R20.0.1 Infinera DTN and DTN-X Product Release Notes

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The document discusses various regulatory compliances such as FCC Class A, DOC Class A etc. that the device adheres to in order to operate within specified limits.

The device complies with FCC Class A and DOC Class A standards which specify limits for radio noise emissions from digital devices. It also complies with VCCI Class A and FDA rules and regulations.

The software images are organized on the FTP server based on the chassis type in separate folders. Each folder contains the software tar balls for the individual Field Replaceable Units of that chassis and a MetaR file containing hash information.


DTN and DTN-X Product Release Notes

Release 20.0.1
Version 001

Document ID 1900-002103

Infinera Corporation
140 Caspian Court
Sunnyvale, California 94089

- Please refer to the Infinera Customer Web Portal for the most recent version of this document. -
Copyright © 2020 Infinera Corporation
This Manual is the property of Infinera Corporation and is confidential. No part of this Manual may be reproduced for any purposes
or transmitted in any form to any third party without the express written consent of Infinera.
Infinera makes no warranties or representations, expressed or implied, of any kind relative to the information or any portion thereof
contained in this Manual or its adaptation or use, and assumes no responsibility or liability of any kind, including, but not limited to,
indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages, (1) for any errors or inaccuracies contained in the information or (2) arising
from the adaptation or use of the information or any portion thereof including any application of software referenced or utilized in the
Manual. The information in this Manual is subject to change without notice.

Infinera, Infinera Intelligent Transport Networks, IQ NOS, FlexILS, DTN-X, DTN, ATN, FastSMP, FlexCoherent, What the Network
Will Be, iWDM, Enlighten and logos that contain Infinera are trademarks or registered trademarks of Infinera Corporation in the
United States and other countries.
All other trademarks in this Manual are the property of their respective owners.
Infinera DTN-X, DTN, FlexILS, Cloud Xpress, XT, and ATN Regulatory Compliance
FCC Class A
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not
cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation. Modifying the equipment without Infinera's written authorization may result in the equipment no longer
complying with FCC requirements for Class A digital devices. In that event, your right to use the equipment may be limited by FCC
regulations, and you may be required to correct any interference to radio or television communications at your own expense.

DOC Class A
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the
interference-causing equipment standard titled “Digital Apparatus," ICES-003 of the Department of Communications.
Cet appareil numérique respecte les limites de bruits radioélectriques applicables aux appareils numériques de Classe A prescrites
dans la norme sur le matériel brouilleur: "Appareils Numériques," NMB-003 édictée par le Ministère des Communications.

Class A
This is a Class A product based on the standard of the VCCI Council. If this equipment is used in a domestic environment, radio
interference may occur, in which case, the user may be required to take corrective actions.

This is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be
required to take adequate measures.

This product complies with the DHHS Rules 21CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11, except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50,
dated June 24, 2007.
Chapter 1: About this Document................................................................................................................1-1
Documents for Release 20.0.................................................................................................................................1-2
Ordering Documentation....................................................................................................................................... 1-6
Documentation Feedback..................................................................................................................................... 1-7
Technical Assistance............................................................................................................................................ 1-8

Chapter 2: Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 2-1

Infinera Intelligent Transport Network Overview................................................................................................... 2-2
IQ Networking Operating System..........................................................................................................................2-4

Chapter 3: New and Updated Features.....................................................................................................3-1

Release 20.0 New and Updated Features............................................................................................................ 3-2

Chapter 4: TL1 Interface Updates............................................................................................................. 4-1

New TL1 Commands in Release 20.0 and 20.0.1................................................................................................ 4-2
Updates to Existing TL1 Commands in Release 20.0 and 20.0.1.........................................................................4-3

Chapter 5: Firmware Updates....................................................................................................................5-1

FPGA Firmware Updates...................................................................................................................................... 5-2

Chapter 6: Installing IQ NOS Software...................................................................................................... 6-1

IQ NOS Release Upgrade Matrix..........................................................................................................................6-2
Applicable FSBs....................................................................................................................................................6-3
GNM Requirements.............................................................................................................................................. 6-4
Release 20.0 System Certification........................................................................................................................ 6-7
IQ NOS Installation Procedures.......................................................................................................................... 6-18

Chapter 7: Closed Issues.......................................................................................................................... 7-1

Issues Resolved in R20.0.1.................................................................................................................................. 7-2
Issues Resolved in R20.0..................................................................................................................................... 7-4
Issues Resolved in R19.0.3.................................................................................................................................. 7-8
Issues Resolved in R19.0.2................................................................................................................................ 7-10
Issues Resolved in R19.0.1................................................................................................................................ 7-11
Issues Resolved in R19.0.0................................................................................................................................ 7-12
Issues Resolved in R18.2.4................................................................................................................................ 7-15
Issues Resolved in R18.2.3................................................................................................................................ 7-20
Issues Resolved in R18.2.1................................................................................................................................ 7-22

Chapter 8: Open Issues.............................................................................................................................8-1

Open Issues in Release 20.0.1............................................................................................................................. 8-2
Open Issues in Release 20.0................................................................................................................................ 8-5

Infinera Corporation DTN and DTN-X Product Release Notes Release 20.0.1 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

vi Contents

Open Issues in Release 19.0.3........................................................................................................................... 8-13

Open Issues in Release 19.0.2........................................................................................................................... 8-14
Open Issues in Release 19.0.1........................................................................................................................... 8-15
Open Issues in Release 19.0.............................................................................................................................. 8-16
Open Issues in Release 18.2.4........................................................................................................................... 8-20
Open Issues in Release 18.2.1........................................................................................................................... 8-22
Open Issues in Release 18.2.0........................................................................................................................... 8-27
Open Issues in Release 18.1.............................................................................................................................. 8-30
Open Issues in Release 18.0.1........................................................................................................................... 8-31
Open Issues in Release 18.0.............................................................................................................................. 8-34
Open Issues in Release 17.1.............................................................................................................................. 8-35
Open Issues in Release 16.3.1........................................................................................................................... 8-38
Open Issues in Release 16.2.............................................................................................................................. 8-39
Open Issues in Release 16.1.4........................................................................................................................... 8-41
Open Issues in Release 16.1.2........................................................................................................................... 8-42
Open Issues in Release 16.1.1........................................................................................................................... 8-43
Open Issues in Release 16.0.............................................................................................................................. 8-45
Open Issues in Release 15.3.............................................................................................................................. 8-46
Open Issues in Release 11.0.1........................................................................................................................... 8-48
Open Issues in Release 11.0.2........................................................................................................................... 8-49
Open Issues in Release 11.0.0........................................................................................................................... 8-50
Open Issues in Release 10.1.............................................................................................................................. 8-56
Open Issues in Release 10.0.1........................................................................................................................... 8-58
Open Issues in Release 10.0.............................................................................................................................. 8-59
Open Issues in Release 9.0.4............................................................................................................................. 8-60
Open Issues in Release 9.0.2............................................................................................................................. 8-61
Open Issues in Release 9.0.1............................................................................................................................. 8-62
Open Issues in Release 9.0.0............................................................................................................................. 8-64
Open Issues from Pre-Release 9.0.0..................................................................................................................8-70

Appendix A: Software Image Directory Structure......................................................................................A-1

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential


About this Document

This chapter lists the documents for this release and information to order documentation.

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-2 Documents for Release 20.0

Documents for Release 20.0

The following documents are available for the Intelligent Transport Network™ systems:

Document Name Document ID Description

DTN and DTN-X Site Preparation and Hardware Installation Guide Portfolio
XTC Site Preparation and 1900-001578 Describes the procedures for initial installation of the XTC at any
Hardware Installation Guide given site. Includes procedures for site preparation and site
testing, system cabling, safety procedures and hand-over to
provisioning activities.
XT Site Preparation and 1900-001579 Describes the procedures for initial installation of the XT chassis
Hardware Installation Guide at any given site. Includes procedures for site preparation and
site testing, system cabling, safety procedures and hand-over to
provisioning activities.
Line Systems Site Preparation 1900-001580 Describes the procedures for initial installation of the Line
and Hardware Installation Systems at any given site. Includes procedures for site
Guide preparation and site testing, system cabling, safety procedures
and hand-over to provisioning activities.
DTC/MTC Site Preparation 1900-001581 Describes the procedures for initial installation of the DTC/MTC
and Hardware Installation at any given site. Includes procedures for site preparation and
Guide site testing, system cabling, safety procedures and hand-over to
provisioning activities.
Passive Equipment Site 1900-001582 Describes the procedures for initial installation of the Passive
Preparation and Hardware Equipment at any given site. Includes procedures for site
Installation Guide preparation and site testing, system cabling, safety procedures
and hand-over to provisioning activities.
DTN and DTN-X Hardware Description Guide Portfolio
XT Hardware Description 1900-001583 Provides the hardware description of the XT chassis which
Guide includes the description of chassis, common modules and circuit
packs. It provides hardware block diagrams, functional
descriptions, mechanical and electrical specifications for each
XTC Hardware Description 1900-001584 Provides the hardware description of the XTC which includes the
Guide description of chassis, common modules and circuit packs. It
provides hardware block diagrams, functional descriptions,
mechanical and electrical specifications for each module.
Line Systems Hardware 1900-001585 Provides the hardware description of the Line Systems which
Description Guide includes the description of chassis, common modules and circuit
packs. It provides hardware block diagrams, functional
descriptions, mechanical and electrical specifications for each

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About this Document 1-3

Document Name Document ID Description

DTC/MTC Hardware 1900-001586 Provides the hardware description of the DTC/MTC which
Description Guide includes the description of chassis, common modules and circuit
packs. It provides hardware block diagrams, functional
descriptions, mechanical and electrical specifications for each
Passive Equipment Hardware 1900-001587 Provides the hardware description of the Passive Equipment
Description Guide which includes the description of chassis, common modules and
circuit packs. It provides hardware block diagrams, functional
descriptions, mechanical and electrical specifications for each
DTN and DTN-X Task Oriented Procedures Guide Portfolio
XTC Task Oriented 1900-001588 Provides the routine task oriented procedures used in support of
Procedures Guide the XTC.
XT Task Oriented Procedures 1900-001589 Provides the routine task oriented procedures used in support of
Guide the XT chassis.
Line Systems Task Oriented 1900-001590 Provides the routine task oriented procedures used in support of
Procedures Guide the Line Systems.
DTC/MTC Task Oriented 1900-001591 Provides the routine task oriented procedures used in support of
Procedures Guide the DTC/MTC.
DTN and DTN-X Turn-up and Test Guide Portfolio
DTN-X Turn-up and Test 1900-001592 Describes procedures for turning up, commissioning and testing
Guide the installed DTN-X network element. Includes the description of
circuit activation and end-end system testing procedures.
DTN Turn-up and Test Guide 1900-001593 Describes procedures for turning up, commissioning and testing
the installed DTN network element. Includes the description of
circuit activation and end-end system testing procedures.
FlexILS ROADM Turn-up and 1900-001594 Describes procedures for turning up, commissioning and testing
Test Guide the installed FlexILS and FlexROADM network elements.
Includes the description of circuit activation and end-end system
testing procedures.
Optical Amplifier Turn-up and 1900-001595 Describes procedures for turning up, commissioning and testing
Test Guide the installed OTC-based Optical Amplifier network elements.
Includes the description of circuit activation and end-end system
testing procedures.
XT Turn-up and Test Guide 1900-001596 Describes procedures for turning up, commissioning and testing
the installed XT network element. Includes the description of
circuit activation and end-end system testing procedures.
Optical Line Amplifier Turn-up 1900-001597 Describes procedures for turning up, commissioning and testing
and Test Guide the installed MTC-9/MTC-6 based Optical Line Amplifier network
elements. Includes the description of circuit activation and end-
end system testing procedures.
DTN and DTN-X Reference Guides Portfolio

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1-4 Documents for Release 20.0

Document Name Document ID Description

SNMP Agent Reference Guide 1900-001598 Describes the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Agent for network elements. It provides detailed instructions to
configure and operate the SNMP Agent from the network
DTN and DTN-X System 1900-001599 Provides an overview of the Intelligent Transport Network and its
Description Guide principal elements, including the network elements.
IQ Network Operating System 1900-001600 Provides an overview of the Infinera IQ Network Operating
Overview Guide System.
Infinera Management Suite 1900-001601 Provides an overview of the management interfaces for products.
Overview Guide
NETCONF Agent Reference 1900-001602 Describes the Network Configuration (NETCONF) Agent.
DTN and DTN-X Alarm and 1900-001603 Describes the alarms raised by the network elements and the
Trouble Clearing Guide corrective procedures to perform to clear the alarms. It also
describes about Event Log.
gRPC Reference Guide 1900-001651 Provides an overview of the General Remote Procedure Calls
(gRPC) interface.
RESTCONF Agent Reference 1900-001604 Describes the REpresentational State Transfer Configuration
Guide Protocol (RESTCONF) Agent.
DTN and DTN-X User Guides Portfolio
GNM Overview Guide 1900-001605 Describes the Graphical Node Manager user interface. It also
describes the new features, the hardware and software
requirements required to launch the GNM. It also provides
procedures to install and upgrade the software and database on
the network elements.
GNM Fault Management and 1900-001606 Describes the Fault Management inventories and Alarm
Diagnostics Guide Manager. It also provides the procedures to perform diagnostic
tests on network elements.
GNM Configuration 1900-001607 Describes the procedures to use the GNM to configure the
Management Guide network elements and the network topology. It also provides a
description on the Equipment Manager and Facility Manager.
GNM Performance 1900-001608 Describes the procedures to use GNM to view performance
Management Guide monitoring (PM) data and modify PM thresholds for network
elements. It also provides the PM parameters details reported by
the network elements.
GNM Security Management 1900-001609 Describes the procedures to perform security and access
Guide management tasks such as creating, deleting and managing user
accounts on the network elements.
GNM Service Provisioning 1900-001610 Describes the procedures to provision cross-connects,
Guide subnetwork connections (SNCs) and protected services on
network elements. It includes a description of the various
inventory managers displayed in the GNM.

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About this Document 1-5

Document Name Document ID Description

CLI User Guide 1900-001611 Describes Command Line Interface (CLI) for the MTC-6/MTC-9
based FlexROADM and Optical Line Amplifier network elements.
It includes the description of the supported CLI commands and
the procedures for the commonly performed OAM&P functions.
DTN and DTN-X TL1 User 1900-001612 Describes the TL1 interface supported by the DTN-X, ILS, DTN,
Guide XT and Optical Line Amplifier network elements. It includes the
description of the supported TL1 commands and the procedures
for the commonly performed OAM&P functions.
Acronyms 1900-001614 Lists the acronyms used in documentation.

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1-6 Ordering Documentation

Ordering Documentation
Contact your account representative to obtain copies of Infinera technical documentation.

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About this Document 1-7

Documentation Feedback
Infinera strives to constantly improve the quality of its products and documentation. Please submit
comments or suggestions regarding Infinera Technical Product Documentation using any of the following
■ Submit a service request using the Infinera Customer Web Portal
■ Send email to: [email protected]
■ Send mail to the following address:
Attention: Infinera Technical Documentation and Technical Training
Infinera Corporation
140 Caspian Court
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
When submitting comments, please include the following information:
■ Document name and document ID written on the document cover page
■ Document release number and version written on the document cover page
■ Page number(s) in the document on which there are comments

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1-8 Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance
Customer Support for Infinera products is available, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (24x7). For
information or assistance with Infinera products, please contact the Infinera Technical Assistance Center
(TAC) using any of the methods listed below:
■ Email: [email protected]
■ Telephone:
□ Direct within United States: 1-408-572-5288
□ Outside North America: +1-408-572-5288
□ Toll-free within United States: +1-877-INF-5288 (+1-877-463-5288)
□ Toll-free within Germany/France/Benelux/United Kingdom: 00-800-4634-6372
□ Toll-free within Japan: 010-800-4634-6372
■ Infinera corporate website: http://www.infinera.com
■ Infinera Customer Web Portal: https://support.infinera.com
Please see the Infinera Customer Web Portal to view technical support policies and procedures, to
download software updates and product documentation, or to create/update incident reports and
RMA requests.

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This chapter provides an introduction to the Infinera Intelligent Transport Network and Infinera Intelligent
Transport Networking Systems in the following sections:
■ Infinera Intelligent Transport Network Overview on page 2-2
■ IQ Networking Operating System on page 2-4

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

2-2 Infinera Intelligent Transport Network Overview

Infinera Intelligent Transport Network Overview

Infinera delivers the Intelligent Transport Network solution, referred to as the Infinera Intelligent Transport
Network. The Infinera Intelligent Transport Network provides the ability to multiplex, transport, add, drop,
groom, switch and protect OTN, SONET, SDH, Ethernet, and other services inexpensively, transparently,
reliably, flexibly and quickly. The Infinera Intelligent Transport Network allows the construction of a single
unified optical transport network that scales from metro to ultra long haul applications.
In addition to the DTN-X, DTN, Optical Amplifier, XT, and FlexILS nodes, the Infinera Intelligent Transport
Network provides system integration of the Infinera ATN®. The ATN is a Coarse Wavelength Division
Multiplexing (CWDM) and Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) multi-service platform that
provides digital add/drop and bandwidth management capabilities.
The Infinera Intelligent Transport Network is composed of DTN-Xs and DTNs deployed anywhere client
access is desired and Optical Amplifiers where client access is not anticipated. The links between the
DTN-Xs/DTNs, referred to as digital links, isolate analog engineering and impairments within that digital
link. Users can progressively deploy the transport network with DTN-Xs/DTNs at more points of presence,
interconnected by digital links, when and where capacity is required, without re-engineering the network.
In addition to the digital links between DTN-Xs and DTNs, the Infinera Intelligent Transport Network also
supports optical links between FlexILS nodes (including FlexILS ROADM nodes and DTN-X with ROADM
nodes), and between FlexILS Optical Line Amplifiers, which are used for optical amplification of FlexILS
services where client access isn’t required.

Infinera DTN-X
The Infinera DTN-X combines the DTN’s photonic integrated circuit (PIC) technology with multi-terabit
WDM transport and also integrates the technology with Optical Transport Network (OTN; ITU G.709)
switching on the XTC chassis type. The DTN-X's non-blocking, ODU0 granularity single-stage switch
fabric covers transport and bandwidth management applications across core, regional core, and large
metro spaces. In addition, the DTN-X provides digital bandwidth management within an Intelligent
Transport Network. It provides a means for direct access to client data at 40Gbps, 10Gbps, and/or 1Gbps
digital granularity at a site, allowing flexible selection of whether to multiplex, add/drop, amplify, groom,
optically express, or switch individual data streams.
In addition to XTC chassis, the DTN-X can contain DTN, XT, OTC, and FlexILS chassis.

Infinera FlexILS ROADM Node

The Infinera FlexILS ROADM is a reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer node, composed of two or
more MTC-9/MTC-6 chassis configured with FRMs and IRMs/IAMs (one MTC-9/MTC-6, one FRM, and
one IAM/IRM per degree). The FlexILS ROADM node provides colorless ROADM (optical express)
functionality, and can also be used to provide dynamic spectral shaping, with each FRM dynamically
equalizing the optical spectrum in one direction.
The FlexILS ROADM supports reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer (ROADM) services with flexible
grid and CDC capabilities to extend the optical reach between DTN-Xs deployed in an Intelligent
Transport Network. The FlexILS ROADM node provides colorless ROADM (optical express) functionality,

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Introduction 2-3

and can also be used to provide dynamic spectral shaping, with each FRM dynamically equalizing the
optical spectrum in one direction.

Infinera FlexILS Optical Line Amplifier

The Infinera FlexILS Optical Line Amplifier is an MTC-9 or MTC-6 based node used for optical
amplification of FlexILS services.

Infinera XT
The Infinera XT is a purpose-built, optimized platform for point-to-point hyper-scale bandwidth
interconnect application across regional, metro, and long haul platforms. The XT combines the Infinera's
coherent Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) optical engine with a high port density packet-
based Ethernet switch to enable multiple Tbps DWDM capacity over a single fiber pair. The XT is
designed to simplify the deployment of high-bandwidth connections while lowering the power and space
required for these networks.

Infinera DTN
The Infinera DTN® provides digital ROADM service and bandwidth management capabilities within the
Intelligent Transport Network. It provides a means for direct access to client data at a site, allowing
flexible selection of whether to multiplex, add/drop, amplify, groom, optically express, or switch individual
data streams. The DTN can be equipped in a variety of network configurations using a common set of
circuit packs.

Infinera Optical Amplifier

The Infinera Optical Amplifier is used to extend the optical reach between DTNs and DTN-Xs. The Optical
Amplifier is composed of OTC chassis and is deployed at locations where customer access is not

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2-4 IQ Networking Operating System

IQ Networking Operating System

The Intelligent Transport Network architecture includes an intelligent embedded control software called
the IQ Network Operating System (NOS), which operates on the DTN-X, DTN, Optical Amplifier, and
FlexILS nodes. The IQ NOS software provides reliable and intelligent interfaces for the Operation,
Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM&P) tasks performed by the operating personnel and
management systems. The IQ NOS also includes an intelligent Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching
(GMPLS) control plane architecture which provides automated end-to-end service provisioning and a
management plane architecture which provides reliable and redundant communication paths for the
management traffic between the management systems and the network elements.
IQ NOS supports the following features:
■ Operates on DTN-X, DTN, Optical Amplifier, XT, and FlexILS nodes
■ Standards based operations and information model (ITU-T, TMF 814, Telcordia).
■ Extensive fault management capabilities including current alarm reporting, alarm reporting
inhibition, hierarchical alarm correlation, configurable alarm severity assignment profile, event
logging, environmental alarms, and export of alarm and event data.
■ Network diagnostics capability including digital path and digital section level loopbacks, client side
loopbacks, circuit-level pseudo random binary sequence (PRBS) 31 and detection, trail trace
identifier (TTI) and synchronous optical network (SONET)/synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) J0
monitoring and insertion at the tributaries.
■ Automatic equipment provisioning and equipment pre-provisioning.
■ Fully automated network topology discovery including physical topology and service topology
■ Robust end-to-end automated circuit routing and provisioning utilizing GMPLS routing and signaling
protocols. Highlights of this feature include the ability to pre-configure circuits, optional selection of
SNC path utilizing constraint based routing, and optional specification of the channel/sub-channel
number within an optical carrier group (OCG) for a subnetwork connection (SNC).
■ Flexible software and configuration database management including remote software upgrade/
rollback, configuration database backup and restore, and bulk File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
■ Analog performance monitoring at every node, digital performance monitoring at DTNs and DTN-
Xs, and native client signal performance monitoring at tributaries.
■ Supports Network Time Protocol (NTP) to synchronize the timestamps on all alarms, events and
performance monitoring (PM) data across the network.
■ GR-815-CORE based security administration and support for Remote Authentication Dial-In User
Service (RADIUS).
■ Hitless software upgrades.
■ Multi-chassis configurations utilizing the nodal control ports (NC ports or NCT ports, depending on
the chassis type).
■ Redundant control plane communication paths utilizing two control modules.

