Analysis of Mechanically Stabilised Earth (MSE) Retaining Wall Using Finite Element and AASHTO Methods
Analysis of Mechanically Stabilised Earth (MSE) Retaining Wall Using Finite Element and AASHTO Methods
Analysis of Mechanically Stabilised Earth (MSE) Retaining Wall Using Finite Element and AASHTO Methods
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5 authors, including:
G. R. Dodagoudar
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
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Applied Mechanics Department, SVNIT, Surat, India
Civil Engineering Department, IIT Madras, Chennai, India
Civil Engineering Department, BGMIT, Mudhol, India
Civil Engineering Department, Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethiopia
Correspanding Author
Abstract:. Introduction. For the quick and accurate analysis and design of MSE walls, many methods are
available. Some of the standard methods are as follows: analytical method of analyses which include the BS,
FHWA-NHI, AASHTO recommendations, Limit equilibrium analysis (Bishop’s, Spencer, Janbu etc.), Finite
element (FE) analysis using computer programs like PLAXIS, GEO5, GEOSTASE etc. and finite difference
analysis using computer programs such as FLAC 2D. As per the review of literature, the finite element and
finite difference methods of analysis are more accurate and convenient than the analytical, limit equilibrium
and other methods. Discrepancies in analytical and limit equilibrium methods are due to different underlying
assumptions associated with these methods and different standards of recommendations. Methodology. The
present study is focused on parametric sensitivity analysis of MSE walls using a numerical model, which uses
the finite element method (FEM) to determine the factors of safety of the wall and its comparison with the
analytical methods. The finite element computer program, GEO5 FEM is used to develop the numerical model
and the GEO5 MSE (as per AASHTO) is used for the analytical method. The MSE walls have been analysed
for horizontal and vertical movements with respect to length of the reinforcement. External stability analyses
have also been carried out for the overturning, sliding and bearing capacity, for three different soil types.
Geogrid reinforcements are checked for the factor of safety with respect to pullout resistance and tensile
strength and against the height of the wall for three different backfill soils. The global factors of safety
obtained from the FEM and AASHTO method for three different soils with different lengths of the
reinforcement are compared with each other. Results and Conclusions. The study shows, horizontal and vertical
movements of MSE wall decreases, as the length of the reinforcement increases. Also, from this study it is found that, as
the length of the reinforcement, cohesion and angle of internal friction increases the FOS for internal, external and global
stability increases. From the results of analytical analysis, Factor of safety for pullout resistance and tensile strength
increases as the height of the wall increases. From FEM and AASHTO methods, FEM gives little higher factor of safety
than AASHTO method. This is because of discretization of single structure in to number of nodes, element and regions.
So, it gives more convenient results than other methods. Based on the comparison, it is noted that both the analyses have
provided the acceptable range of safety values and are in good agreement.
Keywords: MSE retaining wall, Reinforcement, Finite element analysis (FEA), Analytical method,
Stability, Wall movement, Factor of safety.
Journal of Engineering Technology
Vol. 6, Special Issue (Emerging Trends in Engineering Technology) Mar. 2018, PP. 139-150
1. Introduction
Reinforced Earth.
Soil is a most widely used construction material, which is strong in compression and very weak in
tension and similarly the steel is widely used as reinforcing material in almost of all civil engineering
infrastructure projects which is very strong in tensile strength. Hence the combination of both these soil
and reinforcement will a very good engineering property than properties of an individual materials. So,
by observing all the above conditions a French engineer Henry Vidal proposed a theory called
Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) in the year 1963. Later at the invitation of the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA-NH-10-024), reinforced earth structures with their inextensible (steel)
reinforcements were introduced in the United States in 1971 [1]. Basically, reinforced soil section has
two components which are earth/soil and reinforcement with different properties but basic concept is
that the embedded reinforcement in soil provides tensile strength to the soil it is because of higher
stiffness of the reinforcement. The basic mechanism of MSE is, while reinforcement is in the soil
system the friction is formed between them and due to this friction soil movement is hold on the surface
of reinforcement and then the shear stress is developed which produces tension in reinforcement which
leads to confinement to the soil and results in decrease in soil deformation and increase in shear
strength of the soil.
of surcharge load application because of inadequate soil constitutive model [3]. Golam Kibria, et al. (2014)
conducted a series of numerical analysis tests on a MSE retaining wall to simulate the horizontal movement
and stability of the MSE wall using FEM programme PLAXIS- 2D. From test results, understood that the
horizontal displacement of wall is decreased and stability is increased with an increase in reinforcement
stiffness, length and friction angle of backfill soil at a fixed wall height [6].
