Symposium On The Lift and Escalator Technologies: Vibrations in A Lift System

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Symposium on the Lift and Escalator Technologies

Vibrations in a Lift System

Mehdi Mottaghi
School of Sciences and Technology, University of Northampton
St. George’s Avenue, Northampton NN2 6JD, U.K
Email: [email protected]

In this paper various models of the dynamic behaviour of a lift car are discussed. The dynamic
responses due forces and motion excitations have been analysed. As an example, the results of a
computer simulation to demonstrate the effects of the excitations have been presented.


Guide rail excitation:

There are several cases under which the guide rail installation will cause excitation in lift system:

1- Missalignment of the joints: this case is the most common case of excitations in lift system.
The excitation is of shock type. The magnitude of this shock depends on the physical
placement of two guide rail edges at joints. The quality of guide rail surface treatment and
fishplates are the affecting parameters. The applied shock will be transmitted to the car
through the guide devices. Generally the guide devices are equipped with spring damper
mechanism. The spring mechanism with lower the applied shock magnitude, the damping
mechanism will dissipate the energy in the system during a period of time.
2- DBG variations: DBG (Distance Between Guide Rails) variation will cause change in reaction
forces of the guide device (guide shoe or guide roller). The frequency of this variation is very

Traction machine excitations

1- Torque ripple: naturally the torque of all electrical machines is not quite smooth. This depends
on the internal structure of the machines. In case of asynchronous machines which are coupled
with reduction units the torque ripples are reduced to a very low level; however in this case the
reduction unit itself could be a source of ripples in the machine output. In case of permanent
magnet synchronous machines torque ripples are of much more importance, since there is no
reduction unit. During recent years machine manufacturers has improved so many solutions to
overcome this issue, some of them improved special feedback systems to overcome the ripples
(with the use of digital signal processors) and some has improved the rotor slip angle and
magnet placements in order to reach the maximum smoothness in output torque.
Torque ripple will transmitted to the car - through the suspension ropes which are elastic
mediums - in form of longitudinal vibrations. As reported by Schindler [1] in model 3300 and
5300 the recorded values are of less than 25mg inside the car.
2- Traction sheaves and rope impact: one of the major sources of excitation created in traction
system is the noise and vibration created because of rope and sheave profile impact. They are
of random order in magnitude and direction.
Air turbulence effect

Motion of the car and counterweight in lift well will create turbulence when they pass each other.
As reported by SHI Li-qun et al. [2] during experiment when the distance of the car and
counterweight is changed by 0.1 , 0.2, 0.3  in the lift well the positive lateral forces to the car
changed 3, 2, 1.5 times and negative lateral forces changed 7, 5, 3 times from the time
counterweight was far away from the car.

Unbalanced Rotational movements

Exhausting fan and the door operator machine are the major sources of the noise and vibration
excitation in lift system. This kind of vibrations has harmonic nature. Both sources require special
isolation mechanism in order to minimize the effect. Basically these kind vibrations create noise
rather than movement.

Building structure:

The building structure is always subject to excitation and vibration during operation of the lift.
Sometimes effects such as the building sway which may is caused by wind and turbulence may
indice vibration to the lift system. On the other hand the vibrational sources of the lift may excite
the building structure and create noise or in cases like safety gear engagement may cause larger
magnitude vibrations.

Vibration and energy transfer

Vibration is normally defined as a periodic or repeating motion of the body/ object under
consideration. Vibrational motions are directly related to the kinetic energy of the object. In a
system of particles or solid bodies linked together by constraints this energy can be transmitted
between objects through contact / collision or excitation.

Lift car dynamic model

As a part of this study a computer based modeling of a lift car has been developed in Matlab /
Simulink software to study the effect of a guide rail joint misalignment. The lateral force is from
guide roller reaction caused by a 1  step at guide rail joints (see Figure 1). The displacement is
applied to upper and lower guide roller within 1 . The general schematic diagram of the model
is illustrated in Figure 2. The roller guide is modeled as illustrated in Figure 3. The physical
properties of the lift car are calculated with the use of a real scale computer based modeling in
Inventor Software by Autodesk. Unfortunately real time modeling process of the suspension ropes
in Matlab requires substantial programming efforts, which is not practical while using personal
computers. Thus, for this modeling the suspension ropes are considered as a solid rod of small

The car (1800  1400  2300 ) is considered fully balanced in  plane and weight
vector (732) of the car is considered at the center of gravity, the placement of the CG in
vertical alignment is considered at 1220  from the guide roller ends. All guide devices are
equipped with 4  springs with natural length 20  and active length of 10 .

Analysis results show a 2  displacement in      ! " # and 1 
Movement in $   "   !"  # Figure 4.

Figure 1

Figure 2 Figure 3

Figure 4 Figure 5

Also the relative acceleration values are shown in Figure 5.


The ride quality and vibration responses in lift systems depend on many effects. By modeling the
lift system it can be seen that the lift car is subjected to rotational vibration while is excited by a
lateral forces.


1- Schindler 3300-5300 Information on noise and vibration Catalogue.

2- SHI Li-qun, LIU Ying-zheng, JIN Si-yu, CAO Zhao-Min. Numerical Simulation of Unsteady
Turbulent Flow Induced by Two-Dimensional Elevator Car and Counter Weight System.
Journal of Hydrodynamics, 19 (6), 2007, pp 720-725


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