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Introduction 2-5

■ Redundant management plane communication paths utilizing Gateway Network Element (GNE)
and Management Proxy services.
■ Telcordia compliant TL1 for operations support system (OSS) integration.
■ Open integration interfaces including the TL1 interface and CSV formatted flat files that can be
exported using secure FTP.

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2-6 IQ Networking Operating System

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New and Updated Features

This chapter lists the new and updated features in the current release.

Note: For details on these features, refer to the DTN and DTN-X System Description Guide. For
information on new modules, refer to the respective Hardware description guides.

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3-2 Release 20.0 New and Updated Features

Release 20.0 New and Updated Features

This chapter lists the new and updated features for IQ NOS software and the DTN-X, DTN, Optical
Amplifier, FlexILS and XT nodes for Release 20.0 and Release 20.0.1

Table 3-1 New and Updated Features in Release 20.0.1

Feature Description
Network Configurations
FSM-CDC-8D-12 Support with Starting Release 20.0.1, the FlexROADM Switching Module (FSM) supports
FRM-20X and CHM2T configuration with FRM-20X and CHM2T(Coherent Module - Terabit type 2 ) as
alien wave source at source and destination nodes. CHM2T is a multiservice
transponder FRU of the Groove G30 family.
System Interfaces
XTMM migration Starting Release 20.0.1, factory default XT(S)-3300 or XT(S)-3600 management
control module can be plugged to XT(S)-3600 or XT(S)-3300 chassis types with no
manual intervention.
Service Provisioning
XT Optical Protection Switch Starting Release 20.0.1, OPSM-2 protection supports switching with intermediate
Module (OPSM) protection Regen in either the work or protection legs.
with Regenerative nodes
Security Management
Media Access Control Security Release 20.0.1 extends MACSec support to port based encryption for 10GbE
(MACSec) security services on XT(S)-3300.
enhancements In Release 20.0.1, MACSec includes support for the following authentication and
privacy protocols:
■ AES-256 GCM (Galois Counter Mode) Cipher Suite w/ 256 bit keys
■ Cipher Suite: GCM-AES-XPN-256 per IEEE 802.1AEbw-2013
MACsec includes support to the following security standards:
■ IEEE 802.1AE-2006
■ IEEE 802.AEbn-2011 (256-bit key)
■ IEEE 802.1AEbw-2013 (extended packet numbering)

Table 3-2 New and Updated Features in Release 20.0.

Feature Description
Hardware Modules
TOM-100GMR-Q-ER4L Release 20.0 introduces Tributary Optical Module 100G PON, referred to as
support on XT(S)-3300, TOM-100GMR-Q-ER4L which is a field-replaceable 100G QSFP28 module. This
XT(S)-3600 & TOM is hot-pluggable into an available client port on the XT(S)-3600/XT(S)-3300,
TIM2-2-100GM/GX and/or a sub-slot on the TIM2-2-100GM/GX.

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

New and Updated Features 3-3

Table 3-2 New and Updated Features in Release 20.0. (continued)

Feature Description
IAM-HSL-RM Release 20.0 introduces IAM High Span Loss Rack Mount (IAM-HSL-RM) amplifier
which is an EDFA-based high gain high output (HGHO) amplifier type that is used
to close high span loss links, and optimized to function with FlexILS network
elements configured with FlexILS modules such as IAM-2s, FRM-20Xs, etc.
Network Configurations
Support for L2 circuits over Release 20.0 introduces Layer 2 circuits between two network sites using the
AUX port auxiliary Ethernet port on the IMM-B card installed in an MTC-9 or MTC-6 chassis.
This connection can be used to establish a direct link between two routers.
Support for Auto Discovery Starting Release 20.0, Auto Discovery is supported between an ICE-4 line module
between AOFx-1200/ and FRM-20X/9D (either directly connected or through an FBM).
XT(S)-3600/XT(S)-3300 and
Alpha bin configuration for Release 20.0 supports configuration of the attribute Alpha bin_2 on an SCGPTP for
minimized guard band support the XTS-3300 line modules, applicable for XTS3312-YN-EZC15 PONs only. This is
used for minimized guard band support to optimally tune the carriers for the most
effective utilization of the spectrum.
Gen 3 to ICE-4 migration of Release 20.0 allows insertion of ICE-4 carriers in the available spectrum in a Gen 3
carriers for SLTE links SCH. An existing network with Gen 3 carriers can be upgraded to ICE-4 carriers to
increase the capacity of the fiber.
XT(S)-3300 System Interfaces
10GE client service on Release 20.0 introduces support for 10GbE services on XT(S)-3300 with the ability
XT(S)-3300 to support 4x10GE per 100G port through a configuration called breakout mode. In
the breakout mode, certain 40G QSFP+ TOM types are inserted in client ports 1 to
12 of the XT(S)-3300 to enable each port the use of 40G of bandwidth (4x10GbE
clients) in ports 1 - 12.
Network Applications
Lower order ODU multiplexing The following TIM2 multiplexing configurations are supported :
on TIM2
■ TIM2-2-100GX: ODU0/2/2e LO muxing -> ODU4
■ TIM2-18-10GX: ODU0/1 LO muxing -> ODU2
Lower order ODU multiplexing XT(S)-3600 supports ODU4 to ODU2/ODU2e multiplexing configurations.
on XT(S)-3600
Interoperation scenarios for Starting Release 20.0, the following interoperations between Gen 3 TIMs and
lower order multiplexing TIM2s are supported:
■ TIM2-18-10GM/GX <-> TIM-5-10GM/GX
■ TIM2-2-100GM/GX <-> TIM-1-100GM/GX

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3-4 Release 20.0 New and Updated Features

Table 3-2 New and Updated Features in Release 20.0. (continued)

Feature Description
Service Interworking: Release 20.0 adds support for ODU adaptation in XT(S)-3600 bookended
TIM2-2-100GM/GX & 100G on configurations and TIM2 to XT(S)-3600 interoperations:
■ XT(S) - 3600 and XT(S) - 3600 (ODU4)
■ TIM2-2-100GX and XT(S) - 3600 (ODU2/2e)
■ TIM2-18-10GX and XT(S) - 3600 (ODU2/2e)
100GE/10GE to OTU4 Starting Release 20.0, XT(S)-3600 supports:
adaptation for XT(S)-3600
only network ■ 100GbE to OTU4 adaptation services (through ODU4)
■ 10GbE to OTU4 adaptation services (through ODU2e)
TE Link (OTU2, OTU4) Starting Release 20.0, tributary-based TE links are supported on XTC-4 and
support for OTM-1200 XTC-10 for the following client types and modules:
■ OTU4 for TIM2-2-100GM and TIM2-2-100GX
■ OTU, OTU2e for TIM2-18-10GM and TIM2-18-10GX
ODU services on TIM2 Starting Release 20.0, unprotected cross-connect creation on TIM2-2-100GX
requires ODU2 service and OTU4-ODU4-ODU0 adaptation.
Fault Management
SNCFAIL alarm reporting in Starting Release 20.0, SNC Fail and CSF (Client Signal Failure) handling in AINS
CSD and AINS conditions condition includes configurations in case of both unprotected SNC with CSF on T-
ODUk and Protected SNC with a CSF on L-ODUk.
Performance Monitoring
Performance Monitoring (PM) Starting Release 20.0, OSNR, SNR Inner, SNR outer, and Groove PM parameters
enhancements are introduced.
OSNR Measurements & Release 20.0 introduces OSNR measurement and OSNR PM reporting for all ICE 4
Reporting enhancements line modules i.e, XT(S)-3300, XT(S)-3600, AOFx-1200 and MXP-400.
Service latency Starting Release 20.0, service latency measurement support is extended for
measurements for TIM2-2-100GM/GX, TIM2-18-10GM/GX and XT-3600 for 10G and 100G services.
TIM2-18-10GM/GX and
Service Provisioning
Dynamic Wavelength Release 20.0 introduces dynamic WSS resizing with FRM-9Ds associated with
Selective Switch (WSS) XTS-3600 and SOFx-1200. This involves resizing an existing superchannel to a
resizing smaller size to accomodate insertion of ICE-4 carriers.

Note: This functionality is only available when the FRM-9D is configured in

SLTE Mode.

Security Management

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

New and Updated Features 3-5

Table 3-2 New and Updated Features in Release 20.0. (continued)

Feature Description
Expected Span Loss (ESL) Starting Release 20.0, the Expected Span Loss setting in the Span/C-Band Span
Setting change of security Properties for some modules (such as BMM,ORM,IAM,IRM) is restricted to users
level to admin with admin access privileges from TL1, CLI and GNM user interfaces.
Network Management User Interfaces
Infinera DTN/DTN-X Graphical Release 20.0 includes updates to the GNM to support all the features listed above.
Node Manager (GNM) GUI Starting Release 20.0, Java web start is no longer supported. Download the GNM
Native Client from the Customer Web Portal. Refer to GNM Overview Guide for
detailed installation procedure. Contact Infinera Technical Assistance Center for
more information.

Note: Download and install of the GNM Client must be performed the first time
on every machine from which the GNM client will be launched.

Transaction Language 1 (TL1) Release 20.0 includes updates to the TL1 interface to support the Release 20.0
Interface features listed above. See the DTN and DTN-X TL1 User Guide for detailed
information on TL1 interface features and syntax updates.
NETCONF Starting Release 20.0, NETCONF protocol implements the standard YANG model
for XT(S)-3300 and MTC-6/MTC-9 based FlexROADM network elements.
RESTCONF Release 20.0 includes updates to the RESTCONF interface to support some of the
features listed above.
Command Line Interface (CLI) Release 20.0 includes updates to the CLI interface to support some of the features
listed above.

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3-6 Release 20.0 New and Updated Features

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TL1 Interface Updates

Transaction Language 1 (TL1) is an industry-recognized common language protocol for messages

exchanged between network elements and an Operations System (OS). The IQ NOS TL1 Agent can be
launched locally through the craft interface or remotely over the Data Communications Network (DCN).
The IQ NOS TL1 Agent uses the common language protocol to eliminate the need to support vendor-
specific interfaces.
The IQ NOS TL1 Agent on the network element allows operations system to perform fault management,
equipment configuration, service provisioning, performance monitoring, and security administration.
This chapter describes the TL1 updates in the following sections:
■ New TL1 Commands in Release 20.0 and 20.0.1 on page 4-2
■ Updates to Existing TL1 Commands in Release 20.0 and 20.0.1 on page 4-3

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4-2 New TL1 Commands in Release 20.0 and 20.0.1

New TL1 Commands in Release 20.0 and 20.0.1

auxinstance>,<OSCAID=oscaid>,<AUXPORTRATE=auxportrate >,<AUXSTATE=Enabled|

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

TL1 Interface Updates 4-3

Updates to Existing TL1 Commands in Release 20.0 and 20.0.1

The following TL1 commands have been updated between Release 19.0 and 20.0 and 20.0.1.

Table 4-1 TL1 Commands Updated in Release 20.0

Command Release 20.0 Updates
ED-OPSMPTP Added PROVOWREMPTP input parameter.
RTRV-OPSMPTP Added PROVOWREMPTP response parameter.
ED-SCH Added ADJSCHCTP input parameter.
RTRV-SCH Added ADJSCHCTP response parameter.
ED-ODU3 Added FACPRBSGEN input parameter.
response parameters.
ED-DEFTEMP-SCG Added LOTUNABLE input parameter.
RTRV-DEFTEMP-SCG Added LOTUNABLE response parameter.
ED-SCG Added PROVALPHABIN input parameter.
ED-100GBE Removed PAUSEDURATION input parameter.
ED-10GBE Removed PAUSEDURATION input parameter.
RTRV-100GBE Removed PAUSEDURATION response parameter.
RTRV-10GBE Removed PAUSEDURATION response parameter.
RTRV-NTP Added STRATUM response parameter.
RTRV-LMMPTP Added RXPROVEQPTTYPE response parameter.

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4-4 Updates to Existing TL1 Commands in Release 20.0 and 20.0.1

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Firmware Updates

The components on the modules may contain several types of firmware:

■ Complex programmable logic device (CPLD)—CPLD firmware is not field upgradeable. It is
shipped with module and is not changed in the module in the field for the lifetime of the module.
(Note that GNM may display different values for a module’s current CPLD and the “target” CPLD. If
there is a difference in these values, this difference should be disregarded.)
■ Digital Signal Processor (DSP)— DSP firmware updates are automatic; they are not service
impacting and required no interaction to implement during upgrade. Table 5-2: DSE-1 Optical
Power Monitor (OPM) Firmware Versions on page 5-4includes DSP versions for each module
that are included in each release of IQ NOS. (Note that the DSP firmware may contain an FPGA,
but the DSP updates are never service impacting and are always automatic.)
■ Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)—FPGA firmware updates are service affecting for certain
modules (see Table 5-1: Module Types that Require Service-affecting Cold Resets for FPGA
Firmware Upgrades on page 5-2). For all other modules, FPGA firmware updates are automatic
and non-service affecting. For FPGA updates that are service-affecting and require a manual cold
reboot, the SAFpgaUpgradeFlag will be displayed in GNM (in TL1, this is the SAFWUPG
parameter in the RTRV-EQPT command response). In addition, for modules that require a cold
reboot/service-affecting FPGA update, GNM will display the different values for current firmware
version and target firmware version. (Note that it is acceptable if the current firmware version is
higher than the target firmware version.) The following section further describes FPGA updates.

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

5-2 FPGA Firmware Updates

FPGA Firmware Updates

Infinera has implemented Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) within many of the hardware
modules. These FPGAs support many different features and functions within the hardware and can be
remotely upgraded in the field to add features or correct design inefficiencies without requiring
replacement, repair and return of the hardware modules.
Upgrade of the FPGAs is performed via updating the FPGA firmware or “image” - which is a list of
programmable instructions that tell the FPGA how it should operate and what features it should provide.
New FPGA images may (or may not) be provided within a new software release, and any enhancements
to FPGA images will be identified within the Software Release Notes describing the functional change to
the hardware that the FPGA image provides.
FPGA firmware updates are classified into the following categories:
■ Optional—No major service improvements will be seen by upgrading the device firmware or the
FPGA driver. It is recommended to upgrade this FPGA firmware only if service is not present .
■ Recommended—New features in the software rely on this code change, or Service Quality
improvements are provided as a result of this change. It is recommended to upgrade this FPGA
firmware driver update if the new feature is required, or if the issue the FPGA firmware image was
changed to address has been experienced.
■ Required—Service quality will be impacted if this FPGA firmware driver is not upgraded. It is highly
recommended to upgrade this FPGA firmware driver at the first maintenance window opportunity.
FPGA firmware images where traffic or service continuity may be affected are not automatically updated
as part of a system software upgrade. These images are updated on a user-commanded module cold
reset, or on a module power-up initialization.
This allows the user to make a decision if the FPGA upgrade is desired on a particular service path and
implement the new FPGA firmware image during a planned maintenance window - or choose not to
upgrade the FPGA firmware at all. To update the FPGA firmware image during a maintenance window,
the user can control the time and place of a particular upgrade using the targeted cold-reboot commands
in GNM, DNA, and TL1.

Table 5-1 Module Types that Require Service-affecting Cold Resets for FPGA Firmware Upgrades
Product Ordering Name (PON) Part Number (P/N) Revision
BMM-4-C1-A or B 800-0011-002 Rev B01
BMM-4-C2-MS-A or B 800-0014-002 Rev B01
BMM-4-C3-MS-A or B 800-0015-002 Rev B01
BMM2C-16-CH All P/Ns All revisions
BMM2P-8-CEH1 All P/Ns All revisions (all revisions on upgrade to
R9.0.4 or higher)
BMM2P-8-CH1-MS All P/Ns

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Firmware Updates 5-3

Table 5-1 Module Types that Require Service-affecting Cold Resets for FPGA Firmware Upgrades
Product Ordering Name (PON) Part Number (P/N) Revision
OAM-C1-A or B All P/Ns All revisions
OAM-CX1 800-0090-005 Rev B01 (and lower)
OAM-CX2 800-0091-005 Rev B01 (and lower)
OAM-CX3 800-0092-005 Rev B01 (and lower)
ORM-CXH1 All P/Ns All revisions
(all revisions on upgrade to R9.0.3 or

Available FPGA and DSP Firmware Updates by Release

Infinera DTN and DTN-X FPGA and Firmware updates sheet lists the FPGA and DSP updates available
in each IQ NOS release, beginning in Release 18.2.x. (For firmware updates prior to Release 18.2.x,
please refer to the Release Notes for the specific release.)

Note: Refer to Infinera DTN and DTN-X FPGA and Firmware updates sheet for the list of FPGA and
DSP updates available in each IQ NOS release, beginning in Release 18.2.x.

Note: Because all new modules are shipped with the latest firmware version, no firmware updates are
listed for a module in the release in which the module is introduced.

Note: For FPGA or DSP firmware updates for older FRUs/PONs, refer to Release notes of Release
16.1.x or earlier.

Note: There were no FPGA nor DSP firmware updates in Release 19.0.1 or Release 19.0.2

Note: Based on the type of encoder, the DSE will have different firmware versions. For DSEs, the
target firmware version specified by the management interfaces should be ignored. Table 5-2: DSE-1
Optical Power Monitor (OPM) Firmware Versions on page 5-4 shows the firmware versions for
DSE, based on the type of DSE encoder.

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

5-4 FPGA Firmware Updates

Table 5-2 DSE-1 Optical Power Monitor (OPM) Firmware Versions

DSE Configuration Firmware Version
DSE with magnetic encoder firmware OPM FW: 0x30c
DSE with optical encoder firmware 0x506 (initial version released)
0x50a (fix for OPM motor functioning and frequency read)
DSE with calibration and optical power monitoring for OPM FW versions:
supporting Open Wave
■ 0x70c (initial version released)
■ 0x710 (fix to reduce optical power monitor
motor failures
■ 0x711 (fix for OPM motor functioning and
frequency read).

Refer to Infinera DTN and DTN-X FPGA and Firmware updates sheet for the list of FPGA and DSP
updates available in each IQ NOS release, beginning in Release 18.2.x.

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential


Installing IQ NOS Software

The following sections provide a description of the hardware, firmware, and software requirements:
■ IQ NOS Release Upgrade Matrix on page 6-2
■ Applicable FSBs on page 6-3
■ GNM Hardware Requirements on page 6-4
■ GNM Software Requirements on page 6-4
■ Browser Requirements on page 6-5
■ JRE Requirements on page 6-5
■ Release 20.0 System Certification on page 6-7
■ IQ NOS Installation Procedures on page 6-18

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6-2 IQ NOS Release Upgrade Matrix

IQ NOS Release Upgrade Matrix

The following table displays tested and supported migration paths for IQ NOS.

Table 6-1 IQ NOS Upgrade Matrix

Release Upgrading From To Release 20.0.1
IQ NOS Release 18.1 Supported
IQ NOS Release 18.2.1 Supported
IQ NOS Release 18.2.2 Supported
IQ NOS Release 18.2.3 Supported
IQ NOS Release 18.2.4 Supported
IQ NOS Release 19.0 Supported
IQ NOS Release 19.0.1 Supported
IQ NOS Release 19.0.2 Supported
IQ NOS Release 19.0.3 Supported
IQ NOS Release 20.0 Supported

After a software upgrade to R19.0.3 or higher release, it is recommended to cold boot all the OXM2s in a
Maintenance window for improved backplane performance. In a non-service affecting Maintenance
window, start by cold booting the standby OXM2 and then perform a switchover. Cold boot the standby
OXM2 again. Repeat the steps till all the 10 OXM2s gets cold booted in a chassis.

Note: In case the XTC-10/XTC-4 contain OXMs, it is not required to cold boot the OXMs.

Before upgrading to a software release, perform the following as applicable:

■ For all the node types, prior to Software upgrade, ensure that the Firmware version of all installed
PONs are matching with the given software version
■ After a DTN-X network element is upgraded with empty database, perform a cold reset of PXM.
■ Prior to performing an IQ NOS upgrade, execute MOP 160319 to determine the DSP mode set on
AOLM, AOLM2, AOLX, AOLX2 line modules and identify incorrect DSP Mode setting on the line
module. Contact Technical Assistance Center (TAC) for further assistance.

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Installing IQ NOS Software 6-3

Applicable FSBs
The applicable Field Service Bulletins (FSBs) can be reviewed by downloading the associated FSB (in
PDF format) document from the Customer Web Portal.

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6-4 GNM Requirements

GNM Requirements
GNM Software Requirements on page 6-4
Browser Requirements on page 6-5
JRE Requirements on page 6-5

GNM Hardware Requirements

Table 6-2: GNM Client Hardware Requirements on page 6-4 lists the minimum and recommended
hardware requirements for GNM. Ensure that the GNM Terminal configuration meets or exceeds the
minimum requirements

Table 6-2 GNM Client Hardware Requirements

Operating System Processor speed Memory Hard disk free
Required Required Required
Microsoft Windows PC 2 GHz 8 GB 2 GB
Red Hat Linux 2 GHz 8 BG 2 GB
Macintosh 2 GHz 8 GB 2 GB
(1) Swap space equal to or greater than the physical RAM size
(2) The recommended virtual memory is 1.5 times to 3 times the memory size

GNM Software Requirements

In order to launch GNM client, make sure any of the following operating system requirement is met.

Table 6-3 Recommended Operating System Requirements for GNM Client

Requirements Versions
Microsoft Windows 7 Windows Service Pack 1
Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise Edition (64 bit)
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise Edition
Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise Edition (64 bit)
Redhat Enterprise Linux Version 7.6
Macintosh MacOS 10.14.6 Mojave


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Installing IQ NOS Software 6-5

■ Ensure that all OS patches are installed as recommended by Sun Microsystems (now Oracle). For
the patch cluster, go to https://support.oracle.com.
■ Ensure that the following two Oracle Solaris patches or the latest revision of the same are installed:
□ 118833-36 or later
□ 118777-13 or later
□ 119963-14 or later
□ 120753-06 or later
□ 139574-03 or later
■ Ensure that the patch cluster required for Java is installed as recommended by Sun Microsystems
(now Oracle). For a list of patches go to https://support.oracle.com
In addition, the Verisign License Signature must be accepted. The DTN GNM client prompts you to
accept the license if it is not already accepted.

Browser Requirements
In order to run the GNM, the GNM Terminal must have one of the following browsers specified in the
below table:

Table 6-4 Browser Requirements

Microsoft Windows Red Hat Linux Macintosh

■ Internet Explorer 11.1266.15063.0 Mozilla Firefox v 69.0.1 Chrome: Version

(64-bit) 76.0.3809.132 (Official Build)
■ Microsoft Edge 41.16299.551.0 (64-bit)
■ Mozilla Firefox v 69.0.1 (64-bit)
■ Google Chrome
Version 76.0.3809.132 (Official Build) (64-bit)

JRE Requirements
This section lists the JRE requirements to run the GNM. When you first launch the GNM Client and if no
JRE is installed on your machine and Internet connectivity is available, the GNM client will automatically
download and install the JRE version (if available for automatic download). For information on the list of
JRE versions that are available for auto-download is available at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/
If the JRE version is not available for auto-download, go to
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html to download the JRE version
manually and install the required version.