This section deals with the parametric study of a 4-m height MSE retaining wall. The wall is modelled using
finite element programme GEO FEM for three different types of soils and three different lengths of
reinforcements. Wall geometry and properties of soils as well as details of reinforcements are given in Table 1
and 2. A 4-meter height MSE wall is completely analysed using finite element method. In the finite element
analysis, the MSE wall is discretized into 1678 nodes and 1004 elements (448 regions, 139 beams, 417
interfaces) as shown in Figure 1. The results obtained from FE analysis are vertical and horizontal wall
movements and over all factor of safety of wall.
Journal of Engineering Technology
Vol. 6, Special Issue (Emerging Trends in Engineering Technology) Mar. 2018, PP. 139-150
Modular concrete
2 Type of facing panels
1 Soil type (for both backfill and foundation soils) Silty - Gravel Clayey-Gravel Clayey-Gravel
3 Cohesion (kPa) 10 12 14
UDL on UDL on
7 Type surcharge UDL on Surface
Surface Surface
For type-1 soil maximum horizontal wall movements for reinforcement lengths 2.8, 3, 3.5 meters are 0.416,
0.308, 0.308 meters respectively and vertical wall movements are 0.405, 0.338, 0.338 meters respectively
(shown in Figure. 4) and factor of safety for same soil and reinforcements are 1.57, 1.63, 1.71 respectively.
and for type-2 soil maximum horizontal wall movements for reinforcement lengths 2.8, 3, 3.5 meters are
0.318, 0.282, 0.075 meters respectively and vertical wall movements are 0.324, 0.308, 0.160 meters
respectively (shown in Figure. 5) and factor of safety for same soil and reinforcements are 1.74, 1.74, 1.86
Similarly, for type-3 soil, maximum horizontal walls movements for reinforcement lengths 2.8, 3, 3.5 meters
are 0.190, 0.136, 0.134 meters respectively and vertical wall movements are 0.262, 0.194, 0.194 meters
respectively (shown in Figure.6) and factor of safety for same soil and reinforcements are 1.85, 1.85, 2.1
respectively. All the results show that, the movement will be decreases as the length of reinforcement
increases with increase in cohesion, angle of internal friction and length of reinforcement. These results were
compared with analytical method.
The 4-meter height MSE retaining wall is modelled using AASHTO recommendation programme GEO MSE
for three different types of soils and three different lengths of reinforcements. Internal and external stabilities
are calculated by AASHTO extensible recommendation (Straight slip surface) and wall verification is done by
allowable stress design (shown in Figure. 7).
(a) (b)
Journal of Engineering Technology
Vol. 6, Special Issue (Emerging Trends in Engineering Technology) Mar. 2018, PP. 139-150
Figure. 8. a, b, c. External Stability Checks for Soil 1, 2 and 3
Further, reinforcements were checked for factor of safety with respect to pullout resistance and tensile
strength against height of the wall, for all three different backfill soils (shown in Figure. 9 a, b, c and 10).
(a) (b)
Figure. 9 a, b, c. FOS Against Pullout Resistance for Soil 1, 2 and 3
Journal of Engineering Technology
Vol. 6, Special Issue (Emerging Trends in Engineering Technology) Mar. 2018, PP. 139-150
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
Figure. 10. Comparison of Factor of Safeties against tensile strength for three different soils
Factor of safety with respect to global stability obtained from GEO5 FEM are compared with analytical
method results from GEO5 MSE. Compared results are shown Figure. 11.
Figure. 11. Comparison of Global Factor of safeties obtained from FEM and AASHTO
In this part the global stability of numerical method and analytical methods are compared with each other. In
both the cases wall is analyzed for three different types of soils (soil-1, soil-2, soil-3) with three different
lengths of reinforcements (2.8m, 3m, 3.5m) for each soil. While observing all the comparisons it shows that in
almost all conditions the stability of numerical analysis shows little higher results than analytical. This is
because, in finite element analysis, a single structure is discretized into number of nodes, regions and elements
and the displacements and stresses are calculated at each node, region and elements, so the results are more
accurate in numerical analysis.
Journal of Engineering Technology
Vol. 6, Special Issue (Emerging Trends in Engineering Technology) Mar. 2018, PP. 139-150
4 Conclusion
The present study shows the results of numerical (GEO5 FEM) method and analytical (GEO5 MSE)
method and comparisons between numerical and analytical methods. In which, analyzed values from both
methods are in well acceptable ranges and are in good agreement.
From the numerical modeling, it is clear that horizontal and vertical movements of MSE wall decreases,
as the length of the reinforcement increases.
Also, the study shows the effect of soil and reinforcements on stability of mechanically stabilized earth
retaining wall. From this study it is found that, as the length of the reinforcement, cohesion and angle of
internal friction increases the FOS for internal, external and global stability increases.
From the results of analytical analysis, Factor of safety for pullout resistance and tensile strength increases
as the height of the wall increases.
From FEM and AASHTO methods, FEM gives little higher factor of safety than AASHTO method. This
is because of discretization of single structure in to number of nodes, element and regions. So, it gives
more convenient results than other methods.
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