Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering: Sadok Benmebarek, Samir Attallaoui, Naïma Benmebarek
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering: Sadok Benmebarek, Samir Attallaoui, Naïma Benmebarek
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering: Sadok Benmebarek, Samir Attallaoui, Naïma Benmebarek
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Back-to-back mechanically stabilized earth walls (BBMSEWs) are encountered in bridge approaches,
Received 22 December 2015 ramp ways, rockfall protection systems, earth dams, levees and noise barriers. However, available design
Received in revised form guidelines for BBMSEWs are limited and not applicable to numerical modeling when back-to-back walls
11 May 2016
interact with each other. The objective of this paper is to investigate, using PLAXIS code, the effects of the
Accepted 14 May 2016
Available online 15 July 2016
reduction in the distance between BBMSEW, the reinforcement length, the quality of backfill material
and the connection of reinforcements in the middle, when the back-to-back walls are close. The results
indicate that each of the BBMSEWs behaves independently if the width of the embankment between
Back-to-back walls
mechanically stabilized earth walls is greater than that of the active zone. This is in good agreement with
Numerical analysis the result of FHWA design guideline. However, the results show that the FHWA design guideline un-
Geosynthetic derestimates the lateral earth pressure when back-to-back walls interact with each other. Moreover, for
Factor of safety closer BBMSEWs, FHWA design guideline strongly overestimates the maximum tensile force in the
Lateral earth pressure reinforcement. The investigation of the quality of backfill material shows that the minor increase in
Maximum tensile force embankment cohesion can lead to significant reductions in both the lateral earth pressure and the
Reinforcement maximum tensile force in geosynthetic. When the distance between the two earth walls is close to zero,
the connection of reinforcement between back-to-back walls significantly improves the factor of safety.
Ó 2016 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting by
Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1. Introduction (1) Case 1: When the distance between the MSE walls, D, is
greater than H1tan (45 4/2), where H1 is the height of the
Mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls are well-recognized higher wall and 4 is the friction angle of the backfill, the
alternatives to conventional retaining walls due to many advan- width of the ramp or embankment allows for construction of
tages such as ease of construction, economy, and aesthetics. For two separate walls with sufficient spacing between them to
this, limit equilibrium and numerical methods were basically used ensure that each wall can act independently. Hence each wall
to evaluate the stability of MSE walls (Leshchinsky and Han, 2004; can be designed individually.
Han and Leshchinsky, 2006, 2007, 2010). In recent years, back-to- (2) Case 2: When D ¼ 0 and the overlap length exceeds 0.3H2,
back MSE walls (BBMSEWs) have been increasingly used for where H2 is the height of the lower wall, two walls are still
bridge approaches, ramp ways, rockfall protection systems, earth designed independently for internal stability but no active
dams, levees and noise barriers. However, there are insufficient thrust to the reinforced zone is assumed from the backfill. In
studies and guidelines concerning the behavior of BBMSEWs. other words, no active earth thrust from the backfill needs to
FHWA design guideline (Berg et al., 2009) addressed the design of be considered for external stability analysis. In this case, the
back-to-back walls, as illustrated in Fig. 1. Berg et al. (2009) divided two walls are assumed to act as a whole, without backfill to
back-to-back walls into two cases: exert an external destabilizing thrust.
1674-7755 Ó 2016 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (
698 S. Benmebarek et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 8 (2016) 697e702
two MSE walls interact with each other and the earth pressure
behind the wall decreases because the failure wedge behind the UX-1400
wall is not fully developed. 5m
In the above-mentioned studies, the interaction distance was
identified when the critical failure surfaces in two opposing walls Stiff foundation
did not intercept each other. This seems to be not identical to that
(a) Case 1.
defined by the FHWA design guideline as shown in Fig. 1. In other
words, a single failure surface may occur in one wall.
2. Numerical modeling
strain. The geometry of the baseline model of BBMSEW (Fig. 2)
considered in this study has the same configuration as that re-
ported by Han and Leshchinsky (2010). The height of the walls is
kept constant, equal to 6 m; and the soil foundation depth is equal
to 2 m. The distance between the walls varies from 3H to 0.8H
(large to narrow backfill width). Two soils are distinguished:
backfill and base soils. The backfill material used for reinforced
soil walls is assumed to be granular fill. A stiff soil like rock is (b) Case 2.
chosen as the base soil to minimize its influence on the behavior
of reinforced soil. The constitutive relation used for both soil types Fig. 2. Dimensions and parameters of the models.
S. Benmebarek et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 8 (2016) 697e702 699
Table 1
Material properties of backfill and base soil.
