and final simple structure
pothesis is that the variance produced by matrix have been deposited with the Ameri-
cummulative action of distinct aids will, except can Documentation Institute. Order Document
for what is left in the truncated group factors No. 7381 from ADI Auxiliary Publications
(Cattell, 1962) become part of the crystallized Project, Photoduplication Service, Library of
general ability factor, i.e., Fi and F* in Equa- Congress; Washington 25, D. C , remitting in
tion 3 will both go into its variance. This advance $1.25 for microfilm or $1.25 for photo-
states an important difference from Hunt's copies. Make checks payable to: Chief, Photo-
(1961) theory. duplication Service, Library of Congress.
F, F,
F, F, F7 F.
First order factor Exvia- UJ.
variable g< ge Invia Anxiety Control ? ?
Thurstone primaries
Verbal .15 .46 -.17 — .03 .04 .07 -.OS -12
Spatial .32 .14 -.02 -.03 -.03 .OS -27 .04
Reasoning .08 .50 .08 .02 -.02 .02 38 -.14
Number .OS .59 -.04 .OS -.07 -.05 -.10 .03
Fluency .07 .09 -.52 -.18 .12 .26 .13 -.07
IPAT Culture Fair subtests
Series .35 .43 .05 -.12 .06 .10 .24 .04
Classification .63 -.02 -.05 -.OS .00 .14 .16 .06
Matrices .SO .10 -.23 .04 -.01 -.08 -25 .42
Topology .51 .09 .16 .12 .03 -.03 -.14 -.00
A Cyclothymia -.04 .52 .31 -.23 .05 .11 .20 .03
C Ego Strength .21 -.07 -.04 -.52 -.08 -.09 -.49 .12
D Excitability -.04 -.44 -.44 -.09 .09 .04 .14 -.27
E Dominance -.15 -.01 -.OS -.00 .61 -.04 -.02 -.17
F Surgency -.05 .09 .39 -.07 .06 -.40 -.20 -.09
G Super Ego Strength -.14 .08 -.01 -.10 -.10 .43 .41 .OS
H Parmia .21 -.04 .55 -.17 .00 .13 .03 -.03
I Premsia -.09 -.29 -.05 .26 -.54 -.OS .43 -.01
J Coasthenia -.10 -.04 .01 39 — .12 .45 .01 .16
Q Timidity .16 -.01 .01 .73 .09 -.04 .10 .17
Q. Self-Sufficient -.06 .05 -37 -.05 -.43 -.04 -.04 .05
Q» Self-Sentiment Control .05 -.02 .06 .00 31 35 .56 .11
Q. High Ergic Tension -.04 .37 .03 .45 -.00 -37 — .14 .05
% in ± 1 0 hyperplane .51 .60 .60 .51 .73 .55 32 .60
perimental examination of our assump- theory, on the grounds that both must
tions about the inherent modes of ex- be highly related to an entity which
pression of these two factors as shown existed a few years earlier, and which we
by loadings and pause to examine their have symbolized (Equation 3) by Fie
mutual relation as shown in Tables 1 (or gfe)—the fluid ability level earlier.
and 2. The substantial positive corre- The present crystallized ability level—
lation, + .47, shown in Table 1, Part B, F
2 (or gc)—is a function of F t e and the
is what would be expected from our time and interest applied at that time.
rizing, to crystallized ability, via FM, and crystallized general abilities, as well
etc., in Equation 3 above. as by such aids (usually primary, group
factor patterns) as are relevant to the
particular field (Equation 3). Conse-
INTELLIGENCE quently, crystallized ability must be con-
With concepts denned and checked at sidered to be begotten by crystallized
the experimental level we can now pro- ability as well as by fluid ability. This
ceed to broader formulations. The state- may seem to contradict the concept
ments so far are: above that crystallized ability is a
1. That intelligence test and school consequence and function of fluid ability
performances must be considered, more levels, but it is not so if we consider (a)
comprehensively than hitherto, to be de- that fluid ability is so to speak put out
termined, at the moment, by personality at compound interest, and recognize
and motivation factors as well as by two also that the rate of return may be dif-
distinct second-order general factors, ferent over different periods of learning,
(fluid and crystallized intelligence) as depending on interest, etc.; and (b)
symbolized in Equation 2. Equation 2 that crystallized ability is not only a
is primarily an expression for perform- function of fluid ability but also of per-
ance in a timed test, but with trivial sonality factors, etc. Thus personality
adjustments, is also an expression for factor "deposits" occur in what at the
rate of learning. time of learning is considered an ability
2. As a result of this mechanism of —crystallized general ability—and also
learning operating uniformly across in aids. If space permitted, these rela-
school subjects, and other areas, for time tions of earlier personality and motiva-
intervals differing for different people, tion factors, as operating in Equation 2
third-order general factors of school to crystallized abilities as in Equation
achievement (for children) and adult 3, could be worked out in a fourth or
activity achievement (for adults) are "historical depth" equation.