Infinera Corporation DTN and DTN-X Product Release Notes Release 20.0.1 V001

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6-6 GNM Requirements

Table 6-5 JRE Requirements

Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 Red Hat Linux, CentOS 7.6 MACOS 10.14 Mojave

■ JRE 1.8.221, JRE 1.11.04 for ■ JRE 1.8.221 and open JDK ■ JRE 1.8.221 and open
64 bit systems on Windows 7.0 1.8.221 JDK 1.8.221
■ JRE 1.8.221, JRE 1.11.04 for ■ JRE 1.11.04 and open JDK ■ JRE 1.11.04 and open
64 bit systems on Windows 8.0 1.11.04 for 64 bit systems JDK 1.11.04 for 64 bit
■ JRE 1.8.221, JRE 1.11.04 for
64 bit systems on Windows 8.1 Note: Ensure to Install
libgnome 64 bit library
■ JRE 1.8.221, JRE 1.11.04 for (latest).
64 bit systems on Windows

Note: GNM does not restrict the launch of GNM client using JRE versions higher than the listed
above. It is recommended to contact a Technical Assistance Center before using a JRE version not
listed above.

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Installing IQ NOS Software 6-7

Release 20.0 System Certification

The Infinera products listed in the following section comply with many industry standard specifications as
described in the following tables.

XTC-10/XTC-4 Compliancy
Table 6-6 XTC-10/XTC-4 Hardware Compliancy
Category Approval Agency / Requirement
Safety Certifications ■ IEC/EN/UL 60950-1: Safety of Information Technology Equipment
■ CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1: Safety of Information Technology
■ AS/NZS 60950-1: Approval & Test specification - Safety of Information
Technology Equipment
■ UL Class II: Fire Safety (air filters)
NEBS/ETSI Compliancy ■ NEBS Level 3
□ GR-63-CORE: Network Equipment Building Systems - Physical
□ GR-1089-CORE: Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical
Safety - Generic requirement for Network Telecommunications
■ ETS 300 386
■ ETS 300 019-2-1, 2, 3, and 4 A1 (earthquake test methods)
■ ETSI EN 300 019 (environmental compliance)
EMC Emissions ■ CISPR 32/EN 55032 Class A, FCC-A, VCCI-A
EMC Immunity ■ CISPR 35/EN 55035
Laser Safety ■ IEC/EN 60825 Series: Safety of Laser Products
■ IEC/EN 60825-1: 2014
■ IEC/EN 60825-2: 2007
■ FDA 21 CFR 1040: Performance Standard of Light Emitting Products

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6-8 Release 20.0 System Certification

Table 6-6 XTC-10/XTC-4 Hardware Compliancy (continued)

Category Approval Agency / Requirement
General Compliancy ■ ETSI ETS 300 119-2
■ ETSI ETS 300 119-4
■ GR-78-CORE
■ GR-253-CORE
■ GR-1209-CORE
■ GR-1221-CORE
■ ATIS 00600315 (previously ANSI T1.315)
■ ATIS T1.304 (previously ANSI T1.304)
■ ATT-TP-76200
RoHS Declaration ■ https://www.infinera.com/wp-content/uploads/Infinera-Taiwan-RoHS-

XTC-2/XTC-2E Compliancy
Table 6-7 XTC-2/XTC-2E Hardware Compliancy
Category Approval Agency / Requirement
Safety Certifications ■ IEC/EN/UL 60950-1: Safety of Information Technology Equipment
■ CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1: Safety of Information Technology
■ AS/NZS 60950-1: Approval & Test specification - Safety of Information
Technology Equipment
■ UL Class II: Fire Safety (air filters)
NEBS/ETSI Compliancy ■ NEBS Level 3
□ GR-63-CORE: Network Equipment Building Systems - Physical
□ GR-1089-CORE: Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical
Safety - Generic requirement for Network Telecommunications
■ ETS 300 386
■ ETS 300 019-2-1, 2, 3, and 4 A1 (earthquake test methods)
■ ETSI EN 300 019 (environmental compliance)
EMC Emissions ■ CISPR 32/EN 55032 Class A, FCC-A, VCCI-A

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Installing IQ NOS Software 6-9

Table 6-7 XTC-2/XTC-2E Hardware Compliancy (continued)

Category Approval Agency / Requirement
EMC Immunity ■ CISPR 35/EN 55035
Laser Safety ■ IEC/EN 60825 Series: Safety of Laser Products
■ IEC/EN 60825-1: 2014
■ IEC/EN 60825-2: 2007
■ FDA 21 CFR 1040: Performance Standard of Light Emitting Products
General Compliancy ■ ETSI ETS 300 119-2
■ ETSI ETS 300 119-4
■ GR-78-CORE
■ GR-253-CORE
■ GR-1209-CORE
■ GR-1221-CORE
■ ATIS 00600315 (previously ANSI T1.315)
■ ATIS T1.304 (previously ANSI T1.304)
■ ATT-TP-76200
RoHS Declaration ■ https://www.infinera.com/wp-content/uploads/Infinera-Taiwan-RoHS-

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6-10 Release 20.0 System Certification

DTC/MTC Compliancy
Table 6-8 DTC/MTC Hardware Compliancy
Category Approval Agency / Requirement
Safety Certifications ■ IEC/EN/UL 60950-1: Safety of Information Technology Equipment
■ CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1: Safety of Information Technology
■ AS/NZS 60950-1: Approval & Test specification - Safety of Information
Technology Equipment
■ UL Class II: Fire Safety (air filters)
NEBS/ETSI Compliancy ■ NEBS Level 1/3
□ GR-63-CORE: Network Equipment Building Systems - Physical
□ GR-1089-CORE: Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical
Safety - Generic requirement for Network Telecommunications
■ ETS 300 386
■ ETS 300 019-2-1, 2, 3, and 4 A1 (earthquake test methods)
■ ETS 300 753
■ ETSI EN 300 019 (environmental compliance)
EMC Emissions ■ CISPR 32/EN 55032 Class A, FCC-A, VCCI-A
EMC Immunity ■ CISPR 35/EN 55035

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Installing IQ NOS Software 6-11

Table 6-8 DTC/MTC Hardware Compliancy (continued)

Category Approval Agency / Requirement
Laser Safety ■ IEC/EN 60825 Series: Safety of Laser Products
■ IEC/EN 60825-1: 2014
■ IEC/EN 60825-2: 2004+A1
■ FDA 21 CFR 1040: Performance Standard of Light Emitting Products
General Compliancy ■ ETSI ETS 300 119-2
■ ETSI ETS 300 119-4
■ GR-78-CORE
■ GR-253-CORE
■ GR-1209-CORE
■ GR-1221-CORE
■ ATIS 00600315 (previously ANSI T1.315)
■ ATIS T1.304 (previously ANSI T1.304)
■ ATT-TP-76200

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6-12 Release 20.0 System Certification

MTC-9 Compliancy
Table 6-9 MTC-9 Hardware Compliancy
Category Approval Agency / Requirement
Safety Certifications ■ IEC/EN/UL 60950-1: Safety of Information Technology Equipment
■ CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1: Safety of Information Technology
■ AS/NZS 60950-1: Approval & Test specification - Safety of Information
Technology Equipment
■ UL Class II: Fire Safety (air filters)
NEBS/ETSI Compliancy ■ NEBS Level 3
□ GR-63-CORE: Network Equipment Building Systems - Physical
□ GR-1089-CORE: Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical
Safety - Generic requirement for Network Telecommunications
■ ETS 300 386
■ ETS 300 019-2-1, 2, 3, and 4 A1 (earthquake test methods)
■ ETS 300 753
■ ETSI EN 300 019 (environmental compliance)
EMC Emissions ■ CISPR 32/EN 55032 Class A, FCC-A, VCCI-A
EMC Immunity ■ CISPR 35/EN 55035
Laser Safety ■ IEC/EN 60825 Series: Safety of Laser Products
■ IEC/EN 60825-1: 2014
■ IEC/EN 60825-2: 2007
■ FDA 21 CFR 1040: Performance Standard of Light Emitting Products

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Installing IQ NOS Software 6-13

Table 6-9 MTC-9 Hardware Compliancy (continued)

Category Approval Agency / Requirement
General Compliancy ■ ETSI ETS 300 119-2
■ ETSI ETS 300 119-4
■ GR-78-CORE
■ GR-253-CORE
■ GR-1209-CORE
■ GR-1221-CORE
■ ATIS 00600315 (previously ANSI T1.315)
■ ATIS T1.304 (previously ANSI T1.304)
■ ATT-TP-76200
RoHS Declaration ■ https://www.infinera.com/wp-content/uploads/Infinera-Taiwan-RoHS-

MTC-6 Compliancy
Table 6-10 MTC-6 Hardware Compliancy
Category Approval Agency / Requirement
Safety Certifications ■ IEC/EN/UL 60950-1: Safety of Information Technology Equipment
■ CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1: Safety of Information Technology
■ AS/NZS 60950-1: Approval & Test specification - Safety of Information
Technology Equipment
■ UL Class II: Fire Safety (air filters)
NEBS/ETSI Compliancy ■ NEBS Level 3
□ GR-63-CORE: Network Equipment Building Systems - Physical
□ GR-1089-CORE: Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical
Safety - Generic requirement for Network Telecommunications
■ ETS 300 386
■ ETS 300 019-2-1, 2, 3, and 4 A1 (earthquake test methods)
■ ETS 300 753
■ ETSI EN 300 019 (environmental compliance)

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6-14 Release 20.0 System Certification

Table 6-10 MTC-6 Hardware Compliancy (continued)

Category Approval Agency / Requirement
EMC Emissions ■ CISPR 32/EN 55032 Class A, FCC-A, VCCI-A
EMC Immunity ■ CISPR 35/EN 55035
Laser Safety ■ IEC/EN 60825 Series: Safety of Laser Products
■ IEC/EN 60825-1: 2014
■ IEC/EN 60825-2: 2007
■ FDA 21 CFR 1040: Performance Standard of Light Emitting Products
General Compliancy ■ ETSI ETS 300 119-2
■ ETSI ETS 300 119-4
■ GR-78-CORE
■ GR-253-CORE
■ GR-1209-CORE
■ GR-1221-CORE
■ ATIS 00600315 (previously ANSI T1.315)
■ ATIS T1.304 (previously ANSI T1.304)
■ ATT-TP-76200
RoHS Declaration ■ https://www.infinera.com/wp-content/uploads/Infinera-Taiwan-RoHS-

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Installing IQ NOS Software 6-15

XT-500 Compliancy
Table 6-11 XT-500 Hardware Compliancy
Category Approval Agency / Requirement
Safety Certifications ■ IEC/EN/UL 60950-1: Safety of Information Technology Equipment
■ CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1: Safety of Information Technology

NEBS Compliancy ■ NEBS Level 3

□ GR-63-CORE: Network Equipment Building Systems -
Physical Protection
□ GR-1089-CORE: Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical
Safety - Generic requirement for Network Telecommunications

ETSI Compliancy ■ ETS 300 386

■ ETS 300 753
■ ETSI EN 300 019 (environmental compliance)
EMC Emissions ■ CISPR 32/EN 55032 Class A, FCC-A, VCCI-A
EMC Immunity ■ CISPR 35/EN 61000-4-2,3,4,5,6
Laser Safety ■ IEC/EN 60825-1: 2014
■ IEC/EN 60825-2: 2007
■ FDA 21 CFR 1040: Performance Standard of Light Emitting

General Compliancy ■ ETSI ETS 300 119-4

■ GR-78-CORE
RoHS Declaration ■ https://www.infinera.com/wp-content/uploads/Infinera-Taiwan-RoHS-

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6-16 Release 20.0 System Certification

XT(S)-3300 Compliancy
Table 6-12 XT(S)-3300 Hardware Compliancy
Category Approval Agency / Requirement
Safety Certifications ■ IEC/EN/UL 60950-1: Safety of Information Technology Equipment
■ CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1: Safety of Information Technology

NEBS Compliancy ■ NEBS Level 3 (maximum operating temperature is 40º C)

□ GR-63-CORE: Network Equipment Building Systems -
Physical Protection
□ GR-1089-CORE: Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical
Safety - Generic requirement for Network Telecommunications

ETSI Compliancy ■ ETS 300 386

■ ETS 300 753
■ ETSI EN 300 019 (environmental compliance)
EMC Emissions ■ CISPR 32/EN 55032 Class A, FCC-A, VCCI-A
EMC Immunity ■ CISPR 35/EN 61000-4-2,3,4,5,6
Laser Safety ■ IEC/EN 60825-1: 2014
■ IEC/EN 60825-2: 2007
■ FDA 21 CFR 1040: Performance Standard of Light Emitting

General Compliancy ■ ETSI ETS 300 119-4

■ GR-78-CORE
RoHS Declaration ■ https://www.infinera.com/wp-content/uploads/Infinera-Taiwan-RoHS-

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Installing IQ NOS Software 6-17

XT(S)-3600 Compliancy
Table 6-13 XT(S)-3600 Hardware Compliancy
Category Approval Agency / Requirement
Safety Certifications ■ IEC/EN/UL 60950-1: Safety of Information Technology Equipment
■ CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1: Safety of Information Technology

NEBS Compliancy ■ NEBS Level 3

□ GR-63-CORE: Network Equipment Building Systems -
Physical Protection
□ GR-1089-CORE: Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical
Safety - Generic requirement for Network Telecommunications

ETSI Compliancy ■ ETS 300 386

■ ETS 300 753
■ ETSI EN 300 019 (environmental compliance)
EMC Emissions ■ CISPR 32/EN 55032 Class A, FCC-A, VCCI-A
EMC Immunity ■ CISPR 35/EN 61000-4-2,3,4,5,6
Laser Safety ■ IEC/EN 60825-1: 2014
■ IEC/EN 60825-2: 2007
■ FDA 21 CFR 1040: Performance Standard of Light Emitting

General Compliancy ■ ETSI ETS 300 119-4

■ GR-78-CORE
RoHS Declaration ■ https://www.infinera.com/wp-content/uploads/Infinera-Taiwan-RoHS-

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6-18 IQ NOS Installation Procedures

IQ NOS Installation Procedures

The following procedures are used to install the IQ NOS software on an node using GNM:
■ To Upgrade the Software Using GNM
■ To Upgrade the Firmware Using GNM
■ To Back up the Configuration Database on the Network Element
■ To Back up the Configuration Database to a Specified FTP Server
Refer to the DTN and DTN-X User Guides Portfolio, for the detailed procedures.

Note: It is recommended that the current configuration database be backed up prior to performing a
software and/or firmware upgrade.

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Closed Issues

The following is a list of previously documented or reported issues which have been resolved.

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7-2 Issues Resolved in R20.0.1

Issues Resolved in R20.0.1

Issue ID: 193464
Severity: Critical
Description: In some rare scenarios, communication issues between OTM(2)-500 and the XCM may lead
to deletion of the Y-Cable Protection Group (Y-PG) on OTM. This action results in both TOMs in the Y-PG
transmitting at the same time and disrupting traffic for the protected service.

Issue ID: 193447/192550

Severity: Critical
Description: In some rare scenarios where the ICE-4 coherent DSP fails or shuts down, services on other
carriers on the fiber may be disrupted because of high ASE noise.

Issue ID: 193435

Severity: Critical
Description: In case of a DTN-X node, upon reboot of the active XCM, there is a race condition where
traffic may be impacted upon XCM switchover, if the standby XCM is still booting up.

Issue ID: 193391

Severity: Major
Description: In case of an OTM-1200 housing a TIM with services provisioned on the TIM, if a cold reboot
on the OTM-1200 (caused by card plug-out and plug-in) is followed immediately by a cold reboot on the
contained TIM (by plug-out/plug-in of the TIM), a longer cold boot turnaround time is observed on the

Issue ID: 193299

Severity: Major
Description: Launching GNM from a neighboring GNM node fails for nodes running IQ NOS release lower
than R20.0.

Issue ID: 192912

Severity: Major
Description: In case of ICE-4 line modules (XT-3600, XT3300, AOFx-1200) post upgrade to R20.0, a
transient COLD-BOOT-PENDING alarm is raised.

Issue ID: 192659

Severity: Critical
Description: In case of a XT-3300, a CHASSIS_DP_EQPT_FW_ACCESS_FAILED is reported due to a
software-firmware communication transient loss for a short time and is recovered by a warm reset of the

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Closed Issues 7-3

Issue ID: 192476

Severity: Critical
Description: In case of an ICE-4 line module, in some rare scenarios, one or more carriers may be in a
silent failure condition, where traffic does not recover after a fiber repair.

Issue ID: 193255

Severity: Minor
Description: In case of TL1, when RTRV-PING and RTRV-TRACEROUTE is run, complete output is not

Issue ID: 193372

Severity: Minor
Description: Logging in to SNE through GNM fails, when SSH is enabled.

Issue ID: 191900

Severity: Major
Description: On performing a software upgrade on a network with DTN chassis the following are
■ A GMPLS neighbor adjacency lost alarm is raised
■ Automatic Gain Control Not Functioning (AGC-NF) condition is reported AGC not functioning
■ OSC IP ping receives no response

Issue ID: 169580

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a XT-3300, when a TOM is plugged in/plugged out multiple times without sufficient
waiting in the same slot, it may not initialize properly and traffic may go down.

Issue ID: 168634

Severity: Major
Description: When there is a unidirectional fiber pullout with Gain Sharing enabled on XT-3300 paired
carriers, only one OFEC Overhead is used and others report BDI timeout. Hence these carriers do not
report Sch-BDI.

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7-4 Issues Resolved in R20.0

Issues Resolved in R20.0

Issue ID: 188551
Severity: Critical
Description: When a TOM is unplugged and plugged in on an XT-3600 during an XTMM warm boot or
XTMM switchover, in certain scenarios, it does not trigger SERDES tuning.

Issue ID: 192199

Severity: Minor
Description: During a software upgrade, core files on the standby controller card may not clear when a
new software image is received for installation.

Issue ID: 190481

Severity: Major
Description: The attribute iDevid cannot be retrieved from SNMP interface.

Issue ID: 190164

Severity: Major
Description: In case of an XT-3600/XT-3300, the ISK key serial number is wrongly shown on DNA/GNM.

Issue ID: 191547, 191475

Severity: Minor
Description: In certain scenarios after a software upgrade, and when the AOLM2-500/BMM2C is coming
up, a transient Equipments Control Plane Unreachable alarm is raised and clears on its own
after some time.

Issue ID: 189356

Severity: Major
Description: When a service is deleted on the STPG before deleting the line side STPG, the TE links
report available bandwidth incorrectly or as zero.

Issue ID: 188934

Severity: Major
Description: When the near end node is upgraded from R18.2.3 to R19.0, a spurious Signal Degrade
alarm may be raised on the far end AOFx-1200 for ODUki and ODUflexi services and clears on its own.

Issue ID: 188626

Severity: Major

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Closed Issues 7-5

Description: When a SCH is created on AOFx-1200 with slight difference in the pass bands, the TE-links
do not come.

Issue ID: 188508

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a XT-3600 fully loaded with up to eight Revertive Dual TAM Protection Groups,
(DTPG), reporting of Protection Group/Protection Unit status to the management cards will be delayed.

Issue ID: 188148

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a OTM-1200 (configured with TIM2-18-10GX), XT-3300, XT-3600, and/or
MXP-400, when unidirectional add/drop cross-connects are created, Transmit and Receive alarms like
Loss of Lane Alignment (LOL), Rx-CDR-LOL, OPR Out of Range - High, OPR Out of Range - Low are
reported on the TribPTP.

Issue ID: 187837

Severity: Major
Description: In a XTC-2E chassis, when the ILS card is plugged out and plugged-in in the upper shelf, a
transient and spurious Fan Shelf Removal alarm is raised and cleared within 5 seconds.

Issue ID: 188898

Severity: Minor
Description: In case of a DTN-X node, when an IGCC is auto created that is (Auto - without IP config), it
shows incorrect operational state when it is locked or unlocked along with incorrect Bandwidth.

Issue ID: 187856

Severity: Minor
Description: In case of FRMs in cascade configuration, Trib SCH OPR PM value of Base FRM is shown
as None and the PMs are always shown as Invalid.

Issue ID: 188054

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a DTN-X node, when multiple pass band services are created using the same start
slice as that of a single pass band service, the FRM may go for a continuous reboot.

Issue ID: 188111

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a FRM in cascade configuration, when there is a fiber cut in Extender Line In, the
AutoDiscovery between FRM and FBM retriggers upon every DAMP cycle.

Issue ID: 188150

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7-6 Issues Resolved in R20.0

Severity: Major
Description: In a setup with FRM-20X and FBM with source as AOFx-1200, a transient Intra Super
Channel Carrier Ripple warning message is shown on FRM SCHCTP, each time the FRM-20X is
warm booted. The alarm turns-off on its own after a few minutes.

Issue ID: 188374

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a XT-3600 configured with DTPG, traffic may not switch to the work path from
protect path, when the NCC cable in removed and reinserted.

Issue ID: 188463

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a MXP-400, the Carrier CTP/SCH status is incorrectly shown when the Carrier
CTP tuning status is Out of Band.

Issue ID: 188392

Severity: Major
Description: In a setup with MXP-400 configured at the tail-end with any other ICE4 line module at the
head-end, MXP-400 goes for a continuous reboot, when Revertive restorable SNC is enabled with the
MXP as one of its endpoint.

Issue ID: 187948

Severity: Major
Description: In a setup with Single TAM D-SNCP (STPG) configured, bidirectional switching may not
happen at both the ends of the SNC, when a combination of ICE4 line modules and Gen 3 line modules
are used to carry traffic in the work and protect paths.

Issue ID: 187899

Severity: Major
Description: When a AOFx-1200 with sliceable SCHs at one end is connected to MXP-400 at the other
end, line to line SNC or line to trib SNC creation may fail, when it is created with a Inclusion list that
include TE links which is on another SCH of the same line module.

Issue ID: 186798

Severity: Minor
Description: An Optical Power control failure alarm may be reported for a short duration on all the FRM
SCHCTPs in a cross-connect path after a software upgrade.

Issue ID: 182781

Severity: Major

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Closed Issues 7-7

Description: In case of TIM2 in a config with DTPG, when a 100GbE over ODU4i service is created on the
work port after deleting the DTPG and the SNC on the protect path, traffic may go down intermittently
when the payload type is changed from 100 GbE to ODU4i and vice versa.

Issue ID: 181066

Severity: Minor
Description: In case of a DTN-X node provisioned with ODU4 services, when collection for a new PM bin
is going on in the background and the XCM is rebooted, the PM bin is marked as invalid. This issue is
observed on LO-ODUk, ODUk and T-ODU client CTP bins.

