8051 Interface Kit - Traffic Light Controller

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Traffic Light Controller TLC

Academy of Embedded
Technology is a diversified
manufacturing company engaged
in R&D Activities, training and
design development of various
applications using embedded
technology, since 1985.
Our products are an ideal
combination of cost, density,
features and performance making
them a compelling alternative to
other industry products.
AET has unique experties in the
domain areas of Non Destructive
Testing, Power Electronics,
Consumer Electronics, Robotics,
Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n , Te s t &
Measuring, Automation and control.


Traffic light controller is a traffic Hardware Features

light simulator having a working
Simulations and Control of Traffic
GUI built using National
Light Junctions.
Instruments Labview. This GUI
software allows the user to set the l Multiple Seven Segment
sequence order of each of the 4 Control.
junction and their ON durations l Controlling BCD to Seven
respectively. Segment driver IC.
Once all the settings are done, l Controlling Multiplexers IC.
Traffic Light System will run
automatically according to the
setting that the user has set, and it
allows the user to monitor the light
sequence through the LabVIEW
software. The Traffic Light system
is an application extension board
and can be directly connected to
ESAT-ISP development tool, which
also makes it compatible with

ISO 9001:2000 Certified

Academy of Embedded Technology
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Email : [email protected], [email protected], Website www.aet-embedtech.com

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