created. (There is no space to discuss As to the descriptive similarities and
their relation here, but they should be differences of gt and ge, both are very
slightly positively correlated.) The term general to complex, intellectual, rela-
crystallized intelligence, however, is se- tion-perceiving performances, and even
mantically better reserved for the in regard to the variables chosen to dis-
second-order factor in such performances criminate them one notices, in Figure 1,
as derive their positive correlations only that each has some tendency to load the
from the action of fluid ability, not from variables set to mark the other. However,
memory and various special abilities the slight loading of crystallized intelli-
operating in the school (or adult) set- gence in say Pluency is not as great as
tings. Crystallized intelligence and that of fluid ability in Verbal or Series.
achievement are thus not identical gen- (Note with oblique axes the lines of
eral factors, the former being narrowed projection are drawn parallel to the axes
in manifestation to the handling of com- in Figure 1.) Parenthetically, it will be
plex relations, whereas the latter could noted that if the experiment had been
cover whatever the breadth of the cul- undertaken without personality fac-
tural schooling curriculum embraces. tors, etc., as hyperplane substance, the
rotator would almost certainly have
A special logical complexity arises
fallen into the false resolution of making
here, however, in that rate of learning in
these factors more highly correlated
complex fields is assisted both by fluid
greater freedom of the second-order
fluid ability from personality loadings,
which supports our hypothesis, is not
incompatible with its having correla-
tions therewith at the third order, point-
ing to genetic and social status ties.12
A word is necessary here to forestall
a misunderstanding which will almost
certainly arise in the attempt of con-
servatives to avoid any major restructur-
ing of ideas. This will be the view that
gf is nothing more than the k or "prac-
tical ability" factor, located by such
factorizations as those of Vernon (1950)
FIG. 1. Culture-fair subtests and Thurstone and Cohen (1957). There are three good
Primaries in relation to %t and g e . (Rotation reasons for rejecting this. The first,
assisted by 16 PF factors in hyperplane.)
comparatively trivial, is that k has al-
(especially in the absence of D, I, A, ways shown decided associations with
and Q2) by going through the ability masculinity and mechanical experience
variables only, e.g., through Verbal and whereas in our mixed boy and girl sam-
Topology. ple gc shows statistically no difference
and is actually a shade higher for the
Figure 1 also confirms the whole argu-
girls. Secondly, and more systemati-
ment of Equation 2 to the effect that
cally, the whole mode of factor resolution
crystallized intelligence, being partly the
in the Burt-Holzinger-Vernon bipolar
product of motivational and personality
system is quite different from multiple-
history, will have more significant asso-
factor simple-structure resolution and
ciation with personality factors. This
never yields a one-to-one matching. The
association is not only statistically sig-
former method puts verbal ability on one
nificant but makes psychological sense,
side and practical-mechanical on the
for crystallized ability correlates sub-
other. In the present writer's opinion
stantially positively with Cyclothymia
this is in any case a fallacious form of
(Factor A in HSPQ), and negatively
factor resolution, for since the first gen-
with Excitability (D), and Premsia (I)
eral factor is indeterminate, the whole
which other researches show to be
hierarchy is fictitious. But, fallacious or
similarly related to general school
not, it is, except by some accidental
achievement. Similarly in the motiva-
tion realm (Connor, 1961), docility (low 12
In looking for indications of some sep-
self-assertion) and super ego strength arate action of the interest-personality factors
have the highest correlation with total posited in Equations 1, 2, etc., one may note
school achievement. Their correlations in Table 1 that Factors 6 and 7 admit of a
single factor being rotated from them which
with the Verbal (V) factor, the Rea- loads the two Super Ego factors, G and Q»;
soning (R) factor, and the Culture Fair Desurgency, F( — ) ; and positive performance
are, respectively, .20, .48, and .02; and on Reasoning, Fluency, Series, and Classi-
.19, .41, and - . 0 2 , (see Footnote 10) fication. It makes good psychological sense that
such cognitive performances should be aided
the Culture Fair (fluid ability) measures by such personality factors, but it suggests
consistently being more free of associa- they are acting in the present test situation
tion with personality factors affecting (as in Equation 1) rather than through help in
achievement. As stated above, this past performance as in Equation 3.