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7-8 Issues Resolved in R19.0.3

Issues Resolved in R19.0.3

In addition to the following issues resolved, R19.0.3 also has the same set of closed issues as
documented in R18.2.4 Closed issues. See Issues Resolved in R18.2.4 on page 7-15 for more

Issue ID: 192164, 187729

Severity: Critical
Description: A power drop of around 5 to 6 db on WPLM out port of SI-MFM may be seen on upgrade
from R18.2.1 to R19.0 or higher release, which may result in drop in Q values at the far-end node.

Issue ID: 190986

Severity: Critical
Description: When an SNMP agent receives Threshold Crossing Event (TCE) generated on DTCTP and
Channel CTPs of the DTN network element without a location attribute, it results in the DTN NE going for
a warm boot.

Issue ID: 191516

Severity: Major
Description: In case of OTM-500, Line or Trib STPGs configured with Trib side Protection Units will not
switch for client faults by default.

Issue ID: 190863

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a DTN-X node, after a software upgrade to R19.0.3, an Equipment Control
Plane Unreachable alarm is raised on the SOFx-1200 line module impacting the traffic.

Issue ID: 190862

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a DTN-X node, if there exists a VCAT service involving AOFx-1200 line module,
post software upgrade to R19.0.3, the expansion chassis goes unreachable.

Issue ID: 187316, 182057

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a DTN-X node, in certain scenarios, the restorable SNCs may fail to restore after a
fiber cut.

Issue ID: 191819

Severity: Minor

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Closed Issues 7-9

Description: Real-time performance monitoring data for XT-500 Carrier CTPs are not displayed in Infinera
GNM after a software upgrade to IQ R19.0.x or R19.0 and higher. This issue is not observed when
viewing PM data from SNMP or TL1 interfaces.

Issue ID: 188595

Severity: Major
Description: TID based TL1 access to SNE from GNE does not work when enhanced security and SSH is
enabled in both GNE and SNE

Issue ID: 191516

Severity: Major
Description: In case of OTM-500, Line or Trib STPGs configured with Trib side Protection Units will not
switch for client faults by default.

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7-10 Issues Resolved in R19.0.2

Issues Resolved in R19.0.2

Issue ID: 188412
Severity: Critical
Description: In case of an FRM-20X, after a software upgrade to R18.2.3, traffic may go down for a short
time and recovers on its own.

Issue ID: 188654

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a DTN-X node, after upgrading to R19.0, a GMPLS Neighbor Adjacency Lost
alarm is raised on the BMM2s, when the Expansion chassis loses connection to the Main chassis after
the upgrade.

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Closed Issues 7-11

Issues Resolved in R19.0.1

Issue ID: 188627
Severity: Major
Description: In case of ICE4 line modules (XT-3600, XT3300, AOFx-1200) 100G Instant Bandwidth
Licenses cannot be applied on the line module if it has superchannels configured with different
modulation formats.

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7-12 Issues Resolved in R19.0.0

Issues Resolved in R19.0.0

Issue ID: 181237
Severity: Critical
Description: In case of XT-3600 configured in a point to point link through BMMs, failed frames, Q
fluctuation of > 2dB is observed over a period of 24 hours, when 20%OH is used with 22G-8QAM

Issue ID: 183576

Severity: Major
Description: In a setup with ICE-4 LMs connected to paired port of FBM, when one of the Line module's
fiber to FBM in head end is Plugged Out and Plugged in, an optical power overshoot on tail-end line
module's Rx port is observed. The surge in power may impact other traffic on the FRM degrees
connecting/carrying slices from this LM.

Issue ID: 183482

Severity: Minor
Description: The command show controller dwdm ampotdrptp does not display read only
attribute information.

Issue ID: 183420

Severity: Major
Description: When FRM-9D/FRM-20X is warm booted, a transient Super Channel Optical Power
Transmitted Too Low alarm is raised and cleared.

Issue ID: 183321

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a DTN-X node in a multi-chassis config, when the Main chassis detects that an
Expansion chassis is disconnected, the Active XCM on the Main chassis may go for a reboot.

Issue ID: 183255

Severity: Major
Description: In a green field link turn-up the optical TE link may be in a disabled state due to mismatch of
OAM settings in the near-end and far-end of the span.

Issue ID: 183140

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a DTN-X node, the standby XCM goes for a reboot when it misses any database
transaction file (due to any reason) from the Active XCM. The standby XCM comes up and resyncs the
database with the Active XCM.

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Closed Issues 7-13

Issue ID: 183010

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a TIM2-18-GX configured with protection, it is observed that the PG is switching
bidirectionally for an uni-directional fault.

Issue ID: 183121

Severity: Major
Description: In case of Add-drop or Express node, when an FRM is locked/or removed an OMS-Payload
Missing Indication alarm is raised instead of OMS-Forward Defect Indication-Payload alarm.

Issue ID: 182918

Severity: Major
Description: The alarm severity settings for CWM idler channel CTP cannot be configured using CLI.

Issue ID: 182883

Severity: Major
Description: In case of FRM-20X, when a cross-connect is created with the Mux Frequency Slot
Attenuation Profile (MFSAP) attribute as null, the FRM-20X goes for an autonomous warm reboot.

Issue ID: 182520

Severity: Major
Description: In rare scenarios, when a TIM2-18-10GX is plugged out and plugged in immediately or
during service creation if a plugout and plugin happens, the OTM-1200 gets rebooted.

Issue ID : 187287
Severity: Major
Description: In case of FRM-20X in a SLTE configuration, a database backup is taken after creating the
work and ASE cross-connects with the Work cross-connect active and ASE standby. After a OLOS is
raised on work path, the traffic switches to ASE cross-connect and now ASE active and work path is
standby. When the database is restored at this point, only the mux side connection is created on the work
cross-connect with attenuation not applied for the Mux-side slices.

Issue ID: 182314

Severity: Major
Description: When upgrading IQ NOS software to R18.2.1, in certain scenarios, FRM-9D firmware
upgrade may fail due to a race condition.

Issue ID: 182277

Severity: Major

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

7-14 Issues Resolved in R19.0.0

Description: In some rare scenarios, in SLTE configurations with DOPM/DSS, protection group configured
with both Manual mode and Automatic mode, and the SCH in Manual mode is switched to ASE, the ASE
Attenuation Profile (AAP) attribute is applied momentarily and then is overwritten with Mux Frequency Slot
Attenuation Profile (MFSAP) attribute.

Issue ID: 178899

Severity: Major
Description: In case of FRM-20X configured in SLTE or SLTE/TLA mode, changing the line SCHCTP of
the Active SCH (Signal or ASE) to Maintenance, post switching or reversion, causes WSS attenuation
values to change. This is applicable when the control loop mode of the SCH is Manual.

Issue ID: 173717

Severity: Major
Description: In case of XTC-10, when the OXMs in 5 Tb mode are migrated to OXM2s , the available
power value is not updated as per the OXM2 power rating.
Workaround: To update power values as per OXM2 power rating, do one of the following:
■ Change the switch fabric mode to 12 Tb in XTC-10
■ Plug out and plug in the standby XCM/TSM card

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Closed Issues 7-15

Issues Resolved in R18.2.4

Issue ID: 191522
Severity: Critical
Description: In case of XTC chassis with OXM2, in certain scenarios traffic may be lost during software

Issue ID: 189628

Severity: Critical
Description: In case of a DTN-X node with AOFx-500/AOLx-500/AOLx2-500, after a software upgrade,
and after a fiber cut, traffic failed to recover on some OCG/SCG channels.

Issue ID: 187268

Severity: Critical
Description: In case of an XT-3600 with only one carrier tuned, performing a software upgrade results in a
traffic hit. This issue is not observed on XT-3600 with more than one carrier tuned.

Issue ID: 188526

Severity: Critical
Description: In case of ICE-4 line modules, if a FRU is upgraded while there is a standing OLOS
condition, one or more channels may not to recover on signal restoration.

Issue ID: 186231

Severity: Critical
Description: In case of an AOFx-1200 upgraded to a newer version of Firmware, may lead to DSP
shutdown during boot up due to an internal error.

Issue ID: 184667

Severity: Critical
Description: A warm reboot on an AOFX-1200 may cause incorrect temperature reading and action
leading to dropped channels.

Issue ID: 184272

Severity: Critical
Description: In case of an OTM-1200 plugged in with TIM2-18-10GM and 10G TOM, no alarms and PMs
are reported on the trib. When a SNC is created, an ODU-AIS alarm is raised at the far-end and the traffic
is impacted.

Issue ID: 191985

Severity: Major

Infinera Corporation DTN and DTN-X Product Release Notes Release 20.0.1 V001

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7-16 Issues Resolved in R18.2.4

Description: In case of a node with at least one XTC-2/2E or XTC-10/4 chassis, preupgrade check
timesout and the Prepare for Upgrade fails to complete.

Issue ID: 191525

Severity: Major
Description: In certain cases, during software upgrade, the standby XCM upgrade may timeout leading to
a software revert across the node.

Issue ID: 191523

Severity: Major
Description: On performing a software upgrade on a DTN-X node with active and standby XCMs, an
additional reboot on the node may result in a software revert on the node.

Issue ID: 190809

Severity: Major
Description: In line amplifier (ILA) configurations using any combination of Infinera Flex ILS L-band
expandable amplifiers, PONs IRM-B-ECH1, IRM-B-ECH2 and IAM-B-ECH2 currently offer the user the
option to temporarily disable the Automatic Laser Shutdown function on a per FRU basis. If this option is
used to disable ALS on one amplifier direction there is a risk that the output of the paired amplifier in the
other direction may exceed beyond specified limits in the event of fiber cut, thereby compromising the
eye-safety feature of the system.

Issue ID: 190558, 190562, 181683

Severity: Major
■ Performing a cold reboot on or plug out/plug in of an OTM-500 or AOLx-500/AOFx-500/AOLx2-500
card on an upstream node housing OXM1 may impact traffic on unrelated circuits on downstream
nodes that house OXM2s.
■ Plug out/plug in of a line card or OTM on an upstream node may cause a spurious Circuit Pack
UnPlug event on a circuit pack which is still plugged-in in the upstream node, leading to traffic
impact on unrelated circuits at downstream nodes.

Issue ID: 190344

Severity: Major
Description: In some rare scenarios when paired IRM-1-Cs go for a Firmware upgrade at the same time,
there may be a momentary service disruption.

Issue ID: 190120

Severity: Major

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Closed Issues 7-17

Description: In certain scenarios, if an OTM-1200 is inserted in B4 and B5 slots, an EQPT-PARTFAIL

alarm with the detailed condition OXM-TX-LM9-RX-SERDES-LINK-FAILED on OXM2 is raised on the

Issue ID: 189776

Severity: Major
Description: In some rare scenarios, during a cold boot of XT-3300/XT-3600 or a chassis containing
ICE-4 Line Modules, the software and Firmware may not be in sync leading to an Equipment failure

Issue ID: 189613

Severity: Major
Description: In certain scenarios, upgrading a network with XT-3600 or XT-3300 may lead to traffic

Issue ID: 189611

Severity: Major
Description: After a software upgrade on the DTN-X nodes, the Q values on the AOFx-1200 channels
may degrade.

Issue ID: 189608

Severity: Major
Description: Performing a software upgrade on a chassis with paired IRMs (IRM-1-C/IRM-2-C) may lead
to traffic impact.

Issue ID: 189368

Severity: Major
Description: Performing an upgrade of OFx-1200 with some corrupted FPGA versions, may lead to traffic
impact on upgrade.

Issue ID: 188857

Severity: Major
Description: FPGA has an undetected corrupted section resulting in AOFx-1200/SOFx-1200/XT-3600
EDFA getting into a stuck state.

Issue ID: 187212

Severity: Major
Description: In certain scenarios, TIM-1-100GX with certain FPGA versions may lead to traffic impact
upon software upgrade.

Issue ID: 187132

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7-18 Issues Resolved in R18.2.4

Severity: Major
Description: In network elements with AOFX-1200, SOFX-1200 or XT-3600 running IQ NOS software
R18.2.3 or lower, a sudden increase or decrease in Rx or Tx EDFA output power, can cause traffic loss.

Issue ID: 187045

Severity: Major
Description: AOFx-1200/SOFx-1200/XT-3600 EDFA may be in a stuck state leading to Tx EDFA being
shut down automatically.

Issue Id: 186989

Severity: Major
Description: FPGA has an undetected corrupted section resulting in AOFx-1200/SOFx-1200/XT-3600
EDFA getting into a stuck state.

Issue ID: 186778

Severity: Major
Description: In case of XT-3300, 100GbE traffic may not come up, when an XTMM with higher software
version is inserted on a XT-3300 chassis running with lower FPGA versions.

Issue ID: 192049

Severity: Minor
Description: In case of DTN-X nodes with large number of digital neighbors (i.e. Digital SNCs towards
many directions) and with a large number of expansion chassis, creation of new digital services may fail.

Issue ID: 190885

Severity: Minor
Description: After a software upgrade or a switchover of the Node controller, in certain scenarios the TE
links on the subtending chassis may not be visible.

Issue ID: 190532

Severity: Minor
Description: During chassis or controller replacement of an XT-3300/XT-3600/XT-500, the serial port is
used for re-branding and so the card stops at CCLI requiring user intervention.

Issue ID: 190056

Severity: Minor
Description: Digital TE Links for XT-3300 do not come up if one of the nodes is running IQ NOS R18.1
and the other node is running on a higher software release.

Issue ID: 189070

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Closed Issues 7-19

Severity: Minor
Description: On ICE-4 Line modules running 8QAM 22G 25% FEC configuration, enabling Gain Sharing
can cause Post-FEC errors, even when Q values are well above the FEC limit. This issue is service

Issue ID: 189017, 189607

Severity: Minor
Description: A switchover on the node controller corresponding to one or more ICE-4 line modules
(AOFx-1200, XT-3300 and XT-3600) may lead to a spurious Equipment Degrade alarm with
FW_ACCESS_FAILED detail condition being raised on the ICE-4 line modules.

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7-20 Issues Resolved in R18.2.3

Issues Resolved in R18.2.3

Issue ID: 185220
Severity: Critical
Description: In case of AOFx-500/SOFx-500/AOFx-500/AOFx-1200, if the FRU with active Instant
Bandwidth license is removed and deleted, on performing a software upgrade to R18.2.1, the upgrade

Issue ID: 186187

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a DTN-X node, some newer TIM-1-100GX and TIM-1-100GM FRUs may fail to
initialize and an Equipment Failure alarm is raised within a few minutes after being installed.

Issue ID: 186020

Severity: Major
Description: In some scenarios, XT(S)-3300 fails to come up after an XTMM/chassis replacement due to
a mismatch between software and firmware as the XTMM is running on a newer software and the
firmware on the XT(S)-3300 is of an older release.

Issue ID: 185874

Severity: Major
Description: When upgrading a DTN-X node with OCGs configured to IQ NOS R18.2.1, after the Main
chassis undergoes a reboot, a traffic hit is observed on the far-end AOLx-500/AOLx2-500 line modules.

Issue ID: 184974

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a DTN-X node, when some newer TIM2-18-10GM cards are plugged in for the first
time, the TOMs plugged into these TIMs are not recognised after initialization takes place.

Issue ID: 184883

Severity: Major
Description: In case of FRM-20X/FRM-9D connected to AOFx-1200/XT-3300 and configured to Infinera
Wave, an Equipment's Control Plane is Unreachable alarm may be raised in some rare

Issue ID: 184606

Severity: Major
Description: When Base BMM to extender BMM association is done after auto discovery is completed
between express BMM OCGs, SNC creation over that link may fail.

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Closed Issues 7-21

Issue ID: 184483

Severity: Major
Description: In some rare scenarios, after a software upgrade to IQ NOS R18.2.1, when the AOFx-1200 is
initializing after a Firmware upgrade and the OXM2 switching is done at the same time, a traffic drop is
observed on all the SNCs through this node with a Signaled SNC Failure alarm being reported.

Issue ID: 183427

Severity: Major
Description: In case of XT-3600, when a PEM is is connected without a power cable, a spurious PEM
Equipment Failure alarm is raised which does not clear even when the power cable is connected.
When the power cable is attached, Power Failure and Power-Not-Good alarms are cleared but
Equipment Failure alarm remains even if there in nothing wrong with the PEM.

Issue ID: 183358

Severity: Major
Description: After creating and deleting an unsupported VCAT service on a TIM-1-100GX, an Equipment
control plane unreachable alarm may be raised on the associated OTM2-500 module.

Issue ID: 182963

Severity: Major
Description: When a ICE-4 line module is newly installed in Native mode with traffic passing through, it
will not come up in Auto-discovery bypass configuration.

Issue ID: 186379

Severity: Minor
Description: In case of XT-500S, the default threshold value is incorrectly set to a higher Q value for the
Pre-FEC-Signal Degrade attribute.

Issue ID: 186352

Severity: Minor
Description: In some XT-3600 FRUs, the RES bytes on ODU4 frames are not transparent.

Issue ID: 184280

Severity: Minor
Description: In a DTN-X node running IQ NOS R18.2.1, when a protection group is added on an
unprotected SNC, a Client Signal Failure and Signaled SNC Failure alarm is raised even
though the traffic is up.

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7-22 Issues Resolved in R18.2.1

Issues Resolved in R18.2.1

Issue ID: 179713
Severity: Major
Description: A difference in available bandwidth values is observed when 100G model licenses are
applied on XT-3600 and XTS-3600 YB PONs.

Issue ID: 182984

Severity: Major
Description: When there is a LOS alarm on any of the configured carrier on ICE-4 LMs, if a Software
upgrade is triggeredin this standing condition, the ICE-4 LMs will report an Equipment Degradation
and Equipment Failure alarms.

Issue ID: 181996

Severity: Major
Description: In a multi-degree scenario in which multiple ICE4 line modules (XT-3600/XT-3300/
AOFx-1200) are connected with FRM through FBM, there is a possibility of traffic being impacted on the
line module due to Auto Discovery between FBM and FRM. The line modules connected to provisioned
FBM 8-8/FBM 8-4 ports 1A, 1B and any of the ports on FBM 8-2 are impacted. Depending upon the Rx
power levels, when the power levels increase by >= 6 dB at the line module's line in port, the line module
wrongly interprets this Auto-Discovery signal as OTDR pulses and disables RxEDFA which may bring
down the traffic. During running operation, there is no risk of Auto Discovery leak originating from FRMs
which are connected to FBM degree ports configured as lineoperatingmode=passive as no Auto
Discovery signaling is triggered on such ports.
As a preventive measure to avoid any chance of traffic impact, it is recommended in R18.2.0 to provision
and Auto-Discover all the FRMs (node degrees) and FBMs in a node prior to connecting ICE4 Line
Modules (XT-3600/XT-3300/AOFx-1200) and turning traffic on.

Issue ID: 181582

Severity: Major
Description: When creating a cross-connect on GNM for XT-3600, the destination end point takes a
longer time (upto 1 min) to populate the line side AID.

Issue ID: 175245

Severity: Major
Description: After an upgrade from R17.0.1 to R18.1, an Inter-module mis-connection alarm is raised on
the FRM-20X System port in ManualMode-2, if the ProvOpenWaveRemoteTP attribute is not set and
FMP-C was associated to the port.

Issue ID: 175246

Severity: Critical

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Closed Issues 7-23

Description: On performing a software upgrade from R17.0.1 to R18.1 on XT(S)-3300, traffic will be
impacted for less than a minute.

Issue ID: 173639

Severity: Critical
Description: In a ROADM-FOADM setup with IRM-1-C in slot 1-2 connected to FRM-20X in slot 3 with
traffic running, after a FRM-20X is installed in slot 4, in some rare scenarios, the EDFA output of IRM-1-C
drops and the traffic may go down momentarily.

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7-24 Issues Resolved in R18.2.1

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Open Issues

The following is a list of known open issues in all releases, beginning in Release 9.0, organized by topic,
issue ID number, and by the release number in which the issue was initially documented. For open issues
from any release prior to Release 9.0, please refer to the Release Notes for the specific release.

Infinera Corporation DTN and DTN-X Product Release Notes Release 20.0.1 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

8-2 Open Issues in Release 20.0.1

Open Issues in Release 20.0.1

Service Provisioning
Issue ID: 194435
Severity: Major
Description: An OTM2-500 housing a PXM-1-100GE card goes for a reboot, when an unsupported TOM
type (TOM-100GMR-LR4) is inserted on the PXM card.
Workaround: None, the system recovers after the reboot.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Issue ID: 194414
Severity: Critical
Description: In a setup with two XT-3300s, when one of the XT-3300 is upgraded from IQ NOS R18.1 to
R20.0.1 with an unsupported 4x10G TOM inserted in the even slot, a traffic hit is observed for less than 2
seconds on its 100G odd port. A traffic hit is also observed:
■ when a 4x10G TOM is plugged in for the first time after a cold boot
■ when a 4x10G TOM is swapped with a 100G TOM and vice-versa
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 194699

Severity: Major
Description: In case of an OTC chassis, the prepare for upgrade check fails and is stuck without a status.
The prepare for upgrade check gets into a continuous loop trying to download the current OAM build from
the FTP server.
Workaround: For the prepare for upgrade check to succeed, reboot the controller card.

Issue ID: 194545

Severity: Major
Description: In a setup with FSM connected to FRM-20X, the cross-connects are not re-created when the
associated FRM-20X encounters hardware failure during query of channel powers.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 194463

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Open Issues 8-3

Severity: Major
Description: In case of an XT-3600, when an XTMM running on R20.0.1 is removed from XT-3600 as
Main chassis and inserted in the standby slot of target XT-3600 Expansion chassis running on IQ NOS
R20.0, the standby XTMM continuously tries to download from the active XTMM, the minor tar files that
are not present on the active XTMM.
Workaround: Prior to installing the XTMM in standby slot, manually install the same version of the
software as on the active XTMM.

Issue ID: 194215

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a DTN-X node with an XTC-2E as an Expansion chassis housing an MXP-400,
when a change in config from single carrier to dual carrier mode is performed during a warm reboot,
which makes the MXP-400 to apply only a partial config. During this time if there is a XCM reboot, then
the MXP-400 goes for a one time reboot.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 193974

Severity: Major
Description: In a multichassis setup with XT-3600 as the Main chassis and OTC as the Expansion
chassis, while upgrading the software from a pre-20.0.1 release to 20.0.1, prepare for upgrade check fails
on the OTC as it fails to extract the complete SW image.
Workaround: Perform a Force upgrade to upgrade the software from pre-20.0.1 release to R20.0.1.