Model Materials Unit weight, g (kN/m3) Friction angle, 4 ( ) Dilation angle, j ( ) Cohesion, c (kPa) Elastic modulus, E (MPa) Poisson’s ratio, n
Table 2
Properties of geosynthetic soil reinforcement.
equilibrium state to determine the interaction between two back-
to-back walls, while this study is based on a working stress and
Model Ultimate tensile Allowable tensile Axial stiffness the failure planes are not formed in the numerical models when
strength (kN/m) strength, Ta (kN/m) (kN/m)
FS > 1.4. This finding is different from Han and Leshchinsky (2010)
Elastoplastic 70 25.6 1100 based on the limit equilibrium state (i.e. FS ¼ 1). Decreasing D leads
to the increase in the factor of safety for different friction angles.
Fig. 4 shows the factor of safety of back-to-back walls when
3. Computation results D 0 and the friction angle of backfill material 4 ¼ 35 . It is shown
that the responses of the BBMSEW with overlapping and contin-
3.1. Overall factor of safety uous reinforcements are different.
interaction distance D, based on the FHWA design guideline (Berg 2.6
et al., 2009), as shown in Fig. 3, is found to be equal to 0.47H,
0.52H and 0.58H, respectively. It is clearly illustrated that the 2.4
interaction distance obtained from the numerical analysis is LR=0.1H
smaller than that from the FHWA method. This is because that, in 2.2
the FHWA method, the Rankine failure plane is assumed in the limit LR=0.1H
Table 3 LR=0.0H
Properties of facing panels (as input to PLAXIS). 1.6
0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Model Axial stiffness, Bending stiffness, Thickness, Weight, w Poisson’s Wall width to height ratio, W/H
EA (kN/m) EI (kN m2/m) d (m) (kN m2) ratio, n
Elastic 3.5 106 5717 0.14 3.29 0.2 Fig. 4. Factor of safety of narrow walls when D 0 (W/H 1.4).
2.25 D=0
FHWA design guideline D=Htan(45°–φ/2)
2.15 D=0.47H D=0.6H
4.5 D=1.6H
φ=40° At-rest
Wall height (m)
Factor of safety
D=0.52H φ=30° 3 φ=35°
1.75 c=0 kPa
c=0 kPa
Ta=25.6 kN 1.5
1.35 0
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 0 10 20 30 40 50
Normalized distance between back-to-back walls, D/H Lateral earth pressure behind reinforced wall (kPa)
Fig. 3. Factor of safety of separate walls when D 0 (W/H ¼ 1.4e3). Fig. 5. Distribution of lateral earth pressure behind the reinforced wall.
700 S. Benmebarek et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 8 (2016) 697e702
100 proves the factor of safety. This can be explained by the fact that the
90 pullout from the middle becomes impossible and each reinforce-
D = 0.52H (FHWA) ment can mobilize all its strength.
80 The factor of safety continues to increase with the decrease in
FHWA design guideline φ=35° the distance between the walls for the case of overlapping rein-
c=0 kPa forcement. This is due to the increasing reinforcement overlapping
60 length. However, for the case of walls with continuous layers of
geogrid, the factor of safety slightly decreases with the decreasing
Case 2 Case 1 W/H ratio. This may be related to the slight reduction in critical
40 LR=0.3H D=0.52H failure surfaces within walls. Furthermore, the decrease in the
reinforcement length from 0.7H to 0.6H, as suggested by FHWA
30 design guideline (Berg et al., 2009) for Case 2, induces the decrease
evident that the lateral earth pressure exists behind the reinforced
3 wall even for D ¼ 0.
The ratio of the active lateral thrust behind the reinforced wall
W/H=1.4 to the theoretical active Rankine lateral thrust is presented in Fig. 6,
2 which shows the influence of D/H on the mobilization of the lateral
thrust. The lateral earth thrust exceeds the active Rankine earth
W/H=3 thrust when D/H is greater than 0.6. This is related to the increase in
1 lateral earth pressure at the wall base. Nevertheless, the lateral
Ka γzSv
earth thrust evidently decreases when D is lower than 0.5H. The
lateral earth thrust decreases to 77% of the active Rankine lateral
0 5 10 15 20 thrust as D approaches 0.
Maximum tensile force in reinforcement, Tmax (kN/m)
(a) D>0.
Wall height (m)
3 3
W/H=1.4 connected
1 W/H=1.4 unconnected
5 10 15 20 0
Maximum tensile force in reinforcement, Tmax (kN/m) 0 0.005 0.01
(b) D=0. Normalized displacement, δx/H
Fig. 7. Maximum tensile force in reinforcement at the end of construction. Fig. 8. Wall displacement at the end of construction.
S. Benmebarek et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 8 (2016) 697e702 701
c=0 kPa
c=5 kPa