ability factor are, in general, as good as, or sources of high performance, to per-
or a little better than, those of the mit prediction of more remote perfojrm-
Thurstone primaries on the crystallized ances in time and place, and to permit us
ability factor (mean=.40 as against to apply a psychological science via
.36). functional analytical concepts. The
writer had a student who never went to
NEEDED RESEARCH school till 17, who was soon getting
straight A's as a junior in college, he
At the present moment researches on did splendidly on a culture-fair test at
these theories are as vital in the applied 17 but would have been excluded from
as in the basic field. For if the main college on his traditional intelligence
concepts are correct, present routine test- test or achievement performance. The
ing practices in school, and still more in discrepancy of gc and g t is, however,
vocational selection of adults, are wast- mostly small in the school years, so long
ing a lot of talent. The traditional in- as we have homogeneity of school, cul-
telligence test, because it confounds fluid tural subgroup, and social status. It is
with crystallized intelligence and even in the adult field, e.g., in selecting for an
with the third-order general attainment intelligence-demanding learning oppor-
factor, gives a speciously good correla- tunity among persons of different ages
tion, at least in schools, with the crite- and distances from school activities, in
rion. A test in June predicts academic different regions, that failure to measure
achievement in June (or even in the gt and gc separately could lead to serious
following September) for the simple misdirection. How fair is the Miller
reason that it already surreptitiously Analogies to engineering students com-
contains in itself most of the criterion it peting for graduate school positions
is claiming to predict. In fact, if short- against English majors, compared with
term correlation is all that is required it a culture-fair test? It is well known
would be sensible to abolish intelligence that the norms of extensively standard-
tests and predict from today's school ized traditional intelligence tests are
achievement to tomorrow's. invalidated within 2 or 3 years of their
But the idea of introducing intelli- production by changing (usually in-
gence tests has surely much broader ob- creased!) school and cultural education
jectives. It aims to give psychological levels. Is this intergenerational "creep"
understanding of causes of backwardness of norms on crystallized intelligence
tests avoided by culture-fair tests as
fluid ability shows itself most highly, relative
to crystallized ability, in complex relation and preliminary data (Cattell, 1957b) in-
correlate eduction performances where crys- dicates? These are the problems which
tallized ability is eliminated either by (o) all applied research should be facing.
subjects being entirely untrained in the per-
formance, or (6) aU subjects being com- In terms of basic research a realm
pletely overlearnt in the fundaments (but not of fascinating concepts and possibilities
the relations, else intelligence would disap- is opened up. Is it possible that gf
pear) ! Possibly Culture Fair Subtest Number minus gc might be the best predictor of
4, Topology, is an example of the former and
Spatial ability of the latter, since the latter is organic brain damage? Can gt and gc
a common requirement of bodily movement also be separated by intraindividual, P
for people in all cultures. This definition of technique factoring, demonstrating the
one property of the fluid general ability needs functional unity of each in terms of sus-
to be experimentally pursued in relation to the
other hypothesized properties above, now ceptibility to day-to-day changing con-
that the factor can be isolated. ditions and stimuli? What clarity might
be brought to the vexed question of pre- groups at 30 and 50 years of age; with
school ability organization by these con- adults heterogeneous as to age; and with
cepts? (There are important leads here mixed "normals" and known brain dam-
in the work of Burt, 1955; Hebb, 1942; aged cases. It needs to be tried with
Hofstaetter, 1954; McNemar, 1940; larger ranges of variables, identically
Reitan, 1958.) Will nature-nurture ra- used with two or three different cultural
tios calculated on gf measures prove to groups, to see whether the third-order
be altogether more highly genetically achievement general factor can be sepa-
determined than gc measures? Is the gf rated both from the second-order crys-
IQ more constant? tallized intelligence and fluid intelligence
Is it possible that what Thurstone factors, and especially we need age plots
called primary ability factors are psy- of the differing course of these two fac-
chologically the same as what we have tors, each with and without speed limits
called aids above? Probably both will in testing.
consistently appear as first-order factors,
relative to gc and gf as second order, and, SUMMARY
although some may well be genetic in The theory of fluid and crystallized
origin, the theory is worth exploring general intelligence factors has been ex-
that many first orders will prove to be
amined in regard to an array of implica-
growths from a specific breakthrough
tions. A distinction has been drawn be-
(in the form of hitting upon a habit of
tween a general achievement factor and
analysis which becomes instrumental to
the crystallized intelligence factor. Both,
a whole sequence of skill). In view of
the elaborate writing of Piaget, and still as distinct from fluid intelligence, will
more the speculations of his followers, so change their pattern (a) with age,
regarding structures of this kind (see and (b) with culture as to constitute
the recent summary by Hunt, 1961) it is relatively poor predictors of other per-
high time that more precise correlational formances in groups of different ages
methods should attempt to demonstrate and heterogeneous subcultures.
these patterns and relate them to the An experiment factoring 44 hypothe-
three types of formation here discussed.14 ses-relevant variables measured on 277
seventh and eighth grade boys and girls,
But perhaps good research strategy with sufficient noncognitive variables to
indicates that the first necessity today is permit effective rotation of any general
the checking of the existence of the two cognitive factors which might appear,
general factors in groups of differing demonstrated the existence of two gen-
ages, homogeneities, and cultural set- eral ability factors. One fits the crystal-
tings, in relation to the obvious differ- lized ability factor measured in tradi-
ences which would be expected from the tional intelligence tests and the other a
theory. For example, this experiment fluid general ability measured in culture-
needs repeating with age-homogeneous fair intelligence tests. Evidence is offered
14 that the latter is neither a spatial ability
In so far as the discovery of each aid (in-
strument for further problem solving) must factor nor the so-called "practical
be partly a function of fluid ability level, a ability" (k) factor, but basic general
part of the variance of all aid developments intelligence. These two general abilities
will be absorbed in the general factor of crys- appear in a single third-order factor hy-
tallized ability. The F/s of Equation 3 would
represent, therefore, only the narrow group pothesized to express the "formative
factor variance left over after this absorption fluid ability" partly responsible for the
in the general factor. present level of both of them.
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