Issue ID: 193855

Severity: Major
Description: When an XTMM loaded with R19.0.3 SW image is removed from XT-3300 Main chassis and
replaced on an XT-3300 Expansion chassis loaded with R20.0.1, the XTMM boot up stops at IPL with a
software version mismatch.
Workaround: After the XTMM boot up stops at IPL, perform the following steps:
1. At the IPL prompt, execute the following commands:
IPL> zsh
bash-4.4#rm /f1/sw_version.txt
2. At CCLI, reconfigure the main chassis as No(SC) and clear the branding mismatch and commit.
3. After commit, the chassis reboots and comes up with Main chassis SW version and required DB
Issue ID: 193800
Severity: Major

Infinera Corporation DTN and DTN-X Product Release Notes Release 20.0.1 V001

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8-4 Open Issues in Release 20.0.1

Description: When an XTMM loaded with R20.0 SW image is removed from XT-3600 Main chassis and
replaced on an XT-3600 Expansion chassis loaded with R20.0.1, the XTMM boot up stops at IPL with a
software version mismatch.
Workaround: After the XTMM boot up stops at IPL, perform the following steps:
1. At the IPL prompt, execute the following commands:
IPL> zsh
bash-4.4#rm /f1/sw_version.txt
2. At CCLI, reconfigure the main chassis as No(SC) and clear the branding mismatch and commit.
3. After commit, the chassis reboots and comes up with Main chassis SW version and required DB

Issue ID: 193723

Severity: Major
Description: In case of an OTC chassis, if the number of LSA's are more than 18000, then the OTC starts
reporting low memory and goes for a warm reboot. It is observed that there is an increase in the memory
usage on OTC by 10 Mb, since IQ NOS release 19.0.
Workaround: None.

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Open Issues 8-5

Open Issues in Release 20.0

Fault Management
Issue ID: 192596
Severity: Major
Description: In case of Protection group configurations across ICE-4 platform, the TOM LED does not
reflect the correct protection status. Both work and protect LEDs display the equipment status and not the
protection status.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 191690

Severity: Major
Description: In a setup with OFx-1200s and TIM2-18-100GM configured in multi-channel mode, when a
new service is created with PM-BEI event present in continuous burst mode, a spurious Alarm Indication
Signal alarm is raised on the T-ODU.
Workaround: Clear the PM-BEI and the Alarm Indication Signal clears on its own.

Issue ID: 191231

Severity: Major
Description: In case of an XTC chassis, on performing an XCM switchover a transient “Equipment's
control plane is unreachable” Alarm (EQPT-CPUR) is seen for all FRUs in the chassis corresponding to
that XCM.
Workaround: None. This is a transient alarm which clears in around 60 seconds.

Issue ID: 191043

Severity: Major
Description: In case of switching services, the AINS feature does not mask the alarm on OTUk and SNC.
With an incoming OTUk failure on the client port, the alarm is not masked with AINS enabled.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 191021

Severity: Major
Description: In case of an OTC, when a standby controller cards goes unreachable, all the line cards and
active controller card shows an Equipment control plane unreachable alarm is raised.
Workaround: None, the alarm clears after the standby controller card comes up.

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8-6 Open Issues in Release 20.0

Issue ID: 193115

Severity: Minor
Description: Upon an upgrade to R20.0 from an earlier software release, a transient NCC Port
Connection Peer Chassis Mismatch alarm is raised on XT(S)-3600 chassis.
Workaround: None. This is a transient alarm that is cleared automatically.

Issue ID: 191300

Severity: Minor
Description: In case of OFx-1200 line modules, after a node upgrade, an unwanted FEC Overhead Ratio
Change Pending Cold Reset alarm is raised when there is no actual mismatch of FEC overhead.
However, the alarm gets cleared on its own as there is no actual mismatch in FEC overhead and it is not
traffic impacting.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 191020

Severity: Minor
Description: The Standby card for XT-3600 chassis displays a spurious “TPM Health Check Failed”
message on the serial console.
Workaround: None, the message on standby card console does not imply that the TPM device’s health is
bad and can be ignored. Since, the process on the standby card cannot communicate with the TPM
device, it prints this message on the serial console.

Configuration Management
Issue ID: 193203
Severity: Critical
Description: In case of ICE-4 super channels with alphabin_2 and 20% FEC overhead, in the presence of
high ASE noise corresponding to a Low Q around 7 dB, some channels on the receive end can take up to
a day or more to acquire after a shutdown/enable and mute/unmute operation.
Workaround: Manual re-acquisition can be attempted to resolve this issue.

Issue ID: 192766

Severity: Critical
Description: Fast SMP protection does not switch within 50ms for configurations with an XTP AIS
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 193101

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Open Issues 8-7

Severity: Major
Description: During commissioning of a chassis as a shelf controller, if the NCT cable is incorrectly
connected to a different network element than intended, the chassis may not get discovered by the
intended node controller even after connecting the NCT cables correctly.
Workaround: The chassis has to be either rebranded or factory reset using serial console before
attaching it to node controller. Ensure shelf controllers NCT cables are connected correctly and are added
one at a time to the node controller.

Issue ID: 193018

Severity: Major
Description: In case of an OTM-1200 with a TIM-2-18-10GM or TIM-2-18-10GX having at least one of the
tributaries in the tributary group configured as ODU switching service type, on changing the trib group
mode from mapping to muxing, the OTM-1200 undergoes a reboot and then recovers.
Workaround: None

Issue ID: 193021

Severity: Major
Description: In case of dual chassis Y-cable protection on an XT-3600, if a manual or auto switchover to
the working XT is attempted when the chassis is still coming up from power cycle, traffic is impacted for a
few minutes and then recovers.
Workaround: It is recommended to switch to the working protect leg if the WTR has expired.

Issue ID: 192921

Severity: Major
Description: When a FRM-20X in SLTE TLA mode is associated to an ICE-4 line module in SCG mode
(Full AD), it goes for a continuous reboot, as it is not a valid configuration.
Workaround: Clear the native SCG configuration and reassociate.

Issue ID: 191082

Severity: Major
Description: The digital trigger based OPSM switching results is a non-coordinated bi-directional switching
which causes continuous toggling between the switch triggered at different time and different paths on
both ends when both OPSM are booting up simultaneously and where one of the paths persist carrier
fault (Re-gen site). This may lead to traffic hit.
Workaround: Perform any one of the following:
1. Lock out the faulty path on any one end of OPSM.
2. Manually perform clear lock on both ends at the same time when there are no fault on this path.
3. Do not reboot (cold/warm) OPSM on both the ends at the same time.

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8-8 Open Issues in Release 20.0

Issue ID: 190912

Severity: Major
Description: In case of OPSM digital triggers (both digital and optical) all protection configurations
deployed across any regen type will have higher switching times.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 189111

Severity: Major
Description: The switching time is high when a back-to-back Trib connection is used in a ciruit.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 189041

Severity: Major
Description: The values for manual RXCD compensation is reduced with the introduction of Firmware
version 1.01 for MXP-400 hardware.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 188058

Severity: Major
Description: When RXCD compensation is operating in Manual compensation mode, failed frames were
observed when the RXCD value is close to maximum or minimum value in the compensation range.
Workaround: Reduce the limit for RXCD range.

Issue ID: 187829

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a FRM-20X in a cascading setup, a transient Signaled SNC failure alarm is raised
and cleared in a Open Connection Indication condition upon warm boot/upgrade of the base FRM-20X
with OSC which has multiple o-snc/o-xcons.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 187501

Severity: Major
Description: Creating a Dual TAM Protection Group between TIM-5-10GM/GX in OTM-500 and
TIM2-18-10GM/GX in OTM-1200 by selecting the port number for TIM2-18-10GM/GX as anything more
than 16, will reboot the OTM-500.
Workaround: Use TIM2-18-10GM/GX with less than 16 ports.

Issue ID: 192658

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Open Issues 8-9

Severity: Minor
1. In the presence of REM/RAM to IAM association, if the system undergoes a reboot/upgrade, the
RxFiberType on the RAM/REM OTSPTP will indicate different values before and after reboot/upgrade.
There is however no impact to traffic or config.
2. In the presence of REM/RAM to FRM-20X association, if the system undergoes a reboot/upgrade, the
RxFiberType on the RAM/REM OTSPTP will indicate different values before and after reboot/upgrade.
There is however no impact to traffic or config.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 193427

Severity: Minor
Description: In some scenarios, if the AOFx-1200/SOFX-1200 cards are locked and a prepare for
upgrade is initiated, the operation may fail with the following error message EDFA_STUCK displayed.
Workaround: Unlock the cards and re-initiate the operation.

Service Provisioning
Issue ID: 193357
Severity: Major
Description: OTM-1200 goes for a warm boot upon changing the service type from SDH or SONET to
OTU2/2e/1e on TIM2-18-10GM/TIM2-18-10GX.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 192852

Severity: Major
Description: In case of an MXP-400 with a pre-provisioned TOM, on setting an SNC in locked state, the
MXP undergoes a reboot. This issue is not observed on MXPs with physically present TOMs.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 192703

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a XT-3600 with provisioned services, when the client CTP fails to transition to an
In-service state, a Signaled SNC failure alarm is reported and a Service State Out of Service -
Autonomous (OOS-AU) is raised on the client CTP on which the SNC is configured.
Workaround: Warm boot the controller card to recover from this issue.

Issue ID: 192425

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8-10 Open Issues in Release 20.0

Severity: Major
Description: The "Disable Client RX Fault" option does not work as intended for XT-3600 DC-YPG and
the system continues to switch between both line and tributary (client) faults.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 187017

Severity: Major
Description: If the service mode (100G or sub100G) on a TribGRP is changed during reboot or during
database restore, the traffic on paired TribGRP will also be impacted.
Workaround: Do any one of the following:
■ Do not change the service mode while the MXP card is rebooting.
■ Before database restore, perform service mode change of affected TribGRP to avoid affecting
services on unrelated ports.
■ Take database backup immediately after changing service mode to avoid issues during database

Security Management
Issue ID: 192207
Severity: Major
Description: When a user changes the TOM with a different one, TOM mismatch alarm is raised. This
alarm can be cleared by setting the correct configuration type. If encryption is enabled on this port, the
encrypted traffic cannot be recovered. To recover the traffic the user needs to enable and disable the
Workaround: The user needs to enable and disable the encryption on the port.

Issue ID: 191216

Severity: Major
Description: When MacSec is enabled on a 100G port with Flow control disabled on Testset, it is
observed that the TxErrorPackets and TxCrcAlignedErrors counters are incrementing.
Workaround: Enable the flow control on the Testset.

Issue ID: 190910

Severity: Major
Description: The timestamp for the key is not displayed when MacSec is enabled on a particular port. It
requires change across all layers in CO/driver.
Workaround: None.

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Open Issues 8-11

Issue ID: 193392
Severity: Minor
Description: In case of CLI, no logging host SYSLOG-1 ServerIpAddress, no ntp peer 1
IpAddress, no radius-server host RADSERVER1 RadiusServerIpAddress46, no aaa
tacacs 1 TacacsPlusServerIpAddress46 commands will not reset the IP address to default value.
Workaround: Use any of the following alternate CLI commands for these objects to configure the default
IP address:
■ logging host SYSLOG-1 ServerIpAddress
■ ntp peer 1 IpAddress
■ aaa tacacs 1 TacacsPlusServerIpAddress46
■ radius-server host RADSERVER1 RadiusServerIpAddress46

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Issue ID: 193358
Severity: Major
Description: After a software upgrade to R20.0, a “Control Plane Unreachable”, "CP to Controller A
internal comm failure" or "CP to Controller B internal comm failure" condition may be observed on OTMs/
OTM2-500/AOLx-500/AOLX2-500/AOFx-500 cards and debug XFR collection does not work.
Workaround: Contact Infinera Technical Assistance Center to resolve this issue.

Issue ID: 193328

Severity: Major
Description: In a multi-chassis setup, with XTC-10 as Main chassis and MTC-9, XT-3600 or XTC-10/
XTC-4 as Expansion chassis, if prepare for upgrade check fails on XTC-10 Main chassis or XT-3600/
XTC-10/XTC-4 Expansion chassis and user performs a switch over on the Main chassis and triggers
prepare for upgrade, then prepare for upgrade fails on XT-3600/XTC-10/XTC-4 Expansion chassis.
Workaround: Retry the Prepare for upgrade and it succeeds.

Issue ID: 193248

Severity: Major
Description: In case of XT-3600, traffic does not come up after plug-out/plug-in of a TOM, when XTMM is
Workaround: Either plug-out/plug-in the TOM or trigger tuning from GNM to clear this alarm.

Issue ID: 193040

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8-12 Open Issues in Release 20.0

Severity: Major
Description: In some rare scenarios, in case of a fully loaded DTN-X node, Telnet/SSH to the controller
card may not work.
Workaround: Issue a warm boot of the controller card from GNM.

Issue ID: 193016

Severity: Major
Description: In case of XT-3300, after upgrade to R20.0, a Serdes Link failure alarm is raised on
TOM-100GNMR-Q-ER4L provisioned with ODU2/ODU2e services.
Workaround: Either plug-out/plug-in the TOM-100GNMR-Q-ER4L or retune the serdes from GNM to clear
this alarm.

Issue ID: 190839

Severity: Major
Description: In some cases, Users will not be able to telnet/ssh to the controller card on a DTN-X node.
Workaround: Perform one of the following:
1. Issue a warm boot of the controller card from GNM.
2. Enter "ctrl-c" to get to command prompt and issue a warm boot.

Issue ID: 189006

Severity: Minor
Description: On performing a software upgrade from R18.2.x to R20.0, an Equipment Failure (EQPT-
FAIL) alarm due to DSP firmware download failure (DSP-FW-DNLD-FAIL) may be reported on multiple
line modules after the upgrade is complete.
Workaround: Performing multiple warm boots of the affected line modules and associated controller cards
may clear the alarm.

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Open Issues 8-13

Open Issues in Release 19.0.3

Issue ID: 192208
Severity: Major
Description: AOFX-1200 may go for a warm boot once and comes up, if the line side STPG on a signaled
unprotected SNC or a manual cross-connect is created in the following sequence of:
1. Manually create the trib side protect PU.
2. Delete all the services.
3. Recreate all the services in same sequence for the same config.
Workaround: None

Issue ID: 192045

Severity: Major
Description: In case of MXP-400, when a client/network fault (that triggers LaserOff as a consequential
action) occurs and clears, a TX-BIAS-EXTREME-OOR-HIGH alarm is reported on the TOM-10G-SFPP
and the traffic may not come up.
Workaround: Do one of the following to clear the fault:
■ Lock and unlock the TOM
■ Remove and insert the TOM

Issue ID: 191862

Severity: Major
Description: In case of Lower order ODU manual cross-connects between two nodes with Higher Order
ODU express cross-connect in an intermediate hop, a spurious ODU-AIS alarm may be raised on the
Higher Order ODU of the terminating node. However, there is no impact to Lower Order ODU traffic.
Workaround: None

Issue ID: 191820

Severity: Minor
Description: In case of TL1, when the RTRV-EQPT command is run to retrieve the IAM/IRM cards, the
TL1 attribute CURRGAIN displays incorrect value.
Workaround: Use other management interfaces to retrieve the card information.

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8-14 Open Issues in Release 19.0.2

Open Issues in Release 19.0.2

There are no open issues documented in Release 19.0.2.

DTN and DTN-X Product Release Notes Release 20.0.1 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Open Issues 8-15

Open Issues in Release 19.0.1

Issue ID: 189550
Severity: Major
Description: In case of an MXP-400, when a CFP2 is plugged out and replaced, a user visible alarm is not
reported indicating the need for FRU replacement.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 189375

Severity: Minor
Description: In case of an MXP-400, after a warm boot, the Q value may drop and comes back to its
normal value.
Workaround: None.

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8-16 Open Issues in Release 19.0

Open Issues in Release 19.0

Fault Management

Issue ID: 186253

Severity: Major
Description: In case of FRM Cascade configuration with Base and Extender FRMs, a transient OPR in the
Mux direction Out of Range - Low alarm can be raised on downstream Express FRM and clears on its
own, when there is a fiber cut between the Base SCG port and Extender Line port at the head end FRM.
Workaround: None.

Configuration Management
Issue ID: 186790
Severity: Critical
Description: In case of MXP-400 configured for Dual TAM Protection Group (DTPG), traffic may not
switch when a Signal Degrade alarm is raised on the ODUk client CTP.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 188853

Severity: Major
Description: When the NTP server is reconfigured from IPv6 to IPv4, the network element may not be
able to sync to the newly configured NTP server.
Workaround: Do one of the following:
■ Reboot the Management and controller card
■ Network element will synchronize to a secondary NTP server, if configured.
■ Assign the same NTP server address to other NTP instances like NTP-2 and NTP-3.
■ Lock the NTP instance and the network element continues to run on local clock.

Issue ID: 188640

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a OTM-1200 fully loaded with switching services, reporting of Protection Group/
Protection Unit status to the management cards will be delayed.

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Open Issues 8-17

Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 188128

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a DTN-X node, bi-directional switching is not triggered at the opposite end, when
the user does a manual switch or lockout at the other end.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 184772

Severity: Major
Description: In case of MXP-400 with DTPG configured, when a SONET Alarm Indication Signal-Line
alarm is raised in the Encapsulation/De-encapsulation direction, the traffic may not switch to the Protect
Workaround: None.

Service Provisioning

Issue ID: 188228

Severity: Major
Description: In case of MXP-400 with 10G Y-cable protection configured, when both the Work and Protect
Trib ports are locked and TDA status is LaserOff, the active path continues to source traffic, instead of
turning it down.
Workaround: Lock the TOMs on Work and Protect paths, instead of the Trib port locks.

Issue ID: 186102

Severity: Major
Description: Traffic does not on come up on an MXP-400 on performing the following specific sequence
of pre-provisioning and loopback configuration:
1. Pre-provision a TOM-100G from GNM and then change the Provisioned Equipment Type to
2. Create an ODU4 switching service on the MXP.
3. Apply a facility loopback on the OTU client.

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8-18 Open Issues in Release 19.0

4. Plug in a TOM-100GMR-Q-SR4 in the MXP slot.

5. Plug out the TOM and plug it in.
6. Release the facility loopback on OTU client.
Workaround: Create and delete the cross-connect to recover from this issue.

Issue ID: 187481

Severity: Minor
Description: In case of MXP-400, the cost value at TE link is reset whenever the default template value is
Workaround: After changing the default template value, change the cost at MXP TE link back to 3000.

Performance Monitoring
Issue ID: 188442
Severity: Minor
Description: In case of XT-3600, PRBS monitoring does not work on the 10 GbE ports.
Workaround: None

Issue ID: 188149

Severity: Minor
Description: In case of ICE4 line modules and OTM-1200 with TIM2s, when a uni-directional add-drop
cross-connect is created the ODUk client Tx PM counters are marked incorrectly as 0 instead of NA.
Workaround: None

Issue ID: 182821

Severity: Minor
Description: In case of TIM2-18-10GX configured with a non-OTN (OC-192/STM-64/10 GbE) service and
PRBS Generation enabled, followed by TIM LOCK, Alarm Indication Signal alarm is sent to the far-end
node and up on TIM UNLOCK (PRBS Gen enabled), AIS alarm does not clear at the far-end node.
Workaround: To clear the alarm, disable the PRBS Generation and enable it again.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Issue ID: 188629

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Open Issues 8-19

Severity: Major
Description: In case of MXP-400, the TOM-40G-Q-LRL should not be used in ports 2 and 6, when
operating at Short term 50°C, 6000 ft.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 188439

Severity: Major
Description: TTI monitoring in Terminal direction does not work for ODUj multiplexing service on
TIM-1-100GM/GX on XTC-2/2E.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 183837

Severity: Major
Description: Starting in IQ NOS R19.0, ODU2i_10v network mapping type cannot be set on TIM-1-100GX
modules, even though it is allowed in certain IQ NOS releases. Since configuring TIM-1-100GX with
ODU2i_10v was allowed in previous IQ NOS releases, upon upgrading to R19.0 or higher on a node, the
IQ NOS upgrade will not be successful and software reverts to older IQ NOS release.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 186741
Severity: Major
Description: In case of XT-3300/MTC-9/6, gRPC streaming may not work when the sample interval is set
to greater than 60000 msec.
Workaround: None.

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8-20 Open Issues in Release 18.2.4

Open Issues in Release 18.2.4

Issue ID: 192254

Severity: Major
Description: When an optical service is created with wrong carrier width values, which generates incorrect
spectral slice values, the FRM-20X may go for a rolling boot.
Workaround: Delete the optical service and recreate it with the correct carrier width value.

Issue ID: 192208

Severity: Major
Description: AOFX-1200 may go for a warm boot and comes up, if the line side STPG on a signaled
unprotected SNC is created in the following sequence:
1. Manually create the trib side protect PU.
2. Delete all the services.
3. Recreate all the services in same sequence for the same config.
Workaround: None

Issue ID: 191900

Severity: Major
Description: In certain scenarios, upon upgrading the software on a DTN-X node, a GMPLS adjacency
lost alarm is seen on OSC on a DTC network element configured with BMM4s.
Workaround: Locking and Unlocking the OSC clears the alarm.

Issue ID: 191874

Severity: Major
Description: On performing a software upgrade on XT-3300, In some rare scenarios, the remote SNC still
shows as in Out of Service or OOS-AU SGEO state.
Workaround: Warm boot the controller card.

Issue ID: 191586

Severity: Minor
Description: When there is mismatch in the pass-bands on either side of a link, the TE-links may not
come up after updating the pass-bands with correct values.
Workaround: Do one of the following:

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Open Issues 8-21

■ Delete the SCH and create new SCH with correct parameters
■ Warm boot the XCM after updating the SCH pass-band with correct values
Workaround: None

Issue ID: 191310

Severity: Minor
Description: In case of DTN-X node, when the SSH flag is enabled/disabled and a switchover is
performed, the Telnet to network element may not work.
Workaround: Perform switchover again for Telnet to work.

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8-22 Open Issues in Release 18.2.1

Open Issues in Release 18.2.1

Fault Management

Issue ID: 183318

Severity: Major
Description: When a service is created or deleted on FBM ports, the FRU level LEDs ACT and FLT toggle
indicating an errored state even though there is no problem with the FBM.
Workaround: Warm-boot the FBM.

Issue ID: 183300

Severity: Major
Description: In a DOPM-DSS configuration, when an Inter-module Misconnection alarm is
reported on the ASEPTP of the MFM card, the card is put in to Maintenance state and subsequently
warm rebooted. After the card comes up, when the card is unlocked, the Inter-module
Misconnection alarm is wrongly cleared.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 181429

Severity: Minor
Description: In case of FRM-9D configured in SLTE operating mode, after a software upgrade from
Release 16.3.3 to Release 18.2 the following behavior is observed:
■ Auto-discovery Timed Out alarm is raised on unused Add-drop ports
■ Unused Express ports are changed to Add-drop ports
Workaround: Lock the unused Add-drop ports before upgrading the software.

Issue ID: 181142

Severity: Minor
Description: In some rare scenarios, when a TIM2-18-10GX configured with OC-192 hair-pin cross-
connect, a transient Open Connection Indication - ODU alarm is reported on Trib-ODU if the
TIMs are cold booted.
Workaround: None.

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Open Issues 8-23

Configuration Management
Issue ID: 183132
Severity: Major
Description: The O-SNC restoration to work correctly, it is mandated to upgrade IMM-A controller cards to
IMM-B, prior to configuring O-SNCs with restoration.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 183052

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a daisy-chain link configured through TIM2-18-GX with OC-192 services, when a
database restore operation is done with a different service type, the traffic may be affected.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 173449

Severity: Minor
Description: In case of QNX OS based controller cards like MCM/XCM, the controller card goes for a one
time warm autonomous reboot when handling IPv6 packets. The issue is observedn in the following
■ When a ping6 command is executed to a IPv6 address just after the MCM/XCM comes up
■ When SNE has IPv6 address configured as ftpserver address and trigger a debugXFR or SW
Download commands are issued on the SNE
Workaround: None.

Service Provisioning
Issue ID: 183435
Severity: Major
Description: DOPM-DSS configuration is currently not supported on FRM-9D. After an upgrade to R18.2,
when a Protection group is configured with FRM-9D, the FRM-9D may go for a continuous warm reboot.
Workaround: To recover FRM-9D from a continuous warm reboot, do the following:
1. Delete the Standby ASE cross-connect
2. Delete the Protection Group
3. Delete and recreate the Work cross-connect

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8-24 Open Issues in Release 18.2.1

Issue ID: 183415

Severity: Major
Description: When a O-SNC or Trib SCHCTP at both ends, pertaining to an Alien Service is put into
maintenance, AGC freezes along the end-to-end path and all the optical links along the path go into
AGC-NF state. Restoration of O-SNCs is not possible on those links.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 182879

Severity: Major
Description: In a configuration, when multiple O-SNCs try to restore from work path to restore path or vice
versa, FRM-20X (in an add/drop or express node) in restore path goes for a reboot due to which
restoration time will be increased. That is the total restoration time = expected restoration time +
FRM-20X reboot time.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 182798

Severity: Major
Description: When a AOFx-1200 is configured with modulation types ME-PSK SCH (with 12 carriers),
8QAM-22G or 3QAM the measured propagation delay is exceeding the tolerance value of 10 µsec.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 179425

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a AOFx-1200 fast acquisition may not work when configured with modulation type
QPSK 33G and FEC OH of 25%. and with gain share enabled.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 178112

Severity: Major
Description: After a fiber cut and recovery, the SNC may not come up if the given SNC was previously
created as a fastSMP service.
Workaround: Lock and unlock of the impacted SNC will bring up the traffic.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

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Open Issues 8-25

Issue ID: 177450

Severity: Major
Description: In a setup with DTN-X nodes configured with MTC-9 as Expansion chassis, prepare for
upgrade may fail when upgrading Software from R16.1.x, R16.3.x to R18.2.1 due to internal time-out
Workaround: Wait for minimum 10 mins after the failure message is seen on GNM, to nitiate the prepare
for upgrade again.

Issue ID: 182665

Severity: Minor
Description: If the chassis inlet temp reaches 29°C, the FAN speed will be set to 6000 RPM. The FAN
speed will not come down until the temp is lower than 25°C.
Workaround: XCM switchover will reset the FAN speed control and brings the FAN speed to appropriate
RPM based on the given temperature.

Issue ID: 183529
Severity: Major
Description: The GNM Rack view is inconsistent from DNA Rack view, as the SNC related alarms are
also propagated along with the Equipment and Facility alarms in the GNM Rack view.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 182162

Severity: Major
Description: The PM counters on the HO-ODUki/ODUCni CTP is not supported on AOFx-1200/
SOFx-1200 and XT-3600 but displayed on GNM/DNA.
Workaround: None.

Performance Monitoring
Issue ID: 183203
Severity: Major
Description: In some rare scenarios, the Band CTP on FRM-20X does not respond properly to Retrieve
PM queries.
Workaround: Warmboot the FRM-20X to recover from this condition.

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8-26 Open Issues in Release 18.2.1

Issue ID: 182592

Severity: Major
Description: PRBSSYNCERR PM counter in Transmit direction on ODUk switching facility is not
supported and is displayed on the management interfaces.
Workaround: None.


Issue ID: 180625

Severity: Minor
Description: In case of FRM-20X in SLTE mode, the do show running config and do show oxcon
commands, the output result does not have proper formatting.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 183266
Severity: Major
Description: In case of XT-500, netconf authentication is not working.
Workaround: None.

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Open Issues 8-27

Open Issues in Release 18.2.0

Fault Management
Issue ID: 178045
Severity: Major
Description: In case of OTM-1200 configured with TIM2-18-10GX, when a Loss Of Frame alarm is
raised and cleared, traffic may not recover with DLOS alarm and AIS on far-end client side
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 177564

Severity: Major
Description: Switch times of greater than 50ms and (less than 100ms) seen when a Lower Order ODU
Signal Degrade/OTUCni Signal Degrade alarm is raised on head-end. PG switches to Protect
path and the work path W restores to W1 as expected.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 181429

Severity: Minor
Description: In case of FRM-9D configured in SLTE operating mode, after a software upgrade from
Release 16.3.3 to Release 18.2 the following behavior is observed:
■ Auto-discovery Timed Out alarm is raised on unused Add-drop ports
■ Unused Express ports are changed to Add-drop ports
Workaround: Lock the unused ports before upgrading the software.

Configuration Management

Issue ID: 178763

Severity: Major
Description: In a 1+1+R configuration (STPG with work and protect PUs as restorable SNCs), when PG is
in WTR state, on doing a far-end TIM cold boot, Wait-To-Revert condition does not clear even though
traffic has moved to work after reversion. The condition clears only when the PG again goes into WTR
state due to further conditions and reverts after WTR expiry.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 179040

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8-28 Open Issues in Release 18.2.0

Severity: Minor
Description: In a 1+1+R configuration (STPG with work and protect PUs as Revertive-restorable SNCs),
when the line side AOFx-1200 card through which work and protect path is setup is cold booted, during
the time of reboot, there is incorrect information displayed for PG Work PU, on the CURWRKST
(Protection Status) and WRKPSREQSTATE (PS Request) parameters. The same is corrected once the
reboot completes.
Workaround: None.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Issue ID: 180781
Severity: Major
Description: In a setup with XTC nodes configured at both the ends, after a software upgrade to R18.2, at
the far-end node the service state is shown as OOS (disabled) with cross-connects working fine. After
sometime an OTM Equipment’s Control Plane is Unreachable alarm is seen on OTM at the
near end. After the OTM is warm booted, the service state is shown as IS-NR.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 181524
Severity: Major
Description: In certain scenarios, when mutiple SCHs are created with same modulation type and
different baud rates, and a 100G service is created on one of the SCHs and it is retuned to a different
baud rate, the SCH Counter for “Available and Activation Pending Counter” may show incorrect values on
XT3300 IB PONs.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 181093

Severity: Major
Description: In certain scenarios, when multiple License PONs are applied on the NE that has different
bandwidth capability and when there are multiple SCH configured different supported Modulations, the
SCH counters show incorrect values due to which the System does not allow service creation even when
licensed bandwidth is available on XT-3300 IB PONs.
Workaround: Contact TAC for further assistance.

Issue ID: 152167

Severity: Major

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Open Issues 8-29

Description: If the client ports are configured in AINS mode on DNA/GNM, not all SNC related alarms are
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 181141

Severity: Minor
Description: After a node upgrade to R18.2, the base bandwidth sharing for YBI Flex PON
(XT3312_YBI_EZC8) is incorrect and the LM counters are updated incorrectly.
Workaround: None.

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8-30 Open Issues in Release 18.1

Open Issues in Release 18.1

Fault Management
Issue ID: 164748
Severity: Minor
Description: In case of FRM-20X, when power from line module to FRM SCG port is increased and then it
is further decreased, but not enough to clear the OPR-TOO-HIGH alarm, the alarm clears and is again
raised on the FRM trib SCH.
Workaround: None.

Configuration Management
Issue ID: 175012
Severity: Major
Description: In case of XT-500, traffic may be impacted when Facility loopback is enabled on a 100G port
that was previously setup as a 10G/40G port or a breakout port.
Workaround: Follow these steps:
1. Reinsert the 10G/40G break-out TOM
2. Apply and remove the facility loopback on all ports and remove the 10G/40G TOM

Service Provisioning
Issue ID: 175240
Severity: Major
Description: In a FlexILS ManualMode-2 link consisting of FMP-C with FRM-20X/FRM-9D, traffic may be
impacted when the FMP-C association (Neighbor FP MPO ID) is updated after the creation of cross-
connects. The traffic restores in the next AGC cycle.
Workaround: Configure the FMP-C association before creating a cross-connect.

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Open Issues 8-31

Open Issues in Release 18.0.1

Fault Management
Issue ID: 173989
Severity: Major
Description: When a 100 GbE over ODU4 adapted service is created spanning across OFx-1200, using
TIM-1-100GX/GM on either ends, If the Ingress of the Switch end of the service is disconnected or in
OLOS state at the time of service creation, the upstream path will report Signal Degrade alarm along with
BDI alarm.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 173713

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a XTC node provisioned with ODU2 switching service and PRBS Gen and
Monitoring enabled on ODU clients, a powercycle is initiated and after the completion of a powercycle, a
Signal Degrade alarm is reported on the downstream ODU2 objects.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 173476

Severity: Major
Description: In case of XTC-10 provisioned with 100GbE and OTU2_FEC services, upon cold boot of the
active XCM after XCM switch over, a transient "Equipment control plane unreachable" alarm and an
"Internal Ethernet link failure to peer Controller module" alarm is seen on the standby XCM.
Workaround: None

Issue ID: 172157

Severity: Minor
Description: If there is any alarm on card/facility while the card is cold booting, and if the alarm clears
during cold boot before the card comes up completely, then the same alarm will re-assert after the card
comes up.
Workaround: None.

Configuration Management

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8-32 Open Issues in Release 18.0.1

Issue ID: 171383

Severity: Major
Description: When 20 Mbps rates are transmitted over the AUX interface on MTC-6/9 with an Out of Band
(OOB) IGCC control channel that is routed over DCN through a GRE tunnel, the IMM-B control module is
warm reset.
Workaround: None

Service Provisioning
Issue ID: 173981
Severity: Major
Description: In case of SOFx-1200/AOFx-1200, in some rare scenarios when there is a mismatch in
carrier configuration between the controller card and the line module the traffic may not come up.
Possible mismatch is with the attribute ProvGainShare on Carrier CTP.
Workaround: To bring up the traffic,do one of the following:
■ Lock and Unlock the carrier
■ Toggle the value of ProvGainShare

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Performance Monitoring
Issue ID: 170333
Severity: Major
Description: In case of AOFx-1200, the Signal Degrade threshold values may not be accurate for LO
ODU BIP errors.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 167852
Severity: Major
Description: When creating an SNC through TL1 interface, if timeslots provided in the inclusion list are
greater than the maximum supported on the link, then SNC is setup ignoring the timeslots provided.

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Open Issues 8-33

Workaround: Use DNA/GNM to create the SNC.

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8-34 Open Issues in Release 18.0

Open Issues in Release 18.0

Fault Management
Issue ID: 170257
Severity: Major
Description: In a configuration with FRM-20X and IRM-1-C, when the Span loss changes sharply by more
than 5 dB, a transient Optical Loss Out of Range High (OL-OORH) alarm is observed on BANDPTP.
Workaround: None.

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Open Issues 8-35

Open Issues in Release 17.1

Fault Management
Issue ID: 165487
Severity: Major
Description: In case of XT-3300 configured with SCHs and IGCC, the GCC-GMPLS-CONFIG-MISMATCH
alarm starts to toggle, when modulation is changed on the first SCH.
Workaround: None.

Configuration Management
Issue ID: 171079
Severity: Major
Description: In case of XTC-10/4 configured as Main chassis, it is observed that AUX port drops packets
received on it when the AUX rate is not configured to a non-default value, though it is not mandated to
configure AUX rate(bandwidth) value while configuring the AUX port IP address.
Workaround: Before upgrading a XTC-4/10 node to Release 17.1, if AUX has IP Address configured and
hence is in use, ensure that the AUX rate is set to a non-default value which is any configurable value
other than 1 Mbps. This configuration should remain on R17.1 XTC-4/10 node post upgrade.

Issue ID: 170822

Severity: Major
Description: In case of XT-3300s, upon deletion and recreation of cross-connect with Trib GigE loopback
enabled, the traffic may go down.
Workaround: Delete and reapply the Trib GigE facility loopback.

Issue ID: 170537

Severity: Major
Description In a point to point setup with XT-3300s, when valid L3 packets with packet length of 64 bytes
and rate of 15 Mbps are sent through DCN port, the chassis may go for reboot multiple times.
Workaround: None. Not needed as it clears on its own within a few minutes.

Service provisioning

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8-36 Open Issues in Release 17.1

Issue ID: 170931

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a XT-3300, when there are 5 SCHs created, the RxTTI/TxTTI do not get updated
on the digital wrappers.
Workaround: Create one more SCH so that the SCH number is not equal to 5.

Issue ID: 168653

Severity: Major
Description: In a setup with FRM-20X and FMP-C-8, if the provisioning information is updated with
Interface Type of FRM system port in Manual Mode2, the traffic may be impacted.
Workaround: Do any of the following:
■ Lock/Unlock of SchCtp or CarrierCtp
■ Create the FMP-C-8 association with FRM before creating the cross-connect and opening the
■ On the cross-connect created on FRM port where provisioning should get updated, change the
ShutterState of SCH to closed and then do FMP-C provisioning. After completion, Change the
shutterstate to Open.
■ Warmboot the FRM-20X

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Issue ID: 171178
Severity: Major
Description: Upon upgrade from R17.0 to R17.1, on XT3300, an incorrect transient Optical Loss of Signal
alarm on SCHCTP, an IGCC FAIL alarm may be observed. In Release 17.0, if ‘MacSec’ is enabled before
software upgrade on XT3300, the traffic may be impacted on ‘MacSec’ enabled ports. However, there is
no impact to data path if ‘MacSec’ is not enabled in Release 17.0.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 170136

Severity: Major
Description: In a setup with two XT-3300s connected through a ILS link, if the software is upgraded on
one of the XT-3300, it is observed that the RxTTI is not updated properly on the node where the Software
is upgraded.
Workaround: None.

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Open Issues 8-37

Performance Monitoring
Issue ID: 169830
Severity: Major
Description: In case of XT node, the Propagation delay attribute on Digital wrapper does not match with
the Propagation delay attribute of PM counter.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 171339
Severity: Major
Description: In case of XT-3300, the SCHs cannot be deleted on GNM when the SCHCTP carrier is
locked and any column header is used to sort the list of SCHs.
Workaround: Close the window. Reopen the SCHCTP properties and delete the SCH.

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8-38 Open Issues in Release 16.3.1

Open Issues in Release 16.3.1

Service Provisioning
Issue ID: 157540
Severity: Minor
Description: In case of a Node with OTXM-500, configured with 100 GbE over ODU4i service and a
DTPG created over them such that Work is active and Protect is Hot standby. A Manual switch is
triggered such that work is hot standby and Protect is active. When the Firmware is reloaded on
OTXM-500, a WTR is triggered and traffic switches to work path after WTR expires, ignoring the manual
switch done before the Firmware reload.
Workaround: None

Issue ID: 160977
Severity: Major
Description: In case of ILS2 deployments configured with SCM1/SCM2, the FLTRDCHNLMAP and
THRDCHNLMAP parameters cannot be configured on SCM2 for a maximum of 338 wavelengths using
the TL1 interface.

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Open Issues 8-39

Open Issues in Release 16.2

Configuration Management
Issue ID: 154856
Severity: Minor
Description: In a setup with AWG, when the IAM in manual mode is not updating the provisioned
information, an Optical Loss of Signal alarm is raised. Even after this alarm is cleared a Inter-Module
misconnection alarm is not raised.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 154697

Severity: Minor
Description: In a multi-chassis setup with XTC-4 configured to 1-port SNC, when a manual switchover is
made from working path to protection path, the PROTPSREQSTATE is not updating.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 152799

Severity: Minor
Description: While creating a cross-connect for a ODU1 service with incorrect TSG values, the error
message displayed does not convey the actual cause of the failure.
Workaround: The TSG value should be 1.25G for a ODU1 cross-connect.

Ethernet Services and OAM

Issue ID: 155446
Severity: Major
Description: In case of DTN-X nodes with PXM-16-10GE configured for VPLS/VPWS services on both
near-end and far-end, initial few packets drop at the remote end when the traffic starts flowing from the
near-end node to remote-end node.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 154054

Severity: Major

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8-40 Open Issues in Release 16.2

Description: When two PXM ports are configured in two different modes (i.e. 802.1ad and 802.1Q) with
two different TPID values, VLAN priority does not get applied as per the configured Class of Service
(CoS) mapping for the egress traffic.
Workaround: None.

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Open Issues 8-41

Open Issues in Release 16.1.4

Issue ID: 155832
Severity: Major
Description: In case of a XT-500S, in the following scenarios, if a fiber is cut in any of the intermediate
spans (if downstream has Raman) or a cut at express node or a port lock/unlock (BMM) or a fiber cut at
Head End XT to BMM, the bi-directional traffic on some of the client ports may not recover automatically
on the XT nodes after the connection is restored.
Workaround: Locking and unlocking the impacted SCH channels will recover the traffic.

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8-42 Open Issues in Release 16.1.2

Open Issues in Release 16.1.2

Issue ID: 150116
Severity: Major
Description: In case of XT-500S/XT-500F, GNM allows to set different RR/APT settings across all paired
OCHs, due to which a OCHCTP Loss of Signal alarm is raised on the affected carriers.
Workaround: Contact TAC for further assistance.

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Open Issues 8-43

Open Issues in Release 16.1.1

Ethernet Services and OAM

Issue ID: 134641

Severity: Critical
Description: Output Bandwidth Throughput of Ethernet port may get reduced when the incoming traffic on
that port is flooded to all interfaces in the VPLS domain. Throughput gets to normal level once MAC is
learnt and unicast forwarding takes place.
Workaround: None

Issue ID: 142460

Severity: Major
Description: In case of PXM with MPLS-tp configuration, EXP mapping is incorrect when the head end
LSP is in Pipe mode and the tail end LSP is in Uniform mode.
Workaround: Configure same QoS modes on Head end and Tail end.

Issue ID: 144033

Severity: Major
Description: CCM related alarms listed below are raised based on the CCM interval configured on the
local MEP instead of the CCM interval on the incoming packets.
■ CCM Unexpected Period
■ CCM Unexpected MD Level
■ Unexpected Mismerge
Workaround: None

Issue ID: 147700

Severity: Major
Description: In case of a PXM, the time taken by PXM card to come up after a cold boot increases based
on the number of MEPs and RMEPs configured. Similar behavior is noticed during the Database restore.
Workaround: None

Issue ID: 148736

Severity: Major

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8-44 Open Issues in Release 16.1.1

Description: In case of PXM with MEPs configured on it, spurious CCM packets are seen during a PXM
Workaround: Initiate a cold reboot by locking all the ports and unlock the ports after cold reboot is

Fault Management
Issue ID: 148765
Severity: Minor
Description: In case of a 10GFC, after a chassis power cycle, the Loss of Frame or Loss of Multi-frame
alarm is present on the trib ODUflexi.
Workaround: To clear this alarm, warm reboot the XCM.

Performance Management
Issue ID: 140706
Severity: Minor
Description: Line ODU PMs for uni-directional Add cross-connects are indicated as Not Applicable (N/A)
in GNM.
Workaround: None

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Open Issues 8-45

Open Issues in Release 16.0

Fault Management
Issue ID: 142095
Severity: Critical
Description: When the fixed attenuator is changed between an IAM/IRM and the FRM-A (ingress), the
FRM-B (egress) express muxponder control loop may stop working and power does not ramp up.
Workaround: Perform a warm reboot on the FRM where the control loop is frozen.

Service Provisioning
Issue ID: 139836
Severity: Major
Description: EVPL traffic does not come up on PXMs (ARAD+) in ECBQ mode.
Workaround: ECBQ mode is not supported on PXM (ARAD+) and should not be enabled.

Issue ID: 138794

Severity: Major
Description: When a SNC is created with a preferred restore path and in case both SNC as well as the
preferred restoration path fails then the SNC restoration can take up to five minutes.
Workaround: None.

Configuration Management
Issue ID: 140823
Severity: Major
Description: On performing a cold reboot on an OTM2/OTXM card housing AOFx-100 line modules after
setting the OTM2/OTXM to maintenance administrative state, then the cold reboot may result in an optical
power spike of up to 1dB on the AOFx-100 output power.
Workaround: Set the OTM2/OTXM card to locked administrative state prior to performing a cold reboot.

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8-46 Open Issues in Release 15.3

Open Issues in Release 15.3

Configuration Management
Issue ID: 126931
Severity: Major
Description: In case of SLTE networks with cascading SCMs a channel frequency conflict may take place
as a frequency which is part of THRDCHNLMAP, FLTRDCHNLMAP or IDLERCHMAP on the IDLERPTP
is allowed to be used for Channel CTPs of a peer SCM when it should not be supported. This issue is not
observed for Channel CTPs of the same SCM.
Workaround: It is recommended that the channel frequencies that are part of THRDCHNLMAP,
FLTRDCHNLMAP and IDLERCHMAP of an IDLERPTP are not used for the IDLER channel CTP

Fault Management
Issue ID: 132143
Severity: Major
Description: In case of a network with OAM control enabled, if an OTS OLOS condition occurs at the tail-
end node, an SCH BDI-P condition is raised on the FRM-4D at the head-end node. On disabling OAM
control and clearing the OLOS condition, the SCH-BDI-P condition at the head-end persists even though
it should be cleared.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 135014

Severity: Minor
Description: In case of an FRM-4D in paired mode (i.e. associated with an IRM) on performing a warm
reset multiple times, a transient MIS-CONN alarm may be occasionally raised on the FRM-4D OTS PTP.
Workaround: None. This is a transient alarm and is cleared by itself.

Maintenance and Diagnostics

Issue ID: 136381
Severity: Minor

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Open Issues 8-47

Description: In case of the TIM-1-40G, on performing a software upgrade to R15.3, the firmware version
is upgraded to a later version (CNTL:ed25) and requires a cold reboot (i.e. is a service affecting upgrade),
even though the new version is not required or recommended for R15.3.
Workaround: None.

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8-48 Open Issues in Release 11.0.1

Open Issues in Release 11.0.1

Performance Management
Issue ID: 126697
Severity: Minor
Description: When a TIM-16-2.5GM is configured for OC-48/STM-16, ports 1 and 12 on the
TIM-16-2.5GM (if installed in an XTC-4 or Shelf A of an XTC-10, equivalent to Ports 5 and 16 if installed
in Shelf B of an XTC-10) have RMS Jitter < 0.016 UI and P-P jitter < 0.16 UI. All other ports have RMS
jitter < 0.01 UI and P-P jitter < 0.1 UI. All jitter measurements are performed as per GR-253-CORE. Jitter
transfer and tolerance pass SONET/SDH requirements for all ports.
Workaround: Contact TAC for further assistance.

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Open Issues 8-49

Open Issues in Release 11.0.2

Service Provisioning
Issue ID: 127496
Severity: Critical
Description: In case of network elements running software release 11.0.2, Segment Node Diverse
(SEG_ND) protection for FastSMP services does not work in some configurations.
Workaround: It is recommended to not use Segment Node Diverse (SEG_ND) protection type for a
FastSMP service in R11.0.2.
To provide Segment Node Diverse protection functionality for a FastSMP service, set protection type as
Segment Fiber Diverse (SEG_FD) with specific fibers in both directions to be protected and specify the
required nodes in the exclusion list of the SNC.

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8-50 Open Issues in Release 11.0.0

Open Issues in Release 11.0.0

Fault Management
Issue ID: 123533
Severity: Major
Description: In case of 1-port protection group, when traffic switches from the work path to protect path
due to a failure, an SNC-FAIL alarm is raised but the alarm severity may not be adjusted on all services.
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 109746
Severity: Major
Description: TIM-1-40GM may report equipment failure if a physical loopback or terminal loopback is
activated on both the tributary end points of the circuit. This issue is not seen when a loopback is present
in only one end.
Workaround: Enable loopback only one end at a time for diagnostics.
Issue ID: 107420
Severity: Major
Description: Loss of Lane Marker corruption on individual lanes leads to either Loss of Alignment (LOA)
alarm not being triggered or a toggling LOA alarm being triggered on near-end client.
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 122674
Severity: Major
Description: Facility loopbacks on ODU0/ODU1 services does not work when a fault is already present.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 124710

Severity: Minor
Description: In case of an L0 OPN network with a BMMOCG port in Normal OCGTYPE mode and without
any fiber present on it, even if an OCG OLOS condition is present, an alarm is not raised as no
associations are provisioned. If the OCGTYPE is changed to OpenAutomatedAddDrop, there is a
transient OLOS reported which gets cleared in approximately ten seconds.
Workaround: None. The transient OCG OLOS alarm clears automatically.
Issue ID: 123187
Severity: Minor

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Open Issues 8-51

Description: In case of a Shared Mesh Protection Group (SMPG) with faults on both protect and work
legs i.e. when the SMPG is in failed state, an incorrect Switched to Working (WKSWBK) event is raised.
Workaround: None. The WKSWBK event can be ignored.
Issue ID: 123378
Severity: Minor
Description: In case of an SMPG with traffic on the work path, if an XCM reboot takes place, an incorrect
Switched to working (WKSWBK) event may be raised.
Workaround: None. The WKSWBK event can be ignored.
Issue ID: 119889
Severity: Minor
Description: In case of a Shared Mesh Protection Group (SMPG) protection unit (PU), the Traffic Status
attribute derives its values (i.e. Active or Not-Active) from updates sent by line card for line side faults and
tributary side faults are not accounted for when updating this attribute. Due to this, when a tributary is
faulted (TOM lock), the traffic status is incorrectly shown as Active (based on updates from line card that
could have no faults on it).
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 119126
Severity: Minor
Description: On creating a point-to-point ODU multiplexing service on a TIM-5-10GX with fiber loopback
at both ends, on enabling PRBS generation/monitoring on all ODUj objects, a Payload Mismatch (PLM)
alarm may be reported on some of the ODUj objects.
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 121905
Severity: Minor
Description: In case of FRM SCG ports associated with AOFx modules, an outstanding FRM to AOFx
'Optical Loss Out of Range - High' alarm does not clear even after the FRM SCG port stops transmitting
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 122180
Severity: Minor
Description: On performing a lamp test, the ACT LEDs on a TIM-16-2.5GM TIM and contained TOMs do
not toggle between Green/Amber colors, but stay green only.
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 122704
Severity: Minor

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8-52 Open Issues in Release 11.0.0

Description: If an OTU facility loopback is present on a TIM-1-100G/TIM-1-100GM/TIM-1-100GX in ODU4

switching mode, on initiating an XCM switchover, the looped back traffic may be impacted.
Workaround: None.

Configuration Management
Issue ID: 124281
Severity: Major
Description: In case of an L0-OPN configuration, if the BMM OCG Port is of OpenAutomatedExpress or
Normal Express type, the user can lock the port and change the type to OpenAutomatedAddDrop even
though the neighbor port is not locked. Due to this there is an incorrect configuration on the port with
OCG Type set to OpenAutomatedAddDrop but OCG Mode set as Express.
Workaround: It is recommended to lock the port and neighbor port before deleting the association to
prevent this issue.
To recover from this issue lock the neighbor port and delete the association on neighbor port.
Issue ID: 122809
Severity: Major
Description: In case of SLTE configurations, when traffic mode of a port is changed from Add/drop back
to Express by locking the card (i.e max Add/Drop Port is changed), auto-discovery of the port times out.
Workaround: Perform a warm reboot on the source FRM module to clear this issue.
To prevent this issue, ensure that the port interface type is modified when the card is in maintenance
Issue ID: 124501
Severity: Major
Description: Whenever an OpenAutomated OCG is admin 'Locked' with shutter state 'open' and
subsequently the BMM is cold rebooted, the Mux VOA comes up with 9dB and stays at the same value
instead of 15dB which is a safe state value. This might cause power leakage, as input is always present.
Workaround: Whenever any maintenance operation is performed, edit the shutter state to 'closed' and
then perform a cold reboot.
Issue ID: 124683
Severity: Major
Description: On a Flex line system operating in SLTE Express configuration, if a warm reset of Mux FRM
(i.e.Rx side FRM) card is issued with one of its port is in OLOS, then a subsequent auto discovery re-
trigger from the Demux FRM (i.e.Tx side FRM) will result in transmit auto discovery to timeout.
Workaround: One more warm reset of the Mux FRM (i.e.Rx side FRM) will recover from the timeout and
auto discovery will successfully complete.
Issue ID: 124320

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Open Issues 8-53

Severity: Major
Description: When an SMPG is created on a faulty TIM, leading to the SMPG toggling between work and
protect paths, on pulling out the faulty TIM, the SMPG continues toggling and the OTM warm reboots.
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 124534
Severity: Major
Description: In rare scenarios a large network element may lose connectivity to shelf controller chassis
when the NCT port on the main chassis gets stuck.
Workaround: Perform a switchover to the redundant controller card, wait for the standby controller to
become active and then perform a cold reboot of the standby card. Perform a switchover to the original
controller card if required.
Issue ID: 123738
Severity: Major
Description: During a DAMP abort condition, if cross-connects present in hardware are manually deleted
and at least one optical cross-connect is present in hardware, then Demux passband is not created on
the express node.
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 124368
Severity: Minor
Description: When the maximum number of add/drop ports on a FRM-9D is set as zero or four, all MPOs
on the FRM-9D cannot be associated to the same FSP-E module. As a result only eight express ports
(out of 16 express ports) can be used at a time.
Workaround: None.

Service Provisioning
Issue ID: 124754,124660
Severity: Critical
Description: For Fast SMP circuits, in case of multiple circuits where one is configured as low priority and
at least one configured as high priority, if the low priority circuit fails, it switches within 50ms. If there is a
failure in the high priority circuit within this time, the low priority path is pre-empted. In this case the switch
time may exceed 50ms (up to 90 ms).
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 124600
Severity: Major

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8-54 Open Issues in Release 11.0.0

Description: For Fast SMP circuits, an overbooking ratio of only 10 is recommended. If a ratio of greater
than 10 is configured, the XCM continuously re-boots.
Workaround: Use only recommended overbooking ratio of 10.
Issue ID: 121838
Severity: Major
Description: WORK and PROTECT paths of a FastSMP service routed via the same OCG will have high
switch time on WORK or PROTECT channel if any of them is faulted. However if they are on different
OCGs this issue is not observed.
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 121179
Severity: Minor
Description: If a cold reboot is performed on the far-end TIM on the protect leg of a 1-port protection
group, traffic switches from work to protect path, but a higher protection switching time of 2 seconds is
Workaround: It is recommended to lock the TIM and then perform a cold reboot on the TIM if it is part of
the protect leg of a protection group.

Performance Management
Issue ID: 122789
Severity: Minor
Description: When the disable history flag is used to disable 15-minute PM historical data collection on
either Facility or Terminal side, on retrieving historical PMs after 15 minutes have elapsed, latency PM
values are displayed for the side where the disable history flag is set (even when not supported).
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 125842
Severity: Major
Description: The Congestion Management Transmit Packet Counter on a Packet Switching Module
(PXM) incorrectly accounts for any packets deleted when in queue.
Workaround: None.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Issue ID: 138179
Severity: Major

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Description: In case of a ROADM node with MTC-9 as main chassis and OTC as expansion chassis,
software upgrade may fail during an upgrade from R11.0.x to R15.3 or from a lower 11.0.x release to a
higher 11.0.x release.
Workaround: Contact TAC for further assistance prior to upgrading a ROADM node with MTC-9 as main
chassis and OTC as expansion chassis.

Graphical Node Manager (GNM)

Issue ID: 121582
Severity: Minor
Description: In SLTE express configurations, the attenuation profile for express SCH is always displayed
as 18dB in receive direction in GNM and TL1 management interfaces.
Workaround: None.

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8-56 Open Issues in Release 10.1

Open Issues in Release 10.1

Fault Management
Issue ID: 115975
Severity: Major
Description: If OLDP is not enabled on all the links, the end-to-end SCH signaling will not be consistent
and there could be spurious SCH OLDP conditions on spans where OLDP is enabled.
Workaround: Enable ODLP on all links.

Issue ID: 114226

Severity: Minor
Description: When the patch loss is more than the threshold value between FRMSCGPTP to
SOFXSCGPTP, the alarm Optical Loss Out of Range - High is not raised on the FRMSCGPTP.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 114326

Severity: Minor
Description: When the FRM BandPTP is locked and unlocked, a transient Insufficient gain alarm is
reported on the FRM.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 115500

Severity: Minor
Description: When an FRM is associated with an AOFx/SORx, FRM BandPTP OLOS does not mask
Workaround: Warm reboot the FRM.

Issue ID: 116133

Severity: Minor
Description: When OLDP is enabled and if there are no optical cross-connects configured on a span that
contains amplifier nodes, a OMS BDI-P condition is present on all nodes in the span.
Workaround: None.

Performance Management
Issue ID: 115002

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Severity: Minor
Description: The OPR PM value is not displayed as -55dBm when the port on the REM-2 has an OLOS
alarm on it.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 114687
Severity: Minor
Description: OPM scan PMs are not supported in SNMP for FRMs and DSE.
Workaround: None.

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8-58 Open Issues in Release 10.0.1

Open Issues in Release 10.0.1

Service Provisioning
Issue ID: 116780
Severity: Minor
Description: For ODU switching uni-directional drop services created with 2 Port DSNCP, when there is
no input to the client receive ports or if the client receive is faulted, the Protection Switch request is
always displayed as Auto and the Protection Switching does not work even though the parameter
“Protection Switch for Rx Client Fault” is disabled.
Workaround: None.

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Open Issues 8-59

Open Issues in Release 10.0

Fault Management
Issue ID: 108962
Severity: Minor
Description: In case of an existing Patch Cable Loss alarm on an add/drop or express SCG port of an
FRM, when the FRM initializes after a warm reboot, the existing alarm is cleared and raised again.
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 110016
Severity: Minor
Description: If an Equipment degrade (EQPT-DEGRADE) alarm with CASE-TEMP-OORH detailed
condition is present on an IRM and a LINE OLOS condition (i.e. OTS-OLOS/BAND-OLOS/OSC-OLOS)
occurs, the LINE OLOS alarm is incorrectly suppressed by the Equipment degrade (EQPT-DEGRADE)
alarm with CASE-TEMP-OORH detailed condition.
Workaround: None. To determine the current state of the OLOS condition, view the value of the Detailed
Condition field from OTS/C-Band/OSC Span properties OR view the OTS/C-Band/OSC optical PM data.
Issue ID: 102326
Severity: Minor
Description: GNM and TL1 management interfaces incorrectly display the direction of the Power Control
Loop Disabled alarm (on Super Channel Group (SCG) termination points) as Tx (Transmit) instead of Rx
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 110406
Severity: Minor
Description: In case of a network element running software release R8.x, if a Manual Switch to Working
operation is performed on a 2-port DSNCP and the software is then upgraded from R8.x to R10.0, an
incorrect Manual Switch to Work event is raised even after the upgrade.
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 105491
Severity: Minor
Description: When 1-port DSNCP protection switching takes place due to an Locked Indication - ODU
(LCK-ODU) or Open Connection Indication - ODU (OCI-ODU) condition, in some cases alarm severity
adjustment does not take place for SNCFAIL alarms.
Workaround: None

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8-60 Open Issues in Release 9.0.4

Open Issues in Release 9.0.4

Fault Management
Issue ID: 107226
Severity: Major
Description: After performing a cold reset on a 100G TIM, alarms are not reported on the GbE client and
Trib PTP. This issue occurs on performing the following steps sequentially:
1. Insert a TIM-5-10GM or TIM-5-10GX in an appropriate slot
■ Create a cross connect on any of the port numbers (2 to 5)
■ Plug out the TIM-5-10GM or TIM-5-10GX
■ Delete the TIM-5-10GM or TIM-5-10GX cross connect
■ Plug in a 100G TIM
■ Create a 100G cross connect
■ Cold boot the TIM.
Workaround: None

Service Provisioning
Issue ID: 105926
Severity: Major
Description: In case of a ODU-SD condition on the work path of a protected service, when the ODU-SD
condition is cleared, a WTR is trigger is started and cleared a couple of times. This delays the reversion
time to the work path.
Workaround: None

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Open Issues in Release 9.0.2

Maintenance and Diagnostics

Issue ID: 103207
Severity: Critical
Description: In rare cases, on performing a software upgrade to R9.0.0, R9.0.1 or R9.0.2 on a DTN node
with ORM-CXH1 or ORM-CXH1-LL modules, an Equipment Failure condition (with detailed condition of
Firmware Load failure) may occur on these ORM modules and is service affecting.
Workaround: To avoid a risk of traffic impact when upgrading to IQ NOS R9.0.0, R9.0.1 or R9.0.2 with
ORM-CXH1 and ORM-CXH1-LL, it is recommended to upgrade the software release to R9.0.3 which
requires a firmware upgrade of these ORMs to Rx EDFA 1.18 (for C-Band OLOS Soak Support) to be
manually be performed during a maintenance window. For more information, refer to FSB 140213 which
is pending release.

Fault Management
Issue ID: 101591
Severity: Minor
Description: In some rare cases, the OSC OLOS alarm on a pre-amplifier may be stuck after recovery
from an ALS condition (i.e. after a cold reboot or after plugging out and plugging back of pre-amplifier
OAM modules). The issue is not service impacting i.e. traffic recovers and Automated Gain Control works
Workaround: Apply a warm reset to the OAM pre-amplifier on which the alarm is stuck.

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8-62 Open Issues in Release 9.0.1

Open Issues in Release 9.0.1

Configuration Management
Issue ID: 97716
Severity: Minor
Description: A spike in the ALS Pilot Signal output power of a RAM-1 or RAM-2-OR module is seen in the
following conditions:
— On enabling the ALS pilot signal when the module is locked.
— When the ALS Pilot Signal is enabled automatically after the Disable ALS time interval on that module
— When the module is powered on.
Workaround: None

Service Provisioning
Issue ID: 99197
Severity: Major
Description: In case of two uni-directional cross-connects to the same line module pair (i.e. one cross-
connect from L1 to T1 and another from T1 to L1) with the first cross-connect is created as protected and
the other is created as unprotected, the Protect PU state for the protected cross-connect is shown as
Standby even when the cross-connect is in service.
Workaround: In case of two uni-directional cross-connects to the same line module pair, it is
recommended to create the unprotected cross-connect first and then create the protected cross-connect.
The Protect PU state is then indicated correctly.
Issue ID: 99020
Severity: Major
Description: For DTN-X nodes, in case of 100GbE or 40GbE 1-port DSNCP services created using SNC/
cross connects with VCAT mapping, protection switching may not occur after both active and standby
XCM are reseated in the chassis where the 100GbE or 40GbE TIM resides.
Workaround: Remove the protected PU from the protection group and add it again.
Issue ID: 97679
Severity: Minor
Description: In case of a fully loaded chassis with many ODU2 switching services, the restored path for
few circuits is not deleted after the WTR timer expires and traffic is not automatically reverted back to the
healed work path.
Workaround: Using the management interface, revert the SNC back to the original path.

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Open Issues 8-63

Turn-up and Test

Issue ID: 98994
Severity: Major
Description: In case of a fully loaded chassis with about 100 Restorable SNCs provisioned, after
performing a power cycle, auto-discovery times out on AOLM/AOLX/AOLM2/AOLX2.
Workaround: Perform a warm reboot of the BMM module associated with the line modules. Auto-
discovery completes successfully after the warm reboot.
Issue ID: 99306
Severity: Major
Description: An Equipment Control Plane Unreachable (EQPT-CPUR) alarm is raised on the booster
OAM when the Rx and Tx association between SCM OTS PTP, BMM2C and booster OAM is deleted and
then re-associated.
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 100014
Severity: Major
Description: The switching time for a 2-port protection group is higher than 50ms when a cold reboot is
performed on a TIM after the Admin state of the TIM is set to Maintenance.
Workaround: Perform one of the following:
— Set the Admin state of the TIM to Locked before performing a cold reboot. This ensures that switching
time for a 2-port protection group is lesser than 50ms.
— Switch the traffic to the protect path prior to cold reset of the TIM in active path and vice versa.

Maintenance and Diagnostics

Issue ID: 93981
Severity: Major
Description: After a software upgrade to IQ NOS R9.0.x, if a tributary optical loss of signal (OLOS) alarm
is raised by the management interfaces and subsequently if the software upgrade is reverted (i.e. using
the Apply SW & DB option from GNM/DNA) to R8.0.x/R8.1.x/R8.2.x, traffic carried by the TIM-5-10GM/
TIM-5-10GX will not recover even after clearing the tributary alarm. This issue is service affecting.
Workaround: Do one of the following:
To prevent the issue from occurring, clear the tributary/client alarms in R9.0.x prior to initiating the
software revert operation.
Delete the circuit and provision again in R8.0.x/R8.1.x/R8.2.x to recover traffic.
Refer to FSB 131119 for more details.

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8-64 Open Issues in Release 9.0.0

Open Issues in Release 9.0.0

Fault Management
Issue ID: 96353
Severity: Minor
Description: For ODU3 Switching services, if the near end TIM-1-40G is cold rebooted, an ODU3-AIS
reported in the far end clears and appears again.
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 92127
Severity: Minor
Description: When 1GFC or 2GFC clear channel service is provisioned on a TAM-8-2.5GM and an input
signal of another service type such as 1GBE or STM-4 with correct optical power levels is received, a
LOS alarm is not raised on the clear-channel CTP.
Workaround: Check the performance counters to increment ES and SES counters to indicate service
down condition.
Issue ID: 97685
Severity: Minor
Description: In case of a fully loaded OTM with either fifty 10G SNCs, five 100G SNCs, five 100G VCAT
SNCs or ten 40G SNCs, there is possibility that false Wait to Revert (WTR) Cancel events are raised
even though the WTR timer is still running.
Workaround: None. The false WTR Cancel events can be ignored.
Issue ID: 97990
Severity: Minor
Description: An AGC-NF condition on the end or intermediate BMM modules of an optical link is not
cleared even if the OSA PTP OLOS alarm on DSE modules used in that link that triggered the AGC-NF
condition is cleared.
Workaround: Perform a warm reset on the DSE module to clear the AGC-NF condition.
Issue ID: 93883
Severity: Minor
Description: In rare cases when an OLOS condition exists on an OCG, the received TTI on the higher
order ODU object may show the last received good values instead of showing Null.
Workaround: Ignore the received TTI value in case of OCG OLOS condition.

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Open Issues 8-65

Configuration Management
Issue ID: 98583
Severity: Major
Description: This issue is observed during initial turn-up when an express association is configured
between a generic BMM and a specific BMM. If the OCG configuration is changed on the generic BMM
and then rebooted, the BMM card does not come up.
Workaround: Use one of the following:
Plug-out the generic BMM and remove the express association and plug-in the card.
Ensure that specific BMMs are present on both sides on the express connection. Then plug-in the cards
in any slot.
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 98277
Severity: Major
Description: In very rare circumstances, when there is an AOLx2/SOLx2 OCG with Autodiscovery
completed with BMM2C and the user performs the following steps sequentially, the AOLx2/SOLx2 auto-
discovery state remains in a Wait to Start state.
1. Lock the AOLx2/SOLx2 module
■ Delete the BMM2C and AOLx2/SOLx2 OCG association and change the tunable OCG number
■ Unlock the AOLx2/SOLx2 module
■ An OCG mismatch alarm is raised on the BMM2C module.
■ Remove the fiber connection from older OCG and connect to the newly tuned OCG to clear the
OCG mismatch alarm.
Workaround: Lock and unlock the AOLx2/SOLx2 module or trigger auto-discovery again.
Issue ID: 97380
Severity: Minor
Description: In case of a BMM2C-16-CH module, changing the admin state of the OCGs from Locked to
Maintenance does not ramp up the transmit optical power from OCGs towards the connected DTN-X
Optical Line Module, resulting in an OLOS condition not cleared on them.
Workaround: Change the Admin state to Unlock to ramp up the transmit optical power of the OCGs and
then put the OCG in maintenance state.
Issue ID: 90506
Severity: Minor
Description: In a TAM-2-10GM and TAM-8-2.5GM on a DTN, the OTU service provisioned does not send
an ODUk-LCK when the ODUk Client CTP is put in an Admin Lock state.
Workaround: None.

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8-66 Open Issues in Release 9.0.0

Issue ID: 91922

Severity: Minor
Description: When an OLOS condition is cleared during an OTM warm reboot, traffic will remain down
even though OLOS is cleared.
Workaround: Traffic recovers automatically after the OTM warm reboot completes and the OTM is
operationally ready.
Issue ID: 97494
Severity: Minor
Description: In case of an OCG with connectivity between a DLM and BMM through a GAM, if a warm
reset is performed on the DLM when auto discovery is in the “In-progress” state, the remote OCG
information on the DLM OCG PTP may not get updated and will be displayed as a blank value. However
traffic will come up successfully.
Workaround: The user can trace the connectivity from BMM OCG side.

Service Provisioning
Issue ID: 97785
Severity: Major
Description: In case of an In band IGCC (configured with XGCC0-VCAT mapping) between DTN-X OLMs
(AOLM/AOLX/SOLM/SOLX/AOLM2/AOLX2/SOLM2/SOLX2), a received Signal Degrade (SD) condition
on a near end optical channel (OCh) leads to removal of the channel from the near end IGCC VCAT
group, resulting in a mismatch in the number of channels used for IGCC at near and far end. Due to this,
the IGCC link goes down which may result in loss of management connectivity of SNEs managed using
Workaround: None. IGCC recovers automatically once the Signal Degrade (SD) condition is cleared.
Issue ID: 98381
Severity: Major
Description: If Restoration is triggered for large number of SNCs simultaneously then some of the SNCs
may be restored more than once even though protect path is fault free.
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 97042
Severity: Major
Description: When a ‘Lockout of Working’ command is initiated on the working protection unit of a 1-port
DSNCP with two remote SNCs forming the protection units, and if the active protect protection unit is
removed by a locking the remote SNC, if the work protection unit is error-free, the system will switch to
the work protection unit even though a 'Lockout of Working' condition is present on the work protection

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Open Issues 8-67

The working protection unit status will show both 'Active' and 'Lockout of working', which contradict each
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 97989
Severity: Major
Description: A two-port protection service with adaptation cannot be created if one leg is an SNC and the
other is a cross-connect.
Workaround: When creating a two-port protection service with adaptation, use only SNCs on both legs or
cross-connects on both legs of the protection group.
Issue ID: 96684
Severity: Major
Description: The time taken for SNC restoration is higher if the AOLx module on the destination node is
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 97178
Severity: Minor
Description: Protection Group switching events (i.e. switching to Working/Protection) may not be reported
when a ODU3/ODU4 AIS alarm occurs during an OTM warm re-boot.
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 95544
Severity: Minor
Description: In certain rare conditions, when any node along the SNC path is re-started with an empty
database and OSC IP etc. are configured again, there is possibility of a revertive SNC not reverting back
to the initial work path through the re-configured node.
Workaround: Perform a manual revert operation on the SNC.
Issue ID: 97766
Severity: Minor
Description: During near-end TIM or TOM initialization where 1-port DSNCP or 2-port DSNCP services
are configured, there may be transient faults which cause WTR start or WTR cancel on the far-end
protection group.
Workaround: None. Ignore the transient WTR related events until the TIM or TOM initializes completely.

Maintenance and Diagnostics

Issue ID: 98225

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Severity: Major
Description: After fresh install of software or after performing a database restore with a different service
configuration, creating new services may cause OLM/OTM to autonomously reboot while allocating the
PM instances.
Workaround: None.
Issue ID: 98834
Severity: Major
Description: In case of terminal loopback on GbE Client termination point (CTP) of a TAM-1-100GE
module, loopback traffic will not come up if the ‘AIS on Client Signal Failure’ attribute is also enabled on
the tributary physical termination point (PTP) of same port.
Workaround: Ensure that ‘AIS on Client Signal Failure’ is disabled on the tributary PTP when a terminal
loopback is applied on the GbE CTP of a TAM-1-100GE.
Issue ID: 98614
Severity: Minor
Description: During a software upgrade to R9.0, OLM/OTM modules may raise and clear an Equipment
Control Plane Unreachable alarm.
Workaround: None. This issue does not affect traffic and recovery is automatic.
Issue ID: 96077
Severity: Minor
Description: OTU facility loopback alarms and events are cleared after an XCM switchover or warm reset.
Loopback traffic will be carried error free.
Workaround: Verify that loop-back traffic is error free. To view the OTU facility loopback alarms and
events, disable the OTU facility loopback and enable it again.

Transaction Language 1
Issue ID: 98624
Severity: Minor
Description: When a pre-amplifier is associated with BMM2C and is in SLTE mode, the user cannot
retrieve the OPR-OOR High and OPR-OOR Low thresholds from the TL1 interface. However, the user
can still set these values.
Workaround: None.

Graphical Node Manager (GNM)

Issue ID: 97101

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Open Issues 8-69

Severity: Major
Description: In rare cases when the TSM modules are plugged in and plugged out very quickly or if the
node is restarted with an empty database and then the TSM module is unplugged, GNM may incorrectly
display the TSM as plugged in.
Workaround: Perform an XCM reboot to resolve this issue. To prevent this issue it is recommended to let
a plugged in TSM initialize completely before plugging it out.
Issue ID: 97595
Severity: Minor
Description: In case of any uni-directional add cross-connects, the PM parameters for line and tributary
ODU2e are displayed incorrectly as 0 (zero) instead of NA (not applicable).
Workaround: None.

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8-70 Open Issues from Pre-Release 9.0.0

Open Issues from Pre-Release 9.0.0

Fault Management
Issue ID: 68395
Severity: Minor
Description: When the DSE is in SLTE mode, if a mid-stage OLOS is raised and cleared, the control loop
starts only after 400 seconds. Hence traffic recovery takes longer.
Workaround: If the issue is noticed in R6.0.x, lock the DSE and unlock it immediately after mid-stage
OLOS alarm is cleared, to restart the control loop immediately.
If the issue is observed in R 7.0.0, disable and enable the equalization control loop immediately after mid-
stage OLOS alarm is cleared, to restart the control loop immediately.
Issue ID: 68343
Severity: Minor
Description: Inter Module Mismatch alarm is raised on the expansion BMM OCG port even if an
equipment mismatch alarm is present due to a incorrect BMM insertion.
Workaround: Clear the equipment mismatch alarm by inserting the correct BMM and once the equipment
is in-service the BMM OCG will complete auto-discovery and the alarm will be cleared.
Issue ID: 66682
Severity: Minor
Description: On a Cold Reset or Power Cycle of the 40GE/GR and 100GE/GR TAMs, the Fault LED turns
ON solid instead of blinking Red.
Workaround: Wait for a few minutes for the Fault LED to turn OFF as the TAM is being brought into
service. Check the management interfaces to check the equipment status after the TAM boot up is
Issue ID: 66104
Severity: Minor
Description: When the BMM Operating Mode is changed to Native Automated mode from SLTE Mode 1,
the Automated Gain Control - Not Functioning alarm is reported immediately without soaking for 2 hours.
Workaround: None. Alarm will clear automatically if OCGs are added and the subsequent Automated
Gain Control cycle is completed successfully.
Issue ID:68528 (68141)
Severity: Major
Description: Transient OCH mismatch alarm is raised when modulation, OCG number or OCH number is
changed and the Admin State is changed to Unlocked in the same operation or is performed within 10

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Open Issues 8-71

Workaround: Wait for at least 10 seconds before changing the Admin State to Unlocked.
Issue ID: 68749
Severity: Major
Description: Node with duplicate OSC IP address found in routing domain is not getting raised.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 78776

Severity: Minor
Description: In a XTC with redundant XCMs, if the Standby XCM is cold rebooted or re-seated, during the
boot up process it may go for additional reset and results in initialization failure alarm reported which will
clear automatically when the standby XCM comes up.
Workaround: None. When the standby XCMs come up, the initialization failure alarm will be cleared
Issue ID: 84407
Severity: Major
Description: When the far end TIM is cold rebooted, transient Signal Degrade and/or toggling ODU-AIS
alarms are raised in the near end instead of ODU-AIS.
Workaround: None. The condition is cleared after the cold boot is finished.
Issue ID: 84461
Severity: Major
Description: On simultaneous creation and deletion of multiple cross connection on terminal nodes from
the TL1 session or multiple GNM/DNA sessions, transient Loss of Frame (LOF) and Loss of Multiframe
(LOMF) alarms are raised on the participating ODU objects.
Workaround: None. The transient alarms will clear on it’s own.
Issue ID: 84489
Severity: Major
Description: During AOLM Receiver recovery mode (for example, fiber cuts, AOLM Unlock, etc), the ODU
AIS alarm toggles for a brief period before the link fully recovers.
Workaround: None. The transient alarms will clear on it’s own.
Issue ID: 80967
Severity: Minor
Description: When signalled or manual cross-connects are created on 10G or 40G clients, transient
Client-Signal-Failure alarms may raise and clear.
Workaround: None. The transient alarms will clear on it’s own.
Issue ID: 81411

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8-72 Open Issues from Pre-Release 9.0.0

Severity: Minor
Description: Transient OPR Low alarm is raised and cleared on express BMM OCG ports when the
transmit side BMM is locked and unlocked.
Workaround: None. The transient alarms will clear on it’s own.
Issue ID: 84893
Severity: Minor
Description: The following transient alarms may be raised and cleared when a cold reboot is performed
on the BMM2C or if the BMM2C module is re-inserted:
1. BMM OCG Optical Power Received (OPR)- Low alarm
■ BMM OCG Inter-module Misconnection (MIS-CONN) alarm
Workaround: None. The transient alarms are cleared automatically.
Issue ID: 87232
Severity: Minor
Description: The following transient alarms may be raised and cleared when the fiber between the
BMM2C and AOLM/AOLX/SOLM/SOLX or Pre-amplifier associated with it are plugged back in:
1. OTS Optical Loss Of Signal (OLOS) alarm
■ Patch Cable Loss alarm
■ OCG Optical Power Received (OPR) - High alarm
Workaround: None. The transient alarms are cleared automatically.
Issue ID: 85093
Severity: Minor
Description: The following alarms may be reported as transient when the user restores a BMM to
BMM link (after an OTS fiber cut), restores a BMM to AOLM link (after an OCG fiber cut) or powers
down the chassis and powers up the PEMs:
1. AIS-ODU alarm (on line side ODU)
■ LOF/LOMF alarm (on tributary ODU)
■ OLOS alarm (on LMOCGPTP)
■ LOF alarm (on OC-192)
■ OLOS alarm (on BAND)
■ CSF alarm (on ODUClient)
Workaround: None. The transient alarms are cleared automatically.

Issue ID: 91287

Severity: Major

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Open Issues 8-73

Description: In 2-port DSNCP protection, a Manual switch to protect alarm is not re-raised on performing
a warm reset of the OTM involved in the protect path.
Workaround: None
Issue ID: 92558
Severity: Minor
Description: On performing an ODU4i loopback on a 100GbE service and then releasing the loopback,
client traffic may not recover and a Client Loss of Sync condition is reported.
Workaround: Cold reboot the affected TIM-1-100G to recover the traffic and clear the alarm.
Issue ID: 91333
Severity: Major
Description: In case of a 100G VCAT hairpin cross-connect, a client failure on the tributary side is
indicated by a Client Signal Failure (CSF) alarm only on the first ODU constituent and not on the
remaining nine ODU constituents.
Workaround: None
Issue ID: 86436
Severity: Minor
Description: A Transient Band Optical Loss Out Of Range High alarm (OL-OORH Band alarm) is raised
and cleared when the fiber between a pre-amplifier and a BMM2C-16-CH is plugged out and plugged
back in.
Workaround: This alarm is not traffic affecting and can be ignored as alarm is raised when the fiber is
plugged out and then plugged in.
Issue ID: 88188
Severity: Minor
Description: Protection switching events are not reported for 1-port DSNCP protection switching on
Workaround: None
Issue ID: 90020
Severity: Minor
Description: There is a delay between the raising of an alarm and the detailed condition for the source
object getting updated. Due to this, there is a delay in updating the Condition(s) field corresponding to
that object in the Facility Manager.
Workaround: Wait for some time before viewing the detailed conditions corresponding to an alarm.

Service Provisioning

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8-74 Open Issues from Pre-Release 9.0.0

Issue ID: 68128

Severity: Minor
Description: Dual TAM DSNCP Protection Group states may not be reported correctly for 120 seconds
when both the TOMs are reseated.
Workaround: None. After 120 seconds, the Protection Group state will be reflected correctly (Work and
Hot Standby).
Issue ID: 67272
Severity: Minor
Description: The error messages displayed when performing a manual switch or an automatic switch is
performed is generic and does not distinguish between switching caused by automatic or manual
Workaround: View the DSNCP related information and alarms to view the outstanding switch type.
Issue ID: 88455
Severity: Critical
Description: When a cold reboot or card re-insert operation is performed on a TIM which has an SNC
configured on it, any other SNCs originating from other TIMs that share the same higher order (HO) ODU
(i.e. ODU4i or ODU3i) with that SNC will get a false ODU-AIS condition causing an unexpected 1-port
protection group switch or SNC restoration. Refer to FSB 121228 for additional information.
Workaround: Before cold booting a TIM, all SNCs originating from the TIM should be put in locked state
and should be unlocked after the TIM has completed cold boot.

Issue ID: 91951

Severity: Major
Description: On triggering protection switch on a fully loaded chassis with around 50 one-port protection
groups configured on a single OTM, there is a delay in reflecting the correct PU states in GNM.
Workaround: None
Issue ID: 90382
Severity: Major
Description: For 100G TIMs configured with 2-port DSNCP protection and deployed in a back-to-back TIM
configuration, switching time is around 500msecs for any protection switching action.
Workaround: None
Issue ID: 91450
Severity: Major
Description: The protection switching time in case of protection groups on a fully loaded OTM or OLM
module is around 50ms to 100ms.
Workaround: Try to avoid loading a single OTM/OLM with protection groups. Create protection groups
using TIM end points in different OTM/OLM in the chassis.

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Open Issues 8-75

Configuration Management
Issue ID: 68783
Severity: Minor
Description: When the Base and Expansion card are installed in different chassis, if the Admin state is
edited to Maintenance or Locked or if ARC is applied in the base BMM, alarms in the expansion BMM are
not masked.
Workaround: Apply Admin and ARC to both Expansion and Base BMMs.
Issue ID: 71900
Severity: Major
Description: The Optical Channel receive power readings for the SLM-80/AXLM-80/ADLM-80 may be
Workaround: Contact Technical Assistance Center (TAC) for further assistance.

Issue ID: 78509

Severity: Major
Description: During the XCM reboot, in certain rare cases, XCM may undergo additional warm resets
which will result in more time for the XCM to come up.
Workaround: None. The XCM comes up automatically once the warm reset is completed.
Issue ID: 78509
Severity: Major
Description: In rare scenarios, the XCM control module warm resets due to a software fault during the
boot-up of the card before reaching the Active state. The card recovers autonomously after it is reset.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 91466

Severity: Major
Description: Due to an IQ NOS defect, when an AOLM connected to a Gen1 BMM is locked at the head
end, an OPR OOR Low alarm is raised in the express OCG instead of an BMM OCG OLOS alarm. Due to
this incorrect alarm condition, the user cannot delete the express association.
Workaround: To delete the optical express OCG, lock the BMM OCGs first and then delete the OCG
associations. Do not lock the head end AOLM before deleting the express OCG connection. If the defect
occurs, plug out the express OCG fibers, lock the express OCGs and then delete the OCG associations.
Unlock the express OCG PTPs at the end.
Issue ID: 88990
Severity: Minor

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8-76 Open Issues from Pre-Release 9.0.0

Description: For DTN-X, when two new Shelf Controllers are added to the Node Controller at the same
time, the Node Manager does not provide the user with the capability to provision them readily. The user
can only see one of the two chassis in GNM, and is required to complete provisioning that chassis. The
user has to then wait for that chassis to be in service before moving on to provision the second chassis.
Workaround: Disconnect one of the shelf controllers, physically connect one chassis to the network
element to provision it as a shelf controller. After the first shelf controller is up and in service, the second
shelf controller can be physically connected, recognized as a shelf controller and provisioned.

Turn-up, Testing, and Maintenance

Issue ID: 67875
Severity: Minor
Description: When the BMM OCG type is set to Manual in a SLTE Mode 1 BMM and no channels are
selected, a value of 12dBm target OCG power is displayed by default which is incorrect.
Workaround: None. Ignore these values until the channels are configured correctly and the BMM updates
these values based on the link configuration.
Issue ID: 62356
Severity: Minor
Description: J0 trace messages are not cleared when a tributary PTP OLOS alarm is raised.
Workaround: Ignore received J0 value when an OLOS alarm is raised on the TRIBPTP.
Issue ID: 65000
Severity: Minor
Description: LM-80 Active and LOS LED are turned OFF and immediately turned back ON when Warm
Boot is in-progress. There is no other operation side effect.
Workaround: Wait for some time till the LED states are steady.
Issue ID: 68995
Severity: Minor
Description: Using SLTE BMM2s with Auto-discovery completed with CMM and SLM-80, if the CMM OCG
fiber is moved to a different BMM OCG for re-configuration, then the OCG association from the BMM
OCG to the CMM OCG cannot be deleted.
Workaround: Delete the OCG association before moving the fiber to different OCG.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Issue ID: 86810
Severity: Minor

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Open Issues 8-77

Description: If an SNC is deleted and another SNC is created using the same ODU time slots, the Rx TTI
field of the ODU retains the previous value received from the older SNC.
Workaround: Create an ODU facility loopback on the downstream hop and clear the loopback.

Performance Management
Issue ID: 76088
Severity: Minor
Description: For 100GbE LAN interfaces where an LOA or LOLM condition is present, the PCS-SESS PM
value increments. The PCS-SESS should increment only during Loss of Sync state, and not during LOA
or LOLM condition.
Workaround: Disregard the PCS-SESS values for 100GbE LAN interfaces with an LOA or LOLM
Issue ID: 81956
Severity: Major
Description: When the incoming BER count increases on a TIM-1-100GE, a Local Fault (LF) alarm is
raised but an additional high BER condition is not raised via Performance Monitoring thresholds.
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 84858

Severity: Minor
Description: The number of seconds in the 24 hour PM bin may not be accurate at times due to an NTP
adjustment (triggered by a clock variation between oscillators in the cards or by a clock variation between
Workaround: None.

Issue ID: 84394

Severity: Minor
Description: When OLOS condition is present on a GAM-2 input port, the Optical Power Received PM
parameter corresponding to the GAM does not display the correct value of -55dBm.
Workaround: None

Issue ID: 68352
Severity: Minor

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8-78 Open Issues from Pre-Release 9.0.0

Description: When the INFINERA-PM-GIGECLIENTCTP-MIB is loaded, retrieving of information may be

delayed by 1 second to 1 minute.
Workaround: Re-try the retrieval of SNMP data after sometime.

Transaction Language 1
Issue ID: 120480
Severity: Minor
Description: When a BMM and the booster amplifier are in SLTE mode, the OTS association on the
booster amplifier is incorrectly shown as ASSOCIATEDSLTETP instead of RxASSOCIATEDSLTETP in
Workaround: None.

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential


Software Image Directory Structure

The following section describes the Software Images and the directory structure.

Software Images
Starting Release 16.2, the software image files required to install IQNOS software are split based on the
chassis type. That is, every chassis type has its own software image file. The software image file is
downloaded from the FTP server as described below:
■ The software image file is first downloaded for the main chassis.
■ The main chassis downloads the software image from the FTP server based on expansion chassis
type. For all subsequent expansion chassis if the chassis type is the same, the software image is
reused from already downloaded software image.
In Release 18.2, verified software image is implemented for the security of IQ NOS network elements to
ensure integrity of Infinera software that are run on various platforms. This prevents systems from booting
up with malicious software inserted in the images in an Infinera device.
The verification process can be listed in the following sequence:
■ The software image includes a hash value - sha256 hash.
■ Management interfaces displays the hash of the downloaded image.
■ The user can manually compare the hash value displayed in management interfaces with the hash
present in the MetaR_<Release_Number>.<Build.Number>.txt.sha256 file in the software image
download directory. If the hashes match, the user can continue with the installation and upgrade. If
the hashes do not match, it is left to the user to delete the downloaded image and retry.

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In order for the software image to be downloaded the FTP server must be reachable at all times when
any software maintenance operations are in progress. It is also required that the software image files are
stored in a defined directory on the FTP server as described below: Starting R19.0, the chassis software
image includes a tar ball which contains individual Field Replaceable Units (FRU) based tar balls for
some FRUs and a tar ball for the controller card and remaining FRUs supported on that chassis.
In Release 19.0.2, signed software image is implemented in XT(S)-3300/XT(S)-3600 network elements to
ensure integrity and authenticity of Infinera software during software downloads and system boot up
using Infinera Digital Signatures.
The verification process of the signed image process can be listed in the following sequence:
■ The signed software includes a hash value - sha256 hash.
■ Management interfaces displays the hash of the MetaR file.
■ MetaR file contains hash of the all the image types and network element software internally verifies
the hash of downloaded image with the hash in the MetaR file.
■ The user can manually compare the hash value displayed in management interfaces with the hash
present in the MetaR_<Release_Number>.<Build.Number>.txt.sha256 file in the software image
download directory. If the hashes match, the user can continue with the installation and upgrade. If
the hashes do not match, the user has to delete the downloaded software image and retry.

Note: For software downgrade from a Release supporting FRU based images (R19.0 and later) to a
Release that does not support FRU based images (Releases prior to R19.0) results in an unstable
system. Ensure that the FTP server contains both the software "From" IQNOS version as well as "To"
IQNOS version.

FRU based installers are supported for the following:

Table A-1 Software Image directory structure on FTP server

Chassis Type FTP Folder Location File Name
DTN <ftp folder <Rel No>.yyyy.BMM.ppc.tar.gz
path>/DTN <Rel No>.yyyy.CMM.ppc.tar.gz
<Rel No>.yyyy.DLM.ppc.tar.gz
<Rel No>.yyyy.MCM.ppc.tar.gz
<Rel No>.yyyy.ppc.tar.gz
MetaR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt
MetaR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt.sha256
XTC-2 <ftp folder path>/ <Rel No>.yyyy.x86.tar.gz
XTC2 MetaR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt
MetaR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt.sha256

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Software Image Directory Structure A-3

Table A-1 Software Image directory structure on FTP server (continued)

Chassis Type FTP Folder Location File Name
DTNX <ftp folder path>/ <Rel No>.yyyy.AOFX1200.x86.gz
DTNX <Rel No>.yyyy.OLM.ppc.tar.gz
<Rel No>.yyyy.OTM.ppc.tar.gz
<Rel No>.yyyy.OTM1200.x86.gz
<Rel No>.yyyy.ppc.tar.gz
<Rel No>.yyyy.XCM.ppc.tar.gz
MetaR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt
MetaR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt.sha256
MTC-9/MTC-6 <ftp folder <Rel No>.yyyy.ppc.tar.gz
path>/ITN MetaR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt
MetaR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt.sha256
OTC <ftp folder <Rel No>.yyyy.ppc.tar.gz
path>/OLA <Rel No>.yyyy.BMM.ppc.tar.gz
<Rel No>.yyyy.DSC.ppc.tar.gz
<Rel No>.yyyy.OAM.ppc.tar.gz
<Rel No>.yyyy.ORM.ppc.tar.gz
<Rel No>.yyyy.RAM.ppc.tar.gz
<Rel No>.yyyy.SCM.ppc.tar.gz
MetaR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt
MetaR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt.sha256
XT-500S/XT-500F <ftp folder <Rel No>.yyyy.x86.tar.gz
path>/XT MetaR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt
MetaR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt.sha256
XT(S)-3300 <ftp folder path>/ <Rel No>.yyyy.x86.tar.gz
XT3300 <Rel No>.yyyy.XT3300.x86.tar.gz
MetaR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt
MetaR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt.sha256
SignatureR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt (for signed software image)
XT(S)-3600 <ftp folder path>/ <Rel No>.yyyy.x86.tar.gz
XT3600 <Rel No>.yyyy.XT3600.x86.tar.gz
MetaR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt
MetaR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt.sha256
SignatureR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt (for signed software image)
Miscellaneous (contains <ftp folder path>/ <Rel No>.yyyy.pre_upgradeu.tar.gz
pre-upgrade check MISC MetaR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt
installers) MetaR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt.sha256

Where <Rel No> is the IQNOS software release number, for example 19.0,
Where yyyy is the build number, for example 0611

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Where the MetaR file contains the hash information for all software images. The value of the hash in the
MetaR_<Rel No>.yyyy.txt.sha256 file is to be compared with the hash of the downloaded software image
displayed in management interfaces.verification